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PARTIAL TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR FAMILY PHOTO ALBUM NOTE: THIS was & is a multi-year work in progressbeginning back

around 1998 when I transferred from Calvin Seminary to Fuller Seminary. I began to ask myself, what is MOST important to me, & what do I have access to (around the Bellflower house) that I can use to tell a story. One of these things was the many photo albums ( I call them archive albums ) around the house. I know how careful my mom is about preserving all the relics so I was cautious about taking them out of the house, but slowly & surely over time I took them out when they werent around & I scanned them, initially in black-&-white, & later in color at a scanner (which is why you may find duplicates of the same photos, some in black-&-white, others in color, & still others enhanced). to which I had access nearby. I made sure that everything remained intact and was returned to the

archive closets as is. That was Step #1. The next step was taking the scans from the emails (I scanned to email files in PDF format) and downloading them and first of all making sure they were all UPRIGHT (ie sometimes after scanning they come out upside-down , you may find files still on the dvd that were before I uprighted them all, but if you keep looking you will find the same ones elsewhere in upright position). & then somehow using them, enlarging, them cutting-&-pasting them, sometimes enhancing them (the color, the focus, special faces or details, occasionally adding some text, & as I learned more about the technology of various products (one that I found very helpful & free is called "gimp." I do not use photoshop). I was able to become a little artistic with the photos & created vid-slides, added music , posted them online, (mostly on but also on, as well as ).

I had particular fun going back to the many saved pictures & even classwork from my elementary years at Alger school (I thank mom for dutifully saving so many papers, & also even actual clips of my hair from my 1st & 2nd birthday haircuts ! (see "family6 pdf's" "fam6,40p,iowa+,color, p9" , also some nice pics of mom at interlochen, p17 of same file) But after a while I had SO MANY photos & files, some in pdf form, others in jpeg form that my "filing" system began to be overwhelming. I could not "control" (ie systematically organize) the images anymore. There were too many. And so I am giving to YOU, various family members what i produced in a sort of random manner. The rhyme-&-rhythym of organizing it in a systematic manner lost its shape, but I hope you will enjoy perusing & possibly using these images for whatever you enjoy doing (Christmas cards, letter writing, sharing, etc). I also discovered that we have a very STRONG SPIRITUAL family background,

as well as strong in business, among other things; & want to encourage you to be inspired by family members who have led us spiritually as well as those who have simply been good parents, siblings, workers of various sorts, etc. Below is an attempt to give you some sort of "index" to the images on the DVD. I may not tabulate every pic, but try to point out a few that stand out. I only touch upon a few specifics in this paper, but on the DVD there is a TABLEof-CONTENTS of sorts (a word document entitled "photo album narrate wordpad3" ) which may help. If you want to find a particular person or subject try using "find" on the word document. For example, if you wanted to find "Jim Kok", type "Jim" & it will bring you to his name in the document & then look for what file it is in. Some of the files may not be on this DVD but they probably can be found on my account. Go online, find scribd, & then using the search box, type the name of the file & hopefully it will appear). The narration is

more IN DEPTH on the "photo album narrate wordpad3" document on the DVD (which is too long to include in paper form at 30 pages, but you may want to print it). For our beloved (late) Woody, & (not late) Ruth family members ( I am sending a few dvd's to Bob & Cindy to distribute to their siblings) there are some nice photos of your dad & mom & some of you as children on the file labeled "fam6 flickrd & pdf'd cmb'd & tubed/fam6 19-34). Also see "fam6,37s-39 53p, page 1-5,"; also
"FAM6 32-34 fam6, 32-34b 78p, p72-77".among others) I don't remember what all the numbers represent. It was my original filing system all in my head which I lost track of after a while, but "flickrd" means I probably loaded some of these on my website, while "pdf'd" simply means these are also in pdf form somewhere on the file (as opposed to jpeg) , & "tubed" means I made a slide-vid of some of the pics which is on my youtube/vanderkok account.

Also for Gary & Shirley family members there's an

old photo or two of Gary & Shirley's wedding. Also some nice pics of Brian & Phil et al playing driveway basketball at 1020 Griswold in the mid-70's (see fam alb p9) also, see Jim & Gary working on their car at "fam6,34b25-37r 47p, page 10-14"

For my siblings, there are NUMEROUS family photos for you to

enjoy, download, upload, copy & paste, enhance, etc. I hope you enjoy them and the many wonderful memories . I also like the pics of my dad Jim & Tony Diekema working on the "Christmas Tree farm."

(see FAM6 32-34 fam6, 32-34b 78p , pages 54-71) They cleared a huge lot, planted the saplings, but never harvested the trees !

For those on the PETERS side of the FAMILY,

there are also MANY GREAT memories on this DVD, including interlochen pics, Grandpa Peters with Brenda, at the cottage (one that stands out in a "rockwellian" manner is in a file labeled "fam6 new/scribd/fam6 19k-22f, pages 11-15" which represents to me the "good ol' days" at grandpa's cottage. I enjoyed coloring some of these to the point of a blur of vivid color, beyond specific details to simply a blur of good feelings from the good ol' days. I also enjoyed adding "sparkles" here & there. Also there is "Grandma Mills grave" (pdf "fam alb" p3). A brief glimpse of Mark Peters on the trampoline & me sitting by the "tramp" on p10 of pdf "fam alb". And the LIST GOES ON...THERE is SO MUCH visual history here, Koks, Peters, young & old & more ! Nice one of San & Barb at "fam6,37s-39 53p, pages 31-35) ALSO, some of you may NOT know the sequence of events that led to the Jim & Linda Kok family to move from Grand Rapids to Bellflower in 1984. I myself didn't even fully know the history of the Koks in Bellflower at the time & it took a while for me to grasp it all. I'm not even sure I was aware that my grandpa Kok founded Valley Christian schools at the time (where I was supposed to attend for my senior year of high school) . I found this great article done by somebody in the CRC about the history of my grandpa in Bellflower & the origins of Valley Christian Schools, et al. It is in PDF form on the DVD entitled "Crusader: Praise for the Past" .

Most importantly, these memories are in the hands of more

than one person now. When I began this project I worried that these precious memories and recorded visual history would remain in the albums & closet of mom & dad without many people every enjoying them, except a few visitors now & then. Then, after I was deep into this photo album project (PAP) with my own health at times troubling me, I began to worry that this project may not go any further than my flash drive and a few internet pages that mostly strangers would briefly peruse. But now, with these photos in the hands of family members & extended family members I hope the memories & history lives on & is handed on, ultimately as an inspiration to us, especially for those of us "in Christ" wanting to enlarge the kingdom of God,

according to God's will, & bring in "more family members" not only of our own human seed but of God's seed as well. If you receive this DVD and know of a family member who for some reason did NOT receive it, perhaps I did not know their address or at the time because of limited resources am not able to provide every extended family member a copy. As such, if you wish to extend the courtesy by burning this DVD & providing others a copy, you are more than welcome & encouraged to do so.
partial key to index: the letter p usually means "page #" (ie family 1a, 26p means this is a file with 26pages) or is in reference to a specific page (ie see p5, means see page 5) .

Below is a copy of the "photo album narrate wordpad3" table-of-contents/index found also on the DVD
FAMILY1A, 26P: p1-2 little barb peters; ; p3 bellflower, caruthers park, ; p4-11 looks like a christmas letter from the vg's (vangenderens); p12 christmas cards from family friends; p13-14 mom and baby, which one ? ; p15 christmas photos from friends, including nancy lehman, newhof girls, marie vroon, billy & kimmie kooistra; p16 julie kok piano solo award; p17 steve kok rocket baseball certificate 1979; p18-19 vangenderen family photo; p20-21 family reunion photo at peters house 750 plymouth; p22-23 pic of me --still had a bit of a black eye; p24-25 steve's soccer pic; p26 me & andy, toddlers; FINISHED ENHANCMENT FAMILY1A, 21P p1 me ? andy? ; p2-3 family photo; p4-5 aunt diana by the castle with baby caitlyn ?; p6 family friends; p7-8 jim & linda wedding (theres also a separate section of wedding pics only); p9-11 national guard honorable discharge, 1955; national guard honorable discharge 1957; national guard honorable discharge 1955; p12-16 crystal cathedral, linda in pulpit, bud ridder behind her, camel; crystal, jim julie steve, somebody taking a picture of jim taking of a picture of Julie, very creative; p17-19 steve marching band, me robe; p20 andy bellflower; p21 me, steve, julie FINISHED ENHANCEMENT FAMILY 1B, 26p bw color: p1-8 church pics from 1st crc, top-right: that's betsy stuart sitting down; mid-right: jim schipper didn't attend 1st crc but dated somebody from our church; mid-left: mike van diepenbos in white shirt (left) talking to the late doug kosters (right), bott-left: jan lanser and the lanser family

were good friends; bott-right: joel ruiter sitting with hand on chin next to brian lanser ...not sure who the third one sittin gis; that's me standing looking at joel; p9-11 some skunk pics (gary & shirley had a pet skunk, de-skunked); also gary's dog brillo and our dog friendly or sam (probably sam); P12-14 walking on a trail near cobmoosa shores where we co-owned a cottage for several years near silver lake and stoney lake on lake michigan; p15-16 hollywood bowl, not sure what the event was (wasn't with them on this trip, but have been there many times on my own, most recently the bel-air presbyterian easter service 2011.); p17-20 the b&w pics are from a los angeles rams game at Anaheim stadium---(los angeles doesn't have a team now); not sure about the color pics with the statue of liberty...maybe an olympics event (1984?); more rams pics and their great running back eric dickerson ; p21 somebody's graduation, plus pics from an event at dodger stadium, not sure what (again, possibly olympic events, 1984); p20-26 top-left: linda, jim steve not sure where; top-right: bellflower back yard.. i see top-row l to r: cousin david kok, cousin brian , & cousin bill; mid: l to r: is that marv timmer's daughter? steve, audra, kendra; ; bottom: nick timmer, mark bosscher, john timmer; mid-left: uncle gary sw; mid-right family photo (the ORIGINAL kok-timmer bunch without their spouses) top: bruce timmer, sherwood kok, kay (kok) bosscher, jim kok , faith (kok) dekam,doug timmer, front: gary kok, karen timmer, grandpa kok, grandma (timmer) kok, mary (timmer)zwaanstra, marv timmer; bottleft & right: grandpa & grandma kok; FINISHED ENHANCEMENT FAMILY 1C, 29p bw color, p1-7 downhill skiing at where ? cannonsburg ? caberfae? ; bottom: our siamese cat, misty or dusty ? ; p8-15 pics from griswold; p16-17 crystal cathedral, linda in pulpit with bud ridder plus camel at cc,; p18-21 at Yosemite; p22-23 nice outdoor pics +rainbow (not by me); p24-29 miscellaneous incl andy scowling, also Chicago avenue; FINISHED ENHANCEMENT FAMILY 1D, 53p color, 16 pages p1-5 , topbottom: steve, john vander phil, sis; top-right: jims group of friends including wiersma; mid-right: andy juggling snowball, my yellow chevy caprice; bott-right: family photo; p5 nature pics by jim sw ; P6 NATURE photos p7-14 top-left hard to see; top-mid not sure who; topright Eugene rubingh & wife Darlene with linda mom; bott-left: Sandra & child; bott-mid: Eugene & Darlene rubingh; bott-right: Darlene rubingh with son Kevin by cactus ; p15-18 top-right me & andy by his motorcycle at diekemas house , calvin college; mid-left: extended family photo; mid-right gary working on hoby cat ? ; bott-left: probably Julie by her Fremont cottage (she started teaching in Fremont); bott-right: Julie, linda, jim, Gary; p19-23 top-left: the heins family from Iowa city; mid-left: uncle joe & aunt chris at grandpa peters cottage, lake Michigan; bott-left: san & mark spees kids; top-right, looks like mark spee & mom and her sisters and a few of the spee kids; mid-right sis Julie on a boat somewhere; bott-right sis Julie on beach; p24-32 top-left sis jul on a boat wearing a hard rock caf sweatshirt; top-mid: this is sis julies roommate from lake ave, susan wiersma (?); top-right: dog & cat, Griswold; mid-left: mark & san spee and kids; mid-mid: me in white robe, sis julies car, bellflower; mid-right: steve in

green shirt on a bed; mid-far right: graduation pic Julies graduation from calvin ? bott-left: this painting has always adorned a wall at jim & linda mom & dads house as long as I can remember, not sure what it represents; bott-mid: dusty with kittens, grand rapids; bott-right: must be linda mom and sis Julie at grandpas cottage; p33-45 (pp11-13 enlargements) top-left: jim on innertube in river pool, summer trip maybe 77 ; top-right: not sure who; mid-left: Martha & linda with young kids; mid-right: faith & jim dad and kids; bott-left: sis Julie, me vander, & andy and whose dog? Bott-right: dog plus me & andy; p46-48 andy pics, different ages; p49-51 julie pics, different ages; p52-53 steve pics, different ages FINISHED ENHANCEMENT FAMILY 2, 46p: first four COLOR page 1-19, top-left: is me in red shirt in front of griswold, not happy for some reason, top-right: three trains postcard prob from jim's montreal trip with steve below is me in adidas shirt with cousin brian (l) & dave dejong (r) burying bro steve in sand, holland beach, late 70's; to the left is steve & me at a waterpark, possibly ontario place (toronto) or possibly that waterpark on 28th st; below half pic of me with cousin brian near big red lighthouse, holland; & to L is mom me & steve at farmers market (near cbs studio, los angeles) 1984; p20-31: top is christmas card pic, four kok kids at griswold house, grand rapids ; to R is steve & me around tulip time in holland (near maple crc where my grandfather was a pastor); below is me in tan suit with susan quist, millbrook graduation 1982; to L is me w tennis racquet possibly at uncle joe's (holland); Page 32-43: more water park pics, now I'm thinking this is Arnie's funland; also three brothers on porch with dog (friendly or sam); below is pink house that was next to the house we bought in bellflower (no longer there) ; Page 43-44: gr press photographer captured me, keith steensma, & dave Engelhard on Indian Trails golf course; p45-46 philips first haircut; FINISHED ENHANCEMENT -------------Omitted: replace p6 moms note re newborn baby steve FAMILY 3, 28p part 1 , EASTERN+ p1-5 elementary school papers: begins with "funniest Christmas" which I wrote in December of '75 ...some better images here..color pics from alger or seymour elem days, P6-17 "Philip arrives home"...Julie takes care of me..see how she's so proud of the two of us..P18-28 Proud daddy Jim with me ? Three kids on couch in Iowa City, late 60's (I was born in January, 1967); bottom right u see an interesting pic of Grandpa Peters (grey suit) and a bunch of ladies, incl Linda (2 to left) (&prob the rest of the daughters before sandra & brenda) that may be grandma Peters (mom's grandma in the middle); FINISHED ENHANCEMENT FAMILY 3, 45p part 2 , EASTERN P1-20 THIS is now at our Eastern house in Grand Rapids ('70-71) (gr); pics of us kids with friends, "first halloween in GR" ; also me in diapers "rubber pants kid"; P21-26 at Grandma Mills york, grandpa peters tan jacket, I see mom also tan jack; funny, there's a juniorhigh pic of greg heynen in the middle of the

page (remember, I took these photo albums to a library that has a scanner & so it was a little bit haphazrd as I was also learning the ropes of scanning); p27-45 my cousin eric (nice kid back then) had eye problems & to this day has a hard time seeing correctly & can't have a driver's license (he's the adopted son of martha & warren VG), here we are at "grandpa's cottage' (holland, mi) (whenever I refer to grandpa's cottage (aka gpa cottage or sometimes simply "holland", altho that could also mean holland beach, aka ottawa beach) I am speaking of grandpa leo peters, founder of butterball (not the turkey, altho he did sell them the name while retaining the rights to use it with his butter; today my late grandpa's butter is still sold with the breakfast hotcakes at mcdonalds around the usa ; butterball farms is run by my grandpa's son, mark, from his 2nd marriage); "the cousins" by the tetherball pole with aunt san babysitting (early 70's); painting sandbox (eastern ave GR, before we moved a few blocks away to a house on griswold where we stayed until 1984 when we moved to bellflower, ca); I remember that little treehouse that came before the higher treehouse (different tree) which later fell down when Kevin Moberly & I were playing in it (he broke his arm in 3 places); FINISHED ENHANCEMENT

FAMILY 3, part 3 23p, EASTERN+ P1-13 eric's birthday at gpa cottage (all the cousins, my bros & sis, plus ani teri mark, todd, craig, courtney, barb, san et. Al, also nancy who was my gpa's 2nd wife & the mother of Mark, Ani, & Teri); to the right is the spees golden retriever ..looks like us kids are having a ball with her (or him? Can't remember the name); P14-23 top-right: dont think thats me in the turquoise shirt by leaf pile ? could be a friend ? mid-right: halloween me & brother andrew on couch; mid-left: me on low tree house (blurry); bott-right: me with friends steve veldkamp & darrin warnock, 4 year olds, eastern ave, GR;bott-left: to L is dad with us three (before steve was born) & friendly our black lab (before sam also a black lab who went with us to calif); ENHANCEMENT FINISHED FAMILY 3, part 4 25p, EASTERN+ P1-13 1971-72 pre-school at alger, that's me on top 2nd to left blue shirt. I recognize sara gezon, vicky vandenbosch, kevin gubby dalson, greg heynen, & mike waalkes (is that dave engelhard next to the principal (clements?); below R "Terry & Phil"...Terry was my age, daughter of my grandpa peters from 2nd marriage,..kind of strange in retrospect, but she was nice most of the time except highschool years (same class, same school as me); to L is me on horse at Uncle Henry's farm or Uncle Seymour's. They lived close in Randolph Wiisconsin (a dutch farming area);

P14-25 1st day of school alger, sept '72 I'm so excited; nice 70's clothes, red vw hatchback. Behind me; in line at school; also below R is me with new baby steve ! ; below that is me & JD white in Iowa City (where I was born); L, terry slept over at our house on griswold; ENHANCEMENT FINISHED FAMILY 3, part 5 21p, EASTERN+ P1-13 pre-school class pic I like the snowman: sis me & andy at griswold; me on uncle seymour's john deere !; below "summer carnival" of some sort at griswold (mom was always coming up with something creative); below R me (?) & who ? (Ani) at gpa cottage (every summer we spent a few weeks at gpa cottage with Aunt Di & her two kids, Matt & Caitlyn; come to think of it, this might be Caitlyn); to L are the Diek Vroon & Kok kids ...also needs explanation..Tony Diekema was my dad's best friend from holland christian hs. They played basketball together thru calvin college days (mid 50's) & they won several MIAA championships. Tony went on to become president of calvin college for several decades. Don Vroon was also on these Calvin championship bball teams but didn't go to holland (he was from NJ). Don went on to become a coach & PE professor at Calvin College & died at an early age (around 2000). Every New Years eve for a few years the "dieks" & vroons & koks would get together at a hotel with a pool and celebrate. Dieks had 5 or 6 kids, including Mark & Paul, close in age to me & Vroons had 3 or 4 kids, incl Tony & Don, a few years older than me. ENHANCEMENT FINISHED FAMILY 3, part 6 18p, EASTERN+ P1-15 playing basketball in the driveway at griswold was a favorite hobby of mine. Dad painted the backboard red white & blue for the 1976 bicentennial celebration; to R Mark Peters (L, 2 years older than me & me (yellow) playing with his new race car track he got for christmas or easter; below R halloween, that's cousin brian in white sheet on right *a ghost?); to L me in my 22 or 32 shirt holding saw, & cam vandersloot (a great friend for a while, poking his head in the pic on the right, little bro steve far left; P16-18 me in red shirt early 70's. ENHANCEMENT FINISHED FAMILY 4, MIXED COLOR, BRYCE 8p griswold bryce, p1 summer '77 p2 ...HERE'S some more driveway basketball pics, that's me on top r, getting ready to do a kareem abdul jabbar skyhook, to left is cousin brian trying to block me, we lived on griswold street within view of alger school (which has since been torn down and rebuilt);bottom left you see big dad jim (tall jim, which is what made him so good at basketball) & ] andy, me with ball, uncle gary in back & his son brian in front of him; that's me & cuz brian in swimming pool (possibly in brian's next door neighbor's pool where donnie hudson lived); below pool is Me at yellowstone by old faithful geyser on a summer trip (maybe that was the big '77 trip;later i lived there for two summers); P3 new toys for christmas or birthday, i loved that little football toy, you hit the helmet and he kicked the ball; below that

is me in my little league baseball uniform (trane air conditioning). I played for southeast little league on Kalamazoo for a few years. Dave Dejong's dad was coach; also on the team was Greg Bouwer (catcher), Dave Engelhard (1st base), DJ (shortstop) the smith bros or the bass brothers (?) among others; I played 3rd base but didn't wear my glasses so never did very well, altho i did hit a few homeruns and one grandslam in the playoffs; to left of baseball is me in front of griswold; below by the basketball pole; and bottom right is Me BY grandpa's trampoline, with Mark sticking his head into the picture (Mark taught me how to do flips on the trampoline; he was a very active & enthusiastic person and usually fairly congenial; altho our families had a feud later on which kind of put a damper on relationships); p4 me in rugby shirt by knollcrest pond (when I mention knollcrest I am speaking of the area by Calvin Seminary which includes a pond and open grassy area with some wooded areas at the corner of Burton & east beltline in between the seminary and college campus. later you will see old black & white archive pics of my dad that shows this area before it was built up...before or as the new calvin college campus was being built (prior to which calvin college was around Iroqouis street where the new Alger Schools headquarters now is (i think); My dad actually attended the old calvin college but i think the seminary was at knollcrest already by that time; P5 me on minibike in randolph wisconsin (uncle henry's farm; they write waupun, but it was the randolph area; to the R of this is a family reunion at grandpa's cottage, aunt martha made shirts that said "peter pak" on them, with a play on the word "pak" in reference to my grandpa's butter patent which made him successful as a businessman but not so loved or liked by some in theology and ministry (later in life he spent a lot of time advocating a strict 7 day interpretation of the bible creation story) . As for business grandpa peters, while still living in evanston illinois with his young daughters including my mom & martha & diana, created a "packet" filled with a dye that you injected in butter to make it look more colorful and more] appetizing (at the time butter was bland and without shape from what I hear). The butter packet took off , gpa moved the family across lake michigan to grand rapids where my grandpa had attended college and he started "butterball farms" boguht a mansion at 750 plymouth and the rest, as they say, is history. P6 SUMMER TRIP of 1979...including Bryce... family trips always eventful, sometimes a few conflicts amongst siblings in the car; looks like steve's not too happy in top right pic; P7 a note written by my mom about me at 15 months of age...i think enlarged it elsewhere..will post where here when i find it...cover of a progress report from grand rapids christian schools (after attending alger public thru 4th grade, i transferred to seymour christian, then took the traditional christian route thru millbrook, grch, & calvin college, with a few adventures abroad during college as well). P8 COVER of a progress report FINISHED FAMILY 5 7p P1..this is all grand rapids on p1, lake avenue where sis jul lived during college with her friend susan wiersma (bottom left) and that's jul top right looks like she got caught by surprise with sun inher eyes, and bottom right julie & bro andy dressed up for what ? andy really got tall didn't he..several inches taller

than me. P2 AT TOP keeps popping up, kittens on left, better view later, wall at griswold house onright;P3 looks like the four kok kids waiting somewhere, prob a restaurant; P4 BARRY BOSSCHER married my dad's sister, kay, and they live in long beach near seal beach (barry is originally from grand rapids and went to grch and calvin, he met kay at calvin who grew up more out here in california & they have two kids, mark & kendra, who you will see periodically in this album, looks like mom had a garage sale in bellflower. i wsan't there ; P5 here's eugene rubingh who is a friend of ours from 1st CRC AND is also involved in Christian ministry. His son, Trevor, was a year older than me and our families would periodically get together socially. Trevor was also a friend of the late Doug Kosters, whom i may mention more later, and Trevor is also a Christian pastor in new jersey last thing i heard. that's steve my brother on his bike inbellflower. when we moved to bellflower he was starting 7th grade & I was starting 12th grade. I went back to GR to finish high school but he continued thru school at Valley Christian (which was founded, by the way, by my grandpa Kok; more about that later; P7 There's steve in soccer uniform (he loved soccer more than any other sport (I think, at least at an early age). below soccer is my uncle bruce timmer with grandma & grandpa kok. Bruce lives inManhattan beach with his wife Anne and they both work for the aerospace industry (both have masters in math, very intelligent in a math/science sort of way). Bruce is the son of my grandpa Kok's 2nd wife from her first marriage (my grandpa had 5 kids with his first wife, but when she died he remarried to Ada who was a widow with 5 kids of her own, the timmer kids, who became the half or step brothers & sisters of my dad & siblings when grandpa married ada, so we called him "uncle" and he was like an uncle to us, nice guy. THey have two boys, Nick & John, grown up now; below bruce is what looks like the santa barbara mission (by the way, I think u can surmise that I did not take all these pics; this is my dad's photo album, so sometimes I'm guessing at whom and when the pics are of and about). FAMILY 6, 40p iowa +, COLOR; FAM6,1-3 37P : P1- album page P2-3 kittens ! siamese kittens of much fun, so cute; P4-11 also back in gulf shores, that's gary's pop up camper, various family members lying out in the sun (remember, we lived in Michigan at the time and this is April. We havent seen the sun for many months in Michigan so Alabama sun feels so good) , big jim & gary by a river we waded in & explored; P12-13 linda in the ocean mist; p14 album page; p15-17 karen timmers house (karen is in the back row standing on the right, next to Jim Tunney, the former NFL referee; below karen is her friend vana; to the left of vana is Doug Timmer, & to Doug's right is Barry Bosscher & Kay (my dad's sister) Karen & Vana lived together as friends for many years in southern Cal, including Sunset beach for a few years. we had some great times visiting them during CHristmas holidays; p18-20 Grandma Ada (grandpas 2nd wife ), Jim, & Grandpa Kok, not sure where colors are cool; p21- Woody, Grandpa, & Jim (by the way, Woody went to Calvin College for two years and then entered the army and rose up to the rank of Lieutenant colonel. He served in Vietnam and also was stationed in Germany with his whole

family for several years (I remember we were living in Grand Rapids at the time and their two oldest boys, Bob & Gary came to GR to attend Calvin College. Gary (not uncle, but cousin) lived with us for a few months as he was getting settled in. He died at a young age, not sure why; p22-23 Thats Linda-mom at 1020 griswold, our house in Grand Rapids; p24-26 Jim KOk in a suit in the Spring of '76 in the backyard at griswold street. You can see the Brummlers backyard behind him and their play area for Brad & Katy (their two kids); p27 Linda by the flowers (Jim was very active in gardening around the house, both vegetables (& grapes) as well as flowers; p28 album page; P29-30 this pic of Mel Hugen with his wife Sylvia and Jim & linda in a restaurant in Honolulu is classic. Mel apparently was a pastor at the CRC "hospitality house" in honolulu for a while (later he went back to GR and worked at Calvin Seminary in a pastoral care capacity); p31 view from Hugens hotel in Hawaii ; p32-33 Jim & Linda in 1976 (where are the kids) with gpa & gma & the Timmer gang, as well as Barry & Kay (Barry is making rabbit ears behind Uncle Bruce; p34-35 repeats; p36 Pearl Harbor memorial in Honolulu ; p37 note by mom apparently from hospital with newborn baby steveto who ? me ? he will play football with me ? He did play football on his highschool team, but I dont remember every playing with him except maybe catch or with family a few times ; ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE tags: kittens, siamese, gary kok, gulf shores, alabama, karen timmer, bruce timmer, doug timmer, jim tunney, nfl, vana, sherwood, woody, army, grand rapids, mel hugen, sylvia hugen, calvin college, crc, honolulu, hawaii, hospitality house FAM6,4-6,36p P1 album page; p2 looks like Jim at Sandy Beach a famous bodysurfing beach (I attended school in Honolulu for a semester so I became familiar with the beaches); p3-4 outrigger at Waikiki; p5-6 jim in Hawaii; p7-9 hanauma bay is a famous oahu cove where tourists swim & snorkel; JIM & LIN in hawaii (as mentioned, later I lived in Honolulu while attending Chaminade Univ of Honolulu AND STEVE & I also took a trip to hawaii with Jim & lin in 1989, but this was just the two of them at the time in the 70s I think ); p10 album page; p11-15 jim & lin, looks like they took a pic by the airport as they were just arriving, with a lei around their neck ; p16-17 jim by a whale skeleton; p18 linda ; p19-20 linda with al Harrington, a famous hawaaian who was also in a few of the Hawaii5-0 episodes among other things; p21 jim again; p22 album page; p23-25 colorful pic of Linda mom with the four kids now living in grand rapids on eastern ave; p26-28 this is me, John-Philip with Teri Peters (my half-aunt; daughter of my grandpa peters from his second marriage). She slept over at our house one time, but we didnt have an extra bed so she slept on the floor (not very nice for her maybe I should have been a gentleman and traded places with her). Later, I slept over at her house in her room. We were friends for a while before & after highschool, but not so much during; p29-30 crazy family picmy dad with a mustache, ha ha. It did NOT go well with his face in my opinion, & it didnt last very long, but I remember somebody once bought him a mustache mug one time; p31-33 family pic in front of our Griswold house with Grandpa & Grandma Kok, minus Jim; p34 album page; p35 linda-mom, Sandra, & Diana; p36 jim ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE

TAGS: sandy beach, body surfing, body surf, surf, bodysurf, honolulu, chaminade, waikiki, hanauma bay, oahu, jim kok, linda kok, linda peters, al harrington, hawaii 5-0 , teri peters, vanderkok, philip kok, kok , sandra peters, sandra spee, mark spee, spee, diana peters, di peters, kamminga, macquarrie FAM6,7-13 ,46p P1 album page; p2 PROUD dad Jim with baby who ? ;p3-4 ..great pic of the four young kok kids in the driveway at griswold street, baby steve in the center..we just moved from the eastern ave house, that's me in the back actually with a push broom, but it looks like I'm about ready to raise a sledge hammer or something, ha ha, classic juxtaposition that could lead to misinterpretation if you didn't see the end of the broom, check out the old station wagon in the steet, that was, apparently, a gift from gpa peters (he always drove station wagons); p5-6 mom & baby who by a waterfall, but where ? IDK p7-8 grandma Kathryn; p9 bottom sister ju & bro andrew; p10-11 just Julie; p12-14 julie & andy again; p15-16 Philips 2nd haircut EXCELLENT, that's my hair, actual hair in a little baggie from my 2nd haircut...I found it in my photo album saved by my mom (so loving);; p17 album page; p18-19 mom & friends in college (?) ; p20-21 pics from knollcrest, which would later become the new calvin college campus; p22-23 mom, the school marm she graduated with a teaching degree and taught in Livonia for a while (and later in Bellflower). She also did practice teaching at what is now (or was in 1985) the Kent Skills building (apparently a regular school before that);; p24-26 gary, bobby, & uncle Sherwood (woody) visiting dad at knollcrest; p27-28 I read the caption elsewhere that they were playing a water balloon shaving game...the husband or boyfriend lay down on the ground while the women attempted to "shave" a water balloon (with shaving cream) without popping it over the face of their man...; p29 album page; p30 mom & dad ready for a big date, maybe their first date ? in front of 750 plymouth (my mom's address in GR) p31-32 jim in front of knollcrest; 33-39 the big four or the four originals meaning the four kok kids from gareth & kathryns marriage: Sherwood, Jim, Faith, & Gary (before Kay) Wayne Dekam married my dad's sister faith. Wayne was from Edgerton, Minnesota (another place where my grandpa Kok was a CRC pastor for a while). Wayne & Faith still live on Mechanic road in Edgerton and operate a fertilizer farm (maybe chickens too; I remember staying with them for a few days with my bro Andrew and having fun on their farm with their two boys, Darren & Kurt (they also have two daughters, Alyssa & ________); p40 album page; p41-44 mom & dad on the beach at lake Michigan, grandpas cottage (ie her dads cottage) ; p45-46 mom & dad at 750 plymouth (I had to touch up this photo a bit because parts had torn on the original) ; ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE TAGS: JIM KOK, DAD, BABY, kok kids, Griswold, grand rapids, steve kok, eastern avenue, sledge hammer, waterfall, Kathryn kok, Kathryn schaap, andy kok, Andrew kok, Andrew james kok, Julie kok, Julie Anderson, Julia Helen kok, Philip kok, Philip Anthony kok, vanderkok, Livonia, bellflower, knollcrest, calvin college, Sherwood kok, lieutenant kok, 750 plymouth, butterball, faith dekam,

Edgerton, Minnesota, crc, wayne dekam, dekam fertilizer, mechanic road, Darren dekam, kurt dekam, Alyssa dekam, grandpas cottage, leo peters, butterball, Holland, Michigan, west Michigan, lake shore drive FAM6,13-15 ,28p P1 album page; p2-8 jim & Linda at knollcrest where Jim dad studied during seminary; p9-11 cherie inn, where jim-dad & linda-mom had their first date; p1215 old grand rapids postcards; P16-17 album pages; p18-19 not a very good photobut I think it is linda-mom by the fireplace at our Griswold house..with the love one another plaque above the fireplace ; p20-22 jim-dad & grandpa peters (mr butterball ) at grandpas cottage, Holland, Michigan, early 70s ; p23 album page; p24 jim-dad in Switzerland, having a classic meal of bratwurst & noodles ? p25 jim-dad at train station in Frankfurt; p26 linda-mom also by the train station; p27-28 two more of dad on the Europe trip, mid-70s ENHANCEMENTCOMPLETE tags: jim kok, linda kok, linda peters, leo peters, butterball, calvin seminary, calvin college, grand rapids, Griswold, Holland, Michigan, lake Michigan, Switzerland, bratwurst, kok, vanderkok, FAM6, 16-18, 41p p1 album page, p2-6 here is my mom (linda-mom) dressed up to go to St. Cecilia. My mom was a musician (piano & cello) and St. Cecilia was/is where they have various music recitals in downtown Grand Rapids (& maybe she performed there as well, IDK), mom is standing in front of our fireplace on Griswold street ..the love one another plaque has adorned our house as long as I can remember from Grand Rapids to California (Maybe Iowa too) , also the picture of the kids peering at something has always been there.. so long & so ubiquitous I never even bothered to ask where they got it , what it represents to them (my parents) etc. but then they are not big on telling stories either. P7 the living room (as opposed to the family room) was always my moms formal room for hosting guests. She kept it very nice, always perfectly clean & vacuumed. P8-10 STEVEs BAPTISM DAY nice colorful pic of mom & the four kids (l to r is me, baby steve, andy, & Julie) , p11-14 interesting pic of our old red Volkswagen hatchback in front of our house on Griswold in Grand Rapids (believe it or not we took that car all the way to California & back at least once, minus 2 of the family members). Not sure who everybody is in this pic, although I am sure thats my mom in the red, and me sitting on the passenger seat, & that is sister Julie on the left end, & andy laying on the grass probably with baby steve, but I do NOT know who the gal is standing nor the girl by her feet (could it be Aunt Di & Caitlyn ?); p15-17 my dad in this pic reminds me of Ed Oneill (who played Al Bundy in Married with Children, & whom I recently saw getting his Hollywood star). Whats up with the mustache jim-dad ? And the big white tie ? wow. Definitely 1970s. Everybody else looks okay, if not exceptionally brightcolored. P18-19 Probably what defined my dad the most going thru highschool & college was his friendship with Tony Diekema & Don Vroon . Here you have (L to R) Linda-Mom, Jeanne Diekema (Tonys wife), Tony, & finally Judy & Don Vroon having a fun time together. Tony later became president of Calvin College. The

late Don Vroon taught PE at Calvin & coached basketball for a short while. Jim, Tony, & Don all played basketball together for Calvin College & won 4 MIAA championships. Plus, Tony & Jim played together at Holland Christian. Don came from New Jersey after highschool. P20, album page, p21-25 as much as jims identity was formed by his b basketball relationship with his buddies jim & tony, my moms identity was formed by music & interlochen music camp, in the foursome pic you have barb,Sandra, Diana, & linda-mom not sure if all the sisters attended interlochen but surely my mom & Diana did (Dis daughter Caitlyn, my age, became even more of a musician pursuing the bass and becoming a profesionall bass player for symphony orchestras ), if not also barb & san . Interlochen Music camp is in northern Michigan near Traverse City . p26-30 My grandfather & grandmother Leo Peters & Helen Mills Peters had ALL daughters, including Martha, Linda, Diana, Barbara, Sandra, & finally BRENDA Brenda unfortunately was born developmentally disabled and after some time they apparently decided she would be better off in a group home. Nonetheless, the family regularly visited her, and here is one of the visits captured in photo. Shown in the pics having a picnic at a park are my mom Linda & her sister, Sandra (not sure who the other older woman is) . p31 album page, p32-33 I love this pic of my young mom, still a young woman, almost looks like a girl (similar to my sister Julie) with her young children, although one of them is not her child thats definitely Julie behind her & probably Andy on her right arm, but not sure who that is under her left armI was thinking maybe Matt Kamminga, but he was much younger than Andy. so I am not sure; p34-35 thats jim-dad hard at work studying his pastoral care book on the beach at Lake Michigan; not sure why hes wearing glasses he never usually work glasses.. p36-38 maybe a birthday party for one of the kids ? thats grandpa in white, ..probably barb to his left, maybe Martha in the red with blonde hair and then the kids ; p39-41 here is Nancy & grandpa Peters.. maybe I mentioned before that Nancy was the housekeeper for grandpa & Helen at the time of Helens death (or she came on board shortly after grandmas death) apparently one thing led to another after a while & grandpa & nancy had a romantic relationship and eventually married, for better or for worse. Slowly but surely, everything Grandpa & his kids from the first family had worked for (they started the butter business in Evanston, Ilinois, working out of the garage, before coming to Grand Rapids) shifted into the hands of Nancy & the children she mothered with grandpa (ie the 2nd family), and remains that way after his death. ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE TAGS: tags: st. cecilia, grand rapids, griswold, kok, vanderkok, baptism, tony diekema, calvin college, don vroon, ed o'neill, al bundy, married with children, modern family, interlochen, diane kamminga, sandra spee, mark spee, barb peters, caitlyn kamminga, helen mills, traverse city, andy kok, lake michigan, butterball, varnum, riddering, miaa, steve kok, julie kok, julie anderson, holland, evanston, FAM6,19-22, 55P P1 album page, p2-5 Spring 1970 next to our house on Eastern Ave in Grand Rapids where we moved after Iowa City (a few years later we moved a few blocks away to a house on a less busy street, Griswold) p6 The Buzans &

Peters this is at grandpas house (750 Plymouth, Grand Rapids) and I am not familiar with the Buzans, dont recall meeting them the big mansion, of course, is familiar. We had some good, fun times there for a few years, including Christmas parties, before the big breakup, & even a little bit after the partial makeup ; p7 album page; p8-10 The original Peters Sisters (minus Brenda) from youngest to oldest (L to R): Sandra, Barb, Diana, Linda, Martha (these are the girls from Grandpa Leo Peters first marriage, who helped him start Butterball) ; p11-15 I love this pic ! It has all the nice colorful (almost like Plein Air ) Lake Michigan feelings to it that I remember from the early days at Grandpas cottage in Holland. I can almost smell the smells & hear the sounds of the beautiful Lake Michigan shoreline we spent a few weeks here every summer for many years along with Aunt Diana who traveled from Minneapolis with her two kids, Kaitlyn & Matt . And this is Diana standing by the canoe with some of the kidscould be any of the wide number of kids from the Kok family or Kamminga or the Peters 2 family we all played together at that age & there was no animosity or friction (yet) ;p16-20 these pics are not all in chronological ordernow this is going back to Iowa City, before we moved to Grand Rapids, & probably before we started going to grandpas cottageI was born in Iowa City in 67, one of our neighbors & friends of the family were the Aldingers, and we took some trips with them including this one to Lake Okaboji in 1968this is another colorful pic that I adore, with sister Julie in the foreground (pink) next to who (lime green)? and the rest of the Koks & Aldingers by the picnic table (Stan bald across from his wife, Jim next to Stan) p.21-22 a bunch of kids, not sure who they all are, that is probably me in the front with the brown overalls, probably being held by bro Andy, with Julie next to me although I am not sure in fact..the more I think about it, that probably is NOT andy..he looks to big..he is only 2 years older than me & Julie being 4 years older than me looks too small to be the gal next to me ..looking down the row I see a boy with jeans & barefeet..which could possibly be me as well (JD white, for that matter, had similar features to me); p23-24 definitely sister Julie ; p25 you liu & hwaiug liu (?) getting married in iowa city.. probably some of Jims CPE students p26-32 here is linda-mom with bro-Andy & sis-Julie visiting Lindas developmentally disabled sister, Brenda, in 1968 .. she was at a group home..maybe Chicago area (she has recently passed away (post2000)) ; p33 album page; p34-41 the 5 original Peters sisters with Grandpa Leo visiting Granda Mills (Helens family) in Franklin, Indiana (this was after Helen had gone to be with the Lord) ; p42 album page; p43-46 May 1968: The whole Kok family (before Steve) thats Jim-Dad holding baby Phil-John, & Linda-Mom next to him, with Grandpa & Grandma Kok (Ada) holding bro-Andy & sister-Julie. I see the big speakers we have had for so long & moms cello ; p47-55 beautiful pics of the original three Kok kids (before Steve was born) in Iowa City; ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE TAGS: tags: 750 plymouth, griswold, buzans, peters, leo peters, butterball, grandpa's cottage, lake michigan, holland, barb peters, barb gill, diana peters, diana kamminga, diana macquarrie, linda peters, linda kok, martha peters, martha vangenderen, vangenderen, kaitlyn kamminga, caitlyn, matt kamminga, stan aldinger, aldinger, aldingers, okaboji, lake okaboji,

iowa city, iowa, julie anderson, julie kok, cpe, brenda peters, ada kok, ada van zee, ada timmer, steve kok, philip kok, vanderkok FAM6 23-24 45p: p1 original album page; p2-6 This is a beautiful nostalgiaevoking pic of us Kok kids with Jim-dad in Iowa City at a wide-open field-park playing on the teeter-totter, p7-10 sis-Julie , me, bro-Andy in Iowa City looking happy; p11-13 Painting the basement of the Iowa parsonage (church) including Don Swierenga (a name Ive heard before), & the familiar green-&-white canteen in the foreground (I think they still have & use that canteen 40+ years later) ; p14-17 some of Jims international students; he continued to do CPE supervision with international students as a chaplain at Pine Rest Hospital in Grand Rapids after Iowa City (from 1970-84) ; p18-22 This is another one of those Norman Rockwell-style paintings that I love.. heres Jim-dad using his new electric knife to cut the the Christmas turkey in 1967 so this is December of 67 I was about 11 months oldone more month to my first birthday you see sis-Julie next to dad, & Linda-mom, and of course Jims omnipresent CPE chaplain students ; p23-30 Another great pic with the Iowa City Kok kids & dad refilling the sandbox ! Nice old car (not so old then), big backyards with no fences; p31 original album page ; p32-33 I managed to pull out a little better visibility in this pic of young Jim-dad with bro-Andy & sisJulie --- date on the pic says August 1967 (although thats the developing date) ;p34-36 this pics SAYS IT ALL in terms of the unification of two families. This is the Kok & Timmer families. Remember, My grandpa Rev. Gareth Kok remarried after his first wife died at a young age in Holland, Michigan. He married Ada Van Zee Timmer, also a widow with 5 children of her own (sounds like Brady Bunch, eh ? only bigger, both had 5 children from their first marriage). I will try to name the faces: back row from L to R: Sherwood Kok (with his wife, Ruth, in front of him), then Gary Kok (?) with wife Shirley (definitely) in front of him ? then Bruce Timmer (with wife or wife-to-be Anne next to him ? Bruce & Ann now live in Manhattan Beach, CA and work for Aerospace); in front of Bruce is Kay Kok (apparently not yet married to Barry Bosscher) , in the front row the kids are probably most of Sherwood & Ruths (my late Uncle Sherwood became a lieutenant colonel for the US Army; my dad & mom are not shown here, nor are any of the Kok kids; p37-38 Grandpa Gareth Kok & Grandma Ada; p39-41 an old album-tarnished page (some of the blue marker ink used to write captions on some of the pages rubbed off on to the pics)this is grandpa & grandma with bro-andrew & sis-Julie; p42-45 The Kok Clan in Randolph, Wisconsin Randolph has important history for the Kok side of the family. I remember visiting an Uncle Seymour Kok & great-uncle Henry Kok a few times. Its also a very Dutch area (Christian Reformed) , and even has a Kok Road . The town or village attached to Randolph is named Friesland after the Dutch province in the Netherlands) ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE tags: kok, randolph wisconsin, iowa city, don swierenga, cpe, ann timmer, aerospace, sherwood kok, electric knife, norman rockwell, crc, christian reformed, dutch, netherlands, wisconsin

FAM6 25-27, 40p: p1, original album page; p2-6 four days in Colorado Springs with Lew, Carol & Davy Stegink, here they are at the zoowith Jim standing by a statue of a reindeer and bro-Andrew & sis-Julie riding them ; p7-8 Jim with some of his friends & associates (church people?); p9-10 rock outcropping ; p1114 young jim-dad & lin-mom with the first two Kok kids, Andy & Julie, probably Iowa City..i recognize the big brown hassock & the omnipresent painting on the wall ; p15-18 classic old ministry pics..Jim with a few of his associates and/or cpe students, not all of them were international & baby Julie with her doll; p19 maybe where they stayed in Colorado springs ?; p20-22 December of 65 says the date on the photo, nice colorful old-school pic of Jim-dad & Linda-mom holding Julie & Andrew; p23-26 Christmas of 65 ..nice old sled with Julie (& Andy) in her bright red winter jacket in our Iowa City neighborhood; p27-30 March of 1966 ? here is Jim-dad holding Julie & some senior citizens (not grandparents) maybe parishioners from the Iowa City church ; p31-35 I tried to touch this pic up a little was so covered with blue inkthats Doug Timmer (Uncle Doug) (the youngest of the Timmer boys) in the foreground, and of course Linda-mom with Julie & her doll, and Dougs sister, Karen (Aunt Karen) (today, Karen lives in Fort Bragg, California, & Doug moves around, not sure where he is now) P37-40 little bro-Andy who is my older brother, but little here . ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE Tags: tags:davy stegink, colorado springs, iowa city,fort bragg, karen timmer, andy kok, varnum riddering, grand rapids, 1965, christmas, philip kok, vanderkok, kok, vander, crc, christian reformed FAM6 28-31 P1 ORIGINAL album page; 2-7 thats linda-mom & jim-dad with baby Andrew & sis-Jul, probably Iowa city, mid-60s; p8-11 is this the Christian Reformed Church in Iowa City where dad worked ? his first church pastor job. ; p12-15 kok tribes iowa city.. looks like my late Uncle Sherwood & his wife Ruth & their young kids as well as Grandpa Kok, my linda-mom, & some of the Kok kids, mid 60s; p16 original album page; p17-21 our 1965 swimers I think this refers to a summer missions group which they called swim in the Christian Reformed Church (CRC)..not sure who all the people are..but definitely dad-Jim on the far right holding the baby& it almost looks like a young Eugene & Darlene Rubingh on my dads right (picture left) , It also looks like Aunt Diana on the far left but Im just guessing, could be wrong; p21-24 my class refers to linda-moms classroommaybe her Sunday school kids or did they teach kids during swim? She also was a regular teacher for a while around Ann Arbor. P25-27 one of the other classes ? or still my moms class ? looks like a different teacher or adult in the background. P28-29 snack time speaks for itself; p30 geralds class; p31 original album page; p32-34 nice pic of linda-mom with Julie ? and one of moms friends with her kids in the snow., presumably iowa city; p3537 linda mom with two friends; p38-39 we had a Christmas open house for church people, 1964 says the caption lots of people there ha ha. ; p40-43 apparently this is our house on MEADOW street in Iowa City, where I was born; p44 original album page; p45-53 great pics of linda-mom & jim-dad by a lake with baby Julie .. is mom going to throw a naked baby Julie into the water ? just

kidding (or cant you joke about those things anymore these days?. Theres dad on the diving board. P54-56 Sept 2, 1963 Jim-dad & mom with baby Julie p57-59 a loving father with his first child; p60-63 mom & dad not newlyweds anymore but new parents now having a fun time on the canoe ; ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE, tags: kok, iowa city, jim kok, james kok, rev. kok. Crc, Christian reformed, peters, linda peters, rubingh, Diana peters, leo peters, butterball, Julie Anderson, Julie kok, andy kok, carol mutschler, Sherwood kok, lieutenant colonel, woody & ruth, uncle woody, united states army, Christ, bible, church, god, love, faith, hope, prayer FAM6 32-34 fam6, 32-34b 78p P1 original album page; p2-10 this is my Uncle Gary (the youngest of the Kok boys and who I remember from growing up in Grand Rapidswe often socialized with Gary & his wife Shirley and their two kids, brian & audra brian was my age ..we also took several summer vacations with them, camping out west, and we co-owned a cottage on lake Michigan for a few years) and Aunt Shirley at their wedding, probably in grand rapids. I think Shirley was from New Jersey, but the two of them met at Calvin College; p11-13 this is my dad, Jim, with baby Julie ? in Hanford, California in 1964 where my grandfather Rev Gareth Kok was a pastor later in life (after Bellflower, Holland, Edgerton, Hills, p14-18, sept 2, 1963 day after Jims ordination into the CRCwith his dad, Gareth, also an ordained CRC pastor; p19 original album page; p20-47 moms 4th grade class (that she taught) in Livonia, Michigan (near Ann Arbor) while Jim was doing CPE at University of Michigan hospital (I went a little crazy on the pics of mom, experimenting with the different functions on my photo editorkind of psychedelic) ; p38-39 this may be the hospital where dad worked in Ann Arbor, or is it their apartment building? ;p40-49 well, this is definitely the hospital, so the previous must be their apartment building; p50-52 shower gifts from Jims hospital friends; p53 original album page; p54-71 this is the land in Newaygo, Michigan, that my dad bought with his friend Tony Diekema they planned to plant Christmas Trees and sell themand they actually did clear the land & plant the seeds or saplings, but apparently never followed up on harvesting them Tony went on to become president of Calvin College, my dad went into ministry .. and they still own the land as of October 2011 .. I went there a few times with my dad and later with a few highschool friends even built a teepee there one time with dave dejong & rick byle and slept there overnight (the late rick byle, that is); lots of trees, very wooded now..& lots of deer, the people next door even put out salt licks (illegally) on my dads land (which I told them to remove one time)wonder what will become of this land, if anything, some day; p72-77Woody & Ruth family Christmas, 1962 Ive mentioned my Uncle Sherwood previously..and thers some pics of him as a child with my dad growing up in Bellflower. Sherwood went into the Army after a few years at Calvin College. He rose up thru the ranks to Lieutenant Colonel and served in Vietnam as well as Germany. I think it was hard on him & his family. Sherwood died at a young age, and his son, Gary, as well as daughter, Kathy, also have already passed away. They had a large family including sons Bob, Sherwood Jr., Bill, Gary, & David, as

well as daughter, Kathy. We had a few social gatherings with them from time to time. Uncle Sherwood also worked as a Kent County Sheriff deputy for a few years as well as at the county jail after retiring from the army. ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE tags: kok, vanderkok, Sherwood, woody kok, kent county, tony diekema, Christmas trees, bellflower, rev. Kok, gareth Kok, valley Christian, Newaygo, u.s. army, Livonia, university of Michigan, Edgerton, Shirley beversluis, calvin college, fam6, 34b25-37r 47p p1-7 picking up from the previous segment, this is still Jim & Linda visiting with Ruth & Sherwood & kids. Sherwood was a few years older than my dad, Jim, & already had young kids just as Jim & Linda were having their first (my sister). Heres Jim-dad & Linda-mom with their kids, apparently opening gifts, Jim with a very animated face & smile (p5), must be something very special in that little box, this was Christmas 1962 .; p7-9 another look at Uncle Gary & Aunt Shirley cutting their wedding cake, this is a repeat but actually a different picture without the blue marker stainsit came up later in the sequence & I am leaving it here. Again, Gary & Shirley socialized a lot with us when we were growing up in Grand Rapids, but we (or I) never hear from them anymore. They have two kids, Brian & Audra. Brian was my age. Audra was closer to Steves age (my younger brother). P10, original album page; p11-14 Heap big mechanics ha ha..this is probably my moms writing..she likes Indian terms I noticed (previously referring to the Kok extended family as a tribe) I would guess that this is in Lansing when my dad was working on his Masters degree in counseling. I recall him mentioning that Gary once wrecked my dads car in an accident on a date. Nice of Gary to borrow my dads car and smash it up. ;p15-21 these are pictures of Jims seminary classmates at Calvin Seminary and the fascinating thing about this is that these are the exact same classrooms that they still use today, over 50 years later, and that I myself sat in during my year at Calvin Seminary (before I transferred to Fuller). I always thought that Calvin Seminary was in a different building back then (as was Calvin College) . One of the students looks a bit like Cal Van Reken (who is now a professor at Calvin Seminary, or was in 96, p16 striped socks, another looks like the Calvin College chaplain (Dale ?,) p19 shortsleeve shirt closest to the front of the pic); p22-29 this is also inside the seminary, near the bar (not an alcoholic bar, but a kitchen), and is still the same today (or was when I was there in 1996-97. Names are Derek & Nancy Oostendorp, Bill & Myrna Bierling, and the Vermeers. I remember a Mark Vermeer (or is it Vermair?) who was pastor at Sherman St CRC & later in Escondido CRC (or San Marcos), not sure if there is any relation. P30-31, original album pages; p32-35 heres mom-linda peters & dad-jim kok by the big Christmas tree at grandpas house at 750 plymouth in East Grand Rapids. Grandpa always got a gigantic tree (compared to most families) ..which required a ladder to decorate it. This was in the 50s or early 60s, but same thing in the 70s & 80s (same house, same room, same tree in the same corner). P36-38 jim graduates from Calvin Seminary (interesting thing is that he actually did a year at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia before transferring to Calvin Seminary, but I dont see any pics from Westminster. p39-41 "Who's breaking the camera?" ha ha, that's mom &

dad, Jim in his new pajamas. p42-44 here's mom, so fashionable; p45-47 dad in the kitchen at 750 plymouth, same kitchen I remember in the 70's & 80's. You say "Duh, really" , yeah really, smart guy.ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE tags: jim kok, shirley beversluis, gary kok, brian kok, audra kok, lansing, michigan, cal van reken, nancy oostendorp, bill bierling, myrna bierling, sherman street crc, escondido, mark vermaire, san marcos, westminster seminary, calvin seminary, calvin college, fuller seminary fam6, 37s-39 53p p1-5 "Woody & Ruth enjoy their presents". Christmas has always been a big social & gift giving time for the Kok-Peters family. You say "duh, really, isn't it for everybody ?" yeah, duh, it is, smart guy, but I enjoy restating things with emphasis and reminiscing , especially when it comes to Uncle Sherwood because he died so early, so forgive me wise guy. p6 original album page, p7-13 This is fascinating to me because these are the Calvin College dormitories being constructed, one of which (Beets-Veenstra) I stayed in for a year during my freshman year of college ('85-86). This is the new Calvin campus being built back in the 60's ? p14-15 some of Jim's seminary classmates, Back then I think most of the students were Anglo (white), but now you see many more Asians & Africans. ; p16-19 "Peter, Jim, Norm, & John Yang" ...speaks for itself, at Knollcrest where Calvin Seminary still remains today (duh, right ? yeah duh); p2024 Muskegon ! For those not familiar with West Michigan, Muskegon was/is about a 30 minute drive from Grand Rapids on the shore of Lake MIchigan. That block style building is still's a historical monument.. and I remember exploring it myself in the early 2000's on a cross-country trip from California (ironically I did more exploring of Michigan AFTER i left there than when I lived there). I forget the exact significance of this structure. Also mom in Muskegon.; p26-29 this is a breathtaking picture .. beautiful..not sure where it is , probably Colorado..and that's Andy & Julie by the river; p30 original album page; p31-35 Two of my mom's younger Peters sisters, Sandra & Barb, in Colorado, 1964. Of all my mom's sisters, I was most familiar with Diana because she spent time with us at grandpa's cottage every summer, with her two kids, Matt & Kaitlyn. I didn't see much of Barb or Sandra. Later I got to know Martha (mom's older sister) a little better because I stayed at their home in Jackson, Wyoming (early 1990's). ; p3638 here's Grandma Kok, which would be Ada Van Zee Timmer Kok, my second Grandma Kok. My real grandma Kok (Kathryn) died before I was born, (as did my Grandma Peters) so Grandma Ada was the only grandma I really knew and she was always very nice & kind and always happy. I really loved & respected her very much. She was the mother of all the Timmer kids (5 of them) before she married my Grandpa Gareth Kok, and combined they had ten kids, but didn't have any more between them. ; p39-46 Jim-dad holding baby Andy and sister Julie playing in the wheel, Iowa City. p47-50 our house on Meadow Street, Iowa City; 51-53 baby Andy, 6 months, Iowa City, 1965. ENHANCEMENT COMPLETE tags: christmas, koks, peters, leo peters, butterball, calvin dormitory, calvin college, muskegon, calvin seminary, ada kok, ada van zee, ada timmer, vanzee, sandra peters, barb peters, matt kamminga, caitlyn kamminga, jackson wyoming, martha vangenderen,

EXTRA NARRATION, NOT YET ADDED P23 TOP right, i like the teeter-totter pic, more iowa city pics, including getting sand for the sandbox; we always had a "sandbox" at every house we lived in; P24 Miscellaneous; p25 jim & lin WENT TO COLORADO SPRINGS fora few days (later I spent a few weeks around Denver & Color springs exploring in the early 2000's; P26 repeat; P27 CHRISTMAS '65 before I was born, iowa city; I always think of Karen & Doug Timmer as "Californian" but they apparently visited in IOwa City ? (they grew up , in part, in Holland, MI);P28 "kok tribe" IOWA CITY; P29 mom's class; p30 CHURCH PEOPLE ?; "WE had a Christmas open house for church people" ha ha for "church people" that's kind of a strange way of referring to church parishioners/members; bottom pics of our house on Meadow street in IOwa City; I believe its a lot more developed now; P31 JIM & LIN 1963 only one kid at the time (julie); P32 UNCLE GARY's wedding ! (uncle gary played a big part in our life in grand rapids as we were growing up there; here he is marrying shirley, who, I believe, was from new jersey, but she never talked about it), and I never knew until I saw this that my dad was ordained at Calvin CRC; P33 MY DAD was the first CPE student that went thru Calvin Seminary; he did an internship at the University of Michigan hospital (Ann Arbor) (later, I did a CPE internship at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, 1999); meanwhile, mom taught school in nearby Livonia (later, she taught kindergarten in Bellflower for many years, late 80'S, 90's); P34 CLEAR PIC of gary & shirly wedding ; p35 here's the Christmas Tree farm I was talking about, owned by my dad & Tony Diekema, in a wide open space of Newaygo; we went there a few times when we were kids & I went out there with a few highschool friends a few times just for kicks, even built a teepee there one time with dave dejong & rick byle and slept there overnight (the late rick byle, that is); They apparently spent time clearing trees and planting Christmas trees, but they never harvested or sold them. As far as I know they still own this land, but haven't done anything with it in years; P36 SOME pics from Calvin seminary, same classroom I sat in in 1996-97; mechanics gary & jim ha ha... I heard that gary totalled my dad's car when my dad was attending MSU working on his masters in counseling; now they're trying to fix it? P37 MORE JIM & LIN, jim graduating from seminary ? woody ruth. gift giving; P38 HERE's some pics of calvin dorms being constructed at the new campus; I myself lived in the Beets dorm for a year ; P39 This is a great pic of Julie & Andy...where ? I'm not sure, maybe denver ? it's not tetons I dont think; P40 BARB & SAN, baby andy; FINISHED ! FAMILY 1G 35p bw alger heights+ alger heights pics part 1 of 2, all bw P1 boorsmas grocery store parking lot (i worked there for a while as a baggerstocker-carryout boy; P2 SOMETHING ; P3 mostly dekam pics, also tanya diekema and todd vangenderen; P4 HEINS kids (friends from Iowa city), also part of a kooistra Christmas card (also GR friends), ; P5 moving to California in 1984 we stopped to do some sightseeing along the way, here we are at grand canyon lodge (I think), and below that are pics from indian cliff dwellings; P6 back in grand rapids, backyard griswold, me on tire swing steve with snowblower; P7

three pics of griswold house in winter; P8 top is view from front of griswold looking towards alger school; mid is GRCH where I attended high school; bottom is seymour where I attended elemetary; P9 BRILLO was unc gary's dog, and sam was ours; mid is view of alger school playground; P10-11 GRCH football pics.. i played jv & varsity football, also a skiing pic, maybe caberfae or cannonsburg; P12 MORE alger heights pics; P13-14 CLASS PLAY at millbrook; P15 steve me suntan lotion; p16 top me playing chess with steve at griswold; mid gary, bottom waterskiing, p17 top the old angels stadium; mid- steve's birthday party, bottom, steve usc shirt; p18 top randy reitsma palm springs; bottom is gordon wiersma & his wife dottie (front left); p19 lanser & linda, rally crusade; p20 pics from church, middle I see mike van diepenbos & doug kosters; bottom is sheryl lanser; p21 top is betsy stuart sitting, middle is jim schipper on the left & i think his sister on his right; bottom is ruiter boy on the right next to brian lanser, that may be me standing; p22 mendels brothers & mike & his brother chuck ; bottom marv & barb timmer; p24 grch graduation 1985 ; bottom lin me & jim; p25 shirly audra gary in driveway at griswold; bottom, my bedroom wall; p26 woody's wife, ruth; bottom uncle gary; p27 steve with cat, linda reading; p28-29 jim & lin; p30 top jim lin, mid gary, bottom jim lin; p31 needs darkening; p32 repeat OF , top:us at the chart house, mid: sunday dinner with wayne from pine rest, bottom playing game, jack holwerda with us; p33-35 steve with snowblower, me on tireswing, griswold; FINISHED FAMILY 1F 29p BW caprice karns; P1 MY yellow 1973 chevy caprice in grandpa kok's driveway, bellfower; P2 family & friends long beach harbor; P3 Family pic needs darkening (see 28-19) ; P4 top left grandpa kok holding coffee pot, bottom left is nick timmer, right is scott zwaanstra, son of jay & mary..scott was our cousin from denver, he came to calvin college for a year and was very involved in weightlifting & bodybuilding, now he's back in denver, married as far as I know; p4 top left that may be steve & julie in a tethered balloon somewhere southern cal? , top right long beach, i'm on the left, randy reitsma is next to me , then andy, steve & mom in front with the St. Mary boat in the background; bottom: we went to an Angels baseball game, looks like we got free bags; p6 dark pics, freinds, diekes, tom larkin, who else? p6 i thinks this is at the chart house where doug timmer was a waiter in redondo beach; p8 top is jim, middle me with my karns speakers (from GR), bottom a Christmas tree and YES we do have fireplaces in southern California; p9 top left steve playing with something, or opening something for Christmas; top right julie & linda; bottom is Andy reading a MAD magazine (serious stuff); p10 top is andy, middle me lookng at photo album of course; bottom christmas tree again; p11 top: steve & julie; bottom left is julie putting the star on the christmas tree; bottom right andy; p12 top there's that pic with jack again, mid me & steve, bottom new tv ? p13 top left is julie & andy at jim's crystal cathedral office; top right, i believe that is ME on a camel with sis Julie at the crystal cathedral; bottom some of us koks in the elevator at the crystal cathedral, me holding camera; p14 a little gas station, maybe where julie & kevin had a store for a while near warren dunes?, mid-left beginning of

construction for the Family Life building at the Crystal cathedral; bottom left is the house we bought on chicago ave in bellflower--the for sale sign still up at the time; p15 on the sailboat of dad's friend from c cathedral; P16 sidewards, grandpa grandma, jim, linda with horse; p17 top: our siamese cat, dusty, in GR, bottom left: that's young sam with a frisbee; bottom right: steve with dog, andy, me; p18 three pics of me; p19 me, my bedroom, playing chess with steve, p20 another sailboat, andy, marybeth, linda, & tom larkin ; p21 top: cutting wood with jim at griswold; mid: looking out across the street ; p22 sam & andy in backyard, bellflower (good look at what it was like when we first arrived in 1984; much different now); p23-27 grandpa grandma, jim, lin with horse; FINISHED FAMILY 2B mostly California + Christmas 18p BW , FROM KAY & linda to martina navrtlova p1 kay & linda in the middle, bottom right, bruce; p2 bottom left at cobmoosa a rare pic of dave engelhard sr (front center turning to look at the camera) one of the original owners of the cottage); p3 more cobmoosa; p4 bottom left is gene rubingh; p5 i'm not sure where this is; p6 looks like the LA ZOO trip we tookwith bruce & anne; p7-10 family reunion?, but I wasn't there, or is this everybody at debbie dekam's wedding?p11 steve playing basketball for valley Christian ? p12 julie at the school she taught at in Fremont ? p13 "typical andrew" says the caption, ha ha; mid-right he's got a bag on his head ?; p14 christmas 1985, dan brinks came to visit (he and julie were dating at the time) and we took a trip to hearst castle (bottom left, that's dan waving and making a goofy face; bottom right, steve; p15 christmas party at dawsons, huntington harbor, 1985 ; p16 mid-left, family picture, bellflower backyard; bottom left--that's me working on my tan (don't do much of that anymore); bottom right, another family fic, a few more people, but not me andy or julie; back row, far left--that may be dad's associate from work;p17 bott left, jim & lin; bott right, nick timmer; p18 martina navrtilova ; ; UNFINISHED FAMILY 2d 10p bw zulu plus ; P1 DIANA LINDA & BARb with their dogs; p2 more sandra, linda, barb, bottom steve with one of san's kids & matt; p3 steve & matt, drive-thru tree; p4 more steve & matt; p5-6 karen doug linda..steve, maybe at fort bragg where karen lives now; p7 steve and matt where ? death valley ? p8 this must be fort bragg where karen lives, lots of open space plus beach; p9 on a sailboat of a colleague of jim's from crystal cathedral, neighbor boy zulu was with us, must be '84 or '85 , p10 misc FINISHED

FAMILY 7 MOSTLY BW, 50p , P1 Friendly or sam ? with rubber dolphin in mouth; P2 Cat on boat; P3 dog by gate, siamese cat & dog; P4 CHRISTMAS party at grandpa peter's house (he used to have big ones) , mom playing piano, bot r also todd vangenderen child pic, mid not sure who that is on the horse ; P5-6 chuck & barb getting married 1973... I remember visiting chuck & barb on a summer trip. Later, they divorced & barb remarried to a nice man named Lane and they live in Olympia. ; p7-8 Dekams mentioned previously; p9 roger williams is a well-known

musician, singer & pianist, and for many years was a regular at the crystal cathedral, but I haven't seen him lately ; p10 some elderly people whom I do not recognize; p11 top right that's uncle gary standing and marv & barb sitting at cobmoosa, marv timmer is one of the timmers from Ada Timmer's family (which included Karen, Bruce, Doug, & Mary). They live in Jenison, Michigan and have three kids (adult now); p12 the heins (friends of ours from Iowa City; they even came to Julie's wedding in Michigan); p13 visiting the cliff dwellings (mesa verde ? WE also visited gila cliff dwellings on a summer trip ; p14 FOUR CORNERS arizona, new mexico, utah, & colorado all converge here in one spot. steve is in FOUR STATES at one time ! P15 we TOOK our time moving to California, sightseeing along the way, P16, FINALLY we arrived in Bellflower, and the moving trucks came right behind us; p17-18 They even put our little 1950's speedboat in the moving truck and here we are skiing at long beach, summer of '84; P19 Top, tall randy reitsma at the top of the palm springs mountain (where the tram goes). Randy was Andy's friend from GR, and visited us at least once (maybe twice) in California; bottom Uncle Bruce & Aunt Anne with their two boys, JOhn & Nick at Manhattan Beach (where they still live, altho the kids are grown up and moved out now); P20 backyard of BELLFLOWER house..Jim has really changed it now.. much different, more trees, bushes, plants, a little fish pond, etc. ; P21 FRONT of bellflower house, chicago ave. By the way, this is only a few blocks away from where my grandpa & grandma Kok lived on Arkansas street when we moved to California (grandpa kok was retired by this time); p22 family on beach; bottom watts tower--for some reason my dad took me to see the watts tower when we moved to Cali in '84 ; P23 back at the palm springs tram (later I lived in Coachella Valley, other end I taught school at CVUSD); P24 CHRISTMAS cards; p25 young jimmy; P26 Jimmy's highschool friends ? holland christian; P27-28 ANDY & me ; P29 REPEAT, dekams; P30 The JELLEMAS CHRISTMAS card; P31 uncle woody (late uncle woody) & his brother gary at cobmoosa; P32 Silouette of jim and maybe me & gary on the hobycat we co-owned with gary at the cobmoosa cottage (this was on lake michigan in the New Era area of Michigan, not far from Silver Lake sand dunes, & even closer to little Stoney Lake); P33 top looks like Mary Beth at the far end of the table, who Andy (white hat) dated for a while; P34 Steve's junior high volcano project; P35 steve graduates from Valley Christian HS (Valley Christian, by the way, was founded by my grandpa Kok); P36 misc; P37-40 bott left is me washing dishes for grandma at their bellflower house, top r me with tie maybe Grand Rapids; bott right football pic ; P41-45 elementary school papers ; P46-48 my bedroom wall, griswold, GR, lots of basketball posters, Dr. J (Julius Erving), George Gervin, & Dr. Dunkenstein (darryl griffith); P49-50 SAM or friendly with Dusty or Misty (funny thing is we had two black labs, Friendly & Sam, & two siamese cats, Dusty & Misty, sometimes hard to tell apart); FAMILY 3B 70p BW (compare to "mis-labeled?" above, is this the same, repeat? ) P1 steve & matt kamminga, drive-thru tree; P2 DOUG timmer at chart house where he was a waiter; P3 nick timmer banging on the keyboard, mom playing piano with mark bosscher; P4 julie & andy at dad's 10th floor office,

crystal cathedral; P5 uncle bruce timmer; also at bottom pic of marybeth, who was andy's girlfriend for a while (she was from bellflower, but they met at calvin in grand rapids); P6 grandpa grandma kok; P7 Top left, diekemas vroons & jim & linda; P8 miscellaneous kok kids; P9 DOUG, KAREN and mom dad steve maybe at karen's house in fort bragg (northern cal); P10 Back in grand rapids, jim visiting me at a house i lived at during college, either lowell or noble street; P11 Bruce & ann on our speedboat, long beach (they had their own much bigger sailboat for a while, docked at manhattan beach (hermosa beach); john nick & steve eating icecream; andy & carol by a silo (they live in clarksville, MI), Bott left is kevin anderson who sis jul married (now divorced); P13 sheriff deputies on horseback on san gabriel river, near to our house in bellflower; jim in tuxedo with linda & di; family gathering; P14 ANDY juggling snowballs (he borrowed my yellow chevy caprice for a while, when I was in spain; and when I returned the window was broken (he didn't offer to fix it); bottom family pic griswold; P15 diana on a rock; P16 TOP left kay, right is mark & barry, bottom: linda, anne, bruce; P17 STEVE and his cousin matt at death valley ? ; P18 Andy with my chevy caprice (why is he shown more often with MY car than ME ?); P19 andy and his motorcycle, also gary's moto ?' P20 andy & gary playing smashball at gary's house on edgelawn, kentwood (I lived there for a semester during highschool); P21 grch graduation 1985 ; p22 rachel sytsma was a special friend of mine for a while---here she is with me at grch graduation (now she's a professor at calvin college); P23 uncle woody, brian & jen (brian marrie djen, or is that betsy bouwman ? maybe--he dated betsy for a little while); P24 ME & SIS JUL; p25 more aunt diana.. we had some great times with aunt di at gramps cottage in the 70's--every summer for several years we would stay there for a few wewks with di's family and cousins (this pic is from later in life); P26 FRIENDS OF FAMILY; p27 kendra bosscher is born, nick timmer is born; p28 our family christmas card, early 70's; p29 i see san & mark at bottom, pics of todd & craig vangenderen ; also bottom right one of jim's CPE students & family (from India) ; p30 steve kok and santa (today steve lives in redlands with his wife Kris and kids); p31 mark & kendra bosscher, christmas card; p32 top left dekams family 1973, top right steve & alissa dekam..friends for a while, cousins forever, mid-right karen timmer, bott right marc bosscher 3 weeks old; bottom left, classic pic of woody & ruth's family before they went to germany--here they are camping..they loved camping, probablyu holland; P33 top christmas card from woody & ruth's family, woody in full uniform (lieutenant colonel); mid gary & shirley with a young brian & audra, early 70's; bottom , not sure who these kids are; p34 on top, that's me sitting in a little waterfall, on a summer trip somewhere, 1979 cable car, san francisco, me, julie, andy, n ot sure wehre steve is; p35 waterskiing long beach, i believe that is me top, maybe steve m,iddle, and bottom is mark steve & kendra; p36 more long beach boat pics, on the bottom in front is barry on the right and a neighbor friend of barry on the left (he was a good surfer too); p37 back on the summer trip at the indian dwellings; p38 timmer family at manhattan beach; p39 carol mutschler & andy at andy's graduation; they married eachother and still live in clarksville, michigan with kids; p40 misc. top right is julie's roommate, the wiersma gal, with a kitten; top left is julie, not sure where; mid-left spees; mid-right me in white

robe, bellflower; bottom right, our siamese cat, probably dusty, nursing a bunch of her kittens; p41 grch football pics; p42 steve & cousin matt kamminga were great friends for many years, here they are in Grand Rapids, although a few of those include Danny Borst, steve's grand rapids friend (top right is definitely matt borst (l) with steve(r) and i think that's matt by the boat as well; the other two are matt kamminga) ; p43 that's me, bro andrew, & jim by the Kok Road sign in Randolph Wisconsin (Waupun area); on bottom that's a bunch of us at Seymour's farm; p44 summer trip, some of these are repeats; P45 this pic is in color also (wait for update), brian & me by big red holland, waterpark, christmas card pic; burying steve in the sand, top right me & teri peters on an inner tube at gpa's cottage; p46 top left, mt rushmore, top mid me with snowblower doing ollie's driveway; top-right me in leaves; bottom left me & ani peters, lake michigan; bottom right, camp optimist, that's me #32,;p 47 BRUCE & ANNE CHRISTMAS card; p48 dekams 1973; 49-51 doug timmer marrying judy at the wayfarer's chapel, palos verdes peninsula (later they divorced); p52 kok family, late 70's grand rapids; p53 jim & lin at cobmoosa; p54 sis jul at top, outhouse, her exhusband kevin below; p55 linda jim diana ; p56 mark & sandra spee with their golden retriever; p57 steve in expos baseball uniform, bellflower ; p58-59, woody & ruth camping photo enlarged; p60 cobmoosa shores is where we co-owned a cottage on lake michigan for many years with uncle gary, engelhards, & wiersmas; p61 shirley had a pet skunk for a few years, here's gary with it; p62 jim in his crystal cathedral office, 10th floor; p63 top right jim & linda looks like downtown on hill street; p64 robert schuller was invited to see a pre-screening of a clint eastwood movie called "Pale Rider", about a pastor so they wanted the opinions of church leaders; Schuller couldn't go so he asked JIm to take his place; they sent the church limo to take him to the show. Don't know if Clint was there in person (probably not); p65 at cobmoosa or at diekema's cottage (they have similar front ends), top i see tanya diekema (one of the two black gals adopted by Jeane & Tony); p66 top whitewater rafting on the snake river ,jackson, wyoming, summer trip; middle on the beach, lake michigan; p66 we called steve "winnie the pooh" because he loved his little "pooh bear" wheeler, and all things related to pooh bear (steve had the biggest flock of pure white hair you've ever seen as a child); p67 steve & his cousin matt (our cousin) painting, maybe the den at the (then) new bellflower house; p68 steve always loved to run as fast as he could, from inside the griswold house doing errands for us, to here at the beach; p69-70, the mendels brothers wwere friends of steve as were mike & chuck, neighbor friends around griswold; FINISHED ___________________________________ FAMILY 8, BW 16p 70-80s, P1 cobmoosa, vroons & dieks; bottom vroons & dieks at griswold, don smokiing pipe ; P2 Back at cobmoosa, don & his wife; P3 TONY & JEAN Diek, cobmoosa, linda; P4 steve at cobmoosa; P5 LINDA at cobmoosa; p6 alger school P7-8 SIS JUL's hotdog stand, downtown GR; P9 somber keith as usual at cobmoosa, steve rick & me at table behind; P10 SANDRA and linda ; P11 Steve & matt, lake michigan; P12 Steve & linda, cobmoosa; P13 MORE steve & matt at lake mich, cobmoosa; P14 That's the new amway tower downtown GR ; P15 Rubinghs at cobmoosa; P16 SPEES at cobmoosa;

---------------------------------???P17 kevin & julie cobmoosa; P18 Here we are at the LA ZOO with bruce and anne's family; --------------------------------------KOK FAMILY 3D 65p BW , ( this may be identical to KOK FAM 70 80 73 new part 1 BW except in slightly different order, but do NOT delete..there are a few uniques ) BW P1 sis jul in pool at bosschers; p2 christmas 1968 (bottom right kooistra's , kristy was in my class at grch; p3 top mom & sis jul at jul's lake avenue house, grand rapids, wehre she lived during college; bottom is lynn zwaanstra & mary at their house in denver; p4 top left are all the diekema kids; top right is paul hein and below him is judy; p5 top left me in the boat at long beach, doug to my left, jack to my right--this was when they visited (we took a train from Chicago to L.A. and drove back in Bud Ridder's car) top right doug me & jack in the backyard, bellflower; p6 that's robert schuller with Jim in Hawaii ; p7 top left, looks like steve & matt trying to surf; top right, steve & sis jul; p8 top left four kok kids, right, grandpa kok; p9 steve at seaworld with julie & his friend sammy sybesma, in wetsuits bottom right; p10 steve broke his leg sliding into 2nd base while playing for valley christian; p11 here we are having a big meal together, sis with her (now) ex-husband; p12 back in hawaii, the schullers , i think that is sheila schuller bottom right; p13 buying a hot tub, big fun for the bellflower house; p14 jim saw a few stars at some hollywood function, including, i think on top left that is za za gabor, mid-left ricardo montalban ?, p15, andy & carol; p16 steve arriving home with his leg in a cast; p17 julie & kevin; p18 julie& kevin, carol & andy; brillo; p19 that's one of marv timmer's boys, and also unc gary & h is dog brillo; p20 halloween 1985 steve & his friends dressed up; mid-left steve was in the valley christian marching band; p21 at the LA zoo with the timmers; p22 repeat of steve in expos baseball uniform; p23 steve & matt kamminga painting the den ?; p24 jim in his 10th floor office, crystal cathedra; p25 going to pale rider; P26 TOP, mom & dad, looks like at that monument on hill street, downtown los angeles; ; p27 cobmoosa shores--where we co-owned a cottage for several years (on lake michigan, near silver lake & nearer to stoney lake); p28 steve always loved to run !; p29 gary with shirley's skunk; p30 steve's friends at cobmoosa; p30-31; p32 top, rafting on snake river, jackson wyoming, mid, at grandpa's cottage; bottom steve & winnie the pooh; p33 either at cobmoosa or at diek's cottage (they look alike in front); p34 dieks, vroons, koks; p35 don & judy vroon; p36 jean & tony diekema, linda; p37 steve at cobmoosa; p38 linda with sam at cobmoosa; p39 steve & linda; p40 gene & darlene rubingh and linda at cobmoosa; p41 always somber keith in front, steve rick & me at the table; p42 mark & san spee and two of their kids; p43-44 steve & cousin matt kamminga, lake michigan; p45 julie's hotdog stand, downtown grand rapids; p46 san spee, mom dad, ; p47 construction of the amway grand center tower; p48 alger school in winter (i attended there thru 4th grade; this building has subsequently been torn down and rebuilt); p49-50 crystal cathedral, linda did an internship '84-85; p51 grandpa grandma, kay barry, bruce ann, andy; p52 top-left: me & teri peters by volleyball net, grandpa's cottage; top-right: silverlake sand dunes; mid: me in football

uniform with cat; bott-right & left: definitely me on bottom right by wood-burning stove; is that me also bottom-left or is that steve ? p53 top-left: me in riddel tshirt (gordon waalkes, father of my friend mike waalkes, worked as a salesman for riddel (later he worked for puma) and periodically provided t-shirts, even a football helmet. Mike & I played rocket football together for many years. I'm reading a detective book with some fans of mine (cat & dog) ; top-right me with snowblower, ollie johnson's driveway (she contracted with me to do her driveway anytime it snowed); mid: me on beach, holland, michigan; bott-right: me & cat; p54 precious pics of mom's spring quartet, 1960, top left: barb ____?, louise haan, bill haeck, ellen scripsema, mom; top right: louise, mom, leona (bielema), "rhoda began to primp phyliss (Mrs. Wes Kort), bott left, that must be san in the middle; p55 friends of the family; p56 top-right: nice pic of todd, craig, & courtney; p57 summer trip, 1979 including bryce; p58 repeat (delete); p59 diekemas, houskamps, derose , devries; p60 little nancy lehman, vanderlugt toddlers; scotly bontrager?, alison, paul, & kirsten newhof (this must be the kids of the newhof who played basketball at calvin, around same time as my dad, or a little later; I remember paul from GRCH), bottom left david & jonathan andreas; p61 little Mark Peters is born to grandpa & his 2nd wife, nancy (today, Mark is the CEO of butterball farms in GR) ; p 62 top-right is little woody (or woody jr, or sherwood jr); top left four of woody & ruth's kids (as of April, 2011, Sherwood Sr, Kathy, & Gary have died, God be with them, & may they be with GOD; bottom left, that's a nice "Kok's Xmas '66" pic, mostly or all woody & ruth's kids; i was born a year later, that's definitely bruce standing second row, 2nd to the right, but is that his wife Anne next to him? Were they married yet? ; p63 top left: wow ! a very young jay & mary zwaanstra with their two kids, scott & lynn; top right: grandma & grandpa kok & kay !; mid-left is Kathy Kok, the late daughter of Ruth & Sherwood; mid- right, college-age Sandra PEters (Before she married Mark Spee?); caitlyn kamminga is born ! (she's the daughter of dave & Diana, altho they subsequently divorced; we had a lot of fun with Di & Caitlyn & Matt at gramps cottage in the early to mid 70's; that was when Diana was just recently divorced and still living in Minnesota; now she lives in Olympia, WA and is remarried; Caitlyn got married a few years ago too, and is a professional bass player, not sure where they live now; we had a few good times together as young adults when we were both living in Jackson WYoming together around 1994; ) p64 friends of dad: bill lafleur with jean-marie & david; Bill & Myrna Bierling & kids; bottom right, Peter Young & Dirk Oostendorp, probably seminarian roommates with jim; p65 the DeRose family stayed in regular contact; bott left, the Dahm family, bott right, The Alferinks ! (I knew Michelle later in college), FINISHED FAMILY 9a, 70 80's 54p, BW P1-2 JUL's class play, grch; P3 jul's geometry report from schrotenboer (she despised Mr. Schrotenboer, who was my jv football coach ; P4 JUL's report card; P5 JUL took 2nd place in swimming (she loved to swim); P6-7 some of JUL's awards; P8 begins with kevin blowing cigarette smoke ? mid brian & his wife to be, Jen; bottom some of steve's friends incl chuck & mike & john aligere; P9 top linda kay; bottom barry jim andy bruce; P10

ME in a robe, bruce digging in backyard; p11-back in michigan sam & misty outside, winter day; bottom steve sitting on bed, julie's graduation or andy's; very bottom looks like linda & JULIE at gramps cottage; P12 REPEAT; P13 top pic of griswold living room, always kept very nice & neat; mid kids playing bball in driveway + dog; bottom julie & Christmas tree; P14 misc, BIRTHDAY party for steve ? ; P15 linda did some sort of internship at crystal cathedral for a while, P16 STEVE with snowblower ; p17 left steve, right me putting on sun tan lotion? maybe gulf shores ? ;P19 STEVE's birthday party; p20 good luck steve..healing from his broken leg (steve broke his leg playing baseball at valley Christian, apparently sliding into second base) p21 there's mr. lanser from 1st CRC talking to mom; & right is a rally or crusade of some sort, maybe billy graham crusade, anaheim ? p22 my bedroom wall, basketball pics, griswold, better pics elsewhere in color; p23-25 jim & lin; uncle gary, steve, p26 JIM sitting in a cool river, somewhere on one of our summer trips; p27 my bedroom wall again; p28 shirly, audra, gary at our griswold house in winter; p29 linda me & jim at gary's house on edgelawn in kentwood, i think it was for my highschool graduation; p30 martha & linda with a few of the youngsters; p31 not sure, need to brush them up; p32 on top i believe is us at the chart house where doug timmer was a waiter in redondo beach, no spouses yet ; middle is back in GR on griswold, family dinner, probably sunday dinner, because that's Wayne, one of dad's favorite patients from Pine Rest where dad was a chaplain for fourteen years. Wayne was one of the moderately "special" patients (ie. functional, could hold a conversation, not disabled) at PRCH; bottom maybe playing a game , that's me with hat and Jack holwerda to my left (he was a friend of sorts for many years when I was growing up in GR); P33 me and andy's motorcycle, mid gary , bottom cottage table; P34 Sandra & baby, rubinghs in backyard griswold, & by cactus; P35 heins FAMILY, PAUL IN BACK , mid uncle joe & aunt chris granps cott (i visited with them in Fort Myers when I went with Jack to visit his parents for a few days during a spring break) ; two spee kids, one angry; P36 Misc, sis jul in swimsuit at bottom; P37 TOP lynn zwaanstra wedding, scott on left of pic *jay zwaanstra married Mary Timmer who is the daughter of my grandpa kok's 2nd wife, Ada (my step grandma, the only one I knew). Jay & Mary live in Denver and have twokids, Scott & Lynn, bottom kok kids on griswold; P38 JIM in river, summer trip, martha lin with kids, bott 3 kok kids + dog P39 middle Jim & his sister Faith with youngsters; bottom, me & andy with dog; p40 this is an interesting one of jim & linda wading in the water with us kids, somebody on jim-dad's shoulders, probably steve, not sure where; mid linda , gary (gary was a social work at wedgewood acres for a few years , then worked as a school social worker, bottom is Audra, gary's daughter ; p41 three pics of steve, before moving to California he played little league for Boorsmas team; p42 postcard from Courtney & Eric who lived in san francisco at the time (two of the vangenderen kids, daughter son of uncle warren & aunt martha); p43 FIELD DAY certificate of participation (before transferring to Seymour Christian in 5th grade I attended Alger public school); p44 julie was a good swimmer; p45 Christmas postcards (i see two from the Kooistras; Kristy was in my same class at GRCH) AND on the bottom one from Bruce & Anne; p47 family friends, the Whites lived near us in IOwa City, and I was friends with JD for

a while; p48 top left is particularly interesting because that's Michelle Alferink and later I actually dated her (briefly) but later realized she was only dating me to try to compete with Kathy Lawrence her former best friend from East Kentwood (who I also dated for a short while; actually, they both used me), MIchelle was the daughter of a CRC pastor, apparently a friend of JIm and they lived in Denver for several years but she also attended school in GR including East Kentwood and Calvin COllege (where I met her); p49 now we are going way back.. bottom right I see Linda as a teenager on a bicycle at grandpa's cottage with baby barb in the basket(modern moms would never allow that, would they ) (the "lawn" still looks like that today) on top is Uncle Art whom we saw a few times in the 70's; p50 a Christmas leter written by mom & dad giving a family update; p51 back to the modern era, there's me in the tan suit at millbrook graduation, jack to my right, keith to my left; below that is a camp optimist picture, that's me #32, and cousin brian is bottom right; p52 not sure who that is in the water in front of grandpa's cottage, could be me, might also be mark peters, or even possibly todd or craig vg (altho they only visited a few times); at bottom we are skiing at caberfae which was further north than cannonsburg (the local ski slope for grand rapids people) P54 highschool pics top left is vicky zaagman..nice gal, her dad owned the local mortuary, top righ tis me, mid left is joan dekker (i went to senior banquet with her once); mid right is joan dejong, bottom is a copy of a ticket to a basketball event at the INgelwood Forum, 1984 summer olympics. it has Dan Brinks name on it, because he was Julie's boyfriend from Grand Rapids and visited us that summer; I think we shared tickets; p54 one of my GRCH report cards, I got an F from Muller in astronomy..not sure what happened there, The other classes not too bad, including an A- in computer math (with Van Kalker) & an A- in government (with Ten Broek who also lived at the end of our street) ; bottom right is Gina Kosters, one of my favorites from Millbrook & GRCH, i hope she knows that (if she cares). FAMILY 9B, MIXED BW COLOR, 56p P1 BARRY & DOUG working in bellflower backyard ? dad's house or grandpa's house ? p2 eastern ave, great kid pics, top right: me in driveway "that's our fullback"; mid-left: julie, andy, me, probably eastern avenue; mid-right: young kok family (before steve) in front of eastern ave house (one of these is the same as color alb 40p, but not the other; bottom summer camping in ludington, 1970; p3 two pics of me, early 70's; p4 grandma kathryn schaap as a child and young lady, and as newlywed with grandpa kok "probably pregnant with sherwood" already ?; p5 back to modern era at lake michigan, either me or todd vg or mark peters in the water, also snow skiing at caberfae; p6 these are awesome pics (in color as well), top left: me with one of the pups of who ? what dog had pups ? friendly ? must be, but their not black. I just slightly remember friendly having pups; mid-left; me, andy, & mike schaap; p6 mid-right: is that me in the swing at grandpa's cottage, jim pushing ?; p7 bottom left: maybe teri, me, & ani on grandpa's original catamaran (they bought a newer one later); bottom right: left of table is teri & andy, on right is me, then ani & julie; p7 top: steve, mom, grandma, grandpa; bottom: grandpa kok; p8 top: a 1939 kok family reunion, i see young grandpa & kathryn across the table; mid:

here's my great-grandpa & grandma & grandpa kok, sherwood & jimmy in front; bottom: grandma kathryn holding baby faith next to grandpa, woody & jim in front; p9 a story I wrote in 1975 ; p10 top: kathryn & her sister? p11 grandma kathryn & faith ? p12 grandma mills was buried in wellsville, ny; p13 "phil enjoys all sports" ; p14 top left: that's me with a bubblegum bubble popped in my face, ha ha, at gulf shores alabama 1980 (I was thirteen years old); top right: wading thru the water; bottom: this is the WLAV raft race on the Grand River, an annual tradition up until ____ (at some point they discontinued it apparently because of drownings?), that's definitely me, brian, & andy in the raft, but I'm not sure who the other two boys are (one sort of looks like David Kok, son of WOody & Ruth, but i'm also guessing possibly Kurt & Darren Dekam may have been visiting at the time); p15-17 back at gulf shores alabama; p18 this is great ! top left: i'm wondering who it is giving the peace sign? I dont' thin it is me, because I think i am on the right end with the blue jacket, so I am wondering if it is Kevin Dalson ("gubby"). He lived at the other end of our street (griswold); top right and middle two are pics of us IN the classroom at alger, but I just don't know which one is me, possibly in the front with the brownish shirt on, the only one looking over at the camera on the mid-right pic) ; bottom two are at holland tulip festival; p19 a christmas tree drawing of mine; p20 top-right & bott left : andy, me, julie at eastern ave; bott-right: grandpa peters & his mom ? with the daughters? p21 that's me the baby with candy. 6 months old in randolph, wisconsin; top right: growing fast, now 7 1/2 months old; mid-left, still 7 1/2 months old, with sister jul & bro and in iowa city driveway; mid-right: me again; bott left: us three kids again; bott-right: me by the infamous hassock; p22 top-left: that's me (I"m guessing it's me because this seems to be a section devoted to me) at three months old, then four months, etc. what a BEAUTIFUL BABY ! p23 2-3 months old; p24 top-left: me & my sidekick J.D. White; top-right on Jimmy's horse; midright & bottom-left: my 3rd birthday; bottom right: waiting for train from Long Island to NYC; p25 top left: i'm growing up fast, now 1 1/2 at Lake Okoboji; top right: me & sis jul; mid-left Andy, me, Jul; mid-right: me & andy at gramps cottage; bott right: andy, me, julie; bott left: that's me in the front, not sure who that is in the red-shirt, andy in yellowish shirt looking at me with adoration (that's rare, coming from him), and it must be various family friends kids on the couch, maybe Julie 2nd to last ? p26 top right: now I am younger again, at 15 months; bott-right & left: me & andy ; p27 I was born in Mercy Hospital at 9:50 am, delivered by Dr. Greowala ? ? I thought i was born at the University of Iowa medical center? Or was that something separate? ( I also was part of the U of Iowa Soy Infant program, i.e. "soy baby" ) p28 top: jim & kendra with cat; mid: bunch of koks & timmers in bellflower; bottom: more koks & timmers; p29 bostwick lake was a favorite place of jim & linda, top right & left: JIm with young Sandra Spee; mid-left: Linda & San; midright: Big Daddy Long-Leg Jim, & Linda; bottom left ; Jim & sandra, bott-right: Linda & Sandra; p30, top: must be jimmy, faith, & grandma kathryn at mt baldy; mid: not sure who it is; bottom: Kathryn & Faith (or Kay? Kay had the blonde hair and still does, but was Faith born with blonde and become dark ? As an adult I remember Faith having dark hair); across the table is jimmy in front, but that

doesn't look like Sherwood next to him (maybe its a friend); p31 top left: january 4, 1946 at death valley; top-right: that must be the south hawkins lookout tower that apparently was destroyed by the curve fire in 2002 (see ); mid-left who is Ryan ?; midright: July 1942 whitney portals (i actually hiked to the top of Mt. Whitney in July, 2007, with Lola; bott left: who ? , bott-right: jimmy, sherwood (?), faith , Kathryn, gary ? in the redwood area; p32--that's me; p33 linda & karen timmer; p34 dusty's kittens; p35 blank ; p36-43 elementary school papers need darkening; p44 top-left at a waterpark somewhere; top-right: great niagara falls pic; bott-left: at gramps cottage, teri in front, me in middle ? (or andy?), steve; I remember that stump in the background was there for many summers; mid-right: me & teri peters; bottright: that's me #32 & ani peters, and matt kamminga in front; ; bott-left: me in 1977 class pic after a black eye (they put a make-up to try to conceal it); p45 topleft: me in riddel shirt with cat & dog; mid: me on beach, holland; bott-right: me with kitten; p46 progress report; p47 summer trip in color, cable car, waterfall, san francisco, etc. p48 williamsberg; p49 top-left: Grandpa & Professor Schultze, 1938; top right: little gary; mid: mt baldy; mid-right: jimmy & who ? ; bott-left: great pics of three bears at yellowstone; bott-right: yellowstone river, 1939; p50 Dari Delite in Hanford ? (I remember Doug Timmer mentioning a Dari Delite); midleft & bottom-left: Tall Jimmy caught some nice-looking fish; mid-right: JIm caught with his hand in the cookie closet !; p51 jim growing up; p52 jim with basketball, jim with fancy pants; etc; p53 various Jim; p54 1937, grandma & granpa's 5th anniversary, June 9, 1937 at Lake Elsinore ; bott-left: Albertus Bratt, 1938; mid-right, here's the infamous diving board and tiny swimming pool, jimmy & sherwood; bott: sherwood & jimmy 1939; top: p55 sherwood, gareth, jimmy; mid: jimmy all dressed up (holland ?), bottom: jimmy in holland; p56 top-left: jim, brillo, sis-jul, me, andy; right: brian, gary, brillo; bott-left: jim, me, sis jul, andrew; FINISHED -=----------------------------------FAMILY 9C MIXED COLOR BW, 63p p1 top left: I think that's me with the Michigan hat holding sled & jumping off the roof, and then mid-left I am shoveling snow, after big storm, different hat on; on bottom, I think that's steve in front of the guest house we stayed in while visiting Uncle Sherwood on the military base in Atlanta; that's where it may be me also holding the tennis racket (I wasn't sure if this was Atlanta or Uncle Joe's; p2 All me, and also kok kids at knollcrest pond, Christmas card photo; p3 me again; p4 sidewards, kay bruce barry, etc; left sam and dusty.., bottom maybe audra & julie at a family reunion at yosemite ? I wasn't there. p5 here's that same page in color, with top at the chart house; mid-left sunday dinner with special guest wayne from pine rest; mid-right cousin brian with betsy bouman (previously I thought this may be jen who he married, but this was way before he met jen, so it must be betsy bouwman, who I also had a brief romance with when she was still at millbrook (then she transferred to east kentwood & met brian, small world); bottom left: at table including jack holwerda; bott-right: john alighere, then maybe mike or chuck or one of the mendels boys

(its blurry, then steve, then mike or chuck again (I can't keep the two straight); p6 my famous bedroom wall again, with basketball posters, dunkenstein, (griffith), dr. j., george gervin; bott-left: shirly audra gary in griswold driveway; mid-right, ruth kok, bott-left: gary p7 mostly mom linda; p8 top right: playing chess with brother steve ; mid-left: me suntan lotion (sidewards); mid-right: uncle gary drinking coffee, sidewards; bott-left steve with izod shirt, sidewards; bott-right: waterskiing who ? p9 mr. lanser plus linda (probably at 1st CRC) and a rally/crusade where ? ; p10 andy & me; p11 me in zip shirt, sidewards, backyard griswold who ?; p12 repeat upright; p13 top-left family pic with that 70's look, must be at grandpa peter's house because i see the bottom of the spiral staircase; mid-left: linda mom on innertube, lake michigan; mid-right: this is an awesome pic of the peters & koks before any real feuding began. This is Thanksgiving mid-70's at our house on griswold: back-row left to right: Jim & Linda, then Julie blowing a bubble or sticking out her tongue ? (that's typical julie), and then there is Ani Peters peeking over Mark's shoulder (red jacket), and to the right of Ani is Andy trying not to be blocked out entirely by Nancy, to Nancy's right is grandpa Peters; front row is our great dog Friendly, then Aunt San behind Steve (apparently before she met Mark Spee); & then there is me with Terry putting her arm around me; bott-left: another great pic at grandpa's cottage, and a surprise to me, because that's definitely Karen Timmer in front of the canoe & I never remembered her coming to grandpa's cottage, behind her I am wondering if it is Vana ? That's my best guess, anyways; third is definitely mom linda with hat on; and steering is Diana; bott-right: sitting on the big chunk of styrofoam we called a "raft" (which gave "rug burns" of sorts) is, I think, mom on the left with her big 1970's hair-do, and grandpa peters waving, aunt diana in front; p14 grch graduation in color ! p15 old angels stadium (before it was remodeled) , top-right: randy reitsma etc at top of tram, palm springs, mid-left: steve blue shirt, mid-right: steve after broken leg? , bott-left: who in usc shirt ?; bott-right: that's gordon wiersma & his wife (dottie?) front row; not sure who in the green flower shirt, nor sure of any of the others except jim & linda, altho i think the fellow to the right of jim is one of his psychologist friends; p16 kok road, randolph wisconsin; p18 doug timmer, bruce & ann, nick & john, barry, helping clean up the bellflower backyard shortly after we moved in (if I recall correctly it was divided in half by a chain-link fence and maybe a garden of some sort in the back; p19 top-left: steve's bedroom wall, bellflower; top-right: teacher-mom in front of bellflower house; bottom: grandpa-grandma, jim, lin with horse (the neighbors had a horse or two when we moved in in 1984, altho this is NOT the neighbor's horse, but along the river; a few years later they sold their lot and it was sub-divided into three parcels and three new houses were built there; p20 this is a priceless page , altho I can't read everything...essentially these are jim & linda's honeymoon pictures, including mackinac island (grand hotel) , holiday terrace ? , petoskey, and, bott-right this is the first time I've noticed mom by the Kok sign in Randolph (august, 1962) , bott-left is Jim with who ? whose boat ? the VW's ? p22 top-left tony diekema is inaugurated president of calvin college ; p21 here we are with the Heins family camping, maybe in Holland: paul is #77, to his right is the man who I think married beth; andy in stripes, me in red & blue, mom,

steve in diapers, jim in back, mr & mrs hein on right, no julie ?; mid-left, another great winter pic, with mom in her eskimo hat clearing the driveway; mid-right: sam in snowpath; bott-left: peters house, grandpa peters & nancy, chuck & barb, san (yellow), mom (right) ; bott-right: baby steve is recoiling from nancy, mom is giving nancy, her step-mother, a stare as if to say "what are you doing to my baby ?", looks like me behind mom & ani or teri to my right ? , chuck in tie is looking over at the camera; probably andy in red shirt to the right of chuck looking over at barb & san, is that jim at the far end ? if so, who is taking this picture ? grandpa peters ? p22 top-left: some of us kids across from the Vanderveen house on griswold street; top-right: seymour's farm, here he is with wife & kids, including jim the son; mid-right: jim, linda, & steve and grandpa's original catamaran; mid-left: one of my favorites, the dinghy: definitely andy in front of the pic on the left (which is the back of the boat), to andy's right it could be ani or julie ? rowing may be mark peters (probably, he was always the one to take control; but if that's julie, they would probably be fighting over who would be rowing, I will never forget the time they got in a fight at grandpa's house and started pushing and pulling a door open & shut and then mark stuck a stick in the door and julie repeatedly slammed the door on the stick and it caused some damage to the doorway, which caused grandpa to become very angry and i think there were talks about who was going to pay for the damage, ha ha ), and that's me up front ! , bott-right: this is a great pic of cindy (bob's wife) and probably bob in the middle (altho it sort of looks like bill) and julie behind him, and cousin Gary (not uncle gary) on the right (I'm not sure who the child is in front) (dated, January 1976) ; bott-left: with the vroons and diekemas at a new year gathering, holiday inn hotel; p23 fort morgan pics, near gulf shores alabama, looks like we met with the lautenbachs from grand rapids while there; p24 REPEATS; P25 top right: back in iowa city, there's big jim holding the three of us !; mid-left: we apparently spent the summer on Long Island before we moved from Iowa back to Grand Rapids; mid-right: that was the summer of '69 at Isabell Style's west Sayville, Long island NY; bott-right: i think that one is of us by the statue of liberty, but the lady liberty is not shown; p26 top-right: THIS is great ! i've never noticed this until now: Linda & Jim dressed up for halloween, jim is a lady with a mustache ha ha ! top-right: "out boat" ha ha, looks like we made a pretend boat out of wood with grandpa peters (this is at the house on eastern) ; mid-left: our little pond on eastern ave; mid-right: julie? (she looks different there), andy , jim, me; bott-left: i see jim & linda, but not sure who the others are, possibly woody & ruth, also in front right looks a little bit like kay, not sure who else; p27 top-right: lynn zwaanstras wedding; mid-left: andy lying in front, then mark, not sure about the three girls lying down, but that's definitely me & teri by the branch; mid-right: mary & jay zwaanstra and one of the kids; bott-left: steve, aka winnie-the-pooh (he loved winnie); bott-right: steve is on the left, not sure who the others are; p28 REPEAT; p29 top: steve's marching band, valley christian; mid: linda mom somewhere; bott-left: me in blue robe, bott-right: andrew; top-left: august 1965, linda & baby Andy, jim with julie; top-right probably julie & mom, plus aunt diana; bott-right: jim & julie and a cow; p31 alger heights + steve; p32 grch football versus ottawa ( i think, given the orange color); p33 miscellaneous; p34 out on

the "big lake" lake michigan in the winter at grandpa's cottage; p35 all me, plus four kok kids at knollcrest; p36 andy; p37 julie; p38 grand rapids postcards; p39 great pics of jim & woody ; p40 top-left: rare one of grandpa kok as a child, with his brother william; top-right: young kathryn & gareth; bott-left: apparently some of the family lived in Anaheim for a while, but when I asked my dad about it, he didn't know; bott-right, young jim ; p41 REPEAT; p42 left is andy, & top-right: great pic of andy the indian; mid-right: on the snake river, shirley, audra, brian, gary (brian was so timid back then); bott-right: julie & andy; bott-left: not sure where this is, but i see steve in front, that's me #12, not sure about the others; p43 andy & me, his motorcycle, diekemas house, calvin college; p44 top-left rare pic of a very young kathryn schaap (my grandma kok); top-mid: kathryn older; top-right: gareth , bottom: 1932-33 probably in hills, minnesota; p45 top: kok family reunion, 1939 (small reunion at that time); mid: here's another pic of dad's grandma & grandpa (my great-grandfather & mother) whom I've asked my dad about, but he never told me anything; bottom: young grandpa & grandma kok with baby faith, jimmy, & sherwood; p46 top: kathryn & her sister ? they look alike; bottom: the two pics of grandpa kok are strikingly similar, but at different ages (his hair style and facial features are exactly the same); p47 faith and kathryn ? or kay ? p48 Grandma Mills was buried in Wellsville, NY in 1970 ? she died after her daughter, helen; p49 jim & kendra, +misty, our siamese cat; mid & bottom: family gathering in bellflower; [next few pages are repeats] p50 jim, lin & sandra at bostwick lake, 1961; p51 top: faith, jimmy, & kathryn at mt baldy ("camp baldy cafe"? ) mid: nice teeter-totter horsie; bott: kathryn, faith, jimmy, & sherwood ? p52 top-left: january 5, 1946 at stove-pipe wells, death valley ( I've spent some time in death valley myself in the 2000's and mid-90's. it is a fascinating area; top-right: there's the s. hawkins lookout tower again, subsequently burned down by the curve fire; mid-right: whitney portals (am i the only one in the kok family to hike to the top of mt whitney ?) mid-left: I'm not sure who Ryan is; bott-left: not sure who; bott-right: must be in the redwoods: jimmy, sherwood, faith, kathryn, gary ? p53 karen & linda, sunset beach (Karen lived in a house or apartment here at sunset beach with Vana for a few years when she was still teaching here); p54, dusty's kittens; p55 top-left: professor schultze & grandpa kok (there's a dorm named schultze at calvin now); top-mid & top-right: is that baby gary ? middle: at mt baldy; bottom: great pic of the three bears at yellowstone; yellowstone river (I spent a few summers in Jackson WY /yellowstone mid-90's; p56 dari-delite in hanford ? jim caught some nice fish; jim caught with his hand in the cookie closet; p57 young man Jimmy; p58 jimmy with his basketball, fancy pants; p59 jimmy; p60 june 9, 1937 grandpa grandma's wedding anniversary; mid-right: the little swimming pool & diving board; p61 top: august 29, 1946 sherwood, grandpa, jimmy; mid: jim, all dressed up; bottom: jim in holland ? ; p62 top: jimmy had the measles ? he looks ok here with the sunglasses on (great pic); mid-left: not sure who the three on left are, but that's jimmy on the far right. Is that sherwood? doesn't look like him; mid-right: jimmy on the tractor; bott-left: jimmy & friends (the little rascals); bott-right: all kids at the table ? p63-64 steve's bedroom (used to be mine); p65 lin & the horse; p66 me in the blue robe ! FINISHED !

MOM's ALBUM, B4, PART 1 of 2, 24 pages : p1 top-left: mom, jim, steve; top-right Andy on chair; mid: shirley on andy's lap, bott-left: gary playing with dog; bottright: linda; p2 friends of jim & lin; p3 this is in the pine rest gymn, maybe they are saying goodbye..jim's farewell in 1984 as he prepares to move to california; p4 various pics of jim with colleagues from prch, including bott-right: bob baker; p5 top-right: mel hugen; p6 more pics from pine rest, they presented jim a picture; p7 mom giving piano lessons; p8 mom & julie on bleachers, where ? grch? p9 the living room; p10 family pics: bottom: we gave mom breakfast in bed for mothers day; p11 top: mom reading book, bott-left: jim preparing a meal; mid: jim glaring at the camera; bott-right: jim & me cutting wood with chainsaw; p12 top-left: andy playing basketball in the griswold driveway; top-right: andy on tireswing; bott-right: shirley, audra, gary in griswold driveway; p13 top: steve's halloween candy; bott-left: steve at table; bott-right: steve with cat; p14 top-left: steve eating, top-right: steve on tireswing; bott: steve, frisbee, dog; p15 top: steve & MY snowblower; bott: steve leaving music lessons in the snow; p16 julie & linda in backyard griswold--view of brummlers yard next door; p17 steve's rocket baseball practice, alger park; p18 mostly julie; p19-20 steve loved soccer ! p21 at holland state park by the channel where we often had social gatherings; p22 at the end of the pier, lots of tagging out here and kids love to jump off the end into the waves; p23 burying steve in the sand: me (adidas shirt), cousin brian, dave dejong (shorts with white stripes); p24 top-left: steve on gary's lap; top-right: is this at gulf shores? kids playing on beach; mid-right: audra, linda, shirley; bott-right: linda on phone, bott-left: steve FINISHED MOM'S WEDDING PICS : 16 PAGES --------------------------MOM's ALBUM, B4, PART 2 of 2, 14 pages MOM FAMILY MIX MALINDIBAR BW P1 top: grandma peters ; bott-left: linda patty karen elizabeth jeaneen martha katy elly joanna ? robert , sally bd, gingi ? bott-right: linda, di, mary jane, marge on the malindibar, lake macatawa; p2 topleft: di & elly, top-right katy boswell? mid: upside down linda; bott-right; molly, di, & sally; bott-left: sally & molly; p3 record snowfall 1978, shoveling, jumping off roof, also atlanta (some of these are repeats in BW) ; p4 niagara falls, water park, teri beach, cottage; ani me #12, steve matt ; me black-eye pic p5 trampoline, me millbrook, bellflower, pink house; p6 basketball, cam, mark peters, griswold, p7 "phil enjoys all sports" football basketball; p8 young leo also leo & brothers at cottage, including abe his father; p9 christmas cards; p10 mother's family: the rogers, helen mills martha rogers, et al. p11 abe lin family; p12 gulf shores, raft race 1980; p13 new toy , trane uniform, griswold, trampoline mark peters ; p14 2nd & erd grade class pic bw FINISHED ---------------------39

MOM ALBUM 1 21P, p1: RADIO CHOIR TOUR (1959-freshman) top-left: "On Steps of Capitol", top-mid: "All 70 of US: Jerry Ford on Right; top-right: Our Hostess in Washington, Jackie Van SOlkema ?; bott-left: Mrs. Daling, Bruce Kenning, Profe Dejong; bott-mid: "My Roommate, Connie Jansma"; bott-right: "Connie & I at her home in Hawthorne, NJ"; MOM ALBUM 1 21P, P1-3 "What Would Christian High be without Our Orchestra? Small but Brave" leaders suzanne o'neal vanderstarre ; p4-9 Future teachers, Future Nurses, Pep Club p10-12 School Newspaper; "I worked on the school newspaper my junior year--first onthe feature staff, then the sports staff. Can you imagine me writing sports?" Names: Sports Editor: Jack Kremers, Reporters: Lois Albers, Minetta Blankespoor, Jo Deboode, Bob Decker, Pete DeVos, Marilyn Ezinga, Mary Engelsma, Phyl Hoeksema, Connie Jansma, Barbara Lamain, Wayne Lanning, Nancy Sonneveldt, Caroline Prins, Harold Veenstra, Marty Vroon, Annette Worst, John WOrst; Typists: Mary Kol, Joann Faber, Lavonne De Young; Photographer: Chris Vanden Berg, Cartoonist: Cheryl Oppenhuizen; Business Manaer: Ed Hoeksema, Business Staff: Jim Meines, George Ritsema, Sponsors: Miss Ten Broek, Mr. DeBorst ; p13-21 Cubby-hole, Slumber Party Sandy Nanninga, Linda mom, Alison Van Valkenberg; bott-left: "Slumber Party at Sally Northouse cottage: Sally, Ann Bylsma, Linda mom, Nancy Roosten (?), Janna DeBoer ; enhanced FINISHED ------------------MOM ALBUM 2, 39p: p1 MOM was a cheerleader at GRCH along with: Phyliss Zandee (we had a Zandee PE teacher at GRCH, wonder if any connection); mary niemeyer, dorie alofs, & ginge stehouwer (there was a Chip Stehouwer in my class of '85; ) p2 mom's junior year at GRCH she was the secretary along with Ann Bylsma (treasurer), and Henry Demots (president; also David Fliestra (vicepresident), Mr. Bos, Miss Newcomb, Mr. Deborst; p3 top-left: ha ha "shhh, trade secrets"; various pics of mom in the late 50's, also the "singing strings" at Knollcrest (that's the big open lawn by the pond at Calvin College), mom played cello (as well as piano); p4 top-left: here's one of the few pics I've seen of Grandpa Leo Peters as a young boy (with bike); mid: with a classic old car (old now, maybe not so old then); top-right: on the malindibar; bott-left: August, 1937, awesome pic of Grandpa Leo with his brothers & sisters: Gene, Art, May, & Joe at the lake michigan cottage which still looks, in general, the same today (maybe new stairs, and the beach changes shape & size every year, but basically the same familiar look); bott-right: (May, 1937) my great-grandma mills, grandpa peters, and mom's great aunt Helen (which explains how my grandma Helen got her name, she was named after her mom's sister); p5 "More of Dad's Family": topleft: by the castle?, uncle Ted, Aunt Myrtle & May, Uncle Art; top-right: May & Grandpa Peters holding baby Martha, Grandma Petrs & Gene smoking a pipe; bott-right: (1956) Gene, Ann, Grandpa Leo, Abe (that's Abraham ? Leo's dad, my great grandpa ? Uncle Joe (mom's uncle, but we called him Uncle Joe as kids too); Ted, Art, Fran; p6 top-left: Uncles Gene & Joe with a model sailboat ? bottleft: Aunt Ann & Uncle Vern (1937?); top-right: Uncle Joe, Grandpa Peters, & Gene; bott-right: Aunt Fran; p7, top: grandpa mills on a horse; bottom: grandma

& great Aunt Helen; p8 top-right: grandma helen, great-grandma mills, and who ? bott-left: this is a great pic of a young Helen with friends; p9 top-left: grandma helen in a fur jacket ; apparently, these are all pics of grandma Helen ? was she a nursing student ? p10 "Relaxing at the Cottage" top-left: barb; bott-left: linda mom; top-right: sandra, stevie bickley (or blickley? ), barb, & Jamie Bickley ; bottright: san, barb, martha, diana, mary & johnny; p11 top-left: martha, top-right: Brenda was 5 years old in 1950 (you do the math); p12 little Sandra, the one on the bottom-right is particularly cute, is that linda on the left ? it doesn't really look like her. also bott-left: sandra by the pool, but no water in it ? p13 "Our Home in Winter" ha ha. This is the Butterball Mansion at 750 plymouth. bott-left: This is really incredible: "Three Days Before Grandpa Peters & Nancy Marry" with Aunt Franny & Uncle Gene with the Peters, Christmas '61 (and a bigger tree) . p14 great pics of Helen & her sister Jean with parents somewhere where there are mountains, or big hills....nice old car too; p15 more of Helen & Jean, on a boat ... p16 Helen's father, my great grandpa Mills; p17 my great grandpa & grandma mills; p 18 my great-great-great grandparents on my mom's-mom's-mom's side: top-left: Mrs Elisha Hyatt (Martha) (born 1817-1901, maiden name Beazley; her husband's name, top-right, was Elisha ? Their daughter, Lydia (1849-1928) was married to Hugh Rogers (1841-1923); p19 top: another great picture of my ancestors on my mom's side, sitting on the porch in Washington, INdiana (1916): Hugh Rogers, Helen Berry, Lydia Rogers, Arthur Berry, Martha Mills, Hugh Berry, Arthur Rogers, Helen Mills p20 too bad the larger one on top got cut off, but it's the same as the bottom-right, p21 blurry, bott: says "linda's grandma, 2nd from left" ; p22 top-left: "my room at jongma's, a basement room of a tri-level home"; top-right: "my wonderful hosts: Henry (holding annette), Ben (margaret's brother), Edward, Margaret; bottom: pics from montreal trip; p23 "In Montreal, Summer of '61: including Nelly & Jackie Groenewawgon, Tiny Keesmat, Frieda Admiral, Barb Jeltema, Ken Zylstra, Riemer Praamsma; top-left: Nelly, TIny, Rev Knoppers, Frieda, Barb, Riemer, Mr. ___, & Ken; top-right: "In Front of Riemer's Car": Frieda, Tiny, Jacky, Barb, & Mom; mid: "We stand on the site of the new Montreal church": Riemer, Tiny, Nelly, Rev. K, barb, Frieda, Ken, Nelly (again?)_), Mom; bott-left: official picture (the banner behind them says "turn many to righteousness" ; bott-right: "three carloads of us visited quebec"; p24 "Visiting Brenda in 1961: She's very happy & cheerful": also mid: visiting Boston, including Bunker Hill Monument & the boat named Constitution, better known as "Old Ironsides" because cannonballs couldn't penetrate her tough oak exterior ; bott-right: pic of a group of mom's sisters & spouses skiing in vermont, also larry & barb vangenderen (they also live in Jackson, WY, and were hospitable when I was there for two summers); p25 Mom visited Martha & Warren for three weeks in Boston, including top-right: a boat trip to Martha's Vineyard; also, bott-right: a visit to Dirgin's (sic, I think it's Durgin's restaurant, a famous, centuries-old restaurant in Boston; p26 also the fabulous st. anne de beaupre cathedral alongside the st. lawrence river in quebec; p27 "Saturday Found us Relaxing" top-across: by a waterfall at the zoo; bott-left: grace, sally, loie on the boardwalk; p28 where they stayed, overlooking a convent, lots of nuns; p29 top-left "after wine snooze" ha ha; top-mid: "John serves the wine"; top-right: "Improving our

tans"; bott-left: "Sal & I bearing bread & drink"; bott-mid: (blurry) "me in front of our boarding house"; bott-right: "Don't run, it's only me" ha ha; p30 "Summer at Laval University, Quebec, 1960" (did she have two different trips to quebec, 1960 & '61 ? or are the dates mixed up?) top-left: "On boardwalk, overlooking the St. Lawrence Seaway, Loie Westra, Grace Ritsema, Mom ( I love how she says "I" instead of "me"), Sally Northouse; mid: standing: grace, sally mary ann walters, mary sue wierenga (I remember a mike wierenga from grch); kneeling: loie, Me (now she says "me" instead of "I" ha ha), Trudy Huisman; top-right: Sal & Mom; bott-left: "Enjoying the breeze on Plains of Abraham: Sal, Me Grace, Loie (the battle of plains of abraham took place here in 1759, part of the French-Indian war); bott-mid: some sailors, "2 of 14,000 that docked" ; bott-right: "On Our Way to a ____?": Grace, mom, Trudy,Mary, Sue...; p31 top-left: "A magician performs at opening night welcome for us"; top-mid: they "received books" as going-away gifts. Mom received "God's Colony is Man's World" by Webber; top-right "Mr. & Mrs. Pater ham it up while she tries to decorate the cake on his hand"; bott-left: June 30, 1961, they prepare to leave quebec; bott-right: "Mr. & Mrs. Borgdorff with adopted daughter. We stayed with them in Hamilton on our way to Montreal" (I went to a wedding in Hamilton with Doug Kosters during college in the mid-80's. A Canadian friend of his invited him & he invited me. We drove there. Fun time). p32: "We lost a wonderful friend 2 (or 3) weeks after leaving MOntreal. Mr. Pater (the man in the background, died of a heart attack). George Kline in foreground, also see Mrs Pater, children, Barb, Jacky, Tiny; top-mid: "3 Kline boys, plus others, welcome us with a "swim song."; top-right: "Spent one day, loafing, swimming, playing, gathering round a campfire" ; bott-left: "Sunday noon coffee + doughnuts, before going down to the harbor to visit ships"; bott-right: "We enjoy nearby waterfall. Tiny Ken, Riemer in background; p33: mom's report cards, top: 5th period harmony class with Mrs. Haan, 2nd semester 1956-57: almost ALL A's, ONE B+; MID: BiBLE II 3rd period, 1957 with M.H. Faber, good grades except a C- on the final exam; bott: 6th period Algebra III, 2nd semester, 1957 with Mr. Vryhof (is that the same Vryhof I had in 1985 ?) : very good, although a little low on the final exam, again; p34: "Oh, We Keep Up with Fashions" ; top-left: "A Glamours Evening Gown" (formal of Mart's, Cape from curtains in dad's room); mid: "Barbara Shore-designer, Sandy Shoremodel...Robin Hood-sports wear (Barb's dress is a shrunk knit dress of Nancy's) ; top-right: "Japanese Gown a Favorite" (an old formal of mother's) ; bott-left: "Dad & Nancy to be Engaged" ; p35 top-right: "Lin & Di Keep in trim"; top-right: Barb; bott-left: "Dad celebrates his birthday"; mid: "Mart takes the vows, August, 1959" ; bott-right: "Barb & her beloved, Pixie" p36 "Scenes from 1960": top-left: "Now--the 2 brunettes" (ha ha, again mom is conscientious about hair color); topmid: this is a classic pic of the sisters in the apple tree at 750: barb, lin, di, san; top-right: "It's Cold Man !" bott-left: The Original Five ; bott-mid: "Lake Michigan Sun WOrshippers": Martha, Linda, Diana, Barb, & San, or "Malindibar + San"; bott-right: "School has begun" p.37 top-left: various pics of the sisters: Mart, Barb, Lin, San Diana; p38 "Calvin Young Adults: Open Season with Fun, top-left: "HOw to Shave a Waterballoon over your beau", ha ha, top-mid: "Rev. Boomsma Cheesecake Grin" ha ha, lol; bott-right: "Uncle JOe & Aunt Chris enjoy the sun" ;

bott-left: "When music stops pull out the top garment of the bag; p39 mom & her musician/actress friends; FINISHED ----------------------MOM ALBUM 3 33P p1 grandma Helen & mom, top-right: beautiful pic of mom at 5 years old, must be by the evanston apartment ? bott-left: precious pic of mom with cousins in uncle joe's driveway; bott-right: is that martha with barb to the left of the dog? who on the right? diana ? doesn't look like linda, must be diana ; p2 mom in florida with friends ? lots of kids, who are they ? P3 TOP: Linda at 6 months; , bottom three pics of mom..great pics., i like the middle one of martha holding linda, also bottom right, grandma helen with martha and linda; p3 bunch of mom's friend's including ann bylsma, sally northouse, phyliss zandee, ann haeck, carol van dyke; nancy backer, clarie newhoff, karlene oomkes (names I recognize who may have had kids my age at Grch include oomkes (dan), newhoff (paul), zandee (tom) ; they're in a pick-up truck at 750 plymouth; bott-left, january 1959, em van sweden? ann haeck, dorie alofs, loie westra, bott-mid: somebody drinking straight out of the bottle, ha ha; p5 great pics of baby Barb; p6 top-left, awesome pic of aunt di & johnny pete; top-right: joyce, jan, mary (don't know them), bott-right: grandpa peters "daddy" in front of the evanston apartment before he struck "gold" with the butterball invention; bott-left: aunt diana and who by the "castle" (the garage-turned-guest house was called the "castle" because somebody put a sign up that said "castle" by it many years ago)? p7 topleft: linda, san, di & barb trying to fly a kite, but the caption says "no, we don't even know how to fly it" . Just THROW it up into the air, Di, and let the wind do the rest ! Don't let go of the string; top-right: linda taught at kent hills for a while; p8 at GRCH (east Christian ? ) mom was a cheerleader; p9 mom was in the choir as well as a cheerleader, and a musician, and what else ? p10 top-right: grandma peters (leo's mom ?) bott-right: mom's aunt jean & uncle norwood and kids ;p11 top-right: grandma helen with baby martha; bott-left: young helen mills; p12 they say helen loved horses, not sure if this is helen, or her relatives ? p13 mid: is that jimmy & sherwood lifting rocks in death valley ? bottom: more current, four kok kids at griswold, gr; p14-15 cut off; p16 top-left: camp windego (by the way, i think this is camp "windigo", i found a link to it online; it's in indiana and apparently a group is trying to save it from being sold, see Http:// , sue barry and katy boswell?, what about the other two ? katy boswell is a name i recognize. mom often spoke of her as a best friend of sorts; top-right: katy boswell again; bott-left: "mary shows off", bott-mid: jane koning (i remember a harvey koning at grch), san, & barb; bott-right: scott vangenderen; p17 top-left: newspaper clip about interlochen includes barb & diana, but that does NOT look like barb (are they sure ?) , the other three pics are of Brenda, one of the daughters of Helen & Leo who was born developmentally disabled; p18 top-left: four peters sisters by fisk lake (which is/was a smaller pond next to reeds lake in east grand rapids), mid-top: diana & linda at interlochen (interlochen music camp in traverse city, michigan played a big part in the lives of the peters sisters, although not martha ? maybe she wasn't as musically inclined ? (i stayed at martha & warren's house in Jackson, WY a couple of summers); top-right: all SIX PETERS sisters (the original

six; later came teri & ani from the 2nd marriage); bottom: various pics of aunt martha,the only blonde of the original six ? (ani is blonde, from 2nd marriage; diana seemed to be a blonde when she was young, but her hair was darker as an adult); p19 inside the Peters "butterball mansion" at 750 plymouth, apparently some sort of theatrical endeavor; p20 top-left: you see, I think Diana looks a lot like martha here, almost blonde; top-mid: young sandra "toothless"; top-right: martha meets warren vangenderen (from denver?); bott-left: I thought warren was from denver, but there's a scott vangenderen who seems to have been around holland at a young age, so maybe the denver VG's were connected to a holland clan as well ? is scott a cousin of warren? I think we went out on a boat with an adult scott who lived on lake mackinaw in holland, shortly after college (late 80's) at the invitation of aunt diana; bott-right: san & barb with dog on beach; p21 topleft: mary who ? diana, and johnny pete ! top-right: uncle joe & aunt chris (I remember seeing them every summer for many years at grandpa's cottage. they had their own separate residence at the other end of the property. uncle joe used to sail alone on his tiny little sunfish sailboat on calm days (they lived in florida during the winter. i remember seeing them in fort myers); bott-right: the sisters had a cat, pixie, who had kittens ; p22 top-left: that's grandpa peters on his boat, the "malindibar" (which was named after the first four daughters: martha, linda, diana, & barb). I thought at first the caption was saying they "fell" on the boat, but apparently "Fell" is their last name, not sure who they are. bott: the hastings family; p23 top: 1938 Chicago, grandma helen with baby martha; bott-left: this is a precious pic of grandpa peters as a child with his family, including his father, Abraham (who I recently found out was a strong supporter of Pine Rest Hospital, including a board member who they are celebrating right now at the PRCH 100th anniversary (May, 2011) and where my dad is the "keynote speaker" at their celebration; my dad worked as a chaplain at pine rest for fourteen years; i myself worked there as a mental health worker for a year+);P24 top-left: this is the only pic i KNOW of that shows grandpa's pool (at 750 plymouth) filled with water and somebody swimming in it. In all the years we visited grandpa during the 70's and parts of the 80's I never saw the pool filled with water. I assume it was never used after some point in time, maybe it had issues. Also, anytime I referred to it as a "pool" the Peter 2 family corrected me and said it was a fish pond, but I never saw any fish in there either. Bottom-two : Katy Boswel, mom's Chicago friend. p25 Aunt Franny & Uncle Gene's wedding: including Gay (Jellema) Peterson, as well as Franny & Gene & Harry Boer (among others, not named). Harry Boer attended 1st CRC, our family church when we lived in Grand Rapids. I vaguely remember meeting Franny & Gene (I think they also had a lake michigan cottage, or was that Uncle Art?) ; P26 Top-left: johnny pete; top-right: johnny (barely visible), uncle joe, & aunt Chris; mid: great 4th of July pic, including Johnny, Diana, Gene Ann; mary jellema, linda mom, joyce j., who? , and Aunt Ann; also Martha, Grandma, Aunt Fran, Chris, May, Grandma Helen, & little Barbie; finally in back is a great pic of Grandpa Peters (he had a sense of humor), uncle JOe, Jan J., & Uncle Vern (didn't know this uncle, or great-uncle); bott-left: (Sept '55) Billy & Teddy Roelofs ( I corresponded with Ted Roelofs around the time of the death of President Gerald Ford because Ted is (or was, probably still is) a reporter for the GR Press. ; bott44

right: gene ann (interesting name, half male, half female, i remember somebody commenting on the name before, was it ted roelofs in his correspondence to me ? ) also aunt Christ, ted & bill; p27 "the girls together again" : various pics of the peters sisters (the original six), including by a Christmas tree (which does not appear to be as grand and large as the ones grandpa got later in life (that reached the high ceiling of the mansion); p28 various pics of brenda (who was developmentally disabled) with a few of her sisters (brenda eventually ended up in a residential home in Chicago and died in the early 2000's ?); p29 more of the ORIGINAL SIX and a touching pic of grandpa and daughter brenda holding hands; p30 bott-left: this is the one pic i alway sthink of when I think of the evanston apartment at 612 Michigan Ave (a block or two from Lake Michigan) where grandpa peters started butterball & his butter packet invention (I actually located it when I was in Chicago, summer of '09 and took a vid of it) and this answers my question re who was born already at the time they were in Evanston, apparenly all the daughters except Brenda & Sandra; bott-right: I always remember the caption "The Two Darkies of the Family", Linda & Barb (so she considered Diana a blonde, and this was before Sandra & Brenda). Interesting that my mom paid attention to hair color. p31 top-left: grandma mills (my greatgrandma) at the evanston apartment (612 Michigan); mid: here's a great pic of grandpa peters, looks like he's in their garage ?; bott: grandma peters (my greatgrandma); p32 top-left: going way back to May 1939, here's great-grandma Peters (I think) with some of the young ones of Helen & Leo (which would be Martha in the Dutch costume, but I'm not sure who the older one is over on the side); mid: here's that classic photo of mom with friends & relatives & siblings hanging on the the back of the old station wagon (woody wagon) in the driveway of Uncle Joe's (holland, Michigan, the far end of my grandpa's cottage property). bottright: also nice photo of the four sisters; p33 great pic of Linda & Martha at Lincoln Park, Chicago; FINISHED DAD JIM ALBUM 1, part 1, 45p P1-7: DAD's wedding from left to right: Sherwood, Marv ?, JIM, Grandpa, Gary ? )looks a lot like steve), Bruce, Doug. Wow, I didn't realize they were all at the wedding. P8-10 "Jim's paternal grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Kok (Sam KOk 4/25/1876 to 10/9/1936; Johanna Hendereka VanderGalien (5/9/1880 to 12/11/70); p11-12 grandpa kok as a young man; p13-16 top, uncle sherwood's young family, early 70's ; mid gary & shirley with young brian & audra; bottom: p17-18 Gareth's brothers & sisters, 1932, top-row: Jane, Joe & Grace Kok, Pete & Jessie Vanderson, Henry & Bessie Kok ; Bottom: Gareth & Kathryn Kok, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Kok, Anna & William Kok ; p19-20 5th wedding anniversary of Grandpa & Grandma Kok, June 9, 1937, including Sherwood & Jim; p21 great pic of the Koks & Timmers, all still fairly young: p22-23 GR Press, Sept 25, 1971, announcement of engagement, of Kay Kok, my dad's sister, to Barry Bosscher (then they moved to California);.p24-26 june 9, 1932, wedding pic of Grandpa Gareth & Grandma Kathryn (Kathryn's dates: May 20, 1911 - April 15, 1950 ; p27-29 jim's calvin college basketball team pic, #11 is don vroon, #24 is jim, #23 is tony diekema; p30-31 april 1935 kathryn in bed with kids; p32-35 porch pic, washington indiana (repeat); p36 kathryn & gareth; p37 is this young kathryn or

young martha?; p38-39 now this is peters side, including linda & martha on right; p40-41 elisha hyatt, repeat ? Oct 4, 1809 ? to dec 31, 1885; p42-45 class pic with helen in front row sitting, 2nd from right; ENHANCEMENT FINISHED DAD JIM ALBUM 1, part 2, 45p p1-24 great yellowstone pics including bears and old faithful (notice how close they could get to old faithful back in those days (not any more) , also tower falls and yellowstone lake; p25-35 jimmy in backyard bellflower, also in pool alone and with sherwood; p36-45 january 1938 "grandma & granpa kok in california for the winter" great grandpa Sam ? plus some cutoff pics; ENH FINISHED DAD JIM ALBUM 1, part 3, 33p P1-11 top-right: "weighing in" Wisconsin (must be randolph); bott-right: norwalk doesn't have any open fields like this anymore; bott-left: jimmy on horse; p12-33 top-left & bott-right: incredible pics of "dancing bears" ; top-right & bott-left: great fish pics; & Jimmy with 2 friends, boy & girl; ENH FINISHED DAD JIM ALBUM 1, part 4, 12p P1-4 "adieu to the piano" jim & sherwood played together with arthur lanning & roger boer (two pianos) ; p5-12 top-right must be Kay, bott-left Sherwood & Grandpa (woody always seems to have a little jeer on his face); young Kathryn & Gareth ENH FINISHED MOM ALBUM 13-30, 18P P1-18 radio choir tour..they met gerald ford ; ENH FINISHED p26 top-right: "our cubbyhole where we worked on the school annual": sandy nanninga, mom linda, alison van Valkenburg, plus slumber party (repeat ?); p27 future teachers pep club repeat; p28 school newspaper repeat; p29 repeat orchestra suzanne FINISHED (but delete some of the repeats) DAD JIM BW ALBUM 2, 14p; P1 That's me & bro andy and his motorcycle at diekema's house at calvin college. I had a motocycle too, smaller one. DAD JIM BW ALBUM 2, 66p P1-15 older pics of grandpa & grandma kok (my original grandma whom I never knew. She died when my dad was just starting college, when grandpa was a pastor at Maple CRC in Holland. top right is gareth...the pics are labeled here so they speak for themselves, i'm not sure where it is..they lived as a couple in holland, hills minnesota, hanford california, bellflower, among other places..; P1626 1939 says the caption..her birthday was may 20, she played piano;; p27-36 more 1939, gareth & his brother william whom I never knew or met; baby jim ..he was born in 1936 wasn't he? why does it say "maybe 1935". There's a pic of a house in Anaheim, but my dad didn't know anything about it when I asked him. P37-49 tHESE are priceless pics of the kok kids in the parsonage, all dressed up wearing ties, reading, sitting by the fire, altho Im surprised to see a fireplace in

bellflower, California (maybe its a fake one like ours) , GRANDPA was A PASTOR at 1st CRC, BUT when he retired he attended Bethany CRC in Bellflower; P50-66 MORE from 1939, A KOK family reunion, , little woody * jim , new baby faith (in the original gareth & kathryn kok family there was Sherwood (deceased), Jim (now living in bellflower with his wife linda (my mom), Faith, Kay, & Gary; ENH FINISHED DAD JIM BW ALBUM 2, 46p P1-2 jim sharing apple; p3-5 jim & woody out in the field somewhere, probably around bellflower; p6-7 jim & friend on a wood stump ; p8-10 kathryn & aunt jane with woody & jim in Mexico..must be 1936 not 1935, since Jim was born in 36 ; P11-14 kathyrn & aunt jo p15 various pics of the young Kok family in bellflower, mid to late 30s, early 40s p16-19 3 of the little Kok kids.. including Jim in the middle; p20-22 looks like Jim & Sherwood reading together in the parsonage in Bellflower; p23-25 I keep thinking the gal is Kay b/c of the blonde hair, but it must be Faiththe older daughterher hair is dark now p26-27 sherwood, faith, & jim; p28-30 kathryn, jim, & Sherwood; p31 the first three Kok kids growing up in Bellflower: p32-34 kok kids in wheelbarrow; p35-39 three Kok kids on the long beach boardwalk; p40-42 Jimmmy with a cop hat ; p43-46 jimmy on a rocking horse; P12 A PIC FROM LONG BEACH; jim with cop hat on, an old rocking horse; jim woody faith and a wheelbarrow; DAD JIM BW ALBUM 2, 40p P1-17: AT YELLOWSTONE OLD MORNING GLORY plus mud volcano just as it is still' today, although they have a few more barriers now; little jimmy on a horse; P18-40 -baby gary is born, n, jimmys 7th birthday party with cake, blowing out the candles, with woody & faith, willie klein, & allan hoeksema ; on a train, jimmy *& Sherwood & mom & faith ? ; also jimmy with friends in a yard enhance finished -------------------------------DAD JIM BW ALBUM 3, 9p ; P1 MORE of young kathryn as a mom with kids, jimmy woody faith, & now gary, n ot yet Kay ?, was kay be was kay before gary or after ? you can see the tiny little pool in the corner of the yard, later you'll see jimmy & woody actually "diving" into it off a mini diving board.. a little crazy; i like the one of the kids on the curb, must be main street bellflower (bellflower blvd ?); P2 GRANDPA with jimmy & woody who are getting taller; jimmy with his little dog (looks like that dog from little rascals); bunch of kids playing "ring around the rosie"?; is that jjim & woody with the wheelbarrow ? P3 MORE KATHRYN, NOT much I can add to it in words, not sure who the other women are, probably church friends or relatives; P4 ELEPHANT JIM ADDS THAT "tODAY 1985 A new store is builders emporium in bellflower; great pic of grandpa K &*and martin

sterk with fish; the schaap name is familiar, apparently Kathryn's maiden name was schaap and I remember some schaaps in grand rapids that my mom used to call every now & then; P5 jim keeps growing, starts playing with the basketball; check out those pants (middle left); P6 Awesome 1932 NIAGARA FALLS (top left); P7 bottom, jim & woody college age with grandpa (after Kathryn died ?); somber pics OF kATHRYN, Actually she looks happy in January 1951 after surgery, but by March she's looking serious, and in April 15 1951 she passed away, God be with her and she be with GOd; P9 tHIS is a great sequence of skinny white kid pics..jimmy & his friends and kay ? or faith ? and the sailor caps. co classic. DAD JIM BW ALBUM 3, 22p P1 grandma Kathryn schaap, with grandpa gareth as a young couple, you've seen this already, 1933, before they moved to bellflower (which was 1935 ?), so probably Hills Minnesota where Jim was born (I drove thru Hills a few years ago, but there are no hills, it's flat, like Iowa);P2 kathryn's birthday is May 20, here she is in 1939, this is definitely bellflower; again repeats; P3 repeat; p4 going way back to grandpa gareth kok as a child with his brother william; next to that gareth & kathryn as newlyweds (these are repeats ); p5 repeat; 6 repeat kids in parsonage dressed up in suits; p7 jim sharing apple repeat; p10 these are cute with the three kids on the lawn in a framed photo; mid right jim & woody ? , p11 repeats of wheelbarrow & long beach, etc; P12 REPEATS yellowstone P13 REPEATS birthday party, train, etc. P14 REPEAT KATHRYN BEACH backyard, on curb, etc; P15 REPEAT RING A ROSE, Jimmy w dog; P16 REPEAT kathryn, P17 REPEAT grandpa fish martin sterk; P18 repeat jim with basketball; P19 REPEAT MEXICO ; p20-22 repeat, KATHRYN's last days; repeat 23 skinny kids;

HAS THIS BEEN DELETED ? (mis-labeled ?) FAMILY 70-80-s-PHOTO-ALBUM-by-vander-awk-Part-2 ALL BW ALL BW P1 i see steve & lin, camping where, matt kamminga too ? the drive-thru tree)been there several times myself) P2 DOUG timmer was a waiter at the Chart House in redondo beach for many years so we would periodically go there for dinner; kay to right of doug; bottom jim with dog & me; P3 little nick timmer playing piano, or banging on the keys (he's the son of Bruce & Anne), mid: mark bosscher playing piano with my mom, linda, bottom: julie; P4 JU & andy at crystal cathedral 10th floor; P5 BRUCE, anne & nick on top; on bottom is Andy and his girlfriend Mary Beth who was from Bellflower, but whom Andy met at Calvin in GR; P6 GRANDPA grma kok P7 top left dieks vroons; bottom left that's tom larkin who was a CPE intern with my dad at the crystal cathedral for a while; P8 bunch of us siblings with mom somewhere; P9 DOUG karen steve lin, jim maybe up

north at Karen's place (fort bragg); P10 JIM being a "loving father" visiting at the house I lived in for a while at Calvin COllege (on Lowell or Noble st); P11 that's our little speedboat, 1950's style, bruce and anne in it (they had their own big sailboat for a while docked at manhattan beach), top right mark & nick timmer & steve eating icecream; mid-right andy married carol mutschler--she was from clarksville, Michigan and they still live there today with a few kids; bottom ju & her husband kevin (now divorced); UNFINISHED, A LOT OF THESE ARE SIDEWARDS BY THE WAY; ------------------------

___________________ FAMILY MOSTLY ALGER HEIGHTS ETC STOP GO B1 SMALL 3 of 3 , 3P BW alger heights http://www.HEARINGtheWORD.posterous.c om -VANDER-


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