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TM 9-1901 305 ARTILLERY AMMUNITION CHAPTER 3 FUZES, PROPELLING CHARGES, PRIMERS, AND OTHER COMPONENTS Section I FUZES 305. GENERAL. a. Definition. A fuze is a mechanical device used with a pro- jectile to explode it at the time and under the circumstances desired. Tlie descriptions of specific fuzes are arranged in this section as fol- lows: First, base fuzes; second, point fuzes; third, dummy fuzes; and thence, numerically within each of these groups. b. Classification. Artillery fuzes are classified according to their location on the projectile, as “base” or “point.” They are also classi- fied, according to the method of functioning as “time” or “impact,” or may be a combination of these. Time fuzes contain a graduated time element in the form of a compressed black powder train or a mecha- nism similar to clockwork, which may be set to a predetermined time prior to firing. Impact fuzes are classified according to the quickness of action after impact, as superquick, instantaneous, nondelay, or delay. It will be noted that the time of action for impact fuzes is measured from the instant of impact, whereas for time fuzes the time of action is measured from the instant of firing. An impact fuze which is intended to function on impact with a very light material target, such as an airplane wing, is called “supersensitive.” c. Description. In general, modern fuzes consist of a connected series (train) of small explosive charges together with a striker or firing-pin device for initiating the action of the first charge in the train. The mechanism and explosive elements are held in a body or housing. In the case of modern point-detonating fuzes, the housing is shaped for best ballistics. In impact fuzes now in use, the explosive train 220 T™ 9-1901 305 FUZES, PROPELLING CHARGES, PRIMERS, AND OTHER COMPONENTS usually consists of a very small highly sensitive explosive charge of primer mixture followed by a larger less sensitive explosive charge such as mercury fulminate or lead azide, in turn followed by a still larger and still less sensitive explosive charge such as tetryl. Such charges function by successive detonation—hence the prevalent term “detonating fuzes.” Explosive trains of detonating fuzes will, how- ever, include a black powder charge at a suitable point in the train when it is intended to provide for delay action. Black powder is used exclusively in the time train of powder-train time fuzes, and for the magazine charge of both powder-train and mechanical types of time fuze. Black powder, being a low explosive, differs in manner of func- tioning from high-explosive charges used in fuzes in that it produces its effect by ignition. In the functioning of a fuze, each charge by its action initiates that of the next charge in the train, the final charge in the fuze causing the detonation of the booster which in turn de- tonates the bursting charge of the shell (fig. 6). d. Boresafety. To prevent accidental arming during handling and shipping, safety devices such as a safety wire or a cotter pin are used when required. In certain types of fuzes, the mechanisms are so arranged that the fuzes are said to be “boresafe” (detonator safe). A boresafe fuze is one in which the explosive train is so interrupted that prior to firing and while the projectile is still in the bore of the weapon, premature explosion of the shell is prevented should any of the more sensitive elements, primer and/or detonator, malfunction. e. Fuze Setters. For accurate and rapid setting, time fuzes require a fuze setter suitably graduated to suit the requirements of the fuze. A number of models of fuze setters have been standardized, ranging from simple hand types to full automatic types operating in conjunc- tion with a power rammer. Most fuze setters are constructed for a particular fuze or type of fuze, but certain models are adapted for several fuzes. Models of fuze setters now in use are listed in table 3, Pages 222-223, together with the fuzes and ammunition for which intended, and additional pertinent data. f. Packing and Shipping Data. Packing and shipping data for separately issued fuzes are given in ORD 11 SNL R-3. 221 T™ 9-1901 305 ARTILLERY AMMUNITION sund wUr96 ‘ZIM ‘EP “ADCIMLAVO sun3 wu-96 ‘TZ “3"H “Pexy “TTHHS . sun Zvbow ‘Suunp ‘azn wUr-96 ‘BSN ‘(IeuouNNe) “aH ‘PexY “TTHHS jo “208 06-0 enue | reeset, sund WUrgg ‘ESI “A'H ‘PPxY “TTEES CHW ‘owewpour Youn ‘aznd | EL t i ow | ‘und wur-sor ‘TYBEW ‘Heed ‘paxXy “THES EWM ‘Un3 wuI-soT ‘IVSeN ‘(euouwe) “aH ‘PRY “TTSES 298 08-0 Twousye | retort SW “enB umSoT TVREN “aH 'PXY “TTEHS |e) Chin ‘Teopeyou “9 | one — - - | iE | en ‘und 95 08-0 Tenueyy | re2en 291m wwursor ‘seruey “BEN. “HCH 'POxyTTSHS TN ‘eoqowou ‘oun ‘azna | 6 | Tvzbw ‘Suunp ‘azn ‘ang Auruma . ie wan an | | YEE 9 qua 20 ‘yoo Sudhe TV IN “Vv “398-Te “wR “azn 84.4208 08-0 Jo’ Seema Tir IN Paw eoTy om ES S08 0e0 | rexwepy | eounsorat Cnusure [asp pue soxowsd “edtasos und ox Evy pus | ‘Cspour ye) STOr ‘Sunde {1 “A "POX ‘TINAVAHS 3X1 ON "A". ‘boxy “TTAHS YIN poe ‘cI ‘TVIINST" spou 118) L161 ‘sun 4 € INVES XT tH symm 2 335 FIO renweye | renoey | ropmg | ‘pox TTaHS TOON SH POY Trans | “LVI UN “WV “TZ ou azn |TV9TET P& 009'9 [ . 7 ! 398 120 renueyy penueyg | pee und urs, "TUN ‘Poxy TENGVAHS — WLOGIIN '296-1z “woneuTquoD ‘azn | OTOL, P& 000'9 7 . 208170 weoueyy | penueyy | purest fund Gn-s2 “TW ‘POXY “TENGVAHS | WLOGIN "9612 “voneMAwOD “IZA | CLOT Games | Guyenley | lowes ozna ye eddy Posh PIMA HAA WojtUMUIaY paidopy y>tias 40) S004 ‘wouosedo yo #44 ‘»SUaLLaS 3ZN4 © ravi 222

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