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This questionnaire is designed to assist me carry out a research on socioeconomic status of parents/Guardians and its impact on their wards

academic performance in Navrongo. The research is purely for academic purpose so therefore any information provided would thus be treated with confidentiality and privacy. Please tick [] or write in the spaces where appropriate. Part one Questionnaire for parents/ Guardians Socio-demographical status 1 Sex ( i ) male [ 2 Age (i) ( ii ) 20-24 25-29 [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] (ii) female [ ]

( iii) 30-34 ( iv ) 35-39 (v) 40

3 Marital status ( I ) single Married Divorce 4 No. of Children One Two Three Four [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] [ [ [ ] ] ]

Other specify.. 5 No. of Children in school One[ ]

Two Three Four

[ [ [

] ] ]

Other specify.. 6 No. of dependent in your household One Two Three Four [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]

Other specify. 7 Occupation Teaching Farming Trading Self employed [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]

Other specify Parents concern on their Wards education 8 What is your performance position in class in his or her last exam written?....................... 9 what is your impression on your Ward performance during exams? Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Should do better [ [ [ ] ] ]

Other specify. 10 Do you find it difficult to cater for your child/Chidren in school?......................... Yes [ ] No [ ]

Part two Questionnaire for students (JHS) 1 sex 2 Age 10-14 15-19 20-24 25 3 Class/Form One Two Three 4 Attendance for academic year 2008/2009 1st term..out of . 2nd term.out of .. 3rd tem..out of 2009/2010 1st term..out of 2nd termout of . 3rd term.out of 2010/2011 1st term.out of 2nd term out of. 3rd term..out of . male female

5 Which time do you normally report to school? 7:00-7:30am 8:00-8:30am 9:00-9:30am Other specify 6 Are you staying far from the school premises? Yes No

7 If yes , do you find it difficult to get means to the school premises? Yes No

8 Are you staying with your parents? Yes No

9 Does your parents assist you doing your assignment? Yes No

10 Are you doing any classes after your normal school classes? Yes Part three Questionnaire for teachers/other school authorities. 1 sex 2 Age 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45 male female No

3 Academic qualification 1st degree HND Post-diploma Diploma A, level O, level

4 Ranks A B

5 How many times do you attend class to teach in a week? Two Three Four Other specify. 6 What proportion of students that obtained marks such as, 0-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 7 What is the percentage of the students performance in their last BECE sitting?.................... 8 Are you doing any job aside the teaching? Yes No cooperation

9 Are they any challenges facing in the teaching concerning the students/pupils? Yes No

10 If yes to question 9, then outline some of the challenges . .. THANKS FOR YOUR COOPERATION

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