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Here it is in more details: 1. Get into CAP state (part 1 of 2).

CAP state (Courage, Acceptance, Peace) is essentially elevated emotional state from which person will be able to release underlying negativity and resistance that prevents person to achieve the goal. It is impossible to release resistance if the current emotional state is negative (apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, pride and their flavors). So first step is to get into positive emotional side: Courage, Acceptance, Peace (CAP). To do that: Sit straight, shoulders back, posture straight, breathe deeply. This will establish initial physical support for further progress. Make a mental decision to be in control of your thoughts and mind - just say "Yes", "I am the boss". 2. Get into CAP state (part 2 of 2). Imagine/feel what you want now. Sit as youd sit if you already achieved the goal. This will move you to CAP state. Think from the goal. Not look at car - drive the car. Not look at house - be in the house. Money - you already own the money, feel elevated sense of freedom you can afford. Feel the wish fulfilled - feel the goal completed. Do your best to play, ignite that goal accomplishment feeling. Ignore negative emotions, thoughts, feelings for now. Overpower it with images and feelings of goal already achieved now. 3. From CAP notice negativities, release them and then release underlying wanting of approval, control and security feelings. Lester Levenson stated that releasing 3 major underlying wants (approval, control and security) will speedup process of spiritual growth and liberation. 4. Do attachments and aversion process: - Imagine always having the goal - release feelings and emotions that are ignited. - This is the most important step: Hootless test: imagine never having goal, release all associated feelings and underlying wants for approval, control, security. Become hootless toward goal. "Hootless" means - "I don't give a hoot whether I have my goal or not". If you will be able to get into this state - you are succeeded. 5. Now you have the power to do power cleaning: From the state of CAP - consciously invite negative thoughts, memories and associated feelings and emotions. Release them. 6. Super power cleaning: consciously invite the ugliest, most negative thoughts and feelings, worst case scenarios and release on all of them. This will flex your releasing and spiritual growth muscles like nothing else.

1. Own house. Immediate : Rented 2BHK apartment. Mid Term : Own 2 BHK apartment. Long Term : 4 BHk apartment in a modern complex with gym and swimming facilities.

2. Financial Independance. Immediate : Begin profitable operations of both Ibex Engineering and Ibexpressions. Mid Term : Long Term :

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