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Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling SAMS no: EPN D&W.


Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

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Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling

Doc. No. SAMS no: EPN D&W.2VCO_000096 Valid from Rev. no.

Table of contents
1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Summary................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Background and verification performance ............................................................................................. 4 Reference ............................................................................................................................ 4 Participants ......................................................................................................................... 5 Programme.......................................................................................................................... 5 Findings and closing of actions............................................................................................ 5 Verified elements ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Rig specific matrix, operating procedures and risk analysis.................................................. 6 Competence and training..................................................................................................... 7 Attachment 1 - Checklist ..................................................................................................... 8

Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

Page 3 of 11

Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling

Doc. No. SAMS no: EPN D&W.2VCO_000096 Valid from Rev. no.

Odfjell drillings systems for manual pipe handling were verified on the 14th of December 2009 according to the OLF/NR-081 recommendations and the Statoil requirements. A defined checklist was reviewed, and a total of 4 observations were identified. 1 of the observations was classified as a non conformity. The non conformity refers to the fact that Odfjell does not use the accepted deviation matrix for manual pipe handling on Visund. In general, Odfjell demonstrated systems for manual pipe handling adapted to each rig. No common procedure describing manual pipe handling was established, but such a document on Level-3 of Odfjells management system was in the process of being implemented. As per today all manual handling procedures were therefore being identified for each rig/platform.

Background and verification performance

Based on previously serious incidents in connection with pipe handling, and the overall HSE risk in these operations, the Drilling & Well Management initiated verifications towards all rig companies and drilling contractors. The scope of these verifications, which are included in the Drilling &Well Monitoring plan 2009, is to verify the suppliers systems for manual pipe handling as set forward in the Facility regulation Section 55 and the Activity regulation Section 80. The recommendations in OLF/NR-081Recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations and the requirements in Statoils governing documentation APOS DW-T06-05, Sikkert arbeid i bore og brnnomrder made basis for the verification. Verification scope: Establishment and implementation of deviation matrix Procedures and corresponding risk assessments Competence and training for personnel involved in pipe handling Definition of safe area (Red Zone) Anti collision systems Colour coding of equipment All relevant documentation was submitted to the verification team in advance, and the verification was based on document review and interviews. In order to verify the implementation of governing documents the verification verified the operations at the rig Songa Trym and the platform drilling on Visund.


PSA Facilities regulation, section 55 PSA Activities regulation, section 80 OLF/NR Recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling Rev. 02 Statoil: DW T-06-05 Sikkert arbeid I bore-/brnnomrder

Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

Page 4 of 11

Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling

Doc. No. SAMS no: EPN D&W.2VCO_000096 Valid from Rev. no.


Interviewed personnel: Ronny J. Solheim Inge Gustafsson Tom Rune Spjeld Eva Utskott Margit Ouppstad Statoil Verification team: Rolf Hop Torleif ksendal Verification leader Drilling Supervisor EPN D&W HSE DWB OSPD OSS Rig Manager Songa Trym Operations Manager QHSE Leader MOV QHSE Mgr Opr. Norway QHSE Coord. (observer) Odfjell drilling Odfjell drilling Odfjell drilling Odfjell drilling Odfjell drilling


09.00 09.15 11.30 12.00 13.00 13.30 0915 1130 12.00 13.00 13.30 14.00 Opening meeting Interviews and document review Lunch break Interviews and document review Internal Statoil meeting Close up meeting


Findings and closing of actions

The verification was performed based on a predefined checklist (Attachment 1). In the report only findings related to the OLF 081 recommendations, Statoil requirements and Odfjell drillings own governing documentation are discussed. 1 non-conformity and 3 other observations were identified. All findings and corresponding proposed actions are presented and discussed in chapter 3 in this report. Odfjell drilling is requested to reply to this report within 15.02.2010.

Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

Page 5 of 11

Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling

Doc. No. SAMS no: EPN D&W.2VCO_000096 Valid from Rev. no.


Verified elements
Rig specific matrix, operating procedures and risk analysis

Finding 1: Observation The verified application for deviations for Songa Trym is based on a HAZID performed in 2002. In the process of preparing the new deviation matrix, updating of the existing HAZID was not considered

Reference: OLF/NR- 081, chapter 6 ,bullet no.2

Proposed action: Odfjell should consider updating of the current HAZID that forms the basis for the application for exempt. Finding 2. Observation In the deviation matrix for Deepsea Trym item 15, all requirements are marked M (Manual). In the comment section, however, it is stated that the procedure was last carried out in 2002 and if it should be performed again, the existing procedures and matrix must be completely revised. As the operations would necessitate a complete revision and application to the authorities, the correct marking should be considered NA.

Reference: OLF/NR- 081, chapter 7 ,bullet no.3

Proposed action: Odfjell should consider defining the operations described in item 15 as NA. Finding 3: Non conformity The Rig specific matrix presented for Visund was not consistent with the statement in the application for deviations where no deviations had been identified for the platform. On returning to Statoil, the verification team got hold of the correct deviation matrix for Visund. Consequently, there is a mismatch between the correct deviation matrix and the one used by Odfjell.

Reference: OLF/NR- 081, chapter 7

Proposed action: Apply the correct deviation matrix for Visund. The matrix is updated on the 20th of February 2009 and is signed by the Head Safety Delegate on the 25th of May 2009.

Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

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Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling

Doc. No. SAMS no: EPN D&W.2VCO_000096 Valid from Rev. no.

Finding 4 Observation On the drawing of red zone on Visund, there is no indication where the normal entrances to the drill floor are located.

Reference: OLF/NR- 081, chapter 6 bullet no. 1

Proposed action Update the drawing of red zone at Visund with indications showing the entrances to the drill floor.


Competence and training

No specific findings

Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

Page 7 of 11

Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling

Doc. No. SAMS no: EPN D&W.2VCO_000096 Valid from Rev. no.


Attachment 1 - Checklist





Reference to contractors documentation


Er det referanse til OLF 081 og relevante paragrafer fra offshoreregelverket i styringssystemet? Er dette inkludert i oversikten over relevant HMS regelverk?

OLF 081 kap 5

Er gyldig og oppdatert RRHNDTERINGSMATRISE implementert for alle installasjoner? Kan dette dokumenteres Prosessen for utarbeidelse av matrisen?

OLF 081 kap 6

Blir all rrhndtering som kan fjernopereres fjernoperert?

Er det manuelle operasjoner med DISP som kunne ha vrt fjernoperert? Dokumenter 4 OLF 081 kap 6 Dokumenter tilhrende risikoanalyse og unntakssknad til Ptil. Hvem har sttt for risikoanalysen? (Kompetanse)

OLF 081 kap 6

Er trygg avstand (rd sone) definert for hver innretning?

Hvordan er dette avmerket?

OLF 081 kap 6

Er hndteringsprosedyrer for alle planlagte manuelle rrhndteringsoperasjoner merket M i matrise etablert? Dekker disse alle aktuelle operasjoner?

Dokumenter/Gi eksempler.

OLF 081 kap 6

Dokumenter at disse er basert p en risikoanalyse (HAZID)

Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

Page 8 of 11

Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling

Doc. No. SAMS no: EPN D&W.2VCO_000096 Valid from Rev. no.

OLF 081 kap 6

Rutine for gjennomgang av hndteringsprosedyre fr planlagte manuelle operasjoner starter.

NB: Dette skal alltid gjres!

Hva sier prosedyren om bruk av elevatorer? 8 Hvordan dokumenteres slike gjennomganger? Gi eksempler.

Hvordan blir alle involverte informert? Dok? Handover mellom skift?

OLF 081 vedlegg 2

Er det etablert en prosedyre/prosess for en situasjon der en ikke planlagt manuell operasjon oppstr.

OLF 081 kap 6 Utfres SJA fr en ikke planlagt manuell operasjon, (ref rig spesifikk prosedyre) f.eks ved. Utstyrsvikt.

Hvordan dokumenteres dette (inkl deltakere)? Gi eksempler. Gi eksempler p en slik SJA Ved svikt i system for rrhndtering: Blir flytskjema (OLF 081 vedlegg 2) gjennomgtt fr manuell hndtering iverksettes.? Blir dette dokumentert og vedlagt Rapport Etter Hendelse?


APOS DWT06-05 Sikkert arbeid i bore- og brnnomrder


OLF 081 kap 6

Hvordan gjres OLF 081, riggspesifikk matrise og hndteringsprosedyre(r) for den enkelte del-operasjon lett tilgjengelig for brukerne?

Hvem har ansvar for dette? 12 Dokumenterbart?

Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

Page 9 of 11

Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling

Doc. No. SAMS no: EPN D&W.2VCO_000096 Valid from Rev. no.


OLF 081 kap 6

Er gjeldende prosedyrer for manuell hndtering til enhver tid oppdatert i riggspesifikk matrise?

Hvordan sikres dette, f.eks ved nytt utstyr, nye krav etc? 14 OLF 081 kap 6 NORSOK R003 vedl B Gis simulatortrening? (Br krav) Dokumentert kompetanse til personell som er direkte involvert i rrhndteringsoperasjoner.

Tilpasses opplringen den enkelte? (erfaring f.eks) 15 OLF 081 kap 6 16 OLF 081 kap 6 Er ndoperering av rrhndteringsutstyr inkludert i treningen? (BR krav) Hvordan er trening og kompetanse registrert i treningsmatrisen, eller hvordan p annen mte dokumenteres opplringen? I DBR? 17 OLF 081 kap 6 Hvordan oppdateres ndvendig kompetanse? Definerer hver innretning behovet for trening? 18 OLF 081 kap 6 Er treningen basert p mulig svikt i utstyr som normalt fjernopereres?

Hva er minimumsfrekvens? Hver offshoreperiode (BR krav) 19 OLF 081 kap 6 Tilpasses treningen personell sammensetning, gruppekompetanse og nytt utstyr. (BR krav)


OLF 081 kap 6

Retningslinjer for svikt i antikollisjonsutstyr etablert?

Hvordan sikres det at utstyr som benyttes, til enhver tid har oppdatert bruksanvisning og dokumentasjon iht. gjeldende regelverk?


OLF 081 kap 7

Hvilken riggspesifikk matrise er oversendt til Ptil? Er dette den samme som gjeldende

Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

Page 10 of 11

Verification of systems for Manual pipehandling Odfjell drilling

Doc. No. SAMS no: EPN D&W.2VCO_000096 Valid from Rev. no.

matrise? 22 OLF 081 kap 7 Unntak fra plagte krav slik disse er beskrevet i OLF081 vedlegg 1: Avviksmatrise?


OLF 081 kap 8

Beste praksis for identifisering av lst rrhndteringsutstyr iht OLF 081?

Basert p rrdimensjoner? 24 OLF 081 kap 8 Er flgende utstyr merket? Elevatorer Inserts for multirange elevators Slips Inserts for multirange slips Lftesubbe

Classification: Internal

Status: Final

Expiry date: 2010-12-04

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