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1.PRESENT SIMPLE RUMUS: S + Tobe(am, is,are) +...... S + Verb 1 + s/es + .........

Example: (+) she goes to school every day (-) she doesn't go to school every day (?) does she go to school every day ? 2.PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE RUMUS: S + Tobe + am, is are +verb 1+ ing +...... EXAMPLE : (+) I am reading a book (-) I am not reading a book (?) am I reading a book 3.PRESENT PERFECT TENSE RUMUS: S + has/have + been +........ S + has/have +verb III +...... EXAMPLE: (+) I have eaten meet ball (-) I have not eaten meet ball (?) have I eaten meet ball 4.PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE RUMUS: S + have/has + been + verb 1 + ing +....... EXAMPLE: (+) I have been for an hour but he still has not turned up (-) I have not been for an hour but he still has not turned up (?) Have I been for an hour but he still has not trned up ? 5.PAST TENSE RUMUS: S + tobe (was/were) +....... s + verb II + ........ EXAMPLE: (+) I Was wait in here two days ago (-) I was not wait in here two days ago (?) Iwas i wait in here two days ago 6.PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE RUMUS:

S + Was/were + verb I + ing +..... EXAMPLE: (+) I was reading book when my father watched TV (-) I was not reading book when my father watched TV (?) was I reading book when my father watched TV ? 7.PAST PERFECT TENSE RUMUS: S + Had + Been +..... S+ Had + Verb III +.... EXAMPLE: (+) I had been at school when you went to Jogja (-) I had not been at school when you went to Jogja (?) Had I been at school when you went to Jogja? 8.PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE RUMUS: s + Had +Been +Verb 1+ ing +.... EXAMPLE: (+) When I sent a letter, they had been waiting me. (-) When I sent a letter, they had not been waiting me (?) When I sent a letter,had they been waiting me? 9.FUTURE TENSE RUMUS: S + Shall/ will +verb 1+..... S + Shall/ will + be + ...... EXAMPLE: (+) I will go to Tangerang tomorrow (-) I will not go to Tangerang tomorrow (?) Will I go to Tangerang tomorrow? 10.FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE RUMUS: S + Shall/will + be + verb bentuk I (ing) +...... EXAMPLE: (+) I shall studying if you come to night (-) I shall not studying if you come to night (?) Shall I studying if you come to night? 11.FUTURE PERFECT TENSE (Waktu sempurna akan datang) RUMUS: S + Shall/will + have + been + ......

S+ Shall/will + have + verb bentuk III +..... EXAMPLE: (+) we will have finished their work by monday (-) we will not have finished their work by monday (?) Will we have finished their work by monday ? 12.FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE(Waktu sedang berlangsung) RUMUS: S + Shall/will + have + been + Verb bentuk I (ing) +....... EXAMPLE: (+) She will have been working in the office for five years by the end of the year (-) she will not have been working in the office for five years by the end of the year (?) will she have been working in the office for five years by the end of the year ? 13.PAST FUTURE TENSE (Waktu akan datang lampau ) RUMUS: S + Should/would + be + ...... S + Should/would + Verb bentuk I + ........ EXAMPLE: (+) You would give us book the week before (-) You would not give us book the week before (?) Would you give us book the week before ? 14.PAST FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE(Waktu akan sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau) RUMUS: S + Should/would + be Verb bentuk I (ing) +........ EXAMPLE: (+)You should be meeting her at five yeserday (-) You should not be meeting her at five yesterday (?) Should You be meeting her at five yesterday? 15.PAST FUTURE TENSE(Waktu akan sudah selesai pada waktu lampau) RUMUS: S + Should/would + have + been + ....... s + should/would + have + Verb bentuk III EXAMPLE: (+) he would have been succes if he had worked hard (-) he would not have been succes if he had worked hard (?) would he have been succes if he had worked hard?

16.PAST FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE (Waktu akan sudah sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau) RUMUS: S + Should/would + have + been + verb bentuk I (ing) EXAMPLE: (+) we should have been working there for two years by the end of this year (-) we should not have been working there for two years by the end of this year (?) should we have been working there for two years by the end of this year.

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