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Research J. Science and Tech.

2011; 3(1): 29-33

Atul Rupchand Bendale,

(A survey carried out at Smt. B. N. B. Swaminarayan Pharmacy College, Affiliated to GTU, Gujarat)
Atul R. Bendale1*, Sachin B. Narkhede1, Anil G. Jadhav1 and G. Vidyasagar2
1 2

Computer Literacy in Pharmacy Students

Smt. B. N. B. Swaminarayan Pharmacy College, Salvav (Vapi), Gujarat Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kutch University, Bhuj, Gujarat

ISSN 0975-4393 Research J. Science and Tech. 3(1): Jan.-Feb. 2011: 29-33


Research Article

The purpose of this study was to determine first-year bachelor of pharmacy students computer backgrounds and attitudes. Fifty students from Smt. B. N. B. Swaminarayan Pharmacy College, Salvav, Vapi (Gujarat) completed a survey that assessed their computer experience, types of software used, and attitudes about computers. From this survey it is come to know that 24% students are daily user of computers, 30% students used computer once in a month, 16% twice in a month and 14% thrice in a month. one important aspect observe that all students (100%) are aware of computer applications in pharmaceutical field. Most (78%) had home computers; however, 20% said they relied on a school-based computer laboratory. Software use ranged from a high of 96% (MS WORD) to a low of 4% (Statistical Package). In case of MS-Office- 86% students have basic skill, 13% have intermediate skill and 1% has an expert skill. Most indicated positive attitudes about computers they feel apprehensive about learning to use a PC (88%). Students viewed computers as important parts of their professional education, but appeared to want courses that included both computer and human components. These findings suggest that faculty should consider differences in students attitudes about and experiences with computers when planning computer-based course assignments and developing computer-based instructional innovations in Pharmacy field.


Mr. Atul Rupchand Bendale, Assistant Professor, (Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry) Smt. B. N. B. Swaminarayan Pharmacy College, NH-08, Salvav (Vapi), Gujarat E mail: Contact no: +91 8000701337

*Corresponding Author:

Pharmacists now use computers to perform many critical patient care tasks1. For example, they rapidly access patient and medication data3, perform critical non-distributive activities4, and document their actions5. The likelihood that pharmaceutical computer applications will expand in the future6 has been reflected in curricular guidelines that suggest graduate of Pharmacy students apply computer skills and technological advances to practice7. Use of computers in clinical trials, regulatory affairs and advance learning techniques are now a days routine practice.

Received on 30.11.2010 Accepted on 25.12.2010 A&V Publication all right reserved

Several factors have increased pharmacy students use of computers. Pharmacy faculty predicted how computers could be used in pharmacy practice and helped students acquire computer skills8, assessed students confidence using computers9, developed computer software to enhance student learning10,11, and integrated computers into courses and curricula12,13. Pharmacy schools also recognized that their students needed computer skills and made computers accessible to students14. Additionally, curricular standards emphasized that program graduates must be able to use computers in their future practice 7.Finally, an increased demand for certain types of professional services stimulated computer use in various types of pharmacy settings1,2


Research J. Science and Tech. 2011; 3(1): 29-33

Atul Rupchand Bendale,

Other health professions also recognized that computers could play key roles in education and practice. In its section on medical information science skills, the 1984 Physicians for the Twenty-First Century: The GPEP Report 15recommended that medical students possess specific computer skills. More recently, the ACME-TRI Report16 exceeded earlier recommendations and emphasized that medical schools should develop the computer skills of students and faculty and suggested that institutions support integration of computers into instruction. That support is evident in the widespread availability of computers in medical schools17 and the plans of some seventy-three medical schools to include computer technology in their curricula18. Previous survey findings of learners computer experiences and attitudes can be expressed in one word: diversity. Most studies found that the majority of learners had used computers: pharmacy students: 87.2 %19; first and second-year medical students: 87 %20; and medical residents: 91 %21. Surveys of pharmacy students found that they were moderately confident about using personal computers9, most (92.5 %) did not own personal computers19, and less than half (43.4 %) had taken a computer course19. Respondents from various medical professions reported that they used a variety of software applications. Pharmacy students, for example, indicated that they used computers for prescription processing (76 %), word processing, literature searches, and electronic games19. Other important issues with instructional implications also surfaced in these surveys. One, some learners appeared quite apprehensive about learning to use computers. A survey of 129 medical residents, for example, found that 18 % were apprehensive about learning to use computers. Two, learner expertise was low with the software they used. For example, 91 of 127 (71 %) medical residents said they could use a bibliographic retrieval program, but only three rated themselves as expert users21. This diversity among learners indicates that some need computer skills training and support to accomplish computer-based Assignments. Planned learning activitieswithin a course and across a curriculumcan help individuals acquire and polish computer skills that they can use throughout their careers. Within courses, linking computer use with assignments with necessary supporthelps students develop specific computer skills. For example, requiring students to identify references for a paper via a computerized literature retrieval program insures that students experience the benefits of this technology12. Across a curriculum, planned integration of computers in courses at each level can help students simultaneously develop many skills. For example, when one college of pharmacy instituted curriculum changes that emphasized writing and critical thinking, it taught students to conduct literature

searches using on-line databases13. The purpose of this study was to evaluate first-year pharmacy students computer experience and attitudes. Specifically, it sought to answer 4 questions: 1. What types of computer do our students own and use? 2. What types of computer software do our students use and what is their self-assessed level of expertise in that software? 3. What attitudes and concerns about computers do our students possess? 4. Are they aware about computer literacy? And issue of knowing the application to pharmacy? The answers to these questions were important in two ways. One, the survey results would provide faculty and Administration with specific information about students computer backgrounds. Faculty could use that information to meaningfully integrate computer activities (e.g., writing papers using word processing) into their courses. Administration could also use that information to allocate limited hardware and software resources. Two, the survey results would contribute to a growing body of knowledge about pharmacy students computer experiences, skills and attitudes. While this study addressed issues (e.g., pharmacy students possession of personal computers) that had been previously explored19, it also examined students use of and self-assessed expertise in specific types of software applications . METHODS: The faculty of Smt. B. N. B. Swaminarayan Pharmacy College, Salvav, Vapi (Gujarat) was interested in the development of students computer skills. A computer background and attitudes questionnaire (available from one of the faculty member) was developed by revising a survey that had been used with medical residents21. The 48-item questionnaire contained three sections. Section one focused on students computer backgrounds. It included issues such as: Computer ownership (options: yes or no) Type of operative system used (options: windows-98, windows-xp, windows-7 or other), and Frequency of computer use within the past year (options: Once /Twice /Thrice/Daily/Cant say exactly). Section Two assessed students level of expertise with software applications such as MS-word, MS-Power point, MS-Excel , MS-Access,, MS-Outlook, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, Notepad, Word pad, Paint. For each application, students specified: No Idea, Basic, Intermediate and Expert. Section three dealt with students attitudes about computers and their willingness to acquire computer skills. Students responded to items such as computers are too complicated for me to use and I feel apprehensive about learning to use a computer using a five-point Likert Scale which ranged from strongly agree to strongly disagree.22, 23, 24


Research J. Science and Tech. 2011; 3(1): 29-33

Atul Rupchand Bendale,

The entire first-year (IInd semester) Pharmacy class (N-50) completed the survey during the end of last class period of the 19th July 2010. All students were enrolled in an entrylevel graduate of pharmacy program. Computer Backgrounds: Responses to Section One items indicated that most students had some computer experience. Of the 50 students, 24% students are daily user of computers, 30% students used computer once in a month, 16% twice in a month and 14% thrice in a month. More than 50% of the students (64 %) said they had a computer at home out of them 12% students have own laptop. Of those with home computers / laptop, 80 % have windows XP operating system and from remaining 33 % had planned to own the new pc this year only. 19 % student have an internet connection, among them 16% used their mobile (GPRS) for internet connection. 46% have their own Pen Drive, large number of students used 4GB. Only 4% students have knowledge of pharmacy related software. But Nobody knows the computer language (C,C##, etc) and 88% student gives negative response towards knowledge of structure drawing software. Out of 50 students 22% can write the CD/DVD. Majority of first year B. Pharmacy student dont know about X-Pharma (pharmacology software), Prism (statistic software) and ACD-Labs (chemistry software). But around 12% of them previously completed a basic computer course. Two aspects of student software experience-range of use and level of reported expertise-merit attention (Table I). First, while 100 % stated that they could use a MS-Word, only 4% said that they could use the program at an expert level and 14% rated themselves as intermediatelevel users. Likewise, in MS-Power point 78 % classified themselves as basic and only 22 % said that they were intermediate. Among them 88% students said they could use a MS-Excel at basic level and 12% reported they could use at intermediate level. 96% students used MSAccess at basic level and remaining at intermediate level. In case of MS-Access uses, 88% at basic and 12% at intermediate level. Regarding Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) 80% are at basic, 10% at intermediate and 10% at expert level. In case of paint 44% are expert, 36% intermediate and 12 at basic level. Attitudes about Computers: Students, in general, reported favorable attitudes about computers (see Table II). Almost all 88% agreed or strongly agreed that they were interested in learning to us e a microcomputer. However, some students expressed reservations about using computers. That diversity is also reflected in student apprehension about learning to use computers. While students appeared to view computers as an important part of their professional education, they voiced


reservations about totally replacing faculty with computerized instruction. Most students (84 %) reported that they enjoyed new and innovative learning techniques. Only four (eight %) students said they would rather use computer-delivered instruction than other instructional modes. 2% students said they preferred to read texts and journals rather than attend lectures. Students voiced a desire for computer training: 80% agreed that they were interested in learning to use a microcomputer. Only 4% said that they would attend computer training sessions scheduled during lunch or after classes and they would attend such training at night or on weekends however 88% said that they dont think so. The following key points were identified from the survey results: From this survey it is come to know that 24% students are daily user of computers, 30% students used computer once in a month, 16% twice in a month and 14% thrice in a important aspect observe that all students (100%) are aware of computer applications in pharmaceutical field. This finding suggests that some students begin pharmacy school with computer skills that can be enhanced during their professional education. These skills could give them a distinct advantage in completing course assignments that use computers. Almost all 88% agreed or strongly agreed that they were interested in learning to us e a microcomputer. However, some students expressed reservations about using computers. This finding should encourage faculty to support student use of computers when possible. Integration of computers within and across courses can foster these positive attitudes and help students realize the benefits of using computers. For ex ample, conducting a literature search using a bibliographic retrieval database could be introduced in one course and reinforced in others. Writing could also be integrated in numerous courses, and papers could be revised and improved as students progress through their training. Some students 88% said they were apprehensive about learning to use PC. This finding suggests that some students may need special attention and support to complete computer based assignments. First-year students struggling with content demands of pharmacy courses may experience additional stress if they must also learn to use a computer. Requiring these students to complete a computer-based assignment (e.g., paper) without adequate instruction and follow-up could frustrate them and adversely affect their attitudes toward computers.



Research J. Science and Tech. 2011; 3(1): 29-33

Atul Rupchand Bendale,

Table I: Softwares used by students and their level of mastery in it. Sr. No Software used by students No Idea 1 MS-word 2 MS-Power point 3 MS-Excel 4 MS-Access 5 MS-Outlook 6 Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) 7 Adobe PageMaker 8 Adobe Photoshop 9 Notepad 11 Word pad 12 Paint Table II: Students attitude about computer and their interest in it SR. No Topics 1 I enjoy using my PC/ laptop 2 I am able to handle the MS-Excel formulae 3 I am able to prepare a presentation MS-Power point 4 I am familiar with internet 5 I you have an e-mail address 6 I know How to add/remove the programs 7 I know- How to write a CD/DVD 8 I know about X-PHARMA software 9 I know about ACD-LABS software 10 I know about BIO-STAT software 11 I know about PRISM software 12 I know about computer applications in pharmacy 13 Computer can help improve the quality of my professional qualification 14 Pharmacy students should be computer literate when they graduate from pharmacy college 15 I enjoy using new or innovative learning techniques 16 I feel apprehensive about learning to use a pc 17 PC are too complicated for me to use 18 I prefer learning from a computer than a lecture 19 I am interested in learning to use a computer 20 I would rather attend computer workshops(on MS office) at evening or on weekends 21 I would rather attend computer workshops(on MS office) during lunch time or after class 22 I am totally relived on colleges computer

Basic 42 39 44 48 44 45 42 41 39 31 10

Intermediate 7 11 6 2 6 5 6 7 9 19 18

Expert 1 2 2 2 22

Obviously 28 12 6 4 4 2 ----38 6 12 7 5 13 18 --1

yes 18 18 38 36 8 29 9 --2 -12 42 37 42 39 4 29 22 2 2 9

No idea I dont think so -4 -8 ------7 --------------1 4 ---------5 1 8 44 44 31

No 24 8 38 10 39 50 50 48 50 2

1 2 41 7 2 4 4 9

Most (78%) had home computers; however, 20% said they relied on a school-based computer laboratory. Computer access is becoming increasingly important as faculty require students to conduct literature searches, write papers, and complete other computer-based assignments. Computer hardware and software are expensive, and many students may lack the financial resources to purchase computer equipment. Even if they can purchase the equipment, they may become frustrated with commonly-encountered computer problems. Therefore, institutionally supported computer laboratories that provide hardware, software, and human assistance are important parts of a computer-literacy strategy. When these facilities exist, students should be oriented to the area, its resources, and policies Almost all students (96% at intermediate level and 4% at expert level) said they could use a MS-Word. This finding suggests that all students may be able to use a

MS-Word to write a paper with minimal support. Those students are at intermediate level should go for expert level, because MS-Word knowledge is very essential now a days. A planned orientation to a campus computer facility, coupled with faculty/laboratory personnel support, should provide the assistance many students need to complete assignments. Students who are very apprehensive about computers may need additional support. Some students say that they would attend extracurricular computer workshops to improve specific computer skills. Workshops presented at convenient times, especially if they focus on particular skills needed for certain assignments, might be well-attended. STUDY LIMITATIONS: Certain limitations pertain to this study. One, the survey results are based on a population of 50 students in Smt. B.


Research J. Science and Tech. 2011; 3(1): 29-33

Atul Rupchand Bendale,

N. B. Swaminarayan Pharmacy College, affiliated to GTU Gujarat. Two, student responses to the level of software expertise were limited to expert, intermediate, or novice and were not operationally defined. (The survey was later revised to address this issue.) Three, it was beyond the scope of this survey to verify students self-reported computer skills or expertise. From this survey it is come to know that 24% students are daily user of computers, 30% students used computer once in a month, 16% twice in a month and 14% thrice in a month. One important aspect observes that all students (100%) are aware of computer applications in pharmaceutical field. Most (78%) had home computers; however, 20% said they relied on a school-based computer laboratory. Software use ranged from a high of 96% (MS WORD) to a low of 4% (Statistical Package). In case of MS-Office- 86% students have basic skill, 13% have intermediate skill and 1% has an expert skill. Most indicated positive attitudes about computers they feel apprehensive about learning to use a PC (88%). Students viewed computers as important parts of their professional education, but appeared to want courses that included both computer and human components. Although students felt computers were important in their professional education, they appeared to want courses that included both computer and human components. These differences in students attitudes about and experience with computers should encourage faculty to assess their students computer experience and attitudes when planning course assignments or developing computerbased instructional innovations.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

20. 21.

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