February 26 2012

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Grand Rapids FRC Bulletin

February 26, 2012

The Sunday School/catechism classes (Beginners 7 grade) Psalter of the month is #36: 1, 3, 4. Please review with your children. Next months Psalter is #47 vs. 1, 8, 9, 10. The consistory requests your prayers regarding their upcoming meeting in March at which time they need to draft a list of names for office bearers. The terms of office for elders Kleyn and Vant Voort and deacons Kleyn and VanderBoon expire in June. PRTS cordially invites you and your congregation to a special evening with Mr. Randy Hekman, February 29, at 7:30pm. Mr. Hekmans topic is Reawakening: Americas only real answer. Please see the bulletin board in the Narthex for more details. Text: Mark 14: 1-11 The PRTS Library is in need of a new or used cassette player. If you have one that you are willing to donate, please see Henk Kleyn, Jerry Bilkes, or Laura Mustafa.

9:30 AM Jesus loves the radical love of His people 1. Hear Him! 2. See Him! 3. Love Him!

Scripture: Mark 14:1-11; John 12:1-8

5:50 PM - SONG SERVICE Psalter 187: all 6 PM Gods Ministering Spirits 1. Let us admit them!

~ Calendar ~

The Lord willing... James 4:15

Today 26 (Sunday) 4 PM Young Peoples meeting. Snack: La Rocque 2. Let us appreciate them! 3. Let us adore God with them! February 28 (Tuesday) 9:30 AM Ladies Bible Study. Coffee is at 9:30. The lesson starts at 10. Nursery is provided. Women of all ages welcome. Our next lesson is Lesson 7, page 79-90. March 3 (Saturday) 7 AM Mens Bible Study breakfast at Rainbow Grill in Hudsonville. March 3 (Saturday) 7 PM (YABS) Young Adult Book Study. Game night. I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplication. Psalm 116: 1 March 6 (Tuesday) 7 PM Dorcas Guild meeting. Our project for this month is to make Hope Totes for Mel Trotter Mission. You will find the totes to be filled, in the narthex. March 7 (Wednesday) 7:30 PM Consistory meeting.

Scripture: Hebrews 1

Text: Hebrews 1:14 & Belgic Confession 12(b)

~ From The Consistory ~

Visitors, welcome. We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us this Lords Day. Today, Pastor Joel Overduin of our Mitchell FRC will preach for us. Next Sunday, Dr. Jerry Bilkes will conduct or services, Lord willing.

March 10 (Saturday) 7 PM Informal service at Mel Trotter Mission. The congregation is invited to join us for our Annual Forgotten Man Ministries Dinner on Tuesday, March 13 or Thursday, March 15 at Calvary Church (707 East Beltline, Entrance J). Punch bowl at 6 PM. Dinner begins at 6:30. Contact Kimberly Kleyn at 616.896.6949 if you are interested in attending.

~ Church Family ~
Thanks to everyone for the prayers, calls, visits, cards, and many other tokens of kindness given to us during and after Dean's surgery. God has again been gracious. "For thou hast been ... a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm." Isaiah 25:4 ~Dean & Carol Prince Please Remember in Our Prayers: Mr. Dave Huisjen, Mr. Case Kwekel Shut-ins: Mr. Vincent Faasse, Mrs. Dorothy Hitchcock, Mr. Cornelius Jobse and Mr. Case Kwekel. Servicemen: Dan Arnoudse, Jacob Hubach and Tyler Prince.

~ Nursery ~
Mother In Charge February: Taunya VanDoodewaard Today: AM A: B: PM A B: Michelle Bilkes, Alexia Pronk Heather Engelsma, Meta Moerdyk Laura DeJong Misty Huckstead Jacqueline DeBlaay, Maddie Prince

Mother In Charge March: Jen Pennings Next Week: AM A: B: PM A: B: Jamie Beeke, Susan Osmun Julie Spaans, Makenna Pronk Kathy Pols, Rineke Ude Sonia Wielhouwer, Abbie Prince

~ Ushers ~
Today Next Week AM Chris Engelsma AM Pete VanStrien PM Bill Moerdyk PM Sam Moerdyk

~ Offerings ~
Today Next Week st 1 collection: Denominational General nd 2 collection: Education Building Box at Exits: Pregnancy Resource Center Guatemala Mission

LITURGY February 26, 2012 Morning Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 227 Law Psalter: 324 Scripture Reading: Mark 14:1-11; John 12:1-8 Text: Mark 14: 1-11 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 277: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 Sermon: Jesus loves the radical love of His people Psalter: 124: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 Prayer Offertory Psalter: 55 Benediction Doxology: 315 ******

Song Service: Psalter 187:all

LITURGY February 26, 2012 Evening Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 241: 1, 4, 5, 6 Scripture Reading: Hebrews 1 Text: Hebrews 1:14 & Belgic Confession 12(b) Psalter: 276 Apostles Creed Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 432 Sermon: Gods Ministering Spirits Psalter: 90: 1, 3, 4 Prayer Offertory Psalter: 249 Benediction Doxology: 282

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