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The correct answer to each question is shown in green bold text below. The red line through the answer indicates your answer selection was wrong.

1. Where is the Statue of Liberty? No answer was selected y y y y Long Island New York Harbor [CORRECT] San Francisco Bay Boston Harbor

2. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? No answer was selected y y y y ended World War I freed the slaves [CORRECT] gave women the right to vote gave the United States independence from Great Britain

3. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? No answer was selected y y y y December 7, 1787 July 4, 1789 July 4, 1776 [CORRECT] March 4, 1789

4. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? No answer was selected y y y y the Declaration of Independence the Bill of Rights [CORRECT] the inalienable rights the Articles of Confederation

1. Why does the flag have 50 stars? No answer was selected y y y y because there is one star for each president because there is one star for each state [CORRECT] because there were 50 original colonies because there were 50 people who originally came to the United States

2. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves? No answer was selected

y y y y

English Canadians Dutch Africans [CORRECT]

3. What happened at the Constitutional Convention? No answer was selected y y y y The Declaration of Independence was written. The Emancipation Proclamation was written. The Constitution was written. [CORRECT] The Virginia Declaration of Rights was written.

4. What are the two major political parties in the United States? No answer was selected y y y y American and Bull-Moose Democratic and Republican [CORRECT] Democratic-Republican and Whigs Reform and Green

1. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? No answer was selected y y y y the Declaration of Independence the Bill of Rights [CORRECT] the inalienable rights the Articles of Confederation

2. What is an amendment? No answer was selected y y y y the beginning of the Declaration of Independence the Preamble to the Constitution an addition (to the Constitution) [CORRECT] an introduction

3. Name one right only for United States citizens. No answer was selected y y y y freedom of religion attend public school run for federal office [CORRECT] freedom of speech

4. Who was President during World War I? No answer was selected y y y Woodrow Wilson [CORRECT] Franklin Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt

Warren Harding

1. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years? No answer was selected y y y y eight (8) four (4) two (2) [CORRECT] six (6)

2. Who did the United States fight in World War II? No answer was selected y y y y Austria-Hungary, Japan, and Germany the Soviet Union, Germany, and Italy Japan, Germany, and Italy [CORRECT] Japan, China, and Vietnam

3. What is the political party of the President now? No answer was selected y y y y Republican Party Democratic Party [CORRECT] Independent Party Green Party

4. What is the "rule of law"? No answer was selected y y y y Everyone must follow the law. [CORRECT] Everyone but the President must follow the law. Government does not have to follow the law. All laws must be the same in every state.

1. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? No answer was selected y y y y Abraham Lincoln James Madison George Washington Thomas Jefferson [CORRECT]

2. What are two Cabinet-level positions? No answer was selected y y y y Secretary of Homeland Security and Secretary of the Treasury [CORRECT] Secretary of Health and Human Services and Secretary of the Navy Secretary of Weather and Secretary of Energy Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of History

3. What is the name of the national anthem? No answer was selected y y y y God Bless the U.S.A. The Star-Spangled Banner [CORRECT] My Country Tis of Thee America the Beautiful

4. Name one state that borders Mexico. No answer was selected y y y y Arkansas Alabama California [CORRECT] Florida

1. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? No answer was selected y y y y December 7, 1787 July 4, 1789 July 4, 1776 [CORRECT] March 4, 1789

2. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military? No answer was selected y y y y the Vice President the Secretary of Defense the President [CORRECT] the Attorney General

3. Who was the first President? No answer was selected y y y y George Washington [CORRECT] John Adams Abraham Lincoln Thomas Jefferson

4. Who makes federal laws? No answer was selected y y y y the Supreme Court the President Congress [CORRECT] the states

1. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves? No answer was selected

y y y y

English Canadians Dutch Africans [CORRECT]

2. Who makes federal laws? No answer was selected y y y y the Supreme Court the President Congress [CORRECT] the states

3. What does the judicial branch do? No answer was selected y y y y resolves disputes decides if a law goes against the Constitution reviews laws all of these answers [CORRECT]

4. What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States? No answer was selected y y y y Arctic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean [CORRECT]

1. What is the name of the national anthem? No answer was selected y y y y God Bless the U.S.A. The Star-Spangled Banner [CORRECT] My Country Tis of Thee America the Beautiful

2. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? No answer was selected y y y y Congress shall make We the British We the Colonists We the People [CORRECT]

3. What is the highest court in the United States? No answer was selected y y the Supreme Court [CORRECT] the Court of Appeals

y y

the District Court the Federal Court

4. What does the Constitution do? No answer was selected y y y y all of these answers [CORRECT] sets up the government defines the government protects basic rights of Americans

1. What are the two major political parties in the United States? No answer was selected y y y y American and Bull-Moose Democratic and Republican [CORRECT] Democratic-Republican and Whigs Reform and Green

2. When was the Constitution written? No answer was selected y y y y 1776 1787 [CORRECT] 1789 1790

3. There were 13 original states. Name three. No answer was selected y y y y New York, Kentucky, and Georgia Washington, Oregon, and California Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina [CORRECT] Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida

4. What is the name of the President of the United States now? No answer was selected y y y y Bill Clinton Barack Obama [CORRECT] Joe Biden George W. Bush

1. In what month do we vote for President? No answer was selected y y y y January February October November [CORRECT]

2. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now? No answer was selected y y y y Al Gore Barack Obama Dick Cheney Joe Biden [CORRECT]

3. When must all men register for the Selective Service? No answer was selected y y y y at any age between eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26) [CORRECT] at age sixteen (16) men do not have to register

4. Who is in charge of the executive branch? No answer was selected y y y y the Prime Minister the Chief Justice the Speaker of the House the President [CORRECT]

1. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens? No answer was selected y y y y obey the law pay taxes serve on a jury [CORRECT] be respectful of others

2. Why does the flag have 50 stars? No answer was selected y y y y because there is one star for each president because there is one star for each state [CORRECT] because there were 50 original colonies because there were 50 people who originally came to the United States

3. Who does a U.S. Senator represent? No answer was selected y y y y all people of the state [CORRECT] the state legislatures only the people in the state who voted for the Senator all people of the state who belong to the Senator's political party

4. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now? No answer was selected

y y y y

Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden John Boehner [CORRECT]

1. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them. No answer was selected y y y y Citizens eighteen (18) and older can vote. [CORRECT] Citizens seventeen (17) and older can vote. Only citizens with a job can vote. Citizens by birth only can vote.

2. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? No answer was selected y y y y Abraham Lincoln James Madison George Washington Thomas Jefferson [CORRECT]

3. Why does the flag have 13 stripes? No answer was selected y y y y because the stripes represent the members of the Second Continental Congress because it was considered lucky to have 13 stripes on the flag because the stripes represent the original colonies [CORRECT] because the stripes represent the number of signatures on the U.S. Constitution

4. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves? No answer was selected y y y y English Canadians Dutch Africans [CORRECT]

1. Who is in charge of the executive branch? No answer was selected y y y y the Prime Minister the Chief Justice the Speaker of the House the President [CORRECT]

2. Name one branch or part of the government. No answer was selected y y United Nations parliament

y y

state government legislative [CORRECT]

3. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States? No answer was selected y y y y freedom to petition the government and freedom to disobey traffic laws freedom of worship and freedom to make treaties with other countries freedom of speech and freedom of worship [CORRECT] freedom of speech and freedom to run for president

4. What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States? No answer was selected y y y y Pacific Ocean [CORRECT] Southern Ocean Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean

1. Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II? No answer was selected y y y y Herbert Hoover Calvin Coolidge Franklin Roosevelt [CORRECT] Harry Truman

2. What is the "rule of law"? No answer was selected y y y y Everyone must follow the law. [CORRECT] Everyone but the President must follow the law. Government does not have to follow the law. All laws must be the same in every state.

3. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? No answer was selected y y y y the Declaration of Independence the Bill of Rights [CORRECT] the inalienable rights the Articles of Confederation

4. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now? No answer was selected y y y y Al Gore Barack Obama Dick Cheney Joe Biden [CORRECT]

1. Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in? No answer was selected y y y y Vietnam War Civil War Spanish-American War World War II [CORRECT]

2. Who makes federal laws? No answer was selected y y y y the Supreme Court the President Congress [CORRECT] the states

3. What is the political party of the President now? No answer was selected y y y y Republican Party Democratic Party [CORRECT] Independent Party Green Party

4. What are two Cabinet-level positions? No answer was selected y y y y Secretary of Homeland Security and Secretary of the Treasury [CORRECT] Secretary of Health and Human Services and Secretary of the Navy Secretary of Weather and Secretary of Energy Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of History

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