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Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage

Whats Happening Around Town

The students will be taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills this next week! This is my fourth year giving the ITBS tests to kindergarten students, and it seems to work very well to begin testing in the morning after having a restroom, drink, and snack break. We will take one to two tests each day based on the length of the tests. We have been preparing for the tests using our phonics papers as a way to practice using folder tents to cover our answers, which we record by filling in the bubble completely rather than giving the answer out loud. The students have done well with practice, and I anticipate they will do a great job next week! I always try to do lots of different learning activities later in the morning during ITBS testing week, and I try to include many fun activities in the afternoon as well. One of the fun activities the students are anticipating is playing in shaving cream writing words and drawing pictures! I trust it will be a fun and enjoyable week even with ITBS testing! I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their help during Valentines Day week! It was a tremendous joy to have so many of you join us for the party! Im also thankful for your willingness to help your child prepare his or her Valentine cards at home! I also appreciate the kind words of encouragement and acts of kindness you showed me at this special time of year as well! I am SO INCREDIBLY blessed by your kindness and love! Thanks again! Miss Hult

Answers to Questions on the Ranch

A: Your child does not need to bring pencils or a snack. Healthy snacks will be provided each day as well as new and well-sharpened pencils! What you CAN do to help is make sure your child gets a good night of sleep each night as well as a nutritious breakfast! If you are interested in sending a water bottle for testing time, that would be just fine too! We try to get our tests done the first thing in the morning, so please try to be on time as much as possible! Usually, my goal is to have one or two tests done before the morning recess, so I try to begin the first test by 8:20 or 8:25 at the very latest. If you have additional questions or concerns, please let me know! Thank you for all of your help!

Yes, I do have a form that needs to be filled out. If I havent gotten you a form yet, would you please be so kind as to remind me? Thank you!

Upcoming Lessons and Skills Life of Jesus; one anothers of Scripture - Marking special sounds (pl, tr (train), fr (fruit), th (thick), th (this), st (stop) - Peru - Transportation

A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week

(Beside a Pool - Lk. 5:17-26 and Jn. 5:1-16) Jesus heals a man who had been unable to walk for 38 years. This man did not have any friends to help him into the pool of healing, which he laid next to for many years, until Jesus came along one day. Jesus healed the man, and he went home with joy but was stopped by the Jewish religious leaders for carrying his mat on the Sabbath. Jesus later found the man at the temple, and He talked with the man about being forgiven of his sins. Jesus proved, yet again, He is God by healing and, more importantly, saving him. Chapel review and extension. (Cleansing the Temple - Jn. 2:13-25) Jesus went to the Temple in Jerusalem, the most holy building where Jews went to make sacrifices for their sin three times a year. However, the Temple had been turned into a market where moneychangers, who did not love God, were cheating the Jews out of their money as they bought animals to sacrifice. Jesus became angered by their sin, so He made a whip and swung it about to force all of the animals and moneychangers out of the Temple. He told the religious leaders they were using the Temple the wrong way, and He told them He, as God, had the right to be honored in His house. We, too, should enter Gods house with respect to worship Him. Review of previous lesson.

Psalm 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Friday, Feb. 17 - Early dismissal due to teacher in-service (12:00 p.m.) Monday, Feb. 20 - No school! Presidents Day! Tuesday, Feb. 21 - Friday, Feb. 24 - ITBS testing (8:20 - 9:15) Monday, Feb. 27 - Field Trip to Fountain West Care Center and IHOP!

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