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Introduction to Fortran

Formula translation First high level programming language Has been in continual use for over half a century in computationally intensive areas such as climate modeling, CFD, computational physics and computational chemistry FORTRAN 77, Fortran 90, Fortran 95, Fortran 2003, Fortran 2008


Why learn Fortran?

Fortran is the dominant programming language used in engineering applications Thousands of codes are available free of cost It is important for engineering graduates to be able to read and modify Fortran code

Text editor


Program organization
Program name Declarations Statements end


Program name
Every Fortran program must begin with a program line, giving the name of the program. Examples: program newtonmethod program a123 program newton_method PROGRAM, program, PROgram all are same i.e. Fortran is case insensitive.

The variable types in Fortran are: Integer Real (single precision real variable) Double precision Character Complex Logical


Examples: integer i, j, k real temperature, concentration Or integer:: i, j, k real:: temperature, concentration If we want to initialize the variable in the type declaration statement real:: inlet_concentration=1.0

Implicit none
Integer if the name starts with one of the letters (i-n) Single precision real variable otherwise
God is real, unless declared as integer

It is highly recommended to use implicit none statement at the beginning of the program program newtonmethod implicit none real:: concentration, temperature .. end program newtonmethod


Parameter integer, parameter:: n=200 real, parameter:: pi=3.14159 Comments You can write comments using ! Example: program newtonmethod ! This program solves the non-linear equations by newton ! method

Fixed form vs Free form

Fortran 77 standard was dominant for many years until Fortran 90 standard was released Fortran 77 codes were written in fixed form in punch card days column 1 to 5 form the label field column 6 forms the continuation marker column 7 to 72 form the statement field In free form these rules do not apply. Always use free form.


Basic I/O statements

Print* Instructs the compiler to print items to the screen

print*, x
Read* Reads the user input

print*,enter the initial concentration read*, C0

Advanced I/O statements


open(unit=2, file= initial.txt , status=old) open(unit=3,file= final.txt , status=new)


read(2,*) c0

write(3,*) cf or write(3,10) cf 10 format(f10.4) close(2,3)


IfThen.Else constructions If(error<epsilon) then print*,Convergence criteria satisfied exit else print*,Convergence criteria not satisfied end if If there is only one statement If(error<epsilon) print*,convergence attained

Do loops do i=1,n read(2,*)c0(i) end do do statements If(condition satisfied) exit end do


Intrinsic functions E.g. abs(x), cos(x), sqrt(x), exp(x) User defined functions program annulusarea implicit none real r, area, a, b area(r)=3.142*r*r print*,enter the inner and outer radii of the annulus read*,a, b print*,The area of the annulus is, area(b)-area(a) end program annulusarea

function fact(n) integer fact, n, p p=1 do i=1,n p=p*i end do fact=p end

Function subprogram

program factorial integer::n=10, fact print*, fact(n) end program factorial


Subroutines help to break large program into small sub programs Independent testing of subtasks Reusable code Isolation from unintended side effects

We get Fortran codes from the internet in the form of subroutines!. We need to call subroutine from the main program.

Solving non-linear equations by Newton method F ( X , P) = 0

J ( X n , P ). X n = F ( X n , P)
We can write separate subroutines for: Input data (data.f) Evaluating function values (fval.f) Evaluating Jacobian(Jacobian.f) Solving linear equations (leqnsolver.f)

Call data(p) Call fval(X,F) Call jacobian(X, jac) Call leqnsolver(f,jac)


Fortran compilers
Windows Silverfrost f95 (free) Intel Fortran compiler (commercial) Linux G95 Gfortran

Stephen J. Chapman, Fortran 90/95 for scientists and engineers Stephen J. Chapman, Introduction Fortran 90/95 for scientists and engineers Fortran compiler manual Internet



Fortran codes (free) IMSL (commercial) NAG Fortran library (commercial) Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 (Vol 1 and Vol 2), by W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, et. al ,


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