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April 18, 2003

html Just about fifty years ago, James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA (a structure they call the double helix). Scientists all over the world are presently celebrating the 50th anniversary of this momentous discovery. Since its discovery, DNA has become the foundation of the sciences of Genetics and has given birth to genetic engineering. As we all know, scientists believe in the significance of genes. Genes are certainly important but here at the Magi Society, we think scientists have taken their fervor for genetics much too far when they assert that all of us are the product of our parents genes. As astrologers, we believe we are more the result of our astrologically derived natal charts. These two viewpoints could not be more different. Scientists have been telling us that all of our abilities, such as our athletic, mental and artistic skills and talents, are all directly derived from our parents genes. For over 50 years, the public around the world has not seriously questioned the scientists assertions about the power of genes. But scientists are wrong about this and it is time that astrologers unite and question the validity of the scientists assertion that we are what we are because of our genes. The Magi Society would like to point out that what scientists are really telling us is that if we do not have great genes, then our children are screwed because they will not have great genes. This would mean that unless we have great genes, our children would not be very talented. If genes were as important as scientists assert, it would mean that all average parents are screwed because average parents would have no chance of having super talented

children. And children of average parents would also be screwed. You see, what the scientists are really saying is: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE GREAT GENES, THEN YOUR CHILDREN WILL NOT HAVE GREAT GENES AND YOUR CHILDREN ARE SCREWED. Scientists never put it that way but that is what they are really saying when they say that we are the product of our genes.

How sad that would be! That is a horrible message but that is what scientists are really saying when they say we inherit our abilities from our parents genes. The Magi Society has a completely different message to the world. We believe that all parents have a chance to have children who are especially gifted and talented, even it the parents are not especially gifted themselves. The Magi Societys message is a wonderful one for all parents because all parents hope that their children will be special, even if they themselves are not.


Scientists have been predicting that genetic engineering will result in medical advances that will solve many health problems, create marvelous new drugs and will help humankind to lead healthier and longer lives. So far, none of these optimistic predictions have come true. Instead, the discovery of DNA has been used to reinforce one of sciences favorite assertions that we are the products of our parents genes. Scientists seem to be at home when they deal in the world of physical matter, such as DNA structure and things we can touch, see, hear, taste or smell. But science seems lost when it comes to anything that we cannot use our five senses to measure. Examples of things we cannot touch, see, hear, taste or smell would be our individuality, our personality, our energy level and our artistic and mental abilities. Scientists are convinced that the key to our individuality and abilities lie in the 10 thousand or so genes that are in our chromosomes. They tell us that our abilities are derived from these genes. In other words, according to science, we are what we are because of our genes, and we inherit our genes directly from our parents. At the Magi Society, we are astrologers. As astrologers, it is necessary to ask: If scientists were correct that genes and DNA are the primary influences on our uniqueness and individuality, where would that leave astrology? What is the importance of a natal chart if genes are as crucial as scientists assert?

Of course the Magi Society is very well aware that almost all scientists believe that there no value whatsoever to natal charts and that scientists simply ignore astrology. And we all also know that most astrologers have simply ignored genetics. But there is value and truth to both natal charts and genetics. It is time to combine the science of genetics with astrology and the way to begin to do so is to utilize Magi Astrology. We are not going to deal much with genetics at this time on this website you can read about genetics on zillions of other websites. But this website will tell you about ways natal charts influence our genes and are more important than our genes, and how our natal chart influences who and what we are and we promise we will do this better here on this website than any other website.


There is definitely truth to some theories in genetics. For example, genes have a bearing on us in matters such as the color of our hair and eyes, our blood type, skin color, and many other such physical ways. But at the Magi Society, we have learned through Magi Astrology with certainty that astrology is more powerful than genetics in shaping exactly who we are. Our natal charts have a much more powerful and deeper influence on us than our genes. Our genes determine our species, BUT it is our astrological natal chart that decides our place and individuality WITHIN our species. Our genes determine that we are human beings as opposed to being a cat, dog or any other species. But our natal chart tells us how we differ from other members of our species, especially in terms of our personality, likes, dislikes, preferences and our relative abilities and talents. To put it another way, it is our genes that make us human beings rather than dogs, cats or some bird. But it is our astrological natal chart that tells us what kind of human being we are most likely to be and what abilities we are blessed with. Genes will determine some of our personal physical attributes like the color of our eyes, hair and skin. But our natal chart gives us accurate signs about the type of person we are most likely to be whether we will be submissive or aggressive, artistic or logical, etc.

Our natal chart will give us reliable signs about our special abilities and talents for example, the stars can foretell if we can be great musicians or athletes, or math geniuses or great writers. Even though scientists claim otherwise, Genetics simply will not tell us what special talents we are blessed with. (Havent you noticed we almost never have more than one great talent if genes worked, we would.) Some of you may be surprised by what we just wrote since most scientists insist that genetics is what determines our talents or special skills, such as whether or not we can be great musicians, mathematicians or athletes. But this is simply not the case and scientists are ignoring all the facts that point to this significant limitation in the power of genes. The fact is that parents simply do not pass on their abilities to their children through their genes. Think about this: How many great musicians have children who become great musicians? How many great mathematicians have children who become great mathematicians? How many great athletes have children who become great athletes? Almost none. Who is Michael Jordans father and mother? Who is Wayne Gretzkys father and mother? Who is Sandy Koufaxs father and mother? Guess what? Jordan, Gretzky and Koufax were the best athletes of their time but none of their parents were great athletes. Virtually all great athletes were born of parents who were not great athletes.

The same is true beyond athletes. Although scientists stubbornly push their theory that talent is inherited from genes, if you look around the world you will see that the facts are completely the opposite. The fact is that in every field of endeavor, virtually every super talented person or genius was born from parents who were not super talented. Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Einstein, Beethoven, Mozart, Leonardo De Vinci, Dickens, Nureyev, and on and on. You name the genius and we bet you cannot name either of the parents because you will find that neither parent was a genius. Ironically, this is also the case for James Watson and Francis Crick. Just think about it scientists have been telling us something that is completely contrary to what actually happens in real life and they have been getting away with it, as usual. That must change! Here is another fact that obliterates the scientists contention that talent is inherited through genes: Not only are the parents of geniuses normal, so are the children of geniuses.

The fact is that in every field of endeavor, virtually every super talented person or genius has children who are AVERAGE. Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Einstein, Beethoven, Mozart, Leonardo De Vinci, Dickens, Nureyev, and on and on. You name the genius and we bet you cannot name any of their children because you will find that none of their children were genius quality. Ironically, this is also the case for James Watson and Francis Crick. What does this all mean? It means that genetics, DNA and genes cannot be the crucial basis of special abilities. If genes were as important as scientists assert, then super talented parents would normally have super talented children. This would mean that there would be dynasties but THERE ARE NO DYNASTIES. More importantly, if genes were as important as scientists assert, it would mean that all average parents are screwed because average parents would have no chance of having

super talented children. You see, what the scientists are really saying is: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE GREAT GENES, THEN YOUR CHILDREN WILL NOT HAVE GREAT GENES AND YOUR CHILDREN ARE SCREWED. Scientists never put it that way but that is what they are really saying when they say that we are the product of our genes. Such a message would be a horrible on e for most of us to have to live with because more than anything else, most parents want our children to have a chance for greatness. Fortunately, Magi Astrology gives all of us a much more hopeful message. Our message is: A BENEVOLENT PROVIDENCE DESIGNED ASTROLOGY SO THAT ALL PARENTS HAVE A CHANCE TO HAVE ESPECIALLY GIFTED CHILDREN. NO MATTER WHAT OUR GENES ARE, NO MATTER HOW POOR WE ARE, WE CAN STILL HAVE ESPECIALLY GIFTED CHILDREN BECAUSE GOD DESIGNED ASTROLOGY TO HELP US TO HAVE SUCH BLESSED CHILDREN. This is because the Planetary Geometry formed in the sky at the time we are born is what determines what special abilities we are blessed with. At the Magi Society, our research has helped us to discover that astrology, especially Planetary Geometry, is the crucial determinant of special talents. It is the Planetary Geometry of the day a person is born that most precisely determines what special abilities the person was born with. We explained much of this in our three books and we will do so again on this website.


For thousands of years, astrologers have tried to discover the astrological factors that determined who would be born with special abilities with little success. The lack of success is mainly due to the fact that astrologers stopped at the number TWO. Traditional Astrology stops at the number 2 and this has been a big problem for astrology. But Magi Astrology goes well beyond the number 2. Traditional Astrology is very limited because it examines aspects formed by just two planets, such as Venus and Mars; or Jupiter and the Sun. But Magi Astrology is advanced enough to be used to analyze aspects made between more than two planets, such as between Jupiter, Pluto and Mars; or between Mars, Pluto, Uranus and Chiron. Magi Astrology deals with Multiple-Planet Aspects, but Traditional Astrology deals with aspects made up of only two planets. It is Multiple-Planet Aspects that are the stars signs of special talents. A PERSON WHO IS ESPECIALLY TALENTED WILL HAVE A MULTIPLE-PLANET ASPECT THAT FORETELLS THE NATURE OF THE SPECIAL TALENT.

There is more than one type of Multiple-Planet Aspect and we deal with them in our three books. The simplest form of Multiple-Planet Aspect is called PLANETARY SYNCHRONIZATION. Planetary Synchronization occurs when three or more planets are aligned such that each of the planets forms an aspect to each of the other planets. For example, a Grand Trine is a Planetary Synchronization because each of the three planets are in aspect to each of the other planets; all the three planets forming a Grand Trine are viewed as being SYNCHRONIZED. We are going to add a great deal of material about Planetary Synchronization to this section of our website in the future. But right now, we want to just make available to you the Magi Astrology Charts of 10 of the best basketball players that ever lived, all of whom won awards as Most Valuable Player. Every one of them was born on a day when there was extraordinary Planetary Synchronization.

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