John Avon Photography Competition 2012

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John Avon Photography Competition 2012

Johns work has often been described as photo realistic - a particularly impressive feat when the subject is fantasy. We thought it would be fun to ask fans to recreate some of his most loved images through the medium of photography. There are some fantastic prizes for the best entries, but hopefully everyone will enjoy the challenge of recreating these paintings. Competition rules 1. There are six images which can be recreated, these are; a. M10 Sunset Plains

b. Invasion Forest

c. Lorwyn Plains

d. Clifftop Retreat

e. Azorius Chancey

f. Heapdoll

Larger versions of these images can be found on 2. Each applicant can send only one photo for each painting, no applicant can send more than six photos in total (one entry for each painting). 3. All files to be sent as jpg, no larger than 5MB per image, to Please make sure the subject of the email is Photo Competition Entry and the filename for each entry follows this format; COMP_IMAGE?_YOURSURNAME.jpg where the question mark relates to one of the letters A-F representing each image in the competition as detailed above. So if Joe Bloggs was entering the competition with his interpretation of Azorious Chancery the filename would read; COMP_IMAGEE_BLOGGS.jpg 4. Use of Photoshop is okay for adjusting colour and applying effects but strictly no painting! John will be able to tell! Use of models, props etc is fine too, be as innovative as you like but your image must be a photo of something in the real world. Get creative! 5. Competition runs until April 30th 2012. Any images received after this date will not be considered. 6. Winners will be announced week commencing May 14th 2012

7. Prizes will be awarded for each based on the following categories; a. Outright winner Wins the original line drawing for Clifftop Retreat and a signed A1 print of Clifftop Retreat. b. Second place wins a full set of Unhinged Land John Avon A1 prints. c. Special mention award wins a signed A1 print of their choice d. Innovation award wins a signed A1 print of their choice Winners will be selected based on ONE image only. 8. Ownership the copyright for the image remains with the artist however we reserve the right to use your image in promotional material (if this is done the photographer will be credited accordingly). 9. All decisions are final, John will be selecting the winners. 10. Announcement of the winners will take place via, facebook and twitter. First Prize the amazing original line drawing for Clifftop Retreat!

AND a signed A1 Poster of the same image;

Second Prize A full set of Unhinged Land A1 Prints, signed by John.

Third Prizes A signed copy of your choice of one of the above A1 prints. All images in this document copyright Wizards of the Coast 2012. Please direct any queries to Have fun! Guy and John, February 2012.

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