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conserv|nq natural resoulces


otr ttrttrt

Escambia Soil & Water Conservation District Board 151 Highway 97 Molino, FL32577 Phone: (850) 587-5404 Fa* (850) 587-2765 Supervisors: Anne Bennett, Dan Cain, Jeff De\r['eese, fuchard Freisinger, I-ynn Laird

RE,SOI,UTION Sr/HF]RliAS, the llscambia Counh' Soil and \Watcr Conscrvation District is a Special Distnct covering Escambia County, Florida established to pr<x'ide fr>r control and prevention of soil erosion and for furtherhg the conservation, development and utilization of soil and watcr resoutces, and the disposal of water, to preserve natural resources, control floods, assist in maintaining the navigability of rivcrs and harbors, preserve u,ildlife, protect the tax base and public lands, and protect and promote the health, safery and general welfare of the people and; WHEREAS, the Farm Service Agency (FSA), as a division of the LJnited States l)epartment oF Agriculture (LTSDA), ser!-es to administer farm commodities crop insurance, ctedit, env-ironmental conservad.on, and emergencv assistance programs for farmers and ranchcrs in thc United Statcs; and WHEREAS, due to budget reductions, the USDA proposes to consolidate 131 county FSA offices in 32 states throughout the (Jountry including 6 FSA offtces in Flodda, and specihcally the office in F,scambia County, Florida; and
WHHI{I1AS, the Ilscambia Countv closurc is rccommended to be immediately performed; and

WIIE REAS, the Escambia Oounty office is a vital resoutce to addtcss the claims and concerns of farmers and citizens in Flscambia County and thc closurc would result in Escambia Countv farmers and citizens having to drive in excess of one hour to the ncxt Florida FSA offrce impacting at least a half day of lost productiviw just to visit their nearest office.

NOW 'I'HEREI ORE, Bh, lT RtrSOI,VLD that the Escambia County Soil and Water Conservat-ion District Board of Supervisors does hcrcby oppose the closure of the Escambia County l'arm Service Agency Office locatcd at 151 Highway 97, Molino, Florida.


ff FURI'HER ItES()l.VllD that the Secretary is dirccted to forthwith send a copy of this Resolution to Senator N{arco Rubio, Senator Bill Nelson, Congressman Jeff lr{iller, Tonv Jackson, Director, USDA Farm Service Agency', Timothv N{anning, Executive Director, Florida State Farm Sen'ice,'\gency andJeff Barber District 1 Directoq Florida State Fatm Service Agenc,r'.

APPROVAL I, the Secretary of the Escambia Counlv Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors, hereb]' afftx my signature to this resolution authorizing it to becomc official this 10th day of Febtuarv 2012.

/z*rru-Mr. Jeff DeWeese


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