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your child display? Aggressive or violent behavior? Abusive language? Difficulty in following rules? Lack of social interaction / friendships? Over-timidity, whining, withdrawal? Over-dependent behavior? Sleep disturbances? Excessive attachment to mother / father figure? Irritability, anxiety, trembling with fear? Uncontrollable crying, hysteria? Increased physical complaints, such as headaches, nausea and vomiting, stomach- aches, loss of appetite, increased frequency of urination etc, without any physical cause?

y y

y y

y y

y y

y y

r answer is a resounding yes to more than a couple of questions then it is time you sought help from a qualified Child Counselor at Counseling India.

will spend time in understanding the issue that your child and you are facing. An array of assessments is available to us, should those be required to make a specific osis. An intervention strategy will be planned by our experts keeping the unique needs and personality of your child and his home environment. If a home program al ort out the issue, we will sit down with you and explain the way to go about it. We are, of course, available to guide you through the process as you make progress or with obstacles along the way.

etimes it is better to have ongoing supportive therapy to supplement the home program and we will hand hold you through that as well.

ook forward to hearing from you. Case Study : A five year old child was referred to the centre from a local school with complaints of poor performance in group tasks, dependency on the teacher for simple activities and lack of understanding of new concepts. Detailed discussions with the parents and developing rapport with the child started the process.

mprehensive Cognitive-Perceptual and social skill evaluation revealed a motor planning disorder (Apraxia), deficits in expressive language due to a weak articulatory m and a general social withdrawal in group tasks. The latter was a result of inability to participate, fully, in verbal tasks.

apy was divided into Praxis training, strengthening of the articulatory mechanism and social skill training. Execution of the treatment was in two simultaneously runnin amsa clinic based and a home based program. Praxis training involved breaking up an activity into 3-4 phases followed by training on individual phases before ating them into a single task, thus allowing an engram to develop in the cerebrum for automatic carry forward.

articulatory mechanism consists of the tongue, lips, soft and hard palate and the teeth. Strengthening activities included graded blowing of candles, licking off a piece y dates stuck on the soft palate, clenching teeth against resistance, pursing lips to suck a milkshake through a narrow straw etc.

al skill training involved teaching the child nuances of body language, coping behaviors to tackle bullies and timid children, ways to handle a conversation etc.

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