A. C Complete The Sentences. Use Don T or Doesn T

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y Simple Present

A. Complete the sentences. Use dont or doesnt

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I do gymnastics. They speak English at school. We have lunch at twelve oclock. Sarah live in Scotland. He do his homework before dinner. You watch sport in the evening. 7. 8. 9. My sister speak English. We live in London. She ........................ eat breakfast.

10. He ........................ watch TV in the evening. 11. My friends play tennis. 12. Carlos have breakfast. 13. I believe it!

B. Circle the correct form of do. Then, answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What do / does you do? Where do / does you study? What do / does your father do? Where do / does your father work? What do / does your brothers and sisters do? Where do / does your parents live? Do / Does you get up early? ........................................................................................................ Do / Does your sister go swimming on Saturday? .......................................................................

C. Make sentences negative.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. My best friend likes Manchester United. We go to the cinema every week. I have lunch at one oclock. You play basketball at weekends. We read the newspaper every morning. My parents do the shopping in the centre. My brother and I do our homework every evening. You go skiing on July. My father makes breakfast. 13. She writes letters. 14. I do karate at school. 15. Adam and Debbie play volleyball. 16. Ricky goes home at four oclock. 17. The teacher speaks Chinese. 18. Jenny takes photos. 19. He has two older sisters. 20. I play football. 21. You live in New Zealand. 22. They go to the supermarket. 23. Ben does his homework in the kitchen. 24. She meets her friends on Sundays.

10. They are eleven. 11. I speak Italian. 12. Danny phones his father on Fridays.

D. Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. When it is cloudy, I (watch) TV. When it is windy, we often (go) to the park. When it is raining, my dad usually (read) a book. When it is snowing, my sister and her friends (like) making snowmen. My mum (not like) driving in fog. When the sun is shining, we (go) to the beach. My mother usually (work) at night. Luisa and Tom (study) English on Monday. I (not go) to school six times a week.

10. My father (not work) in a factory. 11. John always (get up) late. 12. My dog (eat) three times a day. 13. He (not like) playing cards. 14. Tommy and Emma (not go) to school in the morning. 15. I (not study) at night. 16. Helen and I (play) tennis twice a week. 17. I (go) to school from Monday to Friday. 18. My mum (visit) my aunt on Sundays. 19. We (study) English at school. 20. My brothers (get up) at six oclock. 21. Laura (live) in Oxford. 22. Tom and Debbie (watch) TV after dinner. 23. My friend (play) the guitar. 24. Maria (go) to school in Valparaiso. 25. Martin (live) in Scotland. 26. My cousin (watch) TV in bed. 27. Kate (study) Italian at school. 28. His sister (do) her homework in the morning. 29. I usually (get up) at six o'clock. 30. How often (she / go) to the gym to workout? 31. They (be) from Holland. 32. Jack (not work) in the city. 33. Where (he / live)? 34. Alison (visit) her friends on Saturdays.

35. They (not eat) meat on Fridays. 36. (you / play) tennis? 37. Susan often (drive) to the beach when the weather is nice. 38. Eric (not read) in Japanese. 39. When (she / have) dinner? 40. I (take) a shower before I leave for work. 41. How (you / start) this machine? 42. He (not work) on Sundays. 43. Sharon rarely (watch) TV. 44. We occasionally (take) the train to Seattle. 45. Peter (not like) buying food in supermarkets. 46. Why (they / leave) work so late on Fridays? 47. You sometimes (do) housework. 48. I (not like) coffee. 49. He (go) to school every day. 50. I (not live) in Paris. 51. (she live) in London? 52. I (like) swimming. 53. She (not come) from Spain. 54. Vegetarians ..................................... (not eat) meat. 55. Robbie Williams .............................. (sing) in English. 56. We ..................... (go) to school from Monday to Friday. 57. She .................................... (not sing) nice songs. 58. John (not work) in a bank. 59. You (play) badminton on Saturdays. 60. (you / drink) alcohol? 61. The class (begin) at 9 a.m. 62. They sometimes (go) to the cinema. 63. They (not get up) at eight oclock. 64. She (love) chocolate. 65. He (not go) to the cinema every Friday. 66. We (study) French. 67. Sally and James (not read) the newspaper every day. 68. They (live) in London. 69. He (work) in a restaurant.

70. Eve (not listen) to much music. 71. They (live) close to our house. 72. She (work) abroad. 73. You (own) a bicycle. 74. I (not like) travelling by plane. 75. She (play) hockey every Sunday. 76. He (buy) a cup of coffee every morning. 77. Samantha (study) French at school. 78. Luke (try) hard to be polite. 79. She (not enjoy) going swimming. 80. Susan (wash) her hair every day. 81. John never (cry). 82. My mother always (say) that love is more important than money. 83. I hope Julie (pass) the exam. 84. The plane (fly) low over the airport. 85. Lucy (play) the guitar. 86. We (not watch) TV in the evening. 87. Helen (not go) to school in France. 88. We (cook) every day. 89. He (clean) the house at the weekends. 90. I (like) reading detective stories. 91. My aunt (not have) a shower in the morning. 92. You (come) from France. 93. John and David often (go) to restaurants. 94. Susie (study) English every night. 95. She (not drink) tea every afternoon. 96. They (visit) their parents at the weekend. 97. The train (leave) at 6 p.m. 98. We (go) to the park on Sundays. 99. You (not study) English very often. 100.It (not rain) here in summer. 101. He (like) taking photographs. 102. The moon (go) round the earth. 103. We often (watch) Tv. 104. I (hate) mushrooms.

105. We (not go out) on Tuesday nights. 106. She (visit) her grandmother every Christmas. 107. The sun (not go) round the earth. 108. He (not like) cabbage. 109. They (use) the Internet every evening. 110. You often (go) swimming. 111. John (hate) waiting for the bus. 112. Lucy and Jill (want) to go out tonight. 113. She (not play) the piano. 114. I usually (stay) at home on Fridays. 115. He (love) driving fast cars. 116. I (not smoke). 117. They sometimes (have) parties. 118. She (take) a piano lesson every Monday. 119. We (like) watching French films. 120. You (go) to bed very early. 121. Julie and Lucy (not play) football. 122. I always (eat) breakfast. 123. They often (arrive) late. 124. We (not buy) many clothes. 125. They (live) in Beijing. 126. He (not enjoy) jazz. 127. David (work) in a school. 128. She (read) a lot of novels. 129. They (not work) at home. 130. The Queen (like) her dogs. 131. He (not take) the bus at night. 132. David (not travel) much. 133. I (cook) almost every night. 134. I (like) lemonade very much. 135. The girls always (listen) to pop music. 136. Janet never (wear) jeans. 137. Mr Smith (teach) Spanish and French. 138. You (do) your homework after school. 139. We (have) a nice garden.

140. She (be) six years old. 141. Simon (have) two rabbits and five goldfish. 142. I (be) from Vienna, Austria. 143. I (listen) to music every day. 144. They (be) Sandys parents. 145. Simon (collect) stamps. 146. We (wash) the dishes once a day. 147. My mother always (make) breakfast. 148. Sarah usually (meet) Maria at the tennis club. 149. Mr Williams often (teach) the dogs new tricks. 150. They always (throw) their litter in the bin. 151. The referee usually (stop) the game after 90 minutes. 152. (she / speak) Russian? 153. My sister (read) a book. 154. Frank (like) dogs. 155. My parents (do) the shopping. 156. We sometimes (meet) in front of the cinema. 157. Uncle George (go) to the doctor's. 158. Our friends (play) football in the park. 159. She (go) to the park every Friday. 160. He (ride) his bike every day. 161. We (have) the best ideas. 162. Carol (say) good bye. 163. She (be) the best singer in our class. 164. My sister (live) in a big house. 165. The children (eat) hamburgers. 166. Bill (have) got nine posters. 167. I (be) at home. 168. They (talk) about stickers. 169. Mary (collect) stamps. 170. Tom and Sue (buy) two T-shirts. 171. We (hide) behind a tree. 172. The children (play) in the garden. 173. She (borrow) my pencil. 174. My mother (go) shopping.

175. Ken and Sam (collect) stamps. 176. She (help) Tom. 177. He (live) in a big house. 178. The students (stand) up. 179. Bill (have) got nine posters. 180. My parents often (watch) westerns. 181. They (be) hungry. 182. Mum (wash) all the dirty clothes. 183. Peter (have) got a brother. 184. Dad (buy) a new car. 185. The boys (play) football. 186. In summer it (be) hot. 187. I (be) good at school. 188. On Friday we always (have) our piano lesson. 189. Mary (do) her homework. 190. Richard (watch) TV. 191. I (like) big cities. 192. He (study) in the library. 193. She always (go) to work at 7. 194. Bill and Tom sometimes (drive) to London.

E. Choose the correct option.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Matilda dont speak / speaks Italian. I like music but I dont play / not play an instrument. Betty is a vegetarian. She doesnt eat / not eats meat. Bobby and Clara live / lives in Granada. My grandparents dont comes / come to my house every Sunday for lunch.

F. Order the words to make sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Hector / to school / always / at nine oclock / goes get up / you / early / do ? your / does / like / teacher / pop music ? out / I / every / go / weekend

5. 6. 7. 8.

friends / your / you / play / with / tennis at / shopping / they / weekends / the / do on / the / go /bus / centre / we / to / the / city week / cinema / I / to / every / go / the


sport / do / Saturday / you / on / play ?

15. Luke and Meg / at night / television / watch / often 16. volleyball / she / play / doesnt 17. dont / computers / I / like 18. do / dont / we / karate 19. they / study / English / dont 20. Spanish / doesnt / he / speak

10. Saturday / work / parents / do / your / on ? 11. mother / your / French / speak / does ? 12. cinema / you / to / the / go / do / often ? 13. Paul / sometimes / late / for school / is 14. Tony and Theresa / video games / usually / play / in the afternoon

E. Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Sue (live) in Edinburgh. She (study) medicine at university. She (read) books and (use) the computer. Sue (love) cats but she (not like) dogs. She (play) tennis with her friends. They (go out) on Saturdays, but they (not like) discos. Sue (speak) French and German.

Emma is eighteen. She (get up) at three oclock in the afternoon. She (have) dinner at six oclock. After dinner she (visit) her friend Mandy and they (watch) TV. At eleven oclock at night, Mandy and Emma (start) to work. Emma (finish) work at seven oclock in the morning. After work, she (have) breakfast. She (go) to bed at eight oclock in the morning. What are Mandy and Emmas jobs? They are nurses!

My name (be) Gary. I (live) in New York. My weekends (be) great! I (not go) to school and I (get up) late at about ten oclock. I (watch) TV with my sister in the morning. At two oclock, we (have) lunch in a restaurant with my mum and dad. My parents (do) the shopping but my sister and I (not go) with them. We (meet) our friends at an Internet caf in the centre. What about you? Tell me about your weekend

On school days, I (get up) at 7.00. I (have) breakfast with my mother and sister. We (not see) my father in the morning he (go) to work very early. My sister and I (go) to school by bus. The school (not be) near our house and we (not go) home for lunch. In the evening, I (watch) TV with my father but my mother (study). At weekends, we (have) more free time. My sister and I

(not go) to school. My father (not work) and my mother (not study). On Saturdays, we (have) lunch in a nice restaurant. On Sundays, we (visit) my grandparents. They (live) in a beautiful house near the park.

John (get up) at 7.30 a.m. He (have) breakfast at 8.00 and then he (go) to his office by train. He (read) the newspaper. He (work) for a big company in London. In his job, he (meet) people from other companies. He (travel) to the USA on business every three weeks.

The Evans (not be) an usual family. Mark and Brenda Evans, and their two children, Amy and David, (be) an on-line family. Mark Evans (work) for a TV company and he (use) a computer at work. His wife, Brenda, (be) a researcher. She (surf) the Internet to find ideas for stories. Their two children (spend) hours in front of the computer. Amy (be) ten and she (write) e-mails to her friends. David (be) six and he (look for) pictures and games on the Net. In Britain, people (watch) TV in the evenings, but the Evans family (play) computer games.

F. Choose the correct option.

Polar bears live / lives in the Arctic. They is / are usually white and their long hair protect / protects them from the cold. Polar bears is / are omnivores. They eat / eats fish but they prefer / prefers seals. They sometimes hunt / hunts walruses and white whales. A polar bear make / makes holes in the ice and wait / waits for a fish or a seal. In winter they make / makes holes in the snow and hibernate. The baby polar bears only weigh / weighs 1 kilo.

Order the questions and answer them.

1. Where / polar bears / live / do 2. colour / What / is / their hair

3. do / What / eat / polar bears 4. in the ice / make / they / What / do 5. do / What / they / in winter / do 6. a baby polar bear / How many kilos / weigh / does

Answer the questions with a short answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. Do polar bears live in the Antarctic? Are bears omnivores? Does a spider eat fruit? Do owls sleep at night?

G. Complete the question or the answer.

A. Where ? B. He has lunch in the canteen.

A. When does your mother go shopping? B. every day.

A. What time ? B. She gets up at seven.

A. When does your first lesson start? B. at 8 a.m.


A. How often ? B. She never stays late at school.

A. When ? B. He gets home at about 4.30.

A. Who does she telephone each day? B. her boyfriend.

A. Where ?

B. She always does her homework on the train.

H. Make questions with these prompts.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

You / speak / English When / he / go / home They / clean / the bathroom Where / she / ride / her bike Billy / work / in the supermarket

I. 1.

Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

Danny goes to school from Monday to Friday.

2. My rabbit has a cage in the garden. 3. The children like cats because they are nice. 4. Jenny is never late. ...................................................................................... 5. Andrew's new mountain bike costs 1000.


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