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Chapter 6

Seriously. What was that for?! I was looking for Andy, wasnt I? Then why was he there? I mean, I was one hundred percent sure that the one I called was Andy and not Jaehowait, I DONT HAVE HIS NUMBER! Why was Andys cellphone with him?! And why is he dragging me?! I yanked my hand from his grip, Hanggang kelan mo hahawakan yung kamay ko?! We stopped walking. He looked at me with the infamous smirk of his. Magpasalamat ka nga at hinawakan ko pa yang kamay mo eh. My jaw dropped in surprise. Does that mean it was supposed to be my pleasure since he held my hand!? Should I be delighted because of that? I didnt crave for it. It wasnt included on my list, excuse me. Pwede ba. Hindi ko winish na hawakan mo yung kamay ko. I irritably said. Pati, ano yung sinasabi mong what you see is what you get?! Hindi mo ba alam na pwedeng may kumalat na tsismis dahil sa sinabi mong yun?! He shrugged his shoulders. I dont care. I didnt say no but it doesnt mean I said yes. So they can think whatever they want to think. I couldnt care less. Arent you being a little bit selfish? He just smiled. I dont need your effin smile!! What am I going to do?! Then you can do whatever you want. There are two options, though. I didnt get what he was trying to say, but he gave me a smile that made me shiver. Its either you are going to be my fake girlfriend or you will be my fake girlfriend. I was speechless. I tried digesting what he said, but my stomach kept on rejecting it. It was not edible. Excuse me? I wanted him to repeat what he just said. You heard me, so choose. He said. Theres no option. Hes forcing me to choose between going to beor will be. What if I say no, what are you going to do? I asked him. I dont have a boyfriend right now and Im still trying to get over from my past boyfriend. I dont want to ruin my image just because I had to choose. Saying no means I'm going to torture you. Im not saying naman na you have to be my girlfriend. You just have to act like one while were in front of them. I avoided his eyes. We just had to be serious at times like this. I actually have someone I like. Its too troublesome for to reject them one by one so I have to make them believe that I really do have a girlfriend." What about me? What will I get from this fake-relationship? I looked at him with a serious face. I dont know what to do anymore. Wag kang mag-alala. Yung mga tao lang sa school nito ang makakaalam na tayo, you can do whatever you want outside this school. Here we go again with his you can do whatever you want. How many times did I hear that from him this day? Funny thing is, I am actually considering his offer! What the heck is wrong with me!? I should cut ties with him as soon as possible! I should say no to his offer. I have to, I must, I shall, I will, I can!

Ill think about it. I told him before we parted ways for the school assembly. We didnt see Nichie on our way downstairs and I forgot to ask about the cellphone incident. I can just ask Andy later since I have to think about Jaehos proposal. But how am I going to think about it if I can see him every second!! I feel that I am obliged to do it from the start and he knew that. In the classroom, we didnt talk to each other unless we really have to. Our classmates teased us by saying that we had a J quarrel, which Jaeho responded with a yes. He said that he did something upsetting that made me sulk and hes just waiting for my forgiveness. Ano ba ya~~n! Carla whined. Ano ba kasing ginawa mo para galitin si Jaehee ng ganyan?Reva asked. Lalaki ka ba talaga? Ang mga babae, minamahal! Hindi sinasaktan! Bernardo said. Then the boys debated about Bernardos statement. What are they doing? Were in the middle of the class! Ms. Zoilo is there, in front of everyone. They should stop making fuss about it before she erupts. Talk about their love lives later. Finish your seatwork first. Ms Zoilo calmly said. Everyone stopped talking and did the seatwork. Ms. Zoilo walked around the room to check how everyone was doing. When she was finally in the back of the room, she made her way to our side. She bent down and said something to Jaeho, he nodded. I didnt hear what she said so I just ignored it. She looked at me and checked my work, If he said sorry sincerely, then you should just forgive him. Swallowing your pride once in a while is not bad. I was surprised with her words. Now everyone is involved. Why are they so caught up in our mini drama? Unbelievable! Sshyang! While we were at the middle of checking, Jaeho suddenly stood up. He caught everyones attention, even the teacher. Yes, Jaeho? Do you have any questions? No, Miss. I just want to say something. May I? Jaeho asked in a queer manner. Yes, you may. Ms. Zoilo permitted him. He faced me and lowered his head. Everyone was stunned. I heard their Oohs and Aahs. Im sorry, He said. He sounded really sorry. I know I what I did was wrong. I acted rashly and suddenly pulled you into this. I shouldnt have done that. I didnt consider your feelings. Thats why I will wait for you. Ill wait for your answer. Then the bell rang. I was dumbfounded. Our classmates started yelling in happiness. Hindi nila alam yung sinasabi ni Jaeho. He was actually referring to the incident earlier. He wasnt saying sorry to me! He just wanted to remind me about the deal he was offering. He used

this time so that he can look cool in front of them!! Jjajungna!!! He sat down and smiled at me, Hanggang uwian lang valid yung usapan natin. I knew it. He trapped me. I pulled Kate to the other side of the building. I dragged Nadia out of her room and we went inside Sakis room. I told them about my dilemma, they were just listening attentively. They made me finish what I was saying before they talk. Anong gagawin ko? I finally dropped the question. Edi go lang. Single ka naman, wala kang masasagasaan. Saki said. Isipin mo na lang charity work yan. Nadia said. She couldve done it better. Alam mo, para makalimutan mo rin si Sam kelangan maging busy ka. Asan ba yung effort mo para makalimutan siya? Kate and Nads agreed with Sakis sentence. Wala naman sigurong masama kung magiging fake-girlfriend ka diba? Meron! I protested. Paano ko magkakaboyfriend?! Lalayuan ako ng mga tao! Wala ng lalapit sa akin! Sabi naman ni Jaeho sa school niyo lang kelangan magpanggap. Ibig sabihin pwede ka pa magkaboyfriend outside the campus. Pwede ka pa ring makipag date. Kate pointed out. Alam mo, ang problema mo kasi masyado kang in love kay Sam. Saki said bluntly. Isipin mo, nagpunta ka na sa Korea, nagpagupit ng buhok, may lalaking gwapong nag-o-offer sayo ng ganitong usapan, pero ano? Wala. Takot kang makalimutan mo siya! Hindi ko rin maintindihan, bago kayo magbrak ni Sam, sobra siyang alalang-alala sayo. Halos araw-araw siyang pumupunta sa ospital kahit alam niyang hindi ka niya makikita. Tapos biglang, nagbreak na lang kayo. Kate shook her head. Parang nakakainis lang. Ang bilis niyang magdesisyon. Exactly. Pansin ko rin ha, bakit ganyan itsura mo dito sa school? Pag sa labas naman hindi ka ganyan ha? Nads asked. Wag na natin pag-usapan yung itsura ko, okay? I stated. Ano bang gagawin ko? Bahala ka nga! They said. I still have a lot of time to decide. If I say yes, then it means Im taken sort of. If I say no, then Ill get torturednot really. Being partly taken is not bad, I think. But being single means no one likes you. Should I just take the good side then? Lunch and four subjects passed. We are just waiting for the bell to ring. The first bell rang. I still have five minutes to decide before the second bell rings. Goodbye and thank you class. Mr. Pulido said. Goodbye and thank you, Mr. Pulido. We said. Everyone started fixing their things. Jaeho didnt move yet, he was still waiting for my answer. I dont have a choice, do I? Its either this or that. Jaeho, I started. I better get straight to the point. Ayoko talaga. Sorry, but my answer is no.

I stood up and started walking. I didnt give him a chance to talk. Well he said that I could do whatever I want. I just did what I want. No regrets. Hindi ba talaga pwede? He said in a loud voice. I stopped walking and faced him. Everyones looking at him. Ayaw mo ba talaga? Hindi pa ba sapat yung mga ginawa ko? I looked at him confused. What is he up to again? Hindi mo ba talaga gusto? He asked once more. He sounded sad as he popped that question. He sighed and lowered his head. Jaehee ano ba. I looked at Marie, Bakit ba ayaw mo? Oo nga. Pumayag ka na lang. Wala namang masama kung papayag ka eh. Dominic added. Hindi niyo alam yung pinag-uusapan namin. I told them but they were still incriminating me. Hindi nga namin alam yung pinag-uusapan niyo pero alam namin na may mali sa inyong dalawa. Rap said. Isa pa, hindi magkakaganyan si Jaeho kung mababaw lang yung usapan niyo. By lowering his head and looking upset made me become the villain. I really cant say no now, can I? I just hope this is not going to be my downfall. They started pressuring me again. I looked at Kate but she was smiling at me. Sshyang! Arasso!!!! I shouted. Everyone stopped talking. Arattdago!![OK OK] I glared at Jaeho. He was smiling. I really fell into his trap. She said okay! Jaeho translated what I said. I smiled at him sweetly, Non Jugosso! [Neon Joogeosseo- Youre dead!] And she cannot live without me. He added with a smile. My jaw dropped in surprise. Sshyang!!! [Amp!!!] Everyone howled after hearing Jaehos words. Can they not trust him anymore?! They were deceived by him. They were yelling as if a prince confessed to his princess. Is that what you call a Prince? Prince? What Prince?! Hes more like a gangster to me.

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