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SOUNDEX 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10110 10120 10120 10120 10120 10125 10125 10126 10130 10130 10141 10150 10162 10163 10165 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10200

COPTIC aaau aiai aiai aiou aouw au au auauw axaxa axa axe axe axh axo axo ab ab abe abw af af afoui apa ape apei aphue a2w2 abh0 abwk apous aps abaqhein abswn afjir abit apot apalaf abin aberhj aprhte abrem a0 a0 a0 a0ai a0eu a0kak aas aeik ajau aje ajeu ajiajw ajw akhs akw aqo as asai asik ask ask asou

ENGLISH about (used with numerals) ass increase, to increase in size; advance great, goodly, honored unknown; travel, go? cease give, bring hither!; come! great about and (conj.) verbal particle and yes, yea stand, need limit; length of life ox storehouse, treasury; treasure dwelling, abode fly flesh unknown cannot be traced? flesh fly (insect) flesh title of reverance head dye, purple dye stuff head (plu.) giant unknow, epithet of certain edibles crow, raven bald from ring worm number glass mint, wild mint greedy Monday cup incantation? unknown stone, a stone time, space of time stone who? , what? ; certain, whatever furnace, oven unknown many, to become many, multiply astrologers cry out blow with hand consecration of a church, etc. unknown blow use say viper crook-backed girdle, breeches thing destroyed; filth, destruction armpit old relieved, lighten, be light fever? malady unknown, in sowing contract unknown price, value



10200 10200 10200 10200 10200 10210 10210 10210 10210 10212 10215 10216 10220 10220 10220 10230 10230 10230 10235 10235 10240 10240 10240 10240 10242 10243 10250 10250 10250 10250 10250 10260 10260 10260 10260 10265 10300 10300 10300 10300 10300 10320 10320 10323 10325 10325 10330 10331 10350 10350 10353 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400

asoui asq aueis auqe axkw a0b as2oui asaf aspe aqbes a0eben asofper a0kak akhs asik akit akt aqote a5tnaxshtan aklh aklh asouli aujwl akoulauje aqolte a0 nxe ajnajnaqni aqon a0ira a0iri aqoour ashr aqrhn atatato atxhu auht atsw atsw atswtn atqom atsooun acht axatwtf ateime ateimi atnaxte al al al alau ale ale ali alil allou allwh alou aloula alw alw alw alwl alwle

purse, wallet unknown, in list of metal objects give all together unknown unknown reign, first year of reign bark, a plant bark language, speech moisture enchanter nut, a bitter nut cry out girdle, breeches fever? malady unknown solidify, congeal (cause to) unknown against unknown weasel unknown, among vessals butterflies swathe vessal wagon, cart how without head blemish vessal of metal chameleon diligent person (doing much) unknown belongings, chattel barren female liquids, used before liquids father multitude senseless, without mind collection; company of persons without drinking ignorant disobedience powerless, unable ignorant, to be ignorant senseless, without mind unknown (list of towels) ignorant, innocent ignorant, innocent unbelieving, to be unbelieving deaf pebble unknown, always w/verb ash "cry" white go up, mount, go on board; ascend utensil of bronze fenugreek mouse, field mouse pupil bird; fabulous eastern bird youth, maiden insect pupil snare, trap snare, trap impatient, be impatient; desire a lot? pebble



10400 10400 10410 10420 10420 10420 10420 10420 10420 10420 10420 10420 10423 10430 10432 10440 10440 10440 10440 10450 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10510 10510 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10521 10522 10524 10525 10526 10526 10530 10530 10530 10530 10530 10532 10532 10534 10534 10535 10536 10542 10550 10550

alwoue aulhou aloubex aliji aljai alke alki alkou alkou allwki alok aloq alasw+ alwt altkas alil aloula alwl alwle alom aam ame amh amna amou amou an an ananaanai anax ani anioui anx auan auein axom axwm anapai anapai ana0 ana0 anak anau0 ang ankoki anok anshbe ankoki an0eule anikam an0iri anno0er amaxte amaxte amaxte amaxte amnte ancous anta0 anthlm antoli amhitn antwri amalhj amin amoni

bunch (of grapes) habit, part of monk's habit pebble fuller's earth fish, large fish last day of the month unknown, in list of metal objects flask sycamore fruit plant corner, angle thigh, knees army conscription; forced service marrow mouse, field mouse insect impatient, be impatient; desire a lot? pebble bosom drug prescribed with jujube, etc. herd (of cattle) wasp herbs, perfumes (among) come! cat negative particle great one prefix in collective numerals ape pleasant, be pleasing; grow better ornament woven on clothes bring bring yard, court color; appearance cargo, ship's cargo sign, groan eagle, falcon hen valley name of plant oath unknown, in account of expenses oath (plu.) I (pronoun) third (ring) finger I (pronoun) school third (ring) finger animal whose blood is used in ritual vitriol, kind of vitriol bean, species of bean chicory, wild endive chicory rule, to rule; be in possession, restrain prevail, to prevail, valid; lay hold on grasp, embrace, restrict, detain power Hades lizard species sneeze skull bird, fish eating bird come! age, one of mature age embrace pot of soapstone strong, be strong, prevail, possess



10550 10550 10550 10560 10560 10560 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10600 10610 10620 10620 10620 10620 10625 10630 10650 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11140 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200

anine anom anoni amre amre amrhxe a4wri ara ara ara are are arhu aro aro aroou arooue arou axr axro arhb arhj arike aro0 arws ar0in axerat arim ba ba ba bai bai bai bai bax bexi bh boi boou bouxe boxi bw bw bwwx bwx baabe baabe beebe beebe bexbex bhb bhb bhbe boubou bwfe babile ba0I baki bas baxse beke bhh0 bhk bhk bhke bhke bhq

bring skin luxurious living baker unknown (cleansed corn?) asphalt, bitumen asp title (financial, legal) chain? door ring pail, bucket plant perhaps, if obj. of lead used in weighing cyperus used as fodder unknown burr, thistle eye pupil marsh herbage what? why? pledge limit, end blame, fault cold, become cold unknown lentil stand plant , saltwort plant threshing floor metals, in names of metals branch of date palm sky raven, night raven; owl (as soul) soul spirit penis file grave palm branch unknown, in some place names eyelid dyke, trench hair tree (in general) idol at Alexandria bend (the head) be insipid; of salt, food, etc. be foolish, regard as foolish; despise bubble, well up pour forth, bring forth, rain down howling, barking cave, hole, den, nest of animals list of vessals found in Theban place name shine, glitter leap, to leap, seize, rob grain, a single grain unknown city, town unknown, named among bronze utensils heifer wage fruit that is not ripe land boundary found in list of utensils, tools, etc unknown woof falcon



11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11220 11230 11250 11250 11252 11253 11260 11260 11260 11300 11300 11300 11300 11300 11300 11300 11300 11300 11313 11320 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11414 11414 11420 11420 11420 11430 11430 11435 11450 11450 11451 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500

bhse bij biji biki bikyi boi0I boki bw0 bw0 bw0 bwk bwk bwk bwke ba0ou0 bwst bekne beqhn basnq besnht ba0or ba0our basour bacw bht bhte boeit boioic bwte bwte bwte bwte betbet bwts bal bal bal bexwl bla blle bol bol bwl bwl blbile bolbl balkou blje bwlk balot bilti belcwn balmou blxmou balmbex baane bani banxo bennh bhne bhne bini bnne boine bom` boni boone bwne

pail, well bucket bones used as dice wrecked, be wrecked (of ships) found among horse furniture plant or fruit animal, desert animal conceive; conceive (a child) loosened, be loosened, undone strip, divest cleft depart, to go send, put into, add to servant, slave tan, in list of artificers rue? dry, be dry, parched beetle; a weasel a rush tin smith fox saw, a saw antimony garment or napkin leaf, palm leaf; rib metal, scale-like plate of metal ox or cow unknown word pollute, befoul; hate, abomination cereal wipe out sweat unknown, among vegetables draw up (fight); set out, assess? eye nest outside; (of time) out of, beyond palm, kind of date palm among musical instruments blind person loosen, to loosen outside; (of time) out of, beyond outside loosen, untie (chains, cords) fruit; a single grain burrow; be undermined; dig up, out bottle for water earthenware, pottery wrath, be wrath garment made out of skin thighs, hips, rump, anus? lion unknown meaning people, barbarian people pebble evil, misfortune evil, misfortune unknown meaning portal swallow cart, part of a cart crucible date palm-tree harp owl evil, misfortune evil, misfortune evil, misfortune



11500 11500 11500 11500 11510 11510 11510 11520 11520 11520 11530 11530 11600 11600 11600 11600 11600 11600 11600 11600 11600 11600 11600 11600 11610 11616 11616 11616 11620 11620 11620 11620 11623 11623 11625 11625 11630 11630 11650 11652 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14100 14100 14100 14100 14100 14100 14100 14100 14100

bwne bwwn bwxn bwxn baampe benipe benipe bank benji binaj bonte bonte baare bar baraxe barwx barwx barwx berw bir boure brre bwre bwwre brbe berbir borbr brbr baro0 ber0o bersi bre0hu bersi+ brqoout bar0in bersim barhit barwt barnex barmesi eeei ei ei eia eiw eoou eoou eouw euw ew exe exe exh exi exo exo exoou exoue ebau ebh ebiw ef eibe epaxou epaxou epexouo epw

unknown meaning; an edible? bad; evil, misfortune cover with a roof, awning canopy, awning goat metal, as metal, chains, fetters metal-with names of weapons, tools bird named in magical texts elephant's trunk dish gourd; cucumber unknown boat, barge meaning unknown animal camel?; transport animal (not ass) fodderer unknown, in list of metal objects whirlpool palm leaf basket charm for insomnia new, young; new thing fish overbearing, imposing; push, drive vessel or receptacle a missile unloose boil trade?; office? unknown meaning orach (atriplex) coriander seed basket for holding bread chariot caulker victuals, among names of victuals goat, he goat brass, bronze linseed unknown, in accounts of payments to, as regards to, for, according to house to go, to come house eye wash, to wash honor, glory ass hail? pledge, surety ass ox and cow yea, yes front length of life and need treasure particle with negative verb day more, rather than, than unknown darkness honey flesh, and fly thirst behind, backward bring back great, greatly, very door, part of fastening door



14110 14120 14120 14120 14123 14123 14130 14130 14130 14140 14140 14140 14140 14140 14140 14150 14160 14160 14162 14162 14165 14200 14200 14200 14200 14200 14200 14200 14200 14200 14200 14210 14210 14220 14220 14230 14230 14230 14230 14242 14250 14250 14250 14250 14250 14250 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14310 14312 14313 14320 14320 14330 14350 14352 14353 14400 14400 14400 14400

ephp ebiaik eboos ep0wi epesht epesht e2wt ebate ebot e2lhou ebleue ebol ebol ebol ebol ebihn ebra epra ebrhqe efrasou ebriein e0 e0o e0w eisejhu ejo ejw ejw ejw esoou e0wpe ekibe e0je eqw0 ekot ekte esht esht eqlaq ejn ejn ejn ejnejneqen eat ech eiat eiote eiwt etetoot etox ette etbeetbeje etbhht eth0I eth0i etoot etn etni5 etmhte el elile eloole eloole

month, name of 11th month servant base, socket of pillar bring, raise up downward bring down crocodile, kind of crocodile month month vanity, emptiness vein; sweat out, forth come, go forth, be displayed bring, put out, publish forth, out person, a poor, wretched person seed (of cereals) vanities lightning plant, a plant garment, material for or quality of be able bran sow behold boat (plu.) upon, over, for, to over, for, to, upon tongs, pincers viper sheep if nipple if Cushite visit unknown ground, bottom, lowest part; downward downward gourd upon, over, for, to head come upon, arrive at head without head end, farthest part bring forward eye father (pl.) father (before liquids and half-vowels) to garment of certain length of stuff unknown because of, concerning because concerning, because of rust, mildew crane to come into the hand of ashes bring into midst, recall hail saying grape; vine tonsil



14400 14400 14400 14412 14420 14421 14425 14425 14440 14440 14440 14440 14442 14450 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14520 14520 14520 14520 14520 14530 14530 14530 14550 14550 14560 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14612 14612 14613 14615 14620 14620 14622 14622 14630 14630

eloole elooue elw elbiji elkw elqwb elelkhme elkemh elile eloole eloole eloole elelkhme elam eime eine eine eme emi emi emim emou en enene ene eneenex enim enouoi enx eouin euni exna exoun exoun e eme0hie eme0qe emh0 emise enq emate emnt emto emim enim emhre eiero eire eiwrx er erereerhu erhu* ero exrai exrai erbisi erbws erbit erbin erj erqoi er0I0 er0I0I erat erat

pupil (of eye) snare snare irrigation implements? fruit of sycamore heron bruise, dark purple bruise like grape unknown saying grape; vine tonsil pupil (of eye) bruise, dark purple bruise like grape measure or quantity (papyrus, loaves) to know, to understand bring, bear resemble, to resemble; likeness hoe for digging knowledge ignorant, innocent mouse, shrew mouse cat ape bring interrog. particle stone if eternal, age; forever, eternity lot way eyebrow unknown, about repair of something mill; nether millstone willing, to be willing, think good bring, put in to, towards except fish, Nile fish anvil dill, anise plant, a plant greatly, very the west before, in front of mouse, shrew mouse lot innundation, high water river make, to do to see, perceive spin archaic rel pref with past tenses.. verbal prefix fellow, companion; each other, together each other for, to, as regards to downward, upward bring up hemp rope of single ply camel's saddle or pack papyrus chicken, small bird unknown, in recipe for eye disease chick-pea authority, have power to come to a superior



14630 14630 14630 14650 14650 14650 15200 15525 16000 16000 16000 16000 16100 16200 16300 16400 16500 16610 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17100 17100 17100 17100 17100 17100 17120 17120 17131 17200 17200 17200 17300 17300 17300 17300 17400 17400 17400 17500 17500 17500 17500 17500 17500 17500 17500 17500 17500 17520 17520 17520 17520 17600 17610 17612 17620 17620 17620 17620 17620 17650 17650 17650

erht ert erwte ern ern exren zaz zenzen hi hi hi hou hpe hqe ht hlle hn hrp cai co co coi cox cox cab caf cbbio cbbio cifi cwbi cwb0 cwb0 coftef cous cwk cwk ciouhout coout coucou cwt calixi clo couelo canno cem chn chni cmhi cmhi cmo cno coume cwm cmis cmko cmko cmso cwri cwrp craps cer0 cerouwqe couraji crko cwr0 carmi cran crim

promise, vow, devote twice in list of farm produce milk to, upon come to, arrive at come against, to meet asphodel lizard, chameleon house pair, couple O (interjection) limbs? genital members? number leek unknown measure , a measure ape wine this (demonstrative pronoun) multitude earth; also under "to" spot chaff bad, become bad leaven unknown humble, to be humble, humility humiliate swelling, tumour unknown astonished, be astonished stare with astonishment let fall drop by drop (rain) point (of beard) mast (of ship) fix and kindle cease name of 1st month skin disease-lentigo persuade, mix, scrape tree, fruit tree make to fly, drive away, scatter overflow, submerge accomplish, perform unknown sulpher sprout, grow truth true, righteous person warm pound Virgo, zodiac sign sharpen dust ill use, afflict, humiliate ill treatment, affliction make to sit, seat willow sew sew linseed metal? habit, part of monastic habit make mild, assuage stare in astonishment leather shield tin quicksilver



18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18100 18100 18100 18100 18100 18100 18100 18100 18100 18130 18130 18200 18200 18200 18200 18200 18200 18230 18260 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18350 18400 18400 18400 18400 18440 18500 18500 18500 18500 18500 18500 18500 18500 18500 18500 18532 18600 18600 18600 18600 18600 18600 18600

ei ei ei e eia eia eiaeiaau eiaiw eie eie eih eioue eiw eiw eiwxe i4 ioxi ioxi eiabe eiabe eiaouba eib eibe eiope eiope eip ihb eibt eiebt ei0e ei0e ei0ouei eis I0 iws I0t eiqri eiat eiote eiwt eiwt eiwte iota iw+ eitn eial eielel eioul ielle eielel eime eimme eine eine eine eine eine eiom eiooun imi intwk eier eioor eire eire eire eiwrx iero

come, to go house come to eye and its sight valley, ravine ass linen unknown then particle introducing apodosis-then wash waters wash, to wash name of a small animal-worm? field demon fold water-wheel matter from sores, wounds-pus sickness, malady unknown hoof thirst craft, art, occupation measure (or vessal) of oil bring back spin nail east, the east be hung, depend hang, suspend roast, dry by heating behold urine hasten, be urgent meaning unknown unknown, in alchem recipe eye father (pl.) father barley dew ninth letter of alphabet dew ground, earth, dust, rubbish mirror shine, glitter hart, hind brightness, light shine, glitter know, understand presumptuous, impudent bring, bear resemble, to resemble; likeness chain thumb carpenter's axe, adze sea a title, unknown meaning knowledge kindle eye canal make, to make, to do; act, performed befall, be incumbent on unknown, furniture of camel see, to see, perceive river



18650 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19120 19120 19120 19120 19120 19130 19160 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200

eiwrm kah kax kax kaxi ke keouou kex kh khu kiuh kiwou ko koeix koie koixe koixi koou koox kou koui koui koux kw kw kwi kwx kwx kwx kwx ka2ai kabai kaf kap kap kap kapai kba kbo khbi khbi khpe kibiu kip kwb kwb kwbx kwp kwwbe kwxb ka2aji kap0a kap0w kapaj kwp0 kou2at koupr ka0 ka0 ka0e ka0o0 ka0o0 ka0w kaj kajxe kak kake kake

stare, be astonished earth, soil pitcher, bucket earth, soil earth, soil also, even, other; another, different crude wax arm unknown, riverbank? unknown unknown be fat, soft bull sheath field envious elbow length of time angle, corner unknown small person or thing; young person small, a little unknown place, appoint, set down, make idols? elbow roll up be envious, zealous, emulate make level, smooth, lame envy, zeal; zealous, to be zealous Egyptian partridge cages, baskets(?) of wicker-work trunk of tree string of harp receptacle or measure for corn a citting tool partridge vengence, compulsion be, become cool; make cool pitcher, jar honey cake vaulted place, cellar, canopy among fish a measure be doubled leaven sinew; cord hide, be hidden compel, seize by force; forced labor unknown part of date palm immature thorns on palm leaves sandy land penes bow down carpet, mattress a plant reed reed, pen among metal utensils charm for painful eyes male, female iron among fish unknown, relates to agriculture unknown part of bird pupil (of eye) darkness



19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19213 19214 19220 19220 19220 19220 19220 19230 19230 19240 19240 19250 19250 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19310 19320 19340 19350 19352 19360 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400

kakoi kas kas kas kase kasise kasks kaxk kaxkx kaxs keke kh0e khkaxhu kise kja koeis koiaxk kosks kouk kouk kouk kwk kww0e kwws kakoupat ka0abel ka0o0 ka0o0 kasise kasks kosks kakte kou0t ka0ouli koukle ka0mou koukoumau ka+ kat katai katax kato kete kexte ki+ kite kite kite kot kot kto kto ktou kwt kwte kwxt kwtf kwt0 katouli katan katmis kthr kalaxh kale kalele kel kel kelou

mucus of nose a coin "carat" cry, roaring bone shoemaker unknown, metal tool, utensil? whisper make level, smooth, lame make level, smooth, lame make level, smooth, lame child unknown strip, make naked boils of unknown kind unknown, in list of names vessal for liquids, wine name of 4th month bend, entwine rind a bird? among properties of monastery peel, strip off, divest; bareness break, be broken, split dress, prepare corpse for burial, bury obtaining a certain stone by help of.. earring charm for painful eyes male, female iron unknown, metal tool, utensil? whisper bend, entwine louse plant or mineral desert fruit hood, cowl of monk unknown, list of varia pan know, understand; knowledge, understanding wheel, basket locust unknown boat, skiff unknown loin, hip player, gambler double drachma sleep unknown wheel, basket potter turn, surround make to turn, return, go round young plant build, form; edify, encourage, building turn, go round, round about, return, surround fire gather (corn, fruit, wood, etc.) unknown, in recipe mallow list of sailors, crew Egyptian mulberry calf womb unknown board stuck to assemble congregation fish unidentified animal unknown, loosen, slacken?



19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19400 19410 19410 19410 19410 19410 19412 19413 19415 19420 19420 19420 19420 19420 19420 19421 19422 19423 19424 19424 19424 19424 19425 19430 19430 19430 19440 19440 19440 19440 19440 19440 19440 19440 19450 19450 19450 19450 19450 19451 19453 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500

kelwl kelwl khl klal kle kle klh klle klo kloole kloole klwili koulwl kwl kwlx kwwle kalaphi kalwpou kelfi kl2 kwlp kel2aj klaft kelebin kalouki kelka kelloj kliji koulaji kwlj kelkeb kala0I0te kel0wt kelkoule klaklek kolkel kolkl klousme kaltkolta4 koulxot kalele kelwl kelwl klal kloole kloole klwili koulwl klme klom kloome kwlem kwlm kalam2o klanta kam kame kemi khme khme khn kim kme kmme kmom knaau knaau

pitcher, jar curling hair iron object chain (on neck) vessel for liquids unknown cat a bolt vegetable poison(?) used for arrows unknown, among agriculture tools? cloud caul, secundina wrap, wind unknown, among maladies strike, knock, clap unknown, return, collapse? quail small dog, lap dog? eyelid blow steal, rob truffle hood (of monk's habit) pickaxe, axe young camel or ox lump, pustule a puppy, whelp part of bird a fish bend, be bent, twist unknown, mouse? part of a house, on its roof a plant? unknown, scala? astragalus, the plant or its gum unknown, dry places and land be round, curved unknown be hairless on front of head colecasia water plant a fish board stuck to assemble congregation pitcher, jar curling hair chain (on neck) unknown, among agriculture tools? cloud caul, secundina wrap, wind poultice of wood crown, wreath weal hasten corner of eye hill screen, membrane reed, rush black black Egypt, the black land gum cease, fail; finish move, be moved darkness black be, become black sheaf unknown, trade or office



19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19500 19510 19510 19510 19510 19513 19520 19520 19520 19520 19520 19520 19520 19522 19525 19530 19530 19530 19530 19532 19550 19560 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19600 19610 19610 19610 19611 19620 19620 19620 19620 19620 19620 19620 19630 19635 19650 19650 19650 19652 19656

knne knne kno knxe kny komme kon koun kwm kwxme kampi kanoufi konf koomf kene2iten knos kounjou kwm0 kwns kwns kwns rmnk knikiji kmkm kamte kmto knte knte kemts kmom knxhr kaire karare ker kerx kerxe kori korou kour kour kour krax krhre kri kro krou krour krour kwr kwwre krof kwrf kwrf krapep karous kers kerso kor3 krouj kwr0 kwrj kerht korten kram krwm kwrm krmes krmrm

be fat, sweet unknown, in list of vessals sheaf porch or shrine a disease gum unknown, among plants in temple bosom unknown, part of a farm cart unknown, list of clothing among birds unknown, a fish a title or epithet blight kind of loaf or cake stink, be putrid a vessal sneer, mock pierce, slay, slaughter prepare for burial; corpse slay, pierce Egyptian vessal or measure for liquids strike, beat (musical instrument) vessal containing oil earthquake charm fig smoke be, become black a plant belly, gullet unknown haunch, thigh unknown, connected with loom bald person skylight, trap-door a coin deaf person blow, deafening blow pivot, hinge unknown unknown, in list of utensils perfumed or medicinal oil shore, farther side unknown, list of varia frog unknown, among articles pledged measure or quantity of money cut down trees, crops; be cut down guile, ambush bring to naught, cancel, destroy be idle, deficient hoopoe curled (of hair) a fish pylon, gate an iron instrument baked or fried cake request, persuade, cajole cut down, break off part of swine,or name of medicant house leek wild safflower fire smoke ash, soot, dust murmur, be vexed; murmuring, complaint



19656 19660 19660 19660 19660 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20120 20120 20120 20120 20120 20120 20120 20120 20120 20120 20120 20120 20130 20141 20141 20150 20150 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200

kromrm karare krhre krour krour la la la lalaau laau laau laau laue laui lauo lax laxh lex li lo loixe loou lwou lwx laboi laf le2 le2e leifi li2e libe louboie lwf lwwfe lxwb labas lafwj laps lapsi lapsi lep0 lepa0I lepse libos lwb0 lwb0 lwps lhbte lobleb loflf lapni leban la0ie la3e laji laji lajke laksi lakx laqe laqou las las le0 leq lese lesi

be dark (of hair, scar) unknown unknown, in list of utensils frog unknown, among articles pledged envy, slander possessing, endued with mouth part textile material or use of a fragment anyone, anything; someone, something (neg.) no one, nothing no one, nothing anyone anyone ship's sail unknown liquid measure care, anxiety unknown, relates to melting of metal withdraws self from; cease, stop mud, filth curl (of hair) as interjection of emphasis unknown lioness pleasant one having an eye disease fragment, small portion fish fragment, small portion be mad; make mad kind of Nile ship be insipid be prone to fall, decadent steam, vapour aloe- wood unknown anyone, anything; someone, something bite, seize fragment, small portion heating material trunks of trees fragment, small portion colic be hot, glow; burn, heat crown; coping, battlement (of roof) unknown unknown feel violent love mortify, become rotten, perish unknown ship's hauling cable hypocrites clouts latrine of ship importunity unknown skip, bound corner, extremity, top cease unknown, among implementes of torture tongue tongue, language unknown lie hid unknown unknown



20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20230 20230 20230 20242 20242 20242 20242 20242 20242 20242 20250 20250 20250 20250 20250 20250 20250 20250 20253 20300 20300 20300 20310 20312 20320 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20410 20425 20430 20500 20500 20500

lhk lhs liji lik loiqe lok loq loq louj louk lu3 lw0j lwj lwji lwjk lwjx lwk lwk0 lwks lwqe lwsk lwws lwws lajte lakoote likt lajlej lojlj lojlj loklk loqleq loqleq louklak la0ane lajan lakamou lakm lakme lekmh lokm lwkem laknt lat lout lwte latp latbs lotj laale lal lale laxlx leeile leeli lele lelou lexlwxe lhl lil lilooxe lol loulai llhb laloukin laleet la4em laami lain

be soft, fresh unknown, jaw? bowl, dish pot, jar cause, excuse bowl, cup impudent, persistent lie hid secretion in corner of eye cheek or corner of mouth crested lark or hoopoe be troublesome, oppressive be sticky; adhesive lie hid be sticky, adhesive be crushed, effaced be soft, fresh be weak bite, pierce, stab; snap at lie hid putrify, or similar be bruised, crushed fruit of sycamore fig mud, dirt a liquid measure; mostly of wine veil, covering girder languish, be sickly rub become soft; soften, smooth girder, joint, frame sickness bad, wicked village, magistrate or official moisture colocynth piece, fragment piece, fragment piece, fragment unknown, among furniture or utensils be moist, sodden frying pan, cauldron parsley unknown be hard, callous turnip patch, joining material unknown of putrified food producing worms unknown, among trades, weavers, clothiers smear, paint, overlay be tall, high be pointed high unknown wander about youth, maiden unknown neckless sparrow bdellium, bed, bench shout jesting, buffonery betelnut (or ceder?) unknown trunk, branch, stalk, tube bait steel?



20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20500 20510 20520 20520 20520 20520 20523 20530 20535 20545 20545 20550 20563 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000

lam lamwou laxme leon lexmou limhn lom lom loome loome loume lwimi lwm lwm lwmi lwwme lwxm lxhm laxmf lemas lemhh0e lenji lwms lamjatp lamti lenthn lemlwm lomlm limhn lamrht ma mamamaau maeie mai mai mai maih mau mau mauaa max maxmaxe maxe me me mee meei meeue meeue mei mexmh mhi mhi mhi mhi mhxe mhxe mie mih mio mmau mmin mmn mmo

unknown unknown kneeding, trough earring, bracelet unknown, in description of a field portrait, image unknown morsel, bit bait whither, fade bait morsel, bit morsel, bit whither, fade morsel, bit whither, fade be boiling, boiled roar (especially of lion) relates to matters of wages unknown warrior, champion coat of mail be foul, stink tar, pitch unknown saw unknown unknown portrait, image a herb place if, when give mother love unknown new love size, age, kind the place, there, therein there alone, single nest, brood of young before ell, cubit (forearm) flax love, to love truth, justice, true person truth, justice, true person truth, justice, true person thought, mind think, to think love pref of ordinals; fill urine unknown, an implement of brass truth give (imperative) truth, justice, true person feather tumour, abscess truth lion be hale (implies graditude) there own, proper, self not to be; not to have, no genitival particle; verb obj.



21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21100 21100 21100 21100 21100 21100 21120 21120 21130 21130 21150 21160 21160 21160 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200

mmon Mmon mn mnmnmnmnai mnh mnhne mnhne MnM mno mo mo moeix moeixe moi moou mooxe mou moue moue moueiooue moui moui moui moux moux moux mox mxaau mxaou maab maeixf mpe mpo mpoou mpoue mp0a mp0a mpate mpwt mbon mbrexi mbrexi mpwr m0I0 ma0e ma0j ma0o maaje maaje maeis mais majmaje majke makas makx maouse mas mase me0ak me0e mhh0e mhse mhse mi0e

verily, for no, if not no one; there is not, are not with (prep) and (conj.) pref neg imperat vetitive here, hence, hither there, thither daily daily there is not, are not; no one self, one's own take! there measure for fodder wonder give! water walk, go die, death light, blindness island (mostly in the Nile) water (pl.) new (adj.) lion ram burn, glow look fill; be full; complete nest; fill, burn; look tomb, cavern tomb, cave thirty unknown, object sent by writer of letter until (where action is uncompleted) speechless, dumb today far be worthy, worth much, greatly neg perf of what has not yet happened unknown, part of weaving apparatus wrath cart bitumen not! By no means! vengence balance ear greatly, very measure of fruit or grain ear a measure loving instruction, docile measure axe, pick woman's garment beard neck of man or beast an internal organ unknown calf perhaps not know multitude, crowd, troop one with child usury fight, attack; strike



21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21200 21210 21214 21215 21220 21220 21220 21220 21220 21221 21225 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 21231 21233 21233 21234 21240 21240 21240 21240 21240 21250 21250 21250 21252 21253 21256 21260 21260 21260 21263 21300 21300 21300

miakhs mike mise mkax mn0a mnke mnnsa mNNsa mNNsw mojx moki moo0e mooshe mos mou5 moujq mouk mouki moukx moukx mous mousk msax mwje mesoua2i me0pelt mejpwne m0I0 makas me0ak miakhs moujq mexsa0f majakin m0twte majaat makot me00wt me0te mescht mestou mh0te mjaxt moste mou0t mou0t me0+bs m0twte mescht meqtwl me0kol mejhl meslex mesxwl mjwl mexsnau mosne mouknaie mokmek mex0onnt mokmer m0ir m0ir makro ma0rt maout mate mate

shells, pearl shells rest bear, bring forth be painful, difficult; be grieved worthy, to be worthy unknown, about sowing side after after girdle of soldier or monk jar, vessal, quiver walk, go (on land, water) go, to walk unknown, occurs in recipes look be mixed; mix cease ladder afflict, oppress labor, find difficult strap, bard strike, rub crocodile measure unknown unknown ulcer, eruption vengence beard perhaps shells, pearl shells be mixed; mix search out, reflect, consider unknown, named with embroiderers comb; among weavers tools unknown javelin, dirk plain, field ear breast unknown ford, ferry morter hate examine, search out, visit; visit, consider perhaps hinge of door comb; among weavers tools breast tower rump, buttocks, anus unknown, part of oven like it, ditto process of forging iron onion second a vessal or dry measure white cock think, ponder; mediate, intend third think, ponder, thought name of 6th month pot, box for incense trough, mortar cable of palm fibers die, death reach, obtain, enjoy; attain, consent agree very, greatly



21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21300 21310 21320 21320 21321 21326 21330 21330 21330 21331 21332 21335 21340 21340 21341 21350 21350 21350 21350 21350 21350 21353 21360 21360 21360 21360 21360 21362 21365 21365 21365 21365 21400 21400 21400 21400 21400 21400

mate matoi matou maut maxt mecaio mht mht mhte mit mmate mnot mnout mnt mnt mntmntmoeit moout mouout mout moute moute mtat mtatx mtau mto mtw mtwte mxit mxot mtotf maatse mets mntqwb mntsa hrp mtat mtatx mtwte mtotf mntatsbbe mntatnaxte metl mntl mextwlp matem mntn mntna moutn mton mton mntmntre matr mntero mntre mntrro mntrrwou mntxar0xht mntrmnrht mntrnnao mntrnra0 mntrnxe ma4oul mele melxe melxe mely mexhl

only soldier poison die, death bowels, intestines carthamus, safflower truth ten middle parsley greatly, very breast porter, doorkeeper measure of grain truth, righteousness adjective forming abstracts wisdom road, path; place die, death kill, to kill sinew, nerve speak, call, pronounce kill, killer bridle, bit unknown wizardry; magic words; words before, in front of; face, presence depth of sea unknown, in list of varia north shoemaker's last or mallet wild rue measure wisdom weakness wine drinking bridle, bit unknown unknown, in list of varia wild rue uncircumcision unbelief impudence, persistence impudence, persistence sew unknown condition, trade of sailor alms rest, set at rest be at rest, at ease; be relieved rest self testimony glue kingdom, reign witness, testimony kingdom, reign kingdom, reign long-suffering wisdom riches, wealth gentleness freedom chisel, pick unknown unknown; part of millstone saltness eye bald place on head



21400 21400 21400 21400 21400 21400 21400 21400 21400 21420 21420 21420 21420 21430 21430 21430 21440 21450 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21500 21520 21520 21520 21520 21520 21520 21520 21520 21520 21520 21520 21520 21520 21524 21530 21530

mla4 mlx moloy moole moul4 moulwl moulx moulx moulx moulaj moulj moulk moulq malat melit melwt moulwl miolwn maein mamhe man manin manmon menxh mexmouxe mhne mine mine mmau mmin mmn mmo mmon Mmon mn mnmnmnmnai mnh mnhne MnM mno monmen monmen moone moone moone mooun moun moune moune ma nsw mank manke mankou mn0a mnke mnnsa mNNsa mNNsw monks moum0 mounk mounk manqale mmate mnot

fight, quarrel make salt Mars (planet) bait be hooked into unknown, part of plough make salt wax be hooked into; twisted into, attached to night raven embrace, enwrap unknown branch unknown love ceiling, canopy unknown, part of plough bitumen extracted from embalmed corpse sign, wonder, mark truth a certain person or thing band, cord orange after purslane daily, everyday sort; qualify, manner nature, quality, of such kind there own, proper, self not to be; not to have, no genitival particle; verb obj. verily, for no, if not no one; there is not, are not with (prep) and (conj.) pref neg imperat vetitive here, hence, hither there, thither daily there is not, are not; no one self, one's own shake, be shaken twisted be made fast; come to land; into port nurse pasture, to pasture, feed come to land; into port remain, continue unknown; about repairing some water conduits remain, continue drinking place unknown unknown, among arfticles of iron unknown, among varia worthy, to be worthy unknown, about sowing side after after make permission make, form cease, be lacking, perish; destroy pick, hoe greatly, very breast



21530 21530 21530 21530 21530 21532 21532 21532 21532 21533 21533 21534 21535 21535 21535 21535 21536 21536 21536 21536 21536 21536 21536 21536 21536 21536 21550 21550 21550 21550 21550 21550 21550 21550 21550 21552 21552 21560 21563 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21600 21610 21620 21620 21620 21620 21620 21620 21622 21623 21630 21630 21630 21630 21650 21650

mnout mnt mnt mntmntmentsnoous mntatsbbe mntqwb mntsa hrp mntatnaxte mntatsbbe mntl mntatnaxte mntmntre mntn mntna mancwrp mntero mntre mntrmnrht mntrnnao mntrnra0 mntrnxe mntrro mntrrwou mntxar0xht manin manmon mmin mmon Mmon mnhne MnM monmen monmen mNNsa mNNsw mamrex menrit mare meere meere meremerex merre mexro mhr mhrx mour mrex mrre mrw mrwxe merwf marjwje maures mour0 mris mro0 mrw0e marjwje mro0t merit merit mort mro4t meran mrwm

porter, doorkeeper measure of grain truth, righteousness adjective forming abstracts wisdom twelve uncircumcision weakness wine drinking unbelief uncircumcision impudence, persistence unbelief testimony condition, trade of sailor alms sew kingdom, reign witness, testimony wisdom riches, wealth gentleness freedom kingdom, reign kingdom, reign long-suffering band, cord orange own, proper, self verily, for no, if not daily there is not, are not; no one shake, be shaken twisted after after unknown; name of 20th lunar station love verbal pref. Optative "let us (go)" midday a tree perf neg aor spear, javelin red of hair manure shore of river; esp. opposite shore salt bind, gird, tie 20th station of moon chain, bond harbor, landing stage a vessal probably of metal unknown, quantity? a garment; among cloths, etc. jug, jar look around, stare about new wine, must be red, yellow vessel of clay a garment; among cloths, etc. stink love beloved beard, chin pipe-clay trough, tank pillow



22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22000 22100 22100 22100 22100 22100 22100 22100 22100 22100 22100 22100 22100 22100 22120 22130 22130 22140 22150 22150 22160 22160 22160 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200

nnnnna na na na na naa naeiw nai nau nau nau nau naui ne nenei nex nex nhu ni no noei noouxe nou nou noux nouxe nouxe nouxe nox nw nxouo naxbi neef nexpe nhb nhb nhhbe nibe nife nobe noub nouxb nouxb nouxb noubs noubt nouft nexbhl nauben niben napre nobrou noufr na0ena0w naake najxe neqeneqi nesenexse nhqe nhse

particle of genitive, ex: at price "of" indicating obj of verb instrument, agent "with, by" bring with object suffixes mercy, pity to go about (used with numerals) have pity, mercy be great peg, stake this (demonstrative pronoun) hour, time about hour, time look, behold; sight, view, vision spear it is, there are vbl pref of imperf before vbal subj time fat, thick abyss go, to go bring hour unknown, place where loaves/wine are kept unknown go, be going to, about to hour rope, cord shake, cast off, set apart, separate be shaken out; fall out sycamore eyelid hour more, rather, very spear sailor mourn; smite self lord unknown float, swim every blow, breathe of wind sin gold make ready wagon by yoking be yoked, harnassed copulate, engender a tree weave swell, be distended wine-skin footstep every grain, seed marsh, mallow be good, profitable be many, much great pains of travail tooth be ugly, unseemly; disgraceful namely be beautiful awake, arise, waken, raise up belly, womb bench, seat



22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22200 22210 22210 22210 22230 22230 22230 22230 22230 22232 22233 22235 22235 22250 22252 22252 22252 22260 22260 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22300 22310 22310 22310 22310 22320 22320 22330 22350 22350 22350 22350 22350 22350 22360 22400

nije nka noei0 noeik noo0e noq noq nou0s nouj nouj nouj nouje noujk nouqs nouqs nous nouse nqi nsa nsa nse najp nesbo nou0p n0it n0ot n0ot ne0te nou0t nkotk na0txht na0teime na0tmakx noue0n nejnej noknek noqneq no0r nouker n0te naht naiat naiat nat naxte nce nout noute ntantentenwou+ nxht noutf ntof ntof ntpe nthq ntwk ntoot noutm nten nteunou ntn ntn ntooun nterenxal

unknown, point in measurements a "thing" in general spleen adulterer unknown, stinking of disease great, large; greater, older old person, thing grow numb sprinkle lying, false throw throw, cast; cast forth sprinkle, asperge; scatter be wrath; make wrath oil unknown, among abusive terms unknown, about sleep particle preceding nom. except behind, after, at yes stone, kernal of fruit be wise blow of wind;agitate, frighten, overawe unknown be hard, strong, difficult hardness, boldness hard, rough person become heavy, hard sleep, to sleep strong, hard of heart presumptuous stiff-necked without unknown have affection, inclination reproach, mock vulture, falcon prick, incise strength, strengthener, protector have pity eye blessed loom trust, to trust, believe as, as just as grind, pound corn God genitival particle genitival particle perf of conjunct. swaddling bands in, from dissolve, settle, make terms for, loosen rather, but, again but, rather above, over, up plant, herb, weed bake in, by, with, beside be sweet, pleasant with, beside, in, by immediately hand with, beside, in, by then when, after be soaked, impregnated



22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22500 22510 22530 22560 22600 22600 22600 22600 22600 22650 22650 23600 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 24100 24100 24100 24100 24120 24150 24200 24200 24200 24200 24200 24200 24200 24200 24200 24200 24300 24300 24300 24400 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24530 24610 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000

name name nanou neme nemwou nhni nim nim nine nnenno noein nom noni noun noun noune nouxm noxnx nenebe nomte nemoure narenaxra noure nouxr nxour naxrn naxrn3our o oix oox oxe oxe obe obxe obxe oeipe obik obn oei0 oeik oeik oji oke oou0 ose ose osi osk oeit oot oote oleie oeime ome on onh oni owoein onte orbe pp (e) pa papai

truth; truly good be good, fair flame; as goddess having broken eggs honeycomb every, all who? nothing perf neg. neg. imperatit shall not be, no shake, tremble pine, tamarisk, cypress fall down abyss of hell seventh root be saved, safe; preserve shake; break out styrax strength, power unknown, among iron verbal prefix before, in presence of vulture unknown, part of dowry tremble before, in presence of face a finger-ring great unknown moon loss, damage "yard" of a house; "fold" for cattle channel, water course tooth (of man) angry, to be angry a measure of grain bread, loaf alum cry, a herald reed bread iniquity sesame gruel of bread on lentils loss, damage, fine tooth tamarisk unknown, among metal objects all good things snort, groan womb ram hook clay, mud again, also, still live, life resemble light unknown wafter, thin, cake definate article (m) the possessive article "the belonging to" possessive pronoun with suffixes this (demonstrative pronoun)



25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25100 25100 25100 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25200 25240 25250 25250 25252 25300 25300 25300 25300 25300 25300 25300 25300 25300 25300 25300 25310 25310 25311 25313 25313 25320

paxe paxou pe pe pe pe pei ph phi phue poi poou pooxeue poua pw pwx pwx pwx paope papoi pwwpe pa0 pa5s pai0e paiqe pake paqse paxs pees peja peje peje piqa pise pjw poei0 poj poqe pw0 pw0 pw0s pw0s pw5 pwjq pwqe pwqs pwxs poqle pw0n pwqm pa0ons paith pat pat paxte pecoou pite poce pwt pwtx pwxt pwxt petbe petephp petephp potpt potpt pwts

break buttocks, hinder part, back interrog/condition expressing doubt perhaps? it is, there are heaven, sky kiss that (demonstrative pronoun) leap heaven (pl.) bench today, day break each mine, his, etc. reach, attain to, succeed in doing break, burst, tear divide name of 2nd month bird, chicken knead (clay); make bricks trap, snare break a disease, swelling mouth be light, thin spittle break unknown say, to say whatsaith say, to say vanity be cooked, melted; boil, bake, melt unknown, hard, tough flesh rung, step of ladder amorous battlefield divide, be separate break, to break be amazed, beside oneself amaze, turn aside break beat flat, broad break, burst unknown, sweat, drip? bite unknown, related to vegetables service; serve (as priest) unknown name of 9th month eggplant knee fold (for sheep) strength, valiance evil, wickedness bow unknown run, flee, go carve, engrave, depict bend, fall pour, flow requite hoopoe hoopoe fall away; make fall cut down, drop divide, split



25324 25342 25350 25361 25400 25420 25420 25420 25420 25440 25500 25500 25500 25500 25500 25500 25500 25500 25500 25515 25520 25600 25600 25600 25600 25600 25600 25600 25600 25600 25600 25600 25600 25610 25616 25620 25620 25620 25620 25620 25620 25620 25620 25620 25620 25626 25650 25651 25653 25653 25655 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000 26000

pat0eleet patalas petnanou pthrf pwlx pelhk plqe pwlq pwlq plale pame pawne penne pin pme pnnh pouni pwn pwwne pompem pwnk para pare paure paxre paxre peire perpere phre poro prw pwwre prape periperoi parxs phr0 pork pork pra0 pwr0 pwrj pwrk pwrs pwrs prosres permou pernoufe parmoute parmxotp primmenou ra ra raouw rauh rh rhi ri ro ro ro ro ro rooue rouxe rw rw rw

bridegroom unknown good whole, all (creation) wound unknown, epithet of antichrist split, torn cloth, rag agreed, reach satisfaction, decide deliver, decide; settle affair unknown truly name of 10th month bug mouse truth, justice, true person doorpost, threshold, step anus be poured, flow; pour out change, turn swell draw, bail, empty out water unknown unknown increase, grow a drug heal, to heal come forth of light, etc.; proclaim house scurf quail vessal holding oil winter dream unknown, an object of wax royal palace covering for jar red colored substance outer mantle of clerics, monks calf unknown, relates to irrigation be spread, spread; stretch separation, division; divide, separate be plucked out; destroyed; pluck, root out stretch, strain slaughter become stiff (of hair) lunatic a plant, artemisia name of 8th month name of 7th month a plant, artemisia state, condition part happen, fall, be subject, be caught neighborhood sun a fish cell, room edge of weapon strand, ply of cord goose mouth door, gate stubble evening same, again; also; indeed, but mouth, door indeed, even, but, at all, at last



26000 26000 26000 26100 26100 26100 26120 26120 26130 26140 26165 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26200 26210 26230 26250 26262 26262 26262 26262 26262 26262 26300 26300 26300 26300 26300 26300 26300 26300 26300 26300 26300 26300 26300 26310 26310 26330 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26500 26510 26510 26510 26525

rw rwxe rxouo ribh rpe rpw refjioue refsw rbt refl refrnobe r5e ra0 ra0e rasou rhs rhse rike roeis roou0 roou0 rsw rw0 rw0e rwkx rwjp raste r0wn ra0re0 rakrek raqreq rkrike rojrej rokrek raite raoute rat rate raxte raxtou rht rhte rita rtw rwt rwt rwxt rtob rwtb ritici rame ran rayne rhne rime rmeih rmeiooue rmmao rmmme rmxe rnxe rooune rwme rwn rampei rompe rompe romsin

then become, be clean, cleanse, wash exceed rope with belt for hauling ship's cable temple twig? thief drinker coat of mail biter sinner be willing mild, gentle person rejoice, rejoice at, deride dream south, places in the south dust bend, turn, incline; bend toward be awake, watch; keep, observe have care for, be intent on, care anxiety fold for cattle or sheep measure of grain sufficient; suffice, content burn, burn toward, after be thrown down, sink down morrow cloak, covering unknown, in midst of trees unknown hiss of bones or flesh in fire bending, nodding of head in sleep wash? polish? become, be putrid kindred among bronze utensils foot unknown cauldron a monkish garment a title? manner, fashion, likeness a plant span, lit. a great hand grow, sprout, covered with growth bring forth strike, to strike, hit measure of grain recline; make to recline Aquarius, zodiac sign a fish name a garment youth, prime? weep knee tear (s) rich man true, honest person free person person, free person virgin, virginity man, human being rampart ring year door, mouth a plant



26550 26550 26553 26600 26600 26600 26600 26600 26650 26650 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100

ramwne rmxnex rmont raar rir rro rro rrwou primmenou rermh sa sa sa sa sa sa saeioou saiou sax sax sax saxou se se se sesesei sei shoue shoui shu si sia sioou[n] siou siou sixe sixe so so soi soi soi soou soouxe sooxe sooxe sooxe souo sw sw swi swoue swoux swx swxe swxi sxai sxau sxo sabe saf saf sap saxf saxof sb

part of door, post pole, shaft shivering, ague a basket or vessal? pig king, queen king, Caesar (erro) king, Caesar (erro) a plant, artemisia quantity, measure of land side, part except, beyond, behind, after it is (depends) upon be beautiful man; maker of; dealer in man be beautiful among wages writer awl, borer teacher curse year seat, place blow yea sixty (numeral) be filled, satisfied, enjoy a tree unknown, will put fire about this unknown time, season seat, place unknown as title? star star-spangled; speckled thing be removed, displaced move, remove self, withdrawn spare, refrain six back of man or beast beam of wood among trees six egg remove be set up, upright reprove, correct corn, wheat soaked reed, mat of reeds drink become hairless gather be gathered, collected; gather, collect deaf person weave remove write unknown, a title? plough handle wise person yesterday a measure or vessal unknown awl, borer having harelip burnt offerings



27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27120 27120 27120 27121 27130 27130 27130 27130 27130 27130 27130 27130 27143 27144 27150 27150 27150 27150 27160 27165 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200

sbbe sbe sbe sbooue sboui sbw sebi seepe shbe shbe shfe shfe sib sife sop sop sop sp spspei swbe swbe swbx swf swif swp swp swp swpe swwf swwf swwp swxp sb0e sbok sops sopsp sfw+ sibt sobt sobte sobte sopet spotou sxbhhte sblte splhlin seben seboon sobn swouben spir s2ran0 sa0 sa5 saase sai0 sak sase sauxs saxs saxsx seeiqe sek sekex sh0e sh0e shq

unknown, part of property bequeathed door unknown teaching, doctrine (plu.) disciple, apprentice doctrine, teaching circumcise remain over, be remainder, leave remaining tar reed sword, knife reed tick, insect tar adverbial, "a" with help of preposition a measure? occasion, time (vices), turn time, occasion year in dating events chosen, elect laugh, play; deride, mock edge, fringe of garment become, be leprous strain unknown dip, soak kohl-stick eyelid eyelid drinking be defiled, polluted time sink in, be swallowed shield become, be small, few pray, entreat, comfort comfort unknown, relates to ship hill wall, fence be ready, prepare, set in order prepare, set in order unknown edge, shore foam of waves or mouth roll over, about unknown, poultice bandage, salvage support, prop make breeze; make cool (w/fan) grass rib soothsayer blow (strike) strike tow incorporated being "double" of a man adornment, appearance, capacity unknown woman's title rub down, pound roll round, rub down, plane unknown unknown clear out a house strike stroke, blow, sore (plu.) foal of ass, horse



27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27200 27210 27210 27210 27210 27210 27220 27230 27240 27250 27250 27250 27250 27250 27252 27252 27260 27260 27260 27262 27262 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300 27300

si0e sike sikhxe siqe sise siws skai soei0 soei0 sok sok soq sous sousiou sousiou sousou sousou sw0 sw0 sw0e sw0e swk swk swq sws sa0f sesbox si0f skap sw0f soksek sw0t sasel sismh sken skim soqn sw0m skmkim sokmaji seksir sqhr sqhr skorker skorkr sa4wt sat sate sate saxte seth sext sht sit site site site soeit soote sot sote sote sotx ststeiwxe sto stoi stoi

be like gall, bitter grind, pound unknown judgement, cause at law unknown unknown, epithet of day plough pair of animals a measure sack, sackcloth, bag be content, satisfied fool star-spangled; speckled thing wine, measure speckled unknown, guide, lead? point, atom, moment strike despise, shame, contempt, scorn drag, creep field, meadow, country flow as water, blow as wind draw, beguile, gather, impel become, be rigid, paralysed be thrown down, upset seven place of atonement fragment, flake stale (?) of bread be despised pull, gather stop, be impeded, hindered demented unknown side discolored, grey hair ointment be faint, undone, disheartened insubordinate monk long table sunny place, room sail on river or sea; rest oneself sail, to sail beer roll, be rolled treasury tail fire fan kindle fire, heat; burn a condition of the fig leprosy spun basilisk throw, sow basilisk unknown, "beam" of light? fame, report unknown dung, excrement throw a measure? unknown, in list of utensils measure measure disqualify, annul smell fragrant plant



27300 27300 27300 27300 27310 27310 27310 27310 27310 27310 27310 27311 27324 27330 27330 27330 27350 27350 27350 27350 27350 27350 27360 27360 27360 27363 27400 27400 27400 27400 27400 27400 27400 27400 27410 27410 27410 27410 27414 27414 27415 27415 27420 27420 27420 27420 27420 27420 27424 27424 27424 27424 27424 27430 27434 27440 27440 27440 27440 27445 27450 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500

swt swt swte syat satbe satfe sotaxf stebaeix swtf swtf swtp sotbef stajoul stouht stwt stwte sooutn sooutn sthm sthmou swtm swtn sateere sater swtr strtr salo sayol sili slh slxo sol souli swl slifi solf swlp swlp sleplip sloplep selepin selepin sala0eie salouki silouki slij swlk swlq sloqlq sloqlq solsl solsl solsl slaate slatlet silil slwl souoloul swlale selilen swlm sa4em saein sannex saxne shne sim sine

return, repeat a measure of land redeem, rescue marriage gift chew, ruminate unknown, name of a canal? meaning doubtful tool, utensil be pure, clean, purified purify, strain choose tool, weapon spider unknown tremble measure straight, upright, stretch straighten, stretch stibium, antimony unknown, in list of vegetables hear hearing stater coin and weight unknown, in recipe be turned, twisted tremble basket muzzle unknown coffin warm water wick veil, covering dissipate, pervert lung sieve break, burst break, cut off unknown, part of a snake tear asunder spleen little finger tall (man) fish "petrocephalus" unknown state of being on edge cleave, adhere smear, wipe, obliterate become soft; soften, smooth be, make smooth; smoothness adornment, appearance, capacity be comforted, encouraged comfort stumble, slip slip, stumbling gleam? unknown wrap unknown vulture boil? sink and pluck physician grasshopper provide, supply; provision granary, bin grass, fodder ploughshare



27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 27510 27510 27510 27510 27520 27520 27520 27520 27520 27520 27520 27520 27525 27525 27530 27530 27530 27530 27530 27530 27530 27530 27530 27530 27530 27530 27530 27550 27550 27550 27550 27550 27550 27550 27560 27560 27560 27600 27600 27600 27600 27600 27600

sine siooun sma smau smax smex smh smme smou snau snhu somx son soone sooun souen swm swne swnx swwn swxm swxm swxm swxne sxime sambexi sinaxbi snof snouf saan0 saan0 sanis smas smij snkou soms swnk simsim snsn samace samit samnt sanmt smot snat snte somte sonte swmt swnt swnt swnt semxem smine smine smoune snaein snhini soumani samaxhr samr smour sa r siour sir sir sir soure

pass by, through, across bath unknown, related to oil temples, eyelids bunch (of fruit, etc.) herb voice appeal, make application bless, praise two brother (plu.) axle brother robber know value, price subdue, press, pound daughter be bound, fettered unknown sink, fall down cause to fall, overwhelm, press down pluck, draw bring near woman testicles ingredient in boiling cauldron blood last year make live, be alive nourish, rear, tend doubt unknown, a marble object unknown, among metal utensils unknown look, behold suck sesame resound cistern, tank fine flour a pool, tank unknown form, character, likeness, pattern fear foundation unknown resin be stretched, wait be created custom look, behold unknown, devastate? be established, set right establish, construct, set right Nile goose stroll, wander, skip irrigation machine sexual organs, parts fennel unknown moustache man eunuch butter, first milk hair, line, stripe jar thorn, spike, dart



27600 27600 27600 27600 27610 27610 27610 27610 27610 27610 27610 27613 27613 27616 27616 27620 27620 27622 27623 27623 27626 27630 27630 27630 27650 27650 27650 27650 27650 27656 27656 27656 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000 28000

srax sro swr swxr sarapoi sarfe serp sirefe sorp sraf srfe sarpot ser2wt srebroube srofref sarouki swrj saraqwou0 sarakwte sarqatse sorsr sort sourot srit sorm sraxme srnx swrm swrm sromrem sromrm sromrm ta tata(o)uo ta(o)uo taai taeio taeio tai tai tai taie taue tax taxo taxo te th th th thu ti4i to toe toe toou toou tooue tou toua toueih touo touw touxo twx twx txio

example ram scatter, spread sweep unknown, with myrtle, olive oil vine, twig unknown, mixed with white lead scab unknown wound, sore at leisure, unoccupied lotus insect(?) depositing worm in sheep handfuls fall, wither one bald on temples unknown, with iron knife hare wanderer, vagrant "flatus ventris" spread abroad, display wool of sheep, goat myrobalan glean dregs (of wine, oils, etc.) unknown, occupation? eyebrow go astray, err, be lost lead astray, lose force, admonish be obscured, dazed daze, bemuse onside of, toward possessive pronoun and article (f) send put forth, produce spot honor, pay respect to, adorn honored, excellent, precious (qual.) here (adv.) demonstrative pronoun absolute (f) this (demonstrative pronoun) part name? unknown, in account make to stand, set up attain, be able it is, there are time, season underworld there wind crane land, earth part, share spot mountain buy shoe remove, wean door-post mountain show, teach; learn bosom add chaff be mixed, disturbed, clouded; mix, stir make fall, bring down



28000 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28100 28110 28120 28120 28120 28120 28120 28120 28130 28130 28130 28130 28130 28131 28140 28140 28150 28160 28160 28160 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200

txo taf tafe taibe tap tap tba tbaitbbe tbbo tbbo tebi tebi tepi thhbe thhbe toobf top toubo tpe tpe tw(w)p tw(w)p twb twbe twbx twbx twp twp twpe twwbe twwbe twwbe twxb txpo toobef tapouw0 tbko tebs toobes twbs twbs tabt tapit tapt tbt thbt tobtb tbhl tble tbnh tabir tapro tbhr t0a t0ouio ta0 ta0o tajo tak tako takouw taq taq taqse taso tis tja

make, be bad spittle unknown chest, coffin, pouch horn cumin ten thousand upon (his) mountain-title of Anubis seal become, be pure make pure, purify obole (coin) strip, bandage (of linen) strip finger chest seal edge, end, border of garment unknown, contract with sailor? upper part, heaven above, over, up be accustomed, familiar accustom seal, repay name of 5th month pray, entreat entreat, console stitch, stop, caulk unknown taste brick, adobe seal repay, requite moisten, soak cause to reach, bring back, accompany foliage stitch, stop, caulk send seal seal be pricked, incited goad, incite unknown unknown unknown, chew? fish fish from, compound, invent fold (?), for sheep a plant beast, domestic animal sanctuary mouth blow with foot, kick send make dry, parch grain, herb? increase, multiply judge, condemn be strong (sf.) destroy, lose, perish, be lost, etc throw lump, piece, cake unknown, in dating epitaphs foot-sole, foot-print make light give, pay, send? make to rise, appear(?), hence triumph



28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28200 28210 28212 28220 28220 28220 28230 28230 28230 28230 28232 28232 28232 28250 28250 28250 28250 28250 28252 28260 28260 28260 28260 28260 28300 28300 28300 28300 28300 28300 28300 28300

to(e)is to0 tok toqe toujo toujo tqa tqa tqa tqaeio tqo ts ts(e)io tsa(e)io tso tw0 tw0 twj twk twk twk twk twk twk0 twks twks twq twq twqe twqe twqs twqs tws tws twwqe twwqe twxs tsabo tsbko ta0eoei0 tkas twqs takto tsto tsto tsto toqtq tosts tsoutsou t0mo t5no tsano twkm twqn thqmes ta0r tajro tajro tasr tkour taate taate tatxo taxt taxtx teute toeit toot

piece, rag of cloth border, limit knife, razor kindle make whole, save be safe, saved unknown, name? make ugly, disgrace, condemn be disgraced, condemned condemn, to condemn plant unknown make satisfied, sate make beautiful give, to drink, slake be boundary, be fixed be moderate; limit, determine, appoint kindle be strong, firm, thick strengthen, confirm, stiffen throw, cast kindle fire; stoke, heat oven stoke, heat; bake unknown pierce, bite, be pierced pierced, goad bake be fixed, joined, join, attain throw to plant pierce bleach, dye become, be hard, stiff, dry stretch out, stiffen be fixed, joined, join, attain join, attain anoint make wise, teach, show make small, diminish proclaim, preach pain bleach, dye put, go around bring, pay back, repeat make to return, turn disqualify, annul press firmly be sprinkled, grow hard? unknown make small, diminish bring near adorn, set in order, provide pluck, draw, drag push, repel caster oil plant unknown make strong, firm, fast be strengthened, decided unknown speed shine clap hands, shake, spread impede, restrain lead mix, confuse unknown mourn hand



28300 28300 28300 28300 28300 28300 28300 28300 28310 28320 28400 28400 28400 28400 28400 28400 28400 28400 28410 28410 28420 28420 28420 28424 28434 28440 28440 28440 28450 28450 28450 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500 28500

toote tooute tooute touwt tto tw etw twt twte thtf twts tal talo talo tlh tlw toile twili twli telfi twlp talqo twlk twls tloklek tltl telhl tlol tloule tlom tlom twlm taeim tam tamio tamo tano tanxo taxno texne then tma tma tmaeio tme tmh tmmo tmxo tntnau tnno tnno tnnoou tno tnx tom tonw toome touno twm twm twn twn twnou twoun twwme twwme twxm twxm

turn back be gathered, collected gather, collect idol, pillar make give, require unknown, prepositional phrase as intej. be joined, persuaded, agreeable border, fringe (of garment) unknown, object made or sold bleach heap, hillock lift, offer up, set on (beast, ship) go up, mount, go aboard drip, let drop unknown rise unknown hand lizard sew make to cease, heal pluck out be fixed, sunk unknown drip, let drop rejoice; joy unknown unknown, among bronze unknown furrow be defiled help unknown make, create tell, inform make make, keep alive; be alive hinder forehead dam, dyke justify, praise be justified justify village mat of reed nourish set on fire, kindle hand hour pound, tread down be beaten, trodden send bring nigh wing of birds, angels, etc mat of reeds strike unknown make to open shut mouth, door be sharp where? dispute, quarrel very, greatly, certainly arise; raise, carry join purse, wallet knock (on door); summon urge, pursue, chase



28500 28500 28500 28510 28520 28520 28520 28520 28520 28530 28530 28530 28530 28530 28530 28535 28535 28535 28535 28535 28553 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28600 28610 28610 28610 28610 28612 28615 28616 28620 28620 28620 28620 28622 28630 28636 28636 28650 28650 28650 28660 28660 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000

twxm twxn txno txmef tounos ts(e)nko twmes twms twn0 tanxout toumt twmnt twmnt twmt twmt temcam tmtm tontn tontn tontn twmNt tar tarei ter-C2208 thr toure tra trax tre tre tretro tro trre twr twr4 twre twre twrx trap trop twrp twrp terpose trbhin troprep tar0o tarko twr0 txr0o terqij twrt tertwri tortr trim trouan trwm traxrex trir ou ou oua oua oua oua oua ouaa ouaxe

calling call, invite make to approach, hire box, basket, beehive wake, raise give suck purse bury threaten trust, believe utensil of bronze meet and be amazed to meet, befall meet, befall be amazed, stupefied mule be heavy, oppressed be like, liken to estimate, speculate throw to meet, befall branch, point unknown, among church properties unknown all, whole, every unknown extremity of limbs confusion kite an implement or part of mechanism part cause to do upset, transgress be afraid be joined with unknown, smear, annoint? willow hand be keen, alert, sober, upright among metal utensils blow? seize, rob sew, stitch baked brick papyrus plant unknown increase, multiply make to swear, adjure, entreat be red make heavy, terrify unknown, bench? staircase hand thrust in, pierce clover cheese hurricane unknown oven what, who? great one blasphemy unknown, child? one, someone permit, grant? alone, self oasis



29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29000 29100 29100 29100 29100 29100 29100 29110 29120 29120 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29200 29210 29210 29210 29210 29210 29210 29210 29215 29220 29220 29230 29230 29235 29235

oue ouhi ouixe ouo ouoei ouoeie ouoeie ouoi ouox ouw ouw ouw ouw ouw ouw ouwx ouwx ouwx ouwxe ouaab ouaibe oubeouhhb ouof ouop ouaxbef ou2aji ouba0 ou0h ouak ouaqe oue0 oue0e oueike oueise ouexsoi ouhh0 oujai oujai ouo(o)qe ouoei0 ouoei0e ouoji ouoki ououke ous ouw(w)0e ouw(w)je ouw0 ouw0 ouw0 ouw0s ouwqs ouws ou0ap oua0f ouw0b ouw0f ouwqp ouwsf ouwsf ousabin ouo0oue0 ouoqoueq ouw0t ouw0t ouostn ouostn

be distant; far reaching indeed, verily be bitter, sharp rush, course woe! farmer husbandman, cultivator of fields, vines woe! and cease; already news, report blossom, sprout cease, stay, finish news, report bud, blossom put, set, dwell in, follow put, set, be (there) interpret fisher pure, holy unknown opposite, toward, against priest lung be pure, innocent bark, growl of dog liver become, be white night unknown blow gap unknown, on face and body of runners unknown saw beam unknown, an office or occupation salvation be whole, safe, sound jaw, cheek time, occasion unknown bend, twist dregs of sesame (in oil press) break, nip bald person consume by burning cutting, cut desire, to wish desire, love cleft, gap become, be broad, at ease collect contribution part of snake loan desire answer be worn down, crushed, perish break, be broken be idle, brought to naught leave idle, barren, annul fennel strike, thresh chew, crush worship ship, greet, kiss become, make broad broaden



29250 29250 29250 29250 29260 29260 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29300 29310 29310 29312 29350 29400 29400 29400 29400 29400 29410 29410 29420 29440 29450 29450 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29500 29510 29510 29520 29530 29530 29530 29530 29530 29530 29550

oue0n ouexsaxne ousxm ouw0m oua0er ouosr ou(w)wte ouaat oueit oueite ouhout ouhte ouhte ouoeit ouoote outax outax outeouwt ouwt ouwt ouwt ouwtx ouwtx owot ouwtb ouwtb ouotps ouwtn oual ouel oulai oulle ouwwle oulpe ouwlp ouwls ouelouele oualme ouhlm ouan ouein oueine oun ounou ouoein ouon ouon ouon ouw(w)me ouwini ouwm ouwn ouwn ouwn ouwnx ouwnx ouwxm ounof ouomf ouwn0 ou(e)nt oumot ount ounta ounte ouwmt ou(e)eienin

without command answer, reply knead, bruise unknown oar send alone, self place or machine where ass works waste away, dry up cease lightning, calamity? remit, abandon pillar be raw fruit unknown between, among be raw, fresh, green single, alone, any, one and same it is different fat pour liquid, cast in mould, draw water tie single, alone, one change (place), be changed pass through, remove unknown, claim pour nest mucus of nose a plant melody, music be well off, flourish hollowplace? unknown, implies damaging action lean, be bent, be confounded yelp, howl unknown object belonging to a washerman or dyer dyke water-channel pass by there is, are hour light someone, something have someone, something be loosed, dissolved harp eat, bite open, to open, be open part (in composition with a numeral) chew show, manifest, appear reveal, be revealed repeat, answer, do again rejoice, joy, gladness manger wolf deep, hollow place, hold of ship become, be thick have have, to have have, to have be swollen Greek



29550 29600 29600 29600 29600 29600 29600 29600 29600 29610 29620 29620 29620 29621 29630 29630 29630 31100 31130 31200 31250 31360 31410 31450 31454 31500 31520 31526 31600 31600 31610 31610 31620 31620 31620 31620 31650 31650 31650 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32200 32200 32212 32400 32500 32515 32520 32600 32616 32620 32620 32650 33000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33100 33100 33100 33120

ounam oueire ouhr ouore ourourw ouwr ouwrx ouxor ouwrp ou(e)r0e ouras ouris ouor0f ouerhte ourot ourt yaf yift yos yakkamau yathr yelyaywf yelmi ylomlem youain ywns yansrwf yhre ywr yareb yrobi yarouki yarwji yro0 yrw0 yeryem yrim yrwouni 2ai 2e4 2e4 2ih 2w4i 2is 2wji 2as2es 2el 2w4en 2onpen 2wnj 2w4er 2orper 2ors 2wrk 2ermoou w w w wou ww wx wxe wxi wf wfe wp wb0

right hand unknown great, how great, many, much? unknown among harness "neck or yoke strap" bean unknown be open, free dog send; send to watch, watch tower staff, crutch plant unknown, spread, paved with stone? foot be glad, eager, ready rose unknown, in account of barley a plant "pulicaria" vomiting small night owl compass for measuring tumor unknown, something noxious? crown marble stink name of a field pest ploughshare destroy lowly, abased sickle lizard mallet, among fuller's tools slap wrinkle among diseases desert "edge" tree this (demonstrative pronoun) break melon sprout, blossom shark nine a fish wiles bean covering, roofing planks overflow throw, destroy charm, bewitch open, loosen break up? pallium recipes great O! great be long conceive (child) woe! stand, stay, wait bellows lettuce press count, esteem; number, reckon forget, be forgotten; sleep



33120 33130 33130 33130 33130 33130 33200 33200 33200 33200 33200 33200 33200 33200 33200 33200 33200 33200 33210 33216 33230 33230 33250 33250 33250 33250 33300 33300 33300 33300 33310 33310 33310 33400 33420 33450 33500 33500 33520 33520 33520 33520 33520 33520 33530 33600 33600 33610 33610 33615 33620 33620 33620 33620 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000

wpi0 wbt wbt wft wft wib+ w0 w0 w0 w0 w0i wj wk wk wsk wsq wxs wxs wqb wqb(e)r w0+ wqt w0m wjn wjn wkm w4t wt wtx wtx wtp wtp wtp wli wlk wl(e)m wne wnx wmj wmk wms wms wn0 wnk wnt wr wr wreb wrf wrban wr0 wrj wrj wrk 000e 00e 00hou 00wou 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a0a-

broad, river-bed be laden goose be worn, eaten away goose change read, to read cry, announce, sound promise, vow intrude self, slip in rain thief be content go in, sink delay, continue, be prolonged smear, anoint reap, to reap harvest become, be cold, frozen become hard, stiff, freeze drag, flow, crawl choke, throttle be quenched, dried up, cease, perish make cease, destroy be dark, gloomy, changed, darken, alter drip, trickle fat tie, sew, weave pour shut, enclose, imprison be laden load striking, blow become, be bent clasp, embrace, entwine stone live wean swallow be sunk, submerged sink, dip be astonished, dazed leap be pinched, contracted be enclosed, apart, quiet restrict, surround detest, abominate, defile be enclosed box tree be cold be firm, secure, fastened confirm, fasten, imprison swear (an oath) know, so be able, permitted necessary, it is fitting it is fitting, right coriander desire, yearn for, conceive begin rise (of sun) nose unknown festival (in swearing) thousand to, toward begin



34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34000 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100

0a0 0a0 0a0 0a0 0ai 0ai 0ai 0ai 0aiwou 0au 0au 0au 0au 0ax 0ax 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0eei 0eeu 0ei 0eu 0h 0hi 0hi 0hue 0i 0i 0iai 0iw 0o 0o 0o 0oi 0oou 0oou 0ooue 0ou 0ou 0ou 0ou 0ouh 0ouo 0ouo 0ouou 0w 0w 0wi 0wi 5ae 5ae 5au 5e 5ei 5o 5o 0aab 0af 0af 0afe 0afe

strike unknown, among parts of buildings a vessal or liquid measure stomach fortune, fate new unknown rise, nose nose use, value measure, extent trunk, stump, piece male cat unknown flame, fire piercing wood, splinter by; necessary, it is fitting go wood hundred small bronze coin sow strike nose rise go and come; be carried to and fro unknown unknown unknown, know? wood pit, cistern temples altar measure, weight unknown be long pot thousand yea bran arise incense, perfume unknown be dry unknown, ingrediant of poison without use sand persea tree flow, pour, discharge a vessal holding corn sand sand a disease what is high, above genital organs rise, feast last thing incense wood, manner belly road, path thousand skin unknown, waste, unwatered land mighty (epithet of Michael) swell desert



34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34100 34120 34120 34120 34120 34120 34121 34121 34121 34121 34130 34130 34130 34130 34130 34140 34150 34150 34150 34150 34150 34160 34160 34160 34160 34161 34165 34166 34200 34200 34200

0ap 0ba 0be 0be 0be 0bw 0ebe 0fw 0fw 0fw 0hbe 0hbe 0hfi 0hp 0ibe 0ibe 0ife 0ipa 0ipe 0iyf 0op 0op 0ouwbe 0wb 0wbe 0wbx 0wf 0wf 0wp 0wp 0wp 0wp 0wp 0wp 0wp 0wpe 0wpe 0wxb 0ap0i 0b0i 0eboi0 0epa0 0wp0 0ob0eb 0of0f 0op0op 0op0p 0bwt 0wbt 0wft 0wft 0wft 0abol 0bin 0bin 0bnne 0bwn 0ponou 0afour 0beer 0bhr 0phre 0bRRxwb 0brxmxal 0bRRxwb 00e 00e 00hou

marriage gift change seventy persea majestic tale and measure swell tale, fable measure of length tomb rust scale be used, consumed unknown change, be changed rust cardamum a land measure be ashamed, shame, make ashamed unknown palm, finger breadth sole of foot throat shave, clip gourd be scorched, withered be desert, laid waste, destroyed shave take, to take buy, to buy suffer receive, contain, take, suffer moment, instant shave silver object become, befall cucumber, gourd be withered, scorched noble, distinguished a thing different? term of abuse unknown arm, foreleg (of animals) sharpen, incite unknown, spread, burrow? a plant take in the arms, nurse rod, staff change, be changed stumble, err commit error, err hollow of hand, handful end, to the end, forever grain part of sheep's intestine unknown kind of herb, cereal girl? a fish friend, comrade (plu.) friend, comrade wonder, amazement worker, fellow worker fellow servant worker, fellow worker necessary, it is fitting it is fitting, right coriander



34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34200 34210 34210 34210 34210 34210 34210 34210 34210 34210 34210 34220 34220 34220 34220 34220 34220 34220 34230 34230 34230 34230 34230 34230 34230 34230

00wou 0a0 0a0 0a0 0a0 0a0[pe] 0a0e 0a0i 0aeis 0ai0 0aje 0ax0ex 0e0i 0ike 0je 0je 0jhi 0o0 0o0ou 0oei0 0oi0 0ou0 0ou0o 0ou0ou 0ou0ou 0ou0xh 0qe 0s0w0 0w0 0w0 0w0 0wje 0wk 0wke 0wkx 0ws 0ws 0wwqe 0xiq 5ououk 5w5 5wk 0a0[pe] 0a0f 0jap 0qap 0w0f 0wjp 0wjp 5w0f 5w0f 5wsf 0kak 0ok0ek 0ok0ek 0ousoou0e 0qaqe 0s0 0wkas 0e0ote 0e0t 0jit 0jwt 0kw+ 0o0t 0ou0ht 0ou0t

desire, yearn for, conceive strike unknown, among parts of buildings a vessal or liquid measure stomach stomach unknown strike a measure pair speak, say be harsh, rough, hardy unknown dig, gravedigger locust sprig common talk, gossip kind of antelope pot, jar dust unknown unknown boasting, pride boast, pride oneself scatter and make equal unknown, found in house unknown strike scatter, spread make equal, level, straight twist rope be despised contend, wrestle dig, be deep dug; depth unknown dig deep herd, shepherd be despised smite, wound, be wounded dust scrape scatter and make equal gird stomach twist slap cry, sound be despised be over and above, remain over leave over, behind be broken, destroyed be despised be despised cry, shout dig, pick, hollow hiss sacrifice, offering be smitten unknown a measure unknown unknown dyer unknown, strip, cord? unknown, among weaver's implements hindrance, impediment herb eaten by sheep window



34232 34236 34240 34240 34240 34240 34242 34250 34250 34250 34250 34250 34250 34250 34250 34250 34250 34252 34254 34255 34260 34260 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34300 34310 34310 34320 34320 34320 34320 34320 34323 34330 34330 34330 34330 34340 34340 34340 34340 34350 34350

0ou0its 55twr0 0jal 0jil 0kil 0kol 0klkel 0a0ni 0i0em 0isme 0jhn 0ojne 0qin 0sne 0w0en 0wsm 5ajn 0osmes 0s nl 0qnhn 0oukre 0qor 0+t 0ce 0cex 0ht 0hte 0i+ 0ite 0oeit 0oout 0ot 0oueit 0ta 0ta 0ta 0te 0te 0te 0te0wt 0wt 0wt 0wte 0wte 0wwt 0wwt 5aeite 5ate 5it 0wtb 0wtp 0hts 0its 0oouts 0teko 0tekwou 0ot0t 0cwt 0ta+ 0thit 0touht 0acwl 0atila 0toli 0toul 0thn 0wtm

whistling, hissing rust, red blight unknown unknown curl of hair hole gnashing, grinding of teeth reach, obtain phantom, shadow statue, idol garlic take counsel, consider; concerning unknown, among metal objects on a sudden; stroke of time lily unknown head fatigue piercing blow, steab strive, contend a plant rent, hire weaver mast street hundred palm fibre leap, gush demand, extort be inspired, possessed, frenzied unknown pillow, cushion, bag? empty, vain unknown, in boundaries thicket, wood in place name ship's mast nest unknown strike unknown trader, merchant in name of plant Jupiter well, cistern, pit flour, dough cut, slay be cut short, want, lack garment pluck out (?) feathers threshing floor muzzle hasten a plant land tortoise unknown, measure? prison prison (plu.) cut, carve, hollow rope of palm-fibre edge, border of garment unknown accusation ichneumon bag hand hook garment, tunic shut, be shut



34353 34360 34360 34361 34361 34363 34363 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34400 34410 34410 34410 34410 34410 34414 34420 34420 34420 34420 34420 34420 34423 34424 34424 34424 34424 34425 34430 34430 34430 34440 34440 34450 34450 34450 34450 34452 34452 34454 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500

0atoontf 0cwri 0twre 0atrpe 0otref 0tortr 0tortr 0al 0aliou 0aloou 0aol 0axl 0eel 0il 0lax 0lh 0lx 0ol 0ol 0wl 0wl 0wlx 5el 5wl 0elbe 0lof 0lop 0olf 0wlpi 0loplp 0alouki 0lak 0ols 0olxs 0wlk 0wlq 0lkht 0ala0il 0l0il 0l0ol 0ol0l 0lqom 04elt 0eleet 0lxit 0lhl 0lol 0laein 0wlm 0wlm 0wlme 0alanos 0olmes 0lemlem 0an 0an0axm 0en0ennox 0euni 0hm 0hm 0hn 0hne 0ime 0ine 0ma 0mmo

kind of ship, freighted with grain hand hand cut, slay falcon troubled, be disturbed be disturbed, troubled, in haste myrrh an administrator, official water wheel? an implement something used as fuel skin unknown be afraid creep twig, shoot molar tooth, tusk bundle despoil flow make, impress, mark, trace line servant despoil and flow unknown, veil? shame, disgrace strand of cord unknown warp unknown, thread, cord? wasp among metal utensils despoil corpse weave, stitch cut unknown unknown unripe, sour grapes unknown, place name shake in sieve mustard, rape what is excessive, exudes, pus bride, marriage a title pray; prayer folk, people cress smell unknown draw forth among metal implements gnat breed or heart ingredient in recipe wood wood barn small person, thing, quantity sign, omen tree among various grains woman, wife seek, ask be light, fine, subtle stranger



34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34500 34510 34510 34510 34510 34520 34520 34520 34520 34520 34522 34523 34524 34530 34530 34530 34530 34530 34530 34530 34530 34530 34530 34530 34531 34532 34532 34534 34540 34550 34550 34560 34560 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600

0mou 0na 0na 0na 0nau 0ne 0nh 0nhu 0oeim 0om 0oone 0wm 0wm 0wme 0wn 0wne 0wnx 0wwme 0wwme 0wwne 0(e)nfe 0nouf 0wnf 5noof 0m0e 0no0 0ns 0ounis 0wmj 0m0hqe 0n0wte 5m5el 0ante 0en+ 0enht 0ntw 0nxht 0nxth 0omnt 0onte 0onte 0wnt 0wnt 0antf 0enths 0ntaese 0entwli 0moul 0moun 5nan 0emhr 0oumare 0aar 0aar 0aare 0aire 0ar0ari 0aro 0aro 0axhre 0ere 0hr 0hre 0ire 0ire 0ourh 0rw

peg, stake profligate, prodigal waste land unknown market net garden net (plu.) row, course father, mother-in-law be merciful wash clothes summer unknown unknown be sick, weak deprive cliff, precipice infra exclude, deprive scale of fish unknown join, come together conceive serve, worship stink linen black cumin pierce to whisper cushion servant until plait a fish sheet, robe of linen heart compassion, to have compassion on three thorn tree plait plait quarrel nose louse's egg a measure of wine unbleached, raw cloth unknown eight approach leaven unknown skin price smite couch, cohabitation being small, short sea of sunrise? toward, to give, command in recipes, to turn iron to gold son, daughter, child unknown son, child small leaf of plant censer, altar, brazier unknown, cast forth



34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34600 34610 34610 34610 34613 34620 34620 34620 34620 34620 34620 34626 34630 34630 34630 34630 34630 34663 35000 35000 35000 35000 35000 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35320 35320 35530 35600 35616 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36200 36300 36300 36400 36430 36500 36520 36550 36600 36600 36600 36612 36630 36630

0rw 0wr 5aare 5ar 5re 5re 0arba 0orep 0wrp 0arbwt 0arke 0er0i 0r0e 0wr0 0wr0i 0wrj 0or0r 0arouwt 0arwt 0ort 0rwt 0wrt 5rharit fi fo fw fw fw fikoxi fikoxi fojsi foqs fwqe fwqe fwsi ftoou fw+a fwte fwte fotsi fwts fnt fre forfer 4a 4a4a4 4ai 4ai 4ai 4ai 4e 4hi 4w4 4ws 4wt 4wt 4wl 4ellot 4eni 4ems 4om4em 4airi 4rhi 4wr 4orps 4ort 4ro+

menstruation pile up, make thick; stop up skin hard eye food upper part scorching heat first, earliest be early skin lack of water, drought hilarity, mockery unknown, something with camels unknown wrinkle, furrow in skin unknown upset, overturn skin unknown, in list of sheep awning, veil unknown be demented unknown, place name? bear, carry, take canal, water, conduit hair unknown unknown, as title, nickname among weaver's tools cylinder on which stuff is rolled; knife leap, dance leap, dance leap, move hastily pluck, seize, rob chisel, knife four hind part of body wipe, wipe off, obliterate sweat leap, dance unknown, be broad worm seed fall, rush down heel, mark of heel particle of apposition before pron or art. neck nitre breath of nose ship's pole, boat hook mast, fan woof sun tighten, strengthen unknown unknown cloth, change of raiment be hoarse raving, wady quarrel as title be crushed, broken, destroyed, break serpent down destroy handful madman child, young



36630 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 37100

4rw+ xa xa xaxaxaxaxa(e)io xae xae xah xai xaoue xau xax xax xe xe xe xe xe xe xexe e xeei xei xh xh xh xh xh xh xh xhhi xhu xi xi xie xie xih xih xioi xioo xioo xioue xixh xo xo xo xo xoi xoi xoi xoi xoo xoo xoou xoou xooue xouo xouxe xw xw xwou xww xww xwx xaab

jugular veins winnowing fan shade, shadow under, in, at from, by reason of, for in respect of, on behalf of to, toward yea, verily, come give, bring upon last thing, end, last an animal? husband tailor something due, named with forced labor many, much unknown fall; upon, into (with prep "e") manner ho! hinder part, back in unknown yea season find, to find winnowing fan fall fore part, beginning belly, womb story of house quarry season(?) a supra manner fall profit, usefulness thresh, beat, rub on, at, in rudder road, way (plu.) road, path front discuss, dispute on, at thus, and be struck, beat, cast before, in front of pole, mast, weaver's beam face winnowing fan and pole a grain and fodder measure field trouble, zeal (?) heap of grain bellows self also day be putrid, so bad, wicked day greater part, greatness untimely birth suffice, be enough house rain self, also, for my, his part but, on the other hand be scraped, itch unknown, bottom, sediment?



37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37100 37110 37120 37120 37120 37120 37120 37120 37120 37120 37130 37130 37130 37130 37140 37144 37150 37150 37160 37160 37162 37166 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200

xaabi xabioui xabouei xap xape xba xbbe xbhue xboui xbw xeb xhbe xhbi xhbx xibe xibwi xieib xipaxou xob xob xob xof xop xouf xoxf xwb xwb xwb xwb xwb xwb xwp xwp xwxf xopxp xaibes xaps xbsw xhbs xub0 xwbk xwbs xwp0 xobst xpot xwft xwft xibol xafle(e)le xboine xebwwn xbour xfour xapork xborbr xaeis xak xak xak xak xaki xako xako xaqe xas xasie xau0 xhke

unknown ibis wasp judgment, inquest god Apis straits, embarrassment, misfortune plough thing, work, event (plu.) serpent (plu.) covering, tent what is the matter grief, mourning unknown covering be low, short ibis lamb behind, after thing work event serpent feast, marriage feast, bride-chamber vetch, pulse article of camel's furniture send thing, work, matter, event there is a matter with handiwork do work horn be hidden, hide horn hand (as measure) disturbance, excitement shadow needful garment lamp unknown prick, incite cover, be covered palm-branch storm fathom steal send forth, eject outside lizard unknown season left hand young fish saddle, saddle-cloth be loosed, fall to pieces, cast forth widowhood sober, prudent, mild cobbling tailor unknown gird among iron magician, wizard unknown snare dung (of animals, birds) drowned (praised person) a title, occupation or epithet a measure of corn



37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37200 37210 37210 37210 37210 37210 37210 37210 37212 37220 37220 37220 37230 37230 37230 37240 37241 37241 37250 37250 37250 37250 37250 37252 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300

xhqe xhse xij(e)nxik xise xise xise xja xje xko xoi0 xoi0e xoje xoks xoou0 xw(w)ke xw(w)ke xw0 xwj xwj xwje xwk xws xws xws xws xwse xwwk xosb xw0f xwjf xwjp xwkp xwqb xwqb xjopjp xa0x0 xojxj xokxk xa0ht xikht xouaste xauqal xaklf xoklef xaj(e)nxaqin xijen xosm xwkn xokmes x+t xaeit xat xat xate xate xatxh xch xet xht xht xht xht xieit xite xitouw xiwout

be disturbed, concerned unknown head magic toil, be troubled, difficult trouble, weary spin vessel or measure eel be hungry title or occupation unknown malady, chill scrape abuse, curse scrape, scratch shave, shear be in distress be in straits cold unknown smite, crush sing, make music thread, cord weakling, coward be blocked, filled, covered up an implement relating to clothing gird, brace market break unknown, incantation addressed to corpse shut unknown wither, fade, expire wither, destroy group, feel (as blind man) press, oppress, consume be distressed, restricted, narrow unknown falcon sober a sup anchor, hook lizard camel-saddle head scented herb, mint upon, over natron unknown palanquin, litter onion, beet gateway, porch, forecourt silver unknown flow hour before, in front of tip heart, mind heart, mind north (downstream on Nile) tip, edge beginning, forward pit move to and fro; rub, whet beside, next; neighbor fall, destruction



37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37300 37310 37310 37310 37310 37310 37320 37320 37330 37330 37340 37340 37340 37350 37350 37350 37350 37350 37350 37350 37353 37360 37360 37360 37360 37360 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400 37400

xo(e)ite xo(e)ite xoch xoout xot xote xote xote xoueit xouht xout xta(e)i xtai xth xto xtoi xtooue xw+ xwt xwt xwt xwte xwte xtop xtop xwtb xwtf xwtp xidjo xots xitoot xotxt xa+l xataile xatloou xatme xatn xiten xitoun xooutn xotn xouten xtomtm xacwr xathr xtor xtwwr xwt(e)r xal xal xal xala xale xalh xalw xel xeli xhle xli xli xli xli xLlo xlouie xoole xwl xwl xwl

garment hyena before, in front of "male" of men, gods; "husband" presence (?) fear hour, moment beyond, more than first, beginning passenger on board ship unknown become, be fat deceive, mislead, disregard shaft of spear horse unknown, a crop? dawn, morning necessity (it is needful) sack, bag make sail, float sail, to sail rub, bruise tribute fall, destruction a measure kill, slaughter, murder nail join, attune, be reconciled, sink (sun, stars) upon, over vessel or measure through, by, from inquire, examine humble, lowly (?) an eye disease unknown a vessal or measure beside, at, with through, by, from beside, next; neighbor road, highway unknown, in mercantile record as epithet of beauty be darkened; darken name of 3rd month hammar necessity, constraint horse (plu.) be joined, doubled deceive servant, slave unknown unknown in place names miserly person unknown unknown fear a measure or container of bread anyone, thing, something negative; nothing with Copt neg "no one, nothing" at all (adv.) old person servant moth fly, go be hoarse throw, bring



37400 37400 37400 37400 37410 37410 37410 37410 37410 37412 37414 37420 37420 37420 37420 37420 37420 37420 37420 37420 37422 37423 37424 37425 37430 37430 37430 37440 37440 37440 37440 37440 37440 37440 37440 37440 37440 37440 37440 37440 37450 37450 37450 37450 37450 37450 37450 37450 37450 37450 37454 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500

xwl xwle xwwle xwwle x(e)lpe xalbxalib xlop xwlf xalb0e xlopl(e)p x(e)lkou xal0hu xalak xalous xliji xloq xolki xwlk xwlq xalqis xlost(e)n xlojlej xilakmi xalate xalathu xalht xalaxwl xalil xalwli xelxel xelxelei xelxile xloeile xlol xloole xloul xloulwou xolxl xolxl xalaxwm xalme xalmh xalmhxe xalmi xalwm xelmh xlwm xwlem xwlem xlomlm xaani xaein xam xam xame xamoi xanxanxen xenxhm xhme xhmi xhne xhne xhne xhne

unknown unknown pluck unknown navel deceiver casting net vessel for pouring hastily breast plate be weary, despondent sickle unknown ring spider's web diarrhea be sweet, take delight catapult twist, roll, braid embrace among implements or vessels mist unknown blear-eyed person bird (plu.) tempest? flying creature, bird in list of utensils beetle? light, frivolous swim, float (?) as place name death rattle be borne, float darkness nurse, carry child unknown, barber, shoemaker? be high, exalted sprinkle, scatter (?) slay a vessel spring, fountain unknown boat dung, slime cheese used in dying recipe louse, flea seize unknown be entangled some-, anything sudden, soaked food craftsman unknown an implement, peg would, O that necessity unknown, among varia for shaving in, at, on, by pl of indef art. in list of utensils fare, freight on ship, camel dower of divorced wife spice, incense lime, dust unknown, relates to clothing body of cart



37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37500 37510 37510 37510 37520 37520 37520 37520 37520 37520 37520 37520 37520 37521 37522 37530 37530 37530 37530 37530 37530 37530 37530 37530 37536 37540 37550 37550 37550 37550 37550 37550

xin xine xine xiome xiwme xme xmh xmi xmme xmn xmou xnxnxna xna(a)u xna(a)u xnaau xnau xne xnexnwwxe xo(e)ine xoeim xom xom xome xoum xoun xwm xwn xwn xwn xwn xwn xwne xwne xwwme xenoufe xinhb xonbe x(e)ms xam0e xmoj xmoos xmoos xnke xo(o)mes xwnj xwnk xnouqeph xNou0Sne x(e)ntou xeneete xmot xomnt xont xont xonte xwmt xwnt xmntwre xmxal xamanei xmom xmxm xnan xomxem xonxen

a vessal, cup; liquid measure move by rowing move self, forward, toward woman, wife (plu.) palm, hollow of hand forty pelican make hot steer, guide unknown salt in, at, on; of time; by, with by, with (as agent) willing, to be willing, think good vessel, pot, recepticle thing, any material object vessal, jar flowering branch of palm unknown will, desire fear some, certain wave shoemaker implement cup unknown, in list of vegetables inward part tread, trample, beat approach, comply with bid, command go aground in shallows gift at bethrothal destroy (?) canal approach be thin, lean season sleep, doze spring, well ear of corn wood become, be sour sit, remain, dwell marry, to marry beer water-jar entreat, exhort consecrate, appoint quickly suddenly Hindu, Indian monastery (monks and nuns) grace, gift copper, bronze priest (pagan) unknown unknown shame, disgrace approach token, password servant unknown be hot roar, neigh approach tread, trample, beat bid, command



37560 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37600 37610 37610 37610 37610 37610 37610 37610 37610 37610 37610 37612 37612 37613 37616 37620 37620 37620 37620 37620 37620 37620 37620 37620 37620 37620 37621 37625 37626 37626 37630 37630 37630 37630 37630

xamhr x(e)rxar xarex xaro xarw xeere xere xhr xhre xir xir xo(e)ire xooure xor xorx xrxra xra xra xrai xre xre xreu xri xroei xroou xrox xrre xrw xwr xwr xwr xwra xrap xrb xrb xreb xrhbe xrhf xrof xwrb xwrp xwrp xarp0wt xarps x(e)rbwt xroprep xaraj xro0 xro0 xro0 xrok xrouj xrwje xwr0 xwr0 xwrk xwrq xrououjf xresin xr0ire xrojr(e)j xourit xouwrt xrte xrwt xwrt

arms, embrace servant unknown, recipe for sickness keep, guard under, from, for, concerning before, in front of unknown, title or occupation unknown unknown unknown road, street, quarter unknown, shaved? dung deprive unknown urge forward as distributive prep. drive, compel it is fitting voice, sound upper part food of men upper part day endive (?) unknown voice, sound unknown cease, be still oven, furnace guard against, take heed squeeze out milk, milk god Horus unknown unknown form, likeness leg chisel unknown leg an iron utensil be broken sleep, doze be wet, drenched god Horus outspread hand staff, wand blink, open eyes, spread wings branches be heavy, slow, difficult make heavy be cold be still, cease pebbles boundary break (?) run ship aground sit down, be quiet be heaped up, set in order perish (?) or disintegrate saddle youth grind (teeth); rub watcher, guardian a part or disfigurement of body fear wine-press, vat seize, wrest



37631 37650 37650 37650 37655 37660 37660 37660 37660 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100

xortf xirn xrim xrim x(e)rman xrhr xrhre xrour xrxr ja(e)ie jai jai jax je je jejeu jh jh jh ji ji jiou jioue jix jo jo jo jo jo jo joe joi joou jooux joow jou jouxe jw jw jw jw jw jw jw jw jwi jwou jwx jwx jxaax j2i jaf jaf japi jbb jeb jef jepi jhf jhf jif jipe job joouf jop jop jouf

phantasm, ghost at, upon pelican plant "artemisia" pomegranate tree, fruit title or occupation flower cease, be quiet snore desert unknown ship dissoluteness spathe of date palm again that, because, or unknown animal dish, bowl for food, incense chip, mote of straw, dust emptiness, vanity receive, take; get, bring, accept breast, pap unknown, epithet after name steal spittle sow, plant put, send forth, spend tempest, wind crook-back arm-pit lord; master, owner wall ship, boat send unknown, relates to preparation of flax send, to send say & cup limp, halt say, speak, tell head for, on account of against to in additon to, after cup gather, harvest (fruit, corn, flowers) earthen basin generation touch smear, anoint unknown unknown frost a disease stray, swerve coal nose strike, blow (?) chip, slice, morsel be of kin unknown niggard unknown be costly papyrus dish, bowl be hard, cruel burn, scorch; be sharp, bitter



38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38100 38120 38120 38121 38121 38130 38130 38135 38140 38140 38150 38160 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38200 38210 38220 38220 38220 38240 38250

jouf jpjpi jpio jpo jpo jwfi jwwbe ja2oji jwbs jabjib jofjf j2ot jabaat joftn j(e)bhl japle jbin japor j5ou ja(a)je jaaje jaj jaj jaje jajw jajw jak jak jak jaqe jaqh jaxaoujei jaxjx jej jejs jek jhhs jhs ji0 jijeeue jiji jijwi jik jise jise jise jko joeis jok jok jokjk joksi joujou joukx jw(w)ke jw(w)qe jw5 jwj jwj jwk jws jasfe jekaas jekas jekjik jakoul jisxome

be costly, rare hour, mostly with following numeral must blame, upbraid beget, bring forth acquire fenugreek pass by, over spine, vertebrae bend, bow small (in stature) burn, cook thighs, buttocks, testicles..two of body parts be hard headlong, over the edge spear part (?) of water-wheel blemish kind of mallow unknown, phoenix having kindled altar be hard, rough clap hands sparrow unknown enemy be hard sort of fuel clap hands, flap wings cut (?) hair bent, maimed person left hand unknown, among metal utensils strike, gnash unknown ingot of metal among silversmith's properties valve of shell bowl, censer unknown unknown enemy (plu.) brigard single lock or plait of hair unknown become, be high; exalt land measure back sell, trade, spend lord, Lord hair of man or beast fill, fulfill prick, brand, braid crepitus ventris fly (?) of birds prick, bite prick, sting, goad be dyed, stained smear head, capital needle be completed, full, end life become, be hard, solid set in order, repair that, in order that in order that ant or other insect sparrow unknown, in list of varia



38250 38260 38260 38260 38262 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38300 38310 38310 38350 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38400 38410 38414 38420 38420 38420 38420 38420 38422 38424 38424 38424 38424 38432 38440 38450 38450 38450 38450 38452 38500 38500 38500

jwkm jejre joukre jwkr jikris jat jate jht joeit joeit joout jouwt jt jtai jtax jto jwt jwt jwte jwtx jatfe ji +pe jatme jal jaule jaxel jaxle jela jele jeli jelw jhl jiaal jieile jillei jla jlax jlle jol joul jwl jwl jwlx jwlx jwlx jwwle jolbi jalbel jilles jooles jwlk jwlk jwlxs jelkes jeljel jeljil jolj(e)l joljl jlaxts jlalo jalim jilma jlwm jwlm jlaxmes j(e)na jamh jane

wash, wet sorrel unknown salt, season, cure tiger, panther unknown advance in age, become, be ripe qual be narrow olive tree, its fruits plant with edible leaves base, rejected person or thing twenty ten ripen unknown lay down long for, have affection for pillar pierce, penetrate fail, cease reptile taste heap of grain branch support, bear draw unknown; among metal utensils kindle unknown net unknown a fish a "infra" unknown, among vegetables shield unknown be smallest, least unknown, among metal objects wave fragment honeycomb onion cut, prune draw, scoop water, wine swathe, cover, clothe be hindered bakers wooden shovel unknown box, wallet moth sew by stretching thread; stretch, extend be submerged, overwhelmed be exhausted bugs wantonness unknown let drip, drip surround with hedge unknown, deep pit, vessal? unknown chicken unknown, epithet of a garment brazier make merry unknown be quenched calm ark, box



38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38500 38510 38510 38510 38510 38514 38516 38520 38520 38525 38526 38530 38530 38530 38530 38552 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38600 38610 38610 38610 38612

jane janh janhxi jano jaxni jemmo jene jenx jin jinjmaau jme jmh jmo jnjna jna jna(a)u jnax jne jnex jnoou jnou jnou jom jwm jwm jwwme jwwne jwxm jxim j(e)mpex jim2ex jnof jwnf jmpil jenepwr jem0ai jwnj jonjn jinN0orP ji moeit jint jwnt jwnt jinN0orP jero jero jhr jhr jhre jhri jhri jieire jir jro jwr jwr jwr jwr jwrax jwwre jwwre jwwre jerxof jwreb jwrp jorbes

be soft among husbandman's tools unknown, among water wheel parts basket full of earth? baking oven be at ease send a garment power, capacity from, since testicles, castrated parfts sowing of seed unknown, in prescription for worms among "varia" or (conj.) strike, deal blows send delay forearm, strength, violence beet or green herbs container or measure treshing floor, grain heaped there ask, question, require tell, say cauldron, basin generation unknown sheet, roll of papyrus, book, document unknown be defiled; defile, pollute be left, neglected apple blight basket, crate happen, befall unknown roof nose colocynth inquire first, before, from the beginning lead, guide unknown try, test begin first, before, from the beginning blaze, burn kindle wanton, merry be black threshing floor unknown filth pod of carob and other plants brine, small salted fish be, become strong, firm, victorious sharpen, whet examine, study be, make black as with soot scatter limp, be lame scatter, disperse to hinder, bring to naught to be strong, mighty recipe title applied with ibis feathers cut open stumble, trip a small vessal?



38620 38620 38626 38626 38630 38650 38650 38651 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39100 39120 39120 39120 39120 39121 39121 39121 39121 39121 39130 39130 39140 39160 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200

jrj jwrk jorjr jrj(e)r jerht jwrm jwrm jarampo qa qa qaeio qau qe (-qe) qe (-qe) qex qh qhou qi qie qih qou qw qw qw qwou qwou qafh qapa qbbe qbie qboi qeph qhouf qhpe qop qop qope qou2 qouf qwbe qwf qwp qwpe qwwbe qap(e)ije qb0a qips qpwwq qabqab qapqep qebqib qobqb qwbqwbe qabwt qapet qaplhue qwpro qai0e qaje qeqou qes qes qh0e qhse qij qiks qoji qos

unknown, related to vineyards? unknown overcome; qual be hard unknown unknown, among metal (?) objects make sign, beckon urge, drive, ride, hasten plant with edible leaves ugliness, deformity vessal condemn, to condemn unknown then, therefore, but (enclitic particle) again, once more be exalted quince coriander plant breast he goat border, limit ingredient in poison continue, persist unknown, epithet of rope remain, to remain be narrow, make narrow push; push out to sea; set sail desert collar-bone become, be feeble, timid unknown arm of man; leg of beast hasten; quickly iron hammer, heavy object cloud sole of foot, foot cutting instrument small vessel, quantity unknown, among sailor's requirements unknown, an article made or sold unknown unknown unknown seize leaf a dry measure nose wrinkle on skin, back seed chick-pea be hurried, anxious fragments, shreds tread to pieces leaf of melon material, instrument used in cleaning sheep fibre (?) of palm tree unknown farmstead, hamlet unknown, something terrifying earring a dark substance (?) charcoal? unknown, epithet of iron unknown goose or large duck unknown hand spindle run half



39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39200 39210 39210 39220 39220 39230 39230 39230 39234 39235 39250 39250 39250 39260 39300 39300 39300 39300 39310 39320 39360 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39400 39410 39410 39410 39410 39410 39410 39410 39410 39410 39410 39410 39412 39420

qosq qouj qw0 qwouq qwq qwq qws qwwje qwwk qxos qajif qwjb qo0q(e)0 qojq(e)j qast qost qw0t qaqetol qaqitwn qajmh qosm qw0en qaqouxor qiw+ qot qwt qwtx qwtp qwts qitre q(e)lx qal qale qaule qeli qhl qill ql qla qlh qlh qlo qlo qloi qlw qo(e)ile qo(e)ile qol qouhl qoulh qwl qwl qwwle qwwle qwwle qaloubix qelboou qlap qlboou qlhb qlwbi qolbe qwlp qwlp qwlp qwlp qelbesi qales

dance safflower pour forth be twisted, crooked roast, bake swell be hard, dry cut, dig make, form gazelle ant be small, less, humble; lessen sprinkle cutting, slaughter; cut, smite dance a measure of length look, see a light ship coarse linen fist, handful darkness, tempest herb "dill" unknown, in list of utensils tip of scorpion's tail (a lunar station) size, age, form drinking trough wound, pierce be defeated, overcome bend, lower kind of lemon shoulder wave lame, crippled person unknown, among abusive names butter cry unknown weapon wave scorpion unknown, strengthen, support (?) vanity, futility surround, besiege ball firewood, twig dwell deposit, assign, entrust lie, liar kind of locust thin loaf, cake collect, gather return, roll back, curl up swathe, clothe, cover burst, split flat cake, loaf bald-headed person unknown, plant, cereal? mass, lump fish "silurus" muzzle scissors (among silversmith's tools) garment of wool uncover, open, reveal create faggot, used as raft projecting roof, veranda purple unknown, part of mill



39420 39420 39420 39420 39420 39420 39420 39420 39420 39420 39424 39426 39430 39430 39430 39430 39440 39440 39440 39450 39450 39450 39452 39454 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39500 39520 39520 39520 39520 39520 39520 39520 39524 39525 39525 39525 39525 39526 39530 39530 39530 39540 39540 39550 39550 39560 39600 39600 39600 39600

qaloj qalouks qlooqe qloq qloq qloq qlwou0 qooles qwlj qwlj qolq(e)l qala0ire qalaxt qalite qlte qlwt qalil qlil qlil q(e)lm q(e)lmai qlam qlamql(m) qlomlm qa(o)uon qa(o)uon qaime qam qanax qime qin qinqine qno qom qom qon qoom qooune qwm qwmx qwnm qwwme qannas qinqe qnqex qons qons qwnaq qwnq qinqlw qinqin qmqom qnqn qomq(e)m qinqwr qinmout qnout qwnt qamoul qinouhl qnon qnon qinewr qira qooure qra qre

foot, knee scarabaeus beetle ladder bed, bier gourd unknown maimed, paralysed person thigh be entwined, implicated bend spread to dry strong man, giant? pot vessal or measure unknown, among things pledged kidney unknown, waterwheel? burnt offering axe sticks, twigs vase, jar kindle unknown be twisted, implecated slave, servant a drink; food for the sick hen, domestic fowl bull maimed, crooked person take pleasure drink act of, manner of find be hard power, strength court, hall (?) low, hollow place field, possession hair-cloth, sacking, sack garden, vineyard, property unknown be blinded be twisted, crooked unknown, as epithet (?) of two implements unknown, scale, link of armour elephantiasis might, violence injustice, unrighteousness cloak wring, nip off bat rocket strong, to be strong, able make music with voice, instrument touch, grope talent the Pleiades unknown be wroth (wrathful) camel kind of ship be soft, smooth, weak bend, bow with head talent, weight or coin be like, resemble slave or similar as term of contempt quadrupeds unknown, cattle, sheep, stags



39600 39600 39600 39600 39600 39600 39600 39600 39610 39610 39610 39610 39616 39620 39620 39620 39620 39620 39620 39623 39630 39630 39630 39650 39650 39651 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40100 40100 40100 40120 40200 40200 40200 40200 40300 40300 40350 40500 40500

qre qrh qrhxi qrw qrwx qwr qwre qwrx qerwb qrhpe qrwp qwrf qreprep qorj qrhqe qro(o)q qwrq qwrq qwrq qarqatane qarate qerht qorte qrim qwrm qroompe + + +ou +ouoei +xe +be +pe +pe +bs +k +ke +qe +qe ++ +xth +twn +me +xme

ladle dig rawness, raw (fruit) dew, fine rain be in want, needy, diminished smoke, cinder unknown night staff, rod diadem oven nip off unknown filth dowry seed waylay, hunt prepare, provide be inhabited bread-basket carob pod unknown knife, sword unknown, bit, fragment seize dove give, pay, etc. given, being upon (qual.) five forward, to go forward, approach become, be drunken unknown taste loins heel kindle (sf.) throw gourd, or vegetables generally unknown tread look to, pay heed to strife village a receptacle for water, grain, meal

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