UNIV100 0.02 Orientation Syllabus

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Orientation Syllabus

UNIV/100 Version 4 University of Phoenix New Student Orientation

Please print a copy of this syllabus for handy reference. Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered the ruling document.

Copyright 2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix editorial standards and practices.

Where to Go to Class
Main: This is the main forum for the orientation where we conduct our class interaction, including your discussion question responses, dialogue, and general comments. When responding to discussion questions and assignments, use the conversation threads established by the facilitator. To comment on someone elses discussion question submission, click Reply to respond. Chat-Room: This is a read-and-write access forum. This is where you post your bio and interact with classmates. You may discuss non-classroom-related content in this forum. Postings to this forum do not count toward participation. Course-Materials: This is a read-only forum, which means you can read messages here but cannot send any. This is where I will post the orientation syllabus, readings, and supplementary materials. You may also access these materials from the Materials tab on your student Web site. Individual Forum: You will see one forum with your name on it. This is a private forum, shared only by you and me, the facilitator. Your classmates will not have access to this forum. This is where I will post your feedback. You can also ask questions here. However, if you have general questions about instructions of assignments, please post those in the Main forum, so other students may benefit by that exchange as well.

Where to Submit Assignments

Assignments eCampus web page: This is where you will submit all formal assignments via the assignment title links. Follow the instructions in the How To Post Assignments reading on the orientation web page to locate the assignment title links. When you have located the assignment title link for your assignment, upload and submit your assignment as an attachment.

For orientation policies, please see the Policies link on the left side of the Materials page for the orientation on eCampus. Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within that link. University policies are subject to change so please be sure to read them at the beginning of the orientation. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities it is important you read the policies governing your current class modality.

Technical Support
Technical Support is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 1-877-832-4867, or use the e-mail support form. Answers to the most common issues are found in the Knowledge Base by clicking Help, found at the top of every student Web site.

Expectations for Discussion Questions

Discussion Question responses should be at least 100 to 150 words. For Discussion Question responses in the Main forum, please post responses to the threads provided. To respond, highlight the original Discussion Question thread, click on Reply, change the subject line to reflect your response, type your response, and then post the message. Please do not start a new post for the weekly Discussion Questions in the Main forumuse the reply key to respond to Discussion Question and comments.

Unlike your formal written assignments, I do not require that your Discussion Question responses adhere to specific formatting requirements. However, please make sure to proofread carefully. If you use outside resources to answer you Discussion Questions, you must always cite your sources. I expect your Discussion Question responses to reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please try to relate the orientation content to real-world applications from your personal or work experience. When answering and responding to Discussion Questions, please keep the following questions in mind:

Are there other aspects of this topic that have not been addressed? If so, what are they? Do I have other examples and experiences to share on this topic? Has this question been answered as thoroughly as possible?

Orientation Attendance
In order to successfully complete this orientation, you must meet the attendance policy. To be in attendance during a class week, you must post at least one message to any of the course forums on two separate days during the online week. Deadlines for attendance are based on Mountain Standard Time (MST). Attendance is tracked automatically in all Online and Axia courses.

Orientation Participation
Students must read all materials presented in the orientation to complete all activities successfully. Your level of participation in the orientation directly reflects your acquired learning and success in future courses. Orientation Expectations Attend all weeks of this orientation. Complete assigned readings, discussion questions, assignments, and the Orientation Assessment. Be prepared to participate in class discussion. Be prepared to participate in class discussion. Because class discussion is an important part of your future University of Phoenix classes, you are encouraged to contribute two substantive discussion messages 4 days each week in the Main forum. Substantive messages must be related to the weeks topics and include new ideas, personal perspectives, and examples. Post questions about content under the Questions thread in the Main forum. Reflect on your learning experiences at the end of the orientation by responding to the Orientation Summary thread in the Main forum.

Assignment Expectations To maintain efficiency, submit all completed assignments as Microsoft Word attachments to the appropriate assignment title links on the eCampus Assignments web page, unless noted otherwise. Instructions regarding where to submit assignments are included in the syllabus and the assignment threads posted by the facilitator in the Main forum.

Each week, I will provide grades or scores and comments on assignments within 7 days of when they were submitted. After I send feedback each week, I will post a notification to the Main forum.

Orientation Description
This 3-week orientation helps students be successful in college. Students practice using the Online

Learning System (OLS), learn techniques to be successful in college, and identify useful university services and resources.

Orientation Objectives
Week One: OLS Use OLS features and tools.

Week Two: Success Techniques Create a goal action plan. Create a time management log. Discuss appropriate electronic communication practices.

Week Three: Electronic Services and Resources Locate resources using the University Library. SM Use WritePoint . Explain the functions of the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE).

Orientation Materials
All electronic materials are available on your student Web site at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu.

Orientation Assignments
Week One Bio Assignment 1: Locate and Install Microsoft Word Assignment 2: OLS Microsoft Word Document Assignment 3: Setting Preferences Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Discussion Question 3 Week Two Assignment 1: Goal Action Plan Assignment 2: Time Log Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Discussion Question 3 Week Three Assignment 1: University Library Search SM Assignment 2: WritePoint Paper Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Discussion Question 3 Orientation Assessment Point Total Due Date Tuesday, Day 2 Tuesday, Day 2 Thursday, Day 4 Sunday, Day 7 Tuesday, Day 2 Friday, Day 5 Friday, Day 5 Thursday, Day 4 Sunday, Day 7 Tuesday, Day 2 Friday, Day 5 Friday, Day 5 Thursday, Day 4 Friday, Day 5 Tuesday, Day 2 Friday, Day 5 Friday, Day 5 Sunday, Day 7 Points 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18

Week One
OLS Use OLS features and tools.

Orientation Assignments
1. Orientation Preparation Read the facilitator welcome and objectives. Read the facilitators bio, and refer to it as an example of how to write an appropriate bio. Post your own bio in the Chat Room forum by Tuesday, Day 2.

2. Readings Read the OLS Environment reading. Read the OLS Functionality reading. Read the OLS Quick Reference Guide reading.

3. Assignment 1: Locate and Install Microsoft Word Due Tuesday, Day 2 Locate Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007 on your computer. To do this, complete the following steps: o o o o Click Start. Select Programs. Select Microsoft Office. Click Microsoft Office Word 2003 or 2007.

Download the free 60-day trial version from http://office.microsoft.com/en us/word/default.aspx if you do not have Microsoft Word. This version will download as Microsoft Office Professional 2007. When it is installed, follow the directions for locating it on your computer. Complete the following steps when you have installed and located Microsoft Word on your computer: o o o Open a new Microsoft Word document. Type your name in the document. Save the document as Week 1 Assignment 1.

Complete the following steps to submit your assignment: o o o o Log in to your student web page at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click on the Classroom tab. Click Assignments. Click the Week 1 link from the Assignments box, and then click on the assignment title for Week 1 Assignment 1.

Click the Browse button in the Submit Assignment section and find the Week 1 Assignment 1 document. As you click on Week 1 Assignment 1, your document automatically attaches.

4. Assignment 2: OLS Microsoft Word Document Due Thursday, Day 4 Log in to your student Web site at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click Discussion to enter OLS. Read the threads posted by your facilitator in the Main forum. Follow the instructions in this weeks readings to navigate through messages. Observe OLS links, icons, and tools as you click through messages. Copy and paste the following questions into a blank Microsoft Word document, and answer them within the document: o o o o o o o o o o o List the steps you would take to access OLS. How do you access the Main forum? How do you access your Individual forum? How did you find the orientation readings? Where must you post your assignments? Where do class discussions for participation take place? What do you need to do to read replies to messages in the Main forum? What steps would you take to reply to a message in the Main forum? How can you recognize a message posted by your facilitator? How can you identify a discussion question thread? How do you identify a message posted by you?

Save your completed Microsoft Word document as Week 1 Assignment 2. Complete the following steps to submit your assignment: o o o o o Log in to your student web page at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click on the Classroom tab. Click Assignments. Click the Week 1 link from the Assignments box, and then click on the assignment title for Week 1 Assignment 2. Click the Browse button in the Submit Assignment section and find the Week 1 Assignment 2 document. As you click on Week 1 Assignment 2, your document automatically attaches.

5. Assignment 3: Setting Preferences Due Sunday, Day 7 Log in to your student Web site at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click Discussion to enter OLS. Complete the following steps to set preferences and create your online signature: o o o o o o o o Click Preferences. Type your first and last name in the Display Name field. In the Font Size field, select medium from the drop-down list. In the Font Type field, select Arial from the drop-down list. Click Yes to enable Auto Spell Check. Click Yes or No for Compose message in new window, depending on your preference. Type your first and last name, OLS e-mail address, and time zone in the My Signature box. You may also add your phone number. Select All Messages from the Apply To: drop-down list.

o o

Click Save Preferences. Go to your Individual forum and post a new message. Type Week 1 Assignment 3 in the subject line. Type This assignment is complete into the message and post it to your Individual forum. Check that your signature block is showing in your message.

Create a Microsoft Word document and type Week 1 Assignment 3 completed into the document after you have completed the above tasks. Save the document as Week 1 Assignment 3. Complete the following steps to submit your assignment: o o o o o Log in to your student web page at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click on the Classroom tab. Click Assignments. Click the Week 1 link from the Assignments box, and then click on the assignment title for Week 1 Assignment 3. Click the Browse button in the Submit Assignment section and find the Week 1 Assignment 3 document. As you click on Week 1 Assignment 3, your document automatically attaches.

6. Discussion Question 1 Due Tuesday, Day 2 Post your response in the Main forum to the following in 100 to 150 words: Describe your experience with computers or technology. What computer applications do you use frequently? Are there computer programs you want to learn? How might you use your experience with computers or technology in this orientation? 7. Discussion Question 2 Due Friday, Day 5 Post your response in the Main forum to the following in 100 to 150 words: There are many benefits to attending class online from your personal computer; however, technology problems do occur. What is your backup plan if you are unable to access OLS because of a problem with your computer or the Internet? Who might you contact to find solutions? 8. Discussion Question 3 Due Friday, Day 5 Post your response in the Main forum to the following in 100 to 150 words: Summarize what you learned this week about OLS. What advice might you give to a new student who is learning OLS?

Weekly Reminders
Discussion Questions Be prepared to participate in class discussion. You are encouraged to contribute two substantive discussion messages 4 days each week in the Main forum. Substantive messages must be related to the weeks topics and include new ideas, personal perspectives, and examples.

Summary of Week 1 Deliverables Assignment Bio Assignment 1: Locate and Install Microsoft Word Week 1 DQ 1 Assignment 2: OLS Microsoft Word Document Week 1 DQ 2 Week 1 DQ 3 Assignment 3: Setting Preferences

Where to Post Chat Room

Due Day 2 (Tuesday) Day 2 (Tuesday) Day 2 (Tuesday) Day 4 (Thursday) Day 5 (Friday) Day 5 (Friday) Day 7 (Sunday)

Assignments Title Link Main Forum Assignments Title Link Main Forum Main Forum Assignments Title Link

Week Two
Success Techniques Create a goal action plan. Create a time management log. Discuss appropriate electronic communication practices.

Orientation Assignments
1. Readings Read the Goal Setting reading. Read the Making Time for School reading. Read the Communication in the Classroom reading.

2. Assignment 1: Goal Action Plan Due Thursday, Day 4 Choose a goal you want to accomplish in the next year. Some ideas include buying a house or car, getting out of debt, finding a job, improving your health, and so forth. Log in to your student Web site and click Materials and the Week Two topic link. Download the Goal Action Plan template to your computer. Complete all nine sections of the template to create an action plan for your goal. Save your Goal Action Plan as Week 2 Assignment 1. Complete the following steps to submit your assignment: o o o o o Log in to your student web page at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click on the Classroom tab. Click Assignments. Click the Week 2 link from the Assignments box, and then click on the assignment title for Week 2 Assignment 1. Click the Browse button in the Submit Assignment section and find the Week 2 Assignment 1 document. As you click on Week 2 Assignment 1, your document automatically attaches.

3. Assignment 2: Time Log Due Sunday, Day 7 Log in to your student Web site, and click Materials and the Week Two topic link. Download the Time Log template to your computer. Open the Time Log template, and list the activities you usually accomplish in one day. The schedule may be in 30-minute or hourly increments. Be as specific as possible, and include time for study and course work. Save your Time Log as Week 2 Assignment 2. Complete the following steps to submit your assignment: o o o Log in to your student web page at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click on the Classroom tab. Click Assignments.

o o

Click the Week 2 link from the Assignments box, and then click on the assignment title for Week 2 Assignment 2. Click the Browse button in the Submit Assignment section and find the Week 2 Assignment 2 document. As you click on Week 2 Assignment 2, your document automatically attaches.

4. Discussion Question 1 Due Tuesday, Day 2 Post your response in the Main forum to the following in 100 to 150 words: Describe a situation where you experienced poor communication or online etiquette, and propose ideas for how communication could have been improved. Why is good online etiquette important? 5. Discussion Question 2 Due Friday, Day 5 Post your response in the Main forum to the following in 100 to 150 words: What time management obstacles might occur when you take an online class? How would you handle these obstacles so they do not interfere with your ability to meet assignment due dates? 6. Discussion Question 3 Due Friday, Day 5 Post your response in the Main forum to the following in 100 to 150 words: What three strategies from the Goal Setting reading will you use to stay motivated and maintain progress on the goal action plan you created for Week 2 Assignment 1? Why do you think these strategies will help you to stay on track?

Weekly Reminders
Discussion Questions Be prepared to participate in class discussion. You are encouraged to contribute two substantive discussion messages 4 days each week in the Main forum. Substantive messages must be related to the weeks topics and include new ideas, personal perspectives, and examples. Summary of Week 2 Deliverables Assignment Week 2 DQ 1 Assignment 1: Goal Action Plan Week 2 DQ 2 Week 2 DQ 3 Where to Post Main Forum Assignments Title Link Main Forum Main Forum Due Day 2 (Tuesday) Day 4 (Thursday) Day 5 (Friday) Day 5 (Friday)

Assignment 2: Time Log

Assignments Title Link

Day 7 (Sunday)

Week Three
Electronic Services and Resources Locate resources using the University Library. SM Use WritePoint . Explain the functions of the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE).

Orientation Assignments
1. Readings Read the Touring the Library reading. Read the Exploring the Center for Writing Excellence reading.

2. Assignment 1: University Library Search Due Thursday, Day 4 Log in to your student Web site at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/. Click Library to access the University Library. Search the ProQuest database in Article Databases Major to find two articles about college scholarships. Narrow your search by adding more specific words, such as scholarships for associates degrees or college scholarships for business students. Read each article you found on college scholarships. Write a one-paragraph summary of each article in a Microsoft Word document. Include a citation for each article by completing the following steps: o o Click Cite This, located above the article. Copy and paste the citation highlighted in yellow, and place it beneath your article summaries.

Save your Word document as Week 3 Assignment 1 when you have completed your summaries of the two articles. Complete the following steps to submit your assignment: o o o o o Log in to your student web page at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click on the Classroom tab. Click Assignments. Click the Week 3 link from the Assignments box, and then click on the assignment title for Week 3 Assignment 1. Click the Browse button in the Submit Assignment section and find the Week 3 Assignment 1 document. As you click on Week 3 Assignment 1, your document automatically attaches.

3. Assignment 2: WritePoint Due Friday, Day 5


Log in to your student Web site at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click Library, then click Center for Writing Excellence. Click Submit a Paper. Review the instructions for submitting a paper as outlined in the Exploring the Center for Writing Excellence reading. SM Submit your Microsoft Word document from Week 3 Assignment 1 to WritePoint . It may take a few days to get results if there is a high number of submitted papers. When you get SM the results, save the WritePoint report (your corrected paper) to your computer as Week 3 Assignment 2. Note: You do not need to make revisions to your paper; for this assignment, SM SM submit only the report you receive from WritePoint . The WritePoint report will begin with SM the following statement in blue font: Welcome to WritePoint , the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. SM Complete the following steps to submit your WritePoint report: o o o o o Log in to your student web page at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click on the Classroom tab. Click Assignments. Click the Week 3 link from the Assignments box, and then click on the assignment title for Week 3 Assignment 2. Click the Browse button in the Submit Assignment section and find the Week 3 Assignment 2 document. As you click on Week 3 Assignment 2, your document automatically attaches.

4. Discussion Question 1 Due: Tuesday, Day 2 Post your response in the Main forum to the following in 100 to 150 words: Log in to your student Web site at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu. Click Library to access the University Library. Explore the University Library by following the instructions in the Touring the Library reading. Compare the databases in Article Databases Major with the Article Databases Specialized. Describe the databases in each category. What publications and articles might you find in these databases? Which database is easier or more difficult to use? Why? 5. Discussion Question 2 Due Friday, Day 5 Post your response in the Main forum to the following in 100 to 150 words: Open a new window in your Internet browser. Copy and paste the following link into the address bar of your browser: http://www.phoenix.edu/tuition_and_financial_options/scholarships.html Click the University of Phoenix Scholarship Programs or Scholarship Resources links, and find two scholarships for which you are eligible. Explain the scholarships and provide details regarding special application instructions, deadlines, and other important details. For what academic purposes would this money be helpful? 6. Discussion Question 3 Due Friday, Day 5 Post your response in the Main forum to the following in 100 to 150 words:

Other than WritePoint , what three resources in the Center for Writing Excellence do you find useful? Describe these resources, and explain how you might use them in future courses. (Hint: Look at the Service, Writing Resources, and Useful Links sections.) 7. Orientation Assessment Due Sunday, Day 7 Post your response in the Main forum to the following: o o o Summarize what you learned in this orientation. How will you apply what you learned in this orientation to your educational, personal, or professional pursuits? Provide relevant personal notes and observations, such as anything discussed in this orientation that you want to learn more about or if you want to receive further training or practice.


Weekly Reminders
Discussion Questions Be prepared to participate in class discussion. You are encouraged to contribute two substantive discussion messages 4 days each week in the Main forum. Substantive messages must be related to the weeks topics and include new ideas, personal perspectives, and examples. Summary of Week 3 Deliverables Assignment Week 3 DQ 1 Assignment 1: University Library Search Week 3 DQ 2 Week 3 DQ 3 Assignment 2: WritePoint Orientation Assessment

Location Main Forum Assignments Title Link Main Forum Main Forum

Due Day 2 (Tuesday) Day 4 (Thursday) Day 5 (Friday) Day 5 (Friday) Day 5 (Friday) Day 7 (Sunday)


Assignments Title Link Main Forum

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