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The Lady or the Tiger Ending

By ME!!! Original Book By: Frank R. Stockton

A wave of silence washed over the crowd. The Courtier silently, but confidently walked over to the door on the right. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that the Princess would save him. He quickly opened the door and jumped back in shock. Everyone expected either a beautiful lady or a vicious tiger but nothing came out. He crept closer to the door and glanced at what was inside. He looked up to the princess with a face of sadness and complete and utter betrayal. Inside the door, asleep, was the tiger with a pile of human bones all around it. The king rose from his seat. Never in all the trials he had held, had someone got away with no punishment or reward at all. But there was no way to find him guilty or innocent, so he simply announced to the crowd that the courtier would be released but banished from the land never to see the princess again. The next day a legion of guards escorted the courtier out of the kingdom and threatened him that if he ever came back, they would hunt him down and kill him. To make positively sure that he wouldnt return, they assigned him a warden to be with him at all times. The courtier could not live without seeing the princess again and finding out what really happened that day of the trial. So in the dead of night, he slipped away from his sleeping warden and started on his journey to the Princess. When he arrived, he had a flashback of of all the times he had snuck in to see the princess. Oh those wonderful times, if only life could be the same as back then. He thought. Every time he snuck in to see her at night, he went through the princesss secret passageway that led right to her room from outside. The only problems were, the many guards stationed all around the castle, that all were ordered to kill him on sight, watching and waiting for him to come. That would not stop him, he needed to talk to the princess and he was determined to get to her at all costs. He stole a black cape and cane and quickly hobbled over to the nearest guard. The courtier is in the kingdom! I just saw him on my way here! Hes about ten or so miles away. I got here as soon as I could. Now hurry and catch him! The guard hurried to the captain, who got most of the palace guards to go search for the courtier. Perfect! I will get to see the princess at last! He thought. So he hurried over to the opening and started up the staircase. He climbed and climbed up the seemingly never ending staircase to the princesss bedroom with a feeling of accomplishment. He, the courtier, had been the boldest in all the kingdom, not only loving the princess but being banished because of it and was still coming back to her. He soon reached the secret door behind the fireplace, tired and exhausted, from the long trek up. He sat down for a few moments trying to catch his breath before confronting the princess. The courtier got up, reached for the door handle and slowly opened it. Had he opened the door a couple seconds later, he would never had been discovered, but fate had a different plan in mind. The maid was just leaving the princesss room when he came out. The courtiers cover had been blown. As quick as he could manage, he ran over to the escaping maid and tied her to a chair with his black cape. The princess was sitting on the bed, still recovering from the fact that her true love had come back, even through all of the danger. I need to know, said the courtier, If you feel the same for me as I do for you, because the tiger was very confusing. I love you and other girls are nothing when compared. I would lay down my life any day to save you, but Im not sure that you would do the same for me.

The princess was at a loss for words. She had made the wrong choice by picking the tiger. I give you full permission to hate me for all eternity, but I was more pained thinking about having to see you everyday, happy, with a family that didnt have me in it that I thought that if I couldn't have you then no one should be able to. So after many horrible sleepless nights, I made my decision to have you pick the tiger and hurry away from the arena before you were actually eaten, because I could never bear to see you die. It was the wrong choice and I knew that the second I told you to go to the door on the right. As for the tiger being asleep, I had no part in that. Later that night, I found out that the guard had come inside the tigers room looking for the lady and wasnt able to get out fast enough. I was so happy when nothing came out that I jumped up and almost shouted for joy, but my father quickly scowled at me so I sat down again. That may have been what set him off and made him banish you from the kingdom. Please forgive me, but if you cant Ill understand. The princess breathed deeply, happy to finally get the heavy weight of betrayal and guilt off of her chest. What you did was wrong and I never would have done that to you, but I understand why. I could never live without you and seeing you with someone else would make it difficult to stay happy. I wouldnt kill you though. Love always finds a way. When live brings you down, love brings you up, so without you, my love, I would have no up in my life. I forgive you on two conditions, you promise to always think about how I feel and what I want, and you run away with me to a land far away, where we can be together forever and not have a life filled with fear. Of course I will! I will never stop trying to be better, as long as I have you. She ran over to the courtier and hugged him for the first time in a long while. No matter what anyone says, you will always be my prince and I will never forget it. Then we must leave tonight. Do you have some peasant clothes that we can use to escape in? Her prince asked. Yes, I have many that I use to get out of the castle sometimes. I may even have some for you. Take them all. We may never return to this cursed kingdom. Replied the courtier. Later that same night, they were riding, farther and farther away, never to be seen again. Rumors were said, that they escaped to a nearby island called Paradise and never returned. No one knows what really happened to them after they left, but no matter how many guards that the king sent, the two lovers were never found.

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