Career Vs Calling

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Career vs Calling Job energy in your life Where do we want to go this year?

Ambition, carreer, way of encarnating into a rol of service in the world we are now, which is call job. Calling is play by different roles than career Exclusive definitive Career/calling there is not huge line that separates both. Career is something we are guided to engage as part of how we have this life, hook to lifethere is a survival thrust your career, formula kind of work this way..generic Finish primary education, high school and then decision get good in that, apprentice something, master something, Master skill, and then enter the work force get a job. Then the transition into a calling Motivating by a drive an ambition, Pursuit a certain path that emanate from or came from expectation from our environment, in other words, the world has set that for being successful=being this, to get the sense of esteem and power in the world. Also for chasing wounds, a lot of time We are motivated by our wounding to pursuit a certain path in our life. Chart into this: 1) have you been motivated in what you are currently doing, if you feeling the edge of dissatisfaction, which is the first intuitive signal that something needs to shift in your career 2) are you motivated primarily by insecurity? Is it exclusively about survival? Is your sacred prostitute all out in it making you to compromise your integrity, your ethics, and sell of your core grace so that you can just maintain the sense of status quo, to feel secure? Are you hiper compensating in your career ambition through your career ambition for all of your deepest insecurities that is also connected with all of your wounding 3) and ultimately also is the things that you are trying to get through your career about power and how did you define power. To really get a look to your career motivation and to know the path of your career you have to do shadow work. Are you willing to look at the dark aspects that motivates your ambition Ambition is fantastic and there are elements Certain aspects those are necessary: You have to have education, commitment, motivation, Ambition, have to have a sense of aspiration but what begins to happen is as we spiritual evolve, what that means is that we are now entering into a new coordinate of power and also what is asked to us by the cosmos is that now we have to incarnate another lever of congruency with ourselves. Intuition even when its working even at its most powerful exquisite clarity, at its best will guide you into your shadow, which means it will trick you into your Truth, which means that you will fall on your face by following an intuitive punch from time to time. You will take a negative decision. Its roll is to bring you into congruency, to bring you into empowerment and to do that you have to face your shadow. For those of you who are stuck in the threshold of career/calling wedge you out into the other side of calling. Soul into that toBegin to negotiate career ambition-career career-demands Often times motivated by carrer drive

Exclusively by survival By wounds, my insecurities Quest of power. And also to fulfill family legacy becomes a lawyer because his mother was a lawyer Look in your careers and ask yourselves Am I motivated in my career drive by Truly going after a level of power that is more about ego and less about the soul Evolve, move beyond that more about the ego, about proving ones worth, and ones stature, and ones proud and ones status than about, hey how can I serve somebody? Career requires Knowledge Education Motivation Ambition But what calling requires is TRANSFORMATION in such a way that you shift internally your orientation to ambition, to motivation, to power it is about moving into through your intuition to guide you, a state of congruency where the soul and the ego becomes align. The ego doesnt go away, we may still have to study something, to apprentice something, to master something but his Is the major difference Ego based motivationoften times tend to cling into attachment to the outcome Soul requires surrenderof attachment to outcomethe formula for a calling that requires surrender of we have to reorient how we go about and why we go doing what we do. Because ambition that is fill by your insecurities which then become a quest for power, the thing that is inherit within is that you have an attached to the outcome. The outcome has to bring you power back, because the ambition is fill by insecurity, and within that you literally find very little peace of mind and certainly a very low sense of self appreciation no matter what you do accomplish because you are in a state of servitude to the wound, to the insecurity, to whatever is moving your ambition. One can also have a sense of ambition that opens them up. 2 things to discerning what a calling may be Service and sacred activism: If you really want to know whatve you are called to do in life, what you should do is to get up in the morning, look out the window and ask yourself what breaks my heart the most in this life that I feel called to try to heal, to help to serve a very powerful way of looking at ones purpose, to really look at life and say and you have to be very specific to get what for you personally is the most heartbreakingthere is a lot of heartbreak but each of us has a unique orientation to certain things that breaks us down it is a key ingredient to what you are called to do Part 2 What are your unique skills. What is unique about you. What can you actually say I am really good atand not make it good because the whole world say it, but you know you are just honor that. Part 3 What is your passion for not limits what you would like to do, feel passion for without thinking about money Look back 10 years of more into your life An internal guidance signals internal gps let the soul take the lead intuition, soul, the purpose that is always there

Hiper inflated with vision boards Co-creation is what you do with what happens to you! Surrender over What do you like to do, start basic... and see the seeds of passions Until we mature it is better not to know what the gods want for us so that we can not contaminate them with wounds expectations you have to endure you have to have a strong ego Serve other people the ego and the soul sit down, walk down buck heads in the transition from career to calling because it takes a strong ego for both. To engage your career you have to be able to endure, to engage a calling that applies and then you have to be willing to give up the attachment to outcome Transformation requires shadow work, facing your wounds They blocked because they are afraid because they dont think they have what it takes, because it requires transformation, shadow work, facing your wounds, healing as you begin to vessel light through the transformation that the calling is qualifying you to do, that light that you became capable to vessel became the healing you gave another people... and that is how the calling often times operates, and within that there is always an issue of esteem and where your esteem came from. The esteem can be the aperture for many instances of whether or no you pursue your creativity, your life calling, and certain archetypes are going to cluster up and sort of hang on through the edge of this transition and one of them might be the Sacred Prostitute we all have to sell out one part of oneself to survive, that is the law of life. The issue is once again, are you attached to outcome healers A good healing have to learn that he is not responsible for someone else healingthey can only be a conduit of direction, of guidance, Logic and ego and understanding we need intuitive, sacred understanding what can we risk calling bull out from deep on the soul Chart the shift How do I recognize the signal of a calling: A lot of sincronicity, and fated interventions (perhaps job lost), sometimes a depression coming in creative depression the ego hold on to the status quo to prevent the soul caos which is another level of divine order can enter into your life and re arrange it again mystic virtues then must arrive, surrender, patience, truthfulness, compassion, intuition, clarity.. .all these things must became part of how you move from a career into a more enriching experience of a calling. Your soul is taking over climb a ladder in a corporate world it doesnt work that way the soul is interested in how you connect with other people that is how calling works!!! The difference in the transition is that the signs came from the environment fromyou get called, you feel an inner intuitive impulse: you know what, you need to go over here the environment also mirrored where you should go to and a serious of dreams and synchronicity One half a career drive and one half a calling drive everything still pressure and push your ambition, in measurable and wordly ways, and also you get into your knees

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