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at the New Jersey Institute of Technology Stanley Gawlik, President –

Elizabeth Lee, Vice President –
Michael Gonzalez, NCC –
Grace Lee, Secretary –
Patrick McGrail, Treasurer –
Christopher Ojeda, Public Relations Officer –
Karen Quackenbush, Advisor -

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Residence Hall Association Minutes – September 29th, 2008
I. Introduction
i. Called to order at 11:44am
II. Approved Minutes
i. Pending that III. Reports v. b. be changed from “Fundraising” to “Food” and V. New Business iii.
d. “Waived requirement in Article VII Section 1 – “Proposals for funding must be presented in
writing at an RHA meeting taking place at least one week in advance for the proposed event.” By
2/3 majority vote of RHA general body” be added in
III. Reports
i. President
a. E-Board update – meeting yesterday, Sunday 9/28/08, talked about fundraising
opportunities, committee updates
b. RHA Newsletter response in Vector – about Trayless, including statistics from GDS
c. Guest List – Lt. Tighe (today), Mr. Fishbach (next week), Dean Gentul (next week)
d. Christmas Dinner – with Bob Moran, working on using Flex to buy special dinners near
Christmas break
e. Green Team – Mike G/ Mark Bullock working on making Green Team and RHA
f. Meetings with Donna Minnich, Senate, SAC, NRHH, Peter Fishbach – E-Board is
working on getting in contact with and creating communication connections
ii. Vice President
a. “Dorm Storm” with Dr. Bloom – NJPIRG (New Jersey Public Interest Research
Group), voting for NJIT students in the Newark area (for those who cannot go back
home to vote during presidential elections), setting up a polling area in Newark where
students will be transported and can vote, meeting Thursday 10/2/08 @10:00am
Cypress 114
iii. National Communication Coordinator
a. CAACURH – application process is being set up, 9 people can attend (including
President, NCC, Advisor – must go), learn about RHAs across the nation and how they
run, their policies, etc., lots of spirit – win “spirit stick”, need to make dances, roll call,
school pins, Mike proposing next Monday 10/6/08
iv. Treasurer
a. Budget – Hall Raiser costs added in allocated funds
v. Public Relations Officer
a. Town Hall Meeting – on the CC green, students voice concerns and opinions about
NJIT life, encourages involvement of students who don’t go to RHA
b. Publicity Committee/ commercials – advertisement, flyers
vi. Senate
vii. Hall Council Representatives
a. Redwood – first meeting Wednesday 10/1/08 @ 10:00pm Redwood Front Lounge
b. Cypress – first meeting Monday 9/28/08 @ 9:00pm Cypress Lounge
c. Laurel – first meeting Wednesday 10/1/08 @ 9:00pm, representatives coming next
d. Oak – first meeting Wednesday 10/1/08 @ 9:00pm
viii. RA Representatives
a. Redwood – Munish : Tennis Extravaganza date switched to Sunday 10/5 @ 9pm Tennis
Courts due to rainy weather, Hurricane Ike (collecting clothes, food, and donations
from now until the end of the semester for victims)
b. Cypress – Kati/Johanna :
c. Laurel – Jackie : Academic program (civil/environmental E program including study
abroad), (Game Night (9/29 Laurel TV Lounge), “Cramming with Cookies” (9/29
CAPE), “Heroes Mania” (9/29) , “Caramel Apple Making” (9/28)
d. Oak – environmental video/pizza (9/30 @ 9:00pm Oak TV Lounge)
ix. Committees
a. BGA
b. NRHH – Munish 10/23/08 is application deadline, still trying to market through RHA
and Hall Council
c. Programming – met last Thursday 9/25/08 @ 7:00pm, made a proposal for Halloween
d. Food – met last Friday 9/26/08 @ 7:07pm, went through some complaints, figuring out
a system to bring them up to Fishbach, Chris sent email to Fishbach
e. Fundraising – met Wednesday 9/24/08, talked about NJIT Carnival Day, RHA is in
charge of a booth (ball tossed into bucket at an angle), meeting Tuesday 9/28/08 @
9:15pm Redwood 615
IV. Old Business
i. Clarification of precedent that at least one member of the proposing party must be present at the
RHA meeting when the proposal is being proposed
a. Voting right clarification
1. 2 consecutive attended weeks, the 3rd week = voting rights
2. 2 consecutive absent weeks = loss of voting rights
b. General body has voted that at least one person from the proposing party must be
present at the RHA meeting when the proposal is being proposed
ii. Enforcing Senator at large to attend RHA meetings / RHA representative to Senate
a. Ken – suggestion that “Senator at Large” should be taken out of constitution (title/job)
b. Stan will ask Senate about Senator at Large during meeting
iii. NY Anime Festival event report – Kati DiRaimondo
a. Success, 20+ people, attendees all went together, could come and go as they please,
many reported that they would do it again
V. New Business
i. Lt. Charlie Tighe – Public Safety director of Police officers in each dorm
a. Hours 7am-3pm M-F
b. Will attend one RHA meeting a month
c. McArthy(Oak), Morgan(Laurel), Jay(Redwood), Ramos(Cypress)
ii. Hall Raisers Logo – Jaime Quevedo
a. Hall Raiser Background – helping only freshman move in, about 9yrs old, no official
logo, encourage freshman to get involved on campus
b. Clarification – RHA funds Hall Raisers
c. Add RHA in the logo somehow?
d. approved
iii. “Arabian Nights” – Wali Barker/ Quaison Carter
a. Residents of Laurel Eid celebration (10/2/08 @ Laurel meeting room), encourage
Muslim and non-Muslim to get together and learn about one another’s cultures, asking
for $140.00
b. Denied – program must be for all residents (not just Laurel residents)
1. encouraged to come back next week and change “Laurel” to all residents
2. Waived requirement in Article VII Section 1 – “Proposals for funding must be
presented in writing at an RHA meeting taking place at least one week in advance
for the proposed event.” By 2/3 majority vote of RHA general body so that Wali
can propose next week after the Arabian Nights program
iv. “C is for Commons” – Ken Schreihofer
a. Held in Redwood Lounge, serving free milk and cookies, will check for resident
stickers, good way to relax while studying for exams, asking for $55.00
b. approved
v. “Water Polo Competition” – Ken Schreihofer
a. Held in gym, 10 teams of 7 people, buy equipment (14 pinnies + water polo ball),
advertise through flyers, asking for $325.72
b. Swim team might be doing water polo event as well – team up with them, borrow
equipment instead of buying it
c. Lifeguard costs $$ (1 / approx 10 ppl)
d. Denied – need info on lifeguard(s), collaborate with swim team if possible
vi. “Halloween Party” – Programming Committee
a. Big party, special Facebook Ad ($5/day for 5 days = $25), decorations, karaoke, dance
contest, costume contest, etc., received donations from GDS, Part B - perhaps work
with CoCs to encourage commuters to come, asking for $692.00
b. Approved part A (re-propose if collaborating with CoCs)
VI. Open Floor and Services Issues
VII. Kudos and Shout Outs
i. Programming committee – Halloween Party
ii. Karen for being Karen
iii. Everyone whose program got approved
iv. Milk and Cookies
VIII. Announcements
i. NJIT Day 10/11/08 – $3 wristband + 5 free ride/game tickets, $5 at door
ii. Food committee meeting on Friday 10/3/08 at 7:00pm Redwood 606
iii. Fundraising committee meeting on Tuesday 9/30/08 @ 9:15pm Redwood 615
IX. Adjournment at 12:53pm

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