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Sunshine Herald

A Monthly Publication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving

Druid Hills United Methodist Church

Sunshine Herald MARCH 2012

From the Pastor:

Greetings Sisters and Brothers!

Rev. Daryl W. Allen


From the Pastor

1, 3 2 2 5 3, 4, 6, 7 8 4

My gosh this year is flying by. (Even with the extra day in February!) We are now firmly entrenched in this new year, and we find Lent is upon us. For the next forty days, we are all being called to prepare ourselves for Easter. Our denominational website posted this brief explanation about Lent that I want to share with you: Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. Lent comes from the Anglo Saxon word lencten, which means "spring." The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan. Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter. It is a time of self-examination and reflection. In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new converts for baptism. Today, Christians focus on their relationship with God, often choosing to give up something or to volunteer and give of themselves for others. Sundays in Lent are not counted in the forty days because each Sunday represents a "mini-Easter" and the reverent spirit of Lent is tempered with joyful anticipation of the Resurrection. So how are you going to prepare? Have you already laid out your plans? Are you better working in a more fluid environment? Here are a few suggestions that might help you as you seek to prepare this Lenten Season. One thing you can do is pray. Author Richard Foster writes, Prayer catapults us onto the frontier of the spiritual life...Real prayer is life creating and life changing.1 This is our opportunity to speak directly with our Creator and Redeemer, our Lord and our God. There is nothing you cannot discuss, there is nothing that God will not hear. The wonderful thing about prayer, is that even when our emotions are swirling so fast and we simply do not know where to begin or how to start, we have the Holy Spirit to help, Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans (Romans 8:26, The Message). Another discipline you can use is to fast. There are many different ways and many different beliefs as to how to undertake this practice. Remember a fast does not always mean no water and no food. It can be practiced in degrees, from simply giving up a certain type of food, to giving up all food, for a planned period of time. If you practice this discipline, please do your homework. Consult your doctor for what to do prior and after. Do not attempt this blindly. The intent of a fast is to take that time eating and spend it praising. To take that focus we have on food and place that focus on God.
1 Foster, Richard J. Celebration of Discipline. (HarperOne: New York: 1998), p. 33.
(continued on page 3)

Financial Report Caring and Sharing Calendar Activities The Scouting Side Easter Tableau

03/02 Marie Decker 03/03 Joyce Fraser 03/06 Jean Fay Susan Leighton 03/07 Brenda Shinn 03/13 Evelyn McMurrer 03/15 Charles Reid 03/19 Kristen Palmer 03/23 Karen Palmer 03/24 Eunice Charles 03/25 Rachel Boddy 03/26 Hilda Bolomey 03/28 Carole Newlin 03/29 Parker Allen 03/30 Wilhelmina Rogers

03/05 Debbie & Ed Ford

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Sunshine Herald

Prayer serves as the backbone of the church. It is what supports all our efforts of ministry. In that spirit, you are invited to hold these persons in your prayers and thoughts. Just as the Spirit needs healing, so does the body. The two, it seems, go together in Gods plan. Carol Bendle, Jeff Bixler, Jason Bonell, Bob Brombacker, Edie Caroleo, Rose Carroll, Eunice Charles, John Clayton, Fred Coder, Tiffany Critchfield, Cynthia & Jim Dekersky, Lauren DeLise, Raymond & Violet Dyer, Lisa Faulk, Eddie Ferguson, Jennifer Foster, Mary Frye, Brad Fuller, Chris Garris, Tina Gorski, Ruth & Jim Griffith, Joey Hager, Bernie Hamilton, Tola & Emil Hass, Robert Hildenbrandt, Jean Hoesman, Harry Hosey, Linda Hughes, Kenny Kinsey, Tom Klotz, Joanne Knepp, Alene & Les Krouse, Flo LaVine, Michael MacPherson, Berniece Mason, Michael McGlinchey, Dwayne Miller, Sandi Moore, Sue Murray, Lily Nettles, Carole Newlin, Faye Perry, Doris & Bill Pitts, Kathy Puskar, Jan & Don Ridley, P. R. Rion, Ilene Rittmayer, Wilhelmina Rogers, Rob Sanders, Joe Scott, Joe Scott, Jr, Emily Shaw, Harvey Singley, Floy Smith, June Stiefel, Adele Stipp, Gerry Theisen, Eileen Zimmerman, Suci Zoll

The Sunshine Herald is the monthly publication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church. Editor: Carole Newlin Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen Pastors Blog: Director of Worship Arts: Lucy Williams Email: Phone: 352-629-5688 Mail: 1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd. Ocala, FL 34471

Hours: 9:00 a.m. to Noon Monday through Friday Website:

Our Mission: We are a fellowship of believers Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving


MISSING HYMNALS Please return any hymnals you may have borrowed from the pews. No questions asked. Thank you, in advance. The Worship Committee

Offering: Childrens Home: Parking Income:

$11,664.00 $ 451.16 $ 750.00

Average Attendance Worship ..... 129 Sunday School Adult Focus.. . 13 Nursery..0 Childrens Church....3 Bible Study..36

GREAT LAKES SCRIP CENTER Great Lakes Scrip Center orders will be placed March 5 and 19. Thank you for your continued support of this ongoing fundraiser. Carole Newlin

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The Newsletter deadline each month is the 3rd Sunday. If you have information you want published, you can write it up on the proper submission form and submit it to the church office prior to the deadline or email Carole at Please remember when writing articles for publication to include all the basics of the information you want communicated: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Articles may be edited as necessary. Thank you for your cooperation.

Sunshine Herald
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There are many other methods you can use to prepare yourself for Lent. Some you may be very familiar with, others you may have never heard previously. However you proceed, whatever methods you use, it is between you and God, for the strengthening of the relationship between you and God. And do not forget the bit of joy that is built into this idea of preparation with each Sunday being designated as a mini-Easter and not counted in our forty days of preparation. I pray this Lenten season you are all stretched, you are all brought close to the One that loved you first, and that you may all feel the presence of our Lord. Blessings,

CONNECTIONAL GIVING Apportionments are our first mile of mission giving. They form the framework for the rest of our connectional ministry and mission. Ten percent of our monthly offering is paid toward our annual apportionments. World Service Fund, African University Fund, Ministerial Education Fund, Black College Fund, Episcopal Fund, Interdenominational Cooperation Fund and General Administration Fund all receive money from apportionments. To give is a privilege. God want us to give, not because God is poor or needs it, but because God wants to bless us. Interpreter of Connectional Giving Louise Cox THANK YOU My family, Bob and I are so grateful for all of your calls, cards, visits, food and prayers upon the passing of my mother, DeNease Hicks. Your love and concern sustained and comforted us. After a long and extraordinary life, I know that my mother is now safely home with her Heavenly Father. With much love to all of you, Lucy and Bob Williams The family of DeNease Hicks LAY SERVANT MINISTRIES TRAINING Saturday, April 28 & Saturday, May 5, 2012 St. Johns Cotton Plant UMC, Ocala (both days required) 9 am - 4 pm Basic Lay Servant: Course focuses on the many ways lay servants are called to be in ministry through such things as leading, teaching, serving, proclaiming the gospel, disciple-making and personal spiritual formation. Text: Lay Speaking Ministries Basic Course - by Sandy Jackson with Brian Jackson. Fee: $35 Basic Worship Leadership: A special class designed by request from lay servants. Focus is on basic preparation for worship. Topics will include the church calendar, colors, order of worship, leading worship, basic preparation and communication in worship. Participants will be encouraged to recognize and use their spiritual gifts. No text required. Bible will be needed and if possible bring the UMC Book of Worship, UMC Book of Discipline and a United Methodist Hymnal. Fee: $30 Advanced Lay Servant: Lay Servants Lead Older Adult Ministry: This course offers a perspective and practical guide for leaders of older Adult ministry. Text: Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century - by Richard H. Gentzler, Jr. Fee: $40 Youth Lay Servant: (ages 13-20) Lay Servant Training for youth helps young people recognize their gifts and talents in todays ministry setting. The basic course provides training for youth to claim the ministries to which God is calling them. Text: Lay Speaking for Youth Basic Course - by Mary Young. Fee: $35.

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As we prepare for our annual Easter Tableau, on April 5 and 6, please take a minute to prayerfully consider where you can help! As the saying goes, Many hands make light work! Sign-up sheets for each scene, each night, are available at the Connection Station and also for workers to help prepare for the Tableau. Sign-up sheets are also available to help provide refreshments each night. If you have any questions, please contact Eunice at 687-9122.

THANK YOU I would like to thank the following people for donating their time and energy to help prepare and paint Fellowship Hall: Tom Bingham, Ed DuBois, Kathy Enderson, Ed Ford, Jack Grieves, Linda Hughes, Federico Lopez, Libby Orbison, Charles Reid, Frank Thompson and last, but not least, Pastor Daryl. They did a great job. Ruth Griffith Chairperson of Trustees COUPLES SPIRITUAL RETREATS Couples Spiritual Retreats will be held March 9-11 or March 23-25, for a weekend of inspiration, fellowship and relaxation. The two retreats and the leaders at both weekends will be offering insight and encouragement to experience life to the fullest through faithful living. Living by Faith is an exciting experience as we continue to anticipate what Christ has for us next. Registration is in full swing with plenty of space available for more couples. You are encouraged to join with other Christian couples and together explore the joy of a life of positive expectancy. Information and registration forms are available at or by calling Don or Sue Heishman at 877-8153692. A flyer is also posted on the Church Office bulletin board. UNITED METHODIST MEN All men in our congregation are members of the United Methodist Men and we would like you to consider joining us each month for a time of food and fellowship. We meet the second Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Each man brings a small covered dish to share. A few years ago, as a service project, the United Methodist Men decided to adopt a little girl from Uganda. The cost to provide services for her is $35 a month. In order to continue this service project, we need a minimum of 7 men to pledge $5 each month. If you are willing to assist with this project, please complete the attached pledge form and place it in the offering plate or drop it off at the Church Office. I pledge $______ per month or $______annually to the United Methodist Men to support this service project. Signed:_________________________________________

Sunshine Herald
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APRIL 2007






10 am - Bible Study

5:30 pm - Girl Scouts 7 pm - Bible Study 4 9:00 am - Adult Focus Group 10:30 am - Worship White Sunday 6:30 pm - Pack Mtg. 12 5 6 8:15 am ROMEOs 7 pm - Choir 7 pm - Boy Scouts 7 8:30 am DCOM - FH 10:30 am - Chair Aerobics 5 pm - Trustees 6 pm - Brownies 6:30 pm - Finance 7 pm - Church Council 14 10 am - Prayer Shawl 8 10 am - Bible Study 5:30 pm - Girl Scouts 7 pm - Bible Study 15 10 am - Bible Study 12:30 pm MODELs 5:30 pm - UMM 6 pm - Boy Scouts Court of Honor - FH 20 8:15 am ROMEOs 10 am - UMW 3 pm - NCD 7 pm - Choir 7 pm - Boy Scouts 26 27 8:15 am ROMEOs 28 5:30 pm - Girl Scouts 6 pm - Brownies 5:30 pm - Girl Scouts 7 pm - Bible Study 22 23 24 16 17 9 10

11 9 am - Adult Focus Group 10:30 am - Worship Scout Sunday Canned Food Sun.

13 8:15 am ROMEOs 10 am - Worship Cmte

6:30 pm - Den Mtg.

18 9 am - Adult Focus Group 10:30 am - Worship 2 pm - Ocala Health & Rehab Sisterhood/ Brotherhood Sunday 25 9 am - Adult Focus Group 10:30 am - Worship


21 6 pm - Brownies




7 pm - Choir Personal Care Sun. 6:30 pm - Den Mtg. 7 pm - Boy Scouts 6 pm - Brownies 5:30 pm - Girl Scouts

March 2012

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Sunshine Herald

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Sunshine Herald

April 1, Palm Sunday, the children will participate during worship service by carrying the palms.

April 8, Easter Sunday, immediately following Fellowship time; there will be an Easter Egg hunt for the children in the Pumpkin Patch area . We are asking that each child bring their own basket and meet Ms. Joy and Ms. Debby Hildenbrandt in Fellowship Hall before the Easter Egg hunt. We would like donations of plastic eggs and wrapped candy that will fit inside the eggs. PLEASE NO CHOCOLATE. We will also need help filling the plastic eggs on Saturday, March 24 at 10 AM in Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Joy.

MODELs MODELs (Mostly Older Debutantes Eating Lunch) will meet at 12:30 pm on March 15 at Codys Original Roadhouse, 2505 SW College Road. If you plan to attend, please email your reservation to or call the office by March 15. Dont forget to bring a dollar to be donated to a charity at the end of the year.


Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 20 at 10 am in Fellowship Hall.

GOODSEARCH/GOODSHOP Month January February Year to date Searches 58 48 106 $ raised from searches $0.58 $0.48 $1.06 $ raised from shopping $2.71 $0.00 $2.71 Total earnings $3.29 $0.48 $3.77

Each time you search the internet or shop online at one of the participating stores, a donation will be made to Druid Hills United Methodist Church at no cost to you. Go to & follow the directions to download the toolbar. When it requests your charity information, just type in Druid Hills United Methodist Church. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Daryl or Carole Newlin. THANK YOU The Memorial Committee is appreciative of gifts given to Druid Hills UMC this past month. In memory of Faye Pippin: Mark & Reglynn Petterson, George & Phyllis Barnes, Charles & Eunice Reid. In memory of Carol Peterson: Sharon Moore, Don & Jan Ridley, Joe Ernst, Mark Peterson, Charles & Eunice Reid, Alton Ratcliffe, Larry & Donna Bridenstine, Paul & Emily Cox. In memory of Charles Lee: Joe Ernst, Joyce B. Fraser, William & Kathy Benda. In memory of DeNease Hicks: Joe Ernst, Dorothy & Russell Stein, Frank & Joyce Thompson, Don & Louise Cox. DID YOU KNOW. Lent is a special time of prayer, penance, sacrifice and good works in preparation of the celebration of Easter.

Sunshine Herald
THE SCOUTING SIDE Cub Scout Pack 112 Pack 112 is having a great 2012! We had a great time attending Scout Sunday in February - - the boys were proud to carry in the Pack 112 flag and recite their scout oath for the congregation at Druid Hills United Methodist Church. Everyone enjoyed the service and the delicious lunch. February ended with our Blue and God banquet - always well attended by the scouts and their families. This year we were proud to award the Arrow of Light to seven of our Webelo scouts, who crossed over to become Boy Scouts and were welcomed to Boy Scouts by the scouts of Troop 112. We are looking forward to spring - our Pinewood Derby race will be in March and in April we will be fishing and camping. Thank you for your on-going support of Pack 112! Kelsey Burnette Brownie Troop 408 and Junior Troop 425 Every cookie has a mission. This year, not only can you buy cookies for soldiers overseas; but part of our proceeds go to different charities through our community service action projects. Brownie Troop 408 is raising money to send a child to swim lessons at the YMCA and to purchase supplies for the Ocala Owl Sanctuary. Junior Troop 425 is raising money for a service project involving the Humane Society. We are learning how these programs were created and how they are run through volunteers and support from the community. If you are interested in purchasing cookies, please contact me at 625-1855 for individual orders or to find out our booth dates and times. Jen Althiser

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GENERAL CONFERENCE 2012 What is General Conference? General Conference (GC) is the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church. GC is held once every 4 years to consider revisions to church law, as well as adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy & economic issues. It also approves plans & budgets for church-wide programs for the next 4 years. Volunteers Needed: A brief list of positions available are: Airport Greeters, Convention Center Greeters, Hotel Greeters, Information Booth, Lounge Hospitality & Refreshments, Prayer Ministry and Registration. Additional information is available at Please be advised that this is a volunteer position & no food or lodging will be provided. 50 Days of Prayer This resource, 50 Days of Prayer Before & During General Conference 2012, serves as an invitation to provide spiritual support to the 2012 General Conference. Electronic communication will make it possible for every local congregation in every part of the world to pray with & for the 988 delegates of the 2012 General Conference. Using the internet & free, downloadable files, every United Methodist will be able to read the same scripture, share the same insights and pray the same prayer for 40 days prior to the General Conference in Tampa, as well as praying through each day of the General Conference, April 24 through May 4, 2012. We want God to lead and shape the future of The United Methodist Church. This guide will allow us to actively support the spiritual preparation needed before the General Conference & intercede faithfully during the ten days of the Conference. The kingdom of God comes through prayer and discernment. Through use of this resource, we unite in prayer for Gods will to be done in Gods way and in Gods time. To download the 50 Days of Prayer, go to Click General Conference 2012 link. Click Prayer Ministry Support link & follow directions to download. If you have an e-reader, follow the directions to load electronic files onto your reading device. If you do not have internet access, please call Carole at the Church Office to have the devotional downloaded for you.

Druid Hills United Methodist Church

Sunshine Herald
1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd. Ocala, FL 34471

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