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Human Eye Solar Earth Analogy as

a Stonehenge Code

Corresponding Author:-
Cell Phone: 00962-79-9828881

The full citation for this Article is: -
KAYYAM, E. (2007). Human Eye Solar Earth Analogy as a
Stonehenge code... PHILICA.COM Article number 103.

EMAD KAYYAM (Jordan Medical Association, Ministry of Health)

Published in

Published on Friday 31st August, 2007 at 16:46:01

Corresponding Author:-
Cell Phone: 00962-79-9828881

Title: - Human Eye Solar Earth Analogy as a Stonehenge Code.

Key words:- The human Eyeball ,The Earth ball ,tilt ,conjugate
eye movement ,ground track of the sun ,Stonehenge circa
,horizontal section in the eye ball ,summer solstice ,hyaloid’s canal.

Abstract: - my research are based on a very sharp observations I

noticed between the human Eye ball and the planet Earth ball in 3
major categories the shape, tilt & motions. The descriptive analysis
and the analogy utilized between them lead to interpret the
mechanism of function of Stonehenge Circa.

Financial Disclosure: - My research is a self effort research

this means that: - I did not receive any funding or support from any
body also there is No role of any sponsors or funding institute in the
design and conduct of the study, in the collection, analysis, and
interpretation of the data, and in the preparation, review, or
approval of the manuscript.

Human Eye Solar Earth Analogy as a
Stonehenge Code


The Eye ball from anatomical point of view looks like the
astronomical planet Earth ball and appears similar in 3 different
major categories the shape , tilt & some essential motions which
are vital for the human being life.


A morphological comparison made between the Eyeball and the

Earth ball in shape, a descriptive analysis is used to compare their
tilts and a certain motions which produced by their similar angular

Part 1

Analogy between the human Eye ball and the

planet Earth ball
•1-The shape.

Like the Earth the human Eyeball is oblate spherical slightly oval
mass has an equator where it appears slightly bulge lying
equidistant from a two poles, the anterior pole lies in the center of
the cornea; the posterior pole lies in the back of the eye ball about
3mm posterior laterally from the optic disk, geometrically opposite.
The axis joining these points is called the optic axis; the eye ball
also has meridians: lines passing around the surface, through both
poles. The two meridians running in the vertical and horizontal
planes divide the surface of the eyeball into four zones: these are
further divided by the equator into eight quadrants.

In the adult, the anterior-posterior, vertical and transverse

diameters of the eyeball all measure about 24mm, yet the eyeball is
clearly not a simple sphere; the cornea bulges forwards from the
curvature of the sclera. The cornea forms part of the wall of a
sphere, with a radius of 7-8mm. The sclera, however, is not
completely spherical, but is rather flattened on its anterior surface;
it forms some five-sixths of the surface of the eyeball.

Figure 1

Reference: Grays anatomy p.1323 (Eye ball) – Picture of the Earth

from the Web
Comparison noticed and reported By Dr. EMAD KAYYAM

Figure 2
Comparisons to show the similarity between the eyeball
and the earth ball

Comparison noticed and reported By Dr. EMAD KAYYAM.

The Eye ball snug in its orbit which consist from 7 flat bones which
make the cup of the Eye where it moves and rotate freely according
to a geometric component of actions to its extra ocular muscle and
house safely due to its solid protection of the former orbital bones.

Figure 3

Reference: Orbital cavity 7.43 p.482 -Grants Atlas of anatomy.

The Orbit: Pear shaped and consists of 7 flat bones which

are: Maxillary, Zygomatic, Lesser wing, Greater wing,
Sphenoid, Ethmoid and Frontal.

Similarly the Earth, oblate spherical slightly oval mass which has
equator equidistant between a two poles: North Pole & South Pole.
The imaginary line pass through them is considered the rotational
axe of the Earth, the Earth slightly bulge at its equator and
compressed at its poles due to its rotation around the rotational
axe. The earth has meridians passing around the surface, through
the poles, according to Aristotle the earth is surrounded by a 7 skies
(also in term of religious sky books).

Note: The Eye ball surrounded by 7 flat bones. Also the two balls
look more or less blue shaded to white in colure.

The cornea of the Eye ball considers a segment from another circle
which has a different center and a different radius. A very close
examiner see it like a shallow hump for the ball of the eye, this
controversy make the observer for the two balls; the Eye &the Earth
see them not completely similar so we need to stop here to clarify
the following points:

a- The cornea is a very shallow hump which does not affect the
shape of the eye when you grossly observe the eyeball.

b- The cornea of the eye ball I believe is best fit with the south pole
of the planet earth if you subject the two spheres for comparison,
that’s because the cornea is the highest segment on the eye ball
spherical surface. On average, antarctica which is locates in the
south pole of the earth has the highest average elevation of all the
continents.The elevation of a geographic location is its height above
a fixed reference point, often the mean sea level. Elevation, or
geometric height, is mainly used when referring to points on the
Earth's surface. ( refere to my article: The Eye ball and the Earth
ball: Model for Inverted Planetarium)

c- If you suppose that the cornea of the eye is belong to the north
pole of the earth its interestingly to know that the astronomical
studies prove that the earth thousand years ago has a huge ice cap
on its north pole (like the cornea) and some snow distributed on its
north hemisphere, and this fact add on to the fact of rotation of the
earth affect the earth tilt, and by the time -when the earth become
valid for human life- the snow melt and the ice cap disappear (one
of the tilt theories). Also Mars the planet of future life has an ice cap
on its north pole (mixture of Methane and Carbon dioxide) the
studies show that this cap is melting as the tilt of mars decreasing
with time and becoming more close to the earth tilt "now mars tilt is
25.2˚ angle of arc."- Which increase the probability of life; this
means that as the phenomena of life start to proceed on these two
planets (Earth and Mars) the hump disappears.

•2-The tilt.

The human eye ball rest in her orbit (orbital skull) like a ball which
rest in a cup, the optic axe of the eye which is the central line
traversing the eye from its anterior pole and coming out through
the posterior pole is inclined by 23˚ degree of Arc from the orbital
axe (The central axe of the orbit) these inclination is best seen in a
horizontal section taken through the eye and skull where you can
see the tilt of the eye ball from the orbit. In scientific term to be
more accurate the true is that the obliquity of the orbit (lateral tilt
of the orbit) by 23˚ from a transverse line passes perpendicular
through the horizontal plane of the orbit is what geometrically tilted
when you compare the eye ball in the orbit to other centrally
aligned anatomical structure in the skull.

Figure 4

The eye ball

Reference: Grays anatomy textbook p.1323


Figure 5

The Eye ball in the Orbit

Reference: figure A, B, C p.1356 -Grays Anatomy textbook

Lateral tilt of the orbit is vital for the eye ball for the following:

I- Free range of movement from side to side and other directions.

II- The geometric component of actions of the extra ocular muscle

of the eye ball always harmonized with the position of the head.

III- Binocular vision

IV- In the raptorial the obliquity of the orbit is some time increases
or decreases until separate field of vision obtained.

V-Stereoscopic vision

The same is the earth ball is tilted 23.45 degrees of arc; the
rotational axe of the earth is inclined 23.45 degrees of arc from the
orbital axe of the orbit around the sun (measured in 1972 and in
2000 its 23.27˚ ) this inclination produces the earth tilt which is
important for:-

I- Essential for life as changing by almost 2 degrees give way to
decrease in temperature to a very low level were life is impossible
i.e. As in the ice age .

II- Earth seasons: - the phenomena of seasons are produced by the

earth tilt where the summer and winter solstices at 6/21, 12/21 and
the spring and autumn equinoxes at 3/21, 9/21 can be seen

III- Fair distribution of the solar energy

IV- Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn

V- Production of the phenomena of life: the combination of

biological factors chemical component and the earth tilt give rise to
the phenomena of life seen in different creatures on earth.

A professor in astronomy named David Cook says the following

"Earth tilt is a question that has pondered by many scientists in the
past and is to the present the locations and gravity of the other
planets, the Sun, and the Moon may have had some effect on the
tilt of the Earth. However, a recent theory says that the shape of
the Earth has had more of an effect on the tilt angle in the past. The
shape may have formed during ice age to cause a change in the tilt.
At least that is one theory. You can demonstrate this effect by
adding piece of bubble gum to a ball (near its top but not at the
pole itself); attempt to spin the ball and see what effect it has on
the rotation and tilt of the ball. As ice accumulated at the North Pole
and over the Northern Hemispheres during the ice ages, it may
have changed the tilt in the same way, but mush more slowly with
time. The tilt of the Earth does precess with time now. The tilt
wobbles a bit (just like the ball, but mush more slowly), taking
23,000 - 26,000 years to make a complete cycle; 12,500 years
from now (half way through this cycle), the Earths poles will point in
the opposite direction from what they do now. The tilt also changes
from 21 degrees to 25 degrees and back to 21 degrees over a
41,000 year cycle; we are about in the middle of that cycle

David R. Cook

Argonne National Laboratory

•3- The motions.

The Eye movements, as mechanical events, are subject to the

general laws of kinematics. Although a detailed acquaintance with
this subject is not required for the understanding of the clinical
facts, a few basic concepts must be discussed.

Any movement of a freely suspended spheroid body can be reduced

to a combination of one or more of the following six movements.
The body can move sideways, up or down, and forward or backward
(translatory movements), or it can rotate around a vertical,
horizontal, or anteroposterior axis (rotatory movements). If a
translatory movement takes place, the center of the body moves
with it. In a pure rotatory movement the center would not shift its
position; it would have zero velocity.

Center of rotation: The Eye performs rotatory movements around

a center of rotation within the globe. This center of rotation has
been assumed to be fixed, but newer experiments have given
evidence that this is not the case. The center of rotation of the Eye
does not have zero velocity; it moves in a semicircle in the plane of
rotation. Thus, even simple Eye movements are complex.

However, from a practical standpoint the translatory movements

may be disregarded. In primary position the center of rotation is
located about 13.5mm behind the apex of the cornea on the line of
sight. This places it 1.3mm behind the equatorial plane.

Page 54, chapter 4, physiology of the ocular movements

Primary position: Primary position has been defined by SCOBEE

as…that position of the eyes in binocular vision when, with the head
erect, the object of regard is at infinity and lies at the intersection
of the sagittal plane (i.e. sagittal plane divides the body into left
and right portions) of the head and a horizontal plane passing
through the center of rotation of the two eyeballs.

Page 88, chapter 5, ADLERS Physiology of the eye

FICKS AXES: All movements of the globe around the hypothetical

center of rotation can be analyzed in terms of a coordinate system
with three axes perpendicular to each other and intersecting at the
center of rotation. These three axes were described by FICK and
bear his name as the X, Y, Z axes of FICK. These axes are stable in

relation to a frontal plane (i.e. frontal plane divides the body into
back and front, or posterior and anterior portions.) fixed in the skull
that corresponds roughly with the equatorial plane of the eye when
it is directed straight ahead (Listing plane).

Page 90, chapter 5, ADLERS Physiology of the eye

Figure 6


Designed By Dr. EMAD KAYYAM

Important Terms in Eyeball Movements: Rotations of either eye

alone without attention to the movements of its mate are called
ductions. Horizontal rotation (rotation around the Z axis) is termed
adduction if the anterior pole of the Eye is rotated nasally (medially,
in) or abduction if the anterior pole of the Eye is rotated temporally
(laterally, out). Vertical rotation (rotation round the X axis) is called

elevation (sursumduction) if the anterior pole moves up or
depression (deorsumduction) if the anterior pole moves down.

Page 90-91, chapter 5, ADLERS Physiology of the eye

Description of the Eyeball movements: Duction movements:

Since the Eyeball has an essentially fixed center of rotation; the
globe has three, not six, degrees of freedom. It can rotate around
one of three axes, all going through the center of rotation. One of
these is the anterior-posterior axis, or Y-axis; coincident with the
line of sight (or line of fixation). The other two are perpendicular to
the line of sight; one is vertical (Z-axis), and the other is horizontal
(X-axis). The vertical and the horizontal axes are assumed to lie in
the equatorial plane, or Listing's plane, which is defined as a plane
fixed in the orbit and passing through the center of rotation and the
equator of the globe when the Eye is in primary position.

The rotations of the single Eye are termed duction movements.

Rotations around the vertical axis (horizontal excursions of the
globe) are called adduction (movement nasal ward) and abduction
(movement temple ward).

Rotations around the horizontal axis (vertical excursions of the

globe) are termed sursumduction or elevation (movement upward)
and deorsumduction or depression (movement downward). These
four movements are the cardinal movements of the Eye. A
combination of the horizontal and vertical excursions moves the
globe into various oblique positions in the directions up and right,
up and lift, down and right, and down and lift. These oblique
movements occur around axes lying obliquely in the equatorial

Rotations around the anteroposterior axis of the globe, known as

cycloductions, rotate the upper pole of the cornea temple ward
(excycloduction) or nasal ward (incycloduction).

Positions of the globe: The primary position is assumed by the

Eye when one is looking straight ahead with body and head erect.
The adducted, abducted, elevated, or depressed positions of the
globe, reached by a cardinal movement, are designated as
secondary positions. The oblique positions of the Eye are termed
tertiary positions.

Page 55-56, chapter 4 Physiology of the ocular movements.


A comparison is made between three corresponding rotations and

movements of both Eyeball and Earth ball as a two suspended
spheroid bodies. All these rotations and movements depend on their
tilted central axes by 23 degrees of Arc from their orbital axes.

I- The conjugate eye movement: The conjugate eye movement

from side to side in the horizontal plane is similar in the way of
action and almost the range to the apparent motion of what is
called the ground track of the sun which is a fact (due to the
combined rotation of the earth around it self & around the sun add
on to the earth tilt) represents ground path of sun from its farthest
North - east by 23.27 angle of Arc in 6/21 ( summer solstice) to its
farthest South - east by 23.27 angle of Arc in 12/21 ( winter
solstice) from the true east = 0 at the earth equator. This motion is
pendulum like and very slow but is similar to the pendulum like
movement of the conjugate eyes when move together from side to
side in the horizontal plane.

For comparison of the two motions Please refer to Figure 7.

Values of measurements which describe the maximal limits the

Eyeball optic axe can reach in the conjugate eye movements are
listed below in table 1&2

Figure 7

The ground track of the Sun and the conjugate Eye


Reference: Diagram 1 (upper) showing the geometry of the

orbits is taken from-Figure2.2.p20 –Clinical Orbital Anatomy

Diagram 2 (lower) shows the ground track of the sun is

drawn by Dr. EMAD KAYYAM.

Table - 1

In different age group the above Table describes by

angles the maximal limit the sliding Eye ball can reach
(from the central optic axe) in the horizontal slide shift
outside or inside (Abduction or Adduction) by the aid of
the extra ocular muscle.

Table - 2

In different age group the above Table describes by

angles the maximal limit the sliding Eye ball can reach
(from the central optic axe) in the horizontal slide shift
outside or inside (Abduction or Adduction) by the aid of
the extra ocular muscle.

II - precession: The Eye wobbles around its axe drawing a circle in
the visual field in a way similar to the Precession of the Earth but as
the eye ball wobbles in a second or two the Earth wobbles due to
the fact of precession in 26.000 years. What is precession? Due to
the tidal forces of the moon, sun, and the planet which affect the
Earth during it's rotation around it self and around the sun, the
Earth tend to wobbles as a spinning top and draw a circle in the sky
by its rotational axe in a period of 26.000 years, this kind of motion
affect the Earth equinox 3/12 (first point of Aries) and moving it in
the path of ecliptic so the equinox move from Aries to pieces then
acquires etc… Needing about 2125 year to move from Zodiac (star
constellation) to Zodiac, this motion affect the sky map because the
coordinate of the sky map changing with time as the precession
progress i.e. North Pole star now is Polaris and after 11.000 year
from now it will be Vega in lire.

Figure 8

Picture showing the Earth tilt and Precession

Reference: From the Web


Figure 8.1

The Earth polar motions Eye movements' simulation

Reference: 1-figure B, 7.2. Clinical Orbitology (Right)

2- (left)

Comparison noticed, designed and reported


Figure 8.2

Polar Motion Simulation between the Earth Ball & the Eye
Ball – R: Rotation, P: Precession, N: Nutation

Reference: 1-figure B, 7.2. Clinical Orbitology (Right)

2- (left)

Comparison noticed, designed and reported


Precession of Earth's axis


Main article: Precession (astronomy)

The Earth goes through one complete precession cycle in a period of

approximately 25,800 years, during which the positions of stars as
measured in the equatorial coordinate system will slowly change;
the change is actually due to the change of the coordinates. Over
this cycle the Earth's north axial pole moves from where it is now,
within 1° of Polaris, in a circle around the ecliptic pole, with an
angular radius of about 23.5 degrees (exactly 23 degrees 27 arc
minutes). The shift is 1 degree in 180 years, where the angle is
taken from the observer, not from the center of the circle.

The precession of the equinoxes was discovered in antiquity by the

Greek astronomer HIPPARCHUS, and was later explained by
Newtonian physics. The Earth has a non-spherical shape, being
oblate spheroid, bulging outward at the equator. The gravitational
tidal forces of the Moon and Sun apply torque as they attempt to
pull the equatorial bulge into the plane of the ecliptic. The portion of
the precession due to the combined action of the Sun and the Moon
is called lunar-solar precession.


III- Nutation: The optic axe in the anterior pole of the Eye ball can
move up, up and right, up and lift, down, down and right, down and
lift when the head is fixed in away similar to the "Nutation" of the
Earth when its rotational axe change it's position as a gyroscope
due to the planetary tidal forces. As the optic axe of the Eye ball
can reach more than 40 degrees of Arc in each direction, values of
nutation are mush smaller. Values of nutation are usually divided
into two components parallel and perpendicular to the ecliptic. The
component which works along the ecliptic is known as the nutation
in longitude. The component perpendicular to the ecliptic is known
as the nutation in obliquity. The largest component of Earth's
nutation has a period of 18.6 years; it reaches 17" second of Arc in
longitude and 9" second of Arc in obliquity. And these motions in
astronomy describe as etymologically nodding, refer to figure 8.1

Nutation: A periodic variation in precession: in other words, a

wobble on top of the main wobble of Earth's axis. The chief cause of
nutation is the Moon moving in an orbit that is inclined (by 5°) to
the ecliptic. This lunar nutation amounts to +/- 9" second of Arc

back-and-forth jiggling of Earth's poles every 18.6 years (the time it
takes for the Moon's orbit to walk around to the same relative
position again). The net result is that, instead of describing a
perfectly circular path in the sky, every 25,800 years or so, due to
precession, the precessional path of Earth's axis is more like the
crinkly shape of a cooky-cutter.

From the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology Astronomy and space flight

Ref: - The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology Astronomy and Spaceflight.

Part 2


Figure 8.3

Aerial view of Stonehenge: visible are ditch, banks, Aubrey

Holes and Avenue.

Stonehenge circa is one of my great potential and Marvelous
stations of my research. Actually as I proceed forward in looking for
significant answer to the link between the Eye ball and the Earth
especially to the similarity between the tilt of the Eye and the Earth
which I believe that is the best similar sign which link the Earth to
the Eye I decide to study the ancient Civilization which may have
answer not found in our daily science. And after different trials I
made to find some thing in the Egyptian Ancient civilization I failed
to find the answer even I find some Astronomical Clue in their
Archeology especially the pyramid and Theban (the previous north
pole star which located above the head of the pyramid at the time
of ancient Egyptians) and also the different sites of Archaeological
places set a round the Nile river in Egypt which are a mirror set to
stars in Orion (star constellation).

And after studying and observing different archeological subjects I

notice by accident that the shape of STONEHENGE CIRCA is look
like a horizontal section in the Eye ball.

Figure 9

Comparison: - Horizontal Section in the Eyeball


Reference: 1-

Comparison noticed and reported by Dr. EMAD KAYYAM

Points of intersection between Stonehenge Circa
and horizontal section in the Eye ball

I- Stonehenge is a circle of stones connected to a lane (Heel Stone

Avenue), the horizontally Sectioned Eye ball is look like a circle
connected to a lane (Optic nerve).

II- Although alignment of the Lane to the circle of stone in

Stonehenge is not similar to the alignment of the optic nerve with
the horizontal section of the Eye (i.e. The optic nerve follow the
orbital axe this mean that it deviate from the center of the Eye by
23° degrees of Arc), the alignment of Stonehenge is 39° degrees
i.e. the lane which aligned north east is deviated by 39° degrees of
arc from the true east 0°. The alignment of optic nerve reach this
ratio after maximal tilt of the eye in the horizontal plane in the
conjugate eye movement which become similar to the ground track
of the sun that Stonehenge lane is built and aligned according to it.

III- The stone circle in Stonehenge consist of 3 major circular like

arrangements of stones and the horizontal section in the Eye reveal
3 Major layer a- Sclera , b- Choroid , c- Retina .

IV- Lens is biconvex and in a horizontal section of the eye ball

appears horse shoe shaped from any side you look and Alter stone
which correspond to the lens in Stonehenge is found in the center of
a horse shoe arrangement of stones.

See Group Figures 9, 10, 11&12

Figure 10

Schematic diagram of the human eye

Figure 11

Stonehenge Circa


Key to plan:

1 = Altar Stone, a six ton monolith of green micaceous sandstone

from Wales

2 = barrow without a burial

3 = barrow without a burial

4 = the fallen Slaughter Stone, 4.9 meters long

5 = the Heel Stone

6 = two of the four Station Stones

7 = inner bank

8 = ditch

9 = outer bank

10 = The Avenue, a parallel pair of ditches and banks leading 3 km

to the River Avon

11 = ring of 30 pits called the Y Holes

12 = ring of 30 pits called the Z Holes

13 = circle of 56 pits, known as Aubrey holes

14 = smaller southern entrance

Figure 12

Stonehenge 1 after Cleal et al

Heel Stone Avenue opening which pointing north east

correspond the optic nerve opening in the Eye.

V- The circle in Stonehenge has 2 opening North east opening at
the Heel stone avenue entrance and a South opening in the Circa,
the Eye has two major opening; the opening of the lens correspond
to the south opening and optic nerve opening correspond to the
Heel Stone Avenue opening.

See figures 9&12

VI- The Archeological studies have revealed a body of a decapitated

Saxon man barred in the site of Stonehenge dated to the 7th
century which rise the possibility of an anatomical suspicious clue in
the design of Stonehenge (N.B: even Stonehenge found in the 25th
century B.C)

"The burial of a decapitated Saxon man has been excavated at

the site and dated to the 7th century AD".

VII- The shadow which is produced when the sun rise in the
summer solstice 6/21 above the Heel Stone and casting her shadow
which reach to the alter stone is look like the hyaloids canal which
Extended from the optic disk ( Inlet-Exit of optic Nerve) to the
Zonular Ligament of the lens in the human Eye.

Grays Anatomy defined Hyloid canal in the Eyeball as a minute

canal run through the vitreous jelly (membrane) from the optic disc
to the posterior surface of the lens and represents the remains of
the hyaloid artery which supplied the developing lens in the fetus
but which subsequently disappeared. This hyaloids canal cannot be
seen in an ordinary dissection, but may be visualized in the living
with a slit lamp. The minute remnant of the hyaloid artery attaches
the vitreous body to the optic disc, through elsewhere it is entirely
free from the retina.

Notice that he said "in the living with a slit lamp" this mean that
the hyloid canal which connects the optic nerve with the lens in the
eye ball represented in Stonehenge by something produced by a
source of light "the sun" and indicate active process "shadow" which
connects the heel stone avenue with alter stone.

Figure 13

Ref:-Eye from Grays anatomy textbook,


Comparison between Stonehenge and a horizontal section

in the eyeball especially the sun shadow in Stonehenge
and the hyloid canal in the eye, Notice the hyloid canal in
the eye section how it runs from the optic desk to the
lens. From anatomical point of view the canal cannot be
seen except in a living and by a slit lamp (source of light).

Noticed and reported by Dr. EMAD KAYYAM

VIII- Stonehenge Circa locates in the map of the United Kingdom as
it if an Eye in the head of Embryo which is connected to the
placenta inside a uterus.

Figure 14

Noticed By Dr. EMAD KAYYAM

Part 3

The conjugate Eye movement and the ground

track of the sun
Because the optic axe of the human Eye ball is tilted by 23˚ from
the Orbital axe, due to the Obliquity of the Orbit; as the Obliquity of
the Orbit has 23˚ degrees tilt from a perpendicular line drawn from
the center of the Eye ball, the conjugate eye movement in the
Horizontal plane from side to side although is limited and ranged by
the lateral wall of the orbital Cavity, the sliding like shift of the Eye
ball exceeded this range because of other anatomical and
physiological factors and is permitted to reach its Maximum when
the Eye central axe reach 55.25 ˚in Lt. Eye or 53.25˚ in Rt. Eye
Angle of arc of a side rotation around the Z axis in the horizontal
plane. This simultaneous movement of both eyes is called in
medicine the conjugate eye movement which is similar to the
pendulum of a classic clock.

Refer to Table 1 and Table 2

In the other hand the ground track of the sun which is limited and
ranged by the Earth tilt which is 23˚ angle of arc is co produced as
a result of the rotation of the earth around it self and orbiting
around the sun; the sun draws a track for it self on the ground of
earth "i.e. the sun rise from the true east (0˚ east) every year at
the spring equinox 3/12 and start moving North east until it reach
its farthest point 23.27˚ North east at the summer solstice 6/21
then start to reverse back south east until it reach the true east (
0˚ East ) in the autumn equinox in 9/12 then start to move South
east until it reaches its farthest point 23.27˚ Angle of arc south east
in 12/21 winter solstice then reverse to reach the ( 0˚ East ) in
3/12 again and this Motion finish every 1 year".

N.B: this range is measured at the Earth equator i.e.: latitude 0˚

See Figure 7

N.B: The more we go far from the equator the more the ground
track of the sun become wider i.e. the angle between summer and
winter solstices become larger until it disappear at the Earth poles.

From comparing the two motions; the conjugate eyes and the
ground track of the sun, you find that both are similar in the way
they move i.e.: Pendulum like movement.

N.B: The two motions are similar in the way they move; pendulum
like, works in the same plane i.e. horizontal plane and almost closes
in the range if we consider the ground track of the sun at
Stonehenge latitude 51˚ north's.

Stonehenge can be proved that it's in the precise latitude 51˚

north's to cope with the conjugate eye movement.

Refer to diagram 1&2.

We should also mention that the two motions: the conjugate eye
movement in the horizontal plane and the ground track of the sun
work around the "Z" Axe of the Cartesian coordinate system, i.e.
the "Z" Axe consider the Axe of rotation of this motion.

Also when we calculate the angle of the geometric component of the

two eyes in the maximal limit of field of fixation in the conjugate
eye movement (refer to figure 7) we find that the angel located and
made between the two optic axes of both eyes in there farthest
limit right and left in the conjugate eye movement is almost equal
the angle calculated between the summer and winter solstice in the
ground track of the sun at Stonehenge latitude.

Diagram 1
Stonehenge was built at the precise latitude to cope with the
Conjugate eye movements.

Plate A

Reference: "Plate A" designed by Dr. EMAD KAYYAM

Plate A shows us a comparison between "the angle between

summer and winter solstices at Stonehenge latitude 51° north", and
the angle of maximal limit of field of fixation of both eyes in the
horizontal plane.

The angle between summer and winter solstices sun rises at the
earth equator is around 23.5 ° + 23.5° = 47°

Now days the angle between summer and winter solstices sun rises
at Stonehenge latitude 51° north is around 39.346° + 39.346° =

Calculations: -

At all latitudes on the equinoxes the sun rises due pure east 0. It
sets due pure west 0.
i.e.: The earth's axis will be tipped in a plane perpendicular to the
sun-earth line.

At the equator on the winter solstice the sun rises and sets 23.5
degrees south of the east-west line. On the summer solstice it sets
23.5 degrees north of the east-west line.

Plate A1

At other latitudes the angle between east and the position of sunrise
is greater than 23.5 degrees. For example at San Francisco with
latitude near 38 °N the sun rises 30 degrees south of east on the
winter solstice.

Plate A2

There is an equation to calculate D; the angle from east to the

solstice sunrise.

If the angle of inclination of the earth's axis is I = 23.5° and the

latitude is L, then

Sin (D) = sin (I) / Cos (L)

Check this out, at the equator L = 0 and Cos (0) = 1 so the angle
from the solstice sunrise to east is 23.5 degrees.

At the pole L = 90 and cos (90) = 0 so the equation is undefined as

it should be.


Because the sun does not rise and set on the summer or winter
solstices at either pole

From the above equation, we find that at L = 38, D = 30 degrees

from east, and the angle between summer and winter solstice
sunrises is 60 degrees.

Stonehenge locate at 51° north latitude

L = 51

Sin (D) = sin (I) / Cos (L)

Sin (D) = Sin 23.5°/Cos 51 = 0.634

D = 39.346°, and the angle between summer and winter solstice
sunrises is 78.6°


L = 55, D = 44°, angle between summer and winter solstice

sunrises is 88°

L = 60, D = 52.9°, angle between summer and winter solstice

sunrises is 104.8°

L= 65, D = 70.6°, angle between summer and winter solstice

sunrises is 141.2°

If we suppose that I = 23.5°

Reference of calculations from:

Design an ancient observatory or Build Your Own Stonehenge


In the beginning of this article we proved that there is a similarity

relation between the human Eye ball and the planet Earth ball in
shape, tilt and some motions, one of these motions is the conjugate
eye movements and the ground track of the sun, this similarity
between the two motions will lead us as we will see as we progress
in reviewing the article to assume that Stonehenge was built in the
shape of a horizontal section in the human eye ball because:

Sunrise and sunset positions move around the horizon each year.
They go from a northernmost position on the summer solstice,
move south to cross an east-west line on the equinoxes and
continue south to a southernmost position at winter solstice. The
solstice sunrises can be used to anchor a calendar to the seasons of
the year. The angle between the solstices sunrises make with the
east-west equinox sunrise line depends on the latitude of the
observer. Thus the geometry of an observatory with sightlines that
point to these sunrises will be different at different latitudes.

Because the conjugate eye movement in the horizontal plane is

similar to the ground track of the sun which also works in the

horizon we take a section in the eye ball which is similar to the
earth ball in shape and tilt and at least this motion.

After referring to Table 1& 2 which shows us the maximal limits of

field of fixations of each eye ball we can conclude that:

Average value of maximal limit of field of fixation is 53.25° for the

Right Eye ball and 55.25° for the lift eye ball degrees of arc which
make the estimated total angle between a cross of these maximal
limits lines to be 108.5°.

But the angle between summer and winter solstice sunrises at

Stonehenge latitude 51° now days, is 39.3 + 39.3 = 79.6°

Diagram 2
The major lunar stand still co-widen the ground track of the sun at
Stonehenge latitude 51°

Plate B

Reference: "Plate B" designed by Dr. EMAD KAYYAM

The values of the Conjugate eye movement and the angle between
summer and winter solstices sun rises at Stonehenge latitude 51°

The angle between summer and winter solstices sun rises at the
earth equator is around 23.5 ° + 23.5° = 47°

Now days the angle between summer and winter solstices sun rises
at Stonehenge latitude 51° north is around 39.346° + 39.346° =


The total angle of the conjugate eye movement is greater than the
angle between summer and winter solstices at Stonehenge latitude
51° north, the former is estimated to be the total sum of abductions
of the right and left eye balls which are 53.25° + 55.25° = 108.5°,
the later is 78.6° (refer to plate B in diagram 2)

The two ranges; solstices at Stonehenge latitude 51° north and the
conjugate eye movement can be more closer together if we widened
the range of solstices especially if we consider the lunar stand still
moon rises or moon sets in the solstices at Stonehenge latitude 51°

At Stonehenge latitude we can calculate the major lunar stand still

(maximal angle of the moon from the east) at the winter and
summer solstices which happen every 18.6 years.

The rising points of the full moon make a more complicated pattern
than that of the sun in the winter or summer solstices.

All the major moons in the solar system orbit above the equators of
their parent planet except for the earth's moon.

When you look at the night sky, the sun, the planets, and the moon
move across the sky in a path known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is
the plane of the earth's orbit around the sun.

The full moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun.

Taken together the above two observations mean that in the winter
when the sun is low in the sky at noon, the full moon is high in the
sky at midnight.

The earth's moon does not orbit exactly in the plane of the ecliptic
but is in a plane tilted 5.1 degrees from the ecliptic.

The direction of the tilt of the moon's orbital plane goes through a
complete cycle every 18.6 years. This means that the full moon rise
position for the full moon nearest the winter solstice can be 5.1
degrees further from east than the winter solstice sunrise position
or 5.1 degrees less from east than the winter solstice sunrise
position. These maximum positions of the rising moon are called
"Lunar Standstills."

Plate B1

Viewed from the equator the maximum angle from east (north-east
or south-east) of the lunar standstill is 28.6° =23.5°+5.1°.

Viewed from the equator the minimum angle from east (north-east
or south-east) of the lunar standstill is 18.4° = 23.5° - 5.1°.

Plate B2

For example in San Francisco where the solstice sunrises are 30°
degrees north and south of east, this means that the full moon will
rise on the winter solstice 36° degrees south of east once in every
18.6 years. It will rise 24° degrees south of east once every 18.6
year cycle.

So What? Stonehenge

For example at the latitude of Stonehenge, 51°N the summer

solstice sun rises 40 degrees north of east. The summer full moon
rise nearest solstice will be 50 degrees north of east. Similarly the
winter full moon rise nearest solstice can be 50 degrees south of

Lunar Standstill Calculator: To calculate the angle, M, between
the east-west line and lunar standstill moonrise or moonset at
latitude L, use the equation:

Sin (M) = Sin (A)/Cos (L)


A = I + - 5.1° = 23.5 °+ 5.1° or 23.5° - 5.1°

5.1°: Moon tilt

I: Earth tilt

L: Latitude

When L = 50°, M = maximum lunar standstill moonrise or moonset

= 48.1° and the total angle between summer and winter solstices
lunar stand still is 96.2°

When L = 55°, M = maximum lunar standstill moonrise or moonset

= 56.6° and the total angle between summer and winter solstices
lunar stand still is 113.2°

So when L = 51° "Stonehenge latitude", M = almost 50° north of

east or south of east every 18.6 years.

The estimated total angle of the major lunar standstill between the
north-east and south-east is 50° + 50° = 100° which is very close
to the estimated total angle between the optic axes when maximally
shifted in the conjugate eye movements.

By calculation the total angle in the Conjugate eye movements is:

53.25° + 55.25 = 108.5°

So I conclude that: may be Stonehenge is in the precise

latitude to cope with the conjugate eye movements in the
horizontal plane according to the range which is co-widened
by the lunar standstill if we also put in our consideration that
the tilt of the earth was greater than what is it in these days,
as by simple calculation we can find that the earth tilt at the
time of Stonehenge is around 24.3 ° because the earth tilt is
cyclic between 21° - 25° and back to 21° every 41,000 years

Sin (M) = Sin (A)/Cos (L)


A = I + - 5.1° = 24.3 °+ 5.1° = 29.4°

5.1°: Moon tilt

I: Earth tilt = 24.3° - 24.5° at the time of Stonehenge

L: Latitude = 51°


1- Reference of calculations from:

Design an ancient observatory or Build Your Own Stonehenge

2- Plate B and conclusions by Doctor EMAD KAYYAM

As the two motions work on the horizontal plane, we will make a

section in this plane to the two similar ball shapes which produce
these motions; the Eye ball and the earth ball.

A horizontal section in the Eyeball will produce an Eye ball

horizontally sectioned similar to Stonehenge.

Stonehenge with its north east alignment and shape which is similar
to a horizontal section in the Eye ball coincides with the sun rise in a
special manor that represents the summer solstice and sun set in
winter solstice when the sun coincide with north east entrance of

Part 4

The Link between Stonehenge circa &

Similarity of the Eye ball with the Earth ball
As we know that the entire successive missions to Stonehenge since
the 17th century have agreed that Stonehenge is an astronomical
Calendar and an Arithmetical System which use the function
between the sky and the stone to find out:

1- The summer and winter solstices.

2- Make order to the days and months in the year.
3- Coincide with the moon cycles and the eclipse of the moon.

Also we all know from astronomy that the tilt of the Earth is
responsible for the Earth season i.e. Solstice and equinox and the
ground track of the sun ( the sun position from the earth in relation
to the date in the year ) and as we mention before that the tilt of
the Earth is similar to the tilt of the Eye ball and the Eye ball is
similar to Stonehenge in a horizontal section especially in the
alignment ( i.e. which represent the tilt) I found a relation which
connect 3 systems (Anatomy ,Astronomy , Archaeology) in which
Stonehenge use these relation to represents the astronomical
phenomena like summer solstice by virtue of its special design like
an Eye ball sectioned in the horizontal plane. In other word the Eye
system have anatomical propriety which designed in a special way
to mimic the astronomical property of the Earth for a reason may
hide something (an adaptation, symmetry, harmony, Union, Origin

This could be the secret of Stonehenge the astronomical calendar

which mimic the anatomical design of a horizontally sectioned Eye
ball wither this was in the mentality of the population which create
Stonehenge or this is a modern and a recent interpretation.

We can Summarize the findings as follow:-

Observations and Novel insight:

0- The Eye ball with its optic nerve is look like the Earth ball
with its sun light bundle.

1- The Eye ball is similar to the Earth ball in

a- shape b- tilt c- motion.

2- The tilt equal 23.5 degree angle of arc in both and

responsible for a proved astronomical phenomena like earth
seasons, summer & winter solstices in the earth ball.

3- Earth seasons summer& winter solstices can be presented

by the apparent motion of the sun named the ground track of
the Sun which primarily caused by the earth tilt.

4- The ground track of the sun which describes the

pendulum-like motion of the sun in the ground (reflects the
apparent motion of the sun in the horizontal plane) is similar
to the conjugate eye movement in the horizontal plane as a
result to the similarity between the Eye ball and Earth ball in
there positions at the orbit and their similarity in shape and
tilt and because the two motions described above work
around the same Axe of rotation which are the "Z" Axe.

5- The horizontal plane of the conjugate Eye movement if

taken as a section plane in the Eye ball will produce an Eye
ball horizontally sectioned.

6- The horizontally sectioned Eye ball is similar to the design

of Stonehenge Circa which located at latitude 51° north and
proved by many academic missions to functions as an
astronomical calendar predicts the summer, winter solstices
and earth season which are phenomena produced by the
earth tilt and can by presented and drawn in a graph by the
ground track of the sun.

7- Stonehenge Circa locates at latitude 51° north ((the

precise latitude where the angle between summer and
winter solstices sun rises in the ground track of the sun
which co-widened by the summer and winter solstices
maximum moon rises almost equal the angle between the
maximal limits of field of fixations of both Eyes in the
conjugate Eye movements))

8- The astronomical phenomena produced by the earth tilt
are predicted by something designed like an eye ball
horizontally sectioned build a link between the Eye ball, the
Earth ball and Stonehenge Circa.

9- The link can be described as follow; the earth tilt produces

the astronomical phenomena which can be predicted by
something look like an Eye ball horizontally sectioned
because the Eye ball already similar to the Earth ball in
shape, tilt and position in the orbit.

Logical Assumption:

Actually if we suppose “A” is the eye ball with its optic nerve and
“B” the earth ball with its sun light bundle then as the eye ball
similar to the earth ball in shape and tilt -as we prove in the
beginning of the research manuscript and by figures and diagrams –
this proved similarity causes a similarity also in the apparent motion
produced by the Earth ball named the Ground track of the sun in
the horizon with the motion of the Eye ball named the Conjugate
eye movement because of the same angular radius of the both, and
if we know that the two motions is pendulum like and work in the
horizontal plane, and the ground track of the sun at Stonehenge
latitude 51 north when it reaches its farthest point in summer
solstice to its farthest point in winter solstice and co-widened by the
lunar standstill has an angle almost equal the angle produced by the
conjugate eye movement when moving from the extreme right side
to the extreme left side in the horizontal plane then we can say the

If "A" equal "B" in shape, tilt and position in the orbit, if "A" has
the same motion of "B" in the same plane then if we take a section
in "A" it will still equal "B" if also sectioned in that same plane and
site, and consequently sectioned "A" or sectioned "B" can help to
find things related to shape or tilt of "A" or "B".

The sectioned object "A" or "B" proved to simulate Stonehenge.


A- The research stand on a very sharp observation between the

anatomical human Eye ball and our Earth ball which establish the
nucleus of a new type of science between the anatomy and
astronomy in the future and any advance in one field may reflect on
the other field and vice versa.

B- The research offer a testable hypothesis describes and explains

the mechanism of function of Stonehenge circa which pay attention
to the progress and advancement of an ancient civilization.

C- Human Eye Solar Earth Analogy as a Stonehenge code can be

considered as a code to solve the mystery behind many questions
related to different kind of science like anatomy, astronomy,
archeology, paleontology, anthropology and cosmology.

D- The simplest of mean which is used in this research (The

descriptive analysis) brings to us an enormous a mount of
knowledge which cost nothing when employed by a keen observer
with fine analytical mind, compared to the high cost of space
exploration and technology which utilized by the research centers
and space administrations.

E- The research focus on a similarity which may hide the other side
of the picture in a toss coin for many aspects of medical issues and
problems related to the anatomy of the human body which may be
solved in the future by further advanced research based on this
similarity between the anatomy and astronomy.

F- The discovery group a three major fields together and opens a

new door to a new kind of science which highlights the way of our
understandings to the progress of the human being on Earth and
ask a question about the possibility of a different kind of aliens with
a different kind of science and civilization inhabit our mother Earth.

Discussion & suggested experiments: -

Experiment 1

Design a device shaped like a horizontal section in the Eye ball then
put the nerve side North-east under the Sunrise in the mid summer
it will coincide with the sun!

Experiment 2

Make a statistic study for a people from different latitude in the

earth to find out the average tilt of their eyes and the inclination of
their optic axe from the optic Nerve central line, putting in mind
that Stonehenge located at 51 degrees latitude, try then to figure
out what is the relation between the summer solstice at that site
from the world and the Eyeball tilt of the same site population.

Experiment 3

Two devices build in a similar way of Stonehenge with its special

alignment (set as a pair of eye) put under the sun in different
directions then try to figure out what can be found. (See my
Subject about the navigation system of both eye balls)

Experiment 4

After full ophthalmologic preparation in an optic and surgical lab, by

a slit lamp try to find and follow the hyaloids canal which extend
between the optic disc "beginning of optic nerve" and the lens in the
eye ball of an individual, then compare the canal with the shadow
which extend between the heel stone at the entrance of Stonehenge
and the alter stone at the center.

Good Reasons why Stonehenge simulate a

horizontal section in the Eye ball

As both Stonehenge and the Eye ball use light for their function, a
special stress in the following points worth mention.

The alter stone in Stonehenge which receives the shadow from the
heel Stone in summer solstice, locates in the center of a horse shoe
arrangement of stone in the center of the circa, and according to
our theory it corresponds to the transparent lens in the eye. Also I
should mention that there is something called space centroid locate
in the center of the eye ball sphere, this space centroid is an

imaginary semi lunar path describes how the hypothetical center of
rotation of the eye ball move when both eyes move in the conjugate
eye movement. This semi lunar path or semi circular or quarter
circular imaginary line may be reflected and presented as the horse
shoe arrangement of stone in the center of Stonehenge. (Refer to
space centroid in my article :( The Eyeball: a Complete Coordinate
System for Location and Time)

Both of the Lens and the Alter Stone related to the glass in there
Properties; as the Lens composed from transparent and crystalline
cells it can pass the light. But how can this picture fit with the alter

Altar Stone: is a six ton monolith of green mica sandstone i.e.: The
mica group of sheet silicate minerals includes several closely related
materials having highly perfect basal cleavage. All are monoclinic
with a tendency towards pseudo-hexagonal crystals and are similar
in chemical composition. The highly perfect cleavage, which is the
most prominent characteristic of mica, is explained by the
hexagonal sheet-like arrangement of its atoms. The word "mica" is
thought to be derived from the Latin word micare, meaning to
shine, in reference to the brilliant appearance of this mineral
(especially when in small scales).Because mica is resistant to heat it
is used instead of glass in windows for stoves and kerosene heaters
also Pressed Mica sheets are often used in place of glass in


Hyaloid's canal: in the eye is a minute canal run through the

vitreous membrane from the optic disc to the posterior surface of
the lens, and represent the remains of the hyaloid's artery which
supplied the developing lens in the fetus, but which subsequently
disappeared this hyaloid's canal cannot be seen in an ordinary
dissection, but may be visualized in the living with a slit lamp.

The shadow in Stonehenge is produced when the sun rise in the

summer solstice 6/21 above the heel stone in the heel stone avenue
casting her shadow which enter the circle of stone until hit the alter
stone and represent the longest day in the year, this shadow in
Stonehenge look like the hyaloid's canal in the eye (also in a
horizontal section of the eye) the shadow is something active
related to the light and the hyaloids canal cannot be seen except in
the living and with a slit lamp. ( The Sun is the source of light in
case of Stonehenge)

Definitions: -

1- The orbital cavity

The orbital cavity: approximates the configuration of a pear. The

facial, or anterior, aspect of the orbit has enlarged, prominent bony
margin. Anteriorly, the orbit is roughly a quadrangular pyramidal
shape. However; the greatest diameter of the orbit is at that portion
immediately within the orbital margin. In addition, the floor of the
orbit does not extend to the orbital apex. The medial walls of the
two orbits are almost parallel, whereas the lateral orbital walls are
divergent, approximating a 90 degrees angle with each other. The
position of the lateral orbital walls accounts for the apparent lateral
orientation of the orbit. The central axes of the orbits are directed
45 degrees from one another. The extension of the central axis of
the orbits, beyond the orbital apex, converges near the center of
the skull.

For average Orbital Dimensions see this table:

Height of orbital margin 40mm

Width of orbital margin 35mm

Depth 40 - 50mm

Inter-orbital distance 25mm

Volume 30cc

Reference: CLINICAL ORBITAL ANATOMY - Table 2.1. Page 20

2- Stonehenge.

Stonehenge is a Neolithic and Bronze Age megalithic monument

located near Amesbury in the English county of Wiltshire, about 8
miles (13 km) northwest of Salisbury. It is composed of earthworks
surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones and is one of
the most famous prehistoric sites in the world. Archaeologists think
the standing stones were erected between 2500 BC and 2000 BC
although the surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which
constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to
about 3100 BC.

The site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO's list of
World Heritage Sites in 1986 and it is also a legally protected

Scheduled Ancient Monument. Stonehenge itself is owned and
managed by English Heritage whilst the surrounding down land is
owned by the National Trust.

Stonehenge is located at 51°10′43.9″N, 1°49′31.6″W.

Reference: from Wikipedia


Since thousands of year from the beginning of the first ancient

civilization and the human kind look to the Eye as a symbol for
power, magic, mystery & even therapy. He doesn't stop make the
efforts to explore and surf its endless domain because he thoughts
of it as the window for sole as the folk tales told us. And as we
progress more and more toward the bright future of the third
millennium where the eye considered a fine and a very complicated
specialty in medicine unfortunately the scope of medical and
scientific research although reach a very far limits in exploring its
pathological, surgical and pharmacological aspects down to the level
of its molecular biology, The scope doesn’t cover the related issues
of the eye where the eye cover a broad spectrum of our life

At the end of this work which include an extraordinary newer

concepts to the daily science, primarily I would like to dedicate my
great sincere thanks to my Mother and Father, the powerful
resource of support who fuel my faith and inspiration in the long
hard journey, also thanks goes beside them to the gifted Professor
Dr. GAMAL MOUSTAFA in surgery at Cairo Medical School who
logically tested the blossom of my ideas and hypothesis, he has a
far sighted look in my scientific future , Dr. GAMAL create a big
scientist inside me and solute the memory of the great teacher in
my mind.

I would like also to extend my thanks to Dr. ALI SHOUHDIE the

great doctor who teaches me who to act as a doctor.

Also thanks a lot to my beloved Wife STEPHANIE KAYYAM for her

fabulous love.

It's mandatory to mention in my acknowledgement the simplest and

the hardest its look like the orchestrated symphony which link the
anatomy with astronomy and extend to archeology to a long thread
of scientific pearls connected finely and hidden deeply underneath
the bottom of a huge ocean to prime thanks with privilege the big
flags and great Authors Of Grants Atlas and Grays Anatomy text
books for their illustrations and pictures for the human Eye.




1. ADLER'S physiology of the eye - clinical Application -

Edited by Moses seventh edition
2. Amateur Astronomy textbook.
3. Calendar Arts
4. Clinical orbital anatomy
EDITION copyright 1991Williams& Wilkins
BOARD The late Peter L. Williams, THIRTY – EIGHTH
Professional limited 1995
7. Human atlas of anatomy
8. Parkers series in astronomy
9. Physiology of the ocular movements
10. The EARTH by NASA
12. JPL NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Copyright ©
18. Stonehenge photos - photo credit, Emily Mace
19. Stonehenge. Jpg. Photographed and published by Unichrome of


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