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Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili
shared initial nerves of moving away
from home, but now is a ferce advocate
among his peers of international travel
Fijian Students Support AG In India Expo Tour
Fijians studying and living in India have
turned out to support Fijis Attorney-
General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyums
special tourist and trade mission to
India this week. The delegation is
meeting with travel agents and trade
media during its four city tour.
In Bangalore, the delegation received
a true Fijian welcome from Fijian
students from Suva, Tavua, and
Rakiraki who are currently studying
at different institutions in India under
scholarship from the India High
Students studying in India carry with
them Fijis uniquely rich culture,
welcoming people, and familiar
hospitality. The successful immersion
of Fijis younger generations into its
Asia-Pacifc neighbour nations inspires
the natural curiosities that attract new
visitors to the organic tourism to Fiji.
The delegation was joined by Eroni
Duaibe in Kolkata. He traveled seven
hours overnight by train to support the
visiting tourism road show. Duaibe,
a member of the Royal Fiji Military
Forces, is studying at Ravenshaw
University in Orissa.
One student, Priyanka Ram, from Suva,
will receive her Masters Degree in
Social Work and Psychiatric Medicine
from St. Josephs College in April,
after which she intends to bring her
specialisation back to Fiji and develop
its mental health practices.
Another student , Varun Chaudhary from
Tavua will receive a Bachelors Degree in
Computer Applications and will pursue a
position in Fijis growing IT sector. He
particularly to India.
Organized by Fiji Tourism, the trips
goal is to supplement the natural
cultural exchange that occurs through
international study programmes and
other trade and business partnerships.
Russian Foreign Affairs Minister,
Sergey Lavrov
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times Fiji News
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Kava Banned In Flood-Related
MASS gathering and consumption of
yaqona are expected to be banned in
areas and villages where food-related
diseases have been identifed if the
Commissioner Western Commander
Joeli Cawaki has his way.
And police are expected to be deployed
to these areas to make sure that the new
law, if implemented, is followed.
Cdr Cawaki said he would frst submit
a report to the permanent secretary for
Provincial Development before the ban
is put into effect.
He said the proposed ban is to prevent
the outbreak of water-borne diseases in
food-affected areas following the death
of a 28-year-old woman on Sunday and
the increase in food-related diseases.
He said in the case of a death, the
proposal was that no traditional
ceremonies were to be performed in
these areas.
"The ban will be in place upon the
advice of the Health Ministry in the
fght to contain or prevent the outbreak
of any water- borne disease," Cdr
Cawaki said.
"There is a high risk of outbreaks
in these areas and people have been
warned to take precautionary measures.
"There will be no mass gatherings as
we are aware that there could be some
carriers in these areas, which is one of
the reasons we have decided to ban
(the consumption of) yaqona and to
also stop the mass gathering of people.
"But again that will be decided by the
PS " Cdr Cawaki said health offcials
and the DISMAC team continued
with the disinfection of homes and the
cleaning-up of affected areas.
"Spraying of mosquito breeding places
is continuing in these areas and people
have been urged to practice safe and
basic health tips.
"The government is committed to
making sure that all these diseases are
contained and we need the support of
members of the public. A similar concept
was in place at Nanoko in Navosa
which saw the successful containment
of a typhoid outbreak in the area."
Ms Lewatu died on Sunday morning
after suffering from dengue fever.
The Health Ministry has recorded 53
cases of communicable diseases since
January 25.
Of the 53 cases, there were 14 typhoid
cases, 16 leptospirosis and 23 dengue
Financial Institution And Event
Company Help Out
The Prime Ministers Flood Relief
Fund received a further donation
of $35,000 from the local business
This after the New India Assurance
Company donated $25,000 while
the Hibiscus Event Group Inc. gave
$10,000 with a promise of further
assistance in times of disaster.
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama,
who accepted the cheques, thanked
the donors and assured them that the
money would be put to effective use.
On behalf of the people of Fiji and
especially those affected by the recent
foods, I wish to extend our thanks
and give assurance that the generous
donations would be put to effective
use, he said.
Company chief operating offcer,
Venukumar Krishnamurthy, said the
donation was a token of contribution
to this national cause.
The Hibiscus Event Group (HEGI)
executive secretary Aqela Cakobau,
which organises the annual Hibiscus
festival, said the organisation had used
the profts from the previous carnivals
to provide this assistance.
The charity chest, the funds collected
by the contestants is distributed to
charity. In the future, a percentage of
this will go towards disaster relief, as
and when required, she explained.
The Prime Ministers Flood Relief
has received substantial amounts from
fnancial institutions and currently,
close to $1.5 million has been collected.
Meanwhile, Mr Krishnamurthy said
they had already received 80 food
related claims from their customers
and 10 such cases had already been
The New India Insurance Company
has been operating in Fiji for the last 57
years and holds the second position as
far as market share of general insurance
with 33 per cent of total business. It has
a branch in Vanua Levu, one in Nadi
and Lautoka and another in Suva.
Cruise Liner At Suva
THE picture of smiling faces and white
sandy beaches on Fiji's promotional
billboard inspired Australian couple
Mark and Jennifer Conway to come to
The pair was among 500 passengers
on the MV Sea Princess that berthed at
Suva harbour on Monday.
I t
was their frst visit to Fiji, and they
were intrigued by the friendliness of
the people, the care free atmosphere
and the warm climate.
"We got to know about Fiji through a
billboard in our suburb and we decided
to come to Fiji," Mr Conway said.
"The people here are so friendly.
Unfortunately we'll be here in Suva
only for a day but we're looking
forward to sailing down to Port
Denarau and Savusavu."
The cruise ship is on a 60-day Pacifc
cruise starting in Sydney, berthing in
American Samoa, Fiji and Tonga and
back to Sydney.
"It's good to see that there are many
different races people here show a lot
of affection which is diffcult to get in
other countries," Mrs Conway said.
"We bought jewellery, handicraft items
and material.
"And what amazes us is the price of
vegetables and tropical fruits. The market
is colourful and things are very cheap."
The couple who manage a hardware
business in New South Wales said they
hoped to return to Fiji and stay longer.
The SPC mission is to help the Pacifc
Island people respond effectively to the
challenges they face, and make informed
decisions about their future and the future
they wish to leave for the generations
to follow. said Dr. Jimmie Rodgers,
Director General of the Secretariat of the
Pacifc Community (SPC).
Dr. Rodgers made his comments on
the SPC ongoing commitment to
the region as it celebrates its 65th
birthday. It was on February 6, 1947
that the South Pacifc Commission was
formed (now called the Secretariat of
the Pacifc Community).
Since then, SPC has come a long way,
said Dr. Rodgers, Our membership
now comprises 22 Pacifc Island
countries and territories as well as four
of its founding members Australia,
France, New Zealand and United States.
Our work programme spans over
20 sectors including important
intersecting priorities such as climate
change, food security and gender. We
assist our island members achieve their
national development outcomes.
Today SPCs work covers almost all
the key economic, environmental and
social sectors, said Dr Rodgers.
These sectors include natural resources
that are focused on agriculture,
aquaculture, fsheries, forestry and
water. Human and social development
is concerned with education, health,
sanitation, culture, gender, youth, and
human rights.
Economic development includes ICT,
infrastructure and transport among
its responsibilities, while oceans
and islands address coastal zone
management, geological assessments,
sea-bed mapping, and maritime
boundary issues.
SPC work also involves cross-cutting
areas, primarily disaster risk reduction,
statistics and demography, gender,
human rights, food security and
climate change. It also has a support
infrastructure that includes research,
policy analysis and advice.
To undertake the work, SPC employs
nearly 300 scientists, technicians and
specialists located at its two main
centres in Noumea, New Caledonia and
Suva Fiji as well as at its north Pacifc
regional offce in Pohnpei, Federated
States of Micronesia.
SPC Celebrates 65 Years Of Commitment To
The Region
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times Fiji News
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Minister For Women To Tour West
The Minister for Social Welfare,
Women and Poverty Alleviation Dr
Jiko Luveni will tour the western
division to meet with women groups.
The objective of the tour is to also visit
income generating programs provided by
government to improve the livelihoods
of women in Lautoka and Nadi.
My visit is to meet the women groups
to gauge on their needs in terms of
economic empowerment programs
and at the same time it will provide an
opportunity for women to learn about
governments plans and programs for
womens development and how they
can access it, Dr Luveni said.
The Minister will also be handing over
a total of 39 electrical sewing machines
to 23 women groups.
The electrical sewing machines will
be distributed as requested by these
women groups to serve as an economic
tool to boost their income generating,
Dr Luveni said.
Women will also have an opportunity
to discuss their needs and ways in
which government can assist them to
improve their livelihoods, she said.
Ministry Responds To PM's Call
The Ministry of Local Government,
Urban Development, Housing and
Environment donated cash and kind
assistance to the Ministry of Provincial
Development and National Disaster
The Minister for Local Government, Mr
Samuela Saumatua said the initiative is
from his own staff that donated $500
cash towards the PMs relief fund and
also hand-over of items for distribution
through Provincial Development.
Assistance was given to the urban
areas for those badly affected and we
decided to focus on the villages and
settlements such as squatter areas who
are in need of food items and clothing,
Mr Saumatua said.
The response was from the staff was
after looking at the devastation of the
foods and contributions made to both
the PMs Flood Appeal and to the
Items such as canned food, clothing,
cooking utensils was handed over the
Provincial Development permanent
secretary for distribution to the rural
Prime Minister Bainimarama during
his recent visit to the Western Division
expressed his deep concern for those
affected, including displaced Fijians
and those families who lost loved ones
in the recent fooding.
Individuals, organizations and
businesses were encouraged to help
their fellow Fijians in this time of need
through relief efforts to bring back
normalcy to the lives of people and
communities that have been affected
by the foods.
The Prime Ministers national food
appeal account was established
following the recent foods.
Korean Government Gives Food Supplies
The Government of the Republic of
Korea through its embassy in Suva
handed over food items to the Fijian
government to be distributed in the
western division following the recent
In handing over the food items worth
almost $85,000, the Korean envoy to
Fiji, His Excellency, Cheong Hae-
Wook said from briefngs attended,
food rations have been one of the
major challenges as many shops in the
western division were also underwater.
No country and people are safe from
disasters that Mother Nature brings
about, Ambassador Hae-Wook said.
I sincerely hope that this relief food,
as a token of Koreas goodwill, could
help people in the western division
overcome their diffculties and return
to normal life.
The food items included 4000 bags of 5
kilograms four, 2000 cartons of instant
noodles and 200 cartons of biscuits.
Following todays ceremony, the three
truck load of containers was transported
to the western division so that rations
could be distributed to those affected.
In receiving the donation on behalf
of Government, Commissioner
Western Mr Joeli Cawaki thanked the
government and the people of Korea
for their generous assistance during
this time of disaster.
This contribution will go a long way
in our relief efforts to assist those that
were affected, Commander Cawaki
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
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Russian Foreign Affairs Minister,
Sergey Lavrov
Air Pacifc Selects Rolls-Royce to Power Its New Fleet
Trent 700 Engine to Power the Airlines New Airbus A330-200s
Fijis national airline Air Pacifc
announced that it has selected Rolls-
Royces Trent 700 engines to power
its three new Airbus A330-200 aircraft.
The agreement with Rolls-Royce,
which also includes long-term support
services, is valued at F$370 million
(US $210m) at today's list prices.
David Pfieger, Air Pacifcs Managing
Director and CEO, announced the order
at the annual Singapore Airshow. Our
decision to invest in the Trent engine,
the only engine specifcally designed
for the A330 and the market leader
for this aircraft, is another exciting
indicator of the strong momentum
behind Air Pacifcs revitalisation
Rolls-Royce, with its best-in-
class products and leading-edge,
environmentally friendly technologies,
is the right partner for us as we prepare
to welcome our new state-of-the-art
Airbus A330s into our feet.
Bruce Blythe, Rolls-Royces Senior
Vice President Civil Aerospace, said
in a statement: We are delighted Air
Pacifc is putting trust in our engines
for their new wide-body feet. We
look forward to a long and mutually
rewarding relationship with the
Air Pacifc announced the order of
three brand new Airbus A330-200s
in October, 2011, lauding it as a
landmark acquisition. The frst-ever
purchase of new wide-body aircraft
marked a milestone in the airlines
62-year history. The new aircraft will
begin arriving in March 2013, and
will be operated on fights to Fiji from
Sydney, Auckland, Hong Kong and
Los Angeles.
We have a winning combination with
the Airbus A330-200 and the Rolls-
Royce Trent 700, Air Pacifcs CEO
noted. These two market-leading
innovators, with superior safety,
service, operational and environmental
performance track records, will be
ideal partners for us as we pursue our
goal to become the preferred airline in
the South Pacifc.
When our new planes take to the sky
next year, Fijians can be proud of their
national airline and our passengers can
be confdent they will enjoy our world-
renowned customer service in relaxing
style and spacious comfort.
We are making great progress with
the renewal and revitalisation of Fiji's
national airline, and while we are now
in our 24 month "pardon our dust"
period of changes and transition, there
will be a lot to cheer about when we
are done.
Thus, we want to again thank our
customers for their patience and
understanding and our employees for
their hard work and dedication during
our feet and airline renewal efforts,
Mr. Pfieger said.
Fijiwater Continues Support For The Tourism Awards
The time has come to recognize and
reward those who have labored hard
in the tourism industry and people can
expect exactly this at the upcoming AON
Fiji Excellence in Tourism Awards.
FIJIWater, being one of the companies
that are associated with the awards,
have reiterated their commitment to
the annual awards.
In a statement the company said: FIJIWater
is proud to be a sponsor of the awards
evening and will continue to support the
AON Fiji Excellence in Tourism Awards.
Its commitment to the awards over the
past fve years refects its dedication to
the hospitality industry.
It is a major supplier to hotels and resorts
in Fiji and because of its worldwide
distribution of its unique bottle and logo
design; it is an important promoter of the
country as a tourism destination.
The AON Fiji Excellence in Tourism
Awards will be held at the Softel Fiji
Resort and Spa on February 24, 2012.
State Of Natural Disaster Extended
The National Disaster Management
Offce has extended the state of natural
disaster in the Western Division for
a further 10 days with effect from
February 9, to allow full damage
assessments to be completed.
According to the National Disaster Offce,
the extension will give time for cleaning
up of areas affected by the foods before
those evacuated return home.
The logic behind this is waste
management, as those houses affected
needs to be cleaned of mud and debris
and fumigated by the Ministry of
Health. Drains need to be cleared to
ensure it is ft for people to live in,
said the Disaster Offce acting director
Ms Akisi Korodrau.
Korodrau adds that the extension will
help the NDMO to also clean evacuation
centres, such as schools to resume classes.
She said that there are currently 162
evacuees taking shelter at the Girmit
Centre in Lautoka.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
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Times Fiji News
Women Focusing To Become Independent
The Fijian Government remains
resolute in recognizing and motivating
women around the country to utilize
their skills as part of their contribution
to socio-economic development.
Recently, the Minister for Women Dr
Jiko Luveni met with women from
Nabudrau village in Noco, Rewa not
only to donate 20 electrical sewing
machines, but also to conduct a
dialogue session with them on ways
to elevate their fnancial status and to
introduce them to government assisted
programs and incentives.
Nabudrau Womens Group president
Mrs Alisi Vulaidausiga joined more than
200 participants at the dialogue session
in acknowledging Governments
assisted programs towards women
around the country. She highlighted
how women are becoming fnancially
independent and highlighted ways
that the new sewing machines would
contribute to economic empowerment
in their communities.
The main sources of living for
women in Noco are fshing, farming
and domestic duties. Given that we
always try to earn income for ourselves
other than depending entirely on
our husbands, we have a vision to
be fnancially independent. Since
last year, we have collected around
$500 by selling pillow cases, dresses,
cushions, table cloth, door mats and
given these new sewing machines and
sewing training, Noco women will be
fully equipped to pursue commercial
tailoring, Mrs Vulaidausiga said.
Similarly, Sovaia Rokouma, head of
the Nakauwaru Womens Club, said
it will now be easy for the womens
groups in Noco to sew school uniforms
for the children.
We have been waiting to have this
gift for years and now it will save us
money so we no longer have to travel
all the way to Nausori to get the school
uniforms. These donations I would say
are just in time, when we are looking
for opportunities to improve our
livelihood, Mrs Rokouma said.
Dr Luveni in her dialogue session with
the villages reiterated that fnancial
empowerment in rural communities
remains one of the key pillars to foster
national development.
Rural women have huge potential to
generate income and government stands
ready to work with them to open up
economic opportunities. When women
earn income that income is more likely
to be utilized in the livelihood of her
families and beneft reaches out to the
community. I have encouraged women
to be proactive in working together to
start up an income generating project
for this will up lift their decision
making skills and help them walk out of
poverty, Dr Luveni added.
The Ministry has to date donated over
1800 sewing machines.
Bank Of Baroda Contributes To Flood
Relief Fund
THE Prime Ministers Flood Relief
Fund continues to receive donations
from the public, businesses and
government entities.
The Bank of Baroda through its welfare
fund, generously donated $25,000
to the fund with the view that having
served Fijians for the last 50 years they
have become part and parcel of Fiji.
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama,
who received the cheque in his offce,
thanked the bank on behalf of the
people of Fiji.
The donation will enhance the $1.37m
banked into the fund so far, and part of
which has already been allocated to the
Disaster Management Offce to be put
to effective use.
The banks chief executive offcer
Pabitra Kumar Das said after serving in
Fiji for so long, it had become their social
responsibility to help the people in Fiji.
We will also be providing concessions
to our customers who have been
affected by the foods through the
Flood Rehabilitation Fund in line with
the Reserve Bank of Fiji, he said.
So the existing customers can get
rescheduling for the payment of their
loans. That means that they we will
delay their payments for the next six
months or so.
Health Ministry Tracks Illegal Trade
Fijis Ministry of Health is tracking
down illegal practices by Food
Business Operators (FBO) around the
This is following the unfair trade
practice of FBO which violates the
food safety law.
Minister for Health Dr Neil Sharma
in a press release said his ministry
is concerned about issues such as
inaccurate labeling of vegetable oil,
imported rice and imported wheat four.
We are concerned that unscrupulous
traders are importing palm oil and
selling to the public as vegetable oil,
said Dr Sharma.
Dr Sharma said FBO dealing with
edible fats and oil are required to meet
their legal obligations stipulated under
the Food Safety Act 2003.
Imported rice is another issue that the
ministry is looking into.
FBO is also cautioned dealing with
imported rice not to contravene the
Food Safety Act 2003 and the Food
Safety Regulation 2009 by importing
Premium rice and broken rice and mix
the two together and are selling at the
premium rice price, said Dr Sharma.
He said FBO must put a stop to such
Dr Sharma continued that imported
wheat four is another area which has
seen unfair trading practices.
He said FBO who are importing wheat
four into Fiji are cautioned not to
import any unfortifed four into the
Dr Sharma said there are legal penalties
for those who breach the Food Safety
The penalties for the above offences
if found guilty in any court of law in
Fiji carries a fne of $10,000 or fve
years imprisonment for individuals
or private companies and $50,000 or
10 years imprisonment for corporate
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
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Tourism Road Show Mission To India
Attorney General and Minister for
Tourism Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
commenced a four-city India Roadshow
organised by Tourism Fiji. Before
beginning the week's Roadshow, the
Minister visited the Tourism Fiji booth
at SATTE, India's B2B Travel and
Tourism event held in New Delhi at
Pragati Maidan from February 10-12.
Over the years, SATTE has grown both
in terms of exhibitors and visitors,
including buyers, and is today the
biggest networking forum for the travel
and tourism industry in South Asia.
The event is spread over 16,000sqm. It
features 50 countries, with an estimated
6,000+ travel agents and tour operators
from all over India and abroad, making
it India's biggest travel and tourism
At SATTE, Fiji for the frst time was
represented by Tourism Fiji along with
partners Air Pacifc, Tour Managers
and Rosie Holidays.
Attending countries included but
were not limited to the United Arab
Emirates, Thailand, Hong Kong,
Argentina, Dominican Republic,
Israel, Macau, Kenya, Turkey, Oman
and Spain--all present to capture the
lucrative outbound Indian traveller.
Following this event, Tourism Fiji held
its annual four-city Road Show in the
following cities:
Feb 13th: New Delhi workshop at the
Shangri La Eros Hotel.
Feb14th: Kolkata workshop at the
Oberoi Hotel.
Feb15th: Bangalore workshop at the
Ista Hotel.
Feb16th: Mumbai workshop at the
Four Seasons hotel.
Mumbai and Delhi are the main
markets in India; whereas Kolkata
and Bangalore are important emerging
markets yet to be opened.
The Tourism Fiji Road show serves
as an important platform for suppliers
from Fiji to meet, establish networks,
and educate and equip the Indian travel
community about the various products
Fiji has to offer so they can in turn sell
the destination better.
Tourism Fiji led the Fiji delegation at
the Indian Road Show with Air Pacifc,
Tour Managers, Rosie Holidays, Pacifc
Destinations, Ahura Resorts, Namale
Resort & Spa, Tadrai, Tanoa Hotels,
Mana Island Resort, Castaway Island
Resort / Outrigger on the Lagoon.
Vodafone Considers $1.92B Cash Offer
VODAFONE has confrmed it is
considering a cash offer for Cable &
Wireless Worldwide, expected to be
worth around $1.92billion.
The offer for Britain's second largest
fxed line telecoms group, which has
suffered a series of proft warnings and
two changes of chief executive in the
last year, comes as Vodafone seeks to
bolster its network to cope with the
explosion of internet traffc on mobile
"Vodafone regularly reviews
opportunities in the sector and
confrms it is in the very early stages
of evaluating the merits of a potential
offer for CWW," the frm said in a
statement. "Any offer, if made, will be
in cash, but Vodafone reserves the right
to change the specie of consideration."
To get the best value for your dollar
Advertise in
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Times Fiji News
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
encouraged Fijis Heads of Missions
(HOMs) based in diplomatic missions
worldwide to enhance Fijis foreign
policy worldwide.
The Prime Minister urged Fijis envoys
to look at opportunities to strengthen
the countrys foreign agenda at the
opening of the 2012 Heads of Missions
With continued expansion, we
must also enrich Fijis investment
climate and rejuvenate private sector
participation. In your deliberations this
week, I encourage all of you to create
innovative strategies that will enhance
our engagement with the international
community in a manner that is most
effective and effcient, Prime Minister
Bainimarama said.
Hosted by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and International Cooperation,
the meet is designed to provide
government and these heads of
missions the opportunity to look at
foreign policy objectives. It will also
provide a forum for the countrys
envoys that represent Fiji in our 14
diplomatic missions, to also discuss
common concerns, major government
programmes and developments.
As Fiji continues to foster positive
engagement and develop bilateral
relationships, we must uphold the
fundamentals of our key foreign
policy interests. While maintaining our
territorial integrity, we will rely on the
transparency achieved through open
dialogue to pursue progressive and
effective partnerships, Prime Minister
told members of both the Fiji and
foreign diplomatic corps, government
offcials and those from the private
sector at this event.
Following the opening function, the
heads of missions paid a courtesy call
to His Excellency the President Ratu
Epeli Nailatikau at Government House.
PM Calls In Envoys To Enhance
Fijis Foreign Policy
WAF Donates To PMs Flood Relief Fund
On behalf of all the staff at the Water
Authority of Fiji, the Acting Chief
Executive Offcer, Opetaia Ravai
made a donation of $3704.15 to the
Permanent Secretary for Regional
Development, Colonel Inia Seruiratu.
Ravai presented the cheque to Colonel
Seruiratu at the Water Authority of Fijis
Boardroom, Manohan Building, Nasinu.
We are left speechless at the sight of the
food affected areas in the greater parts
of the Western Division that the media
brings to us each day, Mr Ravai said.
The magnitude of the destruction
caused is unimaginable.
It has affected the lives of thousands of
our people and may include our friends
and relatives of those we know.
Mr Ravai said the overwhelming
reports by the media encouraged the
spirit of charity here at WAF and thus
our contribution towards DISMACs
effort to restore the lives of those that
were affected during the food.
Stories told by these people are
overwhelming when they talk about
lives and property and their escape to
safer grounds,
Many get tears in their eyes when they
think of their homes, businesses and all
that they lost in the foods that hit them.
Now most of them are left within
close to almost nothing but the clothes
on their bodies and their loved ones
around them.
The victims of the foods primarily
need food, clean water, clothing, tents
and other basic requirements including
health facilities.
Fear of outbreaks of deadly diseases
like cholera which would highly affect
the children who are most vulnerable to
them, hygienic conditions needs to be
maintained to prevent such outbreaks.
We here at WAF would like to help these
affected citizens and we are confdent
that through DISMAC, their tomorrows
will be improved for the better.
Colonel Inia Seruiratu, thanked the
staff for their contribution towards
DISMACs relief effort.
Water Authority of Fiji plays an
important function in rehabilitation
work in the West and we have noted
the amount of work that has already
been carried out to ensure water supply
is provided to all the residents.
Government is also grateful to
individuals, businesses and corporate
organizations that have contributed
immensely towards relief work after
the food, he said.
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NZ Defence Force
Personnel Lie To
Get To Fiji
There are claims that members of New
Zealands defence forces are encouraged
to list their occupation as public servants
when they visit Fiji on holiday.
NZs Defence Minister Jonathan
Coleman says he will look into the
claims as there are issues with NZ
government offcials visiting Fiji.
The Defence Force said there is a
policy on personnel travelling to Fiji
on holiday due to the increased risk
to their personal safety.
The policy allows all personnel, except
more senior ranks, to travel to Fiji on
personal business.
However they must request approval prior
to travel to allow their itinerary details to
be recorded and for a security briefng.
Last year about 40 Defence Force
personnel holidayed in Fiji but none
had sought such approval.
Bailed Woman
Awaits Retrial
Nausori mum, Ronika Devi was
granted bail by the High Court in Suva
after the Court of Appeal quashed her
sentence and conviction and ordered a
retrial of the case.
Devi had allegedly drowned her 58-day-
old daughter and an elder daughter,
20-month-old Tanisa, in the Rewa
River, Nausori, on January, 2008.
Judge Justice Priyantha Fernando
released Devi on bail to wait the retrial
of her case.
She had pleaded not guilty to murder
but guilty to manslaughter for both
counts when the case was earlier
called at the High Court where she was
sentenced to life imprisonment.
The Court of Appeal quashed the
convictions and sentences of Devi on
two counts of murder and sentences in
the High Court withdrawn.
Justice William Marshall in his ruling
stated that the trial was not fair.
If the correct legal framework had
been used and evidence relevant to
infanticide investigated, the tribunal of
facts only rational decision upon the
count of murdering her recently born
daughter would be that Ronika Devi
was guilty of infanticide rather than
murder, Justice Marshall said in the
Destroy Contaminated And Expired
Foods, Supermarkets Urged
THE Consumer Council of Fiji is urging
supermarkets to destroy contaminated
and expired food items.
This follows a complaint by a Roselyn
Dass after discovering mouldy and
discoloured bread purchased from
Morris Hedstrom's City Centre
Mrs Dass bought whole meal sliced
bread from the supermarket last
Thursday for her daughter's Friday's
The council then issued a statement that
Fiji's Food Safety Law and Regulation
prohibited the sale of expired and foul
food products.
Morris Hedstrom store manager Uday
Narayan said it was highly unlikely
that the bakery would sell stale and
moulded bread because bread was
always out of stock and bakers had to
work long hours to meet customers'
The council's information and media
manager Dorine Narayan said the case
was the second regarding MHCC's
Food and Beverage area.
The frst was in January when a
consumer bought buns and discovered
fungus in them.
"The food safety law prohibits the
sale of foul products and traders found
breaching the law, will be liable to
hefty fnes and penalties," she said.
"The law is in place to protect the health
of the public and protect consumers
against deception. Expired and poor
quality food items are unacceptable.
"Contaminated and expired food items
must be properly disposed off and not
sold to consumers. Consumers must
seek redress and voice out if they are
sold unworthy products."
Mr Narayan said MHCC's baking
process was ongoing and he believed
the complainant must have kept the
bread for day before consumption.
"We have someone responsible in
monitoring our stock on a daily basis
and that's our policy," he said.
Mrs Dass said she didn't realize the
bread was mouldy because it looked
good on the outside; however, she
refused to have her bread replaced. To get the best value for your dollar
Advertise in
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times Fiji News
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Bainimarama Takes Swipe At NZ
Fiji's Voreqe Bainimarama has taken
another swipe at New Zealand, saying
Russia understood him better than the
neighbours did.
Bainimarama, who seized power in a
military coup in 2006 and refuses to
hold elections until 2014, was speaking
to heads of diplomatic missions
accredited to Fiji.
He hailed the visit earlier this month
of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
Lavrov who also visited Australia and
New Zealand.
While Canberra and Wellington
maintain diplomatic ties with Fiji -
despite Bainimaramas expulsion of
mission heads they have imposed
sanctions prohibiting entry of any
regime offcials here.
Lavrovs visit demonstrated Fijis
important role in the international
community, Bainimarama said.
"Isolated by some of our neighbours for
years, Fiji continues to fnd camaraderie
among nations that understand our
economic, social, and political goals,"
he said without specially naming
Australia and New Zealand.
Bainimarama who remains military
head and holds 11 self-appointed
cabinet posts in his regime, told
ambassadors that he had "taken foreign
policy in new and bold directions."
He pointed out that he had lifted
martial law on January 7 which had
been imposed in 2009 when the Fiji
High Court declared his regime illegal.
Lifting martial law was "a testimony
to governments resolve for political
stability and progress, and our frm
commitment to just governance,
open dialogue, and truly democratic
elections in 2014."
Bainimarama said Fiji would
now develop "a new home grown
constitution that truly acknowledges
Fijian values and aspirations."
It will be Fiji's fourth constitution since
independence in 1970.
He said Fiji would have a "truly
sustainable democracy in 2014."
Bogus Sick Sheet Doctor To Appear
Before Conduct Committee
The Nausori doctor who is involved
in the alleged sick sheet scam that has
resulted in the sacking of a total of 114
Works, Transport and Public Utilities
Ministry workers, has now voluntarily
stopped providing medical services.
CEO of the Fiji Medical and Dental
Secretariat Dharmesh Prasad said the
doctor has already been asked to appear
before the Professional Conducts
Committee this Friday.
It has been confrmed that the doctor
would have been asked to suspend his
practice if he did not do it voluntarily.
Prasad said it has already been decided
that the doctor has a case to answer in
relation to the charge of professional
Prasad said further details will be
revealed after the Medical Council
makes further decisions.
Meanwhile the Ministry of Works said it
has followed all the necessary procedures
before deciding to sack the 56 workers.
Permanent Secretary Commander
Francis Kean said the decision was not
made in haste and these 56 workers, like
the 58 workers sacked in December,
were abusing the system.
There were a few middlemen in the
Ministry who were getting the names
of the people who wanted sick sheets
and these middlemen were getting the
sick sheets from the doctor concerned.
No physical examinations were carried
Commander Kean said his superiors
have told him to continue to take action
against this dishonest practice.
CEO of the Fiji Medical and Dental
Secretariat Dharmesh Prasad
Westpac Launches Over The Phone
Loan Service
Westpac launched its over the phone
business loan application service for
businesses applying for credit up to
This was confrmed by Westpacs head
of corporate and business banking,
Cameron Penfold.
Were delighted to be able to offer
this enhanced service delivery to our
business customers. Its all part of our
strategy to make banking easier, Mr
Penfold said.
The service was developed in response
to customer feedback which indicated
a need for a more convenient way to
apply for loans.
Three dedicated business bankers
in key areas will now staff the new
While normal credit criteria apply,
applicants can now query, seek
clarifcation and apply for credit without
having to visit a business banker.
We understand time is money for
business owners and so we want to
be sure that we are doing everything
possible to be easily accessible.
We have two business bankers based
in Suva to cover Suva and the greater
Suva area plus we have one based in
Nadi to cover the Western Division.
Their key focus will be business loans
over the phone, Mr Penfold said.
Westpac is a strong and secure bank
and one of Fijis leading commercial
We continuously review our products,
services and processes to ensure that
our customers are at the centre of
everything we do.
Westpac had begun operations in Fiji
in 1901 with a branch in Suva. It has 19
branches, a dedicated and professional
team of business bankers and many
ATMs and EFTPOS machines across
the country.
To get the best value for your dollar
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times Fiji News
Export Vegetables Unaffected By Floods
EXPORT of vegetables to Australia
and New Zealand will not be affected
despite total agricultural damage of
$7.2 million following the food that
ravaged farms around the country.
Extension director of the Department
of Agriculture Uraia Waibuta said there
was enough supply in unaffected farms
in the Sigatoka Valley to maintain
constant export supply.
"There are also enough vegetables to
meet market demand and most of the
supply will come from highlands of the
Sigatoka Valley and areas that were not
affected by the food," Mr Waibuta said.
"There is a total damage of $7.2 million
in the agriculture area but we are
fortunate that some farms were spared
from the food and these are the farms
that will supply the export market," he
Primary Industries Minister Joketani
Cokanasiga, who is currently on tour
in the Northern Division, said farmers
on the island were blessed not to have
their farms badly damaged.
"I have visited some farms in Vanua
Levu and most farmers are blessed to
still have their farms intact compared
to the west," the minister said.
Mr Cokanasiga however said the prices
of vegetables were expected to rise in
the north because of a shortage from
affected farms.
Health Ministry Urges People To Make
Written Complaints
Valelevu Health Centre has been labeled
a "bad image" of the Health Ministry.
Watisoni Mudu, a Kinoya resident and a
member of the Sigatoka Hospital Board,
took his daughter to the centre and said
the experience "was a nightmare".
Mr Mudu said the corridor of the health
centre leaked and badly needed repairs.
"The females' toilets were closed from
December 16, 2011. And a notice said
'Female toilets is closed and you have
to use the male toilets'," Mr Mudu said.
He urged the Health and Labour
ministries to inspect the health facility
and rectify the situation.
In response, Health Minister Dr Neil
Sharma said the wet weather had
hindered maintenance plans.
He also encouraged members of the
public to make written complaints to
his ministry when raising complaints
against any of its facilities.
"We've received a number of complaints
but we urge people to come and lodge
their complaints with us so we can see
to their problems," Dr Sharma said.
Taiwan Aids In Relief Assistance
The Trade Mission of Taiwan to Fiji
presented a FJD$30,000 cheque to the
Fiji Red Cross Society to assist in the
rehabilitation of those affected in the
Western Division.
The Missions representative Mr Ming
Chang said Taiwan is always ready to
assist during times of disaster.
Taiwan and Fiji are very small
countries and we both have the same
challenges so we know how devastating
it can be for the people, Mr Chang said.
This small assistance is a way of
saying to the people of Fiji that we are
always here to help one another.
Mr Chang said that Taiwan supports
the work done by the Government, non
governmental organizations, donor
agencies and international partners in
coming to Fijis aid.
We are currently in discussion with
Minister for Health Dr Neil Sharma
for aid in the medical feld especially
in the time of disaster, Mr Chang said.
The donation by Taiwan has brought
the total donations received by Red
Cross to $1.2 million.
Red Cross disaster coordinator Eseroma
Ledua thanked all that assisted saying
it will go a long way.
There are many business houses,
NGOs, donor agencies and other
international development partners
and individuals who came up to assist
during the fooding, Mr Ledua said.
Without them the relief efforts of Red
Cross would be limited.
The Fiji Red Cross Society deployed
more than 100 volunteers during the
fooding in the western division.
Farmers Urged To Plant Short
Term Crops
The Ministry of Agriculture is advising
all affected and non-affected farmers
in the Western Division to plant all
available sweet potato (kumala)
cuttings and short term food resilient
vegetables such as rourou and moca for
short term food security.
Offcers at the Ministry have also
carried out a review of the food
affected areas and have recommended
that another months worth of food
rations be distributed to those areas.
Other areas that were not fooded have
suffcient supply of food crops with
breadfruit in abundance and suffcient
supply of other root crops, fruits and
The MOA has also confrmed that
95,000 kumala cuttings will be
distributed to affected farmers within
the next two weeks and under the
Rehabilitation program while 50,000
dalo suckers will also be distributed as
soon as farmers are able to plant.
As for food security in the Western
Division, the Ministry has noted that
the supply of root crop, vegetables
and fruits to municipal markets and
roadside stalls are starting to improve
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Rebuilding Fiji
FOREIGN Minister Ratu Inoke Kubuabola
says that 40 years after obtaining
independence, Fiji is still trying to construct
a governing structure that will respond
positively to the development needs and
political aspirations of all Fijians.
"Faced with negative forces and
racial conficts, Fiji has been forced
to embark on its own path to fnd a
sustainable form of democracy that is
pro-development and people-focused,"
said Ratu Inoke at Heads of Missions
consultations in Suva.
"During this process, the government
has maintained attention to the
fundamentals of Fiji's key foreign
policy interests - most importantly,
defending its sovereignty while
advancing its interests."
Ratu Inoke said through the look north
policy, his ministry was committed to
strengthening relations with old friends
and establishing new relations with
countries that recognise and understand
Fiji's reform agenda.
"Engaging fully in world politics
calls for proactive participation in
international forums and government
efforts has resulted in Fiji joining
renowned international organisations
such as the Non-Aligned Movement
and seeking observer status in ASEAN
to strengthen engagement with our
development partners in Asia. Ratu
Inoke said last month's visit of the
Russian Federation's Foreign Minister
had become an annual meeting for
Russian and PSIDS foreign ministers.
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
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PM Intervenes To Bring Home Fijian Citizen
Hospitalized In Dubai
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
has intervened in the repatriation of
a Fiji citizen who has been under
intensive medical care in Dubai since
During a recent visit to Dubai, the
Prime Minister was made aware of 52
year old Mikaele Delanas plight to
return home to Fiji and learned that the
company he had been working for was
unable or unwilling to pay for Delanas
return to Fiji.
Delana left Fiji in 2010 as a contractor
to a security agency called Bridge
of Hope International, but the
organization failed to provide for his
return and well being after he was
injured. In light of the absence of the
company taking responsibility, Prime
Minister Bainimarama stepped in and
ordered his medical evacuation from
Dubai to Fiji.
Prime Minister Bainimarama
intervened after he was made aware of
Mr. Delanas fate and Mrs. Delanas
futile attempts to obtain fnancial
support to repatriate her husband
to Fiji. The Prime Ministers offce
reached out to Mrs. Delana directly,
advising her that the government will
ensure that her husband returns to
Mr. Delana is scheduled to arrive in
Fiji on Sunday.
Mr. Delana, who had been due to leave
for Iraq as part of a security team when
he was injured, was in Dubai while
waiting to be deployed. He suffered
irreversible brain damage after going
into cardiopulmonary arrest at the
Sheikh Khalifa Medical City hospital
in Dubai.

NZ Allocates More Funds To National
The government of New Zealand will
donate additional funds to the National
Disaster Management Offce (NDMO)
for disaster preparedness in Fiji.
Acting New Zealand Head of Mission
to Fiji, Phillip Taula said New Zealand
will make $2.2 million available for
disaster preparedness following the
devastating foods which affected the
Western and Northern divisions.
Mr Taula said New Zealands funding
would be used to support the NDMO
to better prepare communities for
managing and responding to natural
Funding will also be made available
for major upgrades of emergency
evacuation centres in priority areas,
Mr Taula said.
This will help ensure that the Fiji
National Disaster Management Offce
can respond to future emergencies.
The support announced is in addition
to the $500,000 relief package already
provided by New Zealand via the Fiji
Red Cross Society.
He said their immediate assistance
allowed the Fiji Red Cross Society,
Rotary International New Zealand and
the Adventist Development and Relief
Agency meet the immediate needs of
those most affected by the foods.
No frm plans as yet - Motibhai No frm plans as yet - Motibhai
No Firm Plans As Yet - Motibhai
The Motibhai Group said it does not
have any frm plans to develop the
site at Port Denarau Car Park, which it
recently purchased from the owners of
the car park.
Groups Executive Director Kirit Patel
said Motibhais is engaged in a number
of signifcant current and future
projects and these take priority for the
group at the moment.
Patel said they intend that the car park
will continue to play a pivotal role in
providing safe and secure car parking
for business owners and visitors to Port
Patel also said that Motibhais has
refereed certain media reports to their
He said the reports are drawing a
connection between the purchase of the
car park and FICAC, and according to
him these are just spreading scandalous
claims to damage their reputation.
Patel said the motives behind the
reports must be questioned, as this is a
relatively small commercial transaction
between two private parties involving
no government funds or resources.
Bred Bank Granted Operating Licence
Bred Bank (Fiji) Limited has been
granted a licence to operate Fijis
newest commercial bank.
In making the announcement, Reserve Bank
of Fiji Governor Barry Whiteside said there
is still work to be done in terms of securing
premises, hiring staff and putting in place
systems and procedures before the bank will
be fully operational, however, compliance
with the licensing requirements have been
met to the RBF's satisfaction.
Bred Bank (Fiji) Limited will be part
of the French banking group BCPE, the
second largest banking group in France
and is anticipating opening its doors to
the public in September this year.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times Fiji News
Fiji Canada Senior Citizen's Council
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Government Urges Students To Take Advantage Of
The Minister for Education is
urging students and parents to take
advantage of the assistance provided
by Government towards the education
sector in the country.
Minister Filipe Bole made the call
during his tour this week to schools in
Suva, along with senior offcials from
the Ministry of Educations to look at the
progress achieved by these schools and to
discuss common concerns and challenges.
During a visit to Rishikul Sanatan
College, Mr Bole thanked the school
management for increasing the number
of streams for Form 3 to fve this year
to accommodate more students
The minister also congratulated the
teachers and the students for achieving
good exam results in the 2011 external
The pass rate for Form 6 last year
was 84.3 per cent which shows that
Rishikul Sanatan is a high performing
school. A lot of students passed
with more than 250+ out of 400 in
the Fiji School Leaving Certifcate
Examination. Similarly, the percentage
pass rate for Form 7 was 93.2 with 35
Mr Filipe Bole meeting one of the teachers of Rishikul Sanatan College
Wives Are Human Beings, Not Objects, Says Magistrate
A MAN who pleaded guilty to
assaulting his wife has been told
women are not objects.
Moape Matakaiwai appeared before
Suva Magistrate Thushara Rajasinghe.
The court heard that on January 14,
the accused returned from a drinking
party and hit his wife, who was having
dinner with their children.
Mr Matakaiwai waived his right to
counsel and told the court he had
reconciled with his wife.
However, Mr Rajasinghe said it was a
serious offence.
"You don't just hit your wife then tell
the court that you have reconciled," he
"Wives are not objects, they are human
"You should be ashamed - assaulting
your wife in front of your children."
Mr Matakaiwai said his wife had
withdrawn her complaint but police
prosecutor Sergeant Feroz Khan said
he was not aware of a reconciliation.
Mr Rajasinghe ordered prosecution to
investigate the claim.
He said if the woman was forced
to withdraw her complaint then the
accused should be charged.
The case has been adjourned to March
students scoring more than 300 in the
Fiji Seventh Form Examination, Mr
Bole said.
Mr Bole also highlighted that there
are 39 secondary schools in the Suva-
Nausori corridor and Rishikul Sanatan
is one of the nine that fall in the high
performing category.
The school roll of Rishikul Sanatan
College is 1100.
Mr Bole and his team also visited
Assemblies of God High School, DAV
Girls College and Nabua Secondary
School Friday.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times Fiji News
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Balanced Approach Needed:
Dr Luveni
Addressing the issue of teenage
pregnancy needs a balanced approach.
While awareness is one side of the coin,
getting youths to work together to curb
this social stigma is as equally important.
The Minister for Social Welfare,
Women and Poverty Alleviation Dr
Jiko Luveni said that in order to reduce
teenage pregnancy fgures, the focus
should be on educating teenagers and
youths on living a responsible life.
Well in my view teenage pregnancy
although it has been addressed in the
past, it continues to increase so we
need to now, relook at the approach
of addressing it, if we ask the young
people whom they listen to most, their
response will be to their peer groups,
Dr Luveni said.
Responding to recent statements by
the Ministry of Health on the increase
in teenage pregnancy in the country,
Dr Luveni said that there is a need
to provide balanced approach so
that teenagers are well aware about
accessing right information, where
they can go if in need of counseling
to enable them to make a responsible
And people must open up to these
issues and we should have support
of the religious organisations like
churches; they need to look at moral
teaching in their congregation not
only to the older persons but most
importantly to the younger generation
as well, she said.
Dr Luveni also said that the right form
of communication should be targeted
to take the message to teenagers.
Fiji's Envoy To The United Kingdom
Presents Credentials
Fijis High Commissioner to the
United Kingdom Mr Solo Mara this
week presented his credentials to Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in London.
Mr Mara also took the opportunity to brief
Her Majesty on the political and socio-
economic structural reform programmes
currently being implemented in Fiji.
He added that the purpose of these
reforms is to Build a Better Fiji For
All by promoting the principles of:
-a just and fair society;
-unity and national identity;
-merit-based appointments
and equal opportunity for all Fijians;
-transparent and accountable
-uplifting of the disadvantaged
in all communities.
He was also informed that the
implementation of this reform agenda
is guided by Fiji's Roadmap to
Democracy and will culminate in a non-
racial and all inclusive Constitution by
September 2013 and General Election
by September 2014.
Her Majesty was pleased to be informed
that Fiji still values its Commonwealth
heritage and that the current socio-
political reform agenda being
implemented under the Roadmap will
realize a sustainable democratic model
that is refective of the development
aspirations of all the people of Fiji.
Her Majesty responded by saying that
she wished the country well in the path
of political development it has chosen
and hope that Fiji will resume its
position amongst the Commonwealth
family of nations soon.
A reception hosted at the Chancery to
mark the occasion was attended by about
150 people comprising senior offcials
of the Foreign and Commonwealth
Offce, company executives with
interests in Fiji and members of the Fiji
Diaspora Community.
Mr Mara was previously the Permanent
Secretary for the Ministry Foreign
Affairs & International Cooperation.
Japan Ambassador Mataitoga
Visits Tohoku Students
Fijis Ambassador to Japan His Excellency
Isikeli Mataitoga visited Japanese
students selected to study under the Fiji
Government Assistance program after the
Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Accompanied by offcials from Fijis
Foreign and Education ministries,
Ambassador Mataitoga met with the
fve students studying at Adi Cakobau
School and Nasinu Secondary Schools
who were selected for the program.
The project involves relocating
selected Japanese students to Fiji to
study for up to one year as guests of
the Fijian Government and hosted
by the Ministry of Education and the
Fiji National University. Following
the natural disaster in Japan, Prime
Minister Voreqe Bainimarama had
made the offer of assistance to his
Japanese counterpart.
While Ambassador Mataitoga noted
that the students had settled well in
their respective schools, he thanked
the management of both schools for
their accommodating attitude towards
the students. He also thanked Fijis
Ministry of Education for facilitating
arrangements for this venture.
Fiji is the best place in the world to
rehabilitate. This is one of the reasons
why we are doing this. To give the
students an opportunity to come here
to a relaxed environment where people
are friendly and are willing to share
their lives and bring healing to them,
explained Ambassador Mataitoga.
Another six students are due to arrive
this Friday to commence studies at the
Fiji National University.
Russia Helps With A Donation
Following the recent visit to Fiji by
the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey
Lavrov, and the Russian Federation this
week donated $20,000 USD ($34,705
FJD) to the Fiji Red Cross Society as
food relief assistance.
Fiji Red Cross Society disaster youth
coordinator, Eseroma Ledua said that
donations as such were used for the
replenishment of disaster stocks in
strengthening logistics on the ground.
Our volunteers are currently working
in Ba and Nadi, we have completed our
delivery of food supplies to families
that were affected during the recent
foods, Mr Ledua said.
Mr Ledua also added that Fiji Red Cross
volunteers were now concentrating on
delivering health hygiene kits.
Fiji Red Cross will also formally thank
all donors once they have completed
operations in the Western Division.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times South Pacifc News
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PNG To Ban Vehicles More Than 5 Years Old
THE Papua New Guinea government will introduce legislation
banning the import of ships and motor vehicles older than fve
years and impose heavy taxes in an effort to clean up the nation's
transport industry in the wake of the MV Rabaul Queen disaster.
In parliament, Transport Minister
Francis Awesa said he had instructed his
department to work on introducing tough
new measures on the transport industry.
"All transport will be under review," he
"I have instructed the Ministry of
Transport to look at putting a 1000
per cent tax on any vehicle more than
fve years old. We will impose taxes on
second-hand vehicles.
"Any ship more than fve years old ...
should not be brought in," he said.
"All Papua New Guineans know, we
are being used as a dumping ground."
The MV Rabaul Queen sank 12 hours
into its journey from Kimbe in rough
waters off the coast of Lae more than
two weeks ago with more than 350
people on board.
Rescuers plucked 246 survivors from
the ocean more than eight hours after
the sinking.
Mr Awesa said he also wanted to break
the dominance of four ship-owners in
PNG, of which owner of the MV Rabaul
Queen, Rabaul Shipping, is one.
Describing how some passenger ships
in PNG are tug boats made for towing
logs, not people, for three or four hours,
he said it was unfair to ask people to
use them.
"These boats are not made for the 12,
24-hour journeys."
The cost of importing vehicles in PNG,
which has no motor industry of its
own, is already huge.
Import tariffs currently add between 10
per cent to 110 per cent to the cost of
a second-hand car or four-wheel drive.
Moti Report To Be Tabled In PNG
The Papua New Guinea Government
is to table the Julian Moti report in
Parliament this week.
Parliament resumes sitting on Tuesday
and among the businesses it deals with,
the report on the Motigate, as it is now
referred to, will be tabled.
Yes, I can confrm that this is defnitely
one of the businesses of Government in
the coming session of Parliament. The
Government thinks that the Moti affair
is one of several issues that PNG has
not put to bed in a proper manner.
It is one of those outstanding issues
that we have to deal with and put it to
rest once and for all, a spokesman for
the Prime Minister Peter ONeill said
Julian Moti, a former Attorney General
of the Solomon Islands, was born in
Fiji and educated in Australia. Moti, an
Australian citizen, has been wanted in
Australia for serious alleged overseas
child sex offences.
He has been at the centre of an
international dispute following efforts
by the Australian Government to
extradite him from both Papua New
Guinea and Solomon Islands to face
charges in relation to an incident
alleged to have taken place in Vanuatu
in 1997.
After his arrest in PNG in September
2006, Moti was released on bail
pending an extradition hearing, but
went into hiding in the Solomon Islands
High Commission in Port Moresby.
The PNG and Solomon Islands
governments denied knowledge of his
whereabouts, but on October 10 he was
secretly fown aboard a PNG Defence
Force aircraft to Solomon Islands where
he was arrested by offcers of RAMSI
on his arrival in Munda, Western
Province. When he left PNG, Moti
was in breach of the bail conditions
imposed by Justice Catherine Davani
and had failed to appear for hearing on
September 30.
The PNG Government declined to
say who in the PNG Defence Force or
Government had given the order to fy
Moti out.
In response, the Australian Government
immediately cancelled planned
visits by the Prime Minister then, Sir
Michael Somare, and Defence Minister
Martin Aini, and postponed the annual
Australia-PNG Ministerial Forum,
and called for an investigation into the
fight and prosecution of whoever was
A PNG Defence Force Board of Inquiry
into the escape has since recommended
that Sir Michael and a number of his
advisers be charged with offences
in relation to the escape, including
breaching PNGs constitution. Somare
has sought to suppress the inquirys
report, challenging the inquirys
standing in the National Court.
Among the Moti report, Parliament was
expected to deal with the 22 reserve
seats for women bill, the recognition of
an opposition on the foor of Parliament
and other outstanding bills and acts of
Cyclone Jasmine Flooding Tonga
A long lasting tropical cyclone is
hammering Tonga's main island of
Tongatapu with major fooding occurring
and phone and electricity lines down.
Cyclone Jasmine which was born on
February 4 over the Queensland city of
Cairns is now parked 120 kilometers
west of Nuku'alofa, bringing heavy
Nasa's Aqua satellite has captured an
image of Jasmine showing a classic
cyclone, but one which is virtually
Nasa says the image showed the
strongest thunderstorms and heaviest
rainfall appear to be on the north-
eastern quadrant of the storm placing
it over the populated parts of the
Tongan archipelago.
Family Facebook postings from Tonga
show severe rain and heavy fooding.
The Legislative Assembly, which is
debating an apology to New Zealand
Foreign Minister Murray McCully
after a government offcial called
him ''two-faced'', has now adjourned
to allow politicians to help out with
coping with the fooding.
The Tongan Meteorological Service
said on Wednesday that for Nomuka,
Tongatapu, Eua and Southern Tonga
waters there would be north to northeast
winds around 55 kmh gusting to 100
"Overcast with rain, heavy at times,
fooding of low lying areas and rough
to very rough seas," the warnings say.
The Honolulu based Joint Typhoon
Warning Centre warns "maximum
signifcant wave height" will be around
4.2 meters.
Jasmine has been the most powerful
cyclone in the current season and has
tracked right across the South Pacifc,
sparking alerts and storms in Australia,
the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New
Caledonia and parts of Fiji.
The centre predicts that later this week
Jasmine will begin moving again,
initially toward the southwest and New
Zealand, before being pushed further
south by a developing anti-cyclone.
Vanuatu Elections
Set For October 30
Vanuatus acting Principal Electoral
Offcer Gullain Malessas says the
national election date is now set for
October 30th and not in November as
announced earlier.
Malessas said the government has
already endorsed the date but it has yet
to advise the public.
Vanuatus parliament has 52 members
and is elected every four years in multi-
seat constituencies.
The last election was held in early
September 2008.
Prosecutor In
Tahiti Fined For
Defaming Two
The public prosecutor in French
Polynesia, Jose Thorel, has been
fned more than 5,000 US dollars for
defaming two Corsican men by liking
them to mafa members.
Thorel, who worked in Corsica before
his transfer to Tahiti, commented on
high profle individuals charged in
separate crime probes.
Asked by a journalist about governance
issues in French Polynesia in the days
of Gaston Flosse, Thorel said while
Flosse was not very intelligent, he
was malicious but not like the two
According to a Corsican news site,
Thorels lawyer argued unsuccessfully
that there was no defamation because
the two individuals were only referred
to by their surnames.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times New Zealand News
NZ Cities Among World's Most Costly
Auckland and Wellington are among
the world's top 20 most expensive cities
to live, says an international index.
The Economist intelligence unit has
released its worldwide cost of living
survey for 2011, to show both Auckland
and Wellington moving up the ranks to
become more expensive.
The survey compares the prices of 160
products and services such as food,
drink, clothing, rent, transport and
utility bills.
Auckland is the most expensive New
Zealand city to live in, and has a 15th
global ranking after climbing from
24th in 2010.
Our nation's capital is now placed on
par with London. Wellington moved up
16 notches to settle in as the 17th most
expensive place to live.
Unit editor Jon Copestake told Radio
New Zealand the cost of living in both
New Zealand cities had doubled in the
past decade.
"It's a strange situation I think. New
Zealanders won't have noticed the
cost of living bubbling over 10 years,
although they might have seen it
creeping up.
He said the increase had been driven
by the high exchange rate and rising
"We've had infation which has pushed
up the cost of living over the last couple
of years ... and New Zealand would be
no exception.
"But the main issue here is currency
movement. The New Zealand dollar
and the Australian dollar have become
favoured currency; they've had a lot of
investment in them over the last couple
of years."
He said although people coming into
New Zealand might notice the high
cost of living rate, Auckland and
Wellington had high rates of livability.
"It's not bad or good press; it's just how
it is."
Zurich in Switzerland now tops the list
as the most expensive city in the world,
after taking the spot from Tokyo.
Karachi in Pakistan is the cheapest.
Over the ditch, Australia has a cluster of
fve cities in the top 20. Sydney ranked
number seven, Melbourne eight, Perth
13th, Brisbane 14th and Adelaide 18th.
Many American cities had dropped, such
as Cleveland and Detroit, while nine
cities in China had continued to climb.
"All of the Chinese cities we surveyed
are now more expensive than these
cheapest American cities."
NZFlight Quarantined In Flu Scare
New Zealand health offcials and
ambulance staff in protective clothing
have boarded a plane in Auckland after
a group of passengers displayed fu-
like symptoms.
The Air New Zealand fight from
Tokyo was carrying 274 passengers.
Reports said medical crews wearing
protective gear boarded the fight to
examine the sick passengers.
Passengers were taken off the plane and
split into two groups - those showing
fu-like symptoms and those not.
A tour group operator who was to
pick up about 90 Japanese students
off the fight said he understood it was
those students who were showing the
They came from Hitachi and are
planning a 10-day home-stay visit in
the North Island.
Health minister Tony Ryall
described the quarantine response
as precautionary and said those on
board the plane were believed to have
ordinary seasonal infuenza.
"We've been briefed on the situation,
and advised that it is Japan's fu season,
and there are no reports of new strains
of fu there," Mr Ryall said.
"We're keeping a watching brief
but have been told there's nothing
to suggest it's anything other than
seasonal fu," he said.
Mansion Double-Murder Trial Opens
An estranged couple's dispute over
a $2-million mansion escalated into
the bloody deaths of two men at the
The High Court at Auckland heard
the prosecution's opening address in
a double murder trial for Cheng-Qi
Wang is alleged to have killed Zhua
"Michael" Wu, 44, and Yishan "Tom"
Zhong, 53, on January 14 last year.
Mr Wu's family attended the hearing,
his mother sobbing as the jury entered
the courtroom.
Prosecutor Kevin Glubb said Mr Wu
and Mr Zhong had been acting for
Wang's estranged wife in China last
January when they entered the Mt
Albert mansion.
The mansion had been owned by a trust
that had been set up for the wife, and
the two men sought to serve a trespass
notice on Wang, who continued to live
there, Mr Glubb said.
But a struggle took place in the
mansion, leading to 23 knife wounds
on Mr Wu, who collapsed down a
central staircase and died.
Mr Zhong suffered three knife wounds
and a bite on his right forearm and
stumbled out the front door and down
the driveway before dying in a bush in
the garden.
Mr Glubb said the case would hinge on
the claim that Wang had acted in self-
The trial is expected to take up to four
weeks, hearing from 54 witnesses,
including video and written testimonies,
before a verdict is reached.
US Man Busted Importing $1M
Worth Of Liquid Cocaine
An American man has been arrested
for allegedly trying to smuggle liquid
cocaine valued at up to $1 million into
Peter Rhee, 29, arrived into New
Zealand on a fight from Los Angeles
last Monday with little money and
only vague reasons as to why he was
visiting the country, said Customs drug
investigations manager Mark Day.
"He actually just stated that he just
wanted to go to the beach. He had
no real valid reason to come to New
Zealand but he said he would be here
for several months.
"There wasn't a lot stacking up.''
Rhee became "agitated and non-
cooperative'' when Customs offcers
insisted on searching his luggage, Mr
Day said.
They found two tequila bottles in a
bag, which "didn't look right''.
"The bottles themselves caused
concern because of the way the seals
looked, so the Customs offcers took
some of the liquid out.
"The liquid itself didn't look like
tequila so they tested it and it came
back positive for cocaine.''
Mr Day estimated the liquid was worth
somewhere between $800,000 and
$1m dollars.
"There has been an increasing
prevalence of cocaine in illicit drug
markets internationally, and New
Zealand is seen as part of that market.
The methods of concealment are also
the same ones that are being seen
overseas,'' he said.
"The high-level training our offcers
receive gives them the skills and
knowledge to profle passengers that
may pose a risk to our border.''
Rhee was charged with importation
of a Class A controlled drug and was
remanded in custody when he appeared
in the Manukau District Court last
The maximum jail term for the charge
is life imprisonment.
He will reappear in court on February
The tequila bottles used in an attempt to smuggle liquid cocaine
into New Zealand.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Times USA News
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Barack Obama Mentoring
Daughter's Basketball Team
Barack Obama, who has been assigned with many duties as Commander-
in-Chief, seems to have added a new responsibility to his plate
coaching his daughter Sasha's basketball team.
Weekends at the White House typically
see a casually dressed Obama travelling
to his daughters' sports games.
Media is rarely allowed to attend the
games. But on Thursday Michelle
Obama said the First Dad has taken a
stronger role than previously known by
actively instructing Sasha's team.
"He hasn't missed a game," ABC News
quoted her as saying.
"I think he was hoping to get this
weekend off, but I'm gone," she said.
It's unclear how long the current President
of the US has been participating in the
team. However, he is not a stranger to
the practice. A year ago he and his then-
personal aide, Reggie Love, once acted
as substitute coaches when the team
regulars both couldn't make it to a game.
It is well known that the president is
an avid basketball fan. A young Obama
played for his high school in Hawaii.
Now he seems to go out of his way
to spend free time on the court, even
sporting a pair of ultra-rare sneakers.
In 2010 his pastime backfred when
another player accidentally hit him in
the lip, resulting in 12 stitches.
Judge charged with dismissing own tickets
A Judge in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was removed from the bench
and charged with numerous criminal offences after allegedly
dismissing her own traffc tickets.
District Judge Kelly S. Ballentine, 43,
is accused of dismissing three tickets
issued to her - including one for an
expired registration on her BMW - in
2010 and 2011, state Attorney General
Linda Kelly said. The other two charges
related to parking violations in front of
her home.
Judge Ballentine had failed to pay the
tickets and ignored the summonses
issued subsequently. She then accessed
the court's computers and dismissed
the summonses, court documents said.
Following an investigation, the state
attorney fled 12 charges against Judge
Ballentine - including tampering with
public records, confict of interest and
obstructing the administration of law
or other governmental function.
"At this time, I have issued an order
that she be placed on indefnite
administrative leave until all criminal
charges are resolved," Lancaster
County President Judge Joseph
Madenspacher said.
Judge Ballentine, who was elected to
her post in 2006, posted $US25,000
bails and was released. She is scheduled
to appear in court for a hearing on
February 23.
Four-Year-Old Connecticut Boy
Brings Pot To School For Snack Time
A four-year-old Connecticut boy brought nine wrapped bags of cannabis to his
elementary school for snack time, police said.
The boy's teacher at Hanover
Elementary School, in Meriden, said
the special-needs student pulled the
bags from his coat pocket during
Tuesday's snack time and announced
he had snacks, local newspaper the
Record-Journal reported.
Mark Benigni, the school superintendent,
said the teacher confscated the drugs
quickly and that the other children were
not aware of what happened, according
to the newspaper.
"Our concern is for the four-year-old
student who had no knowledge of what
he was bringing to school," Benigni told
reporters. "The student is safe, and we
will continue to ensure a safe learning
environment to all of our students."
Police said they were investigating the
incident, but no arrests were made so far.
Investigators identifed the child's mother
but have not yet released her name.
Woman Raised Kidnapped Child As Her Own
An American woman has admitted that
she was guilty of kidnapping a child
she raised as her own for more than
two decades.
Ann Pettway told a court in New York she
had taken Carlina White from a hospital in
the city as a three-week old baby.
In August of 1987, Carlina's parents
took her to Harlem Hospital with
a fever, but the next morning staff
realised she was gone.
Pettway took the baby and raised her as
her own for the next 23 years.
Last year, Carlina became suspicious
and contacted the authorities, who
showed her a photo of herself as a baby
reported missing.
Her real mother, Joy White, wept in
court as Pettway entered her guilty plea.
A prosecuting lawyer described the
ordeal as a 24-year nightmare for the
Woman Has Labour Induced So Dying
Husband Can See Baby Daughter
Diane Aulger was about two weeks
from her delivery date when she and
her husband decided there was no time
to wait: Mark Aulger had only days to
live and he wanted to see his child.
Diane Aulger had her labour induced
and gave birth to their daughter Jan.
18. When tiny Savannah was placed in
his arms, Mark Aulger cried, and he
just looked very sad, Diane said. Mark
died fve days later from complications
related to his cancer treatment.
The 52-year-old Texas man was
diagnosed with colon cancer in April.
He had surgery and, as a precaution,
six months of chemotherapy, Diane
Aulger said. With no signs of cancer
showing up in follow up tests, the
treatment seemed successful.
Then in November, Mark Aulger began
having trouble breathing. By Jan. 3, he
was sick enough to go to the emergency
room. His wife said he was told the
chemotherapy had caused him to develop
pulmonary fbrosis, which causes
scarring and thickening in the lungs.
Initially, the Aulgers were hopeful.
He thought hed be coming home in
a few days with an oxygen tank, said
Diane Aulger, who lives in The Colony,
about 25 miles north of Dallas.
But on Jan. 16, the doctor delivered
more bad news: Mark Aulgers
condition was fatal. When Diane
Aulger asked how long her husband
had, the response was a sobering fve
or six days.
Mark said, Id like to see the baby,
the 31-year-old mother told the
Their baby was due Jan. 29, and Diane
had planned a natural childbirth, but
when the doctor suggested an induced
labour, she immediately agreed. She
was already experiencing pre-labour
symptoms, and they scheduled the
birth for Jan. 18.
Hospital staff arranged for the Aulgers
to share a large labour and delivery
Our beds were side by side, Diane
Mark held his daughter for about 45
minutes after she was born. For the
next couple of days, though, he was
so tired he was only able to hold her a
couple of times for a minute or so. She
said he slipped into a coma on Jan. 21
and died two days later.
I brought her home the night before
he fell into the coma. It was just me
and Savannah when he passed away,
Diane said.
Along with Savannah, the Aulgers
have two other children, ages 10 and
7. Diane also has a 15-year-old and a
With her familys story getting much
media attention in recent days, Diane
said shes been heartened by the nice
comments shes received from people.
She plans to blanket her home with
pictures of her husband and said her
children are already doing a good job
of keeping his memory alive by talking
about him.
Were living day-to-day as if dads
still here, she said. We know dad is
here with us. They talk to dad. Mark
was a very funny, funny dad.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times World News
Britain Gets First 'Male Mother'
A British woman, who had a sex change
surgery, has become the country's frst
and world's third male mother".
The man, who is in his 30s, gave
birth last year after having hormone
treatment to reactivate his womb but
the story was confrmed recently as
The man, whose womb was not
removed during the original sex change
operation, became only the third man
in world to have done this.
Joanna Darrell, of the Beaumont
Society transgender support group,
said that the man had asked about the
health implications of keeping his
womb and what surgery he could have
before it became impossible to carry a
"He got back in touch about six months
ago to thank the society for its help and
to say he had had the baby," Darrell
The baby is thought to have been
delivered by caesarean section but it is
possible the man retained the ability to
give birth naturally.
Darrell believes he is the frst British
man to have given birth. "As far as we
know there are only him, one man in
American and one in Spain who have
done this," she said.
The man is following in the footsteps
of American Thomas Beatie, who
became the world's frst pregnant man
in 2007 and has since given birth to
three children.
The Beaumont Society is the oldest
transgender support group in the
country, having been set up in 1966.
British Kids Aged 11 Have Maths
Ability Of 7-Yr-Olds
Thousands of 11-year-olds in Britain are leaving primary school with maths
skills of kids, who are four years junior to them, a new survey has revealed.
The startling fndings came to light after
an analysis of last year's SATs results.
They showed that 27,500 students,
who were aged 11, were going on to
secondary school with the numeracy
skills of 7-year-old kids. That is a
staggering one in 20 of the total.
Boys perform worse than girls, with
15,600 lagging well behind.
Separate fgures published two weeks
ago also revealed that one in three
GCSE pupils fail to get at least a C
in maths.
"After 13 years of Labour, too many
children are failing at maths," the Sun
quoted a Government source as saying.
"Employers and universities complain
about the quality of our children's
maths. We have to put right Labour's
Former Countdown star Carol
Vorderman has called for making
maths compulsory for pupils until they
leave school at 18.
In a report, she said 22 per cent of
pupils aged 16 to 19 are "functionally
innumerate" implying they have no
basic grasp of maths and arithmetic.
Wills-Kate's Flight Takes 'Mid-
Air Emergency' To Avoid
Collision On Runway
Prince William and Kate Middleton were left 'terrifed' after a plane fying them
into Britain narrowly avoided colliding with another aircraft which hadn't
cleared a runway in time, it is claimed.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
were returning from a joint trip
to the Danish capital on their frst
humanitarian mission.
The royals' fight back from Denmark
was about to land at Heathrow when the
pilot of the Airbus A320-200 was forced
to perform a steep climb at the last minute.
Passengers on the on 162-seat airliner
back to Britain all escaped the episode
unhurt, but The Duchess of Cambridge
was said to have been 'deeply unsettled'
by the incident.
"This really was a serious incident and
would have been terrifying for those on
board," the media quoted a source close
to the incident as telling The People.
"The aircraft ahead of them hadn't
cleared the runway in time for the
plane carrying the Duke and Duchess
of Cambridge to land.
"For anyone who didn't know what was
going on it would have been extremely
worrying," the source added.
"Our crew was told by air traffc control
to perform a go-around a perfectly
standard operation with no safety
implications because an aircraft from
another airline hadn't fully cleared the
runway," a spokesperson said.
"Safety is always our priority and all
our pilots are fully trained to deal with
procedures of this kind.
"Our aircraft landed safely and
customers left the plane as normal," the
spokesperson added.
Australian Tells Of Helping
Gaddaf Son Flee Libya
An Australian man living in Canada
could be deported to Australia for
helping one of Moamar Gaddaf's sons
fee Libya.
At the time of the escape Interpol had
issued a warrant for Saadi Gaddaf's
Saadi Gaddaf met Gary Peters in
Australia more than 10 years ago and
employed him as his bodyguard.
Mr Peters told Lateline that after the
regime collapsed last August he helped
Saadi Gaddaf escape across the border
into Niger.
"I instigated or tried to begin a process
of getting him, extracting him from
Libya to a different location," he said.
"Why? Because of how he felt about
Libya, how I knew how he felt about
the circumstances there, how I knew
how he felt about his family."
Mr Peters, who claims he was shot
during the escape mission, says he still
considers Saadi Gaddaf a friend and
describes him as "polite, very outgoing,
very sociable".
He also says he met Moamar Gaddaf
while working for the family and says
the former dictator was an intimidating
"He knew what he wants. And he got
what he wanted. Everybody bowed
down to whatever he wanted. So it's
a very intimidating atmosphere when
you're around him," he said.
Mr Peters says Saadi Gaddaf will
probably wait for the situation to calm
down before trying to fee Niger to
another country, which he claims could
be Australia.
"Would Australia let us there? Don't
know. If I returned to Australia, would
they arrest me? I don't know. What for?
I don't know. Would they let him there?
I don't know," he said.
"He loves Australia. He loves Canada
as well. But he can't come here, can't
come to Canada."
Mr Peters says he will be interviewed
by Canadian authorities later this
month about whether or not he will be
allowed to stay living there.
China Loans Two Pandas To Canada
China has loaned two rare giant pandas
to Canada for a research program.
The Chinese Association of Zoological
Gardens (CAZG) signed an agreement
with two Canadian zoos in this
regard in Chongqing municipality in
southwest China.
The panda pair, both about fve years
old, will stay in Toronto and Calgary
zoos for fve years each after they arrive
in Canada early next year, as reported.
The male panda, named "Er Shun",
is from a zoo in Chongqing and the
female "Ji Li" lives at a research centre
in Chengdu.
Giant pandas are the world's most
endangered species. Currently, only
about 1,590 Giant pandas live in the
wild, mostly confned to the jungles
in southwestern China's Sichuan
province. About 300 others have been
bred in captivity.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen
Harper witnessed the signing ceremony.
"They will be the frst pair of pandas to
visit Canada since the 1980s," Harper
Harper arrived in Beijing on a fve-day
trip as a state guest. He held talks with
top Chinese leaders and witnessed the
signing of several bilateral agreements.
He visited the southern economic hub
of Guangdong province before heading
to Chongqing.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times World News
ANZ To Slash 1,000 Jobs
ANZ Bank says it will cut around
1,000 permanent jobs in the next four
months as its profts are squeezed by
higher costs, tighter regulation and a
drop in lending.
The positions affected would be in
middle management as well as back-
offce and support roles, the bank said,
with customer-service staff mostly
The bank told workers of 492 confrmed
job losses.
ANZ chief executive Australia Philip
Chronican said the bank had to adapt
to a diffcult environment and become
leaner, more agile and more customer-
"In this environment, the right thing
to do is to be upfront with our staff
and with the community about the
changes needed in banking and their
implications," Mr Chronican said.
"We are acutely conscious of the impact
of these reductions on individual
staff members and we will be making
every effort to use natural attrition, to
redeploy staff and to utilize our training
funds to support those people affected.
"Although we need to make diffcult
decisions in the short-term to adapt to
the new global environment for banks,
the economic outlook for Australia
remains positive and this helps
underpin our continued investment in
customer service and in emerging areas
of opportunity."
ANZ said affected staff would receive
assistance to fnd jobs elsewhere in the
organisation and would have access to
training and fnancial support.
As part of the cost-cutting measures, the
bank also said most senior executives'
salaries would remain fxed for the rest
of the 2012 fnancial year.
Federal Financial Services Minister
Bill Shorten says the banks are
misguided if they think cutting jobs or
sending them offshore is a remedy for
their problems.
But he told the media he welcomed the
efforts ANZ had made to protect those
who will lose their jobs.
"ANZ perhaps has set a new standard
for redundancies, which I think has
been overlooked in the discussion," Mr
Shorten said.
"They're now providing individual
training accounts of up to $10,000."
'This is about greed'
The bank held a meeting about the
job losses with Finance Sector Union
(FSU) offcials at its Melbourne
FSU national secretary Leon Carter
said the move was unnecessary and
was designed simply to make more
money for the bank's upper echelons.
"This is an incredibly proftable, iconic
Australian employer that can afford to
keep every single one of these workers
in place and continue to make a multi-
billion-dollar proft," he said.
"This is about greed and greed at the
expense of workers."
The FSU says the Federal Government
should make the bank deposit guarantee
conditional on there being no further
job cuts.
"These workers are being sacrifced
so bonuses can be made and so rich
institutional investors can make more
money out of speculation on the share
market," Mr Carter said.
"These workers are doing jobs every
single day that the bank needs. This is
nothing more than a short-term decision
to make more money for rich people at
the expense of ordinary workers."
ANZ has around 24,000 workers in
Australia and 49,000 worldwide.
Last month ANZ said about 130
back-offce positions would be made
redundant in the bank's commercial
and retail businesses.
Earlier this month Westpac announced
that around 560 positions would be
affected by job cuts, including 100
positions that would be sent offshore
as part of a productivity drive.
And some 170 jobs at the Australian
arm of the Royal Bank of Scotland are
expected to disappear after the British
bank announced 3,500 jobs would go
at its operations worldwide.
Analysts at UBS expect some 7,000
jobs to go in the sector in Australia
alone in the next two years.
The major banks are seeking to rein in
their costs as growth in lending slows
and funding costs rise, which they have
attributed to the euro zones sovereign
debt problems.
Deer, Ram In Chinese Valentine Wedding
A CHINESE zoo has held a Valentine's Day wedding for a male
sheep and a female deer whose unconventional relationship has
captured the public imagination, state media reported.
Visitors fooded to the wildlife park in
the southwestern province of Yunnan
to see the sheep, whose Chinese name
Changmao means long hair, and the
deer, Chunzi (pure), after zookeepers
revealed online that the pair had begun
Visitors focked to the zoo again to
see the two unlikely lovers unite in a
ceremony carefully choreographed by
their keepers, the state-run China News
Service said in a photo report.
Photos posted online showed Chunzi
trotting under a man-made arch that
carried the words I do in Chinese, with
Changmao following closely behind,
as spectators stood behind a railing
with cameras ready.
Another photo shows the sheep
puckering its lips for what looks like
a kiss, while the deer looks on with an
undecided look on its face.
Mcdonald's Manager In Hot Oil Attack
A MAN has suffered serious burns
to his face, chest and arms after the
manager of McDonald's at King Cross
allegedly threw hot oil in his face.
Kings Cross police are yet to charge
the manager with any offence, and are
still investigating whether the manager
was acting in self-defence, as reported.
At about 3.30am on Friday February 10,
the victim was ordering food with a friend
at McDonalds on Darlinghurst Rd.
Police say the victim was moderately
affected by alcohol when he became
involved in a verbal argument with the
McDonalds manager.
The victim is alleged to have sworn at
the manager and threatened to kill him,
when the manager allegedly replied,
"If you come over the counter, Ill
throw oil on you".
The victim then jumped the counter
which is when the manager has thrown
the oil directly at the mans face.
The oil caused signifcant and serious
burns to the victims face, chest, torso
and both arms.
The victim was taken to St Vincents
Hospital then transferred to the Burns
Unit at Concord Hospital.
Police received statements from a
number of witnesses and are reviewing
CCTV footage of the incident.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times World News
Model's 38Kkk Breasts Saved Her Life
A Texas model was saved in a car crash - thanks to her 38KKK breasts
Sheyla Hershey escaped with only
"They saved my life," the 32-year-old
Brazilian said. "They cushioned the
impact of the blow. I would be dead
without them. My breasts stopped my
face and my head being hit. I am so
thankful for them."
Hershey, who has had at least 10 boob
jobs and plans to increase her bust size
to 38MMM, crashed near her home in
"I was on my way to meet my husband
and our two kids at a friend's house, but
I started to feel dizzy," she said.
"I swerved to avoid a dog and ended up
writing off my car. I hit a tree, spun round
three times and then hit another tree on
the other side of the road. But I am OK.
It could have been much worse."
Sheyla Hershey, who has undergone at least 10 boob jobs, pictured in 2008
Wife Sent Same Valentine's Card For 34 Years
Ken Myers, from Leeds in northern
England, is not trying to save money
- and claims he has been recycling the
same card since 1979 as a "unique way
of saying 'I love you'".
The 71-year-old novelist writes a new
cryptic message on the inside of the
card each year, before giving it to his
wife Valerie
The card reads "Happy Valentine's Day
to my Wife" and shows a cartoon image
of a young boy giving his beloved a
heart tied to a catapult.
Mr Myers said, "I sent the card to
Valerie in 1979, and then again in 1980.
After that, I just carried on because
it was a novelty. I like to think I'm a
romantic husband".
He said, "I think Valerie would be
disappointed if I came back one year
with a different card. It's become a
family heirloom".
A British husband gave his wife the same Valentine's Card for the 34th
year in a row.
Whitney Houston's Daughter On
'Suicide Watch'
Whitney Houston's daughter has reportedly told people close to her that she
"doesn't want to live any more" and has now been put on "suicide watch".
She has been hospitalized twice since
her mother was found dead in a hotel
bath on Saturday and her family is
concerned that Bobbi Kristina Brown,
18, might try to kill or at least harm
She is being cared for by relatives and
they are making sure she is not left
alone, as reported
The only child of Whitney Houston's
marriage to music bad boy Bobby Brown,
Bobbi was said to be inconsolable.
Houston, 48, died from an apparent
overdose of anti-anxiety pills and
sedatives before she slid underwater in
the bath at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in
Los Angeles.
Bobbi was downstairs in the hotel
lobby when her mother collapsed and
died in the fourth foor hotel room.
She rushed upstairs but police had
already sealed off the room and would
not let her in to see the body.
A distraught Bobbi got into a screaming
match with police and was taken to a
nearby hospital. On Sunday she was
said to be "hysterical". Relatives took
her back to hospital and she remained
there for several hours.
Her father Bobby Brown missed a
concert in Nashville to fy to LA to be
with his daughter.
Man Who Mooned Queen Wants To Do
Same For Obama
An Australian man who mooned the Queen of England said that he
would do the same if Barack Obama visited the country.
Liam Lloyd Warriner was fned $750
in the Brisbane Magistrates Court for
fashing his buttocks at the 85-year-
old monarch when she toured the
Queensland capital in October last year.
He pleaded guilty to one count of
public nuisance. A second charge of
willful exposure was formally dropped
by police prior to his sentence.
The court heard Warriner, a barman
from the Sydney suburb of Ashfeld,
fashed the Queen as her motorcade
travelled down Kingsford Smith Drive
in Eagle Farm.
Warriner, 22, dropped his trousers and
ran alongside the motorcade for 50
meters with an Australian fag clasped
between his buttock cheeks.
The court heard he told police he did it as
a political protest to show his contempt
for the Queen and elitist groups.
Outside court Warriner, who described
the media as "evil" and encouraged the
Occupy movement to "rock on", said
he would do the same if Obama visited.
"Any self-important, self-propagating
elitist, I will happily bare my buttocks
to," the media quoted him as saying.
His lawyer John-Paul Mould described
the mooning as "low level stuff."
Canadian Forces To Open Support Hub In Germany
The Canadian Forces are setting up
a new operational support hub in
Germany in anticipation of future
missions abroad, Defence Minister
Peter MacKay announced Tuesday.
MacKay made the announcement with
Germany's Defence Minister Thomas
de Maizire at a brief news conference
in Ottawa.
MacKay said the recent experience of using
a small logistical hub at an American airbase
in Spangdahlem, Germany, to support
Canada's mission in Afghanistan has "driven
home the value of maintaining operational
support hubs abroad in anticipation of future
mission requirements."
The defence minister said the Canadian
Forces must be "fexible, able to respond at
a moment's notice and get halfway around
the world sometimes at very short notice."
Canada has spent the last few months
exploring ways to ensure that fexibility,
MacKay said, and has been negotiating to
set up a network of operational hubs in key
The new Canadian base in Germany will
be at Cologne Bonn airport and is the frst
of these hubs to be announced. It will serve
as an operational base for the European
The Department of National Defence is
estimating that it will cost approximately
$500,000 per year to operate the new hub,
but it didn't immediately have an estimate
for the startup cost.
Discussions are still underway between
Germany and Canada on when the hub will
be up and running.
Under normal operation, the bases will
only have a small number of personnel and
facilities, according to MacKay.
"However, the beneft to Canada will be
huge as the hubs will have the capacity
to ramp up operations quickly should
the need arise in response to those
crises," he said, having cited Libya
and Haiti as examples of where the
Canadian Forces have played a role.
Defence Minister Peter MacKay and
his German counterpart, Thomas de
Maiziere, met recently at a NATO
meeting in early February in Brussels
and on Tuesday, they made an
announcement in Ottawa about a new
Canadian Forces base in Germany.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
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Choreographer-director Farah Khan says she and Malaika Arora were
under a lot of pressure while shooting for the song "Anarkali disco chali"
for "Housefull 2" because so far their team has been hugely successful.
'Anarkali Disco Chali' Puts
Pressure On Malaika, Farah
The 47-year-old has choreographed
the song for her brother Sajid Khan's
directorial venture "Housefull 2", which
is being produced by Sajid Nadiadwala.
"I think Malaika and I have a track
record. We have done three (hit) songs
together and all three of them have
been very successful, so there was
a lot of pressure. The song Sajid and
Nadiadwala had given was 'Anarkali
disco chali', which was a different
take for both of us," Farah said at a
promotional event for "Housefull 2".
"I hope that this song keeps our track
Ekta Is All About Passion, Hard
Work Jeetendra
Ekta Kapoor, who is one of the most
successful producers in the flm
industry, has indeed come a long way.
Her proud father Jeetendra feels she
has reached to this level only because
of her passion and hard work.
During the music launch of Char Din
Ki Chaandni, Jeetendra said, Ekta
is a total product of passion and hard
work. She has tremendous amount of
capacity to work hard which I dont see
in others.
He said: I come from a middle class
family. I had to work hard but for Ekta
she didnt have to struggle. But she still
struggled because Ekta had the passion.
She could have taken her life lightly
also but she didnt choose that path. I
feel if you have talent then nobody can
stop you.
Char Din Ki Chaandni is directed by
Samir Karnik starring Tusshar Kapoor
and Kulraj Randhawa in the lead.
Rishi Kapoor and Sri Devi launched
the music of the flm along with the
entire star cast of the flm. However,
Jeetendra is leaving no stone unturned
to promote his son Tusshar-starrer flm.
No matter how much you push you
dont get anything. Every person
comes with his own fate, hard work
and talent and he achieves only with
that. We have to be very happy with
what god gives us, he said.
Like every dad Jeetendra now wants
his daughter to settle down. He feels
whenever Ekta turns mentally free she
must think about settling down.
Everybody pray with me for that.
Once Ekta gets mentally free then she
can think about it which every dad
wishes for, said Jeetendra.
record because we have done 'Chaiya
Chaiya', we have done 'Kaal Dhamaal'
and we have done 'Munni'. So I hope
this works well," she added.
Farah had also choreographed the item
song 'Honth Rasiley' for "Welcome",
which also featured Malaika.
Talking about her younger brother
Sajid, Farah said she is very proud of
him for belting big and hit flms like
"Housefull" and "Heyy Babyy".
"I feel very proud that Sajid is making
such big flms and he is making such
hit flms. For me, he will always be
my younger brother. Every time I feel
that I will quit being a choreographer,
these two (Sajid Khan and Sajid
Nadiadwala) take dates from me over
Rakshabandhan," said Farah.
Slated for April 5 release, "Housefull
2" stars 12 actors - Akshay Kumar,
Shreyas Talpade, John Abraham, Riteish
Deshmukh, Mithun Chakraborty, Rishi
Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor, Boman Irani,
Zarine Khan, Asin Thottumkal, Shazahn
Padamsee and Jacqueline Fernandez.
Meawhile, Farah is busy with her
maiden acting assignment - she is
making her debut with "Shirin Farhad
Ki Nikal Padi" opposite Boman Irani.
Malaika Arora & Farah Khan
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Times Lifestyle
This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.
Milk And Dairy Products
The foods in this group are important sources of protein, vitamins and minerals, and are particularly rich in calcium, which is essential
for healthy bones and teeth.
What foods are in this category?
This food group includes milk and
milk products - cheese, yoghurt - but
not butter, margarine or cream.
Varieties of milk
Supermarkets now stock many
different varieties of milk. The most
common is still cow's milk, but others
include sheep and goat's milk, as well
as a number of plant-based substitutes
- including soya, rice, oat and almond
milk - for those with lactose intolerance.
Milk is distinguishable by its fat
Whole or full-fat milk contains about
3.5 per cent fat
Semi-skimmed contains about 1.7 per
cent fat
Skimmed milk contains 0.1 to 0.3 per
cent fat
Even whole milk is relatively low in
fat and certainly semi-skimmed milk
can be labelled as a low-fat food.
Contrary to popular belief, lowering
the fat content in milk does not affect
the calcium content, so an adequate
calcium intake can still be obtained
from lower-fat dairy products.
However, low fat milk contains less
energy and lower amounts of fat
soluble vitamins and isn't suitable for
children under two years.
Some supermarkets have now started
selling milk with a 1 per cent fat
content which has almost half the fat of
semi-skimmed milk but retains a more
creamy favour. This is a good option
for those people who want to lower the
amount of fat they're consuming but
dont like the taste of skimmed milk.
Milk products
Cheese contains the same benefcial
nutrients as milk, but most cheeses
contain much more saturated fat
and high levels of added salt, so it's
important to only eat full-fat cheese
occasionally and in small portions.
Yoghurt is rich in protein and vitamin
B2: essentially the same nutrients as
in milk. Some varieties contain living
bacteria that are healthy for your
digestive system (probiotics). Yoghurt
can be made from whole or low fat
milk, but be careful. Fruit yoghurts
often contain added sugar. Low fat
doesn't necessarily mean low calories.
If you're watching your weight, look
for 'diet' versions, or make your own
by mixing fruit with natural, low fat,
unsweetened yoghurt. Check out the
labels of packs for details.
The importance of calcium
Milk and dairy products are an
important source of calcium. Calcium
is a mineral that helps build strong
bones and teeth, regulates muscle
contraction (including the heartbeat)
and makes sure the blood is clotting
Calcium can continue strengthening
your bones until the age of 20 to 25
when peak bone mass is reached.
After this point, your bones can only
maintain or lose their density and grow
weaker as a natural part of the ageing
process. Inadequate dietary calcium
intake before this age can increase
the risk of brittle bone disease and
osteoporosis, as calcium is drawn from
the bones as a reserve.
There's also concern that the diets of
teenage girls and young women don't
contain enough calcium. Some experts
predict the future could bring an
osteoporosis epidemic in women.
Why children need calcium
Calcium is an essential nutrient for
all children to help grow strong bones
and reduce the risk of developing
osteoporosis when they're older. But
many children and teenagers don't
receive their recommended daily
intake. Encouraging children and
adolescents to drink more milk, rather
than other drinks, can provide not only
calcium, but also important proteins,
carbohydrates and micronutrients.
Daily recommendations for calcium
intake in children:
Age (years) Calcium requirement
0 to 12 months 525
1 to 3 years 350
4 to 6 years 450
7 to 10 years 550

Male Female
11 to 14 years 1,000 800
15 to 18 years 1,000 800
19+ years 700 700
Calcium for vegans and the lactose
If your diet excludes milk and dairy
products, or if you can't tolerate milk
sugar lactose, then you need to look
for calcium alternatives. Other dietary
sources of the mineral include:
calcium-enriched soya milks, yoghurts
and cheeses
dark green leafy vegetables, such as
spinach, broccoli and watercress
almonds or sesame seeds try as a
topping on salads, cereals or desserts
dried fruits - apricots, dates and fgs all
contain small amounts of calcium
(for non vegans) fsh such as sardines
and anchovies, especially the bones
As dairy products are such a rich
source of calcium, three portions of
dairy products each day should be
suffcient to meet your body's calcium
needs. Try to choose low or reduced fat
versions to avoid too much unhealthy
saturated fat.
The following are examples of
individual servings:
200ml milk (whether it is whole or
full-fat, semi-skimmed or skimmed)
250ml calcium-fortifed soya milk
40g hard cheese (such as cheddar, brie,
feta, mozzarella or stilton)
125g soft cheese (such as cottage
cheese or fromage frais)
1 small pot of low-fat plain or fruit
yoghurt (150g)
Fruit smoothie made with 200ml milk
or 150g yoghurt
Drink a glass of milk
everyday. Milk is good for
everyone. It strenthens
your bones and provides
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Chai Time
Aries (March 21-April 19):
Even though you are doing well at
work, you may feel dissatisfed with
the results. You are perhaps becoming
overly ambitious. There is no harm in
taking on prestigious project in this
week; provided you are certain that
you will be able to enough resources to
conclude the same. Happiness in love
is assured this week.
Taurus (April 20-May 20):
Socially, a very active period is ahead.
A close associate may back out of
some promised help. This will be quite
upsetting for you. However, this will help
you to realize that you should not depend
on other. Rest assured that through hard
work you will achieve success. Gains
are indicated. Those in love can look
forward to many exciting evenings with
their beloved in this week.
Gemini (May 21-June 20):
A quick turn over in business leads to
sudden monetary benefts. Avoid fresh
investments until you come across a
real good bargain. Speculative ventures
should be avoided. Those associated
with the media will sign new prestigious
contract. Love life is sparkling.
Cancer (June 21-July 22):
Overseas infuences are strong. Some
of you will make plans to travel on work
or on a special assignment. Others are
likely to have a visitor from overseas
who may have an interesting proposal
for a joint venture. Those in creative
media or related felds are bound to be
in the limelight.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
Financial gains are indicated but you
are advised to hold on your proft
and not to invest the same in new
ventures. Do not in any case invest
your money on the advice of associates
who may have some ulterior motives.
The married are likely to face a few
problems on the home front.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 21):
A busy work schedule could prove
tiring. Those travelling on work will
face a few delays and hardships. It is
quite likely you may have to travel
again to conclude your task. You may
hardly fnd any time for love and
romance. A journey abroad will yield
profts now and for the future. You may
have to return a favour.
Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23):
The employed will be given a special
assignment to handle independently.
The successful completion of this
particular project will lead to a
promotion and substantial increase in
salary. Home also comes under focus
due to certain joyful celebration in
the family. You will be entertaining a
number of guests visiting you from out
of town.
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 21):
Those living away from home and
family are likely to return soon.
Financially, a favourable period and
you could make new investment in
fresh projects. The employed desirous
of changing of job will receive suitable
offers. Happiness pervades on the
home front.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21):
Avoid speculative ventures for a
fnancial setback is foreseen. You need
to stick to routine work and not listed
to the advice of those who are making
proposal for some quick-money-
making scheme. A change of residence
or location is predicted for some of
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19):
Certain "Lucky" developments at work
suddenly propel you to a position of
eminence. You will get an opportunity
to consolidate your position and also
display your organizational abilities.
Financially, your position is secured.
You will be organizing a large social
get-together. This will prove enjoyable.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18):
Work wise a rewarding week. You will
be able to consolidate your position
at work and also make proftable
investment in a deal proposed by a
friend. Love life is delightful and
exciting. Some of you are likely to
travel to your favourite holiday resort
in the company of your sweetheart.
Pisces (Feb 19-March 20):
You are greeted with a sudden surprise
with the receipt of large sum of money.
The employed will be given a prestigious
assignment to handle independently.
You will conclude your task with the
able support of colleague and associate.
Home and family is good.
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper, or to taste
5 tablespoons oil for frying, or as
1 medium onion
1 cup roast lamb, diced
1/2 cup shredded Napa cabbage
4 cups cold cooked rice
2 tablespoons dark soy sauce
Lightly beat the eggs. Stir in the salt
and pepper.Heat a wok on medium-
high to high heat. Add 1 tablespoon oil.
When oil is ready, pour 1/2 of the egg
mixture into the wok and cook over
medium heat, turning over once. Cook
the other half the same way. Cut the
egg into thin strips, and save for later.
Add 2 tablespoons oil. When the oil
is hot, add the onion. Stir-fry briefy,
then add the roast lamb and then the
Napa cabbage. Stir-fry until the lamb
is cooked. Remove from the wok.Add
2 tablespoons oil, turn the heat down
to medium, and stir-fry the rice. Use
chopsticks to separate the individual
grains. Stir in the dark soy sauce. Add
the other ingredients except for the
egg. Season with salt, light soy sauce
or oyster sauce if desired. Serve the
fried rice with the strips of egg laid on
Spicy Orange Chicken
4 lbs skinless bone~in
chicken breasts and thighs
1/4 cup all-purpose four
1 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 cup orange juice
2 tbsp packed brown sugar
2 tbsp white vinegar
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp salt
3/4 tsp ground nutmeg
freshly ground black pepper
1. Cut chicken breasts in half. Place all
chicken pieces in a large plastic bowl
with a cover and sprinkle with four.
Cover and shake chicken until well
coated. Discard extra four.
2. In a large saucepan, heat olive oil
over medium heat. Brown chicken on
all sides. (Do not overheat, as this will
cause the four to blacken.
3. In a small bowl, whisk together
garlic, orange juice, brown sugar,
vinegar, basil, salt, nutmeg and pepper
until sugar is dissolved.
4. Pour sauce over chicken in saucepan;
reduce heat, cover tightly and simmer,
stirring occasionally for about 50
minutes or until chicken is no longer
pink inside and sauce has thickened
Lamb Fried Rice
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
We are open Monday to Friday 9:00 A.M TO 5:30 P.M
Saturday 10:00 A.M TO 4:30 P.M
Naresh Aggarwal
Barrister, Solicitor & Notary
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1) What party is the Offcial
Opposition at the federal level?
A. The Liberal Party.
B. The New Democratic Party.
C. The Conservative Party of Canada.
D. The Canadian Alliance Party.
2) How are Senators chosen?
A. By the Premiers of all provinces.
B. Appointed by the Queen.
C. By the Governor General of Canada.
D. Appointed by the Prime Minister.
3) What is known as the effort
by women to achieve the right to
A. The election law.
B. The suffrage motion of women.
C. The women's suffrage movement.
D. The women's voting law.
4) Who are the Aboriginal peoples
in Canada?
A. United Empire Loyalists and Mtis.
B. Refugees from the American
C. Early Australian immigrants.
D. The frst inhabitants of Canada.
5) What is the signifcance of the
Canadian discovery of insulin?
A. It helped the treatment of heart
B. It saved lives of children with
C. It saved millions of lives of people
with diabetes.
D. It was an important medicine to
save soldiers' life during World War II.
6) Which region covers more than
one-third of Canada?
A. Central Canada.
B. Atlantic Canada.
C. Northern Canada.
D. Southern Ontario.
7) Where are the Parliament
Buildings located?
A. Ottawa.
B. Toronto.
C. Montreal.
D. Quebec City.
8) Which party becomes the
Offcial Opposition?
A. The opposition party with the most
B. The opposition party with the least
C. The opposition party with the most
D. The party picked by the Queen.
9) What does the Canadian fag
look like?
A. White with a red border on each end
and a red maple leaf in the center.
B. A red maple leaf with white in the
C. White and red with the federal
D. White and red with a deer in the
10) When is Canada Day?
A. July 1st every year.
B. The second Monday of July.
C. The third Monday of May.
D. September 6th of each year.
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C
6. C 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. A
Try This Practice Test - Discover Canada
Start Seeds Indoors
One of the best ways to get a jump-
start on spring is by planting seeds
indoors. By the time the last frost has
disappeared, you'll have seedlings or
some nice-sized plants ready to place
in your garden. Growing seeds indoors
also exposes you to plant varieties
that aren't often available at your
local nurseries. And let's face it; this
process is one of the great pleasures
of gardening. Plus, it's simple if you
follow these three tips:
1. Follow the instructions on the
seed packet. Joking aside, it's wise
to follow instructions on the back of
the seed packet for the zone in which
you reside. If it says to start seeds two
weeks before the last frost, then do it. It
really will make a difference.
2. Make sure seeds get enough light. In
order for the most seeds to germinate,
they'll initially need at least 12 hours
of sunlight a day. If you are using
overhead fuorescent lights, make sure
that the lights are positioned only two
inches above the top of the plastic
dome of the seed container. If you are
growing the seeds on your windowsill,
you might have to supplement the
sunlight with some artifcial light.
Also, remember to take seed containers
away from windowsills at night if it's
still cold outside. And fnally, change
the direction of seed containers in
relationship towards the sun's rays so
that the plant will not grow crookedly.
3. Water, water, water, correctly and
not too much. It is much safer to water
seeds from the bottom of the container
rather than the top. Remember, these
seeds are delicate. If you hose them
down with a spray of harsh water, that
could be the kiss of death. If you feel
that you just have to moisten the top
of the soil, please do so gently with a
mister. The seeds will appreciate that
and the misting will help promote
their germination. Finally, try not to
overwater although I know that it's
sometimes diffcult to determine how
much water they need. A good rule
of thumb is if you stick your fnger in
the soil and the soil is dry, it's time to
water. If it's still moist, don't water.
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
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Reference Improvement Guide
How do you feel when you list your
references on a job application? Do
you sweat it out, or are you confdent
that they will sing your praises? You
may think it is out of your control. Not
true. You can improve your references.
Here is how to do it, step by step.
Identify Your Reference Network
Identify your personal and professional
references, and past Supervisors.
Gather complete contact information
for each prospective reference.
Reference Press Kit
Update your resume.
Make sure resume is complete and
Update your goal statement, which
will be included in your cover letter.
Create a draft cover letter to send to
your references with the kit.
In your cover letter, point out your
recent accomplishments.
Share Your Goal With Your Reference
Contact each of your references.
Ask references for permission to share
their name as a reference.
Update them with what you are doing
and your current goals.
Send them your Reference Press Kit
with a personal cover letter.
Keep Your Reference Network Posted
Follow up with your references to let
them know to whom you have given
their name as a reference.
Let them know a little bit about the job
in a brief email or call.
Be considerate of their time.
Thank them for their support.
Let Them Know Where You Land
Let your references know when you
got the job.
Share some info about your new
company and position.
Keep Your Reference Network Fresh
Stay in touch; keep the relationships
Add new references to your network
as they enter your life.
Treat all employers and peers as future
prospective references.
If you are a Manager, your staff may
be potential references too.
Serve as an Honest Reference
Be aware of your company's policy
on references before giving out
information about your former and
present employees.
Serve as an honest reference for
qualifed individuals.
If you cannot honestly act as a
reference, give dates of employment
and position only.
Never give a negative or dishonest
To be sure your reference is presenting
you in the best light, have a trusted
friend or a professional contact your
reference and ask about you. It is better
to know prior to the big opportunity
whether or not your reference moves
you closer to your dream job. The
better you know your references, the
more reliable they will be.
A lot of people think that packing
is just putting a carton together and
throwing things inside. Its really not
that at all as you are dealing with ones
personal effects, much of which carries
a great deal of sentimental value which
cannot be replaced if damaged or lost;
so we like to look at Packing as an art.
says Williams and Gosling Packing
and Removals Manager, Mr Tim Fong.
The WG Packing and Removals section
is in charge of packing and moving the
contents of homes and offces in Fiji
both overseas, as well as locally. Their
clients range from High Commissions,
Embassies, UN Agencies to regional
organisations such Secretariat of
the Pacifc Community plus many
Corporate and individuals who fnd
themselves moving within Fiji or
migrating to greener pastures.
According to Mr Fong, mastering this
art form is what makes his team the
best in the business and protecting
their reputation is dear to their
hearts, requiring consistency and
professionalism every step of the way.
If you look at the way our guys pack
a chair for example, it retains the shape
of the chair. You can sit on it and it
wont tear the packaging. Thats how
good you can be.
We dont try to match our standards
with the local industry, we match ours
with companies overseas, in Australia
and New Zealand, we compete with
their standards and fnd ours are on par
and on many occasions better.
The W&G team holds accreditations
from global organisations such as
the British Association of Removers
(BAR) and the Household Goods &
Forwarders Association of America
(HHGFAA) who set professional
standards for the industry and provides
them with an international network of
qualifed agents who are charged to
handle the work they do outside of Fiji.
The Packing and Removals business
has been a part of Tims life for more
than 30 years, a profession that started
off as a holiday job while he was a
student at Marist Brothers High School.
During the holidays I would go out
with the packers at that time to assist
with loading the removals truck
and containers and learnt this art of
After High School Tim joined the
company as a full-time packer in 1981,
at that time the section only had three
packers, two casual workers, a small
Toyota Hiace and was based out of a
small corner of W&Gs current Head
Offce on Harris Road.
The current team of 14 is now based out
of W&Gs new integrated warehouse
and logistics facility at Wailekutu,
Lami, with fve more staff based out
of their Branch Offce in Lautoka, and
has the use of a feet of four specialized
moving trucks.
As the Branch Manager of the
Warehouse complex at Wailekutu he is
tasked to oversee the daily operations
of the other seven departments based
there, as well as manage the property,
buildings and staff.
Last year Tim was invited to join
W&Gs Executive management Team
( EXECO ) which has seen him take
on even greater responsibilities using
his 30 years of experience, to make a
signifcant contribution to the overall
management of W&G.
Tim has had many interesting
experiences whilst working at W&G.
The aftermath of the Coups were
indeed busy times with clients being
extremely concerned about getting
their personal effects packed and
shipped out safely.
In 2007, we had to pack up and
relocate the US Peace Corps offce
in Kiribati, which was closing down.
Three of us few to Tarawa where we
were required to pack up the offce
plus the personal effects of their four
offcers homes in one week. That part
was relatively straightforward.
The head of the Peace Corps offce at
that time lived on an island separate to
the main one. The bridge to her island
was damaged so there was only one
way across, on foot, said Tim.
We had to pack up her items and then
move them across to the main island to be
placed into a container. So we waited till
low tide, and then carried her belongings
on our shoulders, splashing through gentle
waves. But we got the job done!
He says their most high-profle moves
were for Queen Elizabeth II in the
1980s and for Prince Andrew during
his stay at Borron House in 1995.
The Queen came in the 80s to open
the Great Council of Chiefs Meeting in
Bau. We had to pack the chinaware that
went to Bau, and we had to make sure
it got there without a scratch.
With Prince Andrews visit, there
were some gifts that were given to him
during the traditional ceremony here
that needed to be sent to England. He
was staying at Borron house so our
Packers went up and did the packing
while he was there. I remember he
came and looked around. We had
never packed in the presence of royalty
The most challenging moves though,
according to Tim, are the offce
relocations, which they have done
many of. He says the challenge lies in
moving the offces while causing the
most minimal possible disruption to
their business.
We moved the Fiji Islands Revenue
and Customs Authority (FIRCAs) to
Nasese in 2009. We had to move them
there from four different locations
around Suva and all the packing and
moving was done outside normal work
hours resulting in many late nights.
We called in 40 additional W&G
staff for the move and started packing
after the FIRCA staff had completed
their work on a Friday, we worked
throughout the weekend ensuring that
when their staff turned up to their new
offces on Monday morning they were
fully operational.
Since the section began in the 1980s,
they have relocated Banks, the United
Nations, the Fiji National Provident
Fund to its current location at
Downtown Boulevard and many other
businesses in the city.
There are not too many offces in
downtown Suva that W&G havent set
up, you name it we set them up,
So if you work in an offce in Suva,
according to Tim, chances are his team
has been there.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Little Red Riding Hood
Continued from last week
When you look in on your sleeping
child, you want to hear the sounds
of sweet dreams: easy breathing and
perhaps an occasional sigh. But some
parents hear the harsher sounds of
gnashing and grinding teeth, called
bruxism, which is common in kids.
What Is Bruxism?
Bruxism is the medical term for the
grinding of teeth or the clenching of
jaws, especially during deep sleep or
while under stress. It comes from the
Greek word "brychein," which means
to gnash the teeth. Three out of every
10 kids will grind or clench, experts
say, with the highest incidence in
children under 5.
Causes of Bruxism
Though studies have been done, no
one knows why bruxism happens. But
in some cases, kids may grind because
the top and bottom teeth aren't aligned
properly. Others do it as a response to
pain, such as an earache or teething.
Kids might grind their teeth as a way to
ease the pain, just as they might rub a
sore muscle. Most kids outgrow these
fairly common causes for grinding.
Stress - usually nervous tension or
anger is another cause. For instance,
your child may be worrying about
a test at school or experiencing a
change in routine (a new sibling or
a new teacher). Even arguing with
parents and siblings can cause enough
stress to prompt teeth grinding or jaw
Some kids who are hyperactive also
experience bruxism.
Effects of Bruxism
Generally, bruxism doesn't hurt a
child's teeth. Many cases go undetected
with no adverse effects, though some
may result in mild morning headaches
or earaches. Most often, however, the
condition can be more bothersome to
you and others in your home because
of the grinding sound.
In some extreme circumstances,
nighttime grinding and clenching
can wear down tooth enamel, chip
teeth, increase temperature sensitivity,
and cause severe facial pain and jaw
problems, such as temporomandibular
joint disease (TMJ). Most kids who
grind, however, do not have TMJ
problems unless their grinding and
clenching is chronic.
Diagnosing Bruxism
Lots of kids who grind their teeth aren't
even aware of it, so it's often siblings or
parents who identify the problem.
Some signs to watch for:
grinding noises when your child is
complaints of a sore jaw or face in the
thumb sucking
fngernail biting
gnawing on pencils and toys
chewing the inside of the cheek
If you think your child is grinding his
or her teeth, visit the dentist, who will
examine the teeth for chipped enamel
and unusual wear and tear, and spray
air and water on the teeth to check for
unusual sensitivity.
If damage is detected, the dentist will
ask your child a few questions, such as:
How do you feel before bed?
Are you worried about anything at
home or school?
Are you angry with someone?
What do you do before bed?
The exam will help the dentist
determine whether the grinding is
caused by anatomical (misaligned
teeth) or psychological (stress) factors
and come up with an effective treatment
Treating Bruxism
Most kids outgrow bruxism, but a
combination of parental observation
and dental visits can help keep the
problem in check until they do.
In cases where the grinding and
clenching make a child's face and
jaw sore or damage the teeth, dentists
may prescribe a special night guard.
Molded to a child's teeth, the night
"But Grandmother! What big eyes you
have," said Little Red Riding Hood.
"The better to see you with, my dear,"
replied the wolf.
"But Grandmother! What big teeth you
have," said Little Red Riding Hood her
voice quivering slightly.
"The better to eat you with, my dear,"
roared the wolf and he leapt out of the
bed and began to chase the little girl.
Almost too late, Little Red Riding
Hood realized that the person in the
bed was not her Grandmother, but a
hungry wolf.
She ran across the room and through
the door, shouting, "Help! Wolf!" as
loudly as she could.
A woodsman who was chopping logs
nearby heard her cry and ran towards
the cottage as fast as he could.
He grabbed the wolf and made him spit
out the poor Grandmother who was a
bit frazzled by the whole experience,
but still in one piece.
"Oh Grandma, I was so scared!"
sobbed Little Red Riding Hood, "I'll
never speak to strangers or dawdle in
the forest again."
"There, there, child. You've learned
an important lesson. Thank goodness
you shouted loud enough for this kind
woodsman to hear you!"
The woodsman knocked out the wolf and
carried him deep into the forest where he
wouldn't bother people any longer.
Little Red Riding Hood and her
Grandmother had a nice lunch and a
long chat.
guard is similar to the protective
mouthpieces worn by football players.
Though a mouthpiece may take some
getting used to, positive results happen
Helping Kids With Bruxism
Whether the cause is physical or
psychological, kids might be able to
control bruxism by relaxing before
bedtime for example, by taking a warm
bath or shower, listening to a few
minutes of soothing music, or reading
a book.
For bruxism that's caused by stress, try
to fnd out what's upsetting your child
and fnd a way to help. For example, a
kid who is worried about being away
from home for a frst camping trip
might need reassurance that mom or
dad will be nearby if anything happens.
If the issue is more complicated, such
as moving to a new town, discuss your
child's concerns and try to ease any
fears. If you're concerned about your
child's emotional state, talk to your
In rare cases, basic stress relievers
aren't enough to stop bruxism. If
your child has trouble sleeping or is
acting differently than usual, your
child's dentist or doctor may suggest
a psychological assessment. This can
help determine the cause of the stress
and an appropriate course of treatment.
How Long Does Bruxism Last?
Childhood bruxism is usually
outgrown by adolescence. Most kids
stop grinding when they lose their
baby teeth because permanent teeth are
much more sensitive to pain. However,
a few children do continue to grind
into adolescence. And if the bruxism is
caused by stress, it will continue until
the stress is relieved.
Preventing Bruxism
Because some bruxism is a child's
natural reaction to growth and
development, most cases can't be
prevented. Stress-induced bruxism can
be avoided, however, by talking with
kids regularly about their feelings and
helping them deal with stress.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times Health
This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.
February Is Heart Month
Symptoms of Congenital
Heart Defects
Congenital heart defects may be
diagnosed before birth, right after
birth, during childhood, or not until
adulthood. It is possible to have
a defect and no symptoms at all.
Sometimes it can be diagnosed because
of a heart murmur on physical exam or
an abnormal EKG or chest X-ray in
someone with no symptoms.
In adults, if symptoms of congenital
heart disease are present, they may
-Shortness of breath.
-Limited ability to exercise.
-Symptoms of heart failure (see above)
or valve disease (see above).
Congenital Heart Defects in
Infants and Children
Symptoms of congenital heart defects
in infants and children may include:
-Cyanosis (a bluish tint to the skin,
fngernails, and lips).
Fast breathing and poor feeding.
-Poor weight gain.
-Recurrent lung infections.
-Inability to exercise.
Many people with cardiomyopathy have
no symptoms or only minor symptoms,
and live a normal life. Other people
develop symptoms, which progress and
worsen as heart function worsens.
Symptoms of cardiomyopathy can
occur at any age and may include:
-Chest pain or pressure (occurs usually
with exercise or physical activity, but
can also occur with rest or after meals).
-Heart failure symptoms (see above).
-Swelling of the lower extremities.
-Palpitations (futtering in the chest
due to abnormal heart rhythms).
Some people also have arrhythmias.
These can lead to sudden death
in a small number of people with
Symptoms of Pericarditis
When present, symptoms of pericarditis
may include:
-Chest pain. This pain is different from
angina (pain caused by coronary artery
disease). It may be sharp and located in
the center of the chest. The pain may
radiate to the neck and occasionally, the
arms and back. It is made worse when
lying down, taking a deep breath in,
coughing, or swallowing and relieved
by sitting forward.
-Low-grade fever.
-Increased heart rate.
Because many of the symptoms
associated with each type of heart
disease are similar, it is important
to see your doctor so that you can
receive a correct diagnosis and prompt
When to Call the Doctor
About Heart Disease
When caring for a person with heart
disease, it is important to know which
symptoms require a call to the doctor.
If you notice any of the symptoms
described below in the person you are
caring for, call the doctor as soon as
possible. In case of an emergency, keep
the doctor's phone number nearby.
-A feeling of fullness (bloating) in
the stomach with a loss of appetite or
-Extreme fatigue or decreased ability
to complete daily activities.
-A respiratory infection or a cough that
has become worse.
-Fast heart rate (above 100 beats per
-New, irregular heartbeat.
-Chest pain or discomfort during
activity that is relieved with rest.
-Diffculty breathing during regular
activities or at rest.
-Changes in sleep patterns, including
diffculty sleeping or feeling the need
to sleep a lot more than usual.
-Decreased urination.
-Restlessness, confusion.
-Constant dizziness or lightheadedness.
-Nausea or poor appetite.
When Should My Loved
One Go to the Emergency
Call 911 if he/she has:
-New chest pain or discomfort that is
severe, unexpected, and occurs with
shortness of breath, sweating, nausea,
or weakness.
-Fast heart rate (more than 150 beats
per minute) -- especially if he/she is
short of breath, too.
-Shortness of breath NOT relieved by
-Sudden weakness or paralysis
(inability to move) in the arms or legs.
-Sudden, severe headache.
-Fainting spell with loss of
Call your doctor with any other
concerns you may have about your
loved one's condition.
Having Desserts For Breakfast Good For
Those with a weakness for sweets can now include cookies and cake in a
600 calorie breakfast menu with some proteins and carbs to shed weight in a
pleasurable way and also stay slim.
Attempting to avoid sweets entirely
can create a psychological addiction
to these same foods in the long-term,
explains Daniela Jakubowicz, professor
at Tel Aviv University's Sackler Faculty
of Medicine, who led the study.
Over the course of a 32-week-long
study, participants who added dessert
to their breakfast - cookies, cake, or
chocolate - lost an average of 40 pounds
more than a group that avoided such
foods, the journal Steroids reports.
What's more, they kept off the pounds
longer. A meal in the morning provides
energy for the day's tasks, aids in
brain functioning, and kick-starts the
body's metabolism, making it crucial
for weight loss and maintenance,
according to a Tel Aviv statement.
And breakfast is the meal that most
successfully regulates ghrelin, the
hormone that increases hunger,
explains Jakubowicz. While the level
of ghrelin rises before every meal,
it is suppressed most effectively at
breakfast time.
These fndings were based on 193
clinically obese, non-diabetic adults,
who were randomly assigned to one of
two diet groups with identical caloric
intake - the men consumed 1,600
calories daily and the women 1,400.
However, the frst group was given a
low carbohydrate diet including a small
300 calorie breakfast, and the second
was given a 600 calorie breakfast high
in protein and carbohydrates, always
including a dessert item (i.e. chocolate).
Halfway through the study, participants
in both groups had lost an average of 33
pounds per person. But in the second half
of the study, results differed drastically.
The participants in the low-carb group
regained an average of 22 pounds each,
but participants in the group with a larger
breakfast lost another 15 pounds each.
At the end of the 32 weeks, those who
had consumed a 600 calorie breakfast
had lost an average of 40 pounds more
per person than their peers.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Times Australia News
Julia Gillard Quizzed On When She Knew Of Leadership Coup
The Labor Partys leadership
tensions have been given fresh life
by allegations Julia Gillard and key
factional supporters were preparing to
challenge Kevin Rudd weeks before
his eventual overthrow.
Ms Gillard has consistently stated that
her decision to take on Mr Rudd was
made on the day of the coup in June
However, ABC1's Four Corners
has revealed that senior staff in Ms
Gillard's offce at the time had started
writing the frst speech she delivered
as Prime Minister at least two weeks
before she took power.
In an interview for the program Ms
Gillard avoided answering whether
she was aware the speech was being
"Look, I am not surprised that whether
it's people in my offce or people more
broadly in the Government of the
Labor Party were casting in their mind
where circumstances might get to, of
course," she said.
Four Corners also cites internal Labor
Party polling in the week before the
challenge as proof the campaign was
building far earlier.
The polling showed Ms Gillard was
more popular with voters than Mr
Rudd and pointed to negative focus
group reactions to the then leader.
When questioned about the polls, Ms
Gillard again appeared to skirt the issue,
saying she did not have "specifc recall
of pages of party polling at the time".
But a partial transcript of the interview
released by the Prime Minister's
offce to ABC News Online shows
responses from Ms Gillard that were
not broadcast.
On the issue of internal polling, she
says: "I take it the implication from
your question is that some part of the
decision I made was motivated by
polling; if that is the implication of
your question, that's wholly untrue."
The transcript also shows her stating
that she never asked for a speech to be
prepared and reiterated that she decided
to mount a challenge on the day.
"I'm saying to you I'm not surprised that
you're in a position to say that people
within government were thinking
about alternatives," Ms Gillard said.
"With respect, the headlines of the
newspapers were screaming it every
day. But in terms of my motivations
and when I acted and when I made a
decision, I made a decision the same
day I acted."
Gaining momentum
Four Corners asserts the US State
Department knew a leadership change
was gaining momentum.
It states that about two weeks before
the coup, Australia's ambassador to the
United States, Kim Beazley, was called
in to explain to US secretary of state
Hilary Clinton what was happening
in relation to change in the prime
minister's offce.
US embassy cables released through
WikiLeaks have shown that the State
Department had been receiving leaked
information on internal ALP politics
for months.
Labor right-wing powerbroker Graham
Richardson told Four Corners he knew
"a week or so" before the change in
leadership that a challenge would be
Mr Rudd did not grant Four Corners an
When the idea of returning to the prime
minister's offce was put to Mr Rudd he
would not say if the idea appealed.
"Well, that's a matter for history," he
"Im a very, very happy little vegemite."
The Four Corners program had been
widely anticipated in political circles
because of recent fevered speculation
that the former prime minister was
poised to launch a comeback.
It is likely to trigger another round
of questions about the coup and
accusations from the Opposition of
political instability and division in
government ranks.
Calls To Give Backpackers Longer Visas For Tourism Work
The Federal Government is being
urged to allow backpackers on working
holiday visas to extend their stay by a
year if they spend three months working
in tourism in regional Australia.
The Australian Tourism Export
Council says there are thousands of job
vacancies in the tourism sector and that
changes to the visa system could help
to fll them.
The council's managing director,
Felicia Mariani, says competition from
other countries for backpacker dollars
is increasingly ferce.
"The options are so much greater and
access to some of these destinations
now is much easier and much cheaper,"
she said.
"The advent of low-cost carriers,
particularly around South-East Asia,
has created real competition for us in
that market because those destinations
are easy and cheap to get to, and then
when you're there your dollar goes a lot
further than it does here."
She says Australia needs to offer
backpackers a better deal if it hopes to
compete for their money.
At the moment, backpackers who work
in a regional area for three months in
agriculture, horticulture, construction,
mining and fshing are entitled to stay
on for an extra year.
Ms Mariani says tourism should be
added to the list, because there are too
many job vacancies.
She says the longer backpackers stay,
the more they will spend.
"A general backpacker who might
come over on a travel visa for up to
three months will stay on average
about 70 nights and they spend just
over $5,400," she said.
"If they actually have a working
holiday visa, they stay on average up to
eight months and spend over $13,000
in that period.
"We do have labour shortages given
largely the fact that a lot of these
tourism businesses are located in
remote or regional parts of our country
and it is also seasonal work, so fnding
labour to actually assist in the operation
of those businesses can be a challenge.
"So it is a good ft to actually help to
short circuit some of the current labour
shortages that we have particularly in
regional parts of Australia.
"There are 36,000 tourism vacancies
right across this country at this very
moment and by 2015 that is projected
to go up to 56,000 vacancies."
Ms Mariani says despite the high
dollar, backpackers are still coming to
"The decreases are small. They are sort
of 2, 3 per cent kind of quarter on quarter,
but what we are seeing is gradually that
they are staying less time and they are
spending less money," she said.
Plan questioned
But the mayor of one of Australia's
most popular tourism destinations says
local job seekers already face too much
competition from backpackers.
Byron Bay is a mecca for sun-seeking
backpackers, but one with a high
unemployment rate.
Mayor Jan Barham says local job seekers
do not need any more competition.
"This has to be looked at really closely
and what impact it will have on the
local employment situation," she said.
"An area like the north coast of New
South Wales has high unemployment
because we rely on tourism as a major
industry. If the jobs involved in tourism
are then taken up by backpackers,
it is going to leave the locals in very
diffcult situations."
She says any changes to visa rules need
to take into account regional variations.
"This is where a regional-by-regional
approach perhaps needs to be looked at
because it will vary," she said.
"An area like ours with a close
population of southern Queensland, we
do have an employment problem.
"The situation where there is very few
jobs and the jobs that are available are
very often casual within the tourism
industry, so it doesn't give people the
security they need.
"If those jobs are then able to be taken
up by travellers, then a local resident
community will suffer. I don't see a
replacement industry that is going to
pick up jobs for the locals."
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Amitabh Bachchan Recovering
After Surgery
Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan is
recovering from successful abdominal
surgery last weekend, doctors say.
The 69-year-old actor, who has a history
of abdominal ailments, was operated on in
a hospital in the western city of Mumbai .
Bachchan, who continues to act in
flms, was last admitted to a hospital in
Mumbai with abdominal pains in 2008.
He also underwent surgery for an
intestinal condition at the same hospital
in 2005.
Bachchan suffered a near fatal injury
during the shooting of an action scene
on the set of a flm in 1982 and was
critically ill for several months.
Saturday's surgery lasted for "about
two to three hours and everything
is normal," tweeted the star's son,
Abhishek Bachchan.
Bachchan is likely to be released early
this week if everything is fne, his son
Bachchan has acted in more than 180
Indian flms over 40 years. He remains
India's most popular actor.
Last year he returned as the celebrity
host of Kaun Banega Crorepati, the
Indian version of Who Wants to Be
A Millionaire and one of the most
watched shows on Indian television.
He also made his Hollywood debut
in a new flm adaptation of The Great
Gatsby, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
Amitabh Bachchan recovering
after surgery.
Kareena To Do Two
Item Numbers In
After doing a mujra, 'Dil Mera Muft
Ka' in her beau Saif Ali Khan's home
production Agent Vinod, Kareena
Kapoor is all set to take the nation by
storm by gyrating to not one but two
item numbers in her forthcoming flm
Madhur Bhandarkar's Heroine.
One of the item numbers is called
'Halkat Jawani' and according to
sources Kareena will set the screen on
fre with her moves in this song.
Heroine revolves around the life of a
once successful flm actress played by
Kareena, whose career is on the decline.
Heroine, a Utv and Bhandarkar
Entertainment joint production, also
stars Randeep Hooda, Rakesh Bapat,
Divya Dutta and Shahana Goswami in
pivotal roles.
Offcially Engaged!
Esha Deol and Bharat Takhtani are now
engaged. It was a private ceremony that
was restricted to only family members
and was held at Hema Mailinis home
in Juhu, Mumbai.
Hema Malini told reporters: We are
very happy today for Esha and Bharat.
It is a happy moment for all of us.
Bharat is a very nice person. It is a
private function.
Esha Deol was super excited. She said,
I am happy and I thank everyone for
their blessings.
In a recent interview Hema Malini was
all praise for her would be son in law.
She told the Times Of India what she
loves most is The fact that he loves my
daughter! But, I also love his simplicity
and his lack of inhibitions. He is unfazed
about the fact that ours is a Bollywood
family. The way he interacts with
Dharamji, also speaks volumes about
his down-to-earth nature,
Salman Khan might miss Riteish
Deshmukh and Genelia DSouzas
wedding due to ill health and pre-
occupied work but he remembers to
surprise the couple with a wedding gift.
According to insiders, Sallu has
planned a holiday vacation for the
newly wedded couple.
About his absence from the wedding,
a friend of the Dabangg star said,
Salman was completely cut off in
Cuba and couldnt make it to the
wedding, but he has been planning just
how to mark the occasion.
Another source said, Salman has
already sent his best wishes to the
couple. Hell meet them as soon as he
is back in the city.
Instead of heading for a honeymoon,
Riteish and Genelia was spotted on feld
cheering for their team in the CCL match
and hence they truly deserve a break
to spend quality time with each other.
Salmans gift will defnitely work for them.
Salman's Wedding
Gift For Riteish-
Shah Rukh Floors Fans At Don 2'S
Berlin Premiere
The screening was scheduled to start at
9.30 pm, but it gets delayed by a half
hour, perhaps because the stars arrived
Inside the 1,800-seat theatre, the
audience -- mostly Germans, but a
decent number of South Asians -- wait
In the lobby of the theatre, the three
Nory siblings -- Asma, 21, Silsala, 20
and Norman, 19 -- stand around taking
pictures of each other. The kids were
born in Berlin, but their parents are
from India.
"I think Shah Rukh Khan is special
because he's not just an action hero or
a romantic hero or a comedian -- he's
a full package," Asma said, speaking
English in a very pronounced German
accent. She added that the frst Shah
Rukh flm they watched was Baazigar.
"For people like us who live abroad,
he makes us proud to be Indians,"
Silsala said. "And after all Shah Rukh
is a pathan like we are," Norman the
youngest adds.
Before the flm starts, Farhan Akhtar,
dressed in a black velvet jacket and bow
tie, enters the theatre with producer
Ritesh Sidhwani and Priyanka Chopra,
who's wearing a shimmering white
sari. As expected, the audience goes
An Indian man sitting in the frst row is
heard yelling loudly: "Hey Priyanka, I
am from India. Aja meri jungli billi!"
'Mysterious' Girl
In 'Jism 2' Poster
'May Be Sunny
Bollywood fans are supposing that the
'mysterious' girl beneath the wet white
sheet in the frst poster of Pooja Bhatt's
directorial venture 'Jism 2' may be
Sunny Leone.
The porn actress has posted a picture
on her micro-blogging site lately and
fans have been deriving similarities
between it and the 'Jism 2's frst poster.
If the derivations are correct, the lady
beneath may be revealed before Pooja's
offcial confrmation.
Anupam Kher's Father Passes Away
Versatile actor Anupam Khers father
Pushkarnath Kher passed away last
Friday. He was 84. Anupam Kher
who was on his way to Goa to attend
David Dhawans son Rohit Dhawans
wedding was informed by his brother.
Anupam revealed the news on his
Twitter page, writing, "As I landed
in Goa my brother Raju called from
Mumbai that the 'Best Dad in the World'
(our father) is No More. Traveling
As the news spread among the
Bollywood circles, condolence messages
started to pour in. Filmmaker Madhur
Bhandarkar tweeted, "Please accept my
deep condolences in this moment of
grief, I pray to GOD to give you strength
and bless the departed soul."
"I'm so sorry Anupam uncle.. Lots
and lots of love and prayers," tweeted
actress Sonam Kapoor.
Actor Siddharth, who played Anupam's
son in 'Rang De Basanti', tweeted, "I'm
so sorry for your loss sir... prayers..."
Our deepest condolence to Anupam
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Farah Khan &MalaikaAurora Khan
Early life
Acting is in her blood. Her father
Gemini Ganesan was a well known
Tamil actor and her mother Pushpavalli
was a Telugu actress. It is said that her
parents did not tie wedding knots.
Infact, people are of the say that, when
Rekha was born, her father didn't even
make the declaration of his paternity.
It was in the early 1970s that, she
established her foot in the Indian flm
industry. To know the complete life
history of Rekha, read on.
She is believed to have had several
relationships. She became the hottest
topic of gossip. All the magazines and
newspapers were flled with rumors of
Rekha's relationship with Bollywood
stars Jeetendra, Vinod Mehra, Kiran
Kumar, and Amitabh Bachchan. But,
none of the relationships worked
out and she fnally got married to a
Delhi based businessman Mukesh
Aggarwal in the year 1990. However,
he committed suicide in 1991.
Film Career
Rekha made her frst public appearance
as a child artist in the Telugu flm
Rangula Ratnam (1966). Goadalli CID
999, a Kannada flm was her frst flm
in which she played the lead role of
heroine. She worked in a number of
Telugu, Kannada and Hindi flms. Her
Hindi flm Sawan Bhadon was a major
hit in the box offce. This flm brought
her stardom overnight. After that, she
was offered plenty of roles, but most of
the roles demanded her to be portrayed
as a glamour girl.
She did a number of flms, some of
which were very successful. To name
a few, we have Kahani Kismat Ki,
Raampur Ka Lakshman, and Pran
Jaaye Par Vachan Na Jaaye. She got her
frst serious role in 1976, when she was
signed for 'Do Anjaane' with Amitabh
Bachchan. After that, she was offered
lot of challenging roles of different
genre and she took up the challenge
and proved her worth. Muqaddar Ka
Sikandar brought a lot of name and
fame. Then, she kept climbing the
ladders of success.
Awards Won
Filmfare Best Actress Award
National Film Award for Best Actress
Star Screen Award Best Villain
Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award
Zee Cine Award for Lifetime
Dinanath Mangeshkar Award
Role Model Award by MAX Stardust
Sony Golden Glory Award
Maha Style Icon of the Year
Notable Works of Rekha
Khoon Bhari Maang
Umrao Jaan
Muqaddar Ka Sikandar
Mujhe Insaaf Chaahiye
Below is an interview with Rekha.
How did your journey
with the movies begin?
I never planned on being an actress.
My parents were actors and travelled
the world. I too wanted to travel and
explore new facets of myself, so I
thought I would be an air-hostess. But I
was rejected being under-age. I grew up
in Chennai, studied in a convent school
with Irish nuns. I was completely
fascinated by them and even wanted to
become one. I was a loner. Id spend
time in the chapel, day-dreaming. Even
back then I was an artiste by nature. I
spent time in my own world, the one
I created for myself. My favourite
subjects were Moral Science, Art and
Indian History the Romance of Shah
Jehan. Whenever I hear something
romantic, I retain it. My mother
wanted me to become a great star and
to reach-out to everyone in India. Little
did she know, with her blessings, Ive
managed to touch the heart of every
Indian across the globe. So here I am,
after four decades, connecting with
four generations of fans. And I thank
God for bestowing his blessings upon
Rekha has forever been
wrapped in an aura of
mystery, why?
What mystery? You tell me. The media
is the one that creates this image. Its
just that I am basically shy by nature,
an introvert and fercely private. I am
just me! I live on my own terms and
make my own rules. My principles of
Rekha-ism, if you please, dont feel
the need to announce every incident
that transpires in the course of the day.
Sorry, but I am not that little birdie
that twitters. But of course Ive lived
many lifetimes in one and shall share
the experiences in my own unique way,
all in good time.
What is truly your
relationship to time, are
you afraid of ageing?
In my case it is the way Ive lived my
life. I am still child-like by nature. It
is in the genes. I believe I am a late
bloomer, and Ive managed to retain my
vulnerability and innocence. My mom
hardly had grey hair and barely needed
glasses. My dad was very active and
played badminton and did yoga all his
life. My paternal grandmother lived to
be almost hundred. I have savla skin,
which tends to age slower than fair
skin. I am a simple, fun-loving, easy-
going girl, with very strong middle-
class upbringing. Ive always chosen
to focus on the things that are in my
control and never sulked or brooded
when things were out of control; this
really helps. Time does not feature in
my scheme of things!
Who according to you is
your ideal man?
The ideal man is Lord Shiva beautiful,
handsome, kind eyes, graceful and a
dynamic dancer. A strong, powerful
force, yet gentle and tender, he exists in
a variety of versions, he is equally man
and woman. I wish every man tapped
into his feminine side to understand
women. The reason we are attracted
to the other side, is because we have it
within us. We just have to acknowledge
that part of us.
The one question I am often asked,
why are you still single, to that I
would say, if it is meant to be, it will.
As long as there is life, there is hope.
The truth is only I know how to woo
me, so if and when I fnd someone who
can read my mind, then we shall see!
Does that mean you are
over men?
I hope not (laughs), can one ever get
over nature? Without nature, there is
no creation, no life. But I dont long
for a relationship or consciously think
about it. When nature takes its course,
all will happen or not! Either way, I
am not complaining.
What is your take on
relationships these days?
Todays woman is much more
independent, self-suffcient and
confdent, commanding and shares
equal status in society. Let me be clear,
if a man and woman really want to be
with each other, they will. I believe
relationships should not require effort.
I always keep hearing, that it takes
hard-work and open communication is
demanded. I believe a good relationship
should not feel like hard-work at all. It
should feel effortless and natural. Some
women are so consumed with the size
of the solitaire or the swanky cars that
they lose sight of the real thing which is
mutual respect for each others space,
their profession, families and friends.
I believe in soul-mates. Once a
relationship is established, and there
is love, respect and admiration, it is
bound to last forever. If not, then it was
never the real thing in the frst place.
Rekha was born as Bhanurekha Ganesan on October 10th, 1954 in Chennai. She is one of the most brilliant as well gorgeous actresses of Bollywood.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Farah Khan &MalaikaAurora Khan
Karan To Gift New Jaguar To Katrina
After the success of Chikni Chameli Katrina Kaif seems to be the
new addition to Karan Johar's best friends' list. We hear, that the
flmmaker is fnally going to gift her a car worth Rs. 1.5 crs.
Chikni Chameli has become one of the
more popular songs in Bollwood. No
doubt Katrina's item song is the biggest
highlight of the flm 'Agneepath'.
Looking at the success of the song
producer Karan Johar has decided to
gift a new Jaguar to Katrina.
The news doing the rounds a few weeks
ago is that Karan was all set to gift Kat a
Ferrari. Having denied the rumours, the
talks are that it's a Jaguar that Katrina is
going to be bestowed with this week. In
the meanwhile, Katrina is currently in
Cuba shooting for Ek Tha Tiger.
Not many know that Katrina didn't
take a single penny for doing Chikni
Chameli. Though Katrina and Karan
haven't worked together before, there
are possibilities that duo will come
together for a flm soon.
Deepika Replaces Anushka As
Ranbir's Ladylove
Anushka Sharma was highly thrilled
to play heartthrob Ranbir Kapoors
heroine in Ayan Mukherjees Yeh
Jawaani Hai Deewani. Ranbir was
her favorite and its like a dream come
true for her when Ayan Mukherjee of
Wake Up Sid fame approached her.
But her dream shattered when the
original choice of the director Deepika
Padukone walked in.
Ayan at frst approached Katrina Kaif
and Deepika Padukone for the role but
at that time both the actresses cited
dates problem. They could not manage
dates for Ayans flm. A source said,
"Anushka has been wanting to work
with Ranbir. The role in Ayaan's flm
suits her personality and it would
have been a fresh jodi. Anushka was
approached, after the producers had
date issues with both Deepika and
Katrina. However, once Deepika said
yes, everyone thought she would be a
better choice."
The director then turned to Anushka
Sharma and she readily agreed. She
even said in an interview, "I would love
to date Ranbir. He is such a cute guy."
When Deepika accommodated dates
and gave her nod to Ayan, Anushka
was dropped out. The director had
the feeling that Ranbir and Deepikas
pairing would be an added advantage.
They were initially lovers then split-up
and then patched-up again. Audince
would be highly enthusiastic to see the
ex-couple romancing on-screen.
Another reason for choosing Deepika
is her higher star value compared to
The source further added, "The two
had got pretty close and there were
speculations about how they will soon
star together. It was during that time
the discussion about Ayaan's flm came
up. However, Deepika is a bigger star
and with Ranbir and Deepika's history,
there is a lot more interest generated
among the audience."
Unfortunately, there created an
uncomfortable equation between
Anushka and Ranbir. "There was a
time they would meet during parties,
but now they hardly talk. Even during
recent award ceremonies they haven't
been seen greeting each other."
Housefull 2
Housefull 2 is an upcoming Bollywood
action comedy, directed by Sajid Khan
and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. It
is the sequel to the 2010 Bollywood
commercially successful movie
The flm stars Akshay Kumar opposite
Asin Thottumkal in the lead. It also
features Ritesh Deshmukh, Boman
Irani, Randhir Kapoor and Chunkey
Pandey from the original, whilst new
additions include John Abraham,
Jacqueline Fernandez, Zarine Khan,
Shazahn Padamsee, Shreyas Talpade
and others. It also features veteran
actors such as Mithun Chakraborty and
Rishi Kapoor in supporting roles.
Malaika Arora Khan features in an
item-number song. The music will be
composed by Sajid-Wajid.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
At The Movies
Man On a Ledge * * * *
Tight Rope!
Fear of heights is just one of the
problems confronting a chap in Man on
A Ledge, a superior thriller from EOne
Entertainment now lighting things
up at the Esplanade 6 Cinemas, the
International Village Cinemas, Empire
Studio 12, Colossus and Cineplex
Odeon Theatres around B.C.
Fresh starts dont happen often
in life. Sent to prison ex-cop Nick
Cassidy is no longer one of New Yorks
fnest. Bruised and battered about
sums up the plight of Sam Worthington
who plays Cassidy, a man who always
believed in his innocence. Through a
total fuke Cassidy comes in from the
cold and gets a new lease on life when
some shore leave somehow goes
Left to his own devices and on
the run Cassidy relocates himself to
the posh Roosevelt Hotel and decides
its time to take his life or does he?
Thats the dilemma the police must
confront as this jaded jailbird sets up
shop high above the ground on the
ledge outside his hotel room window.
Naturally, law enforcement offcials
go into panic mode and do their best to
talk the man down.
Ace police negotiator Lydia
Mercer is called in to talk Cassidy off
the ledge but shes up against the clock.
Elizabeth Banks delivers the goods as
the offcer who winds up in a power
keg situation as suddenly sinister forces
appear from out of nowhere zeroing in
on this by now city-wide phenomena
thats gripped the entire town.
Into this powerful mix comes
a history of previous crimes, set-
ups and power hungry offcials who
also somehow fgure prominently in
Cassidys clouded mind-set. Superb
on all levels, Man on a Ledge is an
exhilarating thrill a minute movie that
keeps you continuously on the edge
of your seats and has you guessing
throughout. Sound performances from
an array of back up stars including
Anthony Mackie make this 102 minute
movie highly entertaining. Smart
casting from director Asger Leth
and some memorable performances
including a very sexy and fetching
Genesis Rodriguez makes Man on
a Ledge one of the most exciting,
plausible thrillers in years. Oh, and
a svelte Ed Harris also scores big as
a manipulative Wall Streeter in the
best Gordon Gekko/Michael Douglas
Whitney Houston continued
The music world remembered the life
and career of singer Whitney Houston
at the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.
The star was found dead in her Los
Angeles hotel room last Saturday, the
day before the prestigious ceremony.
Host LL Cool J opened the event with
a prayer for the singer.
The coroner confrmed that Houston,
48, was found in the bath.
LL Cool J said: "There is no way
around this. We've had a death in our
"The only thing that feels right is to
begin with a prayer for a woman who
we loved - for our fallen sister, Whitney
The audience then gave a standing
ovation after watching a clip of her hit
I Will Always Love You.
Later, dressed in black and with a
simple piano accompaniment, singer
Jennifer Hudson gave a moving
rendition of the same song, ending
with the line: "Whitney, we will always
love you."
Houston won six Grammys during her
Others paying tribute during the
ceremony included Bruno Mars,
who told the crowd: "Tonight we're
celebrating. Tonight we're celebrating
the beautiful Miss Whitney Houston."
Stevie Wonder said: "To Whitney up in
heaven, we all love you."
Melanie Fiona, who won best
traditional R&B vocal performance
and best R&B song, said: "Whitney
Houston, I would not be standing up
here if it were not for you, thank you
so much."
The reaction to Houston's death
dominated the ceremony, which is
the most high-profle event in the US
music calendar.
Before the show, Jimmy Jam, a friend
and producer of Houston's, said it was
"a bittersweet occasion".
"Anytime someone passes away, the
thing you do is you gather your family
together, tell stories," he said. "A little
bit of mourning, little bit of celebrating
- this is our family tonight and we're
going to do it the best that we can do it."
Earlier on Sunday, the Rev Al Sharpton
paid tribute to Houston while preaching
at the Second Baptist Church in Los
Houston became known for powerful
ballads such as I Will Always Love
You and One Moment In Time.
She holds the record for having the
most consecutive chart-topping singles
in the US - reaching number one seven
times between 1985 and 1988.
But her later career was overshadowed
by substance abuse and her turbulent
marriage to singer Bobby Brown.
In recent years drug use had taken its
toll on the star and her voice - once
acknowledged as one of the fnest in
pop music - was badly damaged.
Whitney Houston Mourned At
Grammys Awards
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Times India News
Mumbai Terror Attack: Kasab Pleads For Life In SC
The sole convict in the 26/11 Mumbai
terror attack case, Mohammad Ajmal
Amir Kasab, on Tuesday pleaded with
the Supreme Court to commute his
death sentence to life imprisonment.
Senior advocate Raju Ramachandran,
who has been appointed as amicus
curiae by the apex court to defend
Kasab, told a bench headed by Justice
Aftab Alam that he was not a part of
the larger conspiracy for waging war
against the nation.
Stressing on Kasab's age as an important
factor to commute his sentence, he
pleaded for a lenient approach as he
was drawn into this by exploitation of
religious faith and false ideology.
"The choice before the Supreme Court
is life (imprisonment) and irreversible
death penalty. It would not be prudent
to affrm the extreme penalty," he said.
"Even if I am guilty under section 302
(punishment for murder) of the IPC and
other provisions, it cannot be said that
I was a part of the larger conspiracy of
waging war," he submitted on behalf of
Maintaining that the prosecution has
failed to prove the case against him
beyond doubts, he told the bench that
his right against self-incrimination
as well as his right to get himself
adequately represented by a counsel
to defend himself in the case has been
violated during the trial.
The apex court had on October 10
last year stayed the death sentence of
24-year-old Kasab, the lone surviving
terrorist involved in the November,
2008, Mumbai attack
In the special leave petition fled by Kasab
challenging the Bombay High Court
judgement, he claimed he was brainwashed
like a "robot" into committing the heinous
crime in the name of "God" and that he
does not deserve capital punishment owing
to his young age.
Kasab has been lodged in Arthur Road
prison in Mumbai and had moved the
SLP through jail authorities. He had
challenged his conviction and death
sentence in the terror attack case.
Kasab, along with nine other Pakistani
terrorists, had landed at Budhwar Park in
south Mumbai on November 26, 2008,
night after travelling from Karachi by
sea and had gone on a shooting spree
at various city landmarks, leaving 166
people dead and many more wounded.
While Kasab was captured, the other
terrorists in the group were killed by
police in counter-terror operations. He
was sentenced to death by a special
anti-terror court on May 6, 2010.
The Bombay High Court had on
February 21, 2011, upheld the trial court
order of death sentence to Kasab for the
"brutal and diabolical" attacks aimed at
"destabilising" the government.
Kasab's death penalty was upheld on
charges of criminal conspiracy, waging
war against the nation and various other
provisions of the Indian Penal Code
and the anti-terror law -- Unlawful
Activities (Prevention) Act.
The High Court had upheld Kasab's
conviction on 19 counts under the IPC,
Arms Act, Explosives Act, Explosive
Substances Act, the Foreigners Act, the
Passport Act and the Railway Act.
Indians Are Largest Depositors Of
Black Money, Claims CBI
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has claimed that
Indians are the largest depositors of illegal money in banks abroad
amounting to an estimated 500 billion US dollars
CBI Director A.P. Singh, while
speaking at the inauguration of frst
Interpol global programme on anti-
corruption and asset recovery, on
Monday said: "It is estimated that
around $500 billion of illegal money
belonging to Indians is deposited in
tax havens abroad. Largest depositors
in Swiss Banks are also reported to be
The CBI Director said the probe by the
investigating agency into the recent
scandals have been pointing to transfer
of large amounts of money to tax havens.
"In some of the recent important cases
being investigated by CBI, such as
2G, CWG and Madhu Koda cases,
we fnd that money is taken to Dubai,
Singapore, Mauritius, from where it
goes to Switzerland and other such tax
havens," said Singh.
"For criminals, all it involves is setting
up of a few shell companies and then
making layered transfers from account
to another in a matter of hours as
there are no boundaries in banking
transactions," he added.
Singh said accessing information
about illegal transactions was a time-
consuming process.
"53 percent of the countries said to
be least corrupt by the Transparency
International Index are offshore tax
havens, where most of the corrupt
money goes. The tax havens include
New Zealand which is ranked as the
least corrupt country, Singapore ranked
number fve and Switzerland number
seven," he said.
Singh further said managing the asset
recovery investigation is complex,
time-consuming, costly and most
importantly requires expertise and
political will
" There are many obstacles to asset
recovery. Not only is it a specialized
legal process flled with delays and
uncertainty, but there are also language
barriers and a lack of trust when
working with other countries," he said.
9-Yr-Old Lifts Weight Up To 20-30Kgs
In a shocking case, a nine-year-old
entertains people by lifting up to 20-
According to his father, the child owns
property worth crores including 5-6
shops, a personal DJ and a sweet shop.
What is more shocking is that this
nine-year-old weightlifter with crores
of property is illiterate and had a hernia
operation in 2005.
When reporters asked him, if all this
weight hurts him, he replied a bit.
He performs in front of an audience
collects the money from them and
hands it to his father.
40 Percent Single Indians Looking
For Love, Says Survey
Four in ten (40 percent) single women and men in India think that
fnding someone to fall in love with will bring them the greatest
happiness, according to a global survey released Tuesday.
The survey, by market research
company Ipsos, found that married
Indians - more than singles - look to
their sex lives for happiness.
Having a good sex life provides the
greatest happiness to 44 percent of
Indians (those who are married or are
living with their partners), whereas the
fgure is 34 percent for singles.
Two-thirds (65 percent) of Indians who
are married or in a domestic partnership
think their relationship gives them the
greatest happiness.
"Love and loyalty are in the air this
Valentine's Day. In India, it is common
to see millions of couples living with
the same partner till the end. Marriage
is a strong bond and it is considered
sacred and they are far more successful
compared to many other countries,"
Ispos' India head of marketing
communication Biswarup Banerjee
"Thus, it is no surprise that majority
of Indians fnd the greatest happiness
being with their partner or spouse," he
Globally, nearly two-thirds (63 percent)
say their relationship with their partner
or spouse gives them the greatest
happiness. Of the 41 percent who are
not married or in domestic partnership,
almost half (45 percent) say fnding
someone to be with would give them
the greatest happiness.
Globally, having a good sex life
provides the greatest happiness for 38
percent of those who are married or
living with their partners and for 34
percent of those who are not.
The greatest proportions of those in
committed relationships who say their
partner gives them greatest happiness
are found in South Africa (82 percent),
Turkey (80 percent) and Mexico (79
Ipsos interviewed 21,248 people in
the age group of 16-64 years in 23
countries from Dec 6-19, 2011. Of
those, 59 percent (12,627) are married
or in domestic partnerships and 41
percent (8,621) are not.
'India-Iran Trade Can Touch $30 BN By 2015'
An infuential Indian trade body Wednesday said the recent attack on
Israeli targets, blamed by Israel on Iran, will not affect India's growing
trade and business ties with Iran, which can grow to $30 billion by 2015.
"India is a rapidly growing economy
with a surging demand for commercial
energy including hydrocarbons. Iran is
a close ally and important economic
partner of India, said D.S. Rawat,
secretary general of the Associated
Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Despite the US and the EU sanctions
on Iran, India's trade and investment
with Tehran are headed for an upsurge,
the trade body predicts.
The potential of trade and economic
relations between the two countries
can touch the level of $30 billion by
2015 from the current level of $13.7
billion dollars in 2010-11, said Rawat.
Israel has blamed Iran for the terror
attack on an Israeli embassy vehicle
Monday which injured four people,
including Tal Yehoshua (40), wife of
the Israeli defence attache.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Times Canada News
Be Sure To Update Your Nexus
Info: Travel Expert
More airports getting express customs
While travellers have been using their
NEXUS cards at YVR for months,
some people are still having issues
getting across the line.
"It's because they forgot to update
their information," says Claire Newell
with Jubilee Travel . "If you get a
new passport, drivers licence or credit
card, you have to update any of that
information on your NEXUS card or
you will be stopped and potentially,
your NEXUS could be taken away -
She's been using the express customs
service at YVR for awhile.
"During holidays when airports are
busiest, that's when I notice [the
difference] the most. I nick into a faster
area where I walk up, hand my family
NEXUS cards to the border agent, and
do my eye scan," she explains.
She tells us she also gets to go through a
faster line-up with her carry-on goods.
"Most often, people who have NEXUS
cards travel a lot - they have their shoes
off, coats off, money is out of their
pocket and their heading through, it's
very quick."
Starting today, more airports will allow
you to use your card for faster service
at the airport when fying to the US.
NEXUS cards can now be used in
designated security lines for pre-board
screening at Canada's eight largest
NEXUS is a binational Canada-United
States program for pre-approved, low-
risk travellers entering Canada and the
United States at designated air, land
and marine ports of entry.
To apply for the $50 dollar NEXUS
card, visit
Retired Petting-Zoo Goats May
Have Been Sent To Slaughter
Retired pygmy goats who entertained
children at a Stanley Park petting
zoo appear to have been slaughtered
for their meat as Vancouver offcials
frantically try to fnd out their fate.
Vancouver Park Board offcials were
back Monday at a hobby farm in
Langley, B.C., run by Trevor French,
who adopted 17 goats and four sheep
from the Childrens Farmyard last Jan.
I was very distressed to learn of the
alleged mistreatment of several goats
and sheep adopted out to a local farm,
park board chairwoman Constance
Barnes said at a news conference.
I have also directed our City Solicitor
to take aggressive legal action against
French, she said.
Parks board spokeswoman Joyce
Courtney told the reporter that staff
had believed there were four goats
left at Frenchs farms when the SPCA
inspected last Friday, but theyre no
longer sure.
All of the animals we saw were
well cared for, SPCA Vancouver
spokeswoman Lorie Chortyk told the
reporter. Whether any were retired
petting-zoo goats would be very hard
to discern.
Vancouver Parks and Recreation set
out stringent requirements for anyone
adopting petting zoo animals after the
city closed the attraction because of a
$3 million budget shortfall. The chief
requirement was that they not be sold
and be allowed to live out their natural
An investigation, however, found
records from the Fraser Valley Auction
house showing French brought in 15
pygmy or smaller goats last year for
Auction-house owner Ken Pearson told
the reporter: all the wether (castrated)
goats are meat for sure because they
wouldnt have been bought as pets. He
identifed the goats as former petting-
zoo animals from photographs.
French told the newspaper that the
horned goats were nasty and he had
to get rid of them. He denied any had
been sold at auction, and saying they
were sold or given to friends. The four
sheep died, he said.
Barnes also ordered an investigation of
the well-being of all animals cows,
pigs, donkeys and a pony, as well
as goats and sheep that had been
farmed out to B.C. families after the
petting zoo closed.
The SPCA is doing that investigation,
Chortyk said.
She pointed out that French violated
no provincial laws if he sent the goats
to slaughter since farm animals go to
auction all over B.C. The violation
would have been of his contract with
the city.
French operates the Golden Grounds
Farms on fve acres in Langley, where
a website says he raises all-natural,
free-range beef, lamb, turkey and eggs.
Gordon Barber, the park boards
manager of revenue operations, told
the reporter the park board wouldnt
have allowed French to adopt the
retired pets if they had realized he sold
meat from his farm.
Immigrant Babies Often Wrongly
Deemed Underweight
Some babies born to immigrant
parents are incorrectly classifed as
underweight which could lead to
unnecessary tests and stress - but new
birth weight charts could avoid the
problem, Canadian doctors say.
When a baby is born, the frst questions
the new parents are often asked is "Girl
or boy?" Then, "How much did the
baby weigh?"
The answer from some parents of
South Asian background is often
different than that of other parents.
But a lower weight could mean that
doctors think the baby is at higher risk
of developmental issues. That leads to
more blood tests, longer hospital stays
and closer follow-up when the baby
isn't actually at risk because its weight
is within the normal range for its ethnic
group, researchers say.
In Wednesday's issue of the Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada,
Dr. Joel Ray and his team published
new birth weight curves based on the
ethnicity of the baby's parents. They
used birth registry information for
760,000 live births in Ontario.
Until now, birth weight curves for
Canada were outdated and risked
misclassifying some South Asian and
East Asian babies as abnormally small.
"About one in 10 male infants of South
Asian ancestry would be classifed
as small for gestational age, meaning
under the 10th percentile of birth
weight, if you used a conventional
Canadian curve rather than their own
ethnicity-specifc curve," Ray said.
It's about the same for South Asian
females and about one in 18 for East
Asian males from countries such as
China or Korea, he added.
Babies classifed as small for
gestational age could be scrutinized
more closely with blood tests in
hospital and then checked more often
after going home - a time when all new
parents are adjusting to their new role
and don't need unnecessary stress.
Immigrants' newborns up to 250 grams
Newborns of immigrant mothers
weighed up to 250 grams less at birth
than those of Canadian-born women,
with the exception of those originating
from European and Western nations,
the study's authors said.
"It would be nice to have a South Asian
growth chart," said new mom Manisha
Mehta in Toronto. Her son was on the
15th percentile when he was born,
meaning 85 per cent of baby boys were
bigger than him on conventional charts.
"That way parents can feel OK
knowing that their child is growing and
is healthy."
The babies who weigh small on the old
charts don't typically have disease in
the womb or after birth, so the ethnic
differences likely refect differences in
genetic programming, Ray said.
By using the new curves, doctors,
midwives and nurses could prevent
misidentifying otherwise healthy
newborns as small for gestational age
or missing those who are truly large
for gestational age and should be
delivered by elective cesarean section,
the researchers said.
The investigators also hope to chart the
growth of newborns and children from
different ethnic groups.
The study was funded by the Canadian
Foundation for the Study of Infant
Immigrants The Proudest Canadians And
Equally Good Citizens, Poll Suggests
Most Canadians feel immigrants are
just as likely to be good citizens as
people who were born here, a recent
Environics survey suggests. Canadians
also don't appear to have problems
with dual citizenship or with Canadian
citizens living abroad.
The telephone survey is, according to
Environics, the frst poll to directly ask
Canadians their views on citizenship.
Its results suggest Canadians have a
broad, inclusive view of the concept
and of immigrants in general.
The survey suggests Canadians see
immigrants as their equals: nearly 9 out
of every 10 respondents agreed that a
person born outside Canada is just as
likely to be a good citizen as someone
born here. "There's no real evidence
of people feeling threatened or a sense
that, 'Well, people can come live here
from other countries, but they're not
quite the same,'" said Keith Neuman,
executive director of the Environics
When it comes to immigration and
citizenship, the views of the majority
of Canadians born in the country and
the 20 per cent born outside it are
largely aligned.
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Times Canada News
i n d u s t r i e s
An all day seminar focused on advanced accounts receivable solutions
Fill out and fax back formto register Seminar is held at 20238 Fraser Highway, Langley BC, V3A 4E6
Number of attendees:
Name: Company:
Address: City: Postal Code:
Phone: Fax: Email:
Names of attendee(s):
(Discount available for multiple attendees fromthe same company, call for more details)
Collecting outstanding accounts can be a frustrating and time consuming endeavour. It has
taken me 22 years to gain the knowledge and experience to be successful in the industry. It
is my goal to show you ways to improve your accounts receivable in this single session.
- Les Mitchell
Thursday March 8th, 2012 9am - 4pm
The Seminar Covers
Negotiating with clients
Alternative resolutions
Reducing economy exposure
Analyzing credit risk
New methods of fraud protection
Receiving alternate payments
Increasing productivity
Handling confrontational clients
Retaining contact with clients
Hiring accounts receivable staff
These new techniques will not only increase your companys revenue but save time and money as well.
An invaluable source of information that will change the
way we do business.
- Crystal McGowan, Westrim Plumbing & Heating
Informative, interactive, fantastic information. Simple
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- Wes Noppers, Prairie Coast Equipment
Registration is only $189, HST included. Register
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alternative registration options.
Contact Us
43076 RPO Cascades, Burnaby, BC V5G 4S2
tel: (604) 595-7376 fax: (604) 599-4367
Old Age Security Changes Could
Affect Those Under 57
Changes may be confrmed in next budget
It looks like the Harper government is
fnally ready to confrm changes are
coming to Old Age Security in the next
The government has decided to issue a
frm policy on this rather than just continue
talking about the possibility for a few years.
The leading option is to raise the eligibility
for Old Age Security -- not the average
CPP -- to 67 from 65; it's something Prime
Minister Stephen Harper has publicly
confrmed is under discussion.
There's talk of phasing in the changes
by the year 2020, which would mean if
you are currently 57 years or older, you
would not be affected.
The budget will likely be tabled late
next month, though Ottawa hasn't
picked the exact date yet.
VPD Offcers Caught Sending
And Receiving Porn At Work
Fifteen Vancouver Police offcers could
be disciplined after they were caught
emailing porn and other inappropriate
content during work hours.
An internal investigation has found
the material was exchanged between
January and September of last year.
The rankings of the offcers involved
include one civilian offcer; the others
range from corporal to inspector. All of
the members who took part are male.
Superintendent Jeff Sim says nothing that
$1M Lottery Ticket Purchased In
Calgary Set To Expire
Whoevers holding a nearly year-old
lottery ticket has less than two weeks
to cash in before a million bucks turns
into a million regrets.
A winning Lotto Max ticket bought
in Calgary in advance of the Feb. 25,
2011 draw remains unclaimed.
The winning Maxmillions numbers 2,
12, 31, 34, 45, 48 and 49 are worth $1
million a prize that will no longer be
available as of Feb. 27, since its actual
expiry date, Feb. 25, falls on a Saturday.
In terms of jackpots, its rare, said
Western Canada Lottery Corporation
(WCLC) spokeswoman Andrea
Marantz of the chance a prize this
signifcant would go unclaimed.
While the corporation cant release the
location or date the ticket was bought,
it confrms it was picked up within
Calgarys city limits.
Marantz is encouraging anyone who
may have old lottery tickets sitting
around to check them as soon as
We all know that lotteries, by their
very nature, have long odds so people
think they can forget about their ticket,
she said.
If its in your pocket, in your purse,
check. You (might) be really sorry if
you didnt.
All lottery tickets do expire and if
you come across it late, its not worth
anything anymore.
Unclaimed cash is rolled back into
prizing, said Marantz.
The largest unclaimed prize in the
prairies and territories, possibly the
biggest in Canada, was a $14.9 million
prize from June 7, 2006.
The winning ticket was bought in
If you believe you are the owner of
the Feb. 25, 2011 jackpot, contact the
WCLC at 1-800-665-3313.
went around was illegal, but there was a
breach of the detachment's online policy.
"It's diffcult to make defnitions of
everything. The images range from the
type you would see in the media every
day to the type of images you would
have to search for," he explains.
Sim is keeping the descriptions vague,
but we do know stills and movies were
involved. Some offcers have been
written up or suspended; others may be
demoted or transferred.
Harper Government Opens Security
Lines For Speedy Air Travel From
Canada To The United States
As of February 15th, NEXUS
members fying to the United States
will be able to use NEXUS cards
in designated security lines for pre-
board screening at airports for faster
service. This announcement, made
by the Honourable Denis Lebel,
Minister of Transport, Infrastructure
and Communities, follows the recent
Action Plan on Perimeter Security and
Economic Competitiveness announced
by Prime Minister Harper and United
States President Obama.
"This change will make air travel from
Canada to the United States more
convenient, while maintaining a high
level of aviation security," said Minister
Lebel. "I encourage Canadians to apply
for a NEXUS card to experience the
travel benefts it provides."
NEXUS members travelling to the
United States will be able to use valid
NEXUS cards for faster screening by
the Canadian Air Transport Security
Authority (CATSA) at Canada's eight
largest airports (Halifax, Montreal,
Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary,
Edmonton and Vancouver). Designated
security screening lines currently
in operation at select domestic and
international checkpoints will be open
to passengers fying to the United
NEXUS is a binational Canada-United
States program for pre-approved, low-
risk travellers entering Canada and
the United States at designated air,
land and marine ports of entry. When
travelling by air, NEXUS speeds up
border clearance by offering members
expedited passage by using self-
serve kiosks. The designated security
screening lines for NEXUS members
travelling domestically and now to
the United States are implemented
by CATSA and Transport Canada in
cooperation with the Canada Border
Services Agency, the Transportation
Security Administration (TSA), and
U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Premier Clark Meets With Chinese Vice Premier
"B.C. values its strong relationships
with China and we want to maximize
B.C.'s potential as a destination for
Chinese investment and as a North
American hub for trans-Pacifc trade,
business and cultural exchange," said
Premier Clark. "This meeting provided
an excellent opportunity to build on
some of the successes resulting from
our trade mission to China and explore
further opportunities for co-operation
between our governments."
As part of the BC Jobs Plan, in November
2011 Premier Christy Clark led the
largest trade mission in the Province's
history, promoting B.C. as a safe harbour
for investment. The focus of the jobs and
trade mission was to strengthen existing
relationships between B.C., China and
other Asian markets, open doors for new
relationships and set the stage for future
opportunities in the region.
Vice Premier Wang is one of four Vice-
Premiers of the State Council serving
under Premier Wen Jiabao. The State
Council is the cabinet that oversees
China's government, manages the state
budget and is responsible for policy
implementation from the national to
the local level.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Times Travel
Visiting Mumbai (Bombay) India
Fantasy Land
Located at Jogeshwari, Fantasy Land
provides many entertainment rides for
those with appetite for adventurous
rides. It is another amusement park
made up of modern mechanism games
for children and adults like Essel World.
It is also a venue for fun and games for
visitors of all ages. Fantasy Land, a fun
park within the city limits of Mumbai,
is enveloped in lush green landscape,
spread on an area of 30 acres.
Film City: Get a closer look at
Mumbai is famous for being home
to Bollywood, the Hindi cinema
industry. People come to Mumbai
everyday hoping they will make it
big in this industry. The Hindi flm
industry employs thousands of people
every year if not a million. Bollywood
movies are not just famous in India
but cater to an audience throughout
the World. Film City in Mumbai is the
heart of Bollywood and several movies
are shot every day.
The Film City is a flm studio complex
near the Sanjay Gandhi National
Park at Goregaon, Mumbai. The Film
city is equipped with gardens, lakes,
recording rooms and spaces meant to
set up sets for flm shootings. The flm
city was built by the state government
to provide the flm industry with
facilities and concessions so that it
could grow. The flm city has been
renamed as Dadasaheb Phalke Nagar
in memory of Dada Saheb Phalke.
Dada Saheb Phalke made the frst full
length Hindi movie ever called Raja
Harishchandra, he is also known as
the Father of Indian Cinema.
The flm city is located at a distance
from the main city but it is not diffcult
to get there. You can hire an auto or
taxi to reach the Film City. The flm
city is heavily booked throughout the
year since this industry churns out
approximately 900 flms every year.
The flm city is closed to outsiders but
if you know someone in the industry
an entrance can always be arranged.
If you do not know anyone who can
get you a pass into the flm city, you
can ask your hotel Mumbai, if they
can arrange something for you. Many
people come to Mumbai to get a view
of the Film city before viewing any
other attraction. Hotels often have tie-
ups with tours or people related to the
flm industry so getting a peek into the
flm city should not be very diffcult.
If you are planning to visit Mumbai
especially to have a look at the Film
City and get a glimpse of a Bollywood
star then you might consider signing
up for a package that offers a tour of
the Film City. Besides visiting the Film
City you can also check out many other
attractions near the Sanjay Gandhi
National Park so that you can opt to
stay at one of the many hotel Bombay
near it. The Film city is always full of
activity, there are people singing and
dancing or fghting at the same time
but in different sets.
Mumbai is the center of India's
booming "Bollywood" flm industry.
The architecturally resplendent Eros
Cinema, adjacent to the Churchgate
railway station, is a great place to take
in a Bollywood movie. Alternatively,
it's possible to go on a tour to the heart
of the action in Film City. Or if you'd
rather be in a Bollywood movie than
simply see the set of one, that's possible
Location: Film City is in Goregaon, in
the western suburbs of Mumbai.
Heritage Buildings
Mumbai has some captivating heritage
buildings where you can marvel over
staggering examples of intricate
colonial architecture. Some of the best
are the Gothic looking Prince of Wales
Museum in the Kala Ghoda art precinct,
Victoria Terminus railway station, the
Bombay High Court (wander inside
and be entertained by a trial) and the
buildings of Horniman Circle in the
Fort area. The feature of Horniman
Circle is its huge gardens, which
provide a welcome respite from the
hustle and bustle of the city. Also have
a wander past the historic 18th century
homes in Khotachiwadi village.
Location: In and around south
Caves and National Park
In contrast to its millions of inhabitants
and sprawling development, Mumbai
surprisingly also has a national park
located within its limits. It's worth
a visit just to see the many ancient
Buddhist caves, which have been hand
carved into volcanic rock there. More
caves, dedicated to the Hindu Lord
Shiva, can also be found on Elephanta
Location: Sanjay Gandhi National
Park, in the suburb of Borivali, is 40
kilometers (25 miles) north of Mumbai
city center. Elephanta Island is 10
kilometers (6 miles) east of Mumbai.
Markets and Bazaars
From the multitude of colorful
pavement vendors that line Colaba
Causeway, to the fascinating Chor
Bazaar Thieves Market, Mumbai is
full of interesting places to go street
shopping. Stock up on attractive
souvenirs at Colaba Causeway, delight
in cheap shoes and clothes at Linking
Road, scour the narrow alleyways of
Chor Bazaar for antiques, and sample
the fresh food while marveling at the
architecture of Crawford Market.
Location: Colaba Causeway, Linking
Road in Bandra, Crawford Market
near Churchgate, and Chor Bazaar on
Mutton street (opposite Shaf Masjid).
Juhu and Marine Drive
Chowpatty Beaches
At the end of a tiring day of sightseeing,
relax with the locals on the beaches of
Juhu and Marine Drive, and watch the
sunset. If you're feeling adventurous,
you'll also be able to feast on tasty
snacks offered by the multitude of food
stalls and mobile food vendors.
Location: Exclusive Juhu is around 30
kilometers (18 miles) north of the city
centre, while Marine Drive Chowpatty
is in central Mumbai, a short drive
from the Gateway of India.
Marine Drive
Bordering the Arabian Sea, this famous
road is a popular spot for watching
sunsets, and is gorgeous when lit up at
The cool breeze of Marine Drive eases
your brows and takes away the fatigue
of the day and you can sit here lost
in your thoughts watching the sunset,
sunrise even late nights when the
horizon is dotted with fickering lights.
It is a good place to people watch too.
Mani Bhavan Gandhi Museum
Mahatma Gandhi once lived in this
simple, two-story building, which is
now a museum, library and research
center depicting Gandhi's life and
This museum tells Gandhi's whole life
story. With photos and letters from
presidents it a great place. Whats more
they don't ask for a fee, its all about
donations. At the end though you will
donate generously.
Malabar Hill
Malabar Hill, a hillock in southern
Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India
is an extremely up market residential
area, most known for the Walkeshwar
Temple which houses the Banganga
Tank. Situated at a height of 50 meters
(approx. 165 feet), it is the highest
point in South Mumbai.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Times Driving
-- Complete Automotive Repairs - Cars & Light Trucks --
We Repair ALL Makes & Models of Vehicles
Across from Fleetwood Islamic Center
#107-8468 162 Street, Surrey, BC
Suspension Repair Tune Ups Brakes Air Conditioning
Electrical Transmission Service Oil Change
Wheel Balancing Tires Air Care Repairs
New Vehicle Maintenance Muffers Clutches
Towing Available
2012 Infniti M56x
Infniti is the luxury automobile
division of Nissan Motor Company,
and has been selling cars and light
trucks in North America since 1989.
The history of the company goes all
the way back to 1914, when the frst
Datsun was produced in Tokyo.
The Datsun name was subsequently
changed to Nissan, and the company
sells over 4 million vehicles each year
worldwide. The Infniti models were
rolled out concurrently with Hondas
Acura and Toyotas Lexus lineup.
Japanese government-imposed export
restraints at that time made it more
proftable for auto manufacturers to
send us more expensive cars.
Although at the turn of the century
Infniti nearly became extinct, the
lineup has been rejuvenated and today
their cars are highly thought of, one of
the models being the 2012 M56x, a high
performance four door sedan with V-8
power and all-wheel drive. A Harbour
Blue M56x was brought to my driveway
last week and I had the pleasure of
wringing it out for a few days.
Inside, it had sumptuous Java leather
seating and Japanese ash (real) wood
trim accents. Java equals brown;
Hershey chocolate-colored seating,
door panels and dash board. Its a fve
passenger car with terrifc (heated
and air conditioned) bucket seats and
room for three in the back. All the
occupants should be comfortable even
though it doesnt seem too big inside
personal is a word that comes
to mind. As a loaded car it contains
2012 Nissan Altima
The 2012 Nissan Altima ranks 13 out
of 19 Affordable Midsize Cars. This
ranking is based on our analysis of 99
published reviews and test drives of
the Nissan Altima, and our analysis of
reliability and safety data.
Auto reviewers think the 2012 Nissan
Altima is a fne choice for midsize car
shoppers, but they say that other cars
offer better performance and more
features for the same price.
The 2012 Nissan Altima falls in the
middle of the class in most areas.
Its base engine is adequate for daily
driving and it offers a comfortable, soft
ride. If you prefer a more dynamic daily
driver, reviewers suggest shopping the
With newer, more stylish cars in the
class, the Altima is starting to look
dated. Some test drivers still think it
has an aggressive look, while others
say it looks a bit boring. The Altimas
interior is where it shines. Reviewers
like the high-quality materials and
attractive styling.
One big downside that is mentioned
many times among automotive
reviewers is the Altimas expensive
interior features. Very few features
are standard on the base sedan model,
which means buyers have to add option
packages to get things like a stereo or
Bluetooth. Reviewers point out that
adding these packages can get pricey
fast and that some features are bundled
into a package with other features that
some shoppers may not want.
Despite its few negatives, the
automotive press says the 2012 Nissan
Altima still has a lot going for it. They
like the Altimas comfortable ride
and CVT transmission. In a highly-
competitive class, the Altima has a
hard time standing out, but most test
drivers think the 2012 Altima is still a
solid choice among affordable midsize
the things you would expect as such:
heated/tilting/telescoping steering
wheel, ten-way power buckets, power
moon roof, push button ignition, dual-
zone climate setup, Bose 16 speaker
5.1 channel audio, 8 VGA color touch-
screen navigation display, USB/Ipod
connections, 180 mph speedometer and
a Forest air fltration system utilizing
grape seed extract to clean the cabin
air (no kidding). The latter is an Infniti
M model exclusive, and actually flters
out 88% more contaminates than
conventional climate systems. Saving
on pine tree air fresheners can help
pay for the the M.S.R.P. of $66,925.00,
which includes the base car ($61,600),
deluxe touring package ($3,800), 18
alloy wheel package ($650), and freight.
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
North Delta area.
FLEETWOOD ISLAMIC CENTRE will hold its 2011 AGM at
Fleetwood Islamic Centre
209 - 8462 162 Street, Surrey, BC
March 4th, 2012 at 11:00am
All members are requested to come and support the association.
For further information contact - Jamal Azad at 604-617-7488.
Immediate opening for a Genenal Helper for a Railing Company.
On job training.
Call Ron 778-926-7854.
Built and assembled in December of 1965, the main structure
of this Pan-Abode style log home is one of the oldest still
standing homes in Fleetwood. It holds a master bedroom,
a master bathroom, spare bedroom, den / dining room, and
living room.
The garage was added in 1995, followed by the three bedroom,
two bathroom addition in 2001, that also holds a laundry room,
home offce, and kitchen
Spacious backyard with in ground salt water pool cleaned by
salt-water generator.View pictures at:
Fiji Hindi speaking person required once or twice a week for
house cleaning and cooking. Approximately 5 hours a day at
$12.00 per hour.Own transportation required.
Aum Sarvana Bhava Aum
Certifcate of Incorporation No. S-36117
8840 No. 5 Road,
Richmond, BC V6Y 2V4
February 9th to February 20th, 2012
Daily Program 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Homam Abhishekam Kirtan Aarti
will be celebrated from 6:00pm February 20th to
6:00am February 21st, 2012
Aum Sarvana Bhava Aum
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11 Places of Worship
Shree Mahalakshmi Temple
Programs in February 2012
Date Time Program
Monday 20th 7:30pm Mahashivaratri
Saturday 25th 6: 00pm Shree Hanuman Japa
Shree Lakshmi Vinayaka Japa
Monday February 20, 2012
Mahashivaratri puja begins with chanting and bhajans at 7.30pm, followed by
Rudrabhisheka.Devotees can offer Jaladhara to Lord Shiva after the puja. Aarati
will be performed at midnight.
Devotees please join the prayers and receive the blessings of the Divine Mother.
Hari Om.
Pandit Prameya Chaitanya
Monday 5:30pm9:00pm Tuesday 7:00pm9:00pm Sunday 10:00am12 noon
PH: 604-254-2624
For Pooja Booking Contact:
Aiyaar Shivachariyar Sada Shiva
8840 No. 5 Road, Richmond, BC 604.274.7906
Sunday 10am to 3pm
Monday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
Tuesday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
Wednesday 1pm to 7pm
Thursday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
Friday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm

1pm Sundays
(Hindi & English)
5441 - 125A St, Surrey B.C.
Affliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
James Kumar 604-581-3191 (res) 604-599-9518 (work) Cecil Labon 604-572-4854
Temple hours
Monday to Sunday Morning 8:00am10:00am
Evening 6:00pm8:00pm
Daily Aarthi 7:00pm
Ramayan Katha Friday 6:00pm10:00pm
pooja/special prayer sessions/Temple/hall
PT. Shiu Madri 604.582.4899
PUJARI Soma Sundaran 604.363.7180
president: H.C. Gopal 604.290.1114
Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam Educational and Cultural Society, BC, Canada (EST. 1982 Incorporated S176969)
secretary: Ganesh Murti 604.315.3166 Treasurer: Muniappa Naidu 604.576.4529
maathar sangam Activities & Volunteers
Shakuntala Naidu 604.576.4529
9326 - 116th Street, Delta, BC
We pray for sickness, demon possessed & family problems.
We have testimonies, come and see Gods great work.
Rev. Emmanuel Cheema 778-241-9066
15964 88th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V4N IH5
You are the light of the world,
a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
(Matthew 5: 11)
Sunday Service @ 5.30 p.m. (Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi & English)
Pastor Isimeli Lesi Korobasaga
Affliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Phone: 604.592.9001 Cell: 778.938.2734 Email:
14455 - 104th Ave., Surrey, BC
Every Sunday 25Pm
@ Peoples Full Gospel
abhishek pentecostal assembly
If youre looking for a place to belong or have been searching for answers to lifes questions or healing,
come to our services or contact us. Allow us to introduce you to Jesus Christ and help you come into a full relationship with him.
Sunday School/Worship Service: 1pm
11601-82nd Ave, Delta BC (604) 590-8836
Services are in Hindi and English
Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel Krishna
Vancouver Sunday Worship Service: 1:45pm
6075 Inverness St 45th Ave
(Pilgrim Baptist Ch Bldg)
Contact Pastor Silas Naidu (604) 517-4490

(Registered under the Society Act Of BC. Registered Charity # 891336349)
Join for Hawan, Pravachan and Satsangh
followed by Preetibhoj Every Sunday 10:00 a.m.12:00 noon
Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation classes every Wednesday 7:00 p.m - 8:30 p.m.
Contact Shobha Rae 604.874.9856
Hindi Classes Sunday 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m. Contact Madhu Varsney 604.222.1444
Hall rental also availabale. Contact Kushwakant Singh 604.328.5454
Pushp Kant Singh, President 604.437.7903 Jack Sundar, Secretary 604.541.9359 Kushwaha Kant Singh, Treasurer 604.328.5454
12371 96 Avenue Surrey BC
Sunday Service @ 6:00PM
Ph: 604.593.5663
Pastor Sakaraia & Rev. Ema Karoi
Arya Samaj Centre, 6884 Jubilee Ave., Burnaby, B.C.
38868 - 128th Street, Surrey BC
Service Sundays 2:00pm
Bible Study (Hindi & English) Wednesdays 7:30pm
Prayer, Counselling & Visitations Available
Pastor Eileen Reddy 604.842.2189
Registered under the Societies Act of BC
From February 13 - February 20
Daily Program
February 13 - February 19
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Kirtan, Bhajan, Shiv Katha, Aarti and Shantipath
February 20 2012 7:30pm to Midnight
Shiv Katha, Havan, Aarti and Bisharjan
Everyone is cordially invited
Pritibhoj every night after Pooja
For more information contact
Pandit Shiv N. Mishra 604-253-5109
Shiv Mandir 604-254-2624
5600 Dorset Street, Burnaby, BC
#4-6468 King George Blvd, Surrey BC
Sunday Service @ 2:00PM
Uplifting Worship | Prayer for healing | music (CD) Available
Shailendra (Shal) Singh
604-596-7353 or 604-323-6506 |
Hindi Punjabi Fraserview GosPel CHaPel
14630-107a avenue surrey bC v3r 1v1
Serving the community since 1972
sunday service 10:30 am12:00 noon
Service in Hindustani & Punjabi Sunday School for Children
Pastor Santosh Raj 604-582-2650
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
TImes sporTs
Samoa Takes Las Vegas Sevens
Samoa overcame HSBC Sevens World
Series leaders New Zealand 26-19 to
take the Las Vegas Sevens with a try
from the fnal play of the game.
With the scores locked at 19-19 and
the game looking destined for extra
time, man mountain Alafoti Faosiliva
powered over wide out on the right
to score a memorable winning try.
In taking the Las Vegas title, Samoa
become the fourth nation to win a Cup
title after fve rounds of the 2011-12
HSBC Sevens World Series.
The victory takes the Samoans up to
ffth in the World Series standings on 69
points. New Zealand still lead the table
with 92, only fve clear of Fiji in second.
South Africa lie third on 76 after they
won the third/fourth play-off against the
Fijians, and England are fourth with 74.
Faosiliva crossed for Samoa's opening
try mid way through the frst half and,
although Charles Piutau pulled one
back for the kiwis, Paul Perez gave the
Samoans a one-try lead at the end of
a bruising opening 10 minutes. After
the break Faatoina Autagavaia put the
islanders two scores clear, but Tomasi
Cama broke through to score under the
posts and with the clock running down
Ardie Savea latched onto a clever ball
from Lote Raikabula to pull the New
Zealanders level.
However, the Samoans were to have
the fnal say when they worked the ball
well upfeld with an 18-pass move and
found Faosiliva, who stormed through
two defenders before diving over the
line for the winning try.
Earlier, the Samoans edged Pacifc
rivals Fiji 14-12 in one semi fna with
tries from Paul Perez and Faatoina
Autagavala, after tries from Bryce
Heem, Tomasi Cama, Mark Jackman
and captain DJ Forbes helped New
Zealand to end South Africa's USA
Sevens title defence.
Sidney Ashioya, Humphrey Kayange and
David Ambunya all scored to help Kenya
come from 7-0 behind to beat Argentina
21-7 and lift the Plate trophy to the delight
of the crowd. After a disappointing frst
three tournaments of the World Series,
Kenya look back to their best, adding
this Plate victory to a Bowl triumph in
Wellington last weekend.
And Sean Duke scored a dramatic try in
the dying seconds of the Bowl fnal to
give Canada victory against Australia,
ending a successful two weeks for
Geriant John's side.
Prior to the fnal, Australia beat USA
19-14 after a 50-0 victory against Brazil
in the opening Bowl quarter fnal after
Taylor Paris scored a hat-trick to help
book Canada's place in the fnal four.
Dubai Sevens runners-up France beat
Scotland 22-7 in the Shield fnal after
beating Brazil in their semi fnal thanks
to two tries from Jean Baptise Belanger
in the frst match of day three at the
Sam Boyd Stadium.
Lautoka To Host FACT
THE 2012 Fiji FACT has been shifted
from Labasa to Lautoka.
The decision was made during the Fiji
Football Association board meeting in
Nadi on Sunday.
Initially the tournament was scheduled
to be played at Subrail Park.
Fiji FA president Rajesh Patel said the
change of venue was obvious after the
dismal performance of the Babasiga
Lions in the Champions League.
He said they would reconsider hosting a
tournament in the northern division.
"We will monitor the performance of
the Labasa team," Patel said.
"The Battle of the Giants is an option.
Hosting a tournament takes a lot of
If the fans have no interested in backing
their team then it is no use hosting a
tournament in that district."
The Labasa soccer side has been plagued
with problems after winning the Courts
Inter District Competition last year.
The side is without senior players
Maciu Dunadamu, Samuela Kautoga,
Taniela Waqa and Pita Bolaitoga who
have signed up for overseas contracts to
participate in the O League.
The Fiji FACT has been moved from
June to April.
Rewa is the defending champion
All Black Legend Needs New Kidney
New Zealand great Jonah Lomu
said Monday that medical tests had
confrmed a donated kidney he received
eight years ago had failed and he needs
a new transplant.
The former All Blacks wing said he
had lost 30 kilograms since his long-
standing health problems re-emerged
last September, telling the New
Zealand Women's Weekly "everybody
has to die sometime".
"Unfortunately none of the treatment
has worked, my kidney is exactly the
same as it was when I frst got sick,"
Lomu said, revealing he needs dialysis
three times a week to keep his renal
system functioning.
Lomu was diagnosed in 1995 with
the rare kidney disorder nephrotic
syndrome and underwent a transplant
in 2004, receiving an organ donated
by friend and New Zealand radio
broadcaster Grant Kereama.
The 36-year-old spent 16 days in
Auckland Hospital last year after
returning to New Zealand from his
home in France to star in the Rugby
World Cup opening ceremony at Eden
Lomu, who remains in his homeland
receiving treatment, said the search
was on for a new kidney donor but a
second transplant would be far more
complicated than the frst.
"I know I was fortunate to get the
frst transplant but there are more
diffculties this time around," he said.
"The match will be harder and the
process of fnding a suitable donor
is diffcult. The chances of my body
rejecting this kidney are higher too."
Lomu said he was staying positive by
exercising to ensure he is in good shape
"in case everything goes pear-shaped"
and playing with this sons Brayley and
Dhyreille. Regarded as rugby union's
frst global superstar, Lomu rose to
prominence with his devastating
performances in the 1995 World Cup
and also played a major part in New
Zealand's 1999 campaign.
He still holds the record for most tries
at the World Cup, with 15 in total, and
scored 37 tries in 63 Tests for New
Zealand before illness eventually cut
short his playing career.
"I'm really lucky, I've already lived
more in one lifetime than many would
in six or seven lifetimes," he said.
"The thing about being human is that
everybody has to die sometime. For
me, the important thing is to ask 'can
you look in the mirror and say you
done everything to enjoy life?'."
Canada Wins Women's Rugby Sevens
Tournament In Las Vegas
Mandy Marchak of Vancouver and
Ghislaine Landry of Toronto scored
tries as the Canada defeated the
U.S. 14-5 on Sunday to win the Las
Vegas International Womens Sevens
Tournament for the second straight year.
With the victory, the Canadian senior
womens sevens team has won its last
fve major international tournaments
Ashley Steacy of Lethbridge, Alta.,
converted both tries conversions on
both tries
The mens sevens team, meanwhile
beat Australia 19-17 won the Bowl
fnal at the USA Sevens Tournament in
Las Vegas.
Earlier in the day, Canada beat Japan
21-5 to advance to the Bowl fnal.
To get the best value for your dollar
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
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TImes sporTs
WILD West Boxing promoter Abdul
Khan says he is delighted to be part of
the Pacifc Rim Boxing Championship
Khan says he sees the opportunity as a
step to lift the standard of boxing in Fiji.
"I am very delighted that I am chosen in
the Pacifc Rim Boxing Championship
committee and teaming up with other
overseas tournament committee
members," he said.
"This will give the Wild West Boxing
Promotion team an opportunity to take
boxing to another level and promote
our beloved nation's talent to the world
of boxing."
The Nadi-based promoter who is a
strong supporter of developing the sport
in the country said Fiji would beneft
from the newly formed championship.
Boxing Promotor Keen To Assist
"The Pacifc Rim Boxing
Championship Tournament will lift the
development and promotion of boxing
talents in the region by providing a
regional tournament to develop top
professional boxers both nationally
and internationally," he said.
Khan said he was pleased to be involved
in the development of the sport.
"I am pleased to offer my services for
Pacifc Rim Boxing Championship and
our team will fully back the team for
the success of this championship."
"I want to thank Boxing Commission
of Fiji offcial chairman Sakaraia Tuva,
in particular Mr Allen Harris, the
Ministry of Sports, our Prime Minister
and government of Fiji for providing
their support and contribution," he
Manny Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley
Manny Pacquiaos return to the ring is
now offcial June 9 in Las Vegas
Top Rank Boxing President Todd
DuBoef confrmed that Timothy
Bradley signed a contract to fght
Pacquiao on June 9. The fght will be
contested at 147 pounds and take place
at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.
"It's a fght we're proud to present
because it's such a competitive fght,"
Top Rank CEO Bob Arum said.
"Bradley has beaten everyone who
has been put in front of him. He's fast,
powerful and determined. It's going to
be a very tough fght for Manny."
The 33-year-old Pacquiao (54-3-2)
has won 15 straight fghts, dating
back seven years. But his last win
came controversially as he edged
Juan Manuel Marquez with a majority
Bradley, a 28-year old from Palm
Springs, Calif., is undefeated in 28
career fghts. He notably beat then-
undefeated contender Devon Alexander
in January 2011 by technical decision.
He followed that victory with a TKO
win against Joel Casamayor on the
undercard of Pacquiao vs. Marquez
last November.
People have been saying Manny is
beating guys that are past their primes
or old guys," Arum said. "Now, he has
a guy who is in his prime. Hes younger
than Manny and has an impressive
A pay-per-view date with Pacquiao
will serve as the largest payday of
Bradleys career. Pacquiao is expected
to make $25 million for the bout.
But a loss could serve as a crippling
blow to Pacquiao's future money-
making potential as a possible meeting
with Floyd Mayweather, Jr., continues
to hang in the balance. Pacquiao and
Mayweather, who faces Miguel Cotto
on May 5 at the MGM Grand Garden
Arena, failed to come to terms once
again before the recent announcements
of their next opponents.
I presented Pacquiao with the fght
(but) he dont really want to fght,
Mayweather said last week. I gave
him a chance to step up to the plate.
If Pacquiao and Mayweather both win
their next fghts, conversation about the
long-anticipated bout between them
is expected to re-ignite. Pacquiao vs.
Mayweather could conceivably take
place before the end of the year.
Manny Pacquiao, right, of the Philippines punches at Juan Manuel
Marquez of Mexico
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31 year old Hindu / Punjabi Fijian girl highly educated,
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Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
Friday, February 17, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 11
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