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Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the thyroid gland is under active and does not release a sufficient amount of thyroid

hormones. The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of hormones that help to regulate and control your bodys metabolism, which is why any thyroid disease affects the metabolism, playing havoc with various bodily functions. Hypothyroidism is most common among women. Yoga is one of the most wholesome of all disciplines and does offer a lot of hope for sufferers of thyroid diseases as well. While there is no complete cure for hypothyroidism patients the condition can be controlled and overcome, giving the patient a normal life. A Sattvic yoga diet can definitely help keep the problem in check. For hypothyroidism you will need to keep certain points in mind when formulating your diet. Make sure that you include plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and natural foods in your diet. Avoid all processed foods. Lean protein is not part of a Sattvic diet, which is ideally pure veg, but would be a healthy addition in your diet. A good supply of seafood likewise would be beneficial. Avoid all read meats as they are extremely fatty. Cut down on other fatty foods as well. Consult a nutritionist and your doctor to find out if there are any multivitamin supplements you can take and what the appropriate dosage would be. One of the most important nutrients in a hypothyroid diet is probably selenium. This mineral is extremely important because the antioxidant is responsible and needed for the conversion of the thyroid hormone into its active form. Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium and so are some lean meats. In addition to this, try to eat smaller and more spread out meals as eating five or six smaller meals can help balance your slow metabolism. Exercise is another important aspect of combating hypothyroidism and here again yoga comes in handy. Yoga comprises of a number of asanas or poses and breathing techniques that are believed to have a stimulating effect on the thyroid glands. Here are some of the best asanas or poses that you should consider including in any yoga session aimed at combating hypothyroidism. The Shoulder Stand Position or Sarvangasana The Fish Pose or Matsyasana Waist Tilting or Kati Uttanasana The Lion Pose or Simhasana The Ocean Breath or Ujjayi Pranayama

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Insufficient Thyroid Hormone causes bodily functions to slow down. The symptoms of Hypothyroidism are subtle and gradual and may be mistaken for Depression. Facial expressions become dull, the voice hoarse and the speech slow, eyelids droop and the eyes and face become puffy and swollen. Many people with Hypothyroidism gain weight, become constipated and are unable to tolerate cold. The hair becomes sparse, coarse, dry, scaly and thick. Many people develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which makes the hands tingle or hurt. The pulse may slow, the palms and soles appear slightly orange (carotenemia) and the side part of the eyebrows slowly falls out. Some people, especially older people may appear confused, forgetful, or demented - signs that can easily be mistaken for Alzheimer's Disease or other forms of dementia. If untreated, Hypothyroidism can eventually cause Anemia, Low Body Temperature, and Heart Failure. This situation may progress to confusion, stupor or coma (Myxedema Coma) a life threatening complication in which breathing slows, the person has seizures and blood flow to the Brain decreases. Myxedema Coma can be triggered by exposure to cold as well as by an infection, trauma and drugs such as sedatives and tranquilizers that depress Brain function. Other drugs such as Sulfa and Antihistamines are known to aggravate this problem.

Thyroid Self-Test:

To test yourself for an under active Thyroid, keep an Electronic Thermometer by your bed at night. When you wake up in the morning, place the thermometer in your armpit and hold it there for about 10 minutes. Keep still and quiet. Any movement of the body can upset your temperature reading. Temperature of the Body rises when you begin moving around. A temperature of 97.5F. or lower is indicative of an under active Thyroid. Keep a Temperature log for five days. Menstruating women should perform test on 2nd, 3rd & 4th day of menstruation. Menopausal women or women with irregular periods can check on any day. If your readings are consistently low, consult your Health Care provider.

Symptoms of Stealth Hypothyroidism

Some times the Free T3, Free T4 and Ultrasensitive TSH Hormone levels check out to be OK, but the body still manifests all the symptoms of Hypothyroidism - especially the early morning temperatures are consistently below 97.5 F. sometimes even as low as 95 F or lower and one begins to wonder if something is wrong with the Thermometer. What is the explanation for this ? The phenomenon is know as Estrogen Dominance.

Estrogen Dominance & Thyroid Function

Estrogen causes food calories to be stored as fat. Thyroid Hormone causes fat calories to be turned into usable energy. Thyroid Hormone and Estrogen therefore have opposing actions. Estrogen dominance inhibits Thyroid action and lowers the rate of metabolism of the Body. Natural Progesterone inhibits Estrogen action. The symptoms of Hypothyroidism may also occur because of Estrogen Dominance (deficiency of Progesterone). Hypothyroidism, which results in weight gain and a host of other symptoms, can be corrected by the presence of Natural Progesterone in the body. Natural Progesterone levels can be enhanced in the body by supplementation of the diet with Herbal Dietary Supplement Wild Yam during the perimenopausal years and once corrected can be easily maintained by increasing the intake of Protein rich Food in the Diet 2 bowls of Mung Sprouts per day is adequate in most cases to continue maintaining your Body in a Hormonally Balanced state. To increase Progesterone levels during the Menopausal years, topical application of Progest Gel containing Bioidentical Progesterone Hormone is recommended.. Many other presumed Thyroid dysfunctions (like falling hair, water retention, loss of memory, dry skin) and Autoimmune Disorders are actually caused by Estrogen Dominance. The crucial nutrient for Thyroid Hormone synthesis in the body is Iodine. Herbal Dietary Supplements like Kelp are a rich source of natural Iodine. Natural Iodine along with Tyrosine an amino acid can help the Thyroid manufacture normal levels of Hormone T3 and T4. In the presence of adequate levels of Natural Progesterone, Estrogen Dominance will disappear and the Thyroid Gland / Body will begin functioning normally i.e. the symptoms of weight gain will disappear. Kelp along with Tyrosine (and Wild Yam / Progest Gel in cases of Estrogen Dominance) can therefore increase the Rate of Metabolism of the body and result in corresponding Weight & Body Dimension reduction. Weight & Body Dimensions reduced in this manner have no rebound effect and you do not have to be on the Program for ever and for ever.

Administration of Tyrosine
The Body has approximately 28 different Amino Acids, some of which are obtained from the Protein rich food you eat and others are manufactured within the body itself from adequate reserve of Proteins and Nitrogen. If your diet lacks adequate level of Proteins, you will end up having an Amino Acid / Nitrogen deficiency. This can also happen if your

Calorie / Food intake is restricted in which case Proteins will automatically be in short supply. The use of Tyrosine (Forte) as a Dietary Supplement raises the production of Thyroid Hormones in the body. These in turn increase the Rate of Metabolism which raises the Body Temperature back to normal levels of 98.0F to 98.4F. The effect of Tyrosine can be determined by monitoring your Basal Body Temperature, as per the procedure given in my earlier Circular to you. When Tyrosine raises the Body Temperature, it infers that your Body is not able to manufacture adequate quantities of it along with other Amino Acids. The reason can be that, in these days of "Enlightened Eating Habits" (pun intended) you have reduced your calorie intake to such low levels that you inadvertently landed up in a state of Protein Deficiency creating a Nutritional Imbalance in your Body.

Protein Deficiency
How can a Protein Imbalance be corrected without too much increase in calorie intake? The solution is found in Mung Beans and Mung Sprouts. Mung Beans when sprouted have 2.5 times (30 gms) of Protein compared to Wheat (12 gms) and 4.0 times compared to Unpolished Brown Rice (8 gms) for every 100 gms you eat. Mung Mung Wheat Rice (Polished) Beans Sprouts Protein* Carbohydrate* Fats* Calories* Calories / Protein gm 24.0 59.9 1.2 348.0 14.5 300.0 10.0 30.0 12.1 69.4 1.7 341.0 28.2 6.8 78.2 0.5 345.0 50.7

* Per 100 gms. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Proteins is 45 gms. for people without any Protein deficiency

The choice would be therefore to incorporate Mung Beans / Mung Sprouts in your diet in a very serious way. I recommend a daily intake of two 100 gms bowls of Mung Sprouts. Mung Sprouts are the obvious choice as it has the least amount of Calories i.e. 10 calories per gram of Protein. Incorporating Protein rich Foods like Thallipeat, Methkuth and Protein Rich preparations will help you to maintain adequate Proteins and Nitrogen balance in your Body. It will allow the body to produce its own Amino Acids including Tyrosine. So how long should you use Tyrosine(Forte)? My answer is, it should not take you more than 2 months to increase Protein Rich foods and phase out Oral supplementation of Tyrosine from your life. Hypothyroidism is also associated with Anemia and extremely low Blood Pressure (Systolic of 90 and Diastolic of 60 is commonly encountered). You can also monitor your progress by watching your Blood Pressure and Basal Body Temperature go up.

Self Inflicted Hypothyroidism

When you first begin putting on weight, you use your "Intellect" to cut down on the food you are eating. When there is a shortage of food, the body uses its intellect to slow down the Rate Of Metabolism to conserve the dwindling supply of calories coming from your meager diet. The Rate of Metabolism is slowed down by reducing the levels of Thyroid Hormones in the Body. As the Rate of Metabolism lowers, you begin to put on more weight and you also cut down on food intake thinking you will slow down weight gain. This is a vicious cycle that repeats over and over again. The rate of weight gain rising with each cycle of cutting down of calorie intake. Believe me, this is a true nightmare that millions of women are living through - with probably no help in sight. Dieting over prolonged and extended periods can permanently reprogram the Thyroid into low gear. Now the rate at which you begin putting on weight is alarming (1 Kg / 2 lbs per month) and you think you have a Thyroid Problem. Little realizing that you might have created it with your "Superior Intellect". So you go and get your T3, T4 and TSH levels checked and satisfy yourself that nature has indeed bestowed a Thyroid Problem in your life. Now you think you were Smart in the first place to have suspected you have a Thyroid Problem and the tests have "proved" you right. The truth of the matter is that your "Superior Intellect" inflicted Hypothyroidism in your life. The deeper truth is that you don't have a Thyroid malfunction but a Protein Deficiency. So much for your T3, T4 and TSH Test Report and our ability to interpret it and correct the situation. The truth of the matter is that your body does not have adequate reserves of Proteins and Nitrogen to produce its own Amino Acids like Tyrosine and other Essential and Non Essential Amino Acids. Remember, there are approximately 28 Amino Acids, that work synergistically together to keep the Body in balance. From the above, it is now clear to you that, to decrease weight, you must begin to eat right. The trick to reducing weight is to actually increase food intake to normal levels, so that your Body has adequate levels of Proteins and Nitrogen reserves, to increase your Rate of Metabolism. This now brings me to the topic of "Positive Weight Release / Hormonal Sliming" and "Why a Woman's Body is not designed for Dieting" or "Why Women should not Diet" Sounds unbelievable doesn't it ? Well, let me tell you one more secret - 95% women who "think" they have a Weight Problem, do not have one, they always have a Hormonal Imbalance.

Dietary Recommendations for person with Hypothyroidism

Include in your diet apricots, dates, egg yolk, molasses, parsley, potatoes, prunes, raw seeds, and whole grains. Eat fish or chicken and raw milk and cheese. Omit these foods entirely: Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, mustard greens, peaches, pears, radishes, spinach, and turnips. These foods further suppress Thyroid functions. Begin moderate exercise program such as walking or yoga. Exercise is very important to help enhance Thyroid function, increase rate of metabolism and raise body temperature. Brisk walking for 30 to 60 minutes daily will be found beneficial. Avoid fluoride (including that found in toothpaste and tap water) and chlorine (also found in tap water). Chlorine and fluoride block iodine receptors in the Thyroid gland resulting in reduced iodine-containing hormone production and finally in Hypothyroidism. Tyrosine is an amino acid required by the body to help manufacture Thyroid Hormones from Iodine. Take Tyrosine (Forte) / AppetiteX twice a day on empty stomach half hour before Breakfast and before Lunch. Do not take with Milk. Take other Nutritional Supplementation like Vitamin - A (Forte), Vitamin - C, Vitamin - E and B-Complex (Forte) to assist in boosting the production of Thyroid Hormones in the body. Eat Protein rich foods (preferably Vegetarian) like Thallipeat, Methkuth, Sesame Seeds / Chutney, Tahini daily to exceed the Recommended Daily Allowance of 45 gm for Proteins.

Natural Thyroid Extract Supplements from Health Food Stores are found beneficial to raise Basal Body Temperatures. Apply ThyroidCare Blend 2 to 3 times a day to the Thyroid Gland. This will help regulate Thyroid function. Leave on overnight for best results. HypoThyroCare and Gentian (Forte) are Herbal Dietary Supplements which helps to regulate the function of the Thyroid Gland. The Bitters of Digestive Aid Herbal Dietary Supplements when placed on the tongue help stimulate the Endocrine System of which the Thyroid is a part. Avoid Sulfa and Antihistamines which aggravate this problem. Increase intake of Organic Calcium Supplements like Super Calcium and Osteo-Pak Fortified with Organic Calcium and other supporting nutrients.. Basal Temperature Measurement: Check if early morning Basal Body Temperature is below 97.5 F. to confirm Hypothyroidism. Leave Thermometer in armpit for 10 minutes to register highest possible temperature. Menstruating women should perform test on 2nd, 3rd & 4th day of menstruation. Menopausal women or women with irregular periods can check on any day. In case of Low Basal Temperature, Copper, Zinc and Iodine levels should be checked and corrected.

Thyroid Problem - No More !

A Safe Alternative to Treatment using Thyroid Hormones If you have tested with high or extremely lowTSH value and / or presently taking or have been advised to take Thyroid Hormone Therapy (Eltroxin / Synthroid) for Life, or have a High Antibody Count, now there is hope. It is possible to use a Safe Natural Treatment using Herbal / Dietary Supplements and Intracellular Nutrition to activate your Thyroid Gland to begin working normally once again and lower your Antibody Count.
Are you looking for the best diet for hypothyroidism? Look no more! Here youll find which foods to favor and which to avoid, plus recommendations for natural supplements and specific plant-based remedies that help with your low thyroid symptoms. Lets get down to it, there's a lot to be covered. The best diet for hypothyroidism includes: brown rice, whole grains, bran, oatmeal, carrots, onion, spinach, asparagus, avocado, olive oil, apricots, bananas, sunflower seeds and oily fish. Lean protein from chicken, turkey and trimmed red meats are OK too. Make sure to include fiber, especially if you are trying to lose weight, since it gives you a feeling of fullness and helps with the constipation as well. Try to get the fiber from the foods you eat rather than from a pill. Why? Because the natural fiber in rice, whole wheat and oatmeal is much better absorbed. More than anything else, the best diet for hypothyroidism includes the regular use of coconut oil, as it supports your thyroid function increasing your metabolism with up to 25 %.

Learn how to consume it and how much to take daily in our section on coconut oil weight loss >> The hypothyroidism diet makes a big difference on how you feel and help you control most of the low thyroid symptoms, as well as your weight. Also, eating five or six smaller meals rather than three (or even two) major meals stabilizes your metabolism and helps your low thyroid symptoms subside. And theres one more point you need to remember when on the hypothyroidism diet. Get active. A daily 30 minute workout does wonders in reducing your low thyroid symptoms and increasing your metabolism.

Best Diet For Hypothyroidism What to Avoid

Before learning which specific foods to eat less of on a hypothyroidism diet, remember this: cut stimulants like coffee, caffeinated drinks, smoking and alcohol, as these greatly inhibit your thyroid function. Also, use various stress management techniques to cut stress as much as you can, as the effects of stress on health lead to a serious thyroid dysfunction. So what are the foods to eat less of or plainly avoid on a hypothyroidism diet? Eat less: broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, sweet potatoes, lima beans, turnips, rutabaga, radishes, millet, refined wheat, peanuts, mustard greens, flax seeds, soy products, peaches, strawberries, pears. This might sound strange However, although considered healthy for most people, these foods are not such a good idea if you experience low thyroid symptoms. Why? Well, the problem with these foods is that they tend to interfere with your body's absorption of iodine, an essential trace mineral and a very important component of the thyroid hormones. After all, up to 80% of iodine in your body is located in the thyroid gland. So obviously, the best diet for hypothyroidism does not favor these goitrogenic foods, which decrease thyroid hormone production and increase the chances of developing a goiter (the enlargement of the thyroid gland not associated with overproduction of thyroid hormone). And theres another group of foods to... ...avoid at all costs on a hypothyroidism diet: over-processed or refined foods (white bread, cookies, pastries) and packaged foods. These contain a high quantity of simple carbs and other preservatives that interfere with the insulin production, further disrupting your thyroid function.

The Best Diet For Hypothyroidism Supplements & Herbal Remedies

Remember, the lack of iodine is the main culprit in hypothyroidism. So you may want to get iodine-rich sea salt vs. regular salt, or mix some seaweed (kelp or dulse) powder in your regular table salt, as seaweed provides the highest amount of iodine. Also, consider taking zinc and selenium supplements, as these trace minerals improve thyroid function among other health benefits. Some no-side effects herbal remedies that should be part of a best diet for hypothyroidism are: Oats extract (Avena sativa), which is very effective in treating sexual dysfunctions too Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) and Dulse - seaweeds that grow on rocks in the North Atlantic and Northwest Pacific oceans providing iodine, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C and calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, chromium and zinc) Indian Coleus (Coleus forskohlii) a plant frequently used in Asian traditional medicine for its wide health benefits, well-known for its thyroid-increasing and fatburning effects

Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism

Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ situated in the middle of neck. It is one of the largest endocrine glands and helps in the secretion of many hormones, such as thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and calcitonin, that regulate the metabolism rate of the body.

What is the relationship between thyroid and weight?

It has been appreciated for a very long time that there is a complex relationship between thyroid disease, body weight and metabolism. Thyroid hormone plays a role in the regulation of the body's metabolism. When the body's ability to produce the hormone is limited, there is a reduction in metabolism and subsequent weight gain can occur. Fluid retention is also linked with the development of hypothyroidism and can contribute to added weight. In addition to a reduced metabolism, weight gain prior to the diagnosis can be linked to a variety of factors, including increase in food intake, decrease in physical activity as a result of fatigue, and the aging process.

What is Hypothyroidism weight gain?

Hypothyroidism weight gain is caused by an under active thyroid. It afflicts millions of people every year. It is a result of a decrease in the production of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The pituitary is the gland that produces this hormone. The thyroid regulates the metabolism that helps to control weight. Without TSH in adequate amounts, weight gain occurs. Often hypothyroidism weight gain is overlooked or attributed to some other underlying ailment.

How can I lose weight with Hypothyroidism?

Losing weight with hypothyroidism can be especially challenging if not done correctly because excessive dieting can lower metabolism even further. It is very important, therefore, to follow a healthy weight loss regimen if you are trying to lose weight with hypothyroidism. Here are a few tips to help you lose weight when you are suffering from Hypothyroidism: Check your thyroid levels regularly: Make sure your thyroid levels are checked regularly, so your medication is kept at the correct dosage. Thyroid function can change quite quickly and needs to be monitored at least every 6 months. Increase your fiber: Hypothyroidism slows your digestive system down significantly, and most hypothyroid patients suffer from chronic constipation as a result. This build up of fecal matter can cause you to retain excessive water weight and experience severe edema. By increasing your fiber, you help your bowels to eliminate waste and cut back on retaining water weight. Be sure to pair your increased fiber with increased water intake so you don't lead to even greater constipation. Water consumption will also flush out your lymphatic system, further helping water retention problems. Get Active: Physical exercise is also greatly encouraged for people with hypothyroidism as it helps the body jump start the metabolism system that burns off excess weight. You don't have to run marathons, or become a fanatic. Even brisk walking in 3-10 minute segments a day will help. Moreover, getting enough rest and adequate sleep also significantly helps the body's metabolism function better. It is also good for people with hypothyroidism to know how to calm their bodies by selecting the most effective technique that works for them. For instance, if using aerobics does not work to relive stress they can choose other methods like tai chi or yoga. Having mini meals really does help: Don't have a lot of food at once. Have about five mini meals throughout the day with healthy things on the plate. Frequent smaller meals can help balance blood sugar, prevent fat storage, and help you feel less hungry in general. Selenium: It is also believed to help if you increase your selenium intake. This can be done by eating foods such as whole wheat bread, bran, tuna, onions, tomatoes and broccoli. Include some of these foods on a regular basis. Helpful Foods: Foods that are helpful for the thyroid function are: carrots, spinach (palak), apricots (khubani), asparagus (shatwar), olive oil, avocado, sunflower seeds, whole grain cereals, bananas, oily fish, so choose meals that include these foods. Unhelpful Foods: Foods to eat less of as they may interfere with iodine uptake are: cabbage (patta gobhi), kale, broccoli, kohirabi, mustard (sarson), lima beans, linseed (alsi), sweet potato (shakarkand), peanuts, soy products, so keep these to a minimum. You don't need to cut them out completely. Avoid Stimulants: Avoid caffeine drinks like coffee, cola; avoid stimulants like smoking and alcohol as these all effect the thyroid function. Drink green tea: People with hypothyroidism tend to have slower metabolisms. Green tea helps to increase your metabolism therefore helping you to lose weight. Drinking Green tea will also increase your energy level, giving you the energy to exercise since hypothyroidism can make you feel so lethargic. Supplement with Iodine: Take a Kelp supplement or buy some liquid iodine and make an iodine patch on your skin about the size of a quarter. Iodine helps improve thyroid function. Make sure you talk to your doctor first.

Reduce Stress: Stress is a major factor and is thought to be a contributing factor to the development of hypothyroidism. One of the best ways to reduce stress is to do regular exercise.

How much weight can a patient expect to lose after the hypothyroidism is treated?
Because much of the weight gain in hypothyroidism is accumulation in salt and water, when the hypothyroidism is treated a patient can expect a small weight loss (usually less than 10% of body weight). Treatment of hypothyroidism with thyroid hormone should result in a return of body weight to what it was before hypothyroidism developed. However, since hypothyroidism usually develops over a long period of time, it is fairly common to find that there is no significant weight loss after successful treatment of hypothyroidism. No one can take care of your health like you can. Exercise and eating right are two of the best ways any of us can take care of ourselves.

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The narration of hypothyroidism in Ayurveda is same as that in the modern medicines. The condition caused by underactive thyroid gland which produces small amounts of the thyroid hormone and this can be caused by iodine deficiency or a failure of they thyroid gland due to pituitary gland malfunctioning. The disease is often skipped for long time as the symptoms present in patients are not so dangerous and anyone may ignore it. Depressions, fatigue, hair loss, dry and cold skin are few of them those are ignored many times by the patient. Hypothyroidism in Ayurveda is well described by the great physician named Charaka. He said that it does not attack those who consume adequate quantities of milk, old rice, barley, green grams, Bengal grams, sugarcane juice, cucumber and other milk products. These are the foods recommended in present cases also. Ayurveda says one should not consume sour substances as it may aggravate the diseased condition. There are plenty of Ayurvedic herbs, prescribed for hypothyroidism. They regulate the thyroid hormone and restore its functionality. These herbs are under researches and many of them are proven to be very beneficial for treating thyroid conditions. Ayurvedic herbs are generally well tolerated and free from side effects and this is the reason, Ayurveda is now one of the most famous health sciences that have drawn everybodys attention. These herbs can also be considered as daily health supplements. Many of the herbs we can find in kitchen and rest of are readily available in the herbal/Ayurvedic store in various forms such as pills, tablets, capsules, decoctions, powder, extracts and natural juices. Some of the herbs are described below those are still in practices as an Ayurvedic treatment; Kaanchanara (Bauhinia veriegata) This is known as purple mountain ebony and probably most powerful drug in Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia for treating any type of thyroid problems. This herb is available in the form of pill or tablet. Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) This is the drug that is used widely in present Ayurvedic practice. This is well known for its calorie burning properties and therefore used abundantly in reducing weight i.e. obesity.

Hypothyroidism is closely related with obesity and therefore, this herb is extremely useful treating the condition. This is available in the form of tablet, pill and capsule. Punarnava (boerhaavia diffusa Linn) This herb falls in the category of diuretic. This is an excellent remedy for treating swelling or inflammation from all over the body. Since hypothyroidism has one of the

of swelling and numbness all over the body, Punarnava can be very beneficial for treating such conditions. This is very good tonic and it can also be used for general health . There are many formulas available to treat hypothyroidism Ayurveda always suggest patients to go for internal medication following strict diet as prescribed and advised by Ayurvedic physician. Any of the disease shakes up the three bodily humors called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Ayurvedic medicines and diet will restore these three humors and thus, eliminate the disease.

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In order to control or keep this condition from occurring, you need to keep a sustain attack everyday. This involves a diet that includes foods that enhance thyroid function, such as whole grains, raw seeds, prunes, apricots, potatoes, dates, apricots, egg yolks, molasses and parsley. Limit consumption of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, mustard greens, peaches, pears, radishes, spinach and turnips because these foods suppress thyroid function. Avoid processed and refined foods, like white flour and sugar. Drink only steam-distilled water. Commit to a moderate exercise program, like walking or yoga. Avoid fluoride and chlorine because these substances tend to block iodine receptors in the thyroid gland. Do not take sulfa drugs or antihistamines unless directed to do so by a doctor. Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism Prevention Hypothyroidism Natural Remedies Symptoms and Causes of Hypothyroidism

Beneficial Dietary Supplements There are even supplements you can take that will help. These include: Kelp contains iodine, the basic substance of thyroid hormone. L-Tyrosine increases plasma levels and aids weight loss. Zinc stimulates the immune system.

Spirulina has beneficial nutrients for overall health, with natural proteins, minerals, and herbs to help with weight loss. Vitamin B-Complex improves cellular oxygenation and energy, helps with digestion, immune and thyroid function. Essential Fatty Acids, such as primrose oil, are important for proper thyroid function. loss. Bladderwrack may be beneficial for under active thyroid conditions. Bayberry, Black Cohosh and Goldenseal can aid thyroid function. Herbal Bitters may help alleviate the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Coconut Oil may benefit Hypothyroid problems and assist with weight


Other Recommended Supplementation Oasis Serene - Natural progesterone cream that is chemical and excipient free. Use for women with low thyroid hormones and low progesterone levels. Homeopathic Thyroidinum 3x or 6x - Take 3 pellets three times daily. Used to stimulate thyroid activity. IntraMax - High-potency multivitamin/mineral complex. Take as directed on label. Zymitol - Enzymes help to improve faulty digestion that is common in hypothyroidism. Take 15 minutes before meal for a digestive aid. Take 1 to 2 hours after eating to reduce inflammation. Geranium Essential Oil - Helps to regulate thyroid hormone. Use in a bath or add to carrier oil for a massage. Can also help with fatigue and depression. Other Essential Oils to consider are: rose, bergamot jasmine and neroil.
This herbal remedy is popularly used for the treatment of hyperthyroidism. In addition to this it is also known for anti cancer properties. Kanchanara is found to be very effective in treating abnormal growths, cuts and in all types of inflammations. It is useful in chronic tumors, cancers, abdominal tumors, leprosy and other skin diseases. Kanchanara reduces goiter and cervical adenitis, it also promotes ulcer healing. This is used to promote appetite and digestion, increase the number of red blood cells, and aid in removal of undesirable fat in the body. Is used to clear out the congestion and headaches. Other claimed benefits include helping maintain normal blood sugar levels, as well as improvement in skin tone and color. This can even care for the internal organs of the body as a mother cares for her children. It promotes the internal cleansing, reduce conditions of stagnation and excess, and improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

This is one of the most popular herbal remedies which 'cleanse' by promoting bowel movement. A reason is that one of the most common problems among many individuals is constipation and bowel irregularity. This can lead to poorer general digestion and liver function, less vitality and perhaps even less optimism and an overall poorer outlook and quality of life. Kanchanara combines both nutritional as well as blood and liver cleansing (detoxifying) actions. It has little function as a local demulcent but is more of a lubricating source of nourishment and also possesses some bitter anthroquinones which help stimulate bile flow and peristalsis. The nutritional aspect is partly in the form of its bioflavonoid, high vitamin C content and the presence of linoleic oil, phospholipids and other important nutrients which it makes more of a tonic. Because of its high nutritional content, Ayurvedic doctors generally do not regard it as a mere laxative. Some of the scientific research and practical experience of people using it down through the ages has demonstrated that this is an effective blood purifier that stimulates bile secretion as it detoxifies the liver, helps digestion and assimilation, and significantly reduces serum cholesterol and lipid levels throughout body. As a result, it is regarded as a kind of universal panacea and is the most commonly prescribed herbal formula. The key ingredients of Kanchanara Guggulu as per their Sanskrit or the Indian names are:

Bark from Kanchanara Triphala Trikatu Bark from Varun Elachi Dal Chini Tej patra Shudh Guggulu Ghee Aerand ka Taila

Kanchanara Guggulu is beneficial in following conditions:

Kanchanara is extremely beneficial in Adenitis or any growth occurring in the body. Reduces the Vata Dosha in the body. Kanchanara is also very beneficial for cancer. It also helps in curing of various types of lesions in the body. Kanchanara is also very beneficial in hernia. Kanchanara is also very beneficial in various types of thyroid disorders. Kanchanara is also very beneficial in the clearing out of neck and throat of mucous. Kanchanara is also beneficial in various types of skin disorders. Also benefits in leprosy treatment. Kanchanara reduces the occurrence of various tumorous outgrowths in the body. Kanchanara also promotes ulcer healing. Kanchanara is very useful in sore throat, tonsillitis, lymphadenitis, benign tumors. Kanchanara is beneficial in mucosal and epithelial hypertrophies (enlargement of tissue cells). This is one of the most popular herbal remedies which 'cleanse' by promoting bowel movement.

Dosage: -

One can consume 2 4 tablets (of Guggulu) in morning and evening.

FAQs on Kanchanara Guggulu:

Can this herbal preparation be consumed daily?

Yes one can consume this herbal preparation daily. As it is known for having a very broad range of activity on various systems and structures, so even if used daily on a regular basis this does not produces any detrimental effects on the body. This herbal preparation brings about the lowering of which doshas? It reduces Vata and Kapha doshas. More specifically saying it reduces excess Vata in the system. It is particularly useful for accumulated Vata in the joints and muscles, which may be indicated by cracking or popping of the joints, spasms or tremors. Does it have any therapeutic value in cancer? This herbal preparation is found to be extremely beneficial in individuals suffering from cancer or develop any type of tumors in the body. It is useful in chronic tumors, cancers, abdominal tumors, leprosy and other skin diseases.

start with DIVYA KANCHANAR GUGGULU for complete cure of thyroid problem. This is special ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of thyroid related problems.

Are you on medication for hypothyroidism? If you are then you need to talk to your doctor first because some supplements in combination with thyroid medication may result in symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Just as in the early stages of treating hypothyroidism with medication alone, symptoms of hyperthyroidism may manifest occassionally.....medication may need some fine tuning. If you on not on medication yet ....because you are really in the borderline category for instance, you might like to try gum guggul [Commiphora mukul], an Ayurvedic herb, as this is said to have a stimulatory effect on the thyroid gland. The use or addition of coconut oil to your diet may also help. You might like to read my answer here regarding what foods/drinks to avoid also: Sea kelp or any other seaweed such as eaten in the Japanese or other SE Asian cuisine, or iodized salt, might be a good idea ONLY if you are not on meds for your thyroid gland. If you are on meds you should NOT use these or you may get hyperthroidism symptoms. If you are more than borderline for hypothyroidism you really should talk to your doctor about taking a prescribed medication for this because to stay hypothyroid could be really bad for your health in the longterm.

Hypothyroidism Treatment This page provides certain natural and alternative options that are available for the treatment of hypothyroidism.
These are provided here to help the reader in his investigation. You are requested to research each remedy that is suggested here on your own and also to find out any restrictions and interactions each might have with your current medication or each other. Hypothyroidism patients often face very frustrating symptoms and a good lot of people don't respond very well to presribed OTC medications. There are a few options that could help a patient if followed properly. Also, as with some of the chronic or acute diseases, it might be beneficial if a multi-pronged approach is adopted in getting rid of hypothyroidism. A lot of information about hypothyroidism can be found here. Some of the important treatment details are covered on this page though. Diet Hypothyroidism does require changes in diet. It is necessary to limit the intake of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli and whenever taken, they should be properly cooked. Caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee and others), soy/soya products, turnips, cassava, pine nuts, mustard, peanuts and millet should be avoided. Lifestyle Stress plays havoc for people with thyroid problems (stress pushes up cortisol levels which in turn hinders proper thyroid functioning.) A definite inclusion in the treatment plan should be stress-reducing techniques like meditation and deep breathing. Natural Remedies 1. Organic Virgin Coconut Oil: This is one of the healthiest oils (as opposed to what many groups would have made you believe) and can alleviate problems associated with hypothyroidism like fatigue and sleep. Normal coconut oil won't do. Make sure to get coldpressed organic virgin coconut oil. I believe the following is the best way to take this: Start slowly. Start with one tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil just prior to taking lunch. If you don't like it just immediately before lunch, you can have it 5 to 10 minutes earlier. Try and note down changes, if any over a period of 1-2 weeks. There might be some initial effects like very slight headaches or nausea. As long as they last just a few hours or days, they should mostly be nothing to worry about. They'll go away. Once you become comfortable with the dose, you can proceed over to 2 tablespoons a day and then slowly over to 3 tablespoons. Usually you could take around 2 months or more to reach the 3 tbsp limit. That said, don't take more than 1 tbsp per meal. So when you are taking the maximum dose, you would probably be taking 1 tbsp each with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Coconut oil also helps in bowel movements and you should also accordingly up your water intake so that your body's water needs are met. 8 glasses a day (around 2.5 litres) would be a good average to reach.

2. Iodine. People with hypothyroidism can be helped with iodine. The daily requirement for iodine is estimated around 150 mcg for adult men and women (value would change according to age range and in case of women, also based on if they are pregnant or lactating) by the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences, US. A good way to take iodine would be in the form of food sources. Sea vegetables (like kelp) remain the best sources of dietary iodine followed by yogurt, cow's milk, eggs, strawberries and mozzarella cheese. About 1/8th of a cup of kelp provides more than the daily required amount of iodine. Kelp and other sea vegetables are also available in capsule form from health food stores and online supplement stores. Dosage instructions are usually given on the supplement itself. Another iodine supplement that seems to really help people with hypothyroidism is Iodoral from a company called Optimox. Iodoral contains both iodine and iodide and the human thyroid needs both to function well. People starting on Iodoral shouldn't immediately jump to high levels, start with 1 (or half) tablet a day and gradually proceed to the recommended dosage. Try to research, read reviews (though they are not always honest ones) from multiple sources.. Remember to stay within prescribed dosages, too much of anything isn't a good thing. 3. Dessicated thyroid extract is a good natural replacement for conventional medication for thyroid problems (like Synthroid). The standard drug contains only T4 (sort of "prohormone") which has to be converted by the human body into T3 but improper health usually makes this conversion difficult. On the other hand, this natural extract contains both T3 and T4. Has been becoming popular for quite some time with thyroid patients for its promising results. It is sold in the name of Armour Thyroid (from Forest Pharmaceuticals), NatureThroid and WestThroid (from Western Pharmaceuticals), all in US. In Canada it is made by ERFA and it manufactured under the name of Thyroid. It is available in European countries under a different name. It is not clear if it is available for patients in other continents (please let us know if you know). You require a ND's prescription to switch over to these natural forms from your current medication. However since late 2009, most pharmacists in US have been supposedly out of stock of these natural medications. Some compounding pharmacists could still be able to get you some stock. It is possible to get this ordered from Canada. We would also appreciate information about pharmacies where you were able to get this to help out other readers. H&C Admin: Update Jan 10, 2010 from this page. In his comment, "Craig A. Maxwell, D.O." states that Healing Springs Pharmacy, located close to Cincinnati, Ohio, US in Ross (Ph: 1-513-863-8000 1-513-863-8000 ) could have supplies. Quote: "If you call them, ask for Jason or Kara, two outstanding compounding pharmacists. Fax or mail them your prescription for Armour Thyroid, and they will compound it for you. They ship anywhere in the U.S.." 4. Raw thyroid: Raw thyroid supposedly helps to keep the symptoms of hypothyroidism under control. Some people experience very good results within days. This one is available as supplements from health stores (or online) and doesn't require prescription. Dosages are prescribed on the supplements. Natural Sources and NOW are two good brands that you can look for. Yoga

While some approaches just keep the symptoms of thyroid under control, proper Yoga asanas (exercises) followed meticulously supposedly have the potential to cure hypothyroidism problems. The exact asana that you should research about is Ujjayi pranayama. In you live in India, Baba Ramdev teaches the pranayama in his classes. If you live elsewhere, search on the internet or ask people who might be taking therapeutic Yoga classes to separate out good Yoga teachers from the hoard of pseudo Yoga teachers who claim themselves 'gurus' after taking a 6-month diploma in Yoga. However let not that deter you, try and find a good teacher, ask him about Ujjayi pranayama and start practising it everyday. You might just find the cure you want. Usually it is safe to combine Yoga with whatever other method you choose to control your hypothyroidism (like natural sources above, or ayurveda or homeopathy talked about below.) Ayurveda Ayurveda is the ancient health science of India and it recognises this problem. Those who have been cured by Ayurveda, know it to be a powerful science that really works. Ayurveda has some herbs prescribed for hypothyroidism. These herbs are supposed to reverse the disease. Again, it might be good to get in touch with a legitimate Ayurvedic doctor in your area to get proper advise. However, just for your reference, the herb that is mostly prescribed for this problem is Guggul. It stimulates the thyroid. It is available in ayurvedic shops all over the world. However, remember any herb can potentially interact with existing medication protocol (OTC medicines) and cause negative side-effects. Also, it has to be made sure if this can be taken alongwith iodine supplements (unnatural as well as food sources). Homeopathy Usually homeopathic doctors need a person entire background before prescribing the pills. However, for specific problems pre-formulated tinctures are available that work quite well for a lot of people. There might be countless such tinctures on the market, but I am mentioning only the one that I have personal experience with. There is a product called "Dr. Reckeweg's Thyreosan R51" tincture. It is a German product but it is sold in most parts of the world. This product requires that iodine, raw thyroid and other medications shouldn't be taken along side it or else it might cause serious aggravations. So usually the only other aid that you can follow if you decide to undergo homeopathic treatment for hypothyroidism is Yoga. You cannot take prescription medicines, Ayurvedic herbs or natural/supplement sources of iodine or raw thyroid along with this. Do a search with the product name and you might get an online store that sells you it. Get a homeopathic doctor to give you the dosage for this product. It might take a month before you start seeing results on this one though. Additional Information Most people with hypothyroidism also have Adrenal Fatigue. Get a naturopathy doctor (ND) to see if you have Adrenal Fatigue too. If you do, then it is better to devise a plan to deal both side by side as you'll probably have a faster and better response then. Also, most people with thyroid experience some kind of constipation problems. Instead of going for fiber supplements (like psyllium husk or bentonite clay) you could consider a

herbal mixture called 'Triphala'. It is made out of natural food material and is safe as long as you don't abuse it. It's dosage is 1 teaspoon of triphala in 1 glass of warm water before going to bed. Also, its necessary to drink lots of water (around 8 glasses, each glass measuring around 350 ml) through the day.

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