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Project Selection Project Selection Tools 1. Benefit measurement Methods 2 constrained optimization method scoring models linear (#2.

only for complex project, not for most) benefit contribution nonlinear economic models (BCR, cash flow integer IRR, PV/NPV, opportunity cost dynamic DCF,ROI) multi-object programming 3. expert judgment

BCR: benefit cost ratio DCF: discounted cash flow Integration: Develop the Project charter (initiation)

Inputs Tools & techniques Project statement of Work Expert Judgment Business case SOW has: product scope, business needs, strategic plan Contract Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF) Organizational Process Assets (OPA) Inputs Tools & techniques Develop project management plan (planning) Project charter Expert Judgment EEF OPA Inputs Tools & techniques Direct and manage project execution (Executin roject Management Plan P Expert Judgment keyword: implement, manage and inform Approved Changed Requests Project Mgmt Information System EEF OPA

Outputs Project charter

justification, high-level project desciption/requir. high-levels risks, objective and success criteria milestone schedule, budget summary assigned pro. Manager, sponsor

Outputs Project Management Plan

Outputs Deliverables Work Performance Information Change Requests (direct: scope, time, cost
indirect: defect repair, corrective/preventive acts)

Inputs Project Management Plan Performance Reports EEP: work authorization system, risk tolerance,industry EEF and government standards, information system OPA Inputs Perform Integrated Change Control (M&C) Project Management Plan Work Performance Information Change Requests EEF OPA Inputs Close Project or Phase (Closing) Project Management Plan Accepted Deliverables OPA Monitor and Control Project Work (M&C)
closure guidelines / requirements

Tools & techniques Expert Judgment

Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates Outputs Change Requests Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates Outputs Change Requests status updates
being processed, approved, rejected, implemented implementation validated

Tools & techniques Expert Judgment Change Control Meetings

Tools & techniques Expert Judgment

Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates Outputs Final product, services or results transition OPA updates

Scope: Collect Requirements (Planning) Inputs Project Charter Stakeholder Register Tools & techniques Interviews Focus Groups Facilitated Workshops (JAD or QFD)
QFD: quality function deployment JAD: joint product development

Outputs Requirements Documentation Requirements Management Plan Requirements Traceability Matrix

Group Creativity Techniques

Affinity diagram, Brainstorming (idea/mind mapping nominal group tech.), Delphi tech

Group Decision Making Techniques

Dictatorship, Unanimity, Majority, plurality

Define Scope (Planning)

Inputs Project Charter Requirements Documentation OPA

Questionnaires and Surveys Observations (Job Shadowing ) Prototypes Tools & techniques Expert Judgment Product Analysis; product breakdown, requirement analysis
system anal/.engineering, value anal/engineering

Outputs Project Scope Statement* Project Document updates * assumptions/constrains, deliverable, exclusion
product description (scope and acceptance criteria)

Alternatives Identification
Brainstorming, lateral thinking. Pair wise comparison

Inputs Create Work Breakdown Structure (Planning)Project Scope Statement Requirements Documentation OPA

Facilitated Workshops (JAD or QFD) Tools & techniques Decomposition

Verify Scope (M&C)

Inputs Project Management Plan (scope baseline)nspection I Requirements Documentation Requirements Traceability Matrix Validated Deliverables

Tools & techniques

Outputs WBS WBS Dictionary Scope Baseline Update to project documents Outputs Accepted Deliverables Change Requests Project Document Updates

Control Scope (M&C)

Inputs Tools & techniques Project Management Plan (scope baseline) ariance Analysis V Work Performance Information Requirements Documentation Requirements Traceability Matrix OPA (policy, procedure, lessons) Inputs Scope Baseline Enterprise Environmental Factors
management info. system and software tool,

Outputs Work Performance Measurements Change Requests OPA updates Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates Outputs Activity List Activity Attributes Milestone List

Time Management: Tools & techniques Decomposition Rolling Wave Planning Templates Expert Judgment Tools & techniques Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) Determine Dependency Apply leads & Lags Schedule Network Temples Define Activities (Planning)

OPA (policy, procedure, lessons) Inputs Activity List Activity Attributes Milestone List Project Scope Statement OPA

Sequence Activities (Planning)

Outputs Project Schedule Network Diagrams Project Document Updates

Estimates Activity Resources (Planning)

resources: human, equipement,materials, facility

Inputs Activity List Activity Attributes Resource Calendar EEF (facility) OPA Inputs Activity List Activity Attributes Activity Resource Requirements Resource Calendar Project Scope Statement EEF OPA Inputs Activity List Activity Attributes Project Schedule Network Diagram Activity Resource Requirements Resource Calendar Activity Duration Estimates Project Scope Statement EEF OPA

Tools & techniques Expert Judgment Alternatives Analysis Published Estimating Data Bottom-Up Estimating Project Management Software Tools & techniques Expert Judgment Analogous Estimating Parametric estimates Three-Point Estimates Reserve Analysis

Outputs Activity Resource Requirements Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) Project Document Updates

Estimating Activity Duration (Planning)

Outputs Activity Duration Estimates Project Document Updates (e.g. activity attributes)

Develop Schedule (Planning)

Tools & techniques Schedule Network Analysis Critical Path Method Critical Chain Method Resource Leveling What-if Scenario Analysis Applying Leads and Lags Schedule Compression Pro.manag software: scheduling tools (example of EEF)

Outputs Project Schedule (logic*, bar chart/often used) Schedule Baseline Schedule Data (supporting data, resources by time
alternatives, contingency reserve)

Project Document Updates *schedule network diagram called logic chart

Control Schedule (M&C)

Inputs Tools & techniques Project Management Plan Performance Reviews Project Schedule Variance Analysis Work Performance Information (WPI)Resource Leveling (not independent method) OPA What-if Scenario Analysis Project Management Software Adjusting Leads and Lags Schedule Compression Scheduling Tool

Outputs Work Performance Measurements Change Requests OPA updates Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates

Cost Management: Estimate Costs (planning) Inputs Scope Baseline Project Schedule Human Resource Plan Risk Register EEF Tools & techniques Expert Judgment Analogous Estimating Parametric Estimating Bottom-up Estimating Three-Point Estimates market condition, published commercial informReserve Analysis OPA Cost of Quality policy, template, lessons, historical inform Project Management Estimating Software Vendor Bid Analysis Inputs Activity Cost Estimates Basis of Estimates Scope Baseline Project Schedule Resource Calendar Contracts OPA Inputs Project Management Plan Project Funding Requirements Work Performance Information (WPI) OPA Tools & techniques Cost Aggregation Reserve Analysis Expert Judgment Historical Relationships Fund Limit Reconciliation (most affect schedule) Outputs Activity Cost Estimates Basis of Estimate (assumption, constrains,
method, uncertainty)

Update to project document

Determine Budget (Planning)

Outputs Cost Performance Baseline Proj. Funding Requirements

total funding =baseline+management reserve

Project Document Updates

Control Costs (M&C)

Tools & techniques Performance Reviews EVM To-Complete Performance (TCPI): BAC-EV/BAC-AC Variance Analysis Forecasting Project Management Software

Outputs Work Performance Measurements Change Requests Budget Forecasts OPA updates Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates

Quality Management: Plan Quality (Planning) Inputs Scope Baseline Cost Baseline Schedule Baseline Stakeholder Register Risk Register EEF OPA Tools & techniques Cost-Benefit Analysis Cost of Quality (COQ) Control Charts Benchmarking Design of Experiments (DOE) Statistical Sampling Flow Charting Other Standard QM methodologies
six sigma, lean 6 , QFD, CMMI, Juran, Crosby, Deming

Outputs Quality Management Plan Quality Metrics Quality Checklists Process Improvement Plan Project Document Updates

Additional quality planning tools

brainstorming, nominal group tech, forced field analysis, affinity diagram, matrix diagram, prioritization matrix

Perform Quality Assurance (Executing)

Inputs Tools & techniques Project Management Plan Quality Plan and Control Tools Quality Metrics Cost-Benefit Analysis Work Performance Information (WPI) Cost of Quality (COQ) Control Charts Quality Control Measurements Benchmarking Design of Experiments Statistical Sampling Flow Charting Inspection Cause and effect diagrams Pareto chart Histogram

Outputs Change Requests (corrective action) OPA updates Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates

Perform Quality Control (M&C)

Inputs Project Management Plan Quality Metrics Quality Checklists Work Performance Measurements Approved Change Requests Deliverables OPA

Run Chart Scatter Diagram Approved Change Requests Review Quality audits Process analysis Tools & techniques Inspection 1. Cause and effect diagrams 2. Control charts (shewart charts or process behavior chart) 3. Flowcharting 4. Histogram 5. Pareto chart 6. Run Charts 7. Scatter Diagram Statistical sampling ( variable or attribute ) Approved Change Requests Review Tools & techniques Organization Charts and Position Description Networking Organizational Theory Tools & techniques Pre-assignment Negotiation Acquisition Virtual Teams Tools & techniques Interpersonal Skills Training Team-Building Activities Ground rules Co-Location Recognition and Rewards (no win-lose rewards) Tools & techniques Observation and Conversation Project Performance Appraisals Conflict Management Issue Log Interpersonal Skills

Outputs Quality Control Measurements Validates Changes Validated Deliverables OPA updates Change Requests Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates

Human Resources Management: Inputs Develop Human Resources Plan (Planning) Activity Resource Requirements EEF OPA Inputs Project Management Plan EEF OPA Inputs Project Staff Assignments Project Management Plan Resource Calendar Outputs Human Resource Plan
roles and staff management plan

Acquire Project Team (Executing)

Outputs Project Staff Assignments Resource Calendars Project Management Plan Updates Outputs Team Performance Assessments EEF updates

Develop Project Team (Executing)

Manage Project Team (Executing)

Inputs Project Staff Assignments Project Management Plan Team Performance Assessments Performance Reports OPA

Outputs Change Request EEF updates OPA updates Project Management Plan Updates

Communications Management: Identify Stakeholders (Initiation) Inputs Project Charter Procurement Documents EEF OPA Inputs Stakeholder Register Stakeholder Management Strategy EEF OPA Inputs Project Management Plan Performance Reports OPA Inputs Stakeholder Register Stakeholder Management Strategy Project Management Plan Issue Log Change Log OPA Inputs Project Management Plan Work Performance Information Work Performance Measurements Budget Forecasts OPA Tools & techniques Stakeholder Analysis (identify, assess, classify*) Expert Judgment
*power/interest, power/involvement, involv./impact salience model:poewer, urgency, legitimacy

Outputs Stakeholder Register Stakeholder Management Strategy

Plan Communications (Planning)

Distribute Information (Executing)

Tools & techniques Outputs Communication Requirement Analysis Communications Management Plan Communication Technology Project Document Updates Communication Models (PMI model)* Communication Methods ( interactive, one-way) *sender, receiver, encode, message, decode, media, noise feedback Tools & techniques Outputs Communications Methods OPA updates Information Distribution Tools
(document format, message, meetings, management tool)

Manage Stakeholders (Executing)

Tools & techniques Communications Methods Interpersonal Skills

building trust, resolving conflicts, active listening overcoming resistance to change

Outputs OPA updates Change Requests Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates
stakeholder management strategy, register, issue log

Management Skills
presentation, negotiation, writing, public speaking

Report Performance (M&C)

Tools & techniques Variance Analysis Forecasting Methods

EV forecasting, time-series method ( extrapolation tect) casual method (regression anal.), judgement tech (Delphi)

Outputs Performance Reports Change Requests OPA updates

Communication Methods Reporting System (cost and time)

Risk Management: Plan Risk Management (Planning) Inputs Project Scope Statement Cost Management plan Schedule Management Plan Communications Management Plan EEF OPA Inputs Risk Management Plan Activity Cost Estimates Activity Duration Estimates Scope Baseline Stakeholder Register Cost Management Plan Schedule Management Plan Quality Management Plan Project Documents EEF OPA Inputs Tools & techniques Planning Meetings and Analysis Outputs Risk Management Plan

Identify Risks (Planning)

Tools & techniques Documentation Review Information Gathering Technique

Brainstorming, Delphi, interviewing, root-cause anal.

Outputs Risk Register

list of identified risks list of potential responses

Checklist Analysis (lesson learned ) Assumptions Analysis Diagramming Techniques

cause-effect, flowchart and influence diag.

SWOT Analysis Expert Judgment

Tools & techniques


Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis (Planning)Risk Register Risk Management Plan Project Scope Statement OPA

Probability and Impact Matrix Assessment for: Risk probability, impact, urgency, data quality Risk Categorization Expert Judgment Tools & techniques Data Gathering & Representation Technique
interview, probability distribution*

Risk Register Updates

Risk categorization prioritized list of risks different list of risks Trends in qualitative results

Inputs Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis (planning) isk Register R Risk Management Plan Cost Management Plan Schedule Management Plan OPA

Outputs Risk Register Updates

Probabilistic analysis of project Probability of achieving time and cost goals prioritized list of quantified risks trends in quantitative results

Quantitative Risk Analysis & Modeling Technique

Sensitivity analysis, EMV, decision tree analysis modeling and simulation (Monte Carlo)

Expert Judgment
* beta, triangular, normal, uniform distribution

Plan Risk Responses (Planning)

Inputs Risk Register Risk Management Plan

Tools & techniques Outputs Strategies for Neg. Risks: avoid, transfer, mitigate (ATM) Risk Register Updates Strategies for Pos Risks: share, exploit, enhance (SEE) Risk related contract decisions (transfer, share) accept is used for both risks Project Management Plan Updates Contingent Response Strategies (active acceptance) Project Document Updates Expert Judgment Tools & techniques Risk Re-assessment Risk Audits Variance and Trend Analysis (use run chart) Technical Performance Measurements Reserve Analysis Status Meetings Outputs Change Requests Risk Register Updates OPA updates Project Management Plan updates Project Document updates

Inputs Monitor and Control Risks (M&C) Risk Register Project Management Plan Work Performance Information Performance Reports

Procurement Management: Plan Procurements (planning) Inputs Scope Baseline Requirements Documentation Teaming (partner) Agreement Risk Register Risk Related Contract Decisions Activity Resource Requirements Project Schedule Activity Cost Estimates Cost Performance Baseline EEF OPA Tools & techniques Make-or-Buy Analysis Expert Judgment Contract Types
Fixed Fee Contract FFF: firm fixed fee FEIF: fixed fee incentive fee FE-EPA: fixed fee with economic price adjustment Cost Reimbursement Contract CPFF: cost plus fixed fee CPPC: cost plus percentage of cost (not in POBK V4) CPIF: cost plus incentive fee CPAF: cost plus award fee Time and materials

Outputs Procurement Management Plan Procurement Statement of Work Make-or-Buy Decision Procurement Document Source Selection Criteria Change Requests

Conduct Procurements (Executing)

Inputs Project Management Plan Procurement Documents Source Selection Criteria Qualified Sellers List Seller Proposals Project Documents Make-or-Buy Decisions Teaming Agreement OPA

Tools & techniques Bidder (contractor, vendor, pre-bid ) Conference Proposal Evaluation Technique
seller rating system, weighing system

Independent Estimates (should-cost estimate ) Expert Judgment Advertising Internet Search Procurement Negotiations
can be an independent process for complex project

Outputs Selected Sellers Procurement Contract Award Resource Calendars Change Requests Project Management Plan Updates Project Document Updates

Administer Procurements (M&C)

Inputs Project Documents Project Management Plan Contract Performance Reports Approval Change Requests Work Performance Information

Tools & techniques Contract Change Control System Procurement Performance Reviews Inspection & Audits (Seller) Performance Reporting Payment System Claims Administration
contested change (claim, dispute, appeal), constructive change

Outputs Procurements Documentation Change Requests Project Management Plan Updates OPA updates

Close Procurements (Closing)

Inputs Project Management Plan Procurement Documentation

Record Management System Tools & techniques Procurement Audits Negotiated Settlements
ADR: mediation or arbitration

Outputs Closed Procurements OPA updates

file, acceptance notice, lesson learned

Record Management System

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