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Service Provider

Data Conversion, Testing, and Cut-Over Overview

1 New Configuration Oct 15 Nov 5

Configure functional requirements in Dynamics based on Functional Requirements Document (FRD)

GL, FA, CM, Budgeting, Reporting, Summary Sales Order Processing(invoices), AR AP, PO, Payroll, HR AP, PO, Payroll, HR


2 3

Existing Configuration Consolidation DB

Oct 15 Nov 5 Oct 15 Nov 20 10/15 Jan 15 - 12/5 - 12/31 - 1/15

Technical Activities (Interfaces)

Configure functional requirements in Dynamics based on existing GP configuration Extract, scrub, append and merge records from existing 10 plus GP databases in preparation for loading to Dynamics Use preexisting interfaces, tools, or custom development to establish automated links between designated systems

5 6

Technical Activities (Reports) Environmental Validation Test (EVT)

10/15 Jan 15 Dec 1 Dec 9

User Configuration Test (UCT)

Dec 13 16

Develop necessary reports that are not available from standard Dynamics Integration testing of configured functionality and available interfaces (including data conversion tools, FA, AP, AR) by using test scripts in preparation for User Configuration Testing using a sample of actual business data. Sign-off required. Address identified issues. (September data) Users validate system and configuration functionality using test scripts using (September data)

Dynamics FPS Dynamics Maximo Dynamics Wachovia Dynamics JP Morgan Dynamics Xerox Dynamics Kronos TBD GL, FA, CM, Budgeting, Reporting, Summary Sales Order Processing (invoices), AR, AP, PO, Payroll, HR

8 9

Remediate & Validate User Acceptance Testing

Dec 20 Jan 14 Feb 15 17


Remediate & Validate

Feb 21 24

Fix and confirm issues are address that were identified during UCT This testing will cover portions of the user configuration testing, new interfaces and associated transactions. Users validate system and configuration functionality using test scripts using (September data) Users validate system and configuration functionality using test scripts using (September data)
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GL, FA, CM, Budgeting, Reporting, Summary Sales Order Processing (invoices), AR, AP, PO, Payroll, HR Address issues identified during UCT GL, FA, CM, Budgeting, Reporting, Summary Sales Order Processing (invoices), AR, AP, PO, Payroll, HR GL, FA, CM, Budgeting, Reporting, Summary Sales Order Processing (invoices),

Data Conversion & Testing Plan-generic.doc


11 Load historical data (7 yrs, 04 08 month end balances, 09-10 transaction detail) Feb 14 Mar 17

Service Provider
- Load period ending monthly account balances for all years. (Access to transaction detail TBD). - Perform year end processing for 2010. Income statement accounts closed out to each legal entity RE account and 2011 beginning balance sheet accounts are correct EOM Jan & Feb. data loaded into Dynamics and Dynamics reports reconciled to Famis Reports. Systems reconciled via this method to confirm data and reporting integrity. A weeks worth of training spread over two weeks to accommodate the business needs of the SME users. Load master records; e.g. vendors, customers, etc.; confirm user system readiness, security access; perform final AP run, cash receipts; run final trial balance; final setups, e.g. check numbering starting point; reconcile data EOM Mar. data loaded into Dynamics and Dynamics reports reconciled to Famis Reports.

AR, AP, PO, Payroll, HR GL and Financial Statements -



Dynamics January & February Financial Validation Training Cut-over Activities

Mar 22 24

GL and Financial Statements

13 14

Mar14 25 Mar 21 Apr 14

CM, Summary Sales Order Processing(invoices), AR, AP, PO, Payroll, HR


Dynamics March Financial Validation

Apr 18 28

GL, FA, Budgeting, and Financial Statements

Data Conversion & Testing Plan-generic.doc

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