7.1 Employee Recruitment Policy Template

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Standards for Community Services <<Insert name of organisation>>

Standard 7 (Recruitment and selection processes for people working in services)

Policy: Employee recruitment

Policy number: Authorised by: Reviewed by<<Insert name of Date of next review: officer, position title>> Refer to Section 6 below for information on the process for policy review. Policy context: This policy relates to: Queensland Standards for Community Services Other standards Legislation or other requirements Standard 7 (Recruitment and selection processes for people working in services) <<Insert other accreditation systems that apply>> <<Insert legislation that applies>> Date last reviewed: Date adopted:

1. Purpose: Why do we have an employee recruitment policy? It is important to ensure that for each position in our organisation we have a clear description of the tasks that need to be done and the competencies required to do them, and to then employ the people best suited to undertake the work. We also need to ensure that we meet all legal requirements of employers, and our obligations under our funding agreements during the recruitment process for employees. Clear policies and procedures covering recruitment assist us to manage the process in the best interests of our organisation as employer, the people who work for our organisation, and ultimately our clients.
You may wish to write your own purpose statement for your organisation. Otherwise, refer to section 1 of the employee recruitment policy template for questions to consider when customising this section.

2. Scope This policy will apply to <<indicate which staff the policy will apply to>><<Are there any limits or conditions on the way the policy applies to some people?>>
Refer to section 2 of the employee recruitment policy template guide for questions to consider when customising this section.

3. Policy statement: Our commitment <<Insert organisation name>> is committed to recruiting employees who are suitably qualified and experienced and who have the competence and appropriate qualities to undertake their role within our organisation. Our recruitment and selection procedures will be in accordance with employment legislation and our contractual obligations. Specifically, each time we have a job vacancy we will: <<What will your organisation do to implement this policy? List your actions below. These will be reflected by and further described in your procedures>>

Your organisation may wish to develop its own policy statement. Otherwise, refer to section 3 of the employee recruitment policy template guide for examples to consider when customising this section.

Standards for Community Services

Standard 7 (Recruitment and selection processes for people working in services)

4. Procedures
Your organisation may wish to develop its own statements about its procedures. Otherwise, refer to section 4 of the employee recruitment policy template guide for examples to consider when customising this section.

4.1 Recruiting employees <<Describe the current staffing structure for your service or where an overview can be found>> <<Outline the steps in your recruitment process to fully explain what is done at each stage. Indicate where the process may be varied for different positions, services, locations etc. within your organisation>> 4.2 Keeping recruitment records Every stage of the recruitment process for each job vacancy must be clearly documented for accountability, monitoring and planning purposes.
<<Describe the records you keep, where they are kept, and how long they are kept for>> Refer to section 4.1 of the employee recruitment policy template guide for examples to consider when completing this section.

5. Other related policies and procedures

Documents related to this policy Related policies Forms or other organisational documents <<List related policies>> <<List other organisational documents>>

Refer to section 5 of the employee recruitment policy template guide for examples to consider when completing this section.

6. Review processes
Policy review frequency: <<Indicate how often Responsibility for review: <<Indicate who will this policy will be reviewed>> review this policy>> Review process: <<Describe how the policy will be reviewed>> Documentation and communication:<<Describe how the policy decisions will be documented and communicated>> Refer to section 6 of the employee recruitment policy template guide for examples to consider when completing this section.

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