22 02 12 British Ambassador Offers Praise and Cooperation in Bahrain's Reform Process Warns of Iranian Interference in Bahrain's Internal Affairs

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British Ambassador Offers Praise and Cooperation in Bahrains Reform Process; Warns of Iranian Interference in Bahrains Internal Affairs

Information Affairs Authority, 22nd February 2012: The British Ambassador to Bahrain, HE Mr. Iain Lindsay, praised King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa's reform project and his initiative in establishing the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI). During a roundtable discussion, under the theme "External Factors in Bahraini-British Relations: Scope of Regional Cooperation" at a British-Bahraini Relations forum in Bahrain yesterday, Lindsay condemned the street violence that continues in Bahrain despite initiatives calling for peace, dialogue, and observing law and order. He singled out the Ministry of Interior for its handling of violent incidents in an appropriate manner. The Ambassador referred to a meeting between the British Prime Minister and HM the King, where they discussed the possibility for Bahrain to benefit from Britain's experience in dealing with the street violence seen in Northern Ireland. At the roundtable, Lindsay discussed regional developments, and voiced his country's apprehension about Iranian nuclear ambitions, warning that a nuclear Iran poses a great threat to Middle East security. HE Mr. Lindsay went on to accuse Iran of supporting terrorism, highlighting their role in Afghanistan. He discussed Iranian attempts to destabilize the region through Hezbollah and militias in Iraq, as well as supplying equipment and logistics to the Syrian regime. He also spoke about the Iranian regimes violations of Human Rights. The British Ambassador praised the vital role played by Bahrain in fighting terrorism and overseas piracy, and spoke highly of Bahrain's current developments and its open businessfriendly atmosphere. He called on British investors to invest in the Kingdom of Bahrain in order to take advantage of the attractive investment potential and regional competition.


Information Affairs Authority, P.O. Box 253, Isa Town, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: (+973) 17 872 556 / Fax: (+973) 17 682 777

For press enquiries, please contact our Press Office on press@info.gov.bh or Ms. Luma Bashmi on: Luma E. Bashmi Acting Director of International Media Affairs President's Office Information Affairs Authority P.O. Box 253 Isa Town, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: (+973) 17 872 556 Fax: (+973) 17 682 777 Email: lbashmi@info.gov.bh

Information Affairs Authority, P.O. Box 253, Isa Town, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: (+973) 17 872 556 / Fax: (+973) 17 682 777

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