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Hach JOB Cal Basic and JOB Cal Plus



Hach JOB Cal is a Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) solution that provides easy-to-set up and easy-to-use maintenance tracking and scheduling for drinking water, wastewater and industrial markets. The software helps you improve the productivity and efficiency of your maintenance department with intuitive screens and easy access to information. Hach JOB Cal Basic: Provides a cost-effective maintenance scheduling solution. It automatically builds an interactive color-coded calendar for simplified management of your work order activities. In addition it includes many industry standard reports to help you manage your maintenance operations and provide business information. Hach JOB Cal Plus: Contains all the features of Basic, plus the ability to track purchasing, inventory, vendors and labor. It also integrates and displays equipment drawings, pictures and instructions. All data can be filtered and sorted in numerous ways using additional standard and custom reports.



General Theory
JOB Plus is a scheduling program that displays jobs (work orders) on a calendar on the date they need to be done. The terms work order and jobs are interchangeable. A job has a task (work to be done) on a specific piece of equipment for a specific date. A task is a function to be performed; for example changing oil would be a task. Equipment is objects that you want to perform tasks on. Once you have a task set up, you assign pieces of equipment to the task. For example, you could assign a truck and a car to the task Change Oil. When you assign equipment to a task, you set up a schedule of when you want the task performed on that equipment. For example, the truck could be scheduled every 5000 miles and the car could be scheduled every 90 days. Once you have accomplished this, the system automatically generates work orders for the task and updates the calendar. Once the work orders are placed on the calendar they can be closed (marked as completed), rescheduled, modified, skipped, printed, etc. The closed job information is placed in history and reports access this data to give you historical information. Work Orders can also be printed. See Printing Work Orders There are two types of jobs: Preventative or Corrective. Preventative Jobs are scheduled work orders for tasks that occur regularly. JOB Plus then places these jobs on your calendar. For example, changing the oil in a truck every three months is Preventative Maintenance. There are 3 methods to schedule Preventative Jobs: Schedule By Days, Schedule By Meter or Schedule By Days/Meter. 1. Schedule By Days. This method generates work orders by using dates only. (JOB Plus uses this as its default schedule. An estimated task is based on the Days). Schedule by Days allows you to choose between fixed or floating as the schedule type. For example; If a job is fixed and is scheduled every 30 days, JOB Plus would schedule jobs on June 22nd, July 22nd, August 21st, etc If the first work order is closed on June 29th (7 days late), the other work orders won't be affected because they are fixed in place. 2. Schedule By Meter. This method generates work orders by using meter readings only. In order to schedule a job by Meter or Days/Meter the equipment must be metered (the Metered checkbox must be checked on the equipment record). If there has been a meter reading entered there will either be 1 open job and 1 estimated job or else just 1 estimated job on the screen for any task and equipment combination. JOB Plus automatically monitors the meter readings and if the meter reading comes due, the task is scheduled (changed from estimated to scheduled) and a new estimated job is also created. With this method the only schedule type is floating.




Schedule By Days/Meter Generates a work order based on the which ever comes first rule. With this method the only schedule type is floating. For example; If the task is floating and the first work order was closed 7 days later than it was due, the other work orders would have their due dates changed to be 7 days later because the jobs float (ie. the next job would be due on July 29th instead of July 22nd). Should a task be fixed or floating? It depends on the task. examples illustrate when to use fixed and floating. The following

Fixed Example: Hanging Christmas lights. The task is scheduled for Dec 10th. If you do not hang the lights until Dec 24th this year, you would still want the job scheduled for Dec 10th the next year. Float Example: Change Oil every 60 days. The job is scheduled for June 5th, August 4th, etc If you change the oil on July 10th instead of June 5th you would not want to change the oil again on August 4th. If the task is float, JOB Plus will automatically adjust the August 4th due date to September 9th. Corrective Jobs are one-time or emergency work such as changing a flat tire on a truck. Corrective information is often entered for the purpose of keeping a good equipment record file.



Create New Database

This screen allows you to create a brand new, empty database. 1. 2. 3. 4. In the Utilities menu select Database Setup. This will open the Databases Window. Click on the Create New Database button which opens another window. Now enter the name of your new database Select the drive and the directory where you want the new database to be located. You can also put the database in a directory that doesn't already exist; the program will create the directory for you. In order to do these select an existing path for ex. C:\Job and say now you want to create a new directory called Plant2 under this, simply type \Plant2 at the end of Selected Directory so C:\Job\Plant2 will be in the box. The new directory will be created when you click OK.

Field Descriptions Name Descriptive name of the database. ex. Rio Rancho Water Plant. What you type in this box will be automatically entered into the File Name box with spaces removed and the .mdb extension added. You can change the File Name after you have finished with this box if you so desire. The Name needs to be unique. The filename of the access database. ex. RioRanchoWaterPlant.mdb. The File Name needs to be unique. The path where it is recommended that you locate your database. The path where your database will be located.

File Name

Recommended Directory

Selected Directory



User Setup
This is where you control what User Type each User is and which databases they have access to. A user can be one User Type on database A and another User Type on database B.

Field Descriptions User Name Password Super User Name used for logging in. It must be unique. Password used for logging in. Check this box if you want the user to be able to access all the databases and is able to do everything on all of the databases. If this box is unchecked you will be able to select which databases and privileges the user has. Only visible if Super User is not checked. Select which databases the user has access to. Only visible if Super User is not checked. Select which user types the user belongs to. Each user can belong to one user type per database.


User Type

Important Note: Security is disabled if there are no users setup. Once you set up 1 person in user setup, security is enabled and no one else is going to be able to use the program unless they also are entered into user setup. So make sure if you set yourself up in User Setup you also set up everybody else that needs to use the system and tell them their User Name and Password.



JOB Plus Calendar

The Calendar is the heart of the JOB Plus system. It displays all the work to be done, completed work, overdue work, and skipped work for up to a 56 week period. Jobs can be closed, rescheduled, deleted, and created using the calendar. Using the calendar entails clicking on a job (cell) to make it current and then performing an action on the job (close, move, etc...). The current job's detail is displayed at the bottom of the screen. As you move around in the calendar, the detail will display information about the current job. The cells background color indicates the status of the Job. To be Done. Up to 4 weeks overdue. Greater than 4 weeks overdue. Job skipped. When a job is skipped it is moved to the history table. Completed. Estimated. This is a job based on meter readings and the date due is estimated. Date/Meter. If a job is of the Date/Meter type it will only be the Date/Meter color if the next MeterDue is greater than the latest meter reading and todays date is less than the next due date. These jobs are scheduled by date, these jobs will be rescheduled automatically if the last meter reading, the meter frequency and the average meter reading per day indicates that a job is due before the first job scheduled by date.



Close Work Order

After work on a job is complete, information about the job is entered (hours worked, etc...) and the job is put in history. You can close a work order two ways: Select the job on the calendar and click the Close button Double click the job. the the not the

Next the Work Order Close Form is displayed. Click on the individual tabs to fill in information and then be sure you have a date in the "Date Completed" section, click Close Work Order button on the form to close the Work Order. If the Work Order has been completed and you are just editing the Work Order (for example selecting who Work Order is assigned to) then select Save Changes And Exit.



Field Descriptions Equipment Task Description Date Due Read only. Read only. This should be filled out in the Task Entry Window. Read only. This will be filled out when you schedual the task to be done in the Task Entry Window. Meter Due Read only. If the Task was schedual by meter this will be filled out in Task Entry Window. Last Meter Reading/Date Read only. Comes off the Meter Reading Entry Window. Closing Meter Reading If the work order is scheduled by Meter or Days/Meter you can enter a meter reading for the same date that the work order is closed. Date Complete The date the work order is closed. Assigned To This is the person responsible for all work orders generated for this task and piece of equipment. It is not specific to this 1 work order. Labor Tab The different people who worked on the job, along with the date they worked and the number of hours.



Items Used Tab

The different inventory items and quantities used to complete the job.

WO Notes Task Instructions Equipment Notes Labor Cost Inventory Cost Misc. Cost

Any information noted during completion of the work order. It is specific to this work order. Read only. This should be filled out in the Task Entry Window Read only. This should be filled out in the Equipment Entry window It is calculated based on the information you entered on the Labor Tab. It is calculated based on the information you entered on the Items Used Tab. Enter the total material or out of pocket expense incurred by the job not covered in Items Used.



Rescheduling Jobs
One way to reschedule jobs uses the Drag & Drop method. When the cursor is on the calendar you will notice it changes to plus sign (+). Move the cursor to the edge of the current cell and it will change to the normal pointer. Now Drag & Drop the job to any future week within the time horizon. You can Drag & Drop blocks of cells (jobs) by selecting a block with your mouse. You cannot move some jobs with this method. Jobs that are in history can't be moved. Jobs scheduled by Meter or by Days/Meter can't be rescheduled by this method, go to the Task screen and reschedule them there.

Mouse pointer when positioned on the edge of a cell. dropped when the mouse is in this state.

Cells can be dragged and

Note: The reschedule function modifies the current cell or cells only. If you want to modify other occurrences of a job, you need to drag and drop each occurrence. There are 2 ways to reschedule all occurrences of a job. Go to the task entry screen and find the appropriate task and remove the appropriate piece of equipment. You will be asked if you want to delete all scheduled jobs. Click YES. Now add that same piece of equipment back into the task with your new frequency and dates. Select the appropriate task and piece of equipment and click on the Reschedule button.



Skipping Jobs

In order to close a job without doing the work, use Skip. Skip moves the job to history and flags the job as skipped. For example, if a pump is out of service and maintenance is not to be performed, simply move to the job in the calendar and Click Skip. Skipped jobs appear in Teal. Deleting Jobs

Removes the current job from the calendar. It is NOT moved to history. The delete function asks for verification before proceeding. To move a job to history without doing the work, see Skipping Jobs.



Create Corrective Jobs

Use the Corrective button to place corrective work on the calendar. Corrective work is any non scheduled or emergency work such as changing a flat tire on a truck. When the Corrective button is clicked the Create Corrective Work Order form is displayed. Fill in the form as instructed below. If the work is already complete, click on the Close Work Order button. If the work is not yet complete, click on the Save Changes and Exit button. The job will be placed on the calendar as due on the selected Date Due. You can also use Corrective to create a one time job from a task. For example, on a conveyer belt you replace the main belt only when it breaks. Therefore, you define the task (replace main belt) with all the instructions and without scheduling it. When the belt breaks, use the Corrective button and select replace main belt for the Task Description.



Field Descriptions Equipment Task Description Date Due Meter Due Last Meter Reading/Date Closing Meter Reading Select the equipment from the pulldown list. Select the task description from the pulldown list. Select the date the work order is due. Read only. Read only. If the work order is scheduled by Meter or Days/Meter you can enter a meter reading for the same date that the work order is closed. The date the work order is closed. This is the person responsible for all work orders generated for this task and piece of equipment. It is not specific to this 1 work order. The people, dates, hours and the hourly rate of everyone who worked on this job. The inventory items and quantity used to complete this job. Any information noted during completion of the work order. It is specific to this work order. Read only. Read only. It is calculated based on the information you entered on the Labor Tab. It is calculated based on the information you entered on the Items Used Tab. Enter the total material or out of pocket expense incurred by the job not covered in Items Used.

Date Complete Assigned To

Labor Tab Items Used Tab WO Notes Task Instructions Equipment Notes Labor Cost Inventory Cost Misc. Cost

Printing Work Orders Prints a work order for the current job. To print work orders for a block of jobs, select the cells with your mouse and click Print Wo.



Find Job on Calendar

To find a particular job or work order on the calendar use the find menu:

Select what you want to search for (Equipment, Task, etc) from the menu. The Find Job form will be displayed. Enter the information you want to find. Buttons Find First Find Next Examples: Menu Option Equipment Task Work Order Work Order Find Next Search for Jobs Found Pump Pump 4 // Lube, RAS Pump 1 // Check Motor Lube Pump 4 // Lube, RP1 // Oil and Lube 340 Finds Work Order 340 3 Finds Work order 3,13, 132, 143, 349 etc.. Uses last search criteria and finds next record Searches the Calendar starting the search at the very beginning of the Calendar. If the record is found, moves the cursor to the job and makes it current. Searches the Calendar starting the search after the current job. If the record is found, moves the cursor to the job and makes it current.



Working with Records

The data entry forms button bar is used to move around in the existing records, add new records, delete records, find records, and print records. Some forms also let you choose whether to display active, inactive or all records. If a user tries to delete a record, like a piece of equipment that is being used in a Work History record, then the program won't let the user delete the record. But the program will let the user make that piece of equipment inactive instead. Inactive pieces of equipment won't be able to be added to Tasks, etc. Editing Records Activate the record to be edited using the Move buttons. Make your changes and move off the record by using the Move buttons. Changes are automatically saved.


Find is used to locate records. With the Find form, you can locate specific records or find certain values within fields. You can navigate through records as JOB Plus finds each occurrence of the item you're looking for. Find searches for values in the current field. To search for Equipment#, move to that field on the form and click the Find button.

Field Descriptions Find What Match Match Case Type the value you want to find. Sets the type of search. Sets whether to look at case (i.e. upper and lower case) when determining a match.



Examples: Find What pump pump pump 3 pump Buttons Find First Find Next Close Finds the first occurrence in the table. Starting at the current record, finds the next occurrence. Exits the Find Form Match Any Part of Field Any Part of Field Whole Field Start of Field Match Case Off On Off Off Strings Found Pump 3, RAS pump RAS pump Pump 3 Pump 3, Pump 2

Adding Records

Click the New Record button to create a new record. A new blank record will be added. Simply enter the data and move off the record. Records are automatically saved.



Equipment Entry
Equipment is any item (pumps, valves, vehicles, buildings, pipe lateral, anything) for which you want to track maintenance.

Each piece of equipment needs a unique set of numbers and/or letters to identify it. The Equipment # field has a limit of 28 characters. The maximum recommended length is 20 characters. This is in order to make the calendar more readable. If you do not have an existing equipment numbering scheme use The following table shows some common abbreviations. Equipment Description Return Pump #3 Effluent Flow Meter Influent Sampler Aeration Blower #2 Final Clarifier Equipment # RP3 EfflFlowMtr InfSampler AB2 FC simple abbreviations.



Icon Table Icon Description Use the button bar to navigate to and from the next record, add, or delete records. Use this button to look up a record. Use this button to print a record. Display the active record.

Display inactive record.

Display all records.

Use this button to copy the content of this record to another record. Everything will be copied over except Equipment # field. Use this button to display the work order history for the equipment record.

What should I put in the Average Meter Reading per Day field? One solution would be to make a rough estimate of the most that you will use a piece of equipment in the busiest month of the year and divide that by 30 and put the result in the Average Meter Reading per Day field. For example: You have a piece of equipment that you put 100 miles on in June, and 6 miles in August and 2 miles on in November. So you divide 100 by 30 and get 3.33. So put either 3.33 or 3.3 for the Average Meter Reading per Day (it doesn't have to be exact).



Equipment Notes tab. Display information specific to that piece of equipment. For Example: Name Plate Data

Graphics Tab. Load graphics for that piece of equipment. For Example: Exploded views of pumps or motors.

Interface Tab. Set up to interface with SCADA system Equipment can be cross referenced to HMI points and data can be imported using optional interfaces.

If the interface tab is grayed out go to Utillities, Options, select the General tab, and place a check mark in the box for: "SCADA interface for equipment meter readings".



Meter Reading Entry

The Meter Readings Form allows entry readings. These readings are checked against the Task's Next Due Meter field to create a job on the calendar if the Job is due. Equipment that is metered are displayed in the data entry form. You must check the Metered field in Equipment Data Entry to have that piece of Equipment displayed.



You must check the Metered field in Equipment Data Entry to have that piece of Equipment displayed. Once you have checked the Meter Field the Units and Average Meter Reading Per Day will be displayed. This is how JOB Plus estimates when the maintenance needs to be performed.



Equipment can be cross referenced to HMI points and data can be imported using optional interfaces. In order to set up the interface go to Utillities, Options, select the General tab, and place a check mark in the box for: "SCADA interface for equipment meter readings".



Employees Employee Information is used by JOB Plus to assign jobs (work orders) to personnel and to track labor.

Field Descriptions Emplyee # Name (First, Middle,Last) Full Name Record Status Address City State Zip Country Phone Ext E-Mail Wage Rate Hire Date Termination Date Notes Graphics User Define Required field. Required field. Must be unique. Read only Active or Inactive Default to Active Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional field. field. field. field. field. field.



Use this screen to add inventory items that will be needed in tasks.

Field Descriptions Item # Description Location UOM Reorder Point Reorder Quantity Quantity On Hand Quantity On Order Cost Primary Vendor Notes Graphics User Define Required field. Must be unique. Description of item. Location of inventory item. Unit of measure. The minimum quantity which when reached signals it is time to reorder. The standard number of items that you reorder at one time. The number of items that are in stock. The number of items that are currently on order. This number is derived from the current outstanding purchase orders. The cost of each item. The main company that you purchase this item from. Notes. Optional field. Optional field.



Enter information about vendors on this screen.

Field Descriptions Name Address City State Zip Country Phone Ext Fax E-Mail Tax Rate 1 Tax Rate 2 Notes Required field. Must be unique. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field. Optional field.



Task Entry
Tasks define the repetitive maintenance performed. For example, changing the oil in a car every six months is a task. Each time you change the oil is a job or work order. The task records are used to build the Job Calendar.

Field Descriptions Work Description Short description of the job or work to be performed. The Work Description is displayed after the Equipment Number on the Calendar (i.e. Pump 1// change oil). Sets the priority of the job as High, Medium or Low. Can be used to sort/filter the calendar. For example, the calendar can be filtered to only show High priority jobs. The employee that all jobs for this task will be assigned to. If you want to assign the jobs after they are on the calendar, leave Assigned To blank. The estimated labor hours to complete the job. The detailed instructions for the task. Printed on the work order.


Assigned To

Estimated Labor Hours Instructions



Equipment List Tab Click the Add Equipment button and select the equipment for the task (see Selecting Equipment for Tasks). This step needs to be completed before any work orders will be generated. Inventory Items Tab Click the Add Item button and select any inventory items required for the task, after you select an item then enter the quantity needed for each item. This step is optional. Graphics Tab Enter any Graphics you wish to use. This step is optional. User Defined Fields Tab Enter any User Defined Fields you wish to use. This step is optional. Default WO Notes Tab Enter default WO Notes. This will populate the WO notes field of all new Work Orders that consist of this Task. This step is optional.



Selecting Equipment for Task Use the Add Equipment button on the Task entry form to display a form allowing selection of equipment for the current task. Simply fill out the form and click OK. The Equipment selected will be added to the current task. Field Descriptions Equipment Schedule By Select the equipment from the pull down list. There are 3 methods to schedule Preventative Jobs: Schedule By Days, Schedule By Meter or Schedule By Days/Meter. Schedule By Days. This method generates work orders by using dates only. (JOB Plus uses this as its default schedule. An estimated task is based on the Days). Schedule by Days allows you to choose between fixed or floating as the schedule type. For example; If a job is fixed and is scheduled every 30 days, JOB Plus would schedule jobs on June 22nd, July 22nd, August 21st, etcIf the first work order is closed on June 29th (7 days late), the other work orders won't be affected because they are fixed in place. Schedule By Meter. This method generates work orders by using meter readings only. In order to schedule a job by Meter or Days/Meter the equipment must be metered (i.e. the Metered checkbox must be checked on the equipment record). JOB Plus automatically monitors the meter readings and if the meter reading comes due, the task is scheduled (changed from estimated to scheduled). If the meter reading is still not due when the Jobs due date is passed, the job is scheduled (changed from estimated to scheduled). With this method the only schedule type is floating.

Schedule By Days/Meter Generates a work order based on the which ever comes first rule. With this method the only schedule type is floating. For example; If the task is floating and the first work order was closed 7 days later than it was due, the other work orders would have their due dates changed to be 7 days later because the jobs float (i.e. the next job would be due on July 29th instead of July 22nd).

Schedule Type If Schedule by Days is selected above then you can choose between fixed or floating. Meter and Days/Meter jobs have to be floating. Should a task be fixed or floating? It depends on the task. The following examples illustrate when to use fixed and floating. Fixed Example: Hanging Christmas lights. The task is



scheduled for Dec 10th. If you do not hang the lights until Dec 24th this year, you would still want the job scheduled for Dec 10th the next year. Float Example: Change Oil every 60 days. The job is scheduled for June 5th, August 4th, etc If you change the oil on July 10th instead of June 5th you would not want to change the oil again on August 4th. If the task is float, JOB Plus will automatically adjust the August 4th due date to September 9th.

Frequencies First Due Date/First Due Meter The interval between work orders either by days, meter units or both depending on what was selected for Schedule By. When the first work order is due, either by date, meter or both depending on what was selected for Schedule By.



Purchase Orders Enter purchase order information on this screen.

Field Descriptions PO# Vendor Date On Order Ship To Taxable Tax Exempt # Approved By Ship Via Requested Ship Date Order Items Item# Description Qty. Ordered Qty. Received UOM Unit Price Ext. Price Required field. Must be unique. Required field. Make selection from pull down list. Required field. The purchase order date. Check this box if the order has been placed. Shipping address. Checked if order is taxable. Tax exemption number. The person who approved the purchase order. Shipping method. The date you want the order shipped. The items in the purchase order. Item ordered. Description of item. The number of items ordered. The number of items received so far. Unit of measure. The cost of each item. The extended price which is the qty. ordered x Unit Price.



Tax % S & H Cost Notes Quick Receive Button

The tax rate Shipping and handling cost. Optional field.

The received date will be set to todays date. Quantities received will be set equal to the quantities ordered. The purchase order will also be closed and put into history. Receive Button This will pop up a screen that lets you select the received date as well as the quantities received for each item. If the quantities received equal the quantities ordered for all of the items you will be asked if you want to close the purchase order. Close Order Button This will close the purchase order.



Graphics Graphic files can be associated with a task, piece of equipment, inventory item or employee. JOB Plus supports raster and vector file types. Common Raster files types are;.bmp, .jpg and .gif . The only vector file supported is .dxf files, which are AutoCAD files. JOB Plus cannot support native AutoCAD .dwg files but will support the dxf format NOTE: The AutoDesk company, (who produce the AutoCAD program), developed the .dxf format so AutoCAD drawing files could still be viewed by the different software packages on the market and AutoDesk would not have to publicly release the specifications to the .dwg files produced by AutoCAD program. There are 2 main steps to inserting graphics. Step 1: Store the locations of the graphic files that you wish to use in your database. Go to the Edit menu and select Graphics from the menu items at the top of your main screen. Click the Load Graphic button and select the graphic file from the browser window. You'll see your image load and now you can enter a name, description and assign the graphic type (Equipment, employee, etc..)



You have some additional options if you have loaded a DXF file. You can: Click on the graphic to zoom in on a particular area Click the Zoom Center button, which will zoom to the center of the display, not the center of the graphic. Click on the Zoom 100% button, the original view of the graphic will be displayed. You can save a DXF file or a zoomed in view of a DXF file as a bitmap file by clicking on the Save DXF File As BMP File button.

STEP 2: Now you need to ASSIGN your graphic files to a specific task, employee, piece of equipment, or inventory item. Open one of your Entry Windows; Task, Equipment, Inventory or Employee. For our example we will choose the Equipment Entry Window and click on the Graphics Tab. Click the Add Graphic button. This will open the graphics list window. Choose the graphic from the list and click OK. You can change the graphics associated with each record, view the graphics and print the graphic with your work orders.




The Reports screen allows selection, preview, and printing of JOB Plus reports. Simply click on the Report and an explanation of the report appears. Next click button Print to output the report. See Using Print Preview for more information on the Preview window. The following reports are available. Report Name Equipment List Report Without Notes Description List all pieces of equipment (does not include the notes field). This report is also available from Equipment Data Entry by clicking the Print button. List all pieces of equipment (includes the notes field). Lists the work history for a single piece of equipment showing dates, hours worked, etc. Upon report selection, you will be prompted for the equipment and date range for the report. Lists the work history for a single piece of equipment showing dates, hours worked, notes, etc. Upon report selection, you will be prompted for the equipment and date range for the report. List of the Top Ten pieces of equipment by Hours Worked. Upon report selection, you will be prompted for the date range Lists all Work History for a date range without notes. Lists all Work History for a date range with notes. Lists all Work History for a date range without notes grouped by Equipment. Lists all Work History for a date range with notes grouped by Equipment. Print open or due work orders for a date range. List all open jobs for a date range. Prints weekly totals of hours worked broken down by preventative and corrective jobs. Prints all defined tasks. Lists the tasks that are assigned for each piece of equipment. Lists the inventory items that need to reordered. Lists the inventory items on hand.

Equipment List Report With Notes Equipment History Report Without Notes

Equipment History Report With Notes

Top Ten Maintenance Report Work Order History By Date Work Order History By Date With Notes Work Order History By Equipment Work Order History By Equipment With Notes Open Work Orders Open Job Report Hours Worked by Week Task Report Equipment Task Report Inventory Reorder Report Inventory Report



Print Preview Report output is sent to a preview window. In the preview window, you can change pages, zoom, send output to the printer and export the data. These functions are available from the tool bar at the top of the preview window. Printing Work Orders To print a Work Order for the current job, click the Print WO button. The Work Order will print all information for a job including the instructions. You can print multiple Work Orders by selecting a block of jobs and clicking the Print WO button.



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