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Alex Levy Mr.

Gerard Revolutions October 3, 2011 Day 3: Mobilization of the Patriot Movement Brinkley, pages 109-113 1. How did colonists mobilize popular support for the Revolution? The colonists formed various organizations for converting popular discontent into action organizations that, in time, formed the basis of an independent government. They created and distributed recruiting posters, which promoted the attraction of patriotism and the defense of liberties and independence of the United States. These posters appealed to ones vanity, by showing men in handsome clothing and offering them what seemed to be large amounts of money for their services. 2. How did they seize authority? In colony after colony, local institutions responded to the resistance movement by simply seizing authority. Committees of correspondence were established, which made possible continuous cooperation among the colonies. 3. To what degree were those actions ethical? The British certainly felt that these actions were both unethical, as well as illegal and probably treasonous. After all, the British government owned the American colonies, and all of the American citizens were technically British citizens and therefore subject to British laws. The American colonists certainly felt that their calls and complaints to the British Parliament were going unanswered, and those that were answered were rejected. The Americans felt that they were in fact governing themselves and had no need for some far off country telling them how they should conduct their lives and forcing them to send a tribute to England in the form of tax dollars. 4. How did Americans and British come to violence? The colonists and the Continental Congress felt it was in their best interest to stockpile weapons and gunpowder in order to be prepared if war should break out between the

American colonists and the British. The British soldiers in Boston heard that farmers and townspeople in Massachusetts had been gathering weapons and supplies and decided to make a surprise visit to Lexington and Concord to seize the supplies. Boston patriots were watching the British soldiers and warned the minutemen of the British movements. When the British arrived in Lexington, shots rang out; eight minutemen were killed, and ten were wounded. When the British moved on to Concord, they found that the weapons and supplies had been removed and hidden by the colonists. On their return back to Boston, colonists hiding behind trees and rocks killed dozens of the British troops. The beginning of the war had begun by the first shots heard round the world. 5. If, as Brinkley states, most white Americans had come to see in the British policies evidence of a conspiracy to establish a tyranny in the New World, were their actions morally justified? The actions of the Americans were not morally justified for many reasons. First, theoretically, the British government owned the land, and the owner of property has the right to do with it what it wants. Second, the British and then the American colonists took the land from the American Indian by force of arms and claimed it for their own. Third, if the white Americans thought that the British were being tyrannical in their treatment of the colonists, the colonists should have looked in the mirror and would have seen what they were doing to the black people, who were living in the colonies as slaves to these unethical white Americans. Fourth, women were not considered citizens and were not considered equal under the laws of the land, yet no one seemed to care about the ethics of that issue either. As the expression goes, People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. That means that the people who are claiming the moral high ground should not be hypocritical; they should do what is morally right as well.

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