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Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage

Whats Happening Around Town Does it seem possible the month of February has already come to a close? As we flip our calendars to a new month, we will be watching to see whether the month roars in like a lion or quietly approaches like a lamb, but no matter how March arrives, it appears the month will be packed full of excitement! We will close February with our field trip on Monday, wrap up our coin drive on Wednesday, and kick-off our new, month-long theme centered around Dr. Seuss literature by celebrating his birthday on Friday! The past week we learned several new skills, and we will be practicing and focusing on applying them this week. Presently, we are working on adding fact families one through seven, counting by fives, and buying items using pennies, dimes, and nickels. We learned special sounds sh (ship), tr (train), fr (frog), st (stop), pl (plane), bl (block), and cl (clock). The kids are doing a phenomenal job finding special sounds in their readers, and I would encourage you to give your child a marker and a newspaper and have him or her read the paper in search of words and special sounds we have learned in class! You also could invite your child to highlight sentences in the paper and discuss the components of the sentence. We learned a new little poem this week about sentences and have actions to go along with it. The poem says, A sentence is a complete message that must begin with a capital letter and must end with a punctuation mark, either a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point. They can probably teach you quite a bit! Have a great weekend and see you for the field trip on Monday!

Answers to Questions on the Ranch

A: Yes! There are two terrific ways you can help! First, help your child choose red, black, and white to wear on Friday, March 2nd for our Dr. Seuss birthday celebration! Hopefully, we will complete the Cat in the Hat look by the end of the day with bow-ties and hats! Secondly, my collection of Dr. Seuss books is not extensive, so I would like to invite your child to bring to school his or her favorite Seuss book. Please make sure the book has your childs name in it, and we will do our best, throughout the course of the month, to read the book. I hope the students will enjoy and learn a lot from our Dr. Seuss extravaganza!

A: Conferences will be held Thursday and Friday, March 8th and 9th, and there will be no school on Friday, March 9th. We try to keep the conference schedule the same as it was in the fall, but if you need to change your time slot, you may do so on the conference sign-up sheet outside of my door. We will enjoy a week of spring break March 19th - March 23rd. On Monday, March 26th we will head to the Civic Center for our Eric Carle performance! Also, please add to your calendar March 29th and 30th as days off for kindergarten students. We will be having kindergarten round-up those two days, so students in DK and K will not have school. We will let you know if child care will be available as soon as we finalize things!

Upcoming Lessons and Skills Miracles of Jesus; one anothers of Scripture - Components of a sentence (complete message, begins with a capital letter, ends with a punc tuation mark); special sounds cl (clock), bl (block), and sh (ship) - Peru and review of North Ameri can and South American continent countries - Transportation

A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week

(Woman at the Well - Jn. 4:1-42) On His way to Galilee, Jesus stops in Samaria where He meets a Samaritan woman at a well. He asks her to give Him a drink of water and proceeds to share with her He can give her living water. Jesus tells the woman he knows all about her, and she realizes Jesus is the Messiah. She runs home to tell everyone the news she met her Savior! We, too, must tell everyone about the Good News! Review of previous lesson. Chapel review and extension. (The Noblemans Son - Jn. 4:43-54) While Jesus was in Cana of Galilee, a nobleman lived in Capernaum. The man had a son who was very sick, but the man believe Jesus could heal him. So, the man hurried to Jesus to beg for help. Jesus told the man to return home because his son was healed. The nobleman believed immediately that his son had been healed, and as he headed home, he received word from his servants his son had indeed been healed the very hour he spoke with Jesus! The nobleman believed Jesus is the Son of God, and we should too! Review of previous lesson.

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, February 27 - Field trip to Fountain West and IHOP Tuesday, February 28 - Free pancake day at IHOP (Sorry I had to include it....I just couldnt help it!) Wednesday, February 29 - Chapel; Show and Tell Friday, March 2 - Dr. Seuss Birthday party (dress in red, black, and white!); Early dismissal (12:30) Thursday, March 8 - Parent Teacher Conferences Friday, March 9 - Parent Teacher Conferences; No school for students Monday, March 19 - Friday, March 23 - No school - Spring Break! Monday, March 26 - Eric Carle Performance at the Civic Center Thursday, March 29 - Friday, March 30 - No school for DK/K kids due to Kindergarten Round-up!

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