World History - Age of Exploration Notes

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The age of exploration Why wasn t exploring popular earlier?

* leaving wasn t an option to most people - trespassing [you could be killed] - water is scary, because you ve never been there before [fear of uncertainty] - a few people went sailing but most didn t come back Main fears: Sea Monsters Boiling at the Equator Also there were no maps - maybe it s just water & no more land? And they had very bad ships New reasons for overseas travel: [some renaissance themes] 1) Love of learning 2) individual recognition, if you could find some more land or sail really far y ou d be pretty popular. 3) to spread Christianity - religion was so important at this time! [there was also new technology: the compos, astrolabe measures your lattitude N &S] 4) NUMBER ONE REASON: you could get wealthy, very wealthy even wealthier than ki ng and pope. - if you could find a way to get directly to Asia to buy spices [not buy throug h Italy] you could then sell it for more than you bought it at home and earn lot s of money. - or find Spices somewhere else The sources of spices Most spices were on the spice islands in asia, what would happen is a trader wou ld buy a bucket or so of spices from a farmer than sell it to another trader for more money, than he to another each time it s traded it goes up. - the traders are called middlemen - if you could bypass these traders and buy the product and sell it in your town you could become filthy rich.

Important people/places in the age of exploration:

Prince Henry the navigator: 1. From Portugal 2. Wasn t really a big explorer 3. Went only to Africa which isn t that great of an accomplishment 4. He started schools of navigation - these aren t real school what happened is th ey would go and look for people to teach how to sail. He used the country s money for this Bartholomew Diaz 1. Portugal 2. Asia 3. Southern tip of Africa - called cape of good hope now 4. They found out that Africa had a tip that they could go around 5. He explored Africa Vasco De Gama 1. Portugal 2. India 3. Calicut, India 4. Brought back spices, Gems, and silks 5. Had given Portugal a direct sea route to India Christopher Columbus 1. Spain 2. Get to Asia by going west 3. An Island in the Caribbean went to allot of islands there and around it, thou ght he was in East Indies 4. He started colonization in the new world 5. Claimed the island for Spain Amerigo Vespucci 1. From Italy 2. South America 3. Eastern coast of South America 4. Discovered that it was southern America not Asia [realized Columbus mistake] 5. Got north & south America named after him Ferdinand Magellan 1. Spain 2. ??????? 3. Guam, Philippines - he dies there 4. Show us how big the world is 5. His crew was the first to sail around the world Brazil/line of demarcation 1. Made a line dividing what Spain & Portugal own in the New World [south americ a] 2. It made room for colonization to start.

Jacques Cartier 1. France 2. East Indies [ going west] through the Northwest passage] 3. St. Lawrence river by the gulf of eastern Canada

4. France is now exploring, has hoined the race. Its colonies called New France Samuel de Champlain 1. France 2. The Northwest Passage 3. New France, Quebec - sets up settlement 4. Found something in the new world to trade Furs which were the height of fashi on, didn t have to go to asia to get spices! Marquette and Joliet 1, France 2. Northwest Passage 3. The great lakes, Mississippi river - thought it was the ocean and that they w ould find Northwest Passage 4. Just another failed attempt to find the Northwest passage Sir Walter Raleigh - he s a pirate wanted to go close to were spain was to steal f rom them 1. England 2. Island off coast of Virginia - Roanoke island 3. Roanoke Island 4. Got England in the race then tripped

Pilgrims and Puritans 1. England 2. New world 3. Plymouth, Massachusetts [south of New France] 4. Came over for Religious reasons not money reasons. Puritan - some one from a religion Puritism - protestant religion They weren t allowed to practice their religion in England Catholics Anglicans ike Catholics Lutherans Calvinists Puritans - pure protestants not l ^PROTESTANTS^ Henry Hudson/ New Netherlands & New Amsterdam 1. Netherlands 2. Find a Northwest sea route to Asia 3. What is now Hudson river, Hudson bay 4. Found regions that were later claimed by the Netherlands and used for trading posts called New Netherlands, and New Amsterdam Eventually they surrendered to England and the place turned in to New York and N ew York [new york city] Jamestown 1. They farmed Tobacco plants 2. It was one of England s first permanent settlements in North America Profits in the new world? - Tobacco

- Furs Effects of Europeans in the New World

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