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FOR THE COURSECOMPUTER BASED ACCOUNTING/OFFICE INFORMATION SYSTEMMaria Normita CavaEvelyn C. MacabodbodJacquelyn B. SantosKatherine TrinidadAngelica AquinoMarch 2009If you want the financial analysis and etc.You can e-mail at

Acknowledgement Gratefully acknowledgement to the following persons who in one or another helping us inmaking th is s tud y a successful on e. They serve a s gu ide and sha red knowledge th at th isproject was made possible.To Mr. Arnold Policarpio our special project adviser who has been there to support us.To Mr. Arbie Laquian for teaching how to prepare the financial statement and spendinghis time even though he s busy.To Mr. Christian Ortega owner of RAMPAGE CAF and Ms. Lorna Torres employee of C a l o o c a n C i t y H a l l f o r g i v i n g u s t h e time and allowing us to conduct a survey in t h e i r prospective area.To our dear family who have been always there supporting and being understanding ingiving the time for us to spend this project.And above all to our Almighty God a million thanks for the strength, knowledge, goodhealth, wisdom and the guidance that enlightened our hearts and minds that this study wouldbe possible

HISTORY Internet caf business is indeed a very popular business. It is one of the establishmentsmade indispensable in an increasingly

interconnected world.Internet caf was started with the opening of the first cyber caf, Caf Cyberia, in London(UK) S eptember 1, 1994. It was found ed by E va Pas coe. It s tarted w ith ha lf a d ozen HPcomputers, connected to the Internet through dial-up modems that were able to transfer dataat 9.6 kilobytes per second. As the first Internet cafe, Cafe Cyberia got tremendous publicityand additional investments into the business from likes of Mick Jagger and Maurice Saatchi.With the success of Cafe Cyberia, the Internet Cafe business got into a flying start, and therewere over 60 similar cafes over the world by the summer of 1995. CYBERKADAHAN INTERNET CAFE is name of a proposed business plan; CYBER being related to computers and KADAHAN meaning a group of individual or people who areclosely bonded. Type of Business Organization Since the composed of five (5) ladies each one of has agreed and decided to be partners.The groups preferred to use partnership as a type of business organization. Partnership is an organization where two or more person binds themselves to contributemoney, property, or industry into a common fund with the intention of dividing profits amongthemselves.Benefits of partnership type of business we are establishing: o Partnership is relatively easy to establish; however ti m e s s h o u l d b e i n v e s t e d i n developing the partnership agreement, in our case there s no problem about it becausewe are mostly friends and we are devoted to make our business progress. o With more than one owner, the ability to raise funds- Debt vs. Equity maybe increased. o

Enhanced capital availability. Two or more people will be providing and searching for cap ita l. I n ad dition, fun din g sources a re more likely to entertain fin ancing req ues tbecause of the broader capital base

o The profit from the business flow directly to the business though the partners personaltax return. o Higher quality employees. Partnerships tend to attract better employees because of thepossibility of becoming a principal in the firm. o Easy form. Procedures and expenses are minimized. o The business usually benefit from partners who have complementary skills. o Better decision- making capability. Two heads are better than one. o Managerial flexibility. Generally, important decisions can be quickly, although not as fastin a sole proprietorship. o Limited government interference. Like sole proprietorship are normally free of extensivegovernmental scrutiny.Cyberkadahan Internet Caf provides services that would give satisfaction to our customer.Aside from computer rental that have reasonable hourly rates for internet gaming, internetsurfing or searching cdburning, scanning, and colored printingProposed Location will be located at # 82 Samson Road Caloocan City, our prospectivecustomers

are basically everybody students doing their projects or research and gamers.This business starts with the capital of P 700,000.00 Seven Hundred Thousand Pesoscontributed by each partner as follows: N A M E A M O U N T C O N T R I B U T E D T Y P E O F P A R T N E R S Evelyn Macabodbod Php 233,333.33 Capitalist IndustrialJacquelyn Sant os Php 233,333.33 Capitalist IndustrialMaria Normita Cava Php 233,333 .33 Capitalist IndustrialAngelica Aquino IndustrialKatherine Trinidad Ind ustrial Capitalist Partner one who contributes capital in money or property Capitalist Industrial Partner one who contributes in money, property, and industry. Industrial Partner one who contributes industry, labor, skill or service.The objective of this proposed project is to acquire the prospective customers and toachieve the desired profit with in the specific period of time, and o To earn profit. o To develop one s skill to build up good relationship among customer. o To help the students especially the neighboring Barangays to find a computer s rental ataffordable price. o To give leisure and enjoyment. o To be successful business partners SITE PREPARATION

The business will be renting a space along hi-way near to malls, and schools, were our target customers are mainly students and nearby neighborhood especially those people whoserelatives or loved ones are at abroad and find it very convenient communicating with themthrough chat and email. The two hundred (200) meter radius requirements as provided in theexisting Zoning Code and other applicable rules and regulations wherein computer shops andother similar establishments and places of amusements should be put up or constructed atl e a s t t w o h u n d r e d ( 2 0 0 ) m e t e r s a w a y f r o m t h e c h u r c h , s c h o o l s , h o s p i t a l s , a n d o t h e r government offices shall be strictly complied with. Site survey is primarily our main concern inthis preparation. On our site survey we find out that the site has less than 5 competitors andit s a good sign of putting up the business.We choose the location, at #82 Samson Road at Caloocan City, beside Asian TrustBank. It s about 40 square meters. It is the ideal place to establish an internet caf because itis accessible to public because it s along the highway and our target market is mostly students,near to schools like Divine Mercy College, Sacred Heart, St. Gabriel Academy and GomburzaElementary School. We choose this site because we found out that competitors are minimal inthe place. It s an urbanized area were accessibility, competency and we study niche/market, asou r main ob jective while choosing th is site. In access ibility, the location is just along thehighway, and it s near to malls such as Ever Grand Central, Victory Mall, Araneta Square, andP u r e g o l d , a n d s c h o o l s s u c h a s D i v i n e M e r c y C o l l e g e , S a c r e d H e a r t a n d G o m b u r z a Elementary School and people just strolling along the way and or passengers of utility vehiclecan eas ily s ee th e I ntern et Ca f. In competency and stud y of niche/ma rket, th e p roposedlocation is a commercial place, so the prospective customer s is almost everybody. Most of theInternet sh op loca ted in the area is ins ide the ma lls

while the comp etitors ou ts id e is j us tminimal, and for that we are more capable of attracting customer s because we will offer moreaffordable rental fee in 15 pesos per hour. Our Internet caf will provide small private boothsfor quiet chatting compare to the standard elbow to elbow computer station.We agreed that the shop should be well ventilated (air condition) to make our customer comfortable, good music is well provided, the PC s is all well organized and arrange properlyaccording to their rows for the convenience of our customer. Each computer has their owngames, internet and surfing to be chosen by our customer, what they want and need is mainlyour concerns.

TECHNICAL ASPECT In technical aspect it identifies whether the services rendered could be the highestpossible quality level with minimum cost. In this aspect we will discuss the equipment andother computer application we use in the business. We purchase equipment as packages inorder to lessen our expen se. Hardwa re and Softw are is our mu ch focus as pects. We d idresearching on how much the Hardware and software will cost us, through net surfing. Thein ternet con nection we u sed is Package p lan of DSL Ba yan tel amou nting P9,79 9.00 withcapacity for 20 computers and have a speed of 2 Mbps.In Hardware our target number of PC is 15 (monitor-flatscreen, keyboard, PS2 mouse andprocess or, webcam),The In ternet con nection is a p ackage of Ba yan tel DSL conn ected(cables) with the speed of 2mbps amounting 9,799.00, 3 in 1Printer, Scanner & Photocopier. InSoftware, we will installing original Operating System of Ms Office Professional 2007 likes MSWord, Excel, Power point, Access, Desktop Publishing and installing

the popular on line gamessuch World of warcraft , CounterStrike, Battle Realms, Dance Audition, Auto Jam, and we willbe installing Norton 360 version 3.0 premium for our anti-virus and anti-spyware. We offer other service to customers likes printing in black and white, DVD/CD burning, photocopying,scanners, and payphone. L i s t o f H a r d w a r e B r a n d n a m e A m o u n t P a c k a g e P C s P e n t i u m 4 P h p . 1 9 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 3 in 1 PSC HP Officejet 2610 Print/Scan/Copy Php. 14,500.00C o m p u t e r a p p l i c a t i o n s o f t w a r e A m o u n t OS MS Office 2007 Php. 19,200.00Game software:W a r c r a f t ( d o t a ) P h p . 1 , 4 5 0 . 0 0 C o u n t e r s t r i k e s P h p . 3 5 0 . 0 0 B a t t l e R e a l m s P h p . 7 2 0 . 0 0 D a n c e A u d i t i o n P h p . 1 , 9 6 8 . 0 0 A u t o j a m P h p . 1 , 9 6 8 . 0 0 Anti-virus and anti spy warePhp. 10,800.00

The latest and Greatest Internet CafYou can text or E-mail through this number a free 1 hour introductory price!

oo o o MARKETING ASPECT In marketing aspect, promoting business will use different strategies and techniques toattract probable customers. And offer promos to attract customer like Computer to rent for cheap 40 for every 3 hours Membership- (the customers will be given a card to be stamped every visit and if theygot 25 stamped there every 2 hours is 20% discounted) Contest for gamers (the winner will be free on their rental charge & to be held everySaturday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm only.)We create some marketing strategies like; we will print a thousands little half or quarter page fliers printed with the

total cost of Php 908.00 (500 pcs. on the small fliers that cost of Php. 220.50 while the second fliers is also 500 pcs. with the cost of Php. 687.50), a monthbefore our opening and we will distribute the fliers, mailboxes or gate. If we get a lot of text ande-mail we know we already have a market.We will put tarpaulin on the place itself where our shop is standing, promoting the openingof our Internet caf also one month before the opening. To let people know that there will benew Internet Shop on the vicinity. Tarpaulin size is 35 x 70, the streamers amount is Php340.27, And another tarpaulin for the services with the size of 29 x 39 amounting of P157.08 FLIERS

Services Its the factor that affect mostly ones business because through services customer willdecide if they are satisfied or not. Price It is one of the considerations of the customer that enhance them to rent computers. If theprice is lower they will rent.Our services are the following:AmountI n t e r n e t / G a m e s P h p . 1 5 . 0 0 / h o u r Printing black and white- Php. 3.00 (short)Php. 4.00 (long)C o l o r e d (depends on the size of the color)Php. 10.00 (minimum) ex. LogosPhotocopying Php. 1.00 (short)Php. 1.25 ( l o n g ) Scanning Php. 10.00C D b u r

n i n 5 . 0 1 7 s e r v i c . 0

g s P h p . 3 0 ( m a x . s o n g s ) O t h e r e s : P a y p h o n e s P h p . 5 0 / e v e r y 3 m i n

MANPOWER Manpower requirements are very important to any business in order for them to have anintelligent and accurate people who will manipulate inside the firm. Requirements will serve asbasis on personal and general background of an employee enable for the company to knowthe capacity of their skills and ability to do work to the assign for them.Business owner will be in charge in human resource. The personnel to man Internet cafewill be the industrial partner who works by shift, 8 hours a day, the first shift

is from 7:00 am to3:00 pm while the second shift is from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm. A walk in technician will be calledin case of computers malfunctions and he will visit the shop twice a month.Walking Technician P400.00/visit twice a monthESTIMATED ANNUAL COST FOR MANPOWERFor Walking Technician ----- P9, 600.00/year (800*12)Additional budget allocation for computer troubleshooting Php. 500 (500*12)(Just incase our technician is not available.)M A N A G E R M s . M a . N o r m i t a C a v a Ms. Jacquelyn B. SantosA C C O U N T A N T M s . E v e l y n M a c a b o d b o d CASHIER/COMPUTER ASSISTA N T M s . A n g e l i c a A q u i n o Ms. Katherine Trinidad I.T. Mr. Tomy Alejandro

JOB FUNCTIONS P O S I T I O N F U N C T I O N M A N A G E R E s t a b l i s h e s s t o re p o l i c i e s a n d p r o c e d u r e f o r s t r i c t i m p l em e n t a t i o n Execute final decisions on all matters pertaining to the operationand the management functions of the business- Audit individual computers to check for proper system- Visit the shop alternate everydayA C C O U N T A N T Check the book of accounts and finan c i a l s t a t e m e n t i n d a i l y b a s i s - Handles license renewals,facilities preparation and payment of annual tax

generated by the business.- Visit the shop every other day.COMPUTER ASSISTANT /C A S H I E R A c c e p t p a y m e n t - Maintains inventory of supplies in the shop- To assist customers in their needs- Maintain cleanliness and orderliness.Help conserve Utilities consumption- Logging the customers hours consumedI . T . I n c h a r g e i n c o m p u t e r m a i n t e n a n c e * I . T . E x p e r t - Provide information and/ or technical aspect

OPERATION OF A BUSINESS Factors that we consider while putting up our own Internet cafe o Location Picking a good spot and well hit us a gold mine. o Competition Most business-minded people think of competition as a race to charge thelowest prices in order to win customers. While its good for the customers, exceedingthe lower boundaries can drive you

and your competitors to bankruptcy. One cannotexpect to recover a Php500, 000 investments if hourly rentals go down to as low asPhp10. It goes without saying that in this industry, there are no customer loyalty; justcheaper rentals. o Software Licensing-its really important to have an original operating system, becausepirated OS can eventually damage the system. o Expected ROI- investing money in a business is a risk in our case the well tabulated if financial statement is our major concern.Caf opens at 7:00 am until 10:00 pm. Ahead of other competitors, this will lead us of beingknown. Our goal is to give the needs of the students and others in an early manner of time. Itwill also include the completion all legal requirements before the operation of business. Inoperational procedure we keep in minds all the legal aspects of establishing a business suchas Business permit & the following requirements are:LEGAL REQUIREMENTS o Registration with BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) o Registration of business name with DTI ( Department of Trade and Industry) o Barangay Clearance and Business Permit o Mayors PermitBARANGAY CLEARANCEThe proposal business will secure Barangay permit that is our responsibilities. It wouldmake the immediate community to be aware of the business that would give satisfaction andpromote community involvement.REGISTRATION OF NAME WITH DTI

The proposed business should be registered with DTI to assure that any organization of individual for their business proposal for future use would not copy the name of our business. Itacquires 15 days period of processing before the name of the business registered certificatecan be issued by the said government agency.BUSINESS/MAYORS PERMITBusiness Permit must be applied with the licensing office at the Municipal Hall of thesaid locality. It woul d be base d on the rep orted business entity to be put up; we securedbarangay clearance as a requirement for an application.Bureau of Internal RevenueThe proposed business should register with BIR and secured TIN (Tax IdentificationNumber) which will be used as simplifying the record control producers relating to taxation andsecuring VAT (Value Added Tax)MAYORS PERMITMayors permit must acquired before the operation of the businessSteps in processing permitsSTEP 11. Business Name Registration CertificateValidity: 5 yearsRequirements: o Accomplished Business Name Registration Form [Single Proprietorship/Partnership] o Tax Identification Number (TIN) o Registration fee of P 300.00STEP 2Mayors / Business PermitLocal Municipality where the business is locatedValidity: 1 year Requirements:

o Accomplished Business Permit Application Form o DTI-Business Name Certificate o Sketch of he business location o Barangay Clearance o Lease ContractSTEP 3 o Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) National OfficeSTEP 4Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) CertificateRequirements: o Verification Slip Form (re: proposed name) o Accomplished Registration Data SheetLEGAL REQUIREMENTS COSTBarangay Clearance -----150.00M a y o r s P e r m i t - - - - - - 9 , 5 1 4 . 0 0 Business Tax 1,400.00Mayors Permit2,096.00Business Plate 350.00R e f u s e F e e 2 , 3 8 4 . 0 0 Sanitary Permit2,064.00Health Certificate 200.00Occupational Tax 200.00I n s p e c t i o n F e e 2 0 0 . 0 0 - Filing 100.00Processing 120.00Z o n i n g 4 0 0 . 0 0 B I R 3 0 0 . 0 0 D T I

5 0 0

Total ------ P 10,464.00

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