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Módulo 2. Gobierno Electrónico.

Referencias Bibliográficas.

• Alcock, R. & Lenihan, D. (2001), Changing Government Volumen 2: Results of the Crossing Boundaries.
Cross-Country Tour: Chicago.

• Compendium of Innovative E-government Practices Volume I. Economic and social affairs, United Nations.
New York , 2005.

• Center of Technology I Government. (2001). West State and Federal E-Government in the United States ,
Inside Politics. Disponible en:

• Consejo Norteamericano de Excelencia en el Gobierno (2001). Towards a Government for the Knowledge
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• Cook, M. (2000). What Citizens Want from E-Government. Current Practice Research. Center for Technology
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• European Commission, Directorate General for the Information Society and Media, “Online Availability of
Public Services: How is Europe Progressing” (March 2005), p.6.

• García, G. (2006). Enacting State Websites: A Mixed Method Study Exploring E-Government Success in
Multi-Organizational Settings. Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Hawaii International Conference on
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• Global E-government report Readiness 2005. From e-Government to e-inclusion. ONU, 2005.

• Iniciativas italianas de gobierno electrónico. (2000). Eventos en la vida de los ciudadanos. Canadá Summit

• LaVigne, M. (2002). Electronic government: a vision of a future that is already here. Syracuse Law Review,
Volume 52, Number 4, 2002.

• Oracle, y Valderrama, R. Vision of eGovernment presentación para el Foro Latino Americano 2003.
Documento no publicado.

• Pardo, T. (2000). Realizing the Promise of Digital Government: It's More than Building a Web Site . IMP
Mag. Disponible en:<uscore>2000/10<uscore>00pardo.htm .

• Shackleton, Peter; Fisher, July; Dawson, Linda (2006), E-government services in the local government
context: an Australian case study, Journal of Business Process Management, Volumen 12, Número 1, 2006.

• Siau, Keng; Long Yuan, Synthesizing e-government stage models – a meta- síntesis based on meta-
ethnography approach, Journal of Industrial Management & Data Systems, Volumen 105, Número 4, 2005

• Szeremeta, Jerzy (2005). Understanding Knowledge. United Nations Publications.

• West, J. (2001). Council for Excellence in Government: E-Government: The Next American Revolution.
Technology Leadership Consortium web site . Disponible en:

D.R. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, México, 2006

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