Windkessel Model of Circulation

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Figure 2 The dampening role of the aorta and large arteries on the pulsatile flow from heart during


Windkessel model The following discussion relates to the fluid dynamics of the heart and its relationship with the circulatory system: The flow vessels are distensible and compliant; those properties are due to the outermost connective tissue. Such capability of the arteries is essential in maintaining the forward flow of the blood away from the heart; even during the diastole and in transferring the intermittent pumping of the heart to the steady continuous perfusion of the blood through the capillaries so that, steady, efficient exchange of materials between blood and tissue can occur. Windkessel (windbag, air bag or balloon) model of circulation separated the circulatory system into two elements: 1) The aorta and major arteries 2) The peripheral circulation

Figure 3 The Windkessel model is shown. Q(t) is the flow discharge, or flow rate form the left ventricle. K is the compliance of a lumped elastic chamber that represents the aorta and all major arteries. R represents the resistance offered by all small blood vessels, like small arteries, arterioles capillaries, etc., of the peripheral circulation. Note: this model does not take into account the venous system. In the peripheral circulation the flow and the pressure are linearly correlated: Pressure=Resistance*Flow, thats is given the following equation: P P = RQ R Q R = R
In the Windkessel model, in part of the compliant chamber the flow rate is proportional to the aortic pressure gradient (its rate in time: dp/dt). That can be seen from equation bellow.

Q k (t) = k

dp dt


Q k (t) dt = p po k

What ever comes in must either change the vessels volume or leave: dp P + Q Heart = Q K + Q R = K dt R

QK is the flow rate in major vessels QR is the flow rate in peripheral vessels Three components: resistance, compliance and inertia
Lets take care first of the resistance of the peripheral circulation, that is the Q R =
p element. R

According to the Puiseuille solution for viscous laminar flow in circular tubes Qkl r 4 Qkl p = Q= we know that p = p = RQ , thus p = RQ = , from that it is kl r4 r4 kl where k is a constant that accounts for the surface properties of the vessel, L clear that R = r4 is its length, is the fluid viscosity and r is the radius of the vessel. We can see from this relation that the resistance of the vessel is proportional to the inverse of the 4th power of the radius! That means that even a slight decrease in a blood diameter (for example, arterio-sclerosis constriction), will result in a very significant increase in the resistance of the vessel to blood flow! dp P If we go back to the equation Q Heart = Q K + Q R = K + dt R The solution to the differential equation in the general form: (homogeneous+ particular solution)
( ) ( ) 1 ( ) P(t ) = e Rk Q(t )e Rk dT + po e Rk , 2 0 t t t

where R =

kl r4

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