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Rev. Garry W.

Cuthbert online research 20/02/2012

But The quoted text will be in blockquotes. My own comments in normal text between the blocks of quotes. All quotes unless otherwise stated is from the Handbook of Bible Application From Tyndale House publishers. The Term Handicapped HANDICAPPED (Disabled, Impaired, Limited) How are the handicapped treated in the Bible? BIBLE READING: Leviticus 21:1-24 - Audio Link KEY BIBLE VERSE: And the Lord said to Moses, Tell Aaron that any of his descendants from generation to generation who have any bodily defect may not offer the sacrifices to God. (Leviticus 21:16-17, tlb) - Audio Link The handicapped were limited in service, but personally accepted. Was God unfairly discriminating against handicapped people when he said they were unqualified to offer sacrifices? Just as God demanded that no imperfect animals be used for sacrifice, he required that no handicapped priests offer sacrifices. This was not meant as an insult; rather, it had to do with the fact that the priest must match as closely as possible the perfect God he served. Of course, such perfection was not fully realized until Jesus Christ came. As Levites, the handicapped priests were protected and supported with food from the sacrifices. They were not abandoned, because they still performed many essential services within the tabernacle. The hardest aspect of my disability and the circumstances surrounding it, can be feeling useless, purposeless, as if I have no value or worth or nothing to give the least regarded. I know that cannot be true. God tells me that. God does not waste his time on anything that has no purpose, with God, everything and everyone has a purpose. But what HAS added to that being a sore that stings at times, is the exact abandonment opposite to the aforementioned that has gone on, both far and near. The truth is for many people, is that they have the riches that leave me so poor, loved ones, people who care for and about them, that they do not need me, and are not likely to notice if I am not around, because they have more than enough riches to not barely notice it. For me, the all but total abandonment that has gone on, in this condition, is the brick that breaks the camels back, as it can be like being shut into a coffin and the lid nailed on. No matter how bad anything is, physically, emotionally, mentally etc, there is never really anyone to go to, for help or comfort, and so I stay there, trying to not sink until the time of extremity passes. Yet, the abandonment that has gone is, as the aforementioned again says, is not Biblical at all. The

Law of God is summed up by Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength and your neighbour as yourself. WE show we love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind, WHEN we love our neighbour as yourself. And yet to find anyone who loves their neighbour near as much as they love themselves is very rare. I have also seen the same thing with others in bigger than average afflictions. People often love themselves very much indeed, and yet have a few crumbs to throw to those they claim they love as themselves while they go to a feast. I think it happens possibly to greater than average afflictions. As when I have seen this, with myself or others, that has always been the case. It wasnt a small, easy or little affliction, yet friends and loved ones afflictions are just as much a test to those we know and love, as they are to ourselves. Some failed miserably, not just to myself, but to others too, as far as I am concerned. But in loving themselves much more than they love their neighbour, the whole Law is broken all at once. BIBLE READING: Mark 10:46-52 - Audio Link KEY BIBLE VERSE: And so they reached Jericho. Later, as they left town, a great crowd was following. Now it happened that a blind beggar named Bartimaeus (the son of Timaeus) was sitting beside the road as Jesus was going by. (Mark 10:46, tlb) - Audio Link Jesus treated the handicapped with dignity. Beggars were a common sight in most towns. Because most occupations of that day required physical labor, anyone with a crippling disease or disability was at a severe disadvantage and was usually forced to beg, even though Gods laws commanded care for such needy people (Leviticus 25:35-38). - Audio Link Blindness was considered a curse from God for sin (John 9:2), - Audio Link but Jesus refuted this idea when he reached out to heal the blind. BIBLE READING: John 9:1-12 - Audio Link KEY BIBLE VERSE: Master, his disciples asked him, why was this man born blind? Was it a result of his own sins or those of his parents? Neither, Jesus answered. But to demonstrate the power of God. (John 9:2-3, tlb) - Audio Link For Jesus, handicaps were opportunities for God to display his power. A common

belief in Jewish culture was that calamity or suffering was the result of some great sin. But Christ used this mans suffering to teach about faith and to glorify God. We live in a fallen world where good behaviour is not always rewarded and bad behaviour not always punished. Therefore, innocent people sometimes suffer. If God took suffering away whenever we asked, we would follow him for comfort and convenience, not out of love and devotion. Regardless of the reasons for our suffering, Jesus has the power to help us deal with it. When you suffer from a disease, tragedy, or disability, try not to ask, Why did this happen to me? or What did I do wrong? Instead, ask God to give you strength for the trial and a clearer perspective on what is happening. For those in physical extremity, it is a chance for Gods people to show Gods love where in physical sufferng particuarly, love and kindness can seem hidden. When your body is screaming at you night and day, it can be hard to see love in that, all the more when you are left alone with only that. Unlike other afflictions, you cannot get away or take a break from your body. If your body is screaming at you, you cannot forget it, it will not let you do so by the nature of pain. Yet it has been rare find folks loving others as they love themselves. Oh casual acquaintances, have been fine, but deeper, more meaningful relationships, whether far or near, have without fail almost,I have seen how I wasnt worth their time. And how giving me time, ate into their pleasures often. So it was easier to just forget or ignore me. God does give me strength, and I am thankful to Him for doing so. But Gods people, have failed me mostly, time and again. And none of the above has applied at all. It can be hard to understand those who you have no reason to even suspect are not true Christians, why they would be so indifferent and passive, whether towards myself or anyone else in extreme affliction, when Christ was so different, and gives us very clear instructions how we are to weep with those who weep. And Christ calls us to follow Me. Its been a very confusing trip in trying to discern and discriminate between Gods people, who the Bible says should be a certain way in certain things, even given we are all sinners. Leaving someone to die in agony alone, is not the same as forgetting to mow the lawn or something, and how God can love someone that his people have acted very much like they hate at times, by the above. Im getting there, and the sting is less. But, if I was seeing this happen to someone else, every fibre of my being would tell me it would never be right or just. But we dont have to understand why Gods people do as they do. WE just have to make sure that we do as God tells us in our own lives, and accept no matter how hard life is, our lots are from the good hand of God. And that one day, it will all make sense. If someone is in extreme suffering, that when trying to communicate, when hurting and sobbing on top of that, that they may not say what they intend to say well, (would anyone?) to turn on them putting the worst possible construction on their effort to say it, so that it means completely other, is doing nothing else but thinking evil about people because they are poor, as described in Jam 2:2 - Audio Link upon which verse, John Calvin says:

Let us therefore remember that the respect of persons here condemned is that by which the rich is so extolled, wrong is done to the poor, which also he shews clearly by the context and surely ambitions is that honor, and full of vanity, which is shewn to the rich to the contempt of the poor. Nor is there a doubt but that ambition reigns and vanity also, when the masks of this world are alone in high esteem. We must remember this truth, that he is to be counted among the heirs of Gods kingdom, who disregards the reprobate and honors those who fear God. ( <191504> Psalm 15:4.) Audio Link

Here then is the contrary vice condemned, that is, when from respect alone to riches, anyone honors the wicked, and as it has been said, dishonors the good. If then thou shouldest read thus, He sins who respects the rich, the sentence would be absurd; but if as follows, He sins who honors the rich alone and despises the poor, and treats him with contempt, it would be a pious and true doctrine. 1. Have not the faith, etc., with respect of persons. He means that the respect of persons is inconsistent with the faith of Christ, so that

they cannot be united together, and rightly so; for we are by faith united into one body, in which Christ holds the primacy. When therefore the pomps of the world become preeminent so as to cover over what Christ is, it is evident that faith hath but little vigor., on account of esteem, (ex opinione,) I have followed Erasmus; though the old interpreter cannot be blamed, who has rendered it glory, for the word means both; and it may be fitly applied to Christ, and that according to the drift of the passage. For so great is the brightness of Christ, that it easily extinguishes all the glories of the world, if indeed it irradiates our eyes. It hence follows, that Christ is little esteemed by us, when the admiration of worldly glory lays hold on us. But the other exposition is also very suitable, for when the esteem or value of riches or of honors dazzles our eyes, the truth is suppressed, which ought alone to prevail. To sit becomingly means to sit honorably. 4. Are ye not then partial in yourselves? or, are ye not condemned in yourselves. This may be read affirmatively as well as interrogatively, but the sense would be the same, for he amplifies the fault by this, that they took delight and indulged themselves in so great a wickedness. If it be read interrogatively, the meaning is, Does not your own conscience hold

you convicted, so that you need no other judge? If the affirmative be preferred, it is the same as though he had said, This evil also happens, that ye think not that ye sin, nor know that your thoughts are so wicked as they are. Calvins commentaries

Purpose and intention of doing this research is show through by the scriptures what was actually said and documented of how our heavenly father looked upon the handicapped of the world and how Christian and Unchristians are to respond, react, and care about the handicapped within our world today.

Holy Spirit Ministries Food Basket /Canadian Christians Ministrises Is A Non Profit Ministry and A Non Denominational Ministries 203-1990 Whites Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1V 6P5 Tel: 905-839-9031 Fax: 905-839-9031 E-mail: Web site: In His sevice Rev. Garry Cuthbert

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