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Mugdha Godse changes eight spot boys in eight days!!

When Mugdha missed her Man Friday...
Mugdha Godse is one perfectionist. And it is this perfection that percolates to even spot boy level.
At the Bangkok shoot of Krishan Choudhry and Vipin Jains Will You Marry Me, directed by Aditya
V Datt, the actor changed six spot boys in one single day before the unit got one who made sense
to Mugdha. Says a source from the Ikkon Films unit, we got all actors spot boy locally as it would
bring down shoot costs and we dont have fly them down. But what happened
wasthat Mugdha seemed to be getting guys who could not understand English. It was funny but
she got boys who spoke Thai! And when we did manage to send the right boy, he was just too
lazy.Grins Mugdha, at that time, it was irritating as I just could not make the boy understand what
I wanted. But looking back now, I did have a hearty laugh. I realized why Robinson Crusoe
cherished his Man Friday that day!Incidentally, Mugdha ended up having eight spot boys do her
work for eight days, since each was a chapter in his own right. Whoever said it is easy to please a

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Madhushree loves item songs!

Most singers trained in pure classical music look at many of the current film songs with
utter disdain. This is especially true when it comes to item songs, without which no
mainstream Bollywood film seems to be complete. But refreshingly, playback
singerMadhushree begs to differ. Brought up and trained in the hoariest tradition of pure
Hindustani classical music, the singer is all praise for item numbers which set the pulse
racing. I have nothing against item songs. Every situation demands a different type of
song. Earlier, we had Lataji (Mangeshkar) singing only for the heroines, who would never
do a cabaret. Those roles were reserved for actors like Helen or Bindu. And their songs
were reserved for other singers. Now, even the topmost stars do not hesitate to do such
songs. So people have to move with the times. And I think many of these songs are very
catchy compositions. There is a certain element of mischief in them and it takes skill to
sing those numbers convincingly. Only a really versatile singer can do that. Besides, foot-
tapping songs have always been loved by the people even earlier. Theres nothing wrong
with that, she avers. Incidentally, those who are clued in to South Indian film music
already know that Madhushree herself has sung a number of hot item songs for those
movies. Well, now we know why she is one of the legendary A. R. Rahmans favourite
crooners and whose duet, Sharminda Hoon with the legendary Rahman is a current chart

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