GT Power Final Project

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MEEM 4220 Internal Combustion Engines GT-POWER Final Project

Requirements 1. You may work together in groups up to 3 students. 2. Submit one combined final report with all deliverables included. 3. Complete the three sections of the final project (Parts A C) and the engine design improvements (Part D). Deliverables (One report per group) 1. Resubmit only one combined assignment set (GT Power Assignments 1 4) with corrections made (include the calculations). 2. Submit the required deliverables for each section (Parts A - D) of the project.

Due Date: Friday, December 14

Part A
Objectives Run the 4-cylinder engine model at 2000 rpm for various EGR percentages, various CA50 and burn durations to examine the effects EGR and burn duration have on engine performance. Deliverables 1. Create a combined plot of BSFC vs. EGR% for various burn durations. Use the following data for Burn Duration as a function of EGR. Interpolate for values needed in your simulation. EGR % Burn Duration (CA Degrees) 0 19.0 0 5 21.7 5 10 24.5 15 27.2 5 20 30.0 0 35 38.25

2. 2. Run the simulation for CA50 burn points = 4, 9, 14, 19 for each combination of EGR % and Burn Duration. Create a combined plot of ISFC vs. CA50 for various EGR % and corresponding burn duration. 3. Explain why EGR and burn duration effect BSFC as depicted in the simulation. Short answer! 4. Create a table or plot with the start of combustion angles in CAD for each EGR% and burn duration combination. Procedure 1. The 4-cylinder engine model required for Part A (Final_project_part_A.gtm) can be downloaded from 2. Run the model for the listed combinations of EGR% and Burn duration (6 cases). You will also need to enter guess values for the EGR orifice diameters in the Case Setup (example: 0mm, 2mm, 3mm etc., with a larger EGR orifice diameter for a larger EGR%). The optimizer will utilize to automatically adjust the EGR orifice diameter to achieve the target EGR%. The amount of EGR in the intake charge is metered by the EGR valve. You will need to use the Optimizer (see Assignment #4) to determine the EGR orifice diameter (EGRDIAM) that delivers the target values of EGR% [EGRper]. The Optimization type should be chosen as Target and the RLT variable to be optimized is EGR% (egrin:7005). Please note that EGRper is just a parameter created to set the target EGR% values in the Case Setup while Egrin is the normal RLT variable for Percent EGR.

3. Run the simulation (~ 20 minutes). Create a plot of BSFC vs. EGR%. 4. For a particular combination of EGR % and corresponding Burn Duration, create multiple cases (using Append cases in case setup). For each case, change the 50% Burn Angle to 4, 9, 14 and 19 respectively. Run the simulation. Open GT-Post and plot ISFC (from EngineCrankTrain) vs. 50% Burn point (from EngCylinder1). Also view and copy data into excel. Run the simulation for all combination of EGR % and corresponding Burn Duration and save the data in excel. 5. Plot a combined plot of ISFC vs. 50 % Burn Point for different EGR % and corresponding Burn Duration using the data in excel.

Part B
Objectives Run the 4-cylinder engine model at various engine speeds to examine the effects of intake tuning at WOT and CA50 = 9 CAD. Deliverables 1. Create a plot of engine speed vs. volumetric efficiency depicting the variations caused by intake runner lengths. Compare this data to date found in chapter 6 of Heywood. Short answer! 2. Create a plot of engine speed vs. brake power. Procedure 1. The 4-cylinder engine model required for Part B (Final_project_part_B.gtm) can be downloaded from 2. In order to vary intake runner length, you have to change it from a number to a parameter. To do so, go to the object InRunner in the object tree and find the Length attribute. In the object value for Length, delete the number and type [intake_runner]. Click Ok. By typing in a name with square brackets around it, the variable becomes a parameter and will appear in Case Setup. 3. Go to Case Setup and notice that an INTAKE_RUNNER parameter appears. You have to run the model for all the combinations of 4 different intake runner lengths (300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm and 700 mm) and 7 different engine speeds ( 2000 rpm to 5000 rpm with 500 rpm increments), Creating 28 cases. 3. Run the model (~15 minutes). Open GT Post and select Plot RLT. From the RLT Type dropdown window, select Case Sweep Advanced. From the Select Rlt column, select appropriate variables so that for Plot1, your X engine speed, Y Volumetric Efficiency and Constraint intake runner length, respectively. Click on any cell of Plot 1 and notice that the cells to the right of the screen become active. Enter the values for Constr1 through Constr4 (300, 400, 500 and 700) and put a Tolerance of 1 for each.

Part C
Objectives Run the 4-cylinder engine model at a throttle angle of 45 degrees and 2000 rpm, to predict incylinder concentrations of NO, CO, and HC for various values of fuel/air equivalence ratio. Deliverables 1. A combined normalized plot of NO, CO and HC concentrations vs. fuel/air equivalence ratio for Indolene. 2. A combined normalized plot of NO, CO and HC concentrations vs. fuel/air equivalence ratio for Methanol. 3. Compare the emissions plot from step 4 with Fig. 11-2. What is the main difference? What is the most likely explanation? Short answer! 4. Compare the NO emissions for Indolene to that of Methanol using a combined plot. What is the most likely explanation for the difference? Short answer! Procedure 1. The 4-cylinder engine model required for Part C (Final_project_part_C.gtm) can be downloaded from 2. Use Case Setup to vary A/F ratio over a wide range, centered around its stoichiometric A/F ratio (14.5). Please be sure that you at least cover the range of equivalence ratio from = 0.7 to 1.2. 3. Add models for predicting NOx and CO: Double click on the Cylinder01 part and go to the Models folder. Double click on the comb_model reference object and go to the Advanced folder. Type nox for the NOx Reference Object. Double click on nox and make sure the EngCylNOx template is selected. Leave all of the attributes set to def. Back in the Advanced folder, type co for the CO Reference Object. Double click on co and make sure the EngCylCO template is selected. Leave all of the attributes set to def. 4. Run the simulation. Obtain the required combined plot. Normalize each plot by the concentration value at a fuel/air equivalence ratio of 1.1 (so that at = 1.1 the concentration level of NO, CO and HC take the value of one). After obtaining a combined plot, use View Data (assignment 3) to find the value of NO concentration corresponding to the equivalence ratio of 1.1 (or nearest to 1.1).

5. Run the model again but with Methanol as the fuel. You will need to change: A. The Sensed Quantity attribute of the "ind-vap-01" object from indolene-vap to methanol-vap B. Change the stoichiometric value used to calculate the equivalence ratio in the Math Equation object Equivalence-01 from 14.5 to 6.47. C. In Case Setup change the Fuel_Type parameter from indolene_combust to methanol-combust D. In Case Setup change the AFRATIO parameter to appropriate values for methanol.

Part D
Objectives Use the 4-cylinder engine model to determine and incorporate three design improvements to increase brake power at wide-open throttle and 4800 rpm. Requirements: 1. The displacement must remain the same. 2. Make any changes that you like, but physical design changes must be accompanied by a design analysis and considerations. 3. Compare the effects of each change you make with the base model. 4. If you boost, you must include the components in your GT power model with realistic parameters. Deliverables 1. Submit brake power vs. engine speed plots for the base model and for each design improvement. 2. If physical design changes are made, they must be accompanied by design analysis and considerations. Procedure 1. The 4-cylinder engine model required for Part D (Final_project_part_D.gtm) can be downloaded from

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