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Hello, everyone! I am Nazia Hossain from BBA dept.

doing the following survey containing questions about the Study Habits of NSU Students and its consequences for my ENG105 course. The data collected from this survey will be used only for research purpose strictly. I assure you that the information that you will provide to me will be absolutely confidential. Id be thankful for your honest contribution to answer all the following questions:

General Information
Gender: Age: Semester: Male Female Dept: CGPA:

Survey Questions
1. What do you usually do after university every day? a) Chatting in Facebook, gossiping on the mobile etc. b) Hanging out with friends outside
c) Watching TV

d) Just go home, eat & sleep e) Check & review everydays lessons/class notes 2. When a semester starts, what do you do mostly? a) Nothing special, just chill! b) Lead my routine life & keep the studies for the night before exams
c) Do assignments/presentations etc. when those come at the door

d) Make a proper plan & try to finish everydays studies everyday 3. When do you start preparing for an exam usually? a) Previous night of the exam b) 2/3 days before the exam c) 7 days/A week before the exam d) Finish my studies far more times before the exam 4. If you are doing a mathematical course (like- Accounting, Statistics, Math etc.), what you will do? a) Practice the maths everyday taught in everydays class b) Practice the maths in the weekends c) Keep all the maths for doing at the previous night of exams

5. Do you usually study late at the previous night of exam? a) Yes b) No If yes, How often? Up to when? For what? (i) Studying all the chapters (ii) Only for revising the chapters 6. What do you think about the reason of studying all the lessons just at the night before of exams? a) It is hard to remember the lessons till exams if I study earlier b) I dont want to be tensed for the exams all the time c) I become very tired after the whole day/Lack of energy d) I dont get time because of everydays classes, assignments, presentations etc. e) Not applicable 7. How do you will rank the successfulness of the habit of starting studies just before the night of the exam day? a) Always successful b) Mostly successful c) Sometimes successful, sometimes not, depends on the situation/course d) Rarely successful e) Never successful 8. How starting studies at the previous night of exams is useful for you? a) Helps to remember & to keep in mind b) I have a pressure/tension on my head. So, I study more attentively
c) Do not need to study all the topics, just study the needed topics & skip the rest

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d) Not applicable
9. If today, you get a mid-term date for any theoretical/reading-based course (like-

Economics, Management, Liberal-arts etc.) at after 7 days, what will you do now? a) Nothing, just save the date & start studies from the previous night of exam b) Keep the date in mind & start studies 2/3 days before the exam c) Make a proper schedule & start studying according to that from today

10. How often do you need to have a cup of tea/coffee before going to the exam hall? a) Always b) Most of the times c) Sometimes d) Very rarely e) Never 11. Why do you take a cup of tea/coffee before the exam? a) I feel sleepy as I stayed up late last night b) I usually have a headache because of late night studies c) For making myself refreshed & reducing the stress d) No specific reason, just to accompany my friends e) I dont take any tea/coffee before the exam 12. Have you ever experienced any situation when you regretted after exam because of not studying earlier? a) Yes b) No If yes, How often? d

Mostly for which type courses? - (i) Math-based courses (ii) Theory-based/Reading-based courses Why? (i) I forgot some important points (ii) I had to skip some topics for lack of time (iii) I became totally blank at the exam hall (iv) I couldnt write properly as I was feeling very unwell
13. If you want to make any comments or share anything else regarding the Study Habits

of NSU students

Thanks for your valuable time!!!

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