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Day 1: MondayMarch 5Presentations and Discussions

MC2-800, World Bank HQ, Washington, DC

Time 8:30 9:00 9:3011:00 Content Breakfast & Registration Welcome and Introductions Smart urbanization: challenges and opportunities from the perspective of the development community Strategies for promoting smart urbanization The key constraints and opportunities faced by cities in client countries Discussion: How can development institutions best leverage their projects, financing, knowledge, and convening power to help cities become smarter? Coffee break Knowledge Platforms and active projects Role of emerging global knowledge platforms Knowledge gaps Problem statements from the field o Belo Horizonte, Results Based Management Towards smarter cities: global perspective from city representatives Needs, challenges, and opportunities faced by city administrators Discussion: How can we make it easier for cities in the developing world to adopt promising new innovations? Lunch time talk by Professor Steve Rayner Lunchtime talk Smart city solutions Lessons from physical infrastructure providerssmart grids, energy, transport, water, environment Discussion: How can we make the low-income cities of today the smart cities of tomorrow? What is the right sequence of actions at different stages of development? Coffee break Smart city solutions (cont) Lessons from ICT solution providerstelecom, networking, data integration, intelligent systems Smart city solutions (cont) Lessons from smart build solution providers No host dinner Leads

World Bank and Development Partners

11:00 11:1011:45

Knowledge Platform Representatives


International Associations of Cities

12:3014:00 14:0015:45

Dr. Steve Rayner, Oxford

Infrastructure Solution Providers

15:45 16:0017:45

ICT Solution Providers

17:4518:30 18:3020:00

Building Solution Providers

Day 2: TuesdayMarch 6
MC2-800, World Bank HQ, Washington, DC

Defining Next Steps

Time 9:00 9:3010:30 Content Breakfast Talk Smart city initiatives Overview of existing smart city initiatives Discussion: What are key ongoing and emerging initiatives that will help cities in low and middleincome countries become the smart cities of tomorrow? Lead TBD Smart City Initiatives


Open discussion: Towards a partnership for smart cities Building from and scaling up existing initiatives Consensus advice for low and middle-income cities Leveraging smart city diagnostics tools in Bank projects Filling knowledge gaps Mechanisms for expert consultations, knowledge sharing, and joint research Discussion: What are concrete next steps for partnerships moving forward?

Lunch Talk on Smart Metering

(Open to All Bank Staff)
Time 13:0014:30 Content Smart Metering Brown Bag Lunch Overview of new innovations in smart meter for urban infrastructurewater, electricity, etc. Lead Jon Norman, Ontario Ministry of Energy Smart Grid Solution Providers

Discussion on Smart City Indicators and Open Data

Time 14:3016:30 Content Smart City Indicators and Open Data Key smart city indicators Innovative approaches to data collection in the developing world Lessons learned from pioneering initiatives Need for standards, harmonization, and open data Discussion: How can we as a group promote smart city benchmarking and improved, data-driven decision making? How can we collaborate on conmon indicators, dashboards, and open data platforms? Lead World Bank, Data Standards Initiatives, and Private Sector Partners

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