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Feelings about Rap Rap based on Age

Exercise 6.1 How Feelings about Rap Music are based on Age Thomas Grant SOWK 300 Tuskegee University February 17, 2012

Feelings about Rap Variables for Exercise #6 Dependent Variable: RAP Rs liking for rap

Independent Variable: AGECAT Rs age Control Variable: RACE Rs race

Bivariate Hypothesis: I believe that the bivariate table will show that the younger age group likes rap music more. I think that as the age group goes up the like for rap music will go down. I think this will be because form my personal experience older people have not liked rap music. This will cause a change so the age group from 18-29 will like rap music significantly more than the age group of 40+. I think this is because rap music is relatively new at only around twenty years old. This would mean that the first age group grew up listing to rap music. Multivariate Hypothesis: I think that the multivariate graphs will show that Black respondents enjoy rap music more that the white respondents. I believe this because from my own knowledge Black people are more likely to listen to rap music more so than White people. This could be because most of the artist that produce, make, and sing rap music is Black. Also the market that rap music is usually geared towards is the Black community. So based on this knowledge it should be fair to assume that the Black respondents will outweigh the White respondents in their like for Rap music. Bivariate Discussion: In the bivariate my hypothesis was proven correct and it was shown that the younger age groups enjoy rap music more. It was by a slim margin but 52.4 percent of 18-29 year olds liked rap music while 47.6 percent disliked rap music. Conversely the age group of 40+ had 78.5 percent of people who disliked rap music and 21.5 of people who disliked it. This helps to prove my theory that the older the age groups the more that they will dislike rap music. This is further proved by the fact of the age group between 18-29 and 40+ has like and dislike is right between the two. It may be because the younger age group grew up with this type of rap music. While the older age group on the other hand, was introduced to this type of music later in their life time leading them to not like it as much. Multivariate Discussion: As discussed in my multivariate hypothesis the Black respondents liked rap music more than the White respondents. In the youngest age group 18-29 the Black respondents liked rap music overwhelming more than the White respondents. 81.6 of the Black respondents liked rap music while only 44.7 of the White respondents liked rap music. So well over half of the Black respondents liked rap while 55.3 of the White respondents disliked rap music. In fact its not until we get to the highest age group of 40+ do we see that the Black respondents actually have a higher percentage that dislike rap music. This also leads back to what I stated earlier that the earlier the respondents age the more that they dislike rap music.

Feelings about Rap

Rs Attitude About Rap By Rs Age

Rs Agecat3 (IV) Attitude about Rap (DV) 18-29 30-39 40 and older

Like Rap




Dislike Rap




Rs Attitude About Rap by Rs Age Controlling for Rs Race Rs Race (CV) White Rs Agecat3 (IV) Attitude about Rap (DV) Attitude about Rap (DV) Black Rs Agecat3 (IV)



40 and older



40 and older

Like Rap




Like Rap




Dislike Rap




Dislike Rap




Feelings about Rap

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