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Centar za prava deteta Beograd, 2010.


Izvetaj Omladinske mree KOMORA


Centar za prava deteta Beograd, Skenderbegova 20/12 za Centar za prava deteta Ivana Stevanovi urednik izdanja Aleksandar Guba prevod Duan Porobi tampa Branmil, Beograd tira 500

Neadekvatno postupanje sa otpadom predstavlja jedan od najveih problema u Republici Srbiji. Ovakav zakljuak je proizaao iz brojnih analiza stanja na teritoriji Republike koje su uraene u poslednjih nekoliko godina, a potvren je i ovim izvetajem omladinske mree KOMORA. Broura MLADI I UPRAVLJANJE OTPADOM je izvetaj Omladinske mree KOMORA koji prezentuje podatke o informisanosti i stavovima mladih o problemu upravljanja otpadom u pet gradova Srbije (Beograd, Vrbas, Zajear, Uice, Kraljevo), a prireena je za potrebe zainteresovanih pri kolama i kancelarijama za mlade. Izdavanje ove broure-izvetaja motivisano je potrebom podizanja nivoa svesti mladih u sredinama u kojima deluju lanovi mree KOMORA. U izvetaju se nalaze informacije o nainu postupanja sa otpadom i posledicama koje nastaju njegovim neadekvatnim tretmanom u privrednim subjektima, zdravstvenim ustanovama i obrazovnim institucijama na teritoriji napred spomenutih gradova. Buenje ekoloke svesti kod mladih kroz razliite vidove udruivanja i delovanja uticae na celokupnu populaciju i njen odnos prema problemima upravljanja otpadom u Republici Srbiji. Samo zdravo i ekoloki obrazovano okruenje moe da omogui zdrav opstanak buduih pokolenja. Meu kljunim principima upravljanja otpadom na prvom mestu se nalazi princip odrivog razvoja. Koncept odrivog razvoja podrazumeva stalni ekonomski rast kroz vee uee istijih tehnologija i drutveno odgovornog poslovanja, uz smanjenje siromatva, dugorono bolje korienje resursa i smanjenje nivoa zagaenja na nivo koji mogu da izdre inioci ivotne sredine. Odrivo upravljanje otpadom znai ekasnije korienje resursa, smanjenje koliine proizvedenog otpada i, kada je otpad ve proizveden, postupanje sa njim na takav nain da to doprinese ciljevima odrivog razvoja. Mladi se na najbolji nain obrazuju o svojoj ivotnoj sredini koju e zatititi tako to e stei pravilne navike ivljenja i ukljuiti se u procese donoenja odluka koje se tiu ivotne sredine, tj. iskoristiti svoje pravo koje im daje Zakon o potvrivanju Konvencije o dostupnosti informacija, ueu javnosti u donoenju odluka i prava na pravnu zatitu u pitanjima ivotne sredine (Sl. glasnik RS br. 38/09). Ovaj izvetaj i ceo projekat KOMORA, realizovan uz podrku Ministarstva omladine i sporta Republike Srbije, predstavlja znaajan pionirski korak u tom pravcu. Zorica Isoski



Odrivi razvoj je postao jedna od najznaajnijih svetski paradigmi s kraja prolog i poetka ovog veka. Odrivi razvoj predstavlja neopozivi politiki diskurs koji okupira ne samo politiku nego i iru javnost. To je program akcije za globalne i lokalne promene u ekonomskom i drutvenom razvoju i zatiti ivotne sredine. Prema Agendi 21, jedan od osnovih preduslova za dostizanje odrivog razvoja jeste uee ire javnosti u relevantnim procesima. U tom smislu, Agenda 21 posebno prepoznaje decu i mlade kao jednu od devet kljunih grupa civilnog drutva. Kad govorimo o odrivom razvoju, neizostavan i izuzetno vaan deo ove teme je upravljanje otpadom. Otpad je svaki onaj materijal koji je neeljen i nema upotrebnu vrednost, te stoga biva na razliite naine odbacivan. Upravljanje otpadom jeste sprovoenje propisanih mera za postupanje sa otpadom u okviru sakupljanja, transporta, skladitenja, tretmana i odlaganja otpada, ukljuujui i nadzor nad tim aktivnostima i brigu o postrojenjima za upravljanje otpadom posle zatvaranja. ovek je oduvek proizvodio otpad, meutim sa industrijalizacijom drutva, kao i neracionalnim korienjem resursa, suoeni smo i sa sve veom proizvodnjom otpada. Koliina proizvedenog otpada predstavlja jedan od kljunih pokazatelja neodrivih drutava i zajednica, gde savremeni ivotni stilovi podstiu na izuzetno visok nivo proizvodnje otpada. Preterana proizvodnja otpada, kao i neadekvatno upravljanje njime, prepoznato je kao jedan od kljunih problema zatite ivotne sredine, koji istovremeno predstavlja veliku opasnost po ovekovo zdravlje. Upravljanje otpadom ne tie se samo drave, nego i svih njenih graana u najirem moguem smislu. Prepreke koje se susreu u ovoj oblasti su kompleksne i raznovrsne i kreu se od onih infrastrukturalnih, ekonomskih, drutvenih, upravljakih, pa sve do onih koje se tiu postojanja ili nepostojanja pravnog i institucionalnog okvira i pravilne primene legislative u ovoj oblasti. Srbiju karakterie nizak nivo upravljanja otpadom. Glavne karakteristike su nedostatak pravnog i institucionalnog okvira, nedosledna primena i propusti prilikom primene zakona i drugih akata, nedostatak infrastrukture, visoki trokovi, neracionalna organizacija, nizak kvalitet usluga, ali i nedovoljna briga za zatitu ivotne sredine, kao i nedovoljna ukljuenost javnosti u reavanje ovog problema.

U ovoj oblasti ni jedan problem se ne javlja zasebno, nego su svi meusobno povezani. Neophodna je tesna saradnje drave i civilnog drutva u reavanju ovog problema. to hitnije reavanje pitanja upravljanja otpadom ne samo da bi smanjilo nivo zagaivanja ivotne sredine, nego bi u velikoj meri uticalo i na ekonomski i drutveni razvoj. Razvoj infrastrukture u ovoj oblasti predstavlja mogui izvor prihoda, obezbeuje nova radna mesta i direktno utie na smanjenje nivoa siromatva, to opet ima svoju posledicu u drutvenom razvoju. Takoe, jako je bitno da i javnost problem upravljanja otpadom prepozna kao sopstveni, te da stoga aktivnije uestvuje u njegovom reavanju. Formalno i neformalno obrazovanje za odrivi razvoj je krucijalno u ovoj oblasti, jer je znanje katalizator ljudskog razvoja. Bez svesti o negativnim efektima loeg upravljanja otpadom i bez ukljuivanja samih graana u traenje reenja, odrive zajednice u Srbiji e biti samo ideal koji se nikada nee dostii.

Projekat KOMORA - KOnferencija Mladih za Odrivi RAzvoj polazi od injenice da u Srbiji nema nacionalne mree mladih aktivista za ivotnu sredinu i odrivi razvoj, kao i od elje da se i u naoj zemlji pokrene i osnai omladinska lobi grupa koja bi zagovarala odrivi razvoj na raznim nivoima. Prvi korak koji je uinjen ovim projektom u tom pravcu jeste formiranje mree omladinskih grupa u pet gradova (Beograd, Vrbas, Zajear, Uice, Kraljevo), koje okupljaju mlade zainteresovane za pitanja ivotne sredine i odrivog razvoja. U svakom od ovih gradova je uspostavljena akciona jedinica od 15-ak mladih na uzrastu od 14-19 godina, ukupno izmedu 70 i 80 mladih na nivou cele mree. Oni su, posle neophodnog treninga, u svojim sredinama uradili istraivanje stanja u oblasti upravljanja otpadom i toksinim materijama, kao i anketu o informisanosti mladih o ovim problemima. Ovde iznosimo rezultate njihovog istraivanja. Projekat KOMORA - KOnferencija Mladih za Odrivi RAzvoj ima nekoliko najvanijih ciljeva: - osnivanje nacionalne mree ekolokih aktivista iz postojeih omladinskih klubova, osnaene za lobiranje u domaim i meunarodnim okvirima; - aktivna participacija mladih u stratekom obezbeivanju odrivog razvoja u svojim lokalnim sredinama; - sticanje uvida u informisanost i stavove mladih o nekim aspektima odrivog razvoja; - povezivanje predstavnika srednjokolaca iz Srbije sa radom Velike grupe dece i mladih pri Komisiji UN za odrivi razvoj (UN Commission on Sustainable Development Youth Caucus).

Najvaniji proizvod ovog projekta treba da bude jedna jaka omladinska lobi grupa za odrivi razvoj, koja bi bila prepoznata i vidljiva na nacionalnom nivou, ali i u okviru specijalizovanih organa pri UN. Kroz trening, umreavanje i vrlo konkretne tematske aktivnosti u lokalnoj sredini (prikupljanje podataka o upravljanju otpadom i toksinim materijama, upoznavanje lokalne samouprave i mladih sa tim podacima), ovaj projekat najneposrednije ukljuuje srednjokolce iz izabranih gradova u reavanje problema odrivog razvoja u svojim sredinama. Putem istraivanja stavova svojih vrnjaka i diskusije o dobijenim rezultatima, oni e takoe imati priliku da direktno pokreu ove teme unutar svoje generacije. Slika stanja u kome odrastaju mladi lanovi drutvene zajednice u naoj zemlji dosta se dobro vidi u mnogim konkretnim podacima Ministarstva ivotne sredine i prostornog planiranja, Svetske banke i drugih relevantnih izvora: - graani Srbije proizvedu 1,7 milion tona otpada godinje, od ega se organizovano sakupi samo 60%, a reciklira se est puta manji procenat otpada nego u zemljama EU; - irom Srbije postoji preko 4000 divljih deponija, a otpad i otpadne materije se na mnogim mestima bez kontrole odlau i isputaju u vodotokove; - godinje se skoro 5000 tona opasnog medicinskog otpada nekontrolisano baca bez ikakvog prethodnog tretmana; - nerazvijeno je upravljanje iskorienim uljima, starim automobilima, otpadnim gumama, baterijama i akumulatorima, dok elektronski otpad raste po stopi od 5% godinje. Istovremeno, prema rezultatima nedavnog CESID-ovog istraivanja, samo 3% graana Srbije smatra ekoloke probleme prioritetnima, a tek svaki deseti je spreman da uestvuje u ekolokim akcijama, pri emu se ni mladi nisu pokazali kao mnogo bolji. Ovaj projekat je pokrenut upravo sa ciljem da se obrati mladima i da ih mobilie da se i oni obrate svojim vrnjacima, kao i lokalnoj zajednici, te da se oglase na nacionalnom i meunarodnom nivou. Time im se prua prilika da se direktno ukljue u reavanje problema otpada, koji su nasledili od starijih generacija da se s njim snalaze kako znaju i umeju. Ovaj projekat eli da im u tome pomogne, kroz jednu mrenu akciju kojom bi se jasno artikulisao aktivan odnos mladih prema opasnom i svakom drugom otpadu. Realizator projekta KOMORA - KOnferencija Mladih za Odrivi RAzvoj je Centar za prava deteta Beograd, u partnerstvu sa pet lokalnih organizacija: Klub Mirabela, Beograd; NVO Imam ideju, Kraljevo; Uiki centar za prava deteta, Uice; NVO Osmeh, Vrbas; NVO Deja radost, Zajear. Projekat je realizovan uz nansijsku podrku Ministarstva omladine i sporta Republike Srbije.


Uporedo sa anketom sprovedenom medu vrnjacima, mladi su sproveli i dodatno istraivanje u lokalnoj zajednici, koncentriui se na ona pitanja koja su prepoznata kao posebno bitna. Takoe, svaka lokalna omladinska grupa se bavila i pitanjem postojanja i primene Lokalnog plana upravljanja otpadom, Lokalnog ekolokog akcionog plana, postojanjem deponija i nainima sakupljanjima, transporta, skladitenja, tretmana i odlaganja otpada. Grupe se uradile studije sluaja samostalno birajui rme i institucije koje e obii i istraiti. Pri tome su vodili rauna o tome koji su proizvoai otpada za njih od najvee vanosti, kako ga sakupljaju, transportuju i skladite. Najvie panje je posveeno privrednim subjektima, zdravstvenim ustanovama i obrazovnim institucijama. Istraivanje je sprovedeno u ukupno pet osnovnih kola, sedam srednjih kola i gimnazija, etiri bolnice, dve fabrike, nekoliko supermarketa, nekoliko privatnih preduzea, kao i u po jednom kulturnom centru i hotelu. Lokalni ekoloki akcioni plan Lokalni ekoloki akcioni plan (u daljem tekstu: LEAP) je dokument kojim se utvruje stanje ivotne sredine, prioriteti lokalne zajednice, strategije otklanjanja najvanijih problema, kao i sprovoenje akcija koje e dovesti do poboljanja stanja ivotne sredine. Veina optina u Srbiji ima usvojen LEAP, pa tako Kraljevo i Vrbas spadaju u grupu optina koje su ga usvojile, u Zajearu je izraen nacrt, ali jo uvek nije usvojen, a u Uicu je izrada nacrta u toku. Lokalni plan upravljanja otpadom Lokalni plan upravljanja otpadom denie ciljeve upravljanja otpadom na teritoriji jedinice lokalne samouprave, u skladu sa Nacionalnom strategijom odrivog razvoja Republike Srbije. Ovi planovi se donose za period od deset godina, a ponovo se razmatraju svakih pet godina i po potrebi revidiraju i donose za narednih deset godina. U vreme kad je realizovano ovo istraivanje (kraj 2009. godine), ni u jednoj od obuhvaenih optina nije bio usvojen Lokalni plan upravljanja otpadom, sa tom razlikom to su neke optine ve imale izraen predlog plana i samo se ekalo na njegovo usvajanje, dok su druge jo bile u procesu izrade plana. Lokalne deponije Odlaganje otpada na lokalne deponije je, naalost, u Srbiji najdominantniji nain upravljanja otpadom. Uprkos postojanju velikog broja lokalnih deponija, sve je ea pojava divljih deponija i smetlita, koje ne ispunjavaju nikakve higijenske i tehniko-tehnoloke uslove.

Na alost, jo uvek ne postoji sistemsko reavanje problema deponija. Za veinu gradova planirane su deponije, ali suoeni sa mnogobrojnim problemima, ovakvi projekti se konstantno odlau. Usled nedovoljnog kapaciteta lokalnih deponija, ili uopte deponija, dominantno je prisustvo divljih deponija i smetlita. No ipak, u nekim sredinama primeeni su znaajni koraci ka reavanju tog problema. Osnovne kole, srednje kole i gimnazije Istraivanje je sprovedeno u ukupno pet osnovnih i sedam srednjih kola. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da obrazovne ustanove najvie proizvode komunalni otpad, sa izuzetkom srednjih strunih kola koje su proizvoai i drugih vrsta otpada koji nastaje kao posledica izvoenja nastave. Proizvedeni otpad se retko kad sortira, osim u sluajevima kada se organizuju kolske akcije. ak i u onim kolama gde postoje uslovi za sortiranje otpada, to se ne ini, usled nedostatka infrastrukture, kao i preduzea koja se bave time. Odnoenje otpada je u nadlenosti komunalnih slubi, a sav otpad se skladiti na lokalne deponije, bez ikakvog prethodnog tretmana. No uprkos tome, veina kola ima eko sekcije koje se bave ovim pitanjem i organizuju lokalne akcije prikupljanja otpada i podizanja svesti. Primetna je i velika zainteresovanost dece, naroito mlaeg uzrasta, da se bave pitanjem zatite ivotne sredine i posebno reciklaom. Zdravstvene ustanove Zdravstvene ustanove proizvode znaajne koliine otpada, ne samo komunalnog, nego i tzv. medicinskog otpada (infektivnog, hemijskog, radioaktivnog, biolokog). Veina medicinskog otpada ima poseban proces sortiranja, tretmana i poseban nain odlaganja. Veina medicinskog otpada se sterilie u takozvanim autoklavama, kako bi se na bezbedan nain mogao odneti na lokalnu deponiju. Svi zdravstveni centri su u obavezi da potuju ovu proceduru. Procesom upravljanja ovakvom vrstom otpada rukuju za to specijalno obueni radnici, dok je samo sortiranje otpada preputeno radnicima zdravstvene ustanove. Vri se i spaljivanje biolokog otpada. Na alost, izvestan deo medicinskog otpada ima tretman kao i komunalni otpad. to se tie komunalnog otpada, uglavnom ne postoji poseban nain sortiranja, niti skladitenja, transporta i tretmana. U zdravstvenim ustanovama gde su za to obezbeeni uslovi, vri se sortiranje, najee na plastiku, papir i metal. Ovaj otpad se posle razvrstavanja pakuje i odnosi na reciklau u rme koje se time bave. Privredne organizacije Privredni subjekti su znaajni proizvoai otpada prilikom obavljanja svoje privredne delatnosti. O tome su detaljniji podaci izneti u prikazu rezultata po gradovima.

Poljoprivredni proizvoai Neki lanovi mree KOMORA su posetili poljoprivredna preduzea i mesnu industriju kako bi saznali ta se deava sa njihovim otpadom. U mesnoj industriji najproblematiniji je tzv. klanini otpad, a naroito otpad visokog rizika za zdravlje ljudi i njihovu okolinu. Velik problem predstavlja krv, koja spada u posebnu kategoriju otpada, jer bi trebalo da postoje posebni boksovi za njeno skladitenje, ali kod nas uslovi za takvu praksu nisu obezbeeni. Otpad kao to je koa otprema se u tekstilnu industriju, da bi se kasnije proizvod izvozio na strano trite. Ostali otpad se spaljuje i, izmeu ostalog, koristi i kao stona hrana. Meutim, s obzirom na nepristupane cene ovakvog naina tretiranja otpada, veina vlasnika se pre odluuje na neodgovarajue i nepropisno odlaganje. Kada je re o poljoprivrednim dobrima, njihov otpad se sastoji od neprodatih proizvoda, uginulih ivotinja, ubriva, mineralnih soli, pesticida i od raznih zaraznih inilaca prisutnih u otpadnim vodama (to je notorni problem kanala u Vrbasu). Iako postoji propisana procedura za skladitenje otpada sa poljoprivrednih dobara, malobrojni su oni koji je potuju. Nije zanemarljiva ni injenica da se kod nas mesno-kotana brana, nastala kao rezultat spaljivanja ivotinjskog otpada, kad god je to mogue koriste za ishranu domaih ivotinja. Inae, ova praksa je u zemljama EU zabranjena zbog negativnih posledica po ovekovo zdravlje. Vano je spomenuti i da mnogi poljoprivredni proizvoai u Srbiji neretko zakopavaju svoj otpad, usled neodgovarajuih uslova za upravljanje njime, dok ga neki prosto izrue pored traktorskih puteva ili odnesu u oblinju umu. Supermarketi i trgovinski lanci Supermarketi, barem to se tie hartije i kartona, esto imaju posebne kontejnere za ovakvu vrstu otpada, po koji dolaze rme koje se bave otkupom i preradom sekundarnih sirovina. Sav ostali otpad se tretira zajedniki. Turistiko-ugostiteljski objekti Turistiko-ugostiteljski objekti prvenstveno proizvode organski otpad koji predstavlja ostatke pripreme i konzumacije obroka. Takav otpad se kasnije najee koristi kao stona hrana u ruralnim sredinama. to se tie ostalih vrsta otpada, sav ostali otpad se tretira na isti nain. Izuzetak predstavlja elektronski otpad, koji se najee alje preduzeima za preradu bakarnih ica i elektronskog otpada. Kulturni centar Proizvedeni otpad je preteno komunalni, ali njega cine i stari kostimi i scenograja. Otpad se bez razvrstavanja ili posebnog pakovanja ostavlja u kontejnere, ciji sadraj zavri na lokalnoj deponiji.

Fabrike i toplane Toplane spadaju u registrovane zagaivae, i kao takve imaju poseban tretman. Prilikom rada, toplane proizvode dve vrste otpada: otpad u vidu dimnih gasova iz kotlova i ostaci hemijskog pranja kotlova, za koje je zaduena rma registrovana za datu oblast, koja e posao obaviti na propisan nain. U fabrici kablova proizvode se tri vrste otpada: komunalni otpad, otpadni metal (aluminijum, bakar, gvoe) i PVC, kao i ambalani otpad. Veina fabrika nema postrojenja i pogone za reciklau, tako da se sav otpad odvozi na posebna mesta. Primer dobre prakse jeste da se otpadni aluminijum, bakar, gvoe i PVC razvrstavaju po koliini i datumima, u posebe kontejnere u kojima je otpad zatien od atmosferskih uticaja. Ova vrsta otpada se ispituje u akreditovanoj laboratoriji. Ovako ispitan i kategorizovan otpad se predaje organizacijama koje poseduju dozvole nadlenog Ministarstva za preuzimanje, skladitenje i trgovinu otpadom. Kada nadlena organizacija preuzme otpad, izdaje se dokument o kretanju otpada. Poseena fabrika (Fabrika kotlova Zajear) poseduje sertikat ISO 14000 to znai da poseduje sistem zatite ivotne sredine (MMS).




Ovde iznosimo prikaz situacije sa upravljanjem otpadom u etiri grada ukljuena u ovaj projekat, na temelju terenskih podataka koje su prikupili lanovi mree KOMORA. Beograd, kao najvei i najsloeniji grad, sa nizom specinosti u lokalnoj situaciji, nije bio ukljuen u ovaj deo aktivnosti.

U Kraljevu postoji 505 registrovanih divljih deponija, to ovaj region ini vodeim u zemlji. Sve vrste otpada uglavnom idu na deponiju. Biohazard nema konano skladitenje, on se razvrstava i odlae, a bolnica je dobila i spalionicu-sterilizator. Neke rme razdvajaju razne vrste otpada, poput elektrinog, papirnog, metalnog, i kasnije stupaju u kontakt sa rmama koje ga propisno odlau. Studija razvoja lokalne ekonomije uvodi koncept integralnog upravljanja otpadom kao neophodni elemenat za uspostavljanje odrivog razvoja, i tretira upravljanje otpadom kroz uspostavljanje regiona sa optinom Vrnjaka Banja. Studijom se zahteva uvoenje reciklae u gradskom jezgru, ali i u seoskim podrujima, uvoenje kompostiranja, zbrinjavanje medicinskog i biohazardnog otpada, kao i otpada od strugara. Neadekvatno upravljanje otpadom u optini je prepoznato kao jedan od glavnih izvora slabosti za predloeni koncept regionalnog razvoja. Optina Kraljevo je donela svoj Lokalni ekoloki akcioni plan jo 2005. LEAP je raen u dugotrajnom participatornom procesu (tokom godinu dana), uz uee velikog broja zainteresovanih strana. Pri izradi LEAP-a je koriena metodologija koju je preporuio REC (Regionalni ekoloki centar za istonu i jugoistonu Evropu). Kroz LEAP, problematika otpada je identikovana kao jedan od prioritetnih problema u odrivom razvoju optine Kraljevo. U toku identikacije problema, uraena je vizija zajednice do 2015. Na osnovu vizije, denisani su prioriteti, koje ine: - reavanje problema optine Kraljevo kroz uspostavljanje regiona, - izrada regionalnog plana, - izrada projekta sanacije, rekultivacije i proirenja sanitarne deponije pod sanitarnim uslovima i pristupanje izgradnji regionalne sanitarne deponije, - sanacija i remedijacija stare deponije u skladu sa projektom, - uvoenje selekcije otpada, - izgradnja postrojenja za reciklau,


- proirenje usluge odnoenja smea na seosko podruje, - reavanje problema odlaganja biohazardnog otpada, - otklanjanje neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstava sa teritorije optine. LEAP je denisao da se Kraljevo orijentie ka Vrnjakoj Banji u cilju stvaranju zajednikog regiona za upravljanje otpadom, meutim Vrnjaka Banja nije podrala ovu inicijativu. Nakon toga optina aak je pokrenula inicijativu za regionalno reavanje problema otpada, ali ona nije realizovana zbog toga to postojea lokacija sadanje deponije u Kraljevu nije kapacitetom mogla da odgovori potrebama obe optine. Optina aak se odluila za regionalno reavanje problema otpada na sanitarnoj deponiji Duboko u Uicu, pa je Kraljevu kao jedino reenje preostala saradnja sa gradom Kragujevcem i optinom Kni. U tom pravcu je pokrenuta inicijativa koja je rezultirala potpisivanjem Memoranduma o namerama u upravljanju otpadom, od strane gradonaelnika Kragujevca i predsednika optina Kraljevo i Kni. Naredna aktivnost je usvajanje Memoranduma na Skuptinama optina potpisnica. U Kraljevu primarna selekcija iz komunalnog otpada i reciklaa nisu sistemski organizovani. Reciklaom se u Kraljevu bave neformalni sektor i mala i/ili srednja preduzea u privatnom vlasnitvu. Aktivnocu reciklae u neformalnom sektoru se bave pre svega Romi i siromano stanovnitvo. U Kraljevu postoji nekoliko rmi registrovanih za rad u sektoru reciklae (Enterplast, Bakar plus, Eko resurs, Marina promet, Vladox, Ferosirovina), kao i niz privatnih preduzea koja se bave auto otpadom. Kompostiranje otpada se u optini Kraljevo ne vri. Organski otpad nastao u domainstvima zavrava na gradskom odlagalitu i na seoskim smetlitima. Zeleni otpad nastao ienjem javnih povrina koje odrava RJ Javno zelenilo zavrava na odlagalitu Kulagia ada. Generalno, u optini Kraljevo postoji gorui problem odlaganja otpada na deponiji Kulagia ada, koja ima projektovani kapacitet samo do 2008. godine, a procenjeno da moe da se koristi do 2010. Najveim zagaivaima u gradu smatraju se graani i automobili, jer je industrija zamrla.

U optini Zajear postoji Lokalni ekoloki akcioni plan, ali nije usvojen zbog toga to je zastareo, sastavljen jo 2003. Takoe, postoji i Lokalni plan o upravljanju otpadom, ali ni on nije usvojen, zbog toga to ga treba uskladiti sa novim zakonima o upravljanju otpadom. Jo 2004. godine optina Zajear je izradila tehniku dokumentaciju za regionalni centar za reciklau (regionalnu deponiju), na lokaciji Halovo. U sklopu ove dokumentacije uraen je i Regionalni plan o upravljanju ot12

padom. U sklopu ovog projekta planirana je i sanacija postojee deponije. Uraen je i hidrogeoloki status lokacije. Trenutno se dokumentacija za projekat usaglaava sa postojeim zakonima. Novac za izgradnju deponije je odobren na republikom nivou, ali jo nije stigao do rauna optine. U svakom sluaju, eka se tender za izvoaku rmu. Treba naglasiti da je optina Zajear jedna od retkih optina u Srbiji koja ima katastar divljih deponija, koji je potreban za GIS (Geografski informacioni sistem), koji e posluiti za povezivanje rmi kojima su potrebne detaljnije informacije o zemljitu, deponijama i sl. Na teritoriji optine Zajear postoji sistematsko zbrinjavanje dve vrste otpada: plastika (PET ambalaa) i medicinski otpad. - Na teritoriji grada postoje iani kontejneri za sakupljanje PET ambalae. Prikupljanje ove vrste otpada vri komunalno preduzee. Kompletnu tehnologiju za guvanje i mlevenje plastinih aa u Zajearu, po evropskim standardima, obezbedila je rma Brzan plast. - Uz pomo Evropske unije, Zdravstveni centar Zajear je dobio opremu za tretman medicinskog otpada. Oprema se sastoji od sterilizatora, drobilice i vozila koja transportuju otpad iz ZCZ-a, Zavoda za javno zdravlje Timok, ZC Boljevac i Rehabilitacionog centra Gamzigradska banja. Izdrobljeni sterilisani otpad se odlae u posebne plastine kutije koje JKP Kraljevica odvozi na gradsku deponiju. to se tie amputiranih udova i odstranjenih organa, oni se odlau na posebno mesto, da bi se kasnije sahranili na posebnom mestu na gradskom groblju. Na teritoriji optine Zajear postoji vie ekolokih problema: Individualizovana loita Prerada otpadnih voda Komunalna nehigijena periferijskih delova grada Psi lutalice Nepostojanje zoohigijenske slube Individualizovana loita U optini Zajear nema veih industrijskih zagaivaa, ve komunalnih zagaivaa, i to najvie tokom zime. U ovom periodu dolazi do vee emisije SO2, CO2, ai i pepela, zbog toga to 75% stanovnitva ima sopstveno grejanje. Plan lokalnih vlasti za naredni period je da se oko 60% stanovnitva prebaci na sistem toplikacije, a oko 40% prebaci na sistem gasikacije. Treba istai da se trenutno samo oko 18% stanovnitva greje preko sistema toplikacije. Prerada otpadnih voda Na teritoriji grada, veim delom, izgraeni su kolektori za prikupljanje otpadnih voda. Meutim, ne postoji stanica za preradu otpadnih voda, tako da se sve otpadne vode izlivaju u reku Timok.


Komunalna nehigijena periferijskih delova grada Periferijski delovi grada su neureeni i ne odravaju se, to dovodi do prekomernog stvaranja praine u gradu. Psi lutalice Grad Zajear je pripremio tehniku dokumentaciju za izgradnju azila, ali postoji problem sa pronalaenjem prihvatljive lokacije. Nepostojanje zoohigijenske slube Na teritoriji optine Zajear ne postoji zoohigijenska sluba, koja bi trebalo da bude sastavljena od azila, slube za epidemiologiju (koja reaguje u sluaju pojavljivanja i irenja neke bolesti koju prenose ivotinje), hladnjae i voznog parka za prevoz konskata (otpadaka koji nastaju u klanici).

Uice nema usvojen Lokalni plan upravljanja otpadom, ali je Gradsko vee donelo odluku o osnivanju radne grupe iji e zadatak biti da uradi nacrt plana. Uice nema usvojen LEAP, u toku je izrada, doneta je odluka, formirana je radna grupa i uraena njena edukacija o metodologiji LEAP-a. Od 1. juna 2009. u okviru gradske uprave za urbanizam i inspekcijske poslove postoji formiran odsek za odrivi razvoj i zatitu ivotne sredine, te sluba Eko-fonda (od 90 tih godina postojao je samo Eko-fond koga je osnovala optina). Sada postoje dve slube: prvi odsek je zaduen za projektovanje, a drugi odsek je izvoa radova i realizuje nadzor u projektovanju i izvoenju radova. kole u Uicu uglavnom proizvode komunalni otpad, koji se baca u kontejnere. Prole godine je odvojen nepotreban kolski papir, koji je poklonjen privatniku koji se bavi njegovom reciklaom. Povremeno se organizuju i ake akcije prikupljanja limenki. Ipak, ono to dosta obeava jeste ukljuivanje mladih u takve projekte, uestvovanjem na raznim akcijama kao to je 2007. godine bila akcija/takmienje pod nazivom Limenke sakupljaj, okolinu sauvaj. U lancima supermarketa (Maxi, Tempo) postoje posebni kontejneri koji se nalaze ispred tehnikog ulaza, u koje se baca samo hartija (papir i kartonska ambalaa). Sav otpad sakupljen na mestu gde se pacijentima pruaju medicinske usluge se klasikuje kao medicinski otpad. Otpad razvrstavaju svi zaposleni, a spremacice pakuju i odnose otpad. Bolnica ima sterilizatore (autoklave) najnovije generacije.

Hotel prvenstveno ima organski otpad iz kuhinja koji predstavlja ostatke obroka. Stanovnici ruralne sredine od toga prave pomije za stoku i ivinu koju poseduju. Ostalih vidova otpada jo uvek nisu imali jer su relativno nov hotel i imaju opremu koja nije jo spremna za bacanje. Elektronski otpad alju privatnoj rmi za preradu bakarnih ica i slinog elektronskog otpada. Informacije u postupanju sa otpadom je mogue dobiti ve na recepciji hotela, to govori o tome da je reciklaa na visokom nivou i da su informacije dostupne svim zaposlenima. Za zbrinjavanje i upravljanje komunalnog otpada nadlean je grad. Ovakav otpad se prikuplja i odnosi na uiku deponiju Saria osoje, dok se opasnim otpadom (medicinski otpad, radioaktivni otpad, boice dezodoransa, parfema, sprejeva za insekte) bavi drava. Uice nema odreene prostore i posebne naine za uklanjanje ovakve vrste otpada. U Uicu ne postoji primarna selekcija za otpad, ali u toku je izgradnja Regionalne sanitarne deponije Duboko, sa centrom za separaciju otpada. Gradi je 9 optina sa centrom u Uicu. U gradu se vri selekcija na mokar i suv otpad. Za plastiku su veinom zadueni privatnici, koji je sakupljaju, presuju i baliraju. Staklo se jo uvek ne kupuje, ve se izvozi. Za graevinski otpad nemamo informacije, ali optine imaju obaveze da odrede posebnu lokaciju za prikupljanje graevinskog otpada, kako bi se tako preraen koristio za posipanje puteva. Postoji i ideja o izgradnji energane, na otpadu gde e se dobijati energija i voda. U toku je i izrada studije. U gradu su najvea aero zagaenja. U toku zimskog perioda otpadne vode (nema centralno odeljenje) zavravaju u gradskoj reci etinji kao i industrijske vode, jer nema centralnog postrojenja i nije izgraen centralni kolektor. U gradu je postavljeno 20 kontejnera za PET ambalau. Eko fond, u saradnji sa Ministarstvom zatite ivotne sredine, a u okviru akcije Oistimo Srbiju, nabavio je jo 10 kontejnera za PET ambalau, ali se eka nabavka Dambo vrea da bi se kontejneri mogli koristiti.

Pored Velikog bakog kanala, ogromnu zdravstvenu i bezbednosnu opasnost predstavlja lokalna deponija, zastarele vodovodne instalacije ugroavaju kvalitet pitke vode i tu izgradnja fabrike pitke vode nee dovoljno pomoi. Lokalni ekoloki akcioni plan je optinski akt usvojen 2004/5. godinu, ija dinamika nije ispotovana ni u prvoj godini realizacije. Lokalna samouprava ne shvata dovoljno ozbiljno ekoloke probleme Vrbasa i okoline, za razliku od mladih koji su prepoznali probleme i oznaili ih kao prioritetne u Lokalnom akcionom planu za mlade:


zagaenost Velikog bakog kanala, nedostatak podataka o kvalitetu vazduha na teritoriji optine, otvoreno izlivanje otpadnih voda u Veliki baki kanal, nekontrolisano odlaganje svih vrsta otpada, veliki broj divljih deponija, industrijski otpad, niska ekoloka svest graana, loa regulativa u oblasti otpada, medicinski i ostali otpad, neracionalno korienje poljoprivrednog zemljita, korienje pesticida i herbicida, devastacije prirodnih celina. Komunalni otpad se sa teritorije optine sakuplja u kontejnerima za PET ambalau i individualnim tipiziranim kantama. Broj kontejnera je 350, a individualnih tipiziranih kanti 11.000. Odnoenje otpada se vri po reonima. Najvee koliine otpada su krajem leta i poetkom jeseni. Na teritoriji optine Vrbas postoji deponija otpada na lokaciji Miin sala, na 5 km od centra grada. Deponija je otvorenog tipa i na nju dovoze otpad i zika i pravna lica. Ne postoji merenje niti evidentiranje otpada. Pored komunalnog, na deponiji se odlae i medicinski otpad, nusproizvodi prerade klaninog otpada, poljoprivredni otpad, otpadne gume itd. Na teritoriji optine Vrbas ne postoji organizovana reciklaa. Postoji samo jedno privatno lice koje je postavilo par kontejnera i sakuplja PET ambalau. Postoje poslovi odlaganja smea, i to su privatne inicijative ljudi koji imaju maine tipa drobilica, ali prestankom rada fabrika koje su otkupljivale samlevenu PET ambalau, prestali su da rade i privatnici. U regionu ne postoji javno komunalno preduzee ija je iskljuiva delatnost upravljanje otpadom. Sva komunalna preduzea se, pored sakupljanja i deponovanja otpada, bave i odravanjem javne higijene grada, odravanjem zelenila, pruanjem pijanih i pogrebnih usluga. JKP Standard je reprezentativno preduzee koje obavlja navedene aktivnosti, ali i aktivnosti koje se odnose na vodovod, kanalizaciju i puteve. Mnoga preduzea koriste vie vrsta ulja u razliite svrhe, pa se kao posledica stvara velika koliina otpadnog ulja. Dosadanja praksa je da se otpadna ulja privremeno skladite na lokaciji industrijskog postrojenja, dok se odreene koliine ustupaju drugim preduzeima za podmazivanje ili u neke druge svrhe. Carnex-ova farma svinja Farmakoop, i pored niza upozorenja, nastavlja sa isputanjem otpadnih voda u lateralni kanal koji utie u Veliki baki kanal, dok se iz Vitala svakodnevno izlivaju velike koliine otrovnog otpada. To je viedecenijska praksa, tako da se Veliki baki kanal u delu toka kroz Vrbas (oko 6 km) smatra najzagaenijim vodotokom u Evropi.

Najvei problem gimnazije u Vrbasu predstavljaju velike koliine otpadnog papira, koji se baca u kontejnere zajedno sa svim ostalim vrstama otpada. Elektronskog otpada je pun kolski podrum (gramofoni, kasetofoni, grafoskopi) i ne postoji ideja ta se tu moe korisno uraditi. U Medicinskom centru uglavnom nema razdvajanja otpada na izvoru, pa se on deponuje uz ostali komunalni otpad na deponiji-smetlitu. Nema posebnih mera predostronosti ili procedura za rukovanje, transport ili odlaganje otpada iz medicinskih ili slinih objekata. Ranije je otpadne gume u Vrbasu preuzimala fabrika cementa Holcim Srbija iz Popovca, a deo se izvozio za Sloveniju. Sada nema reenja i trenutno se otpadne gume skladite na lokacijama industrijskih postrojenja kao sekundarna sirovina, a deo njih pali, to predstavlja ekoloku katastrofu. Ekoloki pokret Vrbasa je 2004-2006. godine realizovao projekat prikupljanja PET ambalae i ak se nansirao od tako zaraenih sredstava. Nekoliko osnovnih kola sa teritorije optine su bile ukljuene u prikupljanje PET ambalae, projekat je lepo zaiveo, deca su bila motivisana, ali gaenjem fabrika za obradu samlevenog otpada ugasio se i ovaj projekat. Ekoloki pokret Vrbasa optuio je zagaivae Velikog bakog kanala Fabriku ulja i biljnih masti Vital i Industriju mesa Carnex, ali i lokalnu samoupravu, da zanemaruju sve izraeniji problem nekontrolisanog isputanja industrijskih otpadnih voda u kanalsku mreu. Drugi problem na koji ukazuju ekolozi jesu uestali poari na gradskoj deponiji smea, to dodatno utie na prekomerno zagaenje vazduha i vode i ugroava zdravlje stanovnitva ovog dela Bake.




U okviru ovog istraivanja posebno nas je zanimalo koliko su mladi informisani o nekim stvarima vezanim za upravljanje otpadom. U tu svrhu obavljeno je anketiranje uz pomo upitnika posebno napravljenog za tu priliku. Sva pitanja u upitniku su bila u formi zatvorenih pitanja sa ponuenim odgovorima. Anketiranje je obavljeno u ovih pet gradova tokom decembra 2009. i delom u januaru 2010. godine. Upitnik je popunilo 1.100 ispitanika uzrasta 15-18 godina iz ovih pet gradova: Vrbas 225, Uice 232, Zajear 198, Kraljevo 241 i Beograd 204 ispitanika. Od toga je mukih ispitanika bilo 457, a enskih 643. Ovde predstavljamo dobijene rezultate, uz napomenu da je ukupni zbir procenata po svakom pitanju mogao da bude i vei od 100%, jer je na svakom pitanju ostavljena mogunost da se zaokrui vie ponuenih opcija. Ogromna veina ispitanika (84,5% bez obzira na pol) smatra da je reciklaa korienje otpada kao sirovine za proizvodnju. Postoji i znaajan broj onih ispitanika (11,7% mukih i 18,3 enskih) koji smatraju da je reciklaa razdvajanje raznih vrsta otpada na posebne gomile. Takoe, svaki deseti ispitanik veruje da znaenje rei reciklaa podrazumeva i vraanje starih stvari u fabriku. Tri etvrtine anketiranih srednjokolaca smatra da se kuni otpad posle bacanja u kontejner odvozi na neku deponiju na otvorenom. Postoji i velik broj onih koji smatraju da kod nas postoji praksa odvoenja otpada iz kontejnera u neko postrojenje na razvrstavanje i reciklau - tako misli 24% momaka i ak 38,1% devojaka. Otprilike svaki deseti ispitanik veruje i da se sadraj kontejnera odvozi negde na spaljivanje. Veina ispitanika (59,5% mukih i 50,2% enskih) smatra da se otpadne vode iz kupatila i WC bez preiavanja direktno isputaju u reke i mora. Zanimljivo je da prilian broj ispitanika (18,5% mukih i ak 28,1% enskih) veruje da se ove otpadne vode odvode cevima negde u naputena polja i neplodno zemljite. Postoji i odreen broj idealista (13% mukih i 11,1% enskih) koji smatraju da se ove otpadne vode posle prikupljanja alju negde na obavezno preiavanje. Za otpadno staklo srednjokolci uglavnom smatraju (60,6% M i 57,8% ) da zavri negde nerazvrstano, zajedno sa svim ostalim otpadom. Ipak, svaki etvrti momak i svaka trea devojka veruju da ima neko ko izdvaja to staklo iz ostalog otpada i nosi negde na reciklau. Takoe, ima dosta onih (15,6% M

i 13,3% ) koji veruju da postoji taj neki mistini neko koji izdvaja staklo iz gomile ostalog otpada i odlae negde na posebnu deponiju. I za plastiku veina ispitanika (oko 55% oba pola) smatra da zavri bez razdvajanja negde na gomili zajedno sa svim ostalim vrstama otpada. I ovde postoji znaajan broj (36,8% M i ak 41,7% ) onih koji veruju da ipak negde postoji neko ko se bavi pretraivanjem otpada, da bi iz njega izdvojio plastiku i poslao je je na reciklau. Oko sudbine graevinskog otpada postoji dosta razlika u miljenjima. Tako 28,2% momaka i 37,5% devojaka smatra da za tu vrstu otpada postoje posebna stovarita. 30,6% momaka i 23% devojaka veruje da se taj otpad samo istovari tamo gde niko ne vidi. 15,4% srednjokolaca i 18,9% srednjokolki zamilja da se graevinski otpad organizovano koristi za pravljenje nasipa protiv poplava. Postoje i oni (16,3% M i 14,8% ) koji veruju da se ovaj otpad prodaje kao sirovina fabrikama graevinskog materijala, dok je svaki osmi ispitanik iskreno priznao da zapravo nema pojma. to se tie tretmana medicinskog otpada, svaki trei momak i svaka etvrta devojka smatraju da se ovaj otpad eliminie spaljivanjem u posebnim peima. Tano 30% ispitanika oba pola smatra da ovaj otpad zavri na deponiji zajedno sa svim ostalim ubretom, dok njih oko 16% ne zna ta da kae. 15,4% momaka i 17,5% devojaka zamiljaju da se medicinski otpad unitava u posebnim bazenima sa kiselinom. Velike nedoumice postoje oko toga ko je taj neko ko, van oiju javnosti, vri selekciju otpada. Izmeu 22 i 27% srednjokolaca oba pola veruje kako je taj neko ili gradske slube, ili ekoloke NVO, ili pak niko odreen. Razlike medu polovima se javljaju oko izjave da su ti ljudi radnici rmi koje se bave reciklaom (26% M i 30,6% ), i da su to siromani ljudi koji eprkaju po kontejnerima (22,9% M i samo 12,7% ). Znatne polne razlike se pojavljuju u miljenjima u vezi s tim ko kod nas skida plastine kese sa drvea. Evo kako su tu podeljeni odgovori: - gradske slube za odnoenje smea (9,9% M, 10,2% ); - gradske slube za odravanje zelenila (33% M, 41,7%); - vatrogasci sa visokim merdevinama (4,2% M i 2,2% ); - ekoloke organizacije i volonteri (ak 75% M i jedva 20% !); - niko (16,5% M i ak 34,4% ). Odreene razlike se javljaju i kod pitanja koje se odnosilo na to koji deo baenog otpada se u Srbiji reciklira: - preko 80% (3,1% M, 1,6% )


- izmeu 50 i 80% (6,4% M, 8% ) - izmeu 30 i 50% (13,9% M, 18,4% ); - izmeu 10 i 30% (29,1% M i 32,3% ); - manje od 10% (39% M i 27,2% ). Upitani koliko su zainteresovani da se ukljue u neke akcije razvrstavanja i reciklae otpada, 31,5% momaka i 40,8% devojaka je izjavilo da dosad jo nisu uestvovali u tome, ali bi rado ako ih neko pozove. 14,8% srednjokolaca i 15,9% srednjokolki bi se ukljuili samo ako bi se na taj poziv odazvao i neko iz njihovog drutva. 25,6% momaka i 16,6% devojaka kae da ne vidi ba sebe u takvim akcijama. Da ve poseduju iskustva u ovakvim akcijama, prijavilo je 15% momaka i 14,2% devojaka. Na temelju ovih rezultata moemo zakljuiti kako je blizu polovine mladih spremno da se ukljui u ovakve akcije ili je ve uestvovalo u njima, to je dosta ohrabruju podatak. Procenjujui motivaciju odraslih, oko polovine mladih (44% M i 56,7% ) smatra da ima vrlo malo odraslih koji su spremni da se ukljue u akcije reciklae i selekcije otpada. Svaki trei momak i svaka etvrta devojka smatraju da su odrasli apsolutno nezainteresovani za ovu oblast. Samo 16,7% momaka i 17,7% devojaka veruju da bi se odrasli rado odazvali ako bi ih neko lepo organizovao. Mladi se izjanjavaju da na njihovo informisanje i formiranje stavova o problematici upravljanja otpadom najvei uticaj imaju mediji - tako kae 39% momaka i 43,6% devojaka. Na drugom mestu su roditelji (25,1% M i 29,2% ), a zatim razne broure i informativni materijal koji dele ekoloke organizacije (23,3% M i 27,2% ). Stav vrnjaka e slediti 16,3% momaka i 13,4% devojaka, dok kola u tom smislu utie samo na 12,8% M i 14,8% . Zanimljive polne razlike su se ispoljile u pitanju o navikama korienja bicikla. Momci se najee izjanjavaju da im je bicikl omiljeno prevozno sredstvo (37,7%), a zatim da ga povremeno voze radi rekreacije (31,1%), dok devojke najee navode povremenu rekreativnu vonju (44,5%), a zatim da im je bicikl omiljeno prevozno sredstvo (27,5%). Otprilike svaki peti omladinac koristi bicikl samo izuzetno, dok 7,5% momaka i 3,9% devojaka uopte ne ume da vozi bicikl. Dve treine ispitanika oba pola se izjasnilo da jedva ekaju da poloe vozaki ispit i sednu za volan sa navrenih 18 godina. Svaki peti srednjokolac i srednjokolka su u principu zainteresovani za vonju, pod uslovom da budu imali ta da voze. Ima i 10,4% momaka i 11% devojaka koji ba i nisu zainteresovani za vonju kola.

Ako bi kupovali kola, najvaniji kriterijum mladima bi bio da ta kola budu praktina i da mogu lako da se parkiraju - za taj kriterijum se izjasnilo 41% momaka i 45,9% devojaka. Sledei bitan kriterijum je da ta kola po mogunosti budu brza i luksuzna, te da ostavljaju utisak na ostale (tako kae 34,6% momaka i 25,5% devojaka). Za tedljivost u potronji i minimalan uticaj na ivotnu sredinu izjasnilo se 24,2% momaka i 25,9% devojaka. I na kraju, zanimalo nas je koliko su mladi bliski sa pojmom odrivi razvoj. Najvie njih je zaokruilo odgovor da je to razvoj zemlje pri kome se vodi rauna da ostane dovoljno i za budue generacije (32,6% M i 37% ). 23% mladih smatra da je odrivi razvoj porast standarda koji omoguava opstanak svih slojeva stanovnitva. 20% momaka i 12,3% devojaka misli da je to privredni razvoj zemlje koji se ne odvija ni prebrzo ni presporo. I na kraju, 29,1% momaka i 27,7% devojaka je priznalo da nema pojma ta znai odrivi razvoj.

Omladinska mrea KOMORA, 2010.



trening za lanove mree KOMORA (Beograd, oktobar 2009.) training for KOMORA network members (Belgrade, October 2009)



trening za lanove mree KOMORA (Beograd, oktobar 2009.) training for KOMORA network members (Belgrade, October 2009)



trening za lanove mree KOMORA (Beograd, oktobar 2009.) training for KOMORA network members (Belgrade, October 2009)



terenski rad - istraivanje divljih deponija eld work - exploring illegal dumps



elektronski i poljoprivredni otpad, baeni u umu electronic and agricultural waste, thrown into the forest



mladi treba da uestvuju u nalaenju odrivih reenja za otpad u Srbiji youth should participate in nding sustainable solutions for waste in Serbia






Inadequate handling the waste represents one of the biggest problems in Republic of Serbia. Such conclusion derived from numerous analyses of the status at the territory of the Republic that has been carried out in past several years and conrmed by this Report of juvenile network KOMORA. The brochure YOUTH AND WASTE MANAGEMENT is the report of juvenile network KOMORA which presents data on information and opinions of the youths regarding the problem of waste management in ve cities of Serbia (Belgrade, Vrbas, Zajecar, Uice, Kraljevo) and was organized for the requirements of interested parties at schools and ofces for youth. Publication of this brochure-report has been motivated by the need of raising the awareness level of the youths in centers where members of network KOMORA has been operating. In the Report, there are information regarding the method of handling the waste and consequences arising from its inadequate treatment in economic subjects, health institutions and educational institutions at the territory of above stated cities. Arising of ecological awareness with youths through various types of associations and activities shall effect to the entire population and its relations towards problem of waste management in Republic of Serbia. Only healthy and ecological educated surroundings could provide healthy survival of future generations. Among key principles of waste management, at the rst place is a principle of sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development implies constant economic growth through greater participation of cleaner technology and social responsible business with minimizing the poor, long term better use of resources and minimizing the level of pollution at the level that performer of life environment can withstand. Sustainable waste management means more effective use of resources, minimizing the quantity of waste produced and, when waste has already been produced, handling with it in such a way that will contribute to the aims of sustainable development. The best way to educate youths about their life environment that is to be protected, is the way how to acquire the right habits of living and include in the process of rendering decisions regarding life environment, i.e. to use their right given to them by the Law on conrming the Convention regarding access of information, participation of public in rendering decisions and the right to legal protection in problems of life environment (Ofcial Gazette of RS No. 38/09) This report and the entire project KOMORA has been realized with the support of Ministry of juvenile and sports of Republic of Serbia and represents an important step in that direction. Zorica Isoski



Sustainable development has become on of the most important worlds patterns from the end of last and beginning of this century. Sustainable development represents irrevocable political discourse that occupies not only political but wider public as well. That is an action program for global and local changes in economic and social development and protection of environment. According to Agenda 21, one of the basic preconditions for achieving sustainable development is the participation of wider public in relevant processes. In that respect, Agenda 21 specially recognizes children and youth as one of nine key groups of civil society. When we talk about sustainable development, obligatory and extraordinary important part of this topic is waste management. Waste is every material that is unwanted and doesnt have any utility value, so, in different ways it has been discarded. Waste management represents conveying of prescribed measures for dealing with the waste within the scope of gathering, transporting, storing, treating and dumping waste, including also the supervision over these activities and care for plants for waste management after closing. Man always produced waste, however with industrialization of society as well as irrational use of resource, we were confronted also with even greater production of waste. The quantity of produced waste represents one of the key indicators of untenable societies and communities where contemporary life styles stimulate to exceptionally high level of waste production. The excessive waste production as well as inadequate management has been recognized as one of the key problems of environment protection which at the same time, represent a great danger for mens health. Waste management is not only a state problem but also the problem of all their citizens in the widest sense. Obstacles that are being encountered in this eld are complex and heterogeneous and vary between those of infrastructure, economic, social, and administrative, up to those dealing with existence or non-existence of legal and institutional context and correct application of legislative within this eld. Serbia is characterized with low level of waste management. The chief characteristics are non-existence of legal and institutional context, inconsistent application and negligence of law implementation and other acts, non-ex30

istence of infrastructure, high expenses, uneconomical organization , low quality of services but, also, insufcient care for environment protection as well as insufcient includibility of public for solving this problem. Problem in this eld doesnt come separately, but all of them are connected. It is necessary to have a close cooperation of the state and civil society in solving this problem. Very urgent solving of waste management problem could, not only reduce the level of pollution of environment but would greatly effect to economic and public development. The development of infrastructure in this eld represents the source of income, provides new work places and directly effect reducing of poverty level that has consequences in public development. Also, it is very important that waste management problem is to be recognized by public as being their own and, thus actively participating in its solving. Formal and informal education for sustainable development is the crucial in this eld because the knowledge is the catalyst of human development. Without the consciousness of negative effects of bad waste management and without inclusion of citizens themselves into looking for solution, sustainable communities in Serbia shall represent an ideal that will never be achieved.


KOMORA Project Youth Conference for Sustainable Development starts from the fact that Serbia doesnt have national network of young activists for environment and sustainable development as well as the wish that in our country starts and strengthen juvenile group lobby that could guarantee sustainable development at various levels. The rst step that was initiated with this movement in that direction is establishing the network of juvenile groups in ve cities (Belgrade, Vrbas, Zajecar, Uice, and Kraljevo) that gathered youths who are interested for environment and sustainable development. In each of these cities action unit of around15 youths was established ranging from 14-19 years, total between 70 to 80 young ones at the level of entire network. After necessary training, in their centers, they did investigation of the state in this eld of waste management and toxic materials as well as survey on in formativeness of youths on these problems. We are giving herewith the results of their investigation. KOMORA Project Youth Conference for Sustainable Development has several very important aims: - establishing of national network of ecological activists from the existing juvenile clubs, strengthened for lobbying in domestic and international contexts;


- active participation of youths in strategic provision of sustainable development in their local centers; - access to in formativeness and attitudes of youths about some aspects of sustainable development; - correlation between representatives of secondary school students from Serbia and the work of Great group of youth and young ones at UN Commission on Sustainable Development Youth Caucus). The most important product of this project should be a strong juvenile group lobby for sustainable development that could be recognized and noticeable at the national level but within the specialized bodies at United Nations. Through the training, networking and very concrete topical activities in local centers (gathering of data on waste management and toxic materials, getting acquainted of local autonomy and youths with such data), this project includes most directly secondary school students from selected cities in solving the problem of sustainable development in their centers. By the way of attitudes investigation of their age-fellows and discussions on acquired results, they will, also, have the chance to get the topics going within their generation. Illustration of the state where young members of social community grow up in our country could be seen in many concrete data of the Ministry of Environment and Regional Planning, Worlds Bank and other relevant sources: - citizens of Serbia produce annually 1,7 million tons of garbage out of which only 60% have been gathered in an organized manner and recycled six times less percentage of waste then in EU countries; - along Serbia, there are 4000 illegal refuse and waste and waste materials have been deposed at many places without any control and released into watercourse; - around 5000 tons of dangerous medical waste has been thrown out without any control or any previous treatment; - management of used oils, old cars, waste tires, batteries and storage batteries is not developed while electronic waste grow as per 5% rate annually. At the same time, according to the results of recent CESID investigation, only 3% of citizens of Serbia consider ecological problems as being a priority one and only every tenth is ready to participate in ecological actions and also the youths did not show any better interest. This project has been started with the aim to approach the youths and to mobilize them so that they could approach their age-fellows as well as local community, to advertise on national and international level. The chance is being given to them to be included in solving the waste problem inherited by older generations to cope with that mess. This project wishes to help in that respect through network of action that could clearly articulate active relations of youths towards dangerous and any other waste.


Parallel with the survey among age-fellows, the youths have carried out additional investigation in local centers concentrating to those questions that has been recognized as especially important. Also, every local youth group has been dealing with questions of existence and application of Local Plan of waste Management, Local Ecological Action Plan, existing of landll and manner of gathering, transport, storing, treatment and disposal of waste. Groups did case studies individually choosing companies and institutions that are going to be visited and investigated. Doing that they took care which waste producers are the most important for them, how they gather, transport and store the waste. The most important attention was dedicated to economic subjects, health institutions and educational institutions. Investigation was carried out in ve elementary schools, seven grammar and high schools, four hospitals, two factories, several supermarkets, several private companies, one cultural center and hotel. Local Ecological Action Plan Local ecological action plan (herewith referred to as LEAP) represents a document establishing the state of environment, priorities of local community, strategic of problem elimination as well as carried out of action that would lead to improvement of environment. Most of municipalities in Serbia has its of adopted LEAP, so that Kraljevo and Vrbas fall into group of municipalities that adopted one, in Zajecar there is a draft not adopted zet and in Uice draft has been in a proces of making. Local Plan of Waste Management Local plan of waste management denes aims of waste management at the territory of local autonomy unit in accordance with National Strategic of Sustainable Development of Republic of Serbia. These plans relate to period of ten (10) years and shall be re-considered every ve years and if necessary revised and are made for next ten (10) years. At the time when this investigation was carried out (end of the year 2009), neither of included municipalities adopted Local Plan for Waste Management, but some municipalities already had made proposal of plan and waited adoption of it, while others were in a process of making. Local landlls Unfortunately in Serbia, waste disposal to local landlls is the most dominant manner of waste management. In spite of great number of local landlls, it is more often the existence of illegal landlls and dumps that do not fulll any hygienic and technical-technological conditions. For most of the cities,


landlls were planned but faced with many problems such projects has been constantly delayed. Due to insufcient capacities of local landlls, or landlls in general, it is dominant the existence of illegal dumps. Yet, in some centers it was noticed a considerable steps towards solving of that problem. Elementary, Grammar and High Schools Investigation that has been carried out in total of ve Elementary schools and seven Grammar and Elementary schools. Acquired results show that educational institutions produce mostly communal waste, except Grammar schools that are the producers also the other waste being the consequence of carrying out of teaching. The produced waste rarely is sorted out except in cases when school actions have been organized. Even in such schools where there are conditions for sorting out of waste, it has not been carried out due to lack of infrastructure, as well as companies engaged in this type of services. Taking away of waste is in the competence of communal services and all waste is being stored to local landll without any previous treatment. In spite of the above, most of schools has ecological actions engaged with this action and organize local actions of waste gathering and consciousness rise. It is noted a great interest of children, especially of younger age, to deal with matters of environment protection and specially recycling. Health Institutions Health Institutions produce a considerable quantity of waste not only communal one but also, so called medical waste (infective, chemical, radioactive, and biological). Most of medical waste has a special process of sorting out, treatment and special way of disposal. Most of medical waste has been sterilized in so called autoclaves in order to be taken away safely to local landll. All Health Centers are obliged to comply with this procedure. Management process of such type of waste is being handled by specially trained workers, until the waste sorting itself has been left to workers of Health Institution. It is also carried out burning of biological waste. Unfortunately, some part of medical waste has the same method of treatment as communal waste. Considering communal waste, mostly there is neither special way of sorting out, nor storing, transport and treatment of waste. In Health Institutions where conditions has been provided, sorting out is carried out mostly to plastic, paper and metal. This waste is afterwards being packed and taken away to recycling to companies engaged in that Companies Economic subjects are important producers of waste in the process of carrying out their economic activities. Detailed data has been stated in review of results as per cities.

Agricultural Producers Some members of KOMORA network visited Agricultural companies and Meat industry in order to establish what is going on with their waste. In Meat industry the most problematic is so called slaughterhouse waste and especially high risk waste that is dangerous for the health of people and their environment. A great problem represents blood that falls into special category of waste since there should be separate boxes for its storing but such practice has not been provided with us. The waste such is skin is being taken away to textile industry to be exported later on to foreign market. Other waste is being burnt and, inter alia, use as fodder. However, considering the unreachable prices of such way of waste treatment, most of the owners decide to unsuitable and irregular disposal. When we refer to farms, their waste comprises unsold products of died animals, manures, mineral salts, pesticides and various infectious factors existing in liquid waste (that is a notorious problem in Vrbas). Although there is a prescribed procedure for storing of waste from farms, scarce are those complying with it. It is not to be neglected the fact that with us, meat-bone our, being the result of burning of animal waste, use as much as possible for the food for domestic animals. This practice in the countries of EU has been forbidden due to negative consequences to human health. It is important to mention that many agricultural producers in Serbia burry their waste very often, due to non appropriate conditions to manage it, while the others simply empty it by the tractor roads or take it away into nearby forest. Supermarkets and Trade Chains Supermarkets, considering paper and cartoon, very often have separate containers of such type of waste, collected by companies engaged in purchasing and processing of secondary raw material. All other waste is being treated mutually. Tourist and Catering Facilities Tourist and Catering Facilities have primarily organic waste representing remains of preparation and consummation of meals. Such waste, latterly, is being mostly use as fodder in rural centers. Regarding other type of waste, all other waste is being treated in the same way. Exception is electronic waste that most often, is being sent to companies for processing of copper wires and electronic waste. Cultural Center The produced waste is mostly communal but it comprises old costumes and setting. The waste, without sorting out or special packing is being left in containers which contents end up at local landll.


Factories and Heating Plants Heating Plants falls into category of registered pollutants and as such has a special treatment. In the course of work, heating plants produce two type of waste: waste in the form of smoke gases from boilers and remains of chemical washing of boilers, which is responsibility of the company registered for that eld which will carry out the work in a prescribed manner. In a Cable Factory there are two types of waste communal waste, waste metal (aluminum, copper, iron) and PVC as well as packing waste. Most of factories do not have installations and section of factory dealing with recycling, so that all waste is being taken away to special places. The example of good practice is the waste aluminum, copper, iron and PVC that has been sorting out as per quantity and dates into special containers where waste has been protected from atmospheric effects. This type of waste is being examining in accredited laboratory. Such examined and categorized waste is being sent to special organizations that have permits of the competent Ministry for taking over, storing and trade with waste. When the competent organization takes over the waste, it issues a document on waste movement. Factory that has been visited (Boiler Factory Zajecar) has Certicate ISO 14000 which means she has system of environment protection (MMS).




Here we present the results from the four towns involved in this project, based on data collected by the KOMORA members through their eld investigation. Being the biggest and most complex city, with many different parts within its urban zone, Belgrade was excluded from this research.

There are 505 registered landlls in Kraljevo which makes this region the leading one in the country. All type of waste mostly goes to the landll. Biohazard doesnt have the nal storage, it has been sorting out and dispose and the hospital has acquired incinerate-sterilizer. Some companies separate various type of waste such as electrical, paper, metal and later on get into contact with companies that dispose it in the right way. The development study of local economy introduces a concept of integral waste management as necessary element for establishing sustainable development and treats waste management through establishment of regions with the municipality Vrnjacka Banja. The study requests establishment of recycling in the city center but also in the village areas establishment of composting, taking care of medical and biohazard waste as well as the waste from the lumber mills. Inadequate waste management in the municipality has been recognized as one of the main sources of weakness for the proposed concept of regional development. Municipality Kraljevo rendered Local Ecological Action Plan for 2005. LEAP was made with a long time participation process (in a course of a year) with participation of great number of interested parties. When making the LEAP it was used the methodology proposed by REC (Regional Ecological Center for East and South-East Europe). Through LEAP, the problem of waste was identied as one of priority problems within the sustainable development of municipality Kraljevo. I the course of problem identication, it was made a vision of community up to the year 2015. According to that vision, priorities were dened comprising: - problem solving of municipality Kraljevo through establishment of regions - making of regional plan - making of rebuilding and re-cultivation project and extension of sanitary landll under sanitary conditions and access to construction of regional sanitary landll - rebuilding and re-mediation of old landll in accordance with the project


- establishment of waste selection - construction of recycling installation - extention of services for garbage take away to the village area - solving of problems for diposing of biohazard waste - removing of unexploded live ammunition from the municipality territory LEAP has dened that Kraljevo should be oriented towards Vrnjacka Banja in order to establish mutual region for waste management, however Vrnjacka Banja has not support this initiative. After that, municipality Cacak started the initiative for regional solving of waste problem but has not realized it due to the fact that existing location of present landll in Kraljevo could not comply with its capacity to requirements of both municipalities. Municipality Cacak made a decision of regional solving the waste problem at the sanitary landll Duboko in Uice so Kraljevo was left with the only solution which is cooperation with the city of Kragujevac and municipality Knic. In that direction initiative was started which result was signing of Memorandum of intention in waste management by the mayor of Kragujevac and Presidents of municipalities Kraljevo and Knic. The following activity is adopting of memorandum at the Assembly of municipalities signatories. A primal selection from communal waste and recycling in Kraljevo are not systematically organized. Recycling in Kraljevo is in the hands of informal sector and small and/or middle-level companies being in private ownership. Activity of recycling in informal sector primary is in hands of Gypsies and poor citizens. There are several companies in Kraljevo registered for operation in the sector of recycling (Enterplast, Bakar plis, Eko resurs, Marina promet, Vladox, Ferosirovina) as well as a line of private companies engaged in auto waste. There is no composting of waste in municipality Kraljevo. Organic waste produced in households ends at city dispose area and village dump. Green waste that originally are from cleaning of public areas maintained by RJ Javno zelenilo ends at the dispose area Kulagica ada that has designed capacity only up to the year 2008, and it has been evaluated that could be used up to the year 2010. The greatest pollutors in town are considered to be citizens and cars, since the industry cease to exist.



In municipality Zajecar there is a Local Ecological Action Plan but has not been adopted due to the fact that it is outdated, composed in the year of 2003. Also, there is a Local Plan for waste Management, but it has not been adopted, also because it has to be coordinated with new laws regarding Waste Management. As far back as the zear 2004 municipality Zajecar made technical documents for the regional center for recycling (regional landll) at the location of Halovo. Within this documents it was made a Regional Plan of Waste Management. Withing this project it was planned a rebuilding of the existing landll. It was worked off also hzdrogeological location status. Presently the documents are being coordinated with the existing laws. The money for construction of landll is approved at the Republic level but still did not reach the municipality account. In any case, it has been waiting for a tender for construction company. It should be emphasized that municipality Zajecar is one of rare municiplaities in Serbia that has cadastre of illegal landlls that is required for GIS (Geographic Information System) that will serve for connecting companies that require detailed information about plots, landlls and similar. At the territory of municipality Zajecar there is systematic provision for two types of waste: plastic (PET packing) and medical waste. - at the city territory there are wire containers for gathering PET packing. Gathering of this type of waste is being operated by communal company. Complete technology for crumpling and grinding of plastic bottles in Zajecar, as per European Standards, has been provided by the Brzi plast Company - with the help of European Union, Health Center Zajecar acquired equipment for treatment of medical waste. The equipment comprises sterillizator, crusher and vehicles that transport the waste from ZCZ, Institute for Public Health Timok from Zajecar, from ZC Boljevac and from Rehabilitation Center Gamzigradska Banja. Crushed sterilized waste is deposed in special plastic boxes which JKP Kraljevica transport to the city landll. Regarding amputated limbs and removed organs, they are disposed to special place in order to be buried at the special place at the city cemetery. At the territory of municipality Zajecar there are several major ecological problems: - individual re-boxes; - process of liquid waste; - communal unsanitary peripheral part of town; - stray dogs; - non existence of zoo hygiene services.



Individual Fire-boxes In municipality Zajecar there are no large industrial polluters but communal polluters mostly during the winter time. During this period there are greater emission of SO2, CO2, soots and ashes due to the fact that 75% of population has their own heating system. Plan of local authorities for the next period is that 60% of population is to be transferred to gasication system. It should be emphasized that presently only around 18% of population is being heated through the heating system. Process of Liquid waste At the territory of the city, mostly, collectors were constructed for gathering of liquid waste. However there is no station for process of liquid waste so that all liquid waste are being overown to the river Timok. Communally Insanitary Peripheral Part of Town Peripheral parts of town are neglected and are not maintained which leads to excessive making of dust in the town. Stray Dogs The city of Zajecar has prepared technical documents for construction of asylum but there is a problem with nding the accepted location. Non-Existence of Zoo Hygiene Services At the territory of Zajecar there is no zoo hygiene services that could comprise asylum, service for epidemiology (that should react in case of appearance and spreading of some deceases transferred by animals), refrigerator truck and car pool for transfer of waste made in slaughter house.

Uice doesnt have an adopted Local Plan for Waste Management but Citz Council has rendered a decision regarding incorporation of working group that will have a task to do Draft Plan. Uice doesnt have an adopted LEAP, making is in the process , decision has been made,working group formed and made its education on metodology of LEAP. Since June 1st 2009 within the City administration for town planning and inspection services it has been formed a section for sustainable development and enviromental protection and services of Eko-fund (since 90s it has existed only Eko-fund founded by the Municipality). Presently there are two services: the rst section is engaged in designing and the second one for

execution of works and realization of supervision in designing and execution of works. Schools in Uice mostly produce communal waste that is being thrown out to conteners. Last year dispensable school paper was separated hat has been given to a private man engaged in reczcling. Occasionally it has been organized also pupils actions of garhering of cans. Yet what is promising a lot is the inclusion of youths in such projects by participation in various actions such was in the year 2007. That was the action under the name Gather cans save the surroundings. In lines of supermarkets (Maxi, Tempo) there are separate containers placed in front of technical entrance where only paper is thrown in (paper and cardboard package). All waste gathered at one place where patiens get medical services is being classied as medical waste. Waste is being disposed by all employees and cleaning women pack it and take away the waste. The Hospital has sterilizators (autoclave) of the most advanced generation. The Hotel has organic waste from kitchens representing the remains of food. Inhabitans of rural centers made slops out of it for cattle and poultry they have. They still did not have other type of waste since the Hotel is a relatively new one and has the equipment not ready for throwing away. Electrical waste is being sent to private company for processing of copper wires and similar electronic waste. Information on handling the waste is possible to get at the Hotel reception which shows a high level of recycling and access to information to all employees. For the care and management of communal waste the City is a competent body. Such waste is being gathered and taken away to Uice landll Sarica osoje while dangerous waste (medical waste, radioactive waste, bottles of deodorants, perfumes, insect sprays) is the engagement of the State. Uice doesnt have special areas and separate methods for taking away such type of waste. There is no primary selection of waste in Uice but Regional Sanitary landll Dubokois in the process of construction having a center for separation of waste. Nine municipalities are engaged in its construction with the center in Uice. In the town it there is selection of wet and dries waste. Private persons are engaged in plastic gathering they gather, press and balance it. Glass, still, could not be bought but are exporting. For construction waste we do not have any information, but municipalities have the obligation to determine special location for gathering of construction waste that could be, thus processed, use for sprinkling the roads. There is an idea about construction of power plant fuelled by the waste. The biggest aero pollution is in the city, and during the winter period liquid waste there is no central premises end up in the city river etinja, as well as industrial waste since there is no central plant and central collector has not been constructed.


There are 20 containers in the city for PET package. Eko-fund in cooperation with Ministry for Protection of Enviroment, within the action Clean Serbia acquired 10 more containers for PET package but it is still waiting for Dambo sacks in order to use the containers.

In addition to Big Backa Channel, a great health and safe danger represent local landll, old water installation endangers quality of potable water and construction of Factory for potable water shall not help much. Local ecological action plan is the Municipality Act adopted in 2004/5 which dynamics has not been complied with in the rst year of realization. Local autonomy doesnt comprehend seriously enough the ecological problems of Vrbas and surroundings, but youths recognized problems and marked it as priority in Local Action Plan for Youths: - pollution of Great Backa Channel - lack of reliable data regarding quality of air at the municipality territory - open overowing of liquid waste into Great Backa Channel - uncontrolled disposal of all type of waste - great number of illegal landlls - industrial waste - low ecological consciousness of citizens - bad regulation in the eld of waste - medical and other waste - irrational use of agricultural land - use of pesticide and herbicide - devastation of natural resources Communal waste has been gathered from the municipality territory in conteiners for PET package and individual standarized garbage cans. Number of containers are 350 and individual standarized garbage cans 11.000. Taking away of waste is carried out as per regions. At the end of summer and at the begining of autumn there are the biggest quantity of waste. At the territory of Vrbas there is a waste landll at the location Miin sala, 5 km from the center of town. The landll is of an open type where physical and legal entities bring the waste. It does exist neither measurement nor the evidence of waste. In addition to communal, medical waste is also disposed at the landll, by-products, agricultural waste, waste tires, etc. At the territory of Vrbas there is no organized recycling. Only exists a private company that placed ve containers and they gather PET package. There are jobs of dispose garbage but it is a private initiative of people who do not have equip42

ment such as crushers, but with the close-down of factory that purchased PET package, private persons stop to work as well. There is no public communal company in the region which exclusive activity would be waste management. All communal companies, in addition to gathering and dispose of waste, are engaged in maintenance of public city hygiene, maintenance of green areas, extending market and funeral services. JKP Standard is a representative company engaged the above mentioned activities but also activities relating to plumbing, sewerage and roads. Many companies use great number of oils in different purposes, so as a consequence there is a great quantity of waste oil. Former practice is that waste oil are to be temporarily store at the location of industrial plant while certain quantities give up to other companies to use it for lubrication or some other purposes. Carnex hog raising farm Farmakoop, despite several warnings, carry on with overowing of liquid waste into lateral channel that ows into Great Backa Channel, while from Vital, everyday there is overow of great quantities of poisonous waste. That is a practice of several decades so that Great Bracka Channel in the part through Vrbas (around 6 km) is considered the most polluted watercourse in Europe. The biggest problem of High School in Vrbas represents a great quantity of waste paper that is being thrown out to containers together with all other type of waste. A school cellar is full of electronic waste (record-players, cassette-players, overhead projectors) and there is no idea what to do with it. In Medical Center, mostly, there is no separation of waste at the source, so it has been dispose together with other communal waste to the landll-dump.. There are no separate preventive measures or procedures for handling, transport or waste dispose from medical premises. Before, waste tires were taken in Vrbas a cement factory Holcim Srbija from Popovac and a part of it was exported to Slovenia. Now, there is no solution and presently waste tires are being stored at locations of industrial plants as secondary raw material, and a part of it is being burnt, which represents ecological catastrophe. Ecological movement of Vrbas in the years 2004-2006 have organized a project of gathering PET package and even being nanced from such earned assets. Several primary schools were included in gathering of PET package, project was going on, children were motivated, but by closing down of factory for processing of grinded waste, this project also stop to exist. Ecological movement of Vrbas accused pollutants of Great Backa Channel Oil and Vegetable Fats Factory Vital and Meat Industry Carnex but also the local self-management that they neglect more and more exposed problem of uncontrolled overow of industrial waste into the channel network. Another problem, that ecologists point out, are frequent res at the city landll of garbage which additionally effect to excessive pollution of air .



Within this investigation we were especially interested how much the youths are informed about some points connected with waste management. In that purpose survey was carried out with the help of Questionnaire specially made for this purpose. All questions in the Questionnaire were in the form of close questions with offered answers. The survey was carried out in the above mentioned ve cities during December 2009 and partly in January 2010. The Questionnaire was lled out by 1.100 of respondents (age 15-18) from these ve cities: Vrbas 225, Uice 232, Zajecar 198, Kraljevo 241 and Belgrade 204 respondents. Male respondents were 457 and female 643. herewith we present acquired results, noting that total percentage as per each question could be bigger then 100% since each question gave the possibility to circle more then one option. Great number of respondents (84.5% irrespective of sex) considers that recycling is using of waste as a raw material for production. There is also a considerable number of respondents (11.7% males and 18.3 females) who consider that recycling is separation of various type of waste to special heaps. Also, every tenth respondent believe that recycling means returning back old things into the factory. Threequarter (3/4) of secondary school students consider that house waste, after throwing away into containers, is being taking to some landll in the open. There are a great number of respondents who consider that waste from containers is being hauled off into some plant for separation and recycling that opinion is of 24% male and even 38.1% female respondents. Approximately every tenth respondent believe that the contents of container is being hauled somewhere to be burnt. Most of respondents (59.5% males and 50.2% females) consider that liquid waste from bathrooms and WC are being over-own without renement, directly into rivers and seas. It is interested that considerable number of respondents (18.5% males and even 28.1% females) believe that such liquid waste are being taken by pipes into deserted elds and unfertile land. There are certain number of idealists (13% males and 11.1% females) who consider that such liquid waste are being sent to obligatory renement. Regarding waste glass, secondary school students mostly consider (60.6% males and 57.8% females) that it ends up somewhere without separation,

together with other waste. Nevertheless, every fourth male and every third female believe that there is someone who separate glass from other waste and take it somewhere to recycling. Also, there are a great number (15.6% M and 13.3% F) who believe that there is some mystic someone who separates glass from the heap of other waste and dispose it to special landll. Regarding plastic, most of respondents (around 55% of both sexes) consider that it ends up without separation somewhere at the heap, together with other type of waste. Here also exists considerable number (36.8% M and even 41.7% F) who believe that, nevertheless, there is someone somewhere who search the waste and out of it separate plastic and take it to recycling. Regarding the destiny of construction waste there are great differences in opinions. So, 28.2% of males and 37.5% females consider that for that type of waste there are special storehouses. Some 30.6% males and 23% females believe that such waste is being only unloaded somewhere where nobody could see it. The number of 15.4% males of secondary school students and 18.9% females conceive that construction waste is being used for making embankments against ooding. There are those (16.3% males and 14.8% females) who believe that this type of waste is being sold as raw material to factories of construction material, while every eight respondent honestly acknowledged that doesnt have a clue. Regarding treatment of medical waste, every third male and every fourth female consider that this type of waste is being burnt in special furnaces. Exactly 30% of respondent of both sex consider that this type of waste end up at landll together will other garbage, while some of 16% doesnt know anything about that. Some 15.4% males and 17.5% females conceive that medical waste is being destroyed in special pools with acid. There is a great perplexity about who is that someone, out of reach, who carry out selection of waste. Between 22 and 27% of secondary school students of both sexes believe that someone is from city service, ecological NVO or some particular man. Considerable differences between sexes appear regarding statement that these people are workers of the company dealing with recycling (26% males and 30.6% females), or that they are poor people who rummage in containers (22.9% males and only 12.7% females). Considerable sex differences appear in opinions regarding who takes down plastic bags from trees in our country. Here are the answers: - city services for taking away garbage (9.9 % males and 10.2% females) - city services for maintenance of green areas (33% males, 41.7 females) - remen with high ladders (4.2% males and 2.2% females)


- ecological organization and volunteers (even 75% males and barely 20% females) - nobody (16.5% males and even 34.4% females) Certain differences appear when asked what part of thrown out waste is being recycled in Serbia: - over 80% (3.1% males and 1.6% females) - between 50 and 80% (6.4% males and 8% females) - between 30 and 50% (13.9% males and 18.4% females) - between 10 and 30% (29.1% males and 32.3% females) - less then 10% (39% males and 27.2% females) When asked how much are they interested to be included in some actions of separation and recycling of waste, 31.5% males and 40.8% females stated that by now they were not participated in that action, but would do that if asked. Some 14.8% of males secondary school students and 15.9% females would be included only if someone of their friend would respond for the call. Some 25.6% males and 16.6% females say that they do not see them, exactly in such actions. Some 15% of males and 14.2% females stated that they have experiences in such actions. It is encouraging that about a half of teenagers in Serbia are willing to participate in waste recycling actions. Evaluating motivation of grown up people, around half of youths (44% males and 56.7% females) consider that there are very little grown up people who are ready to be included in recycling and selection of waste actions. Every third male and every fourth female consider that grown up are absolutely uninterested for this eld. Only 16.7% males and 17.7% females believe that grown up would gladly respond if someone would organize that action in a proper way. Youths declare that on their information and forming of opinions regarding the problem of waste management, the most effect is among media so declare 39% males and 43.6% females. On second place are parents (25.1% males and 29.2% females), then various leaets and informative material distributed by ecological organizations (23.3% males and 27.2% females). The attitude of age-fellows would follow 16.3% males and 13.4% females, while the school affect only with 12.8% males and 14.8% females. Interested sex differences appear when asked about the habit of using bicycle. Males mostly declare that bicycle is the most popular means of transport (37.7%) and then, that they drive it occasionally for the purpose of recreation (31.1%), while females mostly state occasional recreation drive (44.5%), then, that bicycle is the most popular means of transport (27.5%). Average,

every fth young man use the bicycle only exceptionally, while 7.5% males and 3.9% of females do not know how to drive bicycle. Two thirds of respondents of both sexes declare that they hardly can wait to pass driving test and start driving when reach 18 years. Every fth male and female secondary school student, in principle, is interested for driving, under the condition to have vehicle to drive. There are also 10.4% males and 11% females who actually are not very much interested to drive a car. When buying a car, the most important criteria of young ones would be that car should be a practical one, that it can be parked easily for that criteria it was declared 41% males and 45.9% females. The next crucial criteria is that car should be fast and luxurious, to have an impression to others (so says 34.6% males and 25.5% females). Regarding economy in consumption and minimal effect to environment declares 24.2% males and 25.9% females. Finally, we were interested how familiar young people with the concept of sustainable development are. Most of them encircled the answer that it isdevelopment of the country where care is taken to remain enough for future generations (32.6% males and 37% females). Some 23% of young ones consider sustainable development increase of standard that enables survival of all classes of inhabitants. Some 20% of males and 12.3% females conceive that it is economic development of a country that is developing neither fast nor slow. At the end, 29.1% males and 27.7% females acknowledged that they do not have a clue what sustainable development is.

Youth Network KOMORA, 2010





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