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Kerala PSC Biology Quiz Questions Answers Part 1 Scroll down for answers 1) The Ph value of human blood

is__? A) 7.40 B) 7 C) 0 D) 8 2) The rarest blood group is __ ? A) O negative B) B negative C) AB positive D) AB negative 3) The metal present in the hemoglobin is __ ? A) Copper B) Calcium C) Iron D) Aluminum 4) Age of fishes was known as __ A) Devonian B) Ordovician C) Crustaceous D) Silurian 5) The metal present in the chlorophyll is __ ? A) Calcium B) Aluminum C) Zinc D) Magnesium 6) The important sugar in honey is __ ? A) Lactose B) Fructose C) Maltose

D) Sucrose 7) The number of Chromosomes in the human gene is __ ? A) 23 B) 48 C) 46 D) 24 8) Viticulture is related with __ ? A) Grapes B) Pine Apple C) Orange D) Strawberry 9) The acid present in Vinegar is A) Citric Acid B) Acetic Acid C) Oxalic Acid D) Malic Acid 10) The longest and largest bone in the human body is __ ? A) Spinal Cord B) Humerus C) Fibula D) Femur 11) The average weight of the human brain is __ ? A) 1,500 grams B) 1,200 grams C) 1,400 grams D) 1,300 grams 12) Which part of human brain is affected by alcohol? A) Cerebrum B) Cerebellum C) Medulla Oblongata

D) Corpus Callosum 13) The first heart Transplantation in India was in the Year __ ? A) 3rd August 1994 B) 13th August 1994 C) 3rd September 1994 D) 13th September 1994 14) The largest organ in the human body is __ ? A) Gland B) Bone C) Skin D) Liver 15) Which type of lens is used to correct myopia? A) Convex lens B) Concave lens C) Biconcave lens D) Biconvex lens

A) 7.40 2) D) AB negative 3) C) Iron 4) A) Devonian 5) D) Magnesium 6) B) Fructose 7) C) 46 8) A) Grapes 9) B) Acetic Acid 10) D) Femur 11) C) 1,400 grams 12) B) Cerebellum 13) A) 3rd August 1994 14) C) Skin 15) B) Concave lens

Red Blood Cells (RBC) are formed in

A) Muscles B) Veins C) Bone Marrow D) Heart 2) Typhoid is caused by A) Bacteria B) Virus C) Influenza D) All of these 3) The most intelligent animal is A) Elephant B) Monkey C) Dog D) Chimpanzee 4) Which vitamin is also called Retinol? A) Vitamin A B) Vitamin B C) Vitamin D D) Vitamin C 5) Meena Matha disease is related with A) Cadmium B) Mercury C) Lead D) Iron 6) The excess of carbohydrate is converted into Glycogen by A) Kidney B) Liver C) Lungs D) Pituitary Gland 7) Anaemic patient is deficient of which element A) Iron B) Aluminum C) Calcium D) Lithium

Which organ in human body is affected by Miopia A) Liver B) Brain C) Ear D) Eye 9) The largest single organ of human body is A) Endocrine System B) Respiratory System C) Integumentary System D) Skeletal System 10) How many vertebrae are there in giraffes neck A) 11 B) 7 C) 10 D) 13 1) C) Bone Marrow 2) A) Bacteria 3) D) Chimpanzee 4) A) Vitamin A 5) B) Mercury 6) B) Liver 7) A) Iron D) Eye 9) C) Integumentary System 10) B) 7

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