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The Universe and the human body

Corresponding Author: -
M.B.B.Ch - General Practitioner

Corresponding Author Affiliation: -

Jordan medical Council,
Tel: 00962-6-5160645.
P.O. Box: 960411 Amman
11196 Jordan

Introduction: -
It is clear that medicine study the human body from anatomical point of view
understand his different physiological function down to the level of
molecular biology and biochemical reactions reaching a very far distance in
understanding why the body respond to different diseases in a different
pathological And physiological manner but in the same time the medicine
does not look for the other side of the picture which describe the mysterious
adaptation between the human body and the universe, the hidden link
between the anatomy of the body and astronomy of the universe.

A simple comparison is made between the shapes of the spiral galaxy M74
and the human Cochlea.

The Cochlea; a spiral shaped tubule locates in the internal Ear, by simple
comparison I see that this small organelle looks like the very huge spiral
galaxy M47 which swim in the universe, M74.Spiral galaxy is similar in
many respects to our home galaxy, the Milky Way.

See Figure 1

1- Cochlea: One of the three parts of the bony internal ear or bony labyrinth
is a tapering tube coiled spirally for two and one-half turn, around a central

pillar, the modulus. It has the appearance of a spiral shell laid on its side. The
cochlea lies anterior to the vestibule with its base directed towards the
anterolateral end of the internal acoustic meatus, and the modulus pointing
anterolaterally towards its apex which lies medial to the canal for the tensor
tympani muscle. The membranous cochlea is contained in the bony cochlea it
is filled with ENDOLYMPH and surrounded with, or bathed in,

ENDOLYMPH – high potassium low sodium fluid

PERILYMPH – similar to cerebrospinal fluid high sodium, low potassium
low protein but with more protein

2- Spiral galaxy: is a type of galaxy in the Hubble sequence which is

characterized by the following physical properties:
I- A considerable total angular momentum.

II- Composed of a central bulge surrounded by a disk

III- The bulge resembles an elliptical galaxy, containing many old, so-
called “population II "star, and usually a super massive black hole
at its center.

IV- The disk is a flat, rotating assembly consisting of interstellar matter,

young "population I" stars and open star clusters.

Spiral galaxies are so named due to the bright arms of star formation within
the disk that extend – roughly logarithmically – from the bulge. Though
sometimes difficult to discern, such as in flocculent spirals, these arms
distinguish spiral galaxies from their lenticular counterparts, which exhibit a
disk structure but no evident spiral.
The disks of spiral galaxies tend to be surrounded by large spheroid halos of
population II stars, many of which are concentrated in globular clusters that
orbit the galactic center.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has long been thought to be a spiral, with a
Hubble sequence classification of Sbc; recent research, however, suggests
that it may in fact be a barred spiral.

WIKIPEDIA the free encyclopedia

Reference: -

3- Spiral Galaxy M74

Messier 74 (M74 for short, also known as NGC 628, nicknamed Phantom
Galaxy) is a spiral galaxy about 35 million light years away in the
constellation Pisces. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1780, who
related his discovery to Charles Messier to be categorized. The galaxy is also
listed by LORD ROSSE as one of 14 "spiral or curvilinear nebulae"
discovered before 1850.

The galaxy is rich in H II regions, indicating the occurrence of star formation

at a relatively high rate compared to some galaxies. Two supernovae were
seen in this galaxy during the 21st century (SN 2002ap and SN 2003gd).
Messier 74 are receding from the Milky Way at 793 km/s.

Despite its apparent brightness of magnitude +9.1, the Phantom Galaxy is

rather difficult to observe for amateur astronomers due to its large size. The
Phantom Galaxy is the brightest member of the M74 group of galaxies which
includes also the spiral galaxy NGC 660.

Reference: -


A- The report stand on a very sharp observation between the anatomical

human Cochlea and M74 the Spiral galaxy which may establish the nucleus
of a new type of science between the anatomy and astronomy in the future,
and any advance in one field may reflect on the other field and vice versa.

B- The simplest of mean which is used in this report (The simple

comparison) may bring to us an enormous a mount of knowledge in the
future of science if co used with the descriptive analysis as a new method for
the study of the Universe.

C- The research focus on a similarity which may hide the other side of the
picture in a toss coin for many aspects of medical and astronomical issues
and problems which can be solved based on this similarity between the
anatomy and astronomy.

Discussion: -
If we are not go extreme can we draw image for the universe?

Does this similarity between the Cochlea and M74 galaxy means some thing
in term of medicine or astronomy?

Why this analogy is important to us and should be taken under serious


When Albert Einstein establish his theory the relativity which consider that
the mass energy equals the mass multiply by the square of light speed as

E= M x C²
E: mass energy
M: mass
C: light speed
One of his friend Pascal Jordan quantum physics scientist tell his other friend
GUAMO, "the fact that the negativity of the gravity can cancel ate The mass
energy this mean that the star & big masses in the universe can come from
nothing", GUAMO then run to tell Einstein what Pascal Jordan told him as

E = MC²
E = 0 x (300.000km/1sec) ²

Einstein astonished by what he hears as the mass energy could be zero and
the mass still exist.
The history told us that Einstein spends the rest of his life after that
unsuccessfully trying to unify between the gravity and the electromagnetism.
From this story we can understand that there is something in the universe not
clearly and completely understood and we can explain this more when we
give the following example:-
The force of gravity between two mass is equal the multiplication value of
both of there masses divided by the square distance between them

G = M1 M2

This classic physical rule can work only in the ordinary conditions but if the
two masses move in the light speed does this equation estimate what is the
gravitation between the two masses equal, the answer is NO.

As we see the classic equations not all the time solve the problem and this
make Einstein and other scientist to assume that there is a factor or constant
in this universe which we don’t know beyond the problem.

What is this factor is it a quantity or a quality of something or is it a link?

The similarity in shape between the human Cochlea and the Spiral galaxy
M74 may hide a link or adaptive relation ship between the structure, origin &
evolution of the universe and the human being or may contain useful data
help in understanding many related issues.


From the Text books:

1. Amateur Astronomy textbook.
EDITION copyright 1991Williams& Wilkins
EDITORIAL BOARD The late Peter L. Williams, THIRTY –
Professional limited 1995
4. Parkers series in astronomy

From The Web:

7. Galaxy M74

Figure 1


Figure 1
Shows a comparison between M74 the spiral galaxy & Whole mount preparation of
the spiral organ from a human cochlea, stained with osmium


1- Figure 8.493 Gray's anatomy text book.

Whole mount preparation of the spiral organ from a human cochlea, stained with
osmium to show the distribution of tissues including the myelinated nerve fibers.
Magnification x20, (Supplied by H Felix, M Gleeson and L-G Johansson, ENT
Department, University of Zurich and Guys Hospital, London.)

2-Spiral Galaxy M74

When psychologist Kris Kelvin arrives at the planet Solaris to study the ocean that
covers its surface, he fined himself confronting a painful memory embodied in the
physical likeness of a past lover. Kelvin learns that he is not alone in this, and that
other crews examining the planet are plagued with their own repressed and newly
real memories. Could it be, as Solaris scientists speculate, that the ocean may be a
massive neural center creating these memories, for a reason no one can identify?
Long considered a classic, Solaris ask the question: can we understand the universe
around us without first understanding what lies within?

Reference: From Solaris Novel.

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