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Behold your faith in the Ultimate

Hindrances, obstructions, troubles and tribulations come in the guise of blessings. They, in fact, are our well-wishers who teach us the correct utilization of our own skills and capabilities. Although they seem unpalatable at times they make our lives much more delightful. Those who have not faced these hurdles cannot taste the nectar of success and progress. They can neither be called divine souls nor courageous laureates. So friends! Get up, shed away all the lamentation and reinforce your faith in the Supreme being. We have been designed, molded and prepared for a destined purpose. We must not waste the efforts which our Creater has initiated within our souls. This world can become blissful only if we reform ourselves by reducing our ego,greed & unnecessary attachments and cohabit with His other creations. When a seed sacrifices its entity by getting dissolved in soil, a tree takes birth, growing and flourishing, in its place. Further it blooms into flowers bearing fruits. Hence the fully grown tree gives meaning to the selflessness shown by the seed. We must face all the afflictions life has to offer with a smiling face beholding the faith that our souls are the most powerful source of strength within us. And this only is the Divine Faith which helps us to conquer all the fears and inhibitions that invade our mental and spiritual ecosystem.

Let go off all your unhealthy thoughts

Its not easy to let go off thoughts youve consumed for a long time. Its not easy to fully accept life just the way that it is. Its not easy to trust that all is well. But, without giving it a try, you will never know what is possible for you. Let go off unhealthy thoughts. Fully accept yourself for all that you are and all that you are not. Fully accept life for all that it is and is not. Trust that you will be supported and all will go perfectly. Letting go can be scary, but staying in the same place is costly, for life is meant to be lived with vigor, enthusiasm and joy for what is, what can be and what will be. We have to resort to love to change the thought patterns of others to our way of thinking mere logic and intelligence are not enough. Have faith that the world will be only too eager to listen to all your talk which is full of love and sympathy.

Discontentment and Dissatisfaction

Friends! A wise person is one who always keeps his needs and demands under control. For this he has to develop a unique power within himself in order to restrain his needs in a dignifiedmanner. A philosopher has rightly said, Whoever wishes to remain happy must try to control his impulses and whims. He should not get carried away by alluring mirages and fantasies. Several attractions try to distract us and we tend to become mesmerized by them and to forget our real selves. For instance our tongues salivate at the sight of delicious food and we start eating without thinking about the foods nutritive value and the effect on our body. Similarly expensive and garish merchandise easily succeeds in alluring us. Eventually we waste our hard earned wealth. But ultimately all this makes us regret not keeping our minds under control. Happiness can be acquired only through controlling and disciplining our minds. This way we will soon become our own masters!

The Essence of Knowledge

All of us tend to consider wealth, fame, power, authority etc. as the biggest achievements. But we are the most ignorant ones as we dont know that these can be acquired only with the help of sufficient Knowledge. Without knowledge neither of the above can be attained. If we feed poor people for a few days, we might satisfy their hunger for a while but we may not benefit them forever. In fact we should make them self reliant and teach them how to earn their livelihood. We all know that Prevention is Better than Cure. Although, with the help of medicines, various diseases and ailments might get cured, but in order to lead a healthy life we require appropriate knowledge on health. By remaining healthy and agile we should be able to lead a stress free life. Worry, anxiety, desires, anger, grief, disparity etc. are some mental tribulations which make our lives stressful and burdensome. Optimum knowledge and its incorporation in our day to day life can vanish these vices and make our lives peaceful and joyous.


Once two cocks got engaged in a duel. Within minutes the young but stronger cock overpowered and defeated the weaker one. Bruised and tired the conquered cock vanished from the spot immediately. The winner perched himself on a high rock and started basking in the glory of his big victory. The spectators i.e. the hens started singing and dancing in praise of their hero. The young arrogant cocks ego got a big boost by this. However he wasnt satisfied by this victory alone. He went to a neighbouring farm and started challenging other cocks there. While doing this the poor and ignorant cock could not imagine what was happening right above him in the sky. A fierce and hungry eagle was ogling at him hungrily. With a mouth salivating he scooped down and just in matter of seconds the proud cock was caught tightly in his claws; the predator soared high up in the sky and flew away.

Those who have determination will succeed in almost everything they put their mind to. Determination is like a hidden force which drives one forward to achieve their goals. If you come up against a problem you do not give up that would be the easy option, so you continue to look for alternatives avenues to succeed in your mission. Without determination most people will give up at the first problem they come to, unfortunately this is a very easy thing to do and is done almost constantly. So ask yourself what sort of person are you ? Do you strive to achieve what you set out to do, or do you give up at the first sign of failure. ? This is not an easy question for anyone to answer, we all like to feel we have tried our very best but have we !!!. To give up is easy you convince yourself you are unable to do what you set out to achieve. Everything suddenly seems impossible, so you take the easy way out. Of course if we are honest none of us will actually admit we have done just that, we find all kinds of excuses to justify our actions. Does This Sound Familiar? With determination there is always a way, I am not saying it is easy and nothing in life is easy. However there are some very fortunate people who seem to succeed in whatever they set out to achieve. Unfortunately for the majority of us we are not so fortunate, yes you will meet people with negativity who will tell you it cannot be done. People who will tell you that you are wasting your time, but just feel how good it will feel when you prove them wrong. The best way to determine your success is to set yourself a goal, we all have our dreams so within reason why can our dreams not become a reality. Refuse to give up when you hit a problem, seek alternatives ways to succeed. Imagine the great explorers in our history if they gave up whenever they hit a problem, where would we all be today. So I say why not live your dreams everyone deserves that, do not listen to negativity. With determination YOU WILL SUCCEED against all the odds.So good luck to everyone who has the willpower and determination to live their dreams, who knows one day YOU may become our FUTURE.

Be prepared to face the adversities

Nobody can identify and tap his own potential and caliber unless he undergoes through tough and rigorous afflictions. A person himself is quite ignorant and unaware about his qualities. In order to expose his merits, he has to pass through adverse situations, only then can he account for his courage and firmness. It is very important to assume our responsibilities and duties. This way we shall enhance our own capabilities and proceed towards the completion of our objectives with optimal honesty and zeal. On the contrary, if we shun our duties and prefer to lead a comfortable and luxurious life, we would be like slaves following other peoples orders and instructions. Never be afraid of pinning trust and faith in yourself. All of us are born with unique capabilities and our own determination helps us develop them.

Appropriate use of Wealth

Once, there was a very rich merchant, who had only one son. The little boy was pampered and spoiled by both his parents. When he attained puberty, he became extravagant and started splurging his fathers hard earned money. One day the father scolded him, stopped his pocket money and asked him to earn on his own, only then would he again give him his pocket money. The son laughed and said, Big deal! This is a cakewalk for me, father. Next day he left home expecting a volley of job offers waiting for himself. Little was he aware that owing to his bad manners and nasty habits neither he got good education, nor talent. Hence, he failed to obtain a good job. At the days end he took out a few cents from his savings and went to his father who was sitting in front of fireplace. He proudly showed four cents to his father, but the father was wise and intelligent. He threw those cents in the fire and said, These cant be your earnings. The embarrassed son couldnt face his father on being caught. Next day he couldnt muster up the courage to work hard in order to earn. Thus, he begged from his mother and showed the amount to his father. Again the father flung the coins in the fire saying that those were not his earnings. Third day the son stole some money and presented before his father. Again he failed to dupe his father and the coins were thrown in the fire. y By now the son had understood that he had to work honestly and earn some money if he really wanted to impress his father. He worked laboriously for two days and earned three cents. He proudly showed them to his father, repeating his earlier gestures, the father stood up to throw them in the fire. This time the son sprinted forward and held his fathers hand. He said, Father please dont destroy my hard earned wealth.

The father smiled and said, My dear son, this is what I have been trying to explain to you since last many years. It really hurts to see our hard earned money going down the drain. The son clearly understood the value of sweat and toil. He left all his bad indulgences and started helping his father in his business.

Thoughts only create our DESTINY

It is said that a mans destiny is written on his forehead and this becomes the blueprint of his future life. Thoughts determine the shape of mans future life and makes the possibilities to materialize too. So, any way we think, it is true that plans for all actions are first created in the head only! Forehead symbolizes brain, and the brain is the hardware, where as mind or the thought process is the software as in a computer. Hence, the experts of psychology are right in indicating that our future is based upon the style of our thinking. The line of thought and its influence compels a person to act accordingly. Therefore, whatever language our scriptures use, the final truth they reveal is, the action is never performed automatically but its background is always a gradually prepared blue print over a long period of time according to the thought process.

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