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House Elatha
Ex Libris Nocturnis - By: Deena McKinney (email: Summary: Vengeful and passionate lovers of the sea.

Or, a conch sable (A gold field with a large black conch shell).

Waterborn. No member of this house can botch rolls having to do with swimming, sailing, fishing, etc.

Mortal passion. Like the folly of Elatha with the mortal Eri, members of this house are helpless if they fall in love with a mortal; they act rashly and perform heinous acts, such as kidnapping, to have the mortal for their own. Note that this doesn't mean they fall in love with any mortal at the drop of a hat (that's more House Fiona's bailiwick). But when love for a mortal does strike, nobles of House Elatha are helpless in its throes.

Optional Flaw
(Ideal for Storytellers who don't want romantic entanglements). Members of House Elatha are so tied to water they suffer a +2 difficulty to all rolls involving Stamina when in a locale devoid of water (a desert, for example).

House Elatha is perhaps most famous for precipitating the Second Battle of Moytura (Magh Tuireadh), when King Bres, son of Elatha and Eri, appealed to his father for aid against the rebellious Tuatha de Danaan. The Danaan were not without cause, for King Bres was a corrupt tyrant. Bres lost the day and was forced to become a minor noble or die. He chose life, of course. Elatha was a great king of sea and shore whose realm stretched over the waters between and around Hibernia, Caledonia, and Cymru. He and his folk held mastery over all sea life and travel. Circumstances forced the king into hiding after he slept with Eri, mortal wife of the Danaan prince Cethor. Because of his and Bres' disfavor with the Danaan and later House Gwydion, House Elatha became a minor player in fae politics, much to their chagrin. Moreover, their name has often been linked to the Fomorians and to House Balor, although members of House Elatha bear no scars or disfigurement; in fact, both Bres and Elatha were known for their handsome features and long, golden hair. During the Sundering, House Elatha was reluctant to return to Arcadia from the joys of earth's plentiful seas; many members were among the last to journey through the final gates as they slammed shut at the Shattering. In Arcadia, they sought to no avail to regain their once mighty stature. Fae memories are long, and everyone recalled the treachery of Elatha against Prince Cethor and the cruelty of Bres towards all the Danaan. Being a minor house did have advantages, however, for the Court of Arcadia tended to ignore the Elatha. Eiluned plots, Fiona love affairs, and Gwydion politics were much more interesting than the whining of the pathetic Elatha for most courtiers. Thus it was a band of four Elatha oathmates began hatching a sinister plot to regain their power and prestige . . . (Here picks up the thread of my chronicle with House Elatha. If you would like to know more, contact me at


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Of course all members of House Elatha have individual traits and quirks, but a few general features punctuate their dispositions. First of all, most members have strong personalities mixed with passionate natures, though they're certainly less ruled by their passions than House Fiona and lack the nigh indomitable wills of House Dougal, for example. Second, nearly everyone in the House possesses a keen love of vengeance; they don't forget slights, period. Finally, they are impressed by bravery and stalwartness. On the whole, they raise skeptical eyebrows at commoners, but a commoner who does them a service is always justly rewarded and appreciated.

A Note on Court
House Elatha is not necessarily an Unseelie house through and through, although presently most of its members are supporters of the Unseelie court. More than being Seelie or Unseelie, House Elatha seeks vengeance for their fall from grace and power. For example, a Seelie Elatha probably finds that the "Death before dishonor" part of the Seelie code meshes quite nicely with her desire to restore the rank of her House. Think of it this way: Unseelie Elatha may act on rash impulse while Seelie Elatha act with reason and honor, but their goals of seeking vengeance and restoring the former greatness of the House remain the same.

Views on Others
Hear the words of Duchess Melisande du Chamond, sorceress of House Elatha: House Ailil: They are snakes in fine silk. Once they promised their support to our House, but they kept silent when we needed their voices. Never trust them and never forget their treachery. House Balor: Unlike others, we do not deny our distant kin to this House. Treat them with respect, for you never know when they may be of good service. House Dougal: Extremely useful folk, if a bit dull and single-minded. They run out of interesting conversation in less than five minutes. House Eiluned: It would be beneficial to all of us if ties with House Eiluned were stronger. We have much we could teach them in return for their own favors. House Fiona: We cannot deny our shared bonds of passion with the Fiona; however, they press limits of good taste with some of their more outrageous stunts in the name of love. House Gwydion: High and mighty righteous bastards, the lot of them. What do they know of pain and defeat? One day, they too will feel the sharp sting of shame and loss. House Leanhaun: They are to be pitied, most of the time. However, when they set sights on a mortal we too favor, best to get rid of these fae quickly, lest the mortal die under their affections. House Liam: Yes, they are dishonored oathbreakers. But they too understand how captivating mortals can be. Perhaps their fall from honor was unjustly deserved, as our own. House Scathach: Of all the Houses, these folk deserve the most respect. They are powerful warriors and steadfast oathmates . . . if you can convince them to join you. Commoners: Most of the time, their antics are annoying and petty; sometimes they can be amusing. But every now and then, a commoner will perform a genuinely useful and noble service for us. If this is the case, they should be given full thanks and praise.

Author's Note
When I wrote the Cymru material for Isle of the Mighty, I didn't envision Prince Dylan's sword as originally belonging to Pwyll. But I did have in mind that the sword somehow wasn't really Dylan's to claim; that's why he has so much trouble controlling it. I think it might be a neat story seed for a chronicle if the real owner of the sword showed up . . . and the PCs had to help out the Prince. Have fun with all this, folks!

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Ring of Elatha (Legendary Treasure) For many years, Eri held this in trust for her son Bres. After the Second Battle of Moytura, this powerful treasure vanished. Perhaps it was lost, or possibly Bres saw fit to hide the ring before he was taken prisoner by the Danaan. Its reputed powers were: Allows wearers to breathe water like a fish. They can also move in water as on land (and on top of water). They may use hand to hand melee weapons with no penalty (but not ranged weapons). Calls the Wind (Roll Dex + Athletics to strike at foe; one die of aggravated damage may be rolled per success. Note that werewolves, vampires with Fortitude, and mages with magickal protection can soak this just like normal damage). Strength of the Kraken (+3 to Str) Summon and command the sea's children (can call on marine life for aid, such as a dolphin to ride, or a whale to capsize an enemy's ship, Storyteller's discretion, perhaps based on successes from a Manipulation + Kenning roll). Sword of Pwyll (Legendary Treasure) (Now unwittingly owned by Prince Dylan ap Gwydion of Dyfed, see Isle of the Mighty). In addition to being a weapon fit for royalty, this elegant blade calls down seastorms of tremendous wrath. However, in the hands of anyone other than a member of House Elatha, the storms are absolutely uncontrollable and will wreak havoc on enemies and allies alike. A noble of House Elatha must make a Manipulation + Kenning roll to bring the storm under her command. Prince Dylan has used the sword, but he is extremely reluctant to do so ever again; some of his folk are still cleaning up the rubble.

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Eri's Tresses (Legendary Treasure) (Curator's offices, National Museum of Eire). This exquisite silken sail is said to be made from the hair of the Danaan Eri, lover of Elatha and mother of Bres. When unfurled on a seafaring vessel, it will take the passengers to a safe haven of some sort (whether a peaceful sea cave or the freehold of a possible ally is up to the Storyteller)
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7/21/2012 6:52 PM

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