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Executive Assessment

Executive Selection Sample Report

This report describes the personality, competencies, abilities and organizational fit of Sam Sample, and is based upon responses to a series of assessments and a behavioral interview. For many of the assessments, responses have been compared against those of a large relevant comparison group to give a profile of the individuals preferences for different ways of behaving at work. These are grouped into three main areas: Relationships with People, Thinking Style, and Feelings and Emotions.

Assessment of: Sam Sample Prepared for: Ellen Example, Director Successful Company, Inc. February 8, 2010

2310 Parklake Drive, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30345, 770.270.1723, Fax 770.270.9940,

Executive Assessment

Turknett Executive Selection Process and Sample Report

Why get help in making hiring decisions at the executive level?
Many companies make expensive hiring mistakes. Research in the area of selection and hiring has shown that most in-company interviews produce relatively poor results in terms of predicting a candidate's later performance on the job. In fact, the ability to predict an executive's management abilities in such cases is little better than chance. Research from industry sources also indicates that 30-35% of all executives entering a new position fail and 40% are no longer in the position after 18 months. Making mistakes in hiring at the executive level is extremely costly. A poor hiring decision can cost as much as a million dollars or more considering search fees, relocation costs, signing bonus, and loss of team productivity, not to mention outplacement costs and legal fees. Industry experts cite replacement costs for an executive at roughly 150% of the departing executives salary. Clearly, hiring the right person for a key management position can make a big difference in productivity and profit.

The Turknett Advantage

Turknett Leadership Group has extensive experience in executive selection, and works to validly and accurately assess a candidate's personal characteristics, social and communication style, decision-making ability, management and leadership capabilities, and to assess a candidate's fit with the position and the organizational culture. A comprehensive battery of tools is used, and may include assessments that measure personality, values and character, judgment and reasoning, and potential executive derailment. Assessment through testing is followed by structured behavioral interviews, in which individuals are evaluated on competencies related to the position. While no assessment methodology is fool-proof, our process can help you make a much more informed hiring decision. As an added value, the information we give you on your new hire can help ensure a faster transition, aid in their development, and increase the likelihood of success.

The Turknett Process

o Job Analysis to determine key competencies for the position o Leadership Evaluation, which may include online assessments of personality, values and character, work styles, judgment and reasoning, and potential derailers o Structured Behavioral Interview linked to the competencies of the position o Feedback to the hiring manager, including suggested follow up interview questions for the internal selection team.

Executive Assessment

This report should be treated confidentially. It describes Mr. Samples preferred work behaviors and makes links between various approaches to work activities. When considering the results, it is important to recognize that some of the results are based upon Mr. Samples own view and represent the way he sees his own behavior rather than how his behavior might be described by another person. The accuracy of this report depends on the frankness and honesty with which the questionnaire was completed, as well as his self-awareness. The comments made here should therefore be seen as tentative rather than infallible. Nevertheless, this self-report can provide important indicators of Mr. Samples style at work, and it is likely to predict a good deal about his behavior in different situations. Note that the report describes Mr. Samples preferred style of behaving as well as his competence, abilities, and cultural fit. The report gives a broad picture of his current style. The greatest value can be gained by considering the implications of this information against his current or future role, and the results of a job analysis for Manager of Department XYZ have been taken into consideration. The shelf-life of the information contained in the report is considered to be 18-24 months depending on Mr. Samples work role and personal circumstances. If there have been major changes in his life or there is a significant change in role, he should complete the questionnaire again. If you have any concerns regarding the content of this report, please contact Turknett Leadership Group.

Executive Summary
Mr. Sample has several notable strengths. He is very conscientious and strives to do a good job according to policies and procedures. He will be a very loyal employee and eager to please his superiors and organization as a whole. He is calm under pressure and enjoys problem solving. He thinks a matter through carefully before proceeding and is generally thoughtful. He is a person of high integrity. Mr. Samples strengths could also be his challenges. His high standards at times may make him inflexible. He may also struggle with making quick decisions. His communication skills are adequate but not dynamic. He also scored out of range on many values deemed representative of the Successful Company Inc. culture. Despite Mr. Samples challenges, overall he appears to be well suited to the job and likely will be a good performer.

Executive Assessment SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL Sam Sample

The table below provides a summary of Mr. Samples potential performance on twenty competencies, his numeric and verbal reasoning ability, and an overall summary of his cultural fit with the organization. The final column Critical for Success? indicates which competencies are considered key for success in the position being considered (Manager of Department XYZ), based on a job analysis of the position. Critical for Success?

Competency Leading and Deciding

1.1 Deciding and Initiating Action 1.2 Leading and Supervising


Supporting and Cooperating

2.1 Working with People 2.2 Adhering to Principles and Values

Interacting and Presenting

3.1 Relating and Networking 3.2 Persuading and Influencing 3.3 Presenting and Communicating Information

Analyzing and Interpreting

4.1 Writing and Reporting 4.2 Applying Expertise and Technology 4.3 Analyzing


Creating and Conceptualizing

5.1 Learning and Researching 5.2 Creating and Innovating 5.3 Formulating Strategies and Concepts

Organizing and Executing

6.1 Planning and Organizing 6.2 Delivering Results and Meeting Customer Expectations 6.3 Following Instructions and Procedures


Adapting and Coping

7.1 Adapting and Responding to Change 7.2 Coping with Pressures and Setbacks

Percentile 45 72 Interpretation Average Above Average

Enterprising and Performing

8.1 Achieving Personal Work Goals and Objectives 8.2 Entrepreneurial and Commercial Thinking Cognitive Ability Results Verbal Numeric

Cultural Fit


In Range Out of Range

Executive Assessment

Relationships with People
Mr. Sample is fairly moderate when it comes to his influencing style. If called upon to take charge, negotiate or sell an idea, he emerges as similar to others. Mr. Sample is as willing as most to follow an unpopular line and go his own way when others disagree, but will do so only in special circumstances, preferring mostly to follow the decisions of the group. A separate assessment of potential risk factors reveals that Mr. Sample is at moderate risk of at times struggling with acting indpendently vs. going with the group, due to his high desire to be agreeable, cooperative and an overall team player. This is not a cause for concern per se but is a potential area for future development.

Mr. Sample likely comes across as quite and somewhat private.. He enjoys being around others as much as most people but is less lively and talkative than everyone else. He does not express confidence when meeting strangers for the first time, scoring slightly lower than average. He is more comfortable in less formal situations and can feel awkward when first meeting people.

Mr. Sample dislikes talking about his own achievements and would generally prefer to share credit. He supports group decision making but also recognizes the need at times to make decisions without consultation. He has about as much concern for others as most, and is generally considerate. He is as likely as most to help people with what he considers to be relatively serious problems or concerns.

Executive Assessment

Thinking Style
Overall, Mr. Samples interest in analytical thinking is typical, with no particular preferences for one focus over another. In particular, he seems as interested as most in working with numerical or statistical information, with a similar level of interest in analyzing people issues. Across both of these areas he is likely to undertake a certain amount of critical analysis, but, overall, analytical thinking is likely to be a moderate rather than outstanding aspect of his approach.

Creativity and Change

Overall, Mr. Sample describes himself as fairly balanced in terms of his approach to creativity and change. He tends to prefer a conventional approach to problem solving in most situations, and to use well-established work methods. He feels able to generate ideas about as often as his peers. His thinking style is as theoretical and abstract as that of his peers, and his ideas are likely to challenge the established ways of doing things to some degree. He will, therefore, have some creative contribution to make, but this is unlikely to be highly radical or prolific. Mr. Sample reports a level of interest in variety in his work which is about the same as most of his peers. When he is faced with change, he recognizes, to a moderate degree, the need to adapt his behavior to meet the perceived changing demands of the situation or people. Overall, his approach to changing situations may be described as fairly typical. His willingness to work with established methods, and a reasonable tolerance of routine and repetitive work supports his view that it is important to meet deadlines and complete work on time.

When planning and setting goals, Mr. Sample is likely to balance a strategic view with a focus on immediate issues. He couples this with a level of concern for order and detail which is a similar to most of his peers. Thus, he is balanced in tactical vs. strategic thinking, and is as has attention to detail similar to most. It is important to Mr. Sample to see tasks through to completion. He also seems to have an strong desire to stick closely to rules and regulations. Together, these may indicate a lack of flexibility in his approach, but a high degree of reliability when deadlines and highly prescribed work methods are set down. Overall, he may best fit in an environment which requires a conscientious approach to following strict guidelines. A separate assessment of potential risk factors revealed that Mr. Sample, because he is so conscientious, may at times be overly perfectionistic. He likely has and expects high standards of performance. He also may not like dealing with ambiguity or be very flexible, especially when pressured. He may also be tempted to fix things himself rather than delegate, again during times of stress or pressure. These are consisdered moderate risks for Mr. Sample and not overly troublesome, but rather areas for personal development. 6

Executive Assessment Mr. Sample approach when managing others and taking control of situations is likely to be moderately strategic with a degree of focus upon longer term issues and goals. His balanced view on longer term issues and immediate goals is likely to have been developed with the benefit of a moderate amount of consultation with others and is likely to have taken this at least partly into account. When he is setting long term goals, he will place some emphasis on gaterhing relevant factual information as well as conversing with others if deemed necessary. In addition, he is as likely as most to incorporate a critical analysis of this information into his planning process, and the resulting plans are likely to be reasonably well thought out and evaluated. The strategic or longer term plans that he sets are likely to reflect his positive view of the future and likely outcomes. His optimism, however, is tempered such that he will likely set goals that are realistic. Mr. Burn's strong focus upon meeting deadlines and seeing jobs through to the end is likely to be apparent when he is managing and controlling the work of others. He will emphasize the importance of this to others when issuing work instructions or providing others with priorities. When managing and controlling the work of others, he will look to enforce rules and regulations whenever possible.

Feelings and Emotions

Mr. Samples anxiety levels are low. He considers himself less anxious than most people. Similarly, when it comes to important events, he is slightly less likely than most to get nervous. Mr. Sample is fairly trusting of others, taking people at face value and tending to assume that all are straightforward and honest in their dealings with others. This could lead to a certain amount of gullibility on his part, which may be further reinforced by his tendency to take a more optimistic than pessimistic approach. In terms of his own sensitivity to criticism, he is likely to be slightly less sensitive than most, and so this is unlikely to have a major effect upon his overall mood in the longer term. Mr. Sample is a fairly tough-minded individual who can be both firm and fair. He describes himself as someone who almost always keeps his emotions and feelings to himself. He may only very rarely give an indication to others as to how he feels about things, and may appear uninvolved or unemotional. This may be of benefit when his emotions are particularly negative or unconstructive but not when they might otherwise have communicated enthusiasm. When consulting with others and listening to their views, he will place a some degree of trust in what he is told. Others will, therefore, feel that their views are genuinely listened to. He may sometimes fail to sufficiently question others intentions when providing information, but not too often.

Executive Assessment

Mr. Sample values progression and promotion at work, since he reports himself as having fairly high career ambition. However, he dislikes competing with others and exhibits less energy and need for activity than most people, preferring instead a steady pace without excessive demand. When summing up a situation and making a decision, he seems to be cautious, preferring to make decisions carefully after thinking them through. Although in most situations this is an asset, he may need more time than most during situations where a quick decision is needed.

Executive Assessment


This report summarizes how Mr. Samples preferred style or typical way of behaving is likely to influence his potential performance on twenty universal management competencies. The format of the personality questionnaire that he completed asked him to rate himself on a series of different statements. His responses have been compared against the responses given by a broad range of other people. The profile below therefore represents how his own view of his style is likely to impact his potential on each competency, compared with how others view themselves. Results from a Structured Behavioral Interview with Mr. Sample for certain key competencies are also described where appropriate. When considering the description of Mr. Samples personality, it is important to recognize that it is based on the answers he gave and represents the way he sees his own behavior, rather than how his personality might be described by another person. This self-report can nevertheless give important clues to understanding the way Mr. Sample sees his style at work and it is likely to enable us to predict a good deal about his behavior in different situations. This report links the information from the personality questionnaire to the 20 universal competencies. A job analysis was conducted for the Manager of Department XYZ position that considers which of the 20 universal competencies measured are most relevant to successful performance in the job. Details are provided where appropriate in the descriptions below. Report Key The ticks, crosses and circles indicate which aspects of Mr. Samples style are likely to contribute positively or more negatively to each competency.
Symbol Short Description Key Limitation Likely Limitation Moderate Likely Strength Key Strength Definition Strongly likely to have a negative impact Likely to have a negative impact Likely to have neither a positive nor a negative impact Likely to have a positive impact Strongly likely to have a positive impact

The overall likelihood of Mr. Sample displaying strength in each competency is shown in the bar graphs on the right-hand side of the report.
1 2 3 4 5

Unlikely to be a strength

Less likely to be a strength

Moderately likely to be a strength

Quite likely to be a strength

Very likely to be a strength

Executive Assessment

Relationships with People

1. Leading and Deciding
1.1 Deciding and Initiating Action Places quite a high emphasis on achieving difficult targets. Is prepared and as comfortable as most to take charge of situations when required. Will feel moderately comfortable with acting independently when required. Is likely to be cautious and slow when making decisions. 1.2 Leading and Supervising Is inclined to trust, and thus empower, others. Is as prepared and as comfortable as most to lead a group when required. Is as comfortable as most using a moderate degree of persuasion when motivating others. As likely as most to understand what motivates others.

Additional information: Mr Sample did well in an interview that measured his Leading and Deciding capabilities. He scored 4 out of 5 in both areas. Leading & Deciding are both critical competencies for Manager of Department XYZ.
2. Supporting and Cooperating
2.1 Working with People Values cooperation much more than competition. Is as prepared and as comfortable as most others to seek contributions from others in order to make a decision. Is likely to provide a moderate degree of support and sympathy to colleagues. Occasionally seeks to understand the reasons for others' behavior. Is as comfortable as most others to spend time with others. 2.2 Adhering to Principles and Values Is highly likely to follow rules and regulations. Is as likely as others to seek a diverse range of views.

Additional information: Mr Sample did very well in an interview that measured his Adherence to Principles and Values, scoring 5 out of 5. This is a critical competency for Manager of Department XYZ. He scored 4 out of 5 in Working with People an important competency for Manager of Department XYZ.


Executive Assessment

3. Interacting and Presenting

3.1 Relating and Networking May show as much preparedness to adapt personal style when relating to others as most. Is as likely as most to seek to understand what motivates others. May not consistently feel confident in formal business situations. Is much more likely than most to be quiet and reserved in groups. 3.2 Persuading and Influencing Is reasonably interested in selling and negotiating. May occasionally seek to understand other peoples needs and motives. May not consistently feel confident when influencing others, especially strangers. Is very unlikely to promote own credentials. Is likely to be very reserved in group situations. 3.3 Presenting and Communicating Information May usually feel calm before important occasions. May sometimes use persuasion when putting forward an argument.

Is as comfortable as most to adapt his own style and approach to the needs of the audience. May not consistently feel confident when formally presenting.

Additional information: Mr. Sample did average in an interview that measured his ability to Present and Communicate information, scoring 3 out of 5. This is a critical competency for Manager of Department XYZ.


Executive Assessment

Thinking Style
4. Analyzing and Interpreting
4.1 Writing and Reporting Moderately likely to critically evaluate the content of written information. Is as likely as most others to see the relevance of abstract concepts in written work. Is as likely as most others to produce reasonably structured documents. Is as inclined as most others to understand the needs of an audience. 4.2 Applying Expertise and Technology Will be as comfortable as most with theory and abstract concepts. May critically evaluate technical information in some situations. Is as comfortable as most when working with numerical data. 4.3 Analyzing Will probe information for potential errors in analysis. Is as likely as most to enjoy dealing with abstract concepts. Is as comfortable as most others when analyzing numerical information.

Additional information: Mr. Sample did well in an interview that measured his past experience with Applying Expertise and Technology, as well as Analyzing, scoring 4 out of 5 on both competencies. These competencies are both considered critical to the job of Manager of Department XYZ.


Executive Assessment
5. Creating and Conceptualizing
5.1 Learning and Researching May give some thought to potential limitations when reviewing new information. Is moderately interested in learning about abstract concepts. Is likely to be moderately comfortable when required to work with numerical data. Is quite likely to follow conventional approaches when learning new tasks. 5.2 Creating and Innovating Sees himself as creative as most others. Likes a small amount of change in work routine and appreciates stability. Sees some relevance in applying theories to problem solving. Is quite likely to favor traditional methods. 5.3 Formulating Strategies and Concepts As likely as peers to take a longer term view when developing strategy. Is as likely as most to see the relevance of thinking conceptually when developing strategy. Tends to balance details with the broader picture. Is fairly likely to follow traditional approaches when establishing the vision.

Additional information: Mr. Sample did well in an interview that measured his experience with Learning and Researching, scoring 4 out of 5. This is an important competency for Manager of Department XYZ.


Executive Assessment
6. Organizing and Executing
6.1 Planning and Organizing Places a fairly high priority on completing plans to deadline. Is as likely as most to display a strategic approach. Is as comfortable as most managing others when required. Pays as much attention to detail when planning as others. 6.2 Delivering Results and Meeting Customer Expectations Places a fairly high priority on completing tasks in line with expectations. Is very likely to adhere to rules, regulations and set procedures. Is quite likely to set ambitious goals for himself or others. Is as likely as most to adopt a methodical and organized approach. 6.3 Following Instructions and Procedures Is very likely to follow rules and procedures. Tends to place a relatively high priority on keeping to agreed schedules. Is as likely as most to follow instructions from others.

Additional information: Mr. Sample did fairly well in an interview that measured his ability to Deliver Results and Follow Instructions/Procedures, scoring 4 out of 5, on both competencies respectively. These are critical competencies for Manager of Department XYZ. Mr. Sample scored as sufficient on Planning and Organizing, earning 3 out of 5. These are all critical competencies for Manager of Department XYZ.


Executive Assessment

Feelings and Emotions

7. Adapting and Coping
7.1 Adapting and Responding to Change Is as prepared as most to adapt an interpersonal style across situations. Likes some variety and new experiences balanced with an appreciation of routine. Is as likely as most to seek to understand differences in motives and behaviors of others. Is quite likely to prefer well-established work methods. 7.2 Coping with Pressure and Setbacks Is likely to take a degree of criticism without dwelling on it. May find it fairly easy to switch off from work pressures. Tends to keep a firm hold over the expression of emotions. Maintains an outlook that balances positives and negatives.

Additional information: Mr. Sample did very well in an interview that measured his ability to Cope with Pressure, scoring 5 out of 5. Coping with pressure is a critical competency for Manager of Department XYZ.

8. Enterprising and Performing

8.1 Achieving Personal Work Goals and Objectives Is quite likely to be driven to progress his career.

May pursue a balance between a strategic and short term view when identifying his own development needs. May rarely enjoy a busy schedule. Is highly likely to dislike competitive situations. 8.2 Entrepreneurial and Commercial Thinking Is quite likely to be motivated by ambitious financial targets. Is as comfortable as most working with financial information. Is likely to dislike the competitive aspect in commercial situations.

Additional information: Mr. Sample did very well in an interview that measured his ability to Achieve Personal Work Goals, scoring 5 out of 5. This is a critical competency for Manager of Department XYZ.

Summary: Mr. Sample did well on many competencies deemed critical for success as a Manager of Department XYZ. While there are areas for future development, relative to what is critical for effectiveness in the position, there are no scores that are a cause for concern.


Executive Assessment

These results give an indication of a persons core values and his/her relative fit to those values of an organization. The information reported here is derived from the Leadership Values Profile of Hogan Assessments. The results of this report are based on a sample of over 4,000 executives and managers, based on research conducted over the last 10 years. People prefer to work with others who share their values, dislike those who do not, and are happiest working in environments that are consistent with their values. Conversely, people find it stressful to have to act contrary to their values. The values measured by the Leadership Values Profile are: Recognition: A desire to be known, seen, visible, and famous and lifestyle guided by a search for opportunities to be noticed and dreams of fame and high achievement, whether or not they are fulfilled. Power: A desire to succeed, make things happen, make a difference and outperform one's competition. Hedonism: The pursuit of fun, excitement, pleasure, and a lifestyle organized around eating, drinking, and entertaining. Altruistic: A desire to help others, a concern for the welfare of the less fortunate in life, and a lifestyle organized around public service and the betterment of humanity. Affiliation: Concerns needing and enjoying frequent and varied social contact, and a lifestyle organized around social interaction. Tradition: A belief in and dedication to values such as family, church, thrift, hard work, appropriate social behavior, and a lifestyle that reflects these themes. Security: A need for predictability and structure, and efforts to avoid risk and uncertainty especially in the employment areaand a lifestyle organized around minimizing errors and mistakes. Commerce: An interest in earning money, realizing profits, finding new business opportunities, and a lifestyle organized around investments and financial planning. Aesthetics: A need for self-expression, a dedication to quality, an interest in how things look, feel, and sound, and close attention to the appearance of work products. Science Concerns being interested in science, comfortable with technology, and preferring data-basedas opposed to intuitivedecisions, and wanting to know how things work.


Executive Assessment

The graph above shows Mr. Samples results plotted against the ideal ranges for Successful Company Inc., shown by the clear rectangles. Mr. Sample scores in the ideal range on 3 of the 10 values. Specific feedback is provided below:


Executive Assessment Recognition: Out of range (low) Mr. Sample appreciates it when others notice his achievements, but because he is a modest person, he will be happy working in organizations that assume good work is what is normally expected. He appreciates but does not feel a need to work in an organization that makes a point of celebrating individual accomplishments in public. But he likely wont mind it either. Power: Out of range (low) Mr. Sample doesnt need to prove himself to others and may prefer to work in organizations that value teamwork and collaboration more than individual achievement. Being in an organization that trusts, respects, and supports him may be more important than having lots of opportunities for upward career mobility. Hedonism: Out of range (low) Because Mr. Sample is a serious person who prefers to put business before pleasure, he will be most happy working in an organization that are business-like, professional, and focused, that have clearly defined rules and procedures, and that take a no nonsense approach to work. Altruistic: Out of range (low) Mr. Sample is a task-oriented person who prefers to focus more on results and outcomes than personal feelings. Consequently, he may not like working in organizations that are more concerned with promoting individual and community welfare than with goal-oriented objectives like quality, customer service and profitability. Affiliation: In range Mr. Sample will probably be most satisfied working in organizations where there are opportunities to work both alone and as part of a team, and where there are opportunities to interact with people outside the work group and organization. Mr. Sample seems equally comfortable working as an individual contributor and as part of a collaborative effort. Tradition: In range Mr. Sample will be most satisfied working in organizations that emphasize honesty, integrity, and respect for authority, tradition, and family values. Such cultures are characterized by organizational loyalty, self-discipline, and that observe a traditional work ethic. Mr. Sample will be less comfortable working in organizations that value diversity, experimentation, radical innovation, and disregard for traditional values. Security: Out of range (high) Mr. Sample will be most satisfied working in organizations that emphasize planning, careful decision-making, and risk analysis, and that develop and follow well-considered policies and procedures. Mr. Sample will be most comfortable participating in organizations with a history of stability, financial responsibility, and a veteran management team. Mr. Sample will be less comfortable working in organizations devoted to risk-taking or innovative financial practices.


Executive Assessment Commerce: In range Although Mr. Sample understands the value of money as a motivator and a reward, he also has his priorities in order, and knows some things are more important than profit. This suggests that he should be most comfortable working in organizations that know how to maintain a perspective on financial and people related issues. Aesthetics: Out of range (low) Mr. Sample will be most comfortable working for organizations that value function over form and that let others worry about stylistic considerations. For Mr. Sample, reliable technology and finances are more important than matters of creativity, style, or culture. Science: Out of range (low) Mr. Sample seems to understand the trade-off between rational, data-driven decision making on the one hand, and rapid decision making based on instinct and experience on the other. As a result, he should prefer working in organizations that value analytical decision-making, but also have a sense of urgency in the process.


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