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RESTRICTED Puahscte 87 MATHS (SYLL_A/B) oe SOLUTION FARES RERARES Le (a) x? = 2x + l= (x = 1)? 2A or (x-1)(x-1) (b) x? = 2x + 1 = dy? = (x - 1)? - by? im | for ( )? ~ ay? see = ae 1+ 2y) 2, Lamia | IM for dtfe. of 2 8q's. No make for + =a -Detaw-) x2 -4y?= (x=29) (429) fl Germ ey petty) | 2. Lat fla) = 28? 4 an? + be - yee Putting x = 2, an Ae £(2) = 4a + 2b +14 rahe a As x - 2 divides f(x), 4a+2b+14=0. it for (2) = 0 or-£(-1) = 0 Siatlarly f(-1) =a -b- 1A 0 Solving the equations 6a + 6 = 0 an nl b= 5 LASIA ‘Syl AY Goes, [SRR 3. (a) 1A oe oe = ght wees Perererreeerreery 1A ath? or (py 20g? = logab? | los “a? 1a_ |; 2oga?-Hogb?~Loga-Logh? ae Tog Jt A Blogs - loga loga us a 1A 3 Talay 3 ym +3*-2-0 2 + m | @%? (3% - NG +2) -0 1A Bel or 3% = -2 wa |) = Accept 3% = 1 (Rejecting 3* = -2) a |) x-0 1A 3 cans RESTRICTED Pushscet 87 MATHS (SYLL_A/B) RESTRICTED PUBB3CtF SOLUTION, MARKS REMARKS, sin?@ = 3 cose 1 = costs = 3 cos a 2cos7@ + 3cos@ - 2 = 0 (2cos® - 1)(cos@ + 2) = 0 1A aeowd = 1 or con = -2 a relecetng cand = -25 we hve 1 1 cose = 0 = 60" or 300" Gor FM) sa ) ) Accept 2cos@ = 1 ) =I for each ex- traneous solution 5. bx? = dx + 2k #0 \ b+ pet ©) ark ~ e Aye 1 (a) A? + BR = (XL 4 B)? - 208 oy) Ve 1A =f)? = Ma - ky ™ 6. By symmetry, 2 BAE = 30° 1A AS opt AB, eee see a | AOm 2 A | e241 ™ | a i a | as RESTRICTED Puahsctt RESTRICTED Muabsctt 87 MATHS (SYLL_A/B) SOLUTION Join OB. As OA and OB are radii of the sane circle, Lopa= LPAB= x° Since PB is a tangent, Losp = 90° 54% ; * ie civen that BA = BP a es oe can RESTRICTED Aaah WARES | REMARKS, Cs. SI 1A 1A 1A SUE Alternatively: Join BC. ‘As PB is a tangent, Lope = LPAB = x°. Since AC ts a diameter, LABC = 90° etc.

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